Feeling kinda stuck today, not unlike Batman and Robin:
The photo is from the @BatLabels Twitter feed, which, as its name suggests, primarily features things that are labeled from the old Batman TV series, e.g., “UNDETACHABLE GLUE PAD.”
Besides that, I got nothing. Open thread!
It’s “alternate tax day”: the day your taxes need to be in if you file for extension.
All my numbers are done, and I just have to put them on the forms. And I can’t get out of bed.
@different-church-lady: yeah, claim the trump exemption. Refuse to pay for his golfing excursions.
Is that Roger C. Carmel menacing the Dynamic Duo? I don’t remember him on the series.
@sukabi: I’m pretty sure earmarks are not an allowable part of the income tax experience.
Comrade Scrutinizer
@germy: Colonel Gumm
Major Major Major Major
It’s still nobody-knows-what-the-fuck-is-happening-with-the-big-project-October in engineering at work, so I guess I’ll be twiddling my thumbs and working on my writing website today. I got a front-end whiz-kid friend of mine to agree to help with the UI yesterday so that’s great.
Also, re yesterday’s writing thread, I re-read the Angry Robot submission requirements and don’t know if my book fits, but I’m still setting “done by January” as my reach goal.
As an experiment, my husband stopped reading Twitter this weekend and got like ten times more pleasant to be around. It was remarkable.
Michael Bersin
Wait, is that Harcourt Fenton Mudd to the right?
@Comrade Scrutinizer: Ah yes. I mostly remember him from Star Trek, and also one of the husbands on the Mothers-In-Law sitcom.
@Major Major Major Major: Twitter is just as evil as Facebook, but there’s no single Golden Retriever Puppy-Human as the face of the company, so they don’t take nearly as much heat.
(eemon will be along shortly to explain to us all how this opinion means I am deranged.)
@Michael Bersin: The guy who played Dwight on The Office is now playing Mudd on the new Star Trek show.
Major Major Major Major
@different-church-lady: I don’t think either of them are evil, I think they’re amoral and underregulated and thus evil uses them as an influence vector.
@Major Major Major Major: I think they’re evil because they’re in the business of emotional manipulation for profit, and they don’t care about the collateral damage they’re causing to our society, never mind our politics.
randy khan
@Michael Bersin:
It would appear to be.
Roger Carmel was also the horny sorehead in “”Breezy”.
I’m just a piece of lint on the Undetachable Glue Pad of life.
Major Major Major Major
@different-church-lady: see to my ethical system that’s just amoral.
Chyron HR
Unlike you suckers, I filed my taxes over a year ago.
randy khan
I’ve always felt I was exactly the right age for that Batman series – old enough to get that it was intentionally jokey (I didn’t know the word “campy” at the time), but young enough not to entirely process just how cheesy it was. I still have a lot of fond memories of watching it.
(And, yeah, there were lots of pretty funny labels – in retrospect, it was like they had no budget for props and just put placeholders up instead.)
Doing the Neutron Dance!
From CNN and other sources
No truth to the rumor that this story, especially the gamma rays part, was withheld until now to help market the upcoming Thor/Hulk movie.
Also, the new Black Panther trailer is very cool. And it definitely was released to steal some of the fire of the upcoming DC Justice League movie.
I know nothing about her yet, but politicians who run on the premise that they’re not politicians and that this is a good thing kind of trigger my bullshitmeter something fierce.
@Brachiator: I think I know Laura’s husband! Small world is small.
@Brachiator: Ooh, looks insanely good. And I love “The Revolution Will Not Be Televised” as soundtrack!
Major Major Major Major
@Brachiator: I just heard about the neutron star things on KQED! Too cool.
I love the idea that you would build an Undetachable Glue Pad, and then label it as such.
A Ghost To Most
@randy khan: Me too. I was a junkie for Batman during it’s first run. Can’t watch it now, though. The camp is over the top.
@Chyron HR: Heck, I filed mine two years ago, and three years ago…
luckily batman had his “undetachable glue pad detachment spray” with him.
@Brachiator: I saw that neutron star article just a bit ago – is that amazing or what? Saved the link to show my son when I get home tonight. Thanks also for the BP link, he will go apeshit over that as well!
@Brachiator: I am not a fan of superhero movies but that is visually killing it! I would watch it just for the sets. (edit) And whatever hocus-pocus their special effects people get up to.
5pm here and it’s eerily quite. There are some gusting winds and some trees down throughout the city but the sun is out. The south is still getting hammered, 3 dead and 360,000 without power.
We thought it would be over by 6 or so, but clearly Ophelia is taking her time to get up to Dublin.
I actually just went for a walk. Needed to get out of the house. Everything is closed, except for a few pubs. Of course.
Felonius Monk
I guess you’re stuck, huh.
So…I am anxiously awaiting a phone call from my John after his visit this morning to a specialist. Seems his usual doctor noticed that he was anemic during his yearly checkup and ordered some further blood tests. Those tests didn’t show any of the usual suspects such as iron deficiency, so now he has sent John to a cancer center for more tests. Not sure if this is related to his having had prostate cancer a few years ago (from which he seemed to recover quickly after radiation treatment) or some other cancer worry. And not sure why they jumped to cancer so quickly. So now we’ve been quietly freaking out for a week and I’m just hoping this all turns out to be nothing.
Which, considering my luck the past year or so, is not at all likely.
Okay, I’m in moderation and I have no idea why. Betty, HELP!
Betty Cracker
@HeleninEire: Wow. Be careful!
A Ghost To Most
@HeleninEire: I knew Gaia was pissed at the US, but what did Ireland do?
@Chris: “change agent” ought to trigger anyone’s B.S. detector on contact.
I’ve never felt the need to be on twitter, but I must confess I am now tempted.
I’ve made great progress since #1: I’ve gotten out of bed!
A Ghost To Most
small victories
@HeleninEire: I think a pub would be a cool place to ride out a highly unusual, far north Atlantic hurricane.
What if they have a coin sorter on their belt?
A Ghost To Most
It’s not just Florida MAN
@Elizabelle: Yeah, I thought of going in, but decided nah. While its only a few blocks from my house, I’m real worried about flying debris.
I was touching up my grey hair (shut up) and didn’t notice the glive had a broken seam. So now half of my left hand is a nice auburn shade to match my hair. And I have to go to work in an hour.
No, chlorine bleach didn’t remove it, but it did get lighter.
Major Major Major Major
@A Ghost To Most: Kucinich claims to have communicated with aliens telepathically..
@Jeffro: There is a very good story, with explanatory graphics from one of the Gizmodo partners: “Observatories Across the World Announce Groundbreaking New Gravitational Wave Discovery”
Very cool. I think that a number of different papers were held so the the announcement could be made today. Lots of good people worked on this. Such a fun discovery.
Making fig jam today, decided to order the jam making machine some here talked about. Watergirl? It’s the Ball machine that makes 4 half pints, hands free. https://i.imgur.com/9gdMv9R.jpg
randy khan
Many years ago, my wife and I had the misfortune of being in Key West when a hurricane was due. It was the same there. In fact, there was practically no room in the bars, as everyone had decided that if they were going to go, it would be better to be soused at the time. (The storm missed, happily.)
Comrade Scrutinizer
@A Ghost To Most: So, bog standard Republican, right?
Anyone know if there’s been any follow-up on that Assange thing from yesterday?
I mean, Obama ran on “hope and change,” so there’s that. More to the point, the idea that the system needs to change and that an outsider is the person to do that isn’t inherently wrong (the first part is just true, the second one more debatable). The idea that politicians are bad and that only a non-politician can do their job for them, on the other hand, kind of rejects the very concept of politics as something important, which is just crap and doubly so because the person going for the top spot is clearly a politician looking for a chance to do that full time.
@Betty Cracker:
I have a comment in moderation for no reason I can discern and would like it released. Hoping the medical minds here at BJ can calm my mind since everything I’m reading about my concern is making me more and more anxious.
Jim, Foolish Literalist
Just flipped on MSNBC, and off, cause the Beast is yammering. but the subtitle said “Trump: No such thing as Obamacare anymore”. You got that right, Flabby, you now own people’s complaints with their health insurance as they await Something Terrific.
@jeffreyw: me! You’ll love it! Takes the tedium out of standing and endlessly stirring.
Why don’t we just call them “Rip-Off Republicans“? That’ll work for 2018 and 2020 pretty well, I think.
(with apologies as the full article paints John Kasich in a flattering light…but here’s the part I liked):
They ripped you off on health care.
They ripped you off on taxes.
They’re ripping you off on jobs, opportunity, and education…
Betty Cracker
@geg6: Done. Hope it turns out to be nothing!
Chyron HR
No, he still foolishly thinks Starlight Glimmer is the best Pony.
If you can help, please do, folks across the North Bay have lost an awful lot. The fundraiser has nearly reached 3 million dollars.
The videos I watched over the weekend from firefighters responding to Santa Rosa was … fucking difficult to watch. Fire is different from other disasters because it’s so final, all your left with is ash.
@geg6: Yikes! – please keep us posted.
Amir Khalid
Agreed, “Change agent” is pointy-haired manager talk. (Please excuse the Dilbert reference.) Anyone who uses it should be regarded with suspicion.
I think the thing to look at is not so much whether the candidate is an “insider” or “outsider”, but whether they are equipped to work the system to bring about change, and intend to do it.
Making fig jam today, decided to order the jam making machine some here talked about. Watergirl? It’s the Ball machine that makes 4 half pints, hands free. https://i.imgur.com/9gdMv9R.jpg
@satby: Yay satby! Today, I stir – tomorrow I eat fig jam on fig bread! I may make fig bread pitas and stuff them with jam. Nabisco, eat your heart out and bow down to the Big Boy Newton!
Keeping you and John in my thoughts. Rooting for him!!
@geg6: most medical oncology md are also hematology specialists, don’t panic yet.
@jeffreyw: I see a photo of cut up fruit or vegetable -what is that? But no Ball machine.
Amir Khalid
They did that a lot on the show. They’d even put a KAPOW! or BIFF! on the screen to indicate when Batman had connected with a punch or kick.
@satby: Link, please!
Betty Cracker
Carrie Fisher, ladies and gents:
Wow! [Source: https://pagesix.com/2017/10/16/how-carrie-fisher-stuck-up-for-friend-who-was-sexually-assaulted/%5D
@WaterGirl: Ball machine ordered today, that is a sauce pan fill of figs.
Amir Khalid
Will you really need to make jam in half-gallon batches? That’s a heck of a lot of jam.
Me and the pups in the doggie parade!
They’re just scaring their base, but I do get a kick out of how they know what a bad job they’re doing despite all the media fluffing and lies.
It’s not that “truth prevails”- truth just sits there, stubbornly, piling up… :)
Mr Wu's Pigs
@Michael Bersin: I think it is!! Good catch, and thanks for making me smile today!
We’re watching Star Trek (ToS) and that’s a favorite of mine! :)
@geg6: I don’t have any knowledge or information that might be helpful, just good thoughts for both of you. So you’ve waited a week to see the specialist and will now likely have to wait a bit longer for results of any tests that were done. Hope you hear from John very soon.
@jeffreyw: I had no idea what figs looked like fresh. Huh. Link to the ball machine?
Tail end of Rubin’s WaPo opinion piece.
I thought the last line was amusing.
Does the glue trap for mice predate this TV show?
I don’t remember this villain, but the actor I also remember from The Mothers-in-Law, which I liked for the pairing of Ballard and Arden.
@raven: I love that, so clever and fun. Your tennies show up in that photo, and it kind of looks like your feet are what’s propelling the “car” forward. Very Fred Flinstone!
@Chyron HR: And here she hasn’t even made an appearance in my RPG yet. May have to fix that. Glimglam is fun.
@Amir Khalid: 4 half pints of finished jam is max cap for the Ball jam machine. Not sure what the bowl on the device will hold. Three pounds of figs yields about 4 half pints (4 cups).
It always makes me mad because that works with the GOP base- threatening Democratic investigations or oversight.
It doesn’t work at all with Democrats. The minute I see it on the Dem side I think “well, THAT’s over, then- they’re going to lose”.
Amir Khalid
I was under the impression that Trump had already derailed his own first term.
J R in WV
@Betty Cracker:
Hey, Betty, I sent you a special B J message, could you take a look? Thanks!
@Betty Cracker:
The most disturbing thing about that story is [blank]. Even his victims/enemies protected and continue to protect the perp’s identity. Fisher apparently believed that committing a felony (terroristic threat) was safer than confronting the producer in public. When people fear their bosses more than they fear the law, things are badly broken…
There is this weird idea, which intensified after Marx I suppose, that changing the system inherently creates a better government and society. Uncle Bernie ran hard on this nonsense. The promise of soz ialism. As though no one could actually look at what was happening in Europe and see the good and the bad, not Instant Karma.
This kind of thinking also ignores actual problems and the hard task of actually getting people together to devise solutions.
Yep. Amazing that people insist on this myth. The Founders weren’t politicians, or weren’t full time politicians, but patriots who popped up when needed to create government and then retired to their homes and businesses. But I understand the frustration with slow moving, corrupt bureaucracy.
Mr Wu's Pigs
I’ve called my MoC and asked them to support ACA’s CSR, among other things. I call almost every day about something.
I am not sure that [any massive] change is required is at all obvious. Unemployment is 4%, the economy is growing slowly – and has been for the past 7 years.
IN 1933 unemployment was 25% in the US and there was no revolution. In Greece these past few years it has been around that – and still no revolution.
Germany in 1933 was 47% unemployment and they got Hitler – as a kind of last resort.
Muddling along clearly looks like an option to me.
Amir Khalid
Ah. I’d misread 4 half pints as 4 pints. My bad.
The new Black Panther Trailer has dropped.
Fair Economist
@ThresherK: I couldn’t google it easily, but the Nooski company, which makes a competing mouse trap, claims glue boards were invented in 1979, so well after the Batman show.
I would guess that the testing is to evaluate more about the anemia. As to why the jump straight to cancer – it is drilled into your head in medical school that anemia in a male is cancer until proven otherwise. This is simply to make sure that evaluation is done to rule out the most significant causes before looking for a benign cause. Medical oncologists are almost always hematologists as well, so it is not unusual to have one of them get involved in even benign hematologic disorders. Autoimmune disorders are another possibility. Many non-cancer causes of anemia are easily managed.
@Kay: The lesson of 2006 and 2008 may be that the Democrats can only win when the GOP voters are fed up with what they get from GOP government.
I do agree that the messages that work for GOP GOTV are definitely NOT the same ones that work for Democrats to GOTV.
I saw the thing about making Paul Ryan the GOP ‘enemy’ the same way they have done for Nancy Pelosi and thought “That’ll never work, Bullwinkle”
Stop donating blood every two weeks!
So cute! I see Bohdi lost the cap.
J R in WV
So sorry to hear about your guy. Your post got moderated because of the word “specialist” – which contains the banned spam word “cialis”.
Blood work can have indications of stuff which could be various types of cancer, and radiation therapy can up your odds of getting those cancers, which is probably why they sent him to the specialized clinic for more diagnostic work. Way too early to get very upset so far!!
Best wishes for him and for you…
@raven: They love being chauffeured.
Moar stroller time.
A story you may not have heard about:
@MomSense: I thought the cap was totally adorable! But this second photo is cute too, as they are clearly looking around, enjoying themselves.
LOL. Since we’re talking about myths…since no one has yet “disrupted” work processes enough to completely level the very bureau as the model for organizing large groups of people in both the public and privace sector, I’m not certain why the government bureaucracy gets slammed with the idea that they are uniquely slow. I’m surprised they still function at all given 30 years of conservative contempt and promises to blow it all up.
Also, we’re probably sitting with one of the least corrupt bureaucracies in the world. At least the hoi-polloi like us in our daily lives. I think a lot of those complaints against it are by people of means who wish that they could bribe and grease more palms of some underpaid level 4 technocrat and get nowhere.
@Chris: It’s like saying, “Our last rocket blew up. What we need to do to fix this is turn the program over to people who have never worked with rockets before!”
@rikyrah: Sociopaths. All of them.
@geg6: I found the comment from @JCJ to be reassuring, hope that helps get you through until you get more information.
I’m amazed he got the dog to wear a cap at all. I once did the christmas photo with the reindeer antlers on my dog and the roll of film was all dog shaking off antlers.
@MomSense: Ah, it is on the back of his head but he sure didn’t care for it.
See, now this is exactly what I was hoping to hear: a good reason not to panic.
Thanks for all the good thoughts. I’ll still be on pins and needles, though. Makes me nuts, the waiting and not knowing. All I can think about is why didn’t John and I meet when we were younger? If anything is really badly wrong, it’s so unfair that we’ve only had this short time together. Took me until my late forties to find the man of my dreams and to think we may only have had this short decade.
Maudlin, I know, but at our ages (he’s 70), it’s only realistic.
@WaterGirl: Not quite: that one crosses the line into psychopath.
CNN.com headline:
“Wait, there’s a business where you get molest women? BUY THAT THING FOR ME!”
Famed Chinese dissident: China and Russia are laughing at US under Trump
Chinese dissident and artist Ai Weiwei said in a new interview that China and Russia are laughing at the U.S. under President Trump.
@rikyrah: Not just China and Russia. The entire world is. What a fine specimen of western civilization and white supremacy.
Such handsome, much smarts, wow.*
*That would be 44.
@rikyrah: Well, they should. Additionally, so are Brazilians, Venezuelans, Iraqis, and even the Somalis. If Yemen wasn’t being taken apart bit by bit, they’d be laughing, too.
@rikyrah: Of course they are. It’s almost unilateral surrender, having this moron as the country’s leader. It’s like we took a quality factory and turned it into a food-fight arena, or turned a great athletic program into an armpit-fart training camp. Something like that.
Wages are still stagnating, education is still getting more and more expensive, health care/insurance issues still haven’t been resolved… and that’s just the economy. Then you’ve got murderous police departments, mass incarceration of nonwhites, terrible treatment of immigrants, insufficiently protected voter rights, an undemocratic electoral system, an out of control military-industrial complex…
I mean, if you’re saying “muddling along is an option” in the sense of “the powers that be can avoid change without provoking a violent revolution at least for quite some time,” you’re probably right, but in the sense of “this government isn’t doing right by its citizens and that needs to be changed,” which is what outsider reformers almost always at least claim to believe, that’s a premise I completely agree with. (And would in pretty much any society in the world. Even if I don’t agree with every reformer about how and in what direction to change things).
Tom Q
@catclub: This is what made me crazy about the whole Bernie thing — Obama had the country in good shape (cosmically better shape compared to when he took office). Yet the Sarandons of the world talked about how we couldn’t vote for “the status quo”. When the quo is that status, you’re damn right you could, and should.
I’m old enough to have lived through a bunch of cycles where Democrats have a chance to succeed Democrats and continue the improvements they’ve made. And each time, pie-in-the-sky leftists are there to tell us what we have isn’t good enough, we must push for something closer to left paradise; each time, it’s led to a GOPer taking over, and pushing the country further right. This was acceptable/understandable in 1968, when the war was horrific and seemingly never-ending, and it diidn’t make much difference in 1980, when Carter’s gestalt was so bad he couldn’t have won regardless. But in both 2000 and 2016, lefties looked at a winning hand and said, Screw this, if I can’t get even better, I’ll forfeit. It’s infuriating.
That’s why I refer to the multinational as the Giant Evil Corporation — that’s exactly what our business plan is. Though we do at least make an attempt to use our powers for good these days, there’s a lot of bad history we’re trying to put behind us. ?
@randy khan:
I was re-watching it a few years ago and it holds up surprisingly well. Things like the giant labels are clearly meant to be in-jokes for the adults watching with their kids. It’s supposed to be a family show with something everyone can get, not just a kids show.
@Tom Q:
Well, there, the lie isn’t “we can’t vote for the status quo” – the lie is “voting for mainstream Democrats is voting for the status quo.” Hillary Clinton wasn’t running on “everything is awesome.” Hillary Clinton was running on raising the minimum wage, expanding the ACA to move further towards universal health care, increasing child care assistance, immigration reform, and campaign finance reform (among others). I could see the argument that we needed more reform than she was proposing, maybe, but those who argued that she was running to maintain the status quo were just flat-out lying.
FWIW, that’s what our vets did with our cat Annie — they investigated all of the worst possibilities first (i.e. cancer) and then started looking at the less-bad things. It turned out to be an autoimmune skin disease called pemphigus, which is no fun, but at least it’s not cancer.
zhena gogolia
I hope all is well.
zhena gogolia
Definitely don’t panic.
Exactly. Please think about that for a minute. It was actually less risky for a woman as powerful as Fisher to physically threaten someone than it was to reveal his name.
Now realize that it ain’t just the entertainment industry where that holds true.
Okay, got a call from my John after the oncologist visit. They seemed to pooh-pooh the idea of cancer…not totally, but didn’t think this was the real concern. They seemed to be zeroing in on either a liver problem or possibly gall bladder. Next step is an MRI.
Hell, at least in the entertainment industry, there are at least a very few women in positions of power. Imagine working in a STEM industry.
@rikyrah: White dude. Go figure …
Might ask Kafka (The Castle) or Dickens (The Circumlocution Office in Little Dorrit).
Miss Bianca
@Brachiator: oh, holy cow…that looks like one sexy superhero movie! Definitely going on my list!
Miss Bianca
@craigie: yes! : )
@Betty Cracker: I’ve always loved Carrie Fisher. Now more than ever after reading that story.
Uncle Cosmo
@HeleninEire: You keep mentioning “flying debris.” Under normal conditions the only flying debris one needs to be concerned with in Ireland is composed of bottles & brickbats. And those are usually harmless so long as you’re not the person being “flown” at.
Betty Cracker
@geg6: That sounds less alarming. FWIW, I have intermittent gallbladder issues, and anemia is a symptom, so it could definitely be something like that!
Yup, my anemia was caused by celiac, aka the only auto-immune disorder controlled by diet.
J R in WV
Fabulous “float” for the parade, goofy propulsion guy is cute, dogs are the greatest. Theme is hilarious!
Just got back from semi-annual doggy checkups, both behaved themselves, even when the Irish Woflhound came in! You don’ t have to bend over to pet one of those puppies!!! I will admit our elder dog, shy Miss Happy, growled softly, under her breath, when she saw the giant puppy come in, but shut up when I told her that girl could eat her with one bite, and whapped her on the head with my waiting room magazine, Fancy Cats.
Best wishes,