Props to Google for reminding us that activism has a long tail!
What’s on the agenda as we buckle in for another week?
At a briefing with reporters a WH official said POTUS is "exhausted."
— Jim Acosta (@Acosta) May 21, 2017
Not for nothing, but I'm pretty sure Hillary Clinton wouldn't have whined about being tired on the first day of a foreign trip
— Dan Pfeiffer (@danpfeiffer) May 21, 2017
Secretary of Commerce Wilbur Ross taking a nap during President Trump's speech.
— Yashar (@yashar) May 21, 2017
Commentary for the time capsule — John Oliver’s always good, but this is particularly sharp:
mai naem mobile
In Netanyahu’s little speech at the airport he keeps on talking aboit piss in the Middle East,piss here and piss there. I think he’s watched the pee tapes. And Dolt 45 is sitting there with folded arms. Not good body language at all. Also WTF with Ivanka
She is not Jackie Kennedy and she never will be. She’s just a nouveau rich grifter daughter of a conman.
Good Morning, Everyone ???
The FTF NY Times has Cole’s number.
There’s More than One Way to Shave a Cat.
[tips from the trade about other groomers, who use towels, masks, muzzles, cones, and even sedation (by a vet). Unfortunately for cats, lion cuts are in style.]
Low Energy Trump.
@OzarkHillbilly: lil jeb must be fuming.
@OzarkHillbilly: “Sad!”
About Dolt45 being exhausted after one day:
The curve for unqualified mediocre White Men continues ???
@rikyrah: Good morning.
mai naem mobile
Did anybody else notice Dolt 45 was doing the coke sniffling in his speech in Saudi Arabia that he did during the debates? Also he seemed less fidgety. Makes me wonder if he’s on adderall.
@OzarkHillbilly: Maybe we should praise this trip so he is encouraged to spend more time away from the U.S.
@rikyrah: You said it.
@rikyrah: That’s ridiculous. Trump hasn’t come close to seeing the bottom side of mediocre.
@rikyrah: good morning. mediocre? are you getting soft? he aspires to mediocre (or would aspire if he had any self-awareness.)
Baud wins… just not elections…
Hello folks. Thinking good thoughts for Watergirl’s meeting with the CEO and Board Pres.
Probably while shaving a cat’s ass.
@Baud: As I told the wife: “Good news, Trump’s leaving the country; bad news, he’s probably coming back”.
Dumb question:
Sometime in this past week, I saw a link to a story – could’ve been in the NYT or WashPost, or maybe somewhere else – headlined “To Escape Poverty, Everything Has To Go Right For Twenty Years”. Or something like that.
Which link I was too distracted to click at the time, and while I thot I’d copied it into ClipMate, couldn’t seem to find it therein. Can anyone point me to it ?
Thanks very very much.
-The Hill
Toll roads to cas in os?
‘Spiteful and petty’: Maine governor bans signs to Obama-designated monument No comment necessary.
Reading the FTF NY Times’ story on the Fyre festival aftermath this morning.
In Wreckage of the Fyre Festival, Fury, Lawsuits and an Inquiry
Hmmm. Real estate developer parents, you say? Not delivering on promises? We have discussed before how much this “entrepreneur” reminds us of a certain fearless leader.
@Immanentize: Yes indeed. You go, Watergrrrrrl.
And hoping so that greennotGreen’s family pops by sometime to give us a hello and maybe an obit.
Feb 13, 2017
-Page Six
@Immanentize: I hope she cuts him.
@Aleta: Something, something, Beyonce. Checkmate, librul.
It’s tough being a kid in STL:
@OzarkHillbilly: That deserves a But Her Emails…
@JAFD: In The Atlantic:
David ?Canadian Anchor Baby? Koch
good morning, everyone.
I guess nobody told him the Silk Road didn’t go to Japan.
@OzarkHillbilly: They create their own reality.
@Baud: I was thinking she should bring her AK-47 to the meeting, and ask, “Any questions?”
Feb 7, 2017
David ?Canadian Anchor Baby? Koch
Woodward was on Morning Blow friday morning. He called on NYT and WaPo to “dial back on their reporting”.
I realize that he’s an old man, that he’s always been a republican, and that his fame is accidental (as a rookie reporter he was assigned to weekend duty and the break-in was on a weekend), but a life long member of the media calling on the media to bury the news is the height of personal corruption.
Stephen Colbert, being shrill (and channeling Kay, on norms and standards and principles):
NY Mag/ Colbert: Trump is a ‘Redolent Turd’ who will probably quit
But again. Notice how the word “Republican” is never mentioned. It’s not in the entire short article. Just “vindictiveness.” And Democrats being the opposition.
Remember when we had a president who skipped down the AF1 steps, jogged across the tarmac, and looked like a billion bucks the whole time?
Thanks for the link
@Aleta: the link (and, OT, how is your partner doing today?):
NY Times, Stephen Schwarzman’s Bad Business Advice, February 7, 2017, op ed by Michael Moritz
and the last sentence of the op ed:
Michael Moritz is a partner of Sequoia Capital.
@Phylllis: Great catch. Thanks to you and JAFD. Bookmarked it.
@Aleta: where is VDE? The barbarians are at the gate.
@Elizabelle: Read ‘Glass House’ by Brian Alexander. All about how private equity firms hollowed out Anchor Hocking and killed Lancaster, OH. All in the name of efficiency & return to shareholders.
@amk: Indeed.
Although I think we’re going to see some serious investigating by the FBI, and by New York state attorney general Eric Schneiderman in the meantime.
Think about it. The FBI no doubt skews Republican. If you’re not one of the Clinton Derangement assholes in the NYC FBI office, you can see what a clear and present danger Trump is, to both your country, its norms, and your political party. There are a lot of good career feds in the agency. Who know what to look for.
There will be a lot of kabuki articles, and fools like Bob Woodward complaining, but the wheels are turning in the background.
@Phylllis: Thank you. I will. We should do a “Predators Book and Long-form Article Club” feature here. Get the word out, through our social networks.
@Aleta: OK, I’ll move Schwarzman to the head of the guillotine line.
Or change the locks at the White House.
Yes, and that the Board President is sharper than the CEO.
Third World countries welcome foreign investment to help build out infrastructure. I’d never thought the USA would put itself in that position, where we need foreign investment to build basic infrastructure.
Good job Republicans!!!!!!! ???
Also, remember how Trump and right-wing media kept slamming Hillary for not having stamina? It is always projection with these fuckers.
It’s like the financial crisis never happened.
@David ?Canadian Anchor Baby? Koch:
He seems to have been ignored – taking a brief look at today’s show
THIS is who they are ??
@David ?Canadian Anchor Baby? Koch:
@rikyrah: And they really don’t hide it. No excuses.
Thanks for the recommendation
You left out the key descriptor. In fact, the only descriptor that 27% of Americans ever noticed.
Lurking Canadian
@Aleta: There’s never a Mme. Defarge around when you need her.
@David ?Canadian Anchor Baby? Koch
Pure bullheaded self-interest and ballooned ego, pooh-poohing expanding membership in the “reporters influential in bringing down a president” club.
El Caganer
@OzarkHillbilly: Only because those losers couldn’t get the Japanese to pay for it.
So when Blackstone says it has received 20 billion from the Saudis to “invest $40 billion in infrastructure projects, mostly in the U.S” does this mean it will be selling off half the girders of our bridges?
At what point the twitler’s minions will realize that twitler and his spawns are going to get richer and richer via pay to play many times over and these numbnutz will have nothing to themselves?
This trip is the re-launch of Jared and Ivanka. The initial product reveal didn’t go well so they’re doing another one.
@amk: When he stops punishing immigrants and minorities.
@debbie: It didn’t… to them.
@Elizabelle: Thanks for asking. He’s still asleep which I hope might be a sign of less pain.
El Caganer
@debbie: For some lucky duckies, it didn’t.
Lurking Canadian
@Aleta: This business of “passing debt to the company” is something I will never understand.
Strip away all the stuff about efficiency and whatnot. Here’s what these guys do. They go to the bank and borrow a shitload of money to buy ACME inc. Now in control of ACME they pay themselves (read:steal) every piece of ACME that isn’t nailed down, then “transfer” the original debt, which let us not forget, they used to buy ACME in the first place, to ACME.
At that point, ACME can go bankrupt for all they care. They’ve already pocketed all its former value. It astounds me that this shit is legal. It astounds me that banks continue to make the initial loan.
Den of Thieves looks at the 1980’s Wall Street scandals of people like Michael Milken. Also goes into how the modern M&A culture, which leads to firms like Blackstone, developed as a result of Reagan-era deregulation.
No, it’s like they realized the voters were never going to punish the party responsible for it.
@Elizabelle: Evicted by Matthew Desmond is another eye-opener.
@gene108: As plundering 3rd world countries got riskier, they realized it’s much easier to plunder US funds for defense, education, infrastructure, urban repair.
@Lurking Canadian: Most astounding to me is the heartlessness toward employees and their pension funds, and that we let this happen to them. And then taxpayers help pay for extended unemployment and some retraining programs (though Tr’s budget cuts a lot of those).
@Phylllis: I’m keeping a list of these. We will do the Predators Book Club!
With wine (and whine) on the side.
FWIW, I’m supposed to be reading “It Can’t Happen Here” by Sinclair Lewis for an online book club. Here’s the link to an online source,, out of Australia, it seems.
Sadly, it can and did happen here. We must resist, to avoid the worst of it.
Keith P.
I predicted last week that Trump drops dead of a heart attack by Tuesday. He’s already exhausted by day 3 on a nine day overseas trip.
@Aleta: Oh, I hope so. But Emergency Room, if it spikes again.
Kay, keep on this.Did I miss your report about the Townhall with your Congressman?
This is true where I live, too and it’s been true for at least three years:
I’m on a school committee with a candy company CFO. He told me they could run one more entire line every evening if they had workers. They’re not bad jobs. They’re Teamsters and they have a good hourly wage and really good benefits. They’re getting their own primary care walk-in clinic next year because health care is a monopoly in this town- one provider bought up all the medical practices. The company is clever about health care costs- they try all kinds of things.
I know Democrats had to acknowlege income inequality and stagnant wages but I can’t help but think they should have trumpeted the Obama recovery more. It took a really long time but it was fully evident by ’16. It really doesn’t get much better than this in the rust belt unless you go back to 1955 or something. It’s as good as it was under Clinton and GWB.
Scary post at LGM about the rise of the alt-left.
@Keith P.: Just remember Hillary lacked stamina.
@Keith P.: Hmmm. What happens if he returns to the US unconscious? Or on life support?
He does not look good, and he’s under more stress than he ever should be, given that he’s completely unqualified and under 24/7 scrutiny.
Meanwhile, sounds like Barack Obama was golfing in Tuscany on Saturday. Looking lithe and fit. After eight years in office, der Trump. Who’s coding on his first foreign trip.
The Hill:
Don’t get me started. Any attempt to do this was met with derision and hostility, precisely because of the income inequality and wage issue.
@Elizabelle: Good.
Iowa Old Lady
The link to John Oliver doesn’t work for me. Sad!
Aleta was telling us that her partner needs medical care (they do have insurance), and the local ER has gotten prohibitively expensive, even with insurance, due to a sale.
Our government should be protecting us against this shit. Not encouraging the monopolies.
Air rage at 30,000. Medical costs going up, not in an unforeseen manner, either.
El Caganer
Here’s a taste of Trump’s first budget. So much winning!
Iowa Old Lady
@Baud: I don’t understand why wages are stagnant when unemployment is so low (although the roofing supply company Kay refers to has raised theirs).
I wouldn’t call him mediocre; he has a long way to go to get up that high.
@Kay: Dems, both the cong critters and “the base”, kneecapped themselves on obamacare and obamanomics. It was always not good enough.
@Kay: Kay’s link: it’s to the FTF NY Times:
Lack of Workers, Not Work, Weighs on the Nation’s Economy
Latta didn’t hold a town hall so we protested outside his office. It went great. I counted 48 people when I got there at noon – that is a big enough crowd for this area that people were slowing their cars and gawking at us. His office is right beyond a bridge that sort of dumps into the (narrower) street that fronts the office so they had to put a cop there with flashers to warn people traffic slowed ahead.
They did call and response chants and a lot of drivers were blowing their horns and waving at us. The local paper sent a reporter and he did an interview with the organizer and a young woman in a wheelchair who protested with us- I don’t know who she is. He also took a group photo of us. Ted, the guy who organized it, is retired UAW and just a very nice man in general. He was pleased so I was glad for him. It’s a lot of work to put things like that together and they often flop, so it’s risky.
Thoroughly Pizzled
It’s very unfortunate that the Wilmer wing has so many elections rigged against it. Talk about bad luck!
@amk: Same with financial reform.
@Iowa Old Lady: Wages started increasing slowly in early 2016. Also, don’t underestimate the costs of government downsizing.
@Iowa Old Lady:
The NY Times article addresses that:
Mr. Gibson won’t automate (the machines are $500,000 each), but predicts that his kids will have to.
The reporting and “narrative” nationally is always a tot behind reality so I don’t know that they could have turned it around in time.
They got some bad advice, too. The “skills gap” is bullshit. People are moving around from worse jobs to better jobs because wages are rising. The companies who have a “skills gap” need to raise their wages and they’ll miraculously find welders. Arne Duncan is sort of my touch-stone for bullshit. If Democrats sound like him they will lose. He LOVED the “skills gap”.
@Kay: I guess the call and response is needed to keep people engaged but it can get pretty dopey.
@Kay: Link to the article re the Latta demonstration?
And good on you for being out there. People passing by take note of that.
Iowa Old Lady
A while back, I read that the labor force participation rate is going to drop for a few years no matter what you do because baby boomers are hitting retirement.
@Baud: Yeah, there was this guy who kept on talking about mill-yen-airs and bill-yen-airs.
Also they knew it. Working people knew it. They are incredibly sensitive to wages and hours. They may not understand the estate tax but most of them can take apart their pay stub in elaborate detail. They knew they were working a lot of hours and “working a lot of hours” is what happens right before companies start hiring. They all know this. Employers wait until it overtime becomes more expensive than a new hire, then they hire.
The recession went on so long that they almost clung to the idea that the economy was bad. I saw a child support hearing judge lose patience with it last year – she mentioned the billboards we have on US 6 advertising for workers. If they’re putting up billboards they are desperate. They were also hiring felons. They dropped that bar quietly around here.
@Elizabelle: I’m a little surprised he didn’t use the clothespin method.
You get clothespins on the back of a cat’s neck in just the right spots and pressure, you can turn them off like light switches. It triggers the ‘ball up and go limp’ reflex they had has kittens, when mama cat had to carry them from place to place. Doesn’t work with all cats, but I’ve seen serious fighters reduced to a ball of limp in an instant by that technique. Nearly as good as sedation without the risks or drugs required.
@Lurking Canadian: This is virtually exactly what the gangsters did to the restaurant in Goodfellas.
Fuck Woody Johnson. [Jets fans know what I mean.]
That’s funny because I like it. I’m not much of a chanter but people seem to really respond to it. I forgot what they said as the second part of “we want a congressman, not a …something”. I can’t imagine what word rhymes with “congressman” but something did! It’s been driving me crazy since the march :)
@Iowa Old Lady: Yup.
@Lurking Canadian:
I got involved with a venture firm 18 years ago, I had 11% of the deal. We sold it for a 4 million dollar profit in less in 18 months. I was looking forward to my 11% of the 4 mil. When the final accounting was finished and checks were being cut. My “partners” deducted all the expenses including their $600 dinners, their stays at big buck hotels, airline tickets, etc, from my 11%…when the dust settled I walked away with less than 5%. I thought they were nice guys who out of the goodness of their hearts were ordering town cars to take me from Manhattan to LaGuardia to catch the damn shuttle. I had no idea I was actually paying for the ride. I had a meeting with the principle in NY one afternoon and he was getting a haircut in his office, I probably paid for that too.
@?BillinGlendaleCA: One of the early things he did to turn me off was during a debate with Clinton when he talked about the “real” unemployment rate. (He meant U5 or U6.) Given how the right was peddling lies about Obama manipulating the unemployment rate, it really rubbed me the wrong way, but it fits into this larger picture that Dems aren’t allowed to take credit for anything.
@Kay: Just imagining what all shit that could have been achieved if the effing voters hadn’t literally given away their houses to the rethugs in 2010, 12, 14 and the worst, 16. So many infraprojects, improving ocare, escalating the employment and all with rich peeps’ god given money.
@gene108: and who owns our bridges and highways? Black Stone? The Saudis?
For a lesson in private infrastructure google Bellaire Bridge.
Just to prove I’m not making this up or misremembering.
@Baud: starts to make me think we have a lot of trolls on the nominal left who spread FUD on our own side; that and people who honestly believe we must be in a constant state of sackcloth penance.
Just One More Canuck
Happy Victoria Day
I am glad that you got local media coverage.this is the kind of story that’s self explanatory, and easy to cover, so I hope everyone out there in the Resistance puts in contact with the local media.
@Baud: I agree, Wilmer discounting Obama’s accomplishments rubbed many Democrats the wrong way; especially POC.
@Just One More Canuck: Hey, I guessed what the song was before clicking on it.
Just One More Canuck
@?BillinGlendaleCA: you were expecting Ducks on the Wall?
@?BillinGlendaleCA: I will never forgive Wilmer for that–and I’m white. I was and remain furious about that and about the white/male left’s continued attacks on both Obama and HRC.
@ArchTeryx: did not know that. The things I learn here.
These people care a lot about local media. They all read the newspaper because it’s a small enough place that they will always know someone who is covered. They also LOVE high school sports and that’s where you get coverage of that.
I still tease my middle son because they put him on the front page when he was 5 at a “Larry the Lion” library event –
huge photo- he was smiling at Larry- and he told his sister he was “famous” :)
It’s easy to be famous :)
@clay: “Fuck you. Pay me.”
@Just One More Canuck: I was thinking more of State of Confusion.
@Kay: Ah. I see why you did not link to the article. It’s behind a paywall. For one article. That’s harsh!
Local media make me more sympathetic to national media because you realize with them that it’s just a job- it’s a business. It’s a daily newspaper and they need X number of pieces to fill X number of pages. They also make next to nothing.
But we have to take the blame for everything, including Trump.
Kay should be happy.
@Baud: Pretty sure that problem was solved by Trump on January 22.
Lack of dedicated media lick-spittles, for Democrats, to promote the Party line really hurts.
The Republicans and their media enablers slammed everything Obama did, from being courteous on foreign trips (i.e. “bowing”, “world apology tour’) to any legislative accomplishment, while the rest of the media took their cues from right-wing media and framed everything in an accusatory manner.
And what media presence Democrats do have is tempered by “the base”, which lives in a dream world, where jailing Bush, Jr, Cheney, bank CEO’s, etc. would be just the first step in a popular uprising to usher in the rule of the proletariat and the workers’ paradise.
@amk: Woooo. NY Mag link, so no paywall.
Trump’s Russia Scandal Is Becoming a Corruption Scandal
Check out the photo illustration of Jared. Eerie. The Undead. That’s on purpose. Dead man walking?
@Baud: BS is full of crap regarding economics. All he has achieved is putting T in the WH. There is a disconnect between his actions and his lofty rhetoric. All he has done is strengthened Rs by giving them verbal sticks to beat the Democrats. During the election and now. Since we haven’t seen his taxes we don’t know whether its just his ego that has expanded like a gas giant.
@Iowa Old Lady:
Wages started ticking up last year. It takes time to correct for the stagnant Bush, Jr years and the drop in wages from the Great Recession.
But it isn’t enough to totally off-set the 45 years of stagnation the 99% have endured to really close the income inequality gap.
Should be but is not :)
I always get greedy with these things. I want 24/7 bad-for-Trump news every moment. It’s addictive.
There’s this thing that people who are lying do when you interview them or they are in court. They widen their eyes at the kind of apex of the lie in the story they’re telling – like a comic book idea of “innocent”. Ivanka does it. It’s always a little petulant and self-pitying too, the look, which makes it doubly infuriating.
Paul Krugman is — surprise — shrill this morning. Talking about noncompetes. And those of us yoked to employers, for the healthcare. While those who would make us serfs shout Freedumb!
FTF NY Times: The Unfreeing of the American Worker
Shrill. All true.
ETA: And brownie points to Krugman for working in “Russians.”
I think all articles about the Republicans and Trump these days should include the word “Russians.”
Thoroughly Pizzled
Ugh. Like how Hillary lost Wisconsin entirely of her own accord but Russ Feingold lost Wisconsin because he was sabotaged by the DNC. Even though he outspent Ron Johnson.
One darkly comedic thing about the election was that pretty much everyone that Wilmer endorsed ended up losing.
@Jager: Oooh. Expensive lesson.
I love the pictures of 44 and Forever FLOTUS in Italy. Makes me smile :)
@Elizabelle: so is there any way that Chris Christie can receive an appointment as Special US Attorney so he can do to Jared what he did to his Dad? Delicious.
Good summation of the situation. I think in some sense people don’t understand the difference between advocacy and reality. Politicians do both. Obama bridged this gap all the time- “while it is TRUE…”
Advocates push. That’s literally their job. They aren’t reciting the year’s events. They are MOVING something and to move you have to demand more and more. Both are necessary but you have to know the difference.
It was always about corruption, Dear.
A few random item,s from Twitter today:
1.BREAKING: Turkey summons US ambassador to protest ‘aggressive’ action against Turkish bodyguards in Washington
2. the catering requirements for Der Fuhrer –
The rest ofthe list is just as weird
J R in WV
From Google, I suspect it was a TED talk about how, for a family to escape from poverty, nothing can go wrong (must all go correctly!) for 20 years. Your quote sounded more like we need 20 years of right wing nonsense to save the nation, which is so far from the truth I cannot measure that distance, Infinity to the gogleplex power maybe.
Decided to look up “Russiagate” and see what comes up this fine day. Trump’s Russia-gate is Watergate on amphetamines | Opinion
It’s Jennifer Rubin. Syndicated by the WaPost.
I love that social media has brought up all the bullshyt that Dolt45 whined about 44 during his Middle East trips. And, the precious Snowflakes trying to defend him, while the receipts are brought on their azzes too.
@rikyrah: Let’s put some up! Demanding pics of Former POTUS and FLOTUS, gracing it up in Europa.
Since der Trumps arrive this week, I wonder if they will travel on to a different country (come to Spain!!), or just be a few regions away …
so, what now?
Goldman Sachs exec ends bid to join Trump administration
05/22/17 09:20 AM
By Steve Benen
Two months ago, James Donovan, a longtime Goldman Sachs executive, became Donald Trump’s nominee to serve as deputy to the Treasury secretary, serving just below Steve Mnuchin. On Friday afternoon, that nomination came to a rather abrupt halt.
James Donovan, the Goldman Sachs executive who was poised to become deputy Treasury secretary, is backing out of consideration.
While Donovan is hardly a household name, and his nomination wasn’t considered a major development, his withdrawal is a story with a fairly broad reach.
For example, Trump, after having used Goldman Sachs as a punching bag for much of the campaign, had chosen seven veterans of the Wall Street giant to work on his team. With Donavan stepping aside, and Anthony Scaramucci also walking away from an administration job offer, there are now five prominent Goldman Sachs executives remaining on Team Trump.
I wasn’t a big fan of the praise blurb he gave the book “Buyer’s Remorse” about President Obama. All those wicked smart white guys who loved that book didn’t see a problem with that title?
Fuck Wilmer.
Let’s put some up! Demanding pics of Former POTUS and FLOTUS, gracing it up in Europa.
Here’s a gallery of Forever FLOTUS in Italy:
@amk: either they grant him immunity and force him to talk, or they leave his testimony out and let Mueller do his job. The Senate should stay the hell out of it. If, however, the Senate wants to ruin the investigation, they will grant immunity (See, Oliver North),
ETA. Shit’s getting real, real fast.
Shorter @vermontgmg: Trump is screwed. But read it all, because Garrett is the expert on Mueller & Comey.
— Michael Grunwald (@MikeGrunwald) May 21, 2017
@Immanentize: so, the corrupt pos can lie that he or twitler didn’t do anything wrong and just walk away?
like maybe his kids objected to seeing him in prison stripes?
Saudi Arabia, UAE pledge $100 million to fund backed by Ivanka Trump
05/22/17 08:40 AM
By Steve Benen
About a month ago, Ivanka Trump boasted about a new initiative: in addition to her White House duties, the president’s daughter is helping raise money to “benefit female entrepreneurs around the globe.” As part of the endeavor, Ivanka Trump had already begun soliciting contributions from international donors.
It wasn’t long before legal and ethical questions arose – when the president of the United States’ daughter starts asking for money from prospective donors abroad, scrutiny is inevitable – prompting Ivanka Trump to make clear that the World Bank would manage the investment fund; she was merely championing the worthy cause.
The story took an interesting turn over the weekend with new “pay-to-play” concerns. NPR reported:
Some context is in order. It was just last year, for example, that Donald Trump said he was outraged that the Clinton Foundation accepted charitable contributions from Saudi Arabia, which, the Republican said, wants “women as slaves” and to “kill gays.” He added at the time, “Hillary must return all money from such countries!”
And yet, here we are, watching Trump’s daughter raising money accepting a sizable charitable contribution from Saudi Arabia.
What’s more, it’s important to consider the motivation behind the donation. The Washington Post’s Anne Applebaum noted, “The announcement that Saudi Arabia and the United Arab Emirates will donate money to her fund was a ‘pay to play’ far more blatant than anything Hillary Clinton ever dreamed of.”
This! Great piece on Sally Yates
In Saudi Arabia, Trump retreats from years of posturing
05/22/17 08:00 AM—UPDATED 05/22/17 08:12 AM
By Steve Benen
There was a fair amount of interest in Donald Trump’s speech in Riyadh yesterday, with the American president addressing dozens of Muslim leaders from the region. The ambiguity surrounding the purpose of the remarks only heightened the curiosity: what exactly would Trump – with a record of hostility towards Islam in general and Saudi Arabia in specific – do with this platform?
As it turns out, not a whole lot. The Republican’s speech in Saudi Arabia, by any fair measure, turned out to be pretty conventional, which inadvertently told us something important about Trump.
Perhaps the most provocative portion of the speech came when Trump strayed from the prepared text: he was supposed to reference “confronting the crisis of Islamist extremism,” but he instead said “confronting the crisis of Islamic extremism.” A senior administration official said soon after that the slip was not deliberate, but rather, was the result of the president being “exhausted” on his first full day abroad.
Regardless, the story here is less about a conventional speech and more about the fact that Trump retreated from his previous postures. Remember, Trump rose to prominence in Republican presidential politics by attacking Islam relentlessly, including his call for a notorious Muslim ban, which his White House tried and failed to implement a few months ago.
@rikyrah: Can’t say as I blame him. Trump has a long track record of throwing people under the bus to save his own ass. Flynn knows he’ll be next if it comes to that.
Trump-Russia probe turns to White House adviser as it speeds up
Devlin Barrett, national security reporter for The Washington Post, talks with Rachel Maddow on another busy news day about new reporting that the Trump-Russia investigation has moved to a White House adviser close to Donald Trump.
How might Donald Trump try to end the special investigation?
Rachel Maddow looks at some ways by which Donald Trump could try to get in the way of the Trump-Russia special investigation or eliminate it entirely.
@amk: well, if he is granted immunity and forced to testify, he has to tell the truth and can be later tried for perjury — but perjury only.
Can the Trump-Russia special counsel be undermined by Trump?
Neal Katyal, former US acting solicitor general who helped draft the special counsel regulations, talks with Rachel Maddow about the ways in which Donald Trump might seek to undermine or eliminate the Trump-Russia special investigation.
Flynn inquiry calls for espionage expertise
Barbara McQuade, former U.S. attorney, talks with Rachel Maddow about what is means to be an espionage prosecutor and why one might be assigned to the the case of disgraced Donald Trump NSA Mike Flynn.
Comey firing story contains giant contradiction
Rachel Maddow shows how a request for more resources preceding James Comey’s firing was widely reported in the media but is adamantly denied by the Department of Justice – an irreconcilable contradiction.
Just One More Canuck
@?BillinGlendaleCA: Phenomenal Cat – this could be the official theme song of Balloon Juice:
Jesus, the Kinks did some weird stuff
Perjury voids any immunity deal.
From Facebook:
Read the rest at the link above. Please share.
The replies seem to indicate that it’s a joke list. The fact that it’s hard to tell says something…
@OzarkHillbilly: Good to know. Thanks.
Trump Is Ignoring America’s Looming Cybersecurity Threat
Our federal agencies are woefully underprepared to withstand a major cyberattack.
by Anne Kim
May 19, 2017
The “ransomware” attack that crippled computer systems around the globe last week shows once again just how vulnerable the world’s computer systems are to criminals and hackers.
The so-called “WannaCry” virus — which threatened to delete a victim’s files absent a $300 ransom — exploited a weakness in the Windows operating system that a simple software update could have blocked. Government computer systems were among the hardest hit, including Russia’s Interior Ministry and Britain’s National Health Service, which had to shut down 16 hospitals. Reports are already circulating of a second potential global cyberattack, Adylkuzz, which works by stealing processing power from victims’ computers.
So far, U.S. government systems seem to have been spared – but how ready are federal agencies to withstand a cyberattack?
The answer: Not as much as they should be.
After the 2015 discovery of a massive breach at the Office of Personnel Management (OPM), which compromised the personal information of 21.5 million people, President Barack Obama tasked a 12-member presidential commission with devising a national cybersecurity plan. The commission’s report, issued last December, included a long list of to-dos for the next Administration, citing an urgent need for “ambitious measures to put the federal government’s cybersecurity house in order.”
Corner Stone
That’s a pretty good twit feed. I love this idea, though. I can see Ivanka, as played by ScarJo, emerge from the darkness. She’s very well-lit, slowly lifts her arms and in her perfectly modulated manhusk voice tells the audience, “Women”. She then does not retreat, but is more pulled back into the darkness and disappears.
[end scene]
@OzarkHillbilly: not in North’s case. But that was an odd situation. One I would like to recreate if I were Flynn’s attorney.
@Just One More Canuck: This holiday pisses me off. Québec has the right idea: Why don’t we celebrate the people who fought for the independence and character of the country? The Lower Canada Rebellion, why not the Upper Canada Rebellion at the same time. Yes, Papineau, but why not William Lyon MacKenzie? Instead, we celebrate the monarch in whose reign MacKenzie was exiled.
Patricia Kayden
@Elizabelle: That’s an excellent book. In many ways, Lewis was eerily prophetic when it comes to the Trump regime.
Flynn’s Job Was to Set Up Back Channel Access Between Putin and Trump
by Nancy LeTourneau
May 18, 2017 10:01 AM
The bombshells dropping on the Trump presidency are coming at a fast and furious pace right now. I’d like to focus on the latest one from the New York Times.
If you’ve been paying attention to this story all along, the first thing that should grab your attention is that Flynn told White House Counsel Don McGahn that he was under federal investigation on January 4th. That was not only a full two weeks before Trump’s inauguration, it was three weeks before Sally Yates told him that Flynn could be compromised because of his lies about meetings with the Russian ambassador. That puts some of his reaction to her in a whole different context.
Here’s the local coverage of our protest for those who asked. It’s a subscription site but I think you can see the headline.
“More than” 60 people! I’m telling you I counted and it was 48. Fake news! :)
Trump’s Ship is Going Down
There aren’t enough life rafts on this boat to save anyone but the women and children.
by Martin Longman
May 20, 2017 7:00 AM
I don’t remember a time when someone on President Obama’s staff said something like this about their boss:
Or this:
Trump spent the hours before leaving on his nine-day foreign adventure screwing every pooch in the Western Hemisphere. And he left his administration shell-shocked, distraught, and downright angry. He also made a pretty iron-tight case for removing him from office.
David C. Gomez, a former FBI assistant special agent in charge, said Trump’s comments demonstrated a profound inability to grasp the potential consequences of his words.
@Immanentize: That would be a bridge too far.
glory b
@Elizabelle: I’m in for the Predator’s Book Cub!
mike in dc
Melania slapped Trump’s hand out of the way when he tried to hold hands with her, getting off the plane in Israel. Hmm.
Corner Stone
Tired of these morans getting their self-serving quotes in anonymously, the F’ng cowards. If this one is “senior” and also “worked on Trump’s campaign” then they knew *exactly* what the deal was. There is not Better Trump. There is no Other Trump.
I hope this one rots in jail, also too.
‘Sold himself as’ is right, but he was never that man, and it was obvious to anyone who had grown a brain that he was never that man.
Seriously, how has his behavior changed from the campaign to the transition to now? It hasn’t, not one bit. You helped sell the country a pile of flaming garbage, and now you’re complaining that everything stinks and is on fire.
@Corner Stone: Exactly, Mr. Two Scoops of ice cream was always a moral and an intellectual midget and it was there for anyone to see.
@mike in dc:
She knows better than anyone how horrible he is. I don’t hold her responsible for him. My overwhelming sense is she didn’t want this job. She looks miserable. I’m not worried about her- I don’t hold her responsible but I also don’t waste any sympathy on her, but boy it’s awkward looking. The thing where he goes ahead of when they walk is just weird.
Trump’s weirdness is under-covered. He’s a weirdo and he surrounded himself with misfits.
@mike in dc: That is the behavior of a couple who just had a big fight, and the guy wants to put on a good face in public but the woman is having none of it.
Is it irresponsible to speculate? It would be irresponsible not to!
WOW! Good for the Supremes!
Corner Stone
Think he was mumbling about Ivanka in his sleep? Maybe that’s why he’s “exhausted”, because he hasn’t had his snuggle time for a few days now.
Trump is Being Taken Apart, Step By Step
by Martin Longman
May 17, 2017 1:30 PM
It’s obviously not just Comey who is crippling the president with leaks. There are leakers very close to the president, perhaps even in his inner circle. There are people leaking throughout the intelligence community and the Justice Department. They are doing so, most of them, because of sincere alarm and for patriotic reasons. And the result is this:
glory b
@Kay: I agree, but I don’t think it was that easy. I remember the Elkton IL (I think) workers who got mad at Obama after their plant stayed open instead of closing as announced(after Obama promised to help them). I know there was contact between the corporation and the white house and the announcement that they were staying.
I saw stories where they said Obama didn’t actually do anything for them and they resented him saying it was a victory for his white house.
Then they voted majority for Romney and then Trump.
I don’t know, I kind of think it might have been the Black thing.
I remember someone here linked to a 19th century, post slavery editorial cartoon of a poor white man being carried away by a river rather than grabbing the hand of a black man on shore who was trying to save him. I’d appreciate it if anyone could find it, I couldn’t. Seems appropriate here.
@mike in dc:
They analyze Trump too much. A big chunk of his problems come from the fact that he has really bad manners. Manners are tied to empathy. You literally put the other person first and most of the time that works out better for you, too. There was no reason to denigrate Comey to the Russians. It’s just pure nastiness.
He’s rude. He doesn’t know how to treat people. The grabbing people who don’t want to be touched is all of a piece with his horrible personality. He’s an aggressively bad person.
How Cities Can Protect Immigrants in the Age of Trump
Cincinnati’s new ID program could be a model for other progressive cities.
by Timothy Broderick
May 22, 2017
Heavy rain loomed on the horizon, but the crowd standing outside Woodward High School in Cincinnati, Ohio was unfazed, wearing smiles that could weather hurricanes. Showers wouldn’t drive them away. People had already waited hours for the ID drive to begin, some arriving before dawn, others camping overnight. The line started at the school’s double glass doors, wound around the entire building, and stretched out onto the street.
“It was incredible,” said Margaret Fox, director of Metropolitan Area Religious Coalition of Cincinnati (MARCC), a nonprofit that has spent decades fighting on behalf of the city’s marginalized communities. “I cry each time because it’s kind of like a scene at Ellis Island. Men, women, and children. Babies in strollers.”
MARCC, with the help of Catholic Charities of Southwest Ohio, sponsors the MARCC ID, an identification card rolled out last August that serves as valid identification for any Cincinnatian. While target populations for the ID include former felons and homeless individuals, most cardholders are undocumented immigrants hoping to insulate themselves from the rising xenophobic policies and rhetoric of the Trump administration.
For undocumented immigrants, living without identification is a dangerous prospect. A simple run-in with the police can initiate the deportation process, even for non-criminals. Since public offices and services in Cincinnati — law enforcement included — recognize the MARCC ID as valid identification, obtaining the ID curtails the risk of deportation.
Municipal IDs like the MARCC ID are a new tool cities are employing to defend the rights of the undocumented. “The MARCC ID does not allow any holder to obtain any services or benefits that are not available to the holder under federal, state, or local laws,” said Fox. The ID helps immigrants access those benefits.
Dirty Deeds: The Trumpist Threat to Clean Air and Water
by D.R. Tucker
May 22, 2017 8:00 AM
Presumably, Donald Trump didn’t bring the hack he hired to run the Environmental Protection Agency, Scott Pruitt, along with him to Saudi Arabia because the fossil-fuel fetishist wouldn’t want to leave that petrostate.
The New York Times, presumably trying to reduce the public’s contempt towards its decision to hire climate-change denier Bret Stephens to foul its op-ed page, has tried to repair the damage by focusing on the damage Pruitt’s policies will inflict upon our planet:
Report: Priebus brought in Boehner to convince Trump not to shut down government
— Talking Points Memo (@TPM) May 22, 2017
@SiubhanDuinne: the thugs always overreach. always.
@SiubhanDuinne: Huh. One district was struck down 8-0. The other was 5-3, with Thomas(!) joining the majority. So, uh, thanks Clarence Thomas! (Not words I’d ever think I’d type…)
Gin & Tonic
@D58826: No, like his wife saying “work for that asshole and you ain’t never gettin’ any.”
BREAKING: Justice Kagan has the #SCOTUS decision in Cooper v. Harris, affirming the lower court decision against two NC districts.
— Chris Geidner (@chrisgeidner) May 22, 2017
Mississippi Republican faces pushback following ‘lynching’ comment
05/22/17 10:40 AM
By Steve Benen
Local officials in New Orleans last week finished removing Confederate-era monuments from prominent positions in the city, which, not surprisingly, was the subject of some debate. But the Clarion-Ledger in Jackson, Mississippi, highlighted a Republican lawmaker who made clear what he intends to do if a similar effort is launched in his home state.
I’ll gladly concede that random state lawmakers say ridiculous things with some regularity, and as a rule, turning each incident into a national news story is a Sisyphean task.
But there’s a legitimate conversation underway about the future of Confederate monuments in much of the South, and the fact that sentiments such as Karl Oliver’s still exist – from an elected lawmaker, publishing online for the public to see – are a reminder about the state of the debate in some corners.
The fact that this Mississippi Republican represents the community of Money – the same town in which Emmett Till was lynched in 1955 – makes Oliver’s statement that much more striking.
Illinois lawmakers pass law to make Obama’s birthday a state holiday
— All Things WSB-TV (@AllThingsWSB) May 22, 2017
@glory b:
Oh, I agree. It’s not just in the south, either. Rural midwesterners are really racist. Chicago is really racist.
I was thinking about this, this conundrum with race and class and how Democrats are trying to navigate and address both things and I was thinking that maybe the people to ask about this are black people because they had to incorporate class issues WITH civil rights issues, always. It came up again and again in the civil rights movement- both class issues within African American activists and class issues with white people who joined. Black activists probably know how to do this better than white people.
I live in a predominantly white working class area so I feel I have a handle on class, but I never had to operate incorporating BOTH but I think I know who might have! :)
The Moar You Know
@Elizabelle: Love my state (CA). They won’t enforce them. Period. Not even if warranted, which is occasionally a problem, but not for the employee.
@Kay: ‘
As the Elders in my community would say..
The Moar You Know
@Kay: My family comes from Alabama, so I know a bit about racist jerkwads and places they live, and the most racist/segregated place I’ve ever lived (by a long shot) was San Francisco.
It’s never overt but you learn the rules real quick: stick with your own kind. Everyone else thinks you’re inferior.
At least it’s equal opportunity there. A white guy is just as likely to have the shit kicked out of him and thrown out of a Chinese bar as the other way around.
randy khan
Local news radio in D.C. is reporting that Mike Flynn will not provide documents in response to a subpoena from the Senate Intelligence Committee and is invoking his 5th Amendment rights.
Don’t mess with the orb.
@Aleta: That detail started my day well. Thank you.
Corner Stone
I had it on mute but just watching Trump he is clearly confused, stumbling and not in charge of his faculties. He just walked away from Bibi before they could take the money shot. Then had to walk back when told.
I’m Black, and I honestly don’t care. And, maybe I’m an extreme outlier, but I don’t think so.
I think 2016 was a watershed vote that snapped the collected Black nerve, and we no longer give a shyt about the White working class, and White folks in general, and their feelings.
I know I don’t.
We look at those articles being written about them, and WHY we’re supposed to ‘understand’ why they voted for Dolt45.
Don’t give a shyt WHY you voted for him. Your vote for him condemns you as a person. It defines who you are.
Everything that has come to this country, not only internally, but our lowering in the international community….take responsibility for that.
You thrust people like Attorney General White Citizens Council upon me and mine and I’m supposed to give two shyts about your feelings?
I don’t believe that I should have to be fighting for clean water, and clean air, and education, and healthcare, because muthaphuckas couldn’t handle a competent Black man in the job as President of the United States – because, that IS the bottom line here as to what happened.
There’s a poster on another blog, that gives me what I call a ‘Daily Affirmation.’
I feel it to the bottom of my soul everytime I read it.
Fester Addams
Seems to me the newspapers are being a bit charitable terming this “back-channel.” If the intent was to avoid U.S. intelligence services hearing what Big Cheeto was saying to the Russians, wouldn’t “covert” be more accurate?
Julia Grey
Actually this is kind of a problem. His base doesn’t mind if he runs cons and scams for money. They sort of admire that kind of thing. It’s the “controlled by Putin” business that would hurt him with them, if it could be proven to their satisfaction.
Which come to think of it, never will be. Proven. To their satisfaction, I mean.
Corner Stone
@Julia Grey:
What would lead you to believe this? Have you seen the radical change in approval numbers for Putin among R voters?
@rikyrah: As I understand it, these weren’t “Confederate-era monuments”. They were erected during Jim Crow to commemorate the end of Reconstruction and the return of white supremacy.
@Julia Grey: They might be pissed off they are not part of the graft. The scum has not thrown even a bone in their direction. We will see.
Gin & Tonic
@Corner Stone: Bingo. Vlad’s a white supremacist, just like them. That’s all that matters.
@PPCLI: I see what you did….
@randy khan:
Lock him up.
El Caganer
@rikyrah: Orange skin vs. orange hair? Color-coordinated?
@clay: Thomas seems to be ‘evolving.’ He did the right thing on the Texas license plate case, now this? He did grow up in Georgia and maybe some of the shit he enabled is looking too real at this point.
@Immanentize: I know the old joke was that Thomas just did whatever Scalia did, but maybe there’s some truth to it, and Scalia’s death has allowed Thomas to reach some atypical conclusions on his own?
@clay: I hope Scalia’s death freed Thomas from his chains, but I am not sure that’s the answer. Thomas hates affirmative action in employment and in all societal contexts. He hates the idea inside him that maybe he is not where he is strictly on merit….
But maybe he is distinguishing between what he perceives as any thumb on the scale. In the North Carolina case, he is holding onto his idea that race in never a proper basis for governmental action….
I’m still trying to figure out the Confederate flag
El Caganer
@Kay: Last year I retired to Bradenton, FL after about 50 years in Philadelphia, PA. A black couple who are friends of mine in Philly asked what it was like here; in turn, I asked a friend who’s lived in Sarasota for 25 years, but is also from Philly. Her reply startled me a bit: she said that in her opinion Philly was a whole lot more racist. She felt the reason was that most of the people who live here moved from other parts of the country and other parts of the world, so there was a mixture of all kinds of different cultures that didn’t have the opportunity to harden into one specific set of attitudes. She also said this was NOT typical of FL as a whole. I don’t know how true that is, but so far the people I’ve met all seem to get along – I certainly haven’t had any whites give me the old wink-and-nod-when-nobody’s-looking, which I got in Philly. Then again, Manatee County is something like 85% white.
Bishop Bag
@Kay: Kay!!! Where do you live? I live in Bishop, CA where Hwy 6 starts in the West and then goes all the way across the country to Cape Cod!
patrick II
That is what the republican white working class doesn’t get. When you see a ruthless acts of the powerful against foreigners, those same powerful people will be just as ruthless here at home when not constrained by law. The white working class see the oligarchs as being in the same tribe because they are also white, so they think it won’t happen to them. The Oligarchs couldn’t care less about ethnicity if it stands in the way of profit; they will ruin your company, leave you without healthcare, cut your food stamps, and let you live in a cardboard box under the bridge if it is profitable. Then, as the last profitable, soul destroying act they will sell their poor white dupes a gun and encourage them to keep the black/brown/islamic people away so they’ll stop stealing their stuff.
Julia Grey
…that YOU sold him as, jerkwad.
(Why doesn’t my dictionary know the word “jerkwad” by now? Surely I’ve used it enough in the last few months.)
Julia Grey
@Corner Stone:
Uh, no. I just ass-umed.
I still say a financial scandal won’t faze them. First of all, they won’t understand the details, and second, there’s that billionaire admiration thing. They all wish they could get away with some kind of get rich scheme, legal or not, and in fact a significant number probably assume they’re going to someday.
These are basically dishonest, money-worshipping people who consider themselves incomprehensibly unremunerated for their specialness. They DESERVE to have money, so the way they get it is not any kind of moral question. These are the folks that sign up their mentally handicapped Aunt Thelma for their pyramid schemes.
sm*t cl*de
@Fester Addams:
Is that what the kids are calling it these days?
No One You Know
@Aleta: Could God/Yahweh/Allah/Goddess love us so much to let Gaia swallow it all whole? I can’t be the only one thinking this.
No One You Know
@Elizabelle: Oooooh. Like! Are Barbarians at the Gate and Bad Company on the list too? The first is about KKR and the second about McKinsey, IIRC.
Thanks very much!
Sorry not to have replied sooner, was out all day.