In all honesty, a small part of me is a little sad that Hillary had to be treated the way she was to get us “woke.” But all in all, a good and hopeful night.
Just checked the VA elections page. 52 Democrats are leading in House seats. Not all precincts are in, but if this holds, we’ve taken control of the House of Delegates. 100 House districts. Wow.
Alain the site fixer
Hellz yeah
@Shana: And if Dems can be in charge of redistricting in 2021, then we’ll have a fair shot there for years to come.
Mary G
I thought I’d be up late chewing my nails, but it’s only 6:20 here and I’m off to bake brownies.
This is the greatest win for the Democrats and a stunning defeat for Ed Gillespie anf Dolt45. Its pushback on everything Dolt45 us doing and means he’s a big fat loser.
If I were South Korea, I’d have 10 people on the censor button during Trump’s speech.
@guachi: Even if all voted for Northam, and their votes were not counted, he still would have won.
When Brazille came out with her inane comments, a lot of people were worried about the impact it could have on today’s elections. Not sure it spurred anybody to vote for the Dems and may have discouraged some. So just imagine the margin of victory if she hadn’t.
@Baud: Possibly, but they also want to make sure, if they get the majority, that they don’t lose it in 2019.
Whine whine whine head in sand:
Donald J. Trump ✔ @realDonaldTrump
Ed Gillespie worked hard but did not embrace me or what I stand for. Don’t forget, Republicans won 4 out of 4 House seats, and with the economy doing record numbers, we will continue to win, even bigger than before!
5:40 PM – Nov 7, 2017
@dmsilev: Wait until the Republicans in Congress start running from him as fast as possible after tonight. Bitches know next year is going to be even worse…
zhena gogolia
And a transgender woman won as a representative in VA.
@Baud: I hear you. The one consolation in all this is for me that the response to Brazile’s broadside has been so overwhelming, and the electoral victory in Virginia so staggering, that many in the party are beginning to wake up to the fact that Bernie does not represent either the Democratic or the progressive base. I hope all the male hipster journalists (e.g., Hayes, Yglesias, Josh Marshall, Ezra Klein, Beinart, Van Jones etc.) will wake up to this soon, too. It’s time to demand party unity.
Amanda in the South Bay
I’m crying because two trans women won tonight. So a very good night!
@dmsilev: What a douche he is (with apologies to douches, which are at least useful)
Meanwhile, I’m not having any of this nonsense: Virginia shows that anti-Trump Republicans and Democrats still have a pulse. Um, sorry, no Ms. Rubin. I’ve been loving you perhaps a little too much of late. Dems did this without any of your (extreme minority) of anti-Trump Rs, who at best did the country a favor by staying home in some manner today.
Virginia showed what happens when DEMOCRATS turn out.
Chip Daniels
Did I see right, that Lee Carter identifies as a Democratic soshulist?
@Betty Cracker: I’m seeing if he starts a war tonight as recompense for his losses. So far, he’s just reading very poorly. Boring Trump is the best Trump (and still awful).
Polls projected Northam but I’ll be goddamned if I ever trust polls again.
@David ??Merry Christmas?? Koch: And by far the biggest plurality of voters voted with health care as their #1 issue. Those votes went 79%-21% for Northam. Easy. Easy. Easy low-hanging fruit here, Dems.
@tobie: Bernie doesn’t represent anything other than the fevered dreams of a bitter old man.
Chip Daniels
See, thats the best part.
You just know all the Republicans are waiting to see which way the wind blows, and this shows them.
VA HOUSE OF DELEGATES: 45D, 45R, 10 seats left uncalled (districts 21, 26, 27, 28, 40, 62, 68, 84, 85, 94). Dems favorites to win majority at the moment.— Dave Wasserman (@Redistrict) November 8, 2017
David ??Merry Christmas?? Koch
Rick Wilson @TheRickWilson
A whole bunch of consultants who were ready to roll out ads and messages about MS-13, the NFL, Confederate statues, and sanctuary cities are muttering, “Damn it damn it damn it.”
69 replies 270 retweets 1,174 likes
Adam L Silverman
@Betty Cracker: Yep, he delayed it about 25 minutes. Apparently he was rewriting it. Or, rather, he was yelling at Stephen Miller who was rewriting it.
Maine’s Medicaid expansion referendum question now up by 16. Phew.
Sounds like Stephen Miller was still reviewing the Wikipedia page for South Korea.
Mary G
@dmsilev: The replies to that tweet are really interesting, too. It’s almost all people against him, with gifs of waves breaking and other insults. The bots that usually tell us Twitler is ordained by God and the bunch that go #MAGA are all absent. Can’t decide if Putin has decided to pull the rug out from under him or if the unusual time of the tweet means they are all off work.
David ??Merry Christmas?? Koch
@Yarrow: holy shit. They started the night with a 32 delegate lead.
Thanks Drumpf!
@Jeffro: Btw the coalition Rubin describes (that turned out to vote for Northam) is exactly, 100%, the Obama coalition. Women and people of color, lower income and middle class, younger people. You know, Americans who somehow despite having every reason in the world to feel ‘economic anxiety’, still manage to vote for Dems.
Put that in your pipe and smoke it, media cretins.
@tobie: Hayes had Brazille on tonight – both laughing that anyone would dare say she might have caused a dem loss – so he isn’t changing yet.
@MomSense: I don’t see how the Alabama portion of Maine closes the 20k deficit, but I’ll feel better when more of the vote is in.
@PsiFighter37: Not to mention the message that he’s a fair-weather supporter and any failures are Not His Fault Nohow Never. He was all in for Gillespie just this morning. Probably going to be somewhat fewer people eager to stick their necks out for him after this.
Adam L Silverman
And the President just congratulated South Korean golfers.
Took one shot of my 30 year old Balvenie tonight. Bottle is now slightly less than half full.
Back to the Oban!
Gin & Tonic
@zhena gogolia: Not only did she win, she beat a 26-year incumbent who called himself the state’s “chief homophobe” and authored their version of the bathroom bill.
POTUS, for some unknown reason, decided to talk to Senate Dems about the impact of his tax plan on himself // he never fails to amaze— Chuck Todd (@chucktodd) November 8, 2017
Maine’s Medicaid expansion referendum question now up by 16. Phew.
That’s great. People who never had health insurance love Medicaid. All the comparisons btwn Medicaid and private insurance neglect to take that into account- that for many of them they had nothing, their whole lives. Of course they’re thrilled with it.
@raven: “So Hawkeye — he was a doctor. He was funny! Funny guy! But that Hotlips!”
@Yarrow: They should have asked him, “And why is that, Rick? Anything about the president* that might have made that a steeper climb than anticipated?”
@Betty Cracker: Hey, them Koreans need to be explained to about how they got there.
@TS: I caught the first minute of that and then turned to the Durrells in Corfu (a delightful show). Yes, Hayes did a classic bait and switch. Exaggerate what your opponent said so it seems silly and indefensible. The fact is that Brazile launched her book with an attack against HRC and the DNC because she thought that’s what most liberals and Democrats wanted to hear. That her polemic had little resonance outside the beltway shows just how much she and people like Hayes misjudge the party’s base.
Ed Gillespie worked hard but did not embrace me or what I stand for.
Donald is right. GOP candidates need to embrace Trump in 2018!
Ian G.
Considered it’s a miserable rainy cold awful day here, and the Islanders just lost (in OT, so they get a point), I needed news to make me smile somewhere. Getting it in big doses here.
The coalition is strong, the coalition can win both the Legislature and the Executive. You just need to let the WHOLE coalition in.
We don’t need to shut out working class whites who want to play ball, in fact we should be encouraging them to make a genuine change; but we should not give up urbane whites, minorities, or women in any configuration to do it.
This is Corey Booker’s party as much as it is Claire McCaskill, or Joe Manchin, or Elizabeth Warren, or John Tester, or Chuck Schumer.
We have to find our way to making it work for everyone in equal proportion, because we all have a point, yes even the Manchins of the world from time to time, but we cannot give up other parts of to coalition to protect one.
@Adam L Silverman: Complete rewrites of a speech take time when they have to come in 140 280 characters at a time.
@magurakurin: In the grand scale of things, the rest of us will be too.
This Trump speech is surreal
@Amaranthine RBG: I’m confused – who’s writing off 13M voters? They’ve been asked pretty nicely, repeatedly, to get on the team and play a part other than spoiler. That’s writing them off?
Oh right, all or nothing and all that…nevermind.
O. Felix Culpa
@schrodingers_cat: Love it! What’s the yellow stuff the general (?) is throwing around?
@SiubhanDuinne: His mommy is on the floor with him and he’s pretty quiet. I kept putting his bowl in front of him and he turned away. When I sat on the deck and hand fed him he gobbled it down. He’s playing us like a Stradivarius.
@Amaranthine RBG: You also don’t write off 17 million voters via the extortion tactics that Bernie’s supporters have gotten so good at. You work together on what you can agree on. You don’t demand 100% agreement or no support.
If I’m @TheDemocrats one takeaway from Virginia is to register as many voters of color and college educated white voters as possible before 2018, then invest in turning them out.
152 replies 1,530 retweets 5,063 likes
but, but…. working class whites
but, but…. economic anxiety
Another Scott
@schrodingers_cat: I always get a kick out of that each time you repost the link.
Perfect for tonight.
Ok, he’s getting tired. Not reading so good now. Threat of war increasing.
Villago Delenda Est
@different-church-lady: When I was stationed in Korea (’87-’88) Armed Forces Korea Network was not allowed to show reruns of M*A*S*H, because the ROK government found it “offensive”. Don’t know if that has changed, but most Koreans probably wouldn’t get the reference.
@Mothra: Walls-closing-in surreal, or Trumpov’s-greatest-hits surreal, or…?
David ??Merry Christmas?? Koch
Nate Cohn @Nate_Cohn
I see some commentary on why Gillespie lost that seems disconnected from what just happened.
He did really well in white rural Virginia! He’s going to outperform Romney, Cuccinelli in all sorts of areas.
@different-church-lady: Yeah, I mean, we should decouple the two sets of BernieBros.
If we are talking normal liberal Democrats who had had problems with the Clintons specifically (largely since the 90s) but are willing to work with the party regardless, then we should find a way to work them back in; just not necessarily jettisoning anything or anyone to do it.
If we are talking the real super-hardcore Bros who are getting to cult of personality range with Bernie… nah I don’t have any real time for them.
Trump’s face is sagging. Either he’s gained tons of weight or he’s recently had botox treatment. He’s saying some incoherent stuff about N Korea not ever having nuclear weapons. Well it does. What do we do not, idiot. The S Korean MPs look bored.
Back in the 90s we expanded Medicaid when we created the Dirigo insurance program(our attempt to create a mining ACA) so we had Medicaid up to 140% of FPL without the requirement of dependents. The Republicans didn’t decide not to expand Medicaid. They actually decided to contract it. One of the most cruel political acts I’ve ever seen in this state.
If we are talking the real super-hardcore Bros who are getting to cult of personality range with Bernie… nah I don’t have any real time for them.
this. it’s all so beyond tiresome now. And completely wrong and short sighted. They are fighting the last war. They will be a marginalized, lunatic fringe by 2020.
@Amaranthine RBG: As others point out, we’re not writing off 13 million people. I was one of them, as were many others here. We’re writing off the few thousand of you who will never get over being butthurt.
Chip Daniels
@David ??Merry Christmas?? Koch:
Which do you prefer:
1. Universal healthcare and free college;
2. A nice shiny statue of Robt. E. Lee?
@BlueDWarrior: Agreed. I was being sarcastic, but the serious part is that it’s only the dead-ender BernieBros who keep telling us the only way back from the wilderness is to give up “identity politics” and embrace the white working class above all else. They seem to be the only ones who want to exclude the other parts of the coalition.
@tobie: Not sure why you threw Marshall in there. I’m well aware of his opinions and you’re way off base with that. Kinda ruins your overall credibility.
Villago Delenda Est
@Amaranthine RBG: Why don’t you do the Democratic Party and go hook up with Russian stooge Stein?
Hmmmm… scotch, bourbon, rye, or calvados? Got a micro-distiller gin as a present; Vermont made, juniper & honey. Golden color, way too nice to mix.
Woodford Reserve it is… better than last November: just took a swig of bitters then.
Hooray! And I also restrained myself from screaming at the Republican ballot rep this morning as I went to vote in Fairfax County. My spouse pointed out that she may have just been doing it for the paycheck. Spouse is the voice of sweet reason in this household.
@debbie: I’m not as old as Trump, and in much better physical condition, yet when I go from the US to Asia or Oceania, it takes me a couple of days to get on track. And I have a much less demanding schedule, typically.
El Caganer
@Jeffro: Did Trump say anything about how a country with a great golf tradition like South Korea should have been able to knock down those DPRK missiles?
He did really well in white rural Virginia! He’s going to outperform Romney, Cuccinelli in all sorts of areas.
So can we expect a red-blue map with lots of red for all those mountainous counties with fewer than 10000 people, and a few tiny blue dots for all those cities of a million plus?
At an event three weeks ago, Pompeo made a highly curious remark, saying that “the intelligence community’s assessment is that the Russian meddling that took place did not affect the outcome of the election.” This mirrored a talking point previously offered by Trump and the White House, but that talking point is categorically false. The intelligence report said clearly that it wouldn’t weigh in on how much impact Russia may have had, not that it didn’t have an impact.
That might be a slip of the tongue from an amateur. But how the CIA director, of all people, could get something of such importance — something that for him should be completely basic knowledge — so wrong sure seemed odd.
Separately, Pompeo has also drawn scrutiny for making an agency unit deeply involved in investigating possible Trump campaign collusion with Russia — the Counterintelligence Mission Center — report directly to him, as the The Post’s Greg Miller reported. And previously, Axios reported that he was among the Trump administration officials who had been enlisted by the White House to beat back a New York Times story about the Trump campaign contacts with Russia.
Deep State sending a signal here that’s not hard to miss…
@guachi: Dunno how many wound up voting overall but some outfit was doing great features on some of them as the voting happened today. One was a women who was sentenced for stealing diapers for her baby when she was 18. She’s now 38 and this is the first time she’s ever voted.
“If you’re noticing a trend in Virginia upsets tonight, there is one: almost every incumbent Republican delegate that’s lost so far has lost to a Democratic woman.”
Yeah! I’m feeling better about Tom Perez now. I supported him because he’s an old-time organizer. Looks like he’s putting that knowledge to very good use. Finally!
We’re gonna get a lovely blue wave next year. If we organize everywhere, fight voter suppression and focus on turning out PoC we can make it a tidal wave.
Oh, and the economically anxious can ride along with us.
Wow. That’s something. I meet people who sort of can’t believe they have it. The last time they saw a doctor was their high school sports physical. It’s funny because one of the things I found canvassing middle class voters in 2010 (amny of whom were, sadly, Democrats) was this idea of scarcity they had- like there wouldn’t be enough “health care” to go around and they might not get their allotted portion. It expands with demand. We have two new walk in clinics and I’d bet that’s where the newer Medicaid recipients are going. It’s a nice legacy for Obama- a real, tangible life-changing accomplishment.
@Gin & Tonic: Didn’t his handlers say they were going to keep the trip short and not schedule too many appearances, to keep Trump from getting cranky?
@El Caganer: Between golf clubs swingin’ and samurai swords a-swirlin’, I’m not sure what North Korea thinks it’s going to accomplish. Japan and South Korea are basically invulnerable.
David ??Merry Christmas?? Koch
@Chip Daniels: sadly, for rural working class whites, the returns say #2.
@Gin & Tonic: yeah jet lag to and from Asia is tough. Even from East Asia to Western Europe puts you down a fair bit. The exact half a day difference though between the Atlantic coast and East Asian is brutal.
I am retiring early next year, so that I can work like a demon to throw the Republican prick who owns my House seat out on his smirky face! If Donald Trump has done anything, worthless lazy narcissist that he is, it is to awaken the sleeping progressive majority in this fine country!
@Kayla Rudbek: I laughed at the one who tried to hand me a sample ballot. Hey, get some principles and maybe I’ll just gently roll my eyes & smile next time, GOP sucker.
The easy answer to that is, of course, “acreage doesn’t vote – people do”.
Gin & Tonic
@p.a.: One of the worst hangovers I ever had was from Calvados.
According to Rachel Maddow, the speech was bellicose. I had the tv on for the whole thing while not actually paying attention to a word, and I would say from his tone that most of his students showed up for class today.
Gin & Tonic
@magurakurin: Yeah, it’s the 180-degree flip that kills me. I can go to Europe and have no issues after the first night, but Oz or east Asia is bad.
@Shalimar: It was, but nothing we haven’t heard before.
Red T Raccoon
Vi Lyles has become the first woman African-American Mayor of Charlotte.
The wind of change is blowing across our country tonight.
@Marcopolo: You are likely more familiar with Marshall’s positions than I am. But I find his hemming and hawing and hedging annoying. Even on Brazile…He couldn’t say categorically that she was mischaracterizing HRC’s agreement with the DNC without first conceding that some things were unfair. The reasons I identified male “hipster” journalists as mistaken about the party is that I think they’re wedded to snark. Yes, you’ll find some female pundits like Ana Marie Cox who like snark, too. But I find many more in the mold of Rebecca Traister and Michelle Goldberg, and I actually think they have a better sense of the base of the party and the value of unity at this historical moment.
NPR had a piece this morning following up with Trump voters who had been previously interviewed regarding their feelings on how they think things have been going so far. They I terviewed this coal miner and his wife, and they said that Trump hadn’t actually produced any results for them, but they finally feel like they don’t have an enemy in the White House. I instantly hated them because FUCK YOU, why do you expect us all to support the use of old, dangerous, dirty, expensive technology just so you can fail to adapt? And then I remembered OH YEAH WHITE MALE ENTITLEMENT.
I hope they feel like we all hate them now. Not just the president. I hope they feel personally despised.
@debbie: PegasuPerhaps. Most of his remarks on this trip have sounded like that. Monotonic and slowly enunciated.
NPR had a piece this every morning following up with Trump voters who had been previously interviewed regarding their feelings on how they think things have been going so far.
Kayla Rudbek
@Jeffro: I’m a transplanted Minnesotan so I am really riled up about the Confederate monuments. I should get a frame for the print of the Fourth Minnesota marching into Vicksburg that my spouse bought me, and go put it up in my federal office!
mike in dc
I don’t think anyone’s writing off the 13 million who voted for Bernie. I think maybe they’re a bit reluctant to exert maximal effort to woo the fractional number of those who either sat on their hands in the general election, voted 3rd party, or, God forbid, pulled the lever for Trump. There’s certainly been a concerted effort by the DNC to reach out to Bernie supporters. If they want to take over the party establishment, win the nomination next time.
@Ken: Alas, yes. Where this becomes a problem is in the Senate where every state gets two so in the next 25 years or so we’ll see 70% of the American pop represented by only 30 or so of the 100 senators.
Can I just say I’m relieved? Because if these elections gone differently I would be heading out to crash with Helen in Dublin for the next year. Or more.
De Blasio trounces opponent; first Dem re-elected mayor of NYC since Ed Koch back in ’85.
@Adam L Silverman: ok, so now they’re admitting they’ve gone from figurative wh0res to literal wh0res.
Progressives, hungry for wins this year, celebrated the de Blasio victory as one of their own. Sen. Bernie Sanders (I-Vt.) endorsed the mayor and stumped with him in the final week to support the idea of a new tax on the very wealthy.
“Everything that Mayor de Blasio is trying to do is exactly the opposite of what Donald Trump is trying to do,” Sanders said at a pre-election rally.
Three cheers for Tom Perriello who showed how a primary loser should act within a party.
@LanceThruster: SO help me, if Sanders tries to take credit for this victory I am going to…something.
@Davebo: I said that in the prior thread. Tom shows how to be one of the 13 million the right way.
I think maybe they’re a bit reluctant to exert maximal effort to woo the fractional number of those who either sat on their hands in the general election, voted 3rd party, or, God forbid, pulled the lever for Trump.
You clearly do not understand how hostage taking works.
They I terviewed this coal miner and his wife, and they said that Trump hadn’t actually produced any results for them, but they finally feel like they don’t have an enemy in the White House.
An enemy in the White House, huh? Dumb fucks. There is an enemy in the WH that opposes literally everything this nation (aspirationally) has stood for since its founding. He’s a would-be-tyrant who would love to have his domestic enemies killed, and the rule of law wiped away like his debts down the memory hole. Putin is his idol for a reason. These people are fools to submit themselves to such an incompetent regime, believing themselves immune from the Leader’s wrath.
Happy to report that “standing for our anthem” “independent-democrat” Mark Hanni is currently losing his bid for municipal judge. Fuck that pseudo-patriotic authoritarianism.
I find drinks in the lounge followed by drinks early in flight helps. #sleepinflightistheanswer
Gelfling 545
Constitutional convention proposition in NY voted down to the relief of all thinking people.
@tobie: Maybe go back and reread what he said about Brazile. After his initial reaction, which was hedgy because he hadn’t seen the agreements, he came down firmly against Brazille’s line after he reviewed them. But your comment was actually about attitudes about the Bernie wing of the D party and Marshall has never been a Bernie fan.
The super hardcore ones are maybe 5 percent of that 13 million. At best. Unfortunately for us, many of them are in the media or have their own media outlets and refuse to join the rest of us in reality.
@Davebo: Yes, Tom Periello has been a class act. I phone banked for him in 2010 and was sorry he didn’t get reelected. He fell on his sword for the party in voting for Obamacare. I’d love to see him back in the House.
@LanceThruster: De Blasio crests on the Bernie wave. This is the funniest thing I’ve read tonight. Thanks for the chuckle.
@tobie: I turned it off after the “giggles” – and I agree with all you said. She may have had a bad impact on dem voting in other times but the anti trump vote was way too strong for much else to matter. I think I saw on a scroll that black women voted 98% for Northam.
? ?? Goku (aka The Hope of the Universe) ? ?
Wasn’t de Blasio mayor of NYC before Sanders was a national political figure? He was a nobody prior to 2015.
Adam L Silverman
@raven: That’s because someone just explained it to him.
Eep!!! By my count the Democrats lead in 50 of the 100 seats in the Virginia House of Delegates.
There are four really close races and the Democrats lead in only one.
District 27 -138 votes
District 28 -104 votes
District 40 +125 votes
District 94 -12 votes
Does the Lt. Gov. break ties?
I guess Maine Medicaid had been called. Congrats, Mainers.
@Marcopolo: I’m not going to split hairs with you on this. Go back and read my post. I said male hipster journalists should wake up to who is the base of the party. I didn’t say anything about who they supported in the primaries or whose policies they endorse.
? ?? Goku (aka The Hope of the Universe) ? ?
@Adam L Silverman:
He wants to show off those superior genes. Did you know his very bright uncle was an MIT grad?
@Davebo: Seconded. The guy is a total hero in my book. For getting behind Northam a 1000% after what must have been a really hard loss & for his vote for the ACA which contributed to his only being a one term congressman.
There are a lot of school levies in this area, and they all seem to be passing. I think that’s a first.
Uh oh. Security issue at Northam speech.
ETA: Immigration protestors.
O. Felix Culpa
@satby: Me too. Erin go Bragh and all that. Love Ireland, but Ms. O would be chuffed if I left. At least I think she would.
@tobie: yeah, and by implication I was saying Marshall is well aware of who the actual base of the D party is unlike some of the other folks you threw in there that you are probably right about.
@Baud: It’s hard for Northam to determine a threat through his severe squint.
@Corner Stone: It was his security guy that made him get off the stage.
O. Felix Culpa
@Villago Delenda Est: Yes it is. And try doing that after an interminable flight with two toddlers, who don’t get the concept of time change, no matter how carefully you explain it to them.
Corner Stone
@Baud: “Liddle’ Weak Northie! Scared of his own shadow. How does he expect to lead against a North Korean invasion! SAD!”
Tenderly remembering Heather Heyer tonight.
Just a reminder to all that now the Corey Stewart total-mouthbreather wing of the GOP will be pushing its officials and candidates to embrace Shit Midas even harder…and that is a losing proposition in most places. If Milquetoast Ralph Northam (and god bless him, he is a great guy but a lackluster campaigner) can pull of this kind of slam-dunk against an establishment/Trumpism-straddling candidate like Eddie G, then the gravity is only going to shift* towards people who’ll stick with the full Trumpian message.
Yes, Tom Periello has been a class act. I phone banked for him in 2010 and was sorry he didn’t get reelected. He fell on his sword for the party in voting for Obamacare. I’d love to see him back in the House.
I wouldn’t be surprised if he follows the McAuliffe model and runs for one of the statewide offices in for years.
McAuliffe pissed off a lot of people by parachuting into the gubernatorial primary and splitting the field, leaving us with a weak candidate. But then he spent the next four years really working in Virginia politics, and helping a bunch of candidates, and had broad support the next time. Periello starts off in a better position (since the candidate he challenged won), but he’s really done great work in this election.
I never realized this before, but Northam has a bit of George W’s mannerisms.
Corner Stone
I’m just glad this guy is elected for four years, and doesn’t have to campaign again anytime soon.
Adam L Silverman
Oh good, pro sanctuary city protestors as Northam tries to give his speech.
O. Felix Culpa
@schrodingers_cat: Thanks. I thought was wondering if it was some kind of spice. The dance fits tonight’s mood perfectly.
Anybody else noted Medicaid expansion has passed in Maine. Great night. Curious to see how the D does in Chaiffetz’s special House election. Think if she hits 35% it’s a win.
@Kay: And it’s a change with community-wide ripples. Healthier kids achieve more, healthier adults are more productive, leading to stronger economies, etc.
Repeated from below.
Yes it’s a bit like reading entrails, but the last time both NJ and VA elected Dem governors was in 2005.
And remember how the midterms of 2006 subsequently played out well for Dems.
@Marcopolo: It’s a good night. Virginians gave Trumpism the boot and hopefully the conversation can now move from problems in the party to hope for 2018.
Goodnight, BJers, and sweet dreams.
Another Scott
@Baud: Northam’s a good guy, I donated to his campaign and voted for him, and I’m extremely glad he won.
But he voted for W twice.
@Baud: Were those immigration protesters Bernie Bros???
@opiejeanne: I assume there is overlap, but I don’t know how closely they were associated with Bernie. They were immigration protestors, however. Sanctuary cities.
I’m just glad this guy is elected for four years, and doesn’t have to campaign again anytime soon.
Can’t run for reelection for governor in Virginia. He doesn’t have to campaign again ever.
@Amaranthine RBG: good god, you’re even pissier than usual. Who the fuck pissed in your Cheerios? Or are you butthurt that your man Gillespie lost?
Adam L Silverman
@sukabi: Huge, huge sex scandal and sexual assault scandal a coming in the Florida legislature and Florida politics. I suspect we’ll see it in a lot of other states and in Congress. What began with Weinstein isn’t going to stop in Hollywood. Well past time to clean out the toxic males who pull this crap of harassing and assaulting women. Or who play holier than though while cheating on their wives. Or both.
@chris: Well, there you go—not gonna crack 30% at this rate. Gonna have to google what the UUT stands for with the third place candidate.
Captain C
@japa21: Yeah, I’m sure we New Yorkers wouldn’t have figured this one out without Wilmer’s assistance.
Preliminary local results for my small town look good. If they stand, we’ve held on to the Town Supervisor (previous Dem retired, new one won), taken an extra seat on the Town Council (which gives us a majority) and our new delegate to the County Leg will be caucusing with the Democrats (technically third-party) which might finally give us a majority at the county level.
@Mnemosyne: Yeah. I was asking because of the way Our Revolution were treating him and campaigning against him last week. Them and what’s her name who has the BS book out right now.
Interviewing Danica Roem on MSNBC right now. She just made the point that with this election result there’s a good chance VA does a Medicaid expansion. First time I’ve heard her & she sounds awesome—a former newspaper reporter. I’d have voted for her.
@Amaranthine RBG: People are sick of the Sanders/Clinton thing though. Clinton has said he is out, and Sanders should do the same.
O. Felix Culpa
@Mnemosyne: Hehe! I’ll chalk that…um…slight error up to being chuffed about tonight’s victories.
Adria McDowell
@Ken: Not how I would make that map, but….*shrugs*
In Ohio, Issue 1 wins (“guarantees expanded rights for crime victims and their families in the state constitution. They include notice of court proceedings, input on plea deals and the ability for victims and their families to tell their story”- from WCMH), and Issue 2 (requiring “the state to pay no more for prescription drugs than the Department of Veterans Affairs’ lowest price, which is often deeply discounted”- again, from WCMH) losing.
The AP called both of those issue results at around 8 p.m.
As I talked about here with several posters, I canvassed for Northam and Kathy Tran with some friends back east.
So you’re an ignorant fuckwit. That’s number one.
But yes, I am pissier than usual. This is a great night with good news across the board and 1/2 dozen shithead who are apparently enamored with the idea of being perennial losers, have used this thread to dredge up their ignorant and counterfactual attacks on Sanders.
You can lead an ignorant shithead to the path to electoral victory, but you can’t force them to stop being an ignorant shithead. Fuck it.
It looks like Kathy Tran won, too. Was it Elizabelle who was canvassing hard for her?
@Captain C: C’mon, you just know Sanders’ endorsement was worth at least 35 of de Blasio’s 37 point margin!
Another Scott
@Marcopolo: Not trying to trash him tonight, but just offering a counterpoint to those (like Kay (bless her)) who is seemingly greatly taken by Northam tonight.
Prior to entering politics, Northam voted for Republican George W. Bush in the 2000 and 2004 presidential elections, a fact that opponents raised in later Democratic primaries.[11][12] Northam says that he was apolitical at the time and regretted those votes,[12] saying: “Politically, there was no question, I was underinformed.”[4]
Virginia State Senate[edit]
Northam first ran for office in 2007 in the Virginia 6th Senate district, which includes the Eastern Shore of Virginia; Mathews County, on the Middle Peninsula; and parts of the cities of Norfolk and Virginia Beach. He was unopposed for the Democratic nomination. On November 6, 2007, he defeated Nick Rerras, a two-term Republican incumbent, 17,307 votes to 14,499.[13]
It’s kinda weird to vote for W twice, as an “apolitical” “underinformed” voter, then run for office as a Democrat who is concerned about things like reproductive rights and medical care….
Yes, I applaud him now (generally) being on the right side of things that I care about, and he clearly knows how to win state-wide in Virginia, but there’s something weird about him as well.
He will be governor for 4 years. He will prevent Virginia from turning into East Brownbackistan – and that’s a good thing. I hope the House flips, that he’s able to get Medicaid Expansion to be law of the land in the Commonwealth, and all the rest. But I will keep an eye on him for potential backsliding as well…
@Adam L Silverman: yeah, before this all shakes out, I fully expect several states will have sex abuse scandals and a bunch of men will opt for “retirement”.
I’m not as old as Trump, and in much better physical condition, yet when I go from the US to Asia or Oceania, it takes me a couple of days to get on track. And I have a much less demanding schedule, typically.
I was always amazed how President Obama could travel thousands of miles west & sprint off the plane as if he was walking out the door of the white house. He then gave speeches, seminars and went to meetings, without appearing ready to collapse.
Jet lag always hits me when having to travel west during the night – BUT – the president* has air force one – comfortable seats, whatever he wants on demand & a bedroom – he doesn’t have to sit up all night squashed between two other people.
FWIW, Elizabeth Warren voted for W at least once, IIRC.
Captain C
@Gelfling 545: I have a Facebook friend who thinks he’s smarter than everyone who wrote that he was likely voting Yes. Another example of highly booksmart with less common sense than a drunk college freshman.
@Amaranthine RBG: I backed Wilmer in the primary and then happily switched to backing Hillz in the general. Because I’m a Democrat. I understand Duverger’s Law well enough to know that we have a 2-party system and we have to work within it. Wilmer wants to be our nominee or influence our party? Then he needs to nut up and JOIN it. Same thing with his bros. I’m sick of his leghumpers acting like he’s the answer to all life’s ills. If they don’t want to vote in our party, fine. They can go to hell for all I care.
@Another Scott: Just as I keep an eye on our bloglord.
@zhena gogolia: and beat a racist reactionary anti gay asshole of the first degree, Bob Marshall.
@TS: I wonder if it helps if you have regular sleeping habits, versus (say) waking up three times a night to rage-tweet.
@Another Scott: You know who also voted for W? John Cole
@sukabi: Not just the states. I’m seeing background rumblings about Congress. Think D.C. is as likely to blow up as other state governments.
@Amaranthine RBG: do you have a blankie with Bernie’s picture on it when you take your nappie? let if fucking go. Bernie is the past. Like the 20th century past. He don’t mean shit to nothin. Just a bitter old man whose flame won’t flicker much longer in this mortal realm.
@Mnemosyne: She claims to have started voting D in 1995 so, if that is true, she wouldn’t have voted for W. But HW, twice.
Adam L Silverman
@Marcopolo: I would expect a lot of the House GOP retirements may be as much about getting ahead of this issue as it is not wanting to have to worry about being primaried by Bannonites.
@Ken: I’d say regular sleeping habits probably makes jet lag worse, but just an opinion.
Another Scott
@Mnemosyne: She voted for Reagan more than once, IIRC, but she was a Republican back then. Wikipedia says she began voting for Democrats in 1995.
I’m happy people change their minds (for the better). I can see the scales falling from someone’s eyes about economic policy pronouncements and their actual actions.
I find it harder to understand supporting a party and candidate that explicitly and loudly wants to restrict abortion rights, and then running for office as a member of the other party just 3 years later on a strongly pro-choice platform and ticket. I haven’t seen an explanation from him about that (“apolitical underinformed” people don’t usually decide to run for office).
But it’s an example of how complicated humans are. And how we (or at least I) should continue to resist the temptation to put politicians into comfortable little boxes, but instead find ways to work together to make progress where we can…
Matt McIrvin
@Adam L Silverman: Though I suspect Democrats will be hit harder by the sex-abuse scandals than Republicans, because Republicans will cover for each other longer and more insistently. When the Weinstein thing broke, I saw a zillion Republicans chortling about how Democrats really abused women while Republicans like Trump only made silly locker-room jokes about it.
@Adam L Silverman: Unfortunately, the realist in me says sexual harassment scandals will hit D’s as well as R’s. And when you think of the typical psychological profile that a lot of politicians seem to present it ain’t gonna be pretty. I will hope that hits the other side of the aisle a lot harder, if only cause there are a lot more D seats held by women who don’t seem to engage in that kind of behavior at the same level.
Amir Khalid
@Villago Delenda Est:
I’ve had quite a few trips to America that were like that. Once, my return trip began 48 hours after I got off the plane in Rochester, Minnesota.
Adam L Silverman
@Matt McIrvin: @Marcopolo: It’s going to be bad regardless of partisanship. There will be a generational break – so older Congressmen, Senators, and state legislators more likely to have engaged in it. As for sexual infidelity, that’ll break more on the GOP side. It always seems to. The question is whether given the current climate they can brazen it out like Vitter did.
@Matt McIrvin: See my comment below yours. I suspect with everything that has happened we are beyond the colleagues covering for each other stage and to the point where the accuser now gets the benefit of the doubt.
David ??Merry Christmas?? Koch
@LanceThruster: Weigel is Bernie’s ventrilguist’s dummy.
Didn’t you hear? He’s the second coming, the messiah, the true one, our savior.
Or at least I’ve been told.
Seems to be a bit of a stretch to me that a has been, washed up 25 yr national, professional politician with a pretty much nothing record would be all of those things but one never seems to know about whose who play in professional nothingness.
Hoboken just elected the first turban wearing Sikh in the nation.
@Kayla Rudbek: Funny. In 08id just returned from my 3rd visit to Iraq and I did snap when a repub canvasser offered a sample ballot at the polls. Normally reserved, I asked her how she could stand there when Republicans were ruining the country. I went on quite loudly for a while then heard the Dem canvassers… laughing. It felt so good to vote that day.
Captain C
@different-church-lady: It’s too bad he (Wilmer) didn’t spend more time in Staten Island; Di Blasio might have made some serious inroads with the many economically anxious White Working Class people who live there.
Get over posting here and expecting anyone to believe you work for anything but burnt peanut pie!!!
J R in WV
Just want to say, although I was raised in a Republican family, who fought unions (by paying more than union scale) in their business, by the time I was 21, with Richard Nixon and Arch A Moore Jr. as flaming examples, I have never voted for a Republican in my whole 66 year life.
I missed one election when I turned 21 while in the USN, and as I said Nixon won, so I wouldn’t have made any difference.
And I don’t hold hard feelings against folks who were once lost (in Republicanism) but are now found in Democratic turf!! But people who are still voting Republican, they should move to Siberia where they will be more comfortable, politically.
@Chyron HR: it isn’t so much Bernie as what he represents
Doing the happy dance.
Villago Delenda Est
Stick it up your ass, Donald.
In all honesty, a small part of me is a little sad that Hillary had to be treated the way she was to get us “woke.” But all in all, a good and hopeful night.
If we turn out, we win.
Just checked the VA elections page. 52 Democrats are leading in House seats. Not all precincts are in, but if this holds, we’ve taken control of the House of Delegates. 100 House districts. Wow.
Alain the site fixer
Hellz yeah
@Shana: And if Dems can be in charge of redistricting in 2021, then we’ll have a fair shot there for years to come.
Mary G
I thought I’d be up late chewing my nails, but it’s only 6:20 here and I’m off to bake brownies.
This is the greatest win for the Democrats and a stunning defeat for Ed Gillespie anf Dolt45. Its pushback on everything Dolt45 us doing and means he’s a big fat loser.
This is what happened tonight.
I haven’t read anything about this yet. But I wonder how the 160,000+ felons enfranchised by Mcauliffe voted. Or how many of them voted.
@Baud: They don’t have to wait. A redistricting can be done anytime, it just is traditionally done after the census.
@japa21: My hunch is that it would be too big a political lift to do it early there.
@guachi: Yea, wonder why?
If I were South Korea, I’d have 10 people on the censor button during Trump’s speech.
@guachi: Even if all voted for Northam, and their votes were not counted, he still would have won.
When Brazille came out with her inane comments, a lot of people were worried about the impact it could have on today’s elections. Not sure it spurred anybody to vote for the Dems and may have discouraged some. So just imagine the margin of victory if she hadn’t.
@Baud: Possibly, but they also want to make sure, if they get the majority, that they don’t lose it in 2019.
Whine whine whine head in sand:
@japa21: I hear you.
@dmsilev: Wait until the Republicans in Congress start running from him as fast as possible after tonight. Bitches know next year is going to be even worse…
zhena gogolia
And a transgender woman won as a representative in VA.
@Villago Delenda Est:
Please let it stay that way!
@Baud: I hear you. The one consolation in all this is for me that the response to Brazile’s broadside has been so overwhelming, and the electoral victory in Virginia so staggering, that many in the party are beginning to wake up to the fact that Bernie does not represent either the Democratic or the progressive base. I hope all the male hipster journalists (e.g., Hayes, Yglesias, Josh Marshall, Ezra Klein, Beinart, Van Jones etc.) will wake up to this soon, too. It’s time to demand party unity.
Amanda in the South Bay
I’m crying because two trans women won tonight. So a very good night!
@dmsilev: What a douche he is (with apologies to douches, which are at least useful)
Meanwhile, I’m not having any of this nonsense: Virginia shows that anti-Trump Republicans and Democrats still have a pulse. Um, sorry, no Ms. Rubin. I’ve been loving you perhaps a little too much of late. Dems did this without any of your (extreme minority) of anti-Trump Rs, who at best did the country a favor by staying home in some manner today.
Virginia showed what happens when DEMOCRATS turn out.
Chip Daniels
Did I see right, that Lee Carter identifies as a Democratic soshulist?
How’s the Bohdi doing?
Betty Cracker
And they’re broadcasting Trump’s idiotic speech. ?
I am so excited that VA looks good, and now I hope that the local candidates that I worked for win.
David ??Merry Christmas?? Koch
CNN’s VA Exit poll shows 34% of voters said they came out to cast votes against Trump.
Northam won that segment 98% to 2% (link)
Adam L Silverman
@Baud: Federal court will be redistricting shortly after the first of the year as they’ve found the existing maps to be unacceptably gerrymandered.
Seven-second delay?
David ??Merry Christmas?? Koch
Mike J
Everybody dance!
@Betty Cracker: I’m seeing if he starts a war tonight as recompense for his losses. So far, he’s just reading very poorly. Boring Trump is the best Trump (and still awful).
@Adam L Silverman: Good.
Amaranthine RBG
Good news in VA
Polls projected Northam but I’ll be goddamned if I ever trust polls again.
@David ??Merry Christmas?? Koch: And by far the biggest plurality of voters voted with health care as their #1 issue. Those votes went 79%-21% for Northam. Easy. Easy. Easy low-hanging fruit here, Dems.
@tobie: Bernie doesn’t represent anything other than the fevered dreams of a bitter old man.
Chip Daniels
See, thats the best part.
You just know all the Republicans are waiting to see which way the wind blows, and this shows them.
David ??Merry Christmas?? Koch
Adam L Silverman
@Betty Cracker: Yep, he delayed it about 25 minutes. Apparently he was rewriting it. Or, rather, he was yelling at Stephen Miller who was rewriting it.
Maine’s Medicaid expansion referendum question now up by 16. Phew.
@MomSense: Excellent!
@Adam L Silverman:
Sounds like Stephen Miller was still reviewing the Wikipedia page for South Korea.
Mary G
@dmsilev: The replies to that tweet are really interesting, too. It’s almost all people against him, with gifs of waves breaking and other insults. The bots that usually tell us Twitler is ordained by God and the bunch that go #MAGA are all absent. Can’t decide if Putin has decided to pull the rug out from under him or if the unusual time of the tweet means they are all off work.
David ??Merry Christmas?? Koch
@Yarrow: holy shit. They started the night with a 32 delegate lead.
Thanks Drumpf!
@Jeffro: Btw the coalition Rubin describes (that turned out to vote for Northam) is exactly, 100%, the Obama coalition. Women and people of color, lower income and middle class, younger people. You know, Americans who somehow despite having every reason in the world to feel ‘economic anxiety’, still manage to vote for Dems.
Put that in your pipe and smoke it, media cretins.
@tobie: Hayes had Brazille on tonight – both laughing that anyone would dare say she might have caused a dem loss – so he isn’t changing yet.
Mike J
@MomSense: I don’t see how the Alabama portion of Maine closes the 20k deficit, but I’ll feel better when more of the vote is in.
@PsiFighter37: Not to mention the message that he’s a fair-weather supporter and any failures are Not His Fault Nohow Never. He was all in for Gillespie just this morning. Probably going to be somewhat fewer people eager to stick their necks out for him after this.
Adam L Silverman
And the President just congratulated South Korean golfers.
I caught a moment of Rick Santorum on CNN saying people voted against Gillespie because Trump “didn’t get healthcare done.” Uh huh. Idiot.
Adam L Silverman
@MomSense: And given the plug for his golf course and his discussion of Korean women golfers, they should have kept revising it.
@TS: fuck them both.
@zhena gogolia: And beat the asshole who wrote the bathroom bill!
ANd yet MSNBC requires us to watch Orangeman’s speech to the SK assembly.
Victory Dance
And the Republican has concede in the Charlotte mayoral race. This has been a wonderful night.
@Mike J:
The big CD1 cities are coming in now and the lead is growing.
@schrodingers_cat: Heh. Perfect.
Took one shot of my 30 year old Balvenie tonight. Bottle is now slightly less than half full.
Back to the Oban!
Gin & Tonic
@zhena gogolia: Not only did she win, she beat a 26-year incumbent who called himself the state’s “chief homophobe” and authored their version of the bathroom bill.
ETA: And raven beat me to it.
@Adam L Silverman:
Like any statesman would! Don’t be a hater, Adam.
I’ve checked in twice and cheeto is still explaining the Korean War to the Koreans!!
Let us savor, to quote Our Lady of Stolichnaya.
@raven: Like they don’t have access to wikipedia.
Mary G
Another rat jumps off the sinking ship:
When you’ve lost the Choad…
So a GOP candidate’s choice is the pox or the gallows.
@Adam L Silverman: Probably better that than compliment their Starcraft players.
Trump is now expressing his jealousy of the dictatorial North Korean regime.
Betty Cracker
How long is this bloated, haggard, inarticulate piece of shit going to drone on? I was hoping to see GOP concession/Dem victory speeches!
@Betty Cracker: I cannot bear to watch that creature emit mouth noise.
That’s great. People who never had health insurance love Medicaid. All the comparisons btwn Medicaid and private insurance neglect to take that into account- that for many of them they had nothing, their whole lives. Of course they’re thrilled with it.
@raven: “So Hawkeye — he was a doctor. He was funny! Funny guy! But that Hotlips!”
@Yarrow: They should have asked him, “And why is that, Rick? Anything about the president* that might have made that a steeper climb than anticipated?”
Mike J
@dmsilev: Their apm’s are insane.
@Betty Cracker: Hey, them Koreans need to be explained to about how they got there.
@TS: I caught the first minute of that and then turned to the Durrells in Corfu (a delightful show). Yes, Hayes did a classic bait and switch. Exaggerate what your opponent said so it seems silly and indefensible. The fact is that Brazile launched her book with an attack against HRC and the DNC because she thought that’s what most liberals and Democrats wanted to hear. That her polemic had little resonance outside the beltway shows just how much she and people like Hayes misjudge the party’s base.
Donald is right. GOP candidates need to embrace Trump in 2018!
Ian G.
Considered it’s a miserable rainy cold awful day here, and the Islanders just lost (in OT, so they get a point), I needed news to make me smile somewhere. Getting it in big doses here.
The coalition is strong, the coalition can win both the Legislature and the Executive. You just need to let the WHOLE coalition in.
We don’t need to shut out working class whites who want to play ball, in fact we should be encouraging them to make a genuine change; but we should not give up urbane whites, minorities, or women in any configuration to do it.
This is Corey Booker’s party as much as it is Claire McCaskill, or Joe Manchin, or Elizabeth Warren, or John Tester, or Chuck Schumer.
We have to find our way to making it work for everyone in equal proportion, because we all have a point, yes even the Manchins of the world from time to time, but we cannot give up other parts of to coalition to protect one.
@Adam L Silverman: Complete rewrites of a speech take time when they have to come in
140280 characters at a time.Ken
Their own fault, for insisting on anthrax and tire rims for so long.
Amaranthine RBG
You don’t build coalitions by denying reality
Sanders won 13 million votes to Clinton’s 17 million
Writing off 13 million voters is a really, really fucking stupid thing to do
Why don’t you do the Democratic Party a favor and shut up?
@Kay: One more state down makes it even harder to repeal Obamacare.
Mike J
@Davebo: You need to come racing with us. Winter rules require microwave popcorn and scotch below decks after everything is stowed.
David ??Merry Christmas?? Koch
Hmmmmm, what could be the difference, what could be the difference..
Chyron HR
Gee, I guess winning the Presidency on a technicality doesn’t actually mean your party is popular.
Looks like our female, hispanic democrat is going to win the local special state congressional seat.
@BlueDWarrior: Well, the BernieBros are out then.
Amaranthine RBG
@Amaranthine RBG: Writing off 17 million is ever worse.
@schrodingers_cat: I kind of suspected you’d have a good one!
@Baud: I can just imagine if the two of them ever met face-to-face. Trumpov would be such a beta, he’d be an gamma. Maybe even a kappa.
@Amaranthine RBG: whatever. Sanders will be dead soon.
@raven: Nice, man.
@magurakurin: In the grand scale of things, the rest of us will be too.
This Trump speech is surreal
@Amaranthine RBG: I’m confused – who’s writing off 13M voters? They’ve been asked pretty nicely, repeatedly, to get on the team and play a part other than spoiler. That’s writing them off?
Oh right, all or nothing and all that…nevermind.
O. Felix Culpa
@schrodingers_cat: Love it! What’s the yellow stuff the general (?) is throwing around?
@SiubhanDuinne: His mommy is on the floor with him and he’s pretty quiet. I kept putting his bowl in front of him and he turned away. When I sat on the deck and hand fed him he gobbled it down. He’s playing us like a Stradivarius.
@Amaranthine RBG: Still hostage taking, I see.
@different-church-lady: I will leave on in BJ servers.
Adam L Silverman
In case anyone is wondering what’s going on in the Florida legislature:
@Mothra: As opposed to other Trump speeches?
@Gin & Tonic: @Jeffro: his nickname is Sideshow Bob
@Amaranthine RBG: You also don’t write off 17 million voters via the extortion tactics that Bernie’s supporters have gotten so good at. You work together on what you can agree on. You don’t demand 100% agreement or no support.
And the vast majority of them did.
@different-church-lady: whatever. He’s a sad footnote to a sad chapter. meh. so over it. History will bulldoze him into obscurity where he belongs.
@Yarrow: Obamacare enrollments are at record levels despite the administration basically eliminating outreach. Santorum is full of shit.
@Adam L Silverman: Logic!
David ??Merry Christmas?? Koch
but, but…. working class whites
but, but…. economic anxiety
Another Scott
@schrodingers_cat: I always get a kick out of that each time you repost the link.
Perfect for tonight.
Ok, he’s getting tired. Not reading so good now. Threat of war increasing.
Villago Delenda Est
@different-church-lady: When I was stationed in Korea (’87-’88) Armed Forces Korea Network was not allowed to show reruns of M*A*S*H, because the ROK government found it “offensive”. Don’t know if that has changed, but most Koreans probably wouldn’t get the reference.
@Mothra: Walls-closing-in surreal, or Trumpov’s-greatest-hits surreal, or…?
David ??Merry Christmas?? Koch
technically it’s part lube as well.
@Shalimar: Hate to say it, but the threat of repeal probably woke some people up.
@schrodingers_cat: I love the sheer energy in that performance.
@different-church-lady: Yeah, I mean, we should decouple the two sets of BernieBros.
If we are talking normal liberal Democrats who had had problems with the Clintons specifically (largely since the 90s) but are willing to work with the party regardless, then we should find a way to work them back in; just not necessarily jettisoning anything or anyone to do it.
If we are talking the real super-hardcore Bros who are getting to cult of personality range with Bernie… nah I don’t have any real time for them.
@Mothra: Moreso than usual?
Trump’s face is sagging. Either he’s gained tons of weight or he’s recently had botox treatment. He’s saying some incoherent stuff about N Korea not ever having nuclear weapons. Well it does. What do we do not, idiot. The S Korean MPs look bored.
Mary G
@raven: As it should be.
Back in the 90s we expanded Medicaid when we created the Dirigo insurance program(our attempt to create a mining ACA) so we had Medicaid up to 140% of FPL without the requirement of dependents. The Republicans didn’t decide not to expand Medicaid. They actually decided to contract it. One of the most cruel political acts I’ve ever seen in this state.
@David ??Merry Christmas?? Koch: Clearly didn’t focus on the right kind of ‘economic anxiety’ / Russian partnership…
this. it’s all so beyond tiresome now. And completely wrong and short sighted. They are fighting the last war. They will be a marginalized, lunatic fringe by 2020.
Out of breath. No stamina. SAD!
@Amaranthine RBG: As others point out, we’re not writing off 13 million people. I was one of them, as were many others here. We’re writing off the few thousand of you who will never get over being butthurt.
Chip Daniels
@David ??Merry Christmas?? Koch:
Which do you prefer:
1. Universal healthcare and free college;
2. A nice shiny statue of Robt. E. Lee?
@BlueDWarrior: Agreed. I was being sarcastic, but the serious part is that it’s only the dead-ender BernieBros who keep telling us the only way back from the wilderness is to give up “identity politics” and embrace the white working class above all else. They seem to be the only ones who want to exclude the other parts of the coalition.
I think he’s drugged. Lithium maybe?
LOL smart pup
@tobie: Not sure why you threw Marshall in there. I’m well aware of his opinions and you’re way off base with that. Kinda ruins your overall credibility.
Villago Delenda Est
@Amaranthine RBG: Why don’t you do the Democratic Party and go hook up with Russian stooge Stein?
Hmmmm… scotch, bourbon, rye, or calvados? Got a micro-distiller gin as a present; Vermont made, juniper & honey. Golden color, way too nice to mix.
Woodford Reserve it is… better than last November: just took a swig of bitters then.
@raven: Justice, she can be poetic.
Kayla Rudbek
Hooray! And I also restrained myself from screaming at the Republican ballot rep this morning as I went to vote in Fairfax County. My spouse pointed out that she may have just been doing it for the paycheck. Spouse is the voice of sweet reason in this household.
Omnes Omnibus
@p.a.: Calvados. But I see I am too late.
So, pretty much like the rest of his speeches then.
@p.a.: You got some Barr Hill? Sweet!
Gin & Tonic
@debbie: I’m not as old as Trump, and in much better physical condition, yet when I go from the US to Asia or Oceania, it takes me a couple of days to get on track. And I have a much less demanding schedule, typically.
El Caganer
@Jeffro: Did Trump say anything about how a country with a great golf tradition like South Korea should have been able to knock down those DPRK missiles?
@David ??Merry Christmas?? Koch:
So can we expect a red-blue map with lots of red for all those mountainous counties with fewer than 10000 people, and a few tiny blue dots for all those cities of a million plus?
Stay frothy!
Meanwhile, in our ongoing constitutional crisis: Trumpov’s CIA Director keeps doing controversial – and suspiciously pro-Trump – things.
Deep State sending a signal here that’s not hard to miss…
@guachi: Dunno how many wound up voting overall but some outfit was doing great features on some of them as the voting happened today. One was a women who was sentenced for stealing diapers for her baby when she was 18. She’s now 38 and this is the first time she’s ever voted.
@p.a.: Why not all ?
Woodford Reserve Double Oak is the bomb!
“If you’re noticing a trend in Virginia upsets tonight, there is one: almost every incumbent Republican delegate that’s lost so far has lost to a Democratic woman.”
@tobie: They are not paid to acknowledge Dems. No one in media is paid for that.
@David ??Merry Christmas?? Koch:
Yeah! I’m feeling better about Tom Perez now. I supported him because he’s an old-time organizer. Looks like he’s putting that knowledge to very good use. Finally!
We’re gonna get a lovely blue wave next year. If we organize everywhere, fight voter suppression and focus on turning out PoC we can make it a tidal wave.
Oh, and the economically anxious can ride along with us.
Wow. That’s something. I meet people who sort of can’t believe they have it. The last time they saw a doctor was their high school sports physical. It’s funny because one of the things I found canvassing middle class voters in 2010 (amny of whom were, sadly, Democrats) was this idea of scarcity they had- like there wouldn’t be enough “health care” to go around and they might not get their allotted portion. It expands with demand. We have two new walk in clinics and I’d bet that’s where the newer Medicaid recipients are going. It’s a nice legacy for Obama- a real, tangible life-changing accomplishment.
@Mike J: I’d love to.
But if decks and winter are involved I’d prefer to wait for spring/summer! I’ve done the North Sea, don’t care to do it again.
@Belafon: Nice factoid.
@Gin & Tonic: Didn’t his handlers say they were going to keep the trip short and not schedule too many appearances, to keep Trump from getting cranky?
@El Caganer: Between golf clubs swingin’ and samurai swords a-swirlin’, I’m not sure what North Korea thinks it’s going to accomplish. Japan and South Korea are basically invulnerable.
David ??Merry Christmas?? Koch
@Chip Daniels: sadly, for rural working class whites, the returns say #2.
@Gin & Tonic: yeah jet lag to and from Asia is tough. Even from East Asia to Western Europe puts you down a fair bit. The exact half a day difference though between the Atlantic coast and East Asian is brutal.
@David ??Merry Christmas?? Koch: Yep. Northam has an 8.5% win. Not a 30% win, because of that. T’is sad.
@Gin & Tonic:
But he has that same flat reading over here. I think they sedate him to keep him on message.
@Ken: It’d be nice if they took the same approach with his overall presidency.
Ah, good. Milquetoast boring speech. War averted.
Mike J
@p.a.: Got some plonk red to go with the lasagna in the oven, then after dinner, what I got from the very green grocers.
Betty Cracker
Thank you, Jeebus. He finally STFU.
@Omnes Omnibus: Calva for a win in Presidentials.
I am retiring early next year, so that I can work like a demon to throw the Republican prick who owns my House seat out on his smirky face! If Donald Trump has done anything, worthless lazy narcissist that he is, it is to awaken the sleeping progressive majority in this fine country!
@Kayla Rudbek: I laughed at the one who tried to hand me a sample ballot. Hey, get some principles and maybe I’ll just gently roll my eyes & smile next time, GOP sucker.
Another Scott
@Ken: You rang?
The easy answer to that is, of course, “acreage doesn’t vote – people do”.
Gin & Tonic
@p.a.: One of the worst hangovers I ever had was from Calvados.
According to Rachel Maddow, the speech was bellicose. I had the tv on for the whole thing while not actually paying attention to a word, and I would say from his tone that most of his students showed up for class today.
Gin & Tonic
@magurakurin: Yeah, it’s the 180-degree flip that kills me. I can go to Europe and have no issues after the first night, but Oz or east Asia is bad.
@Shalimar: It was, but nothing we haven’t heard before.
Ben Cisco (onboard the Defiant)
Red T Raccoon
Vi Lyles has become the first woman African-American Mayor of Charlotte.
The wind of change is blowing across our country tonight.
@Marcopolo: You are likely more familiar with Marshall’s positions than I am. But I find his hemming and hawing and hedging annoying. Even on Brazile…He couldn’t say categorically that she was mischaracterizing HRC’s agreement with the DNC without first conceding that some things were unfair. The reasons I identified male “hipster” journalists as mistaken about the party is that I think they’re wedded to snark. Yes, you’ll find some female pundits like Ana Marie Cox who like snark, too. But I find many more in the mold of Rebecca Traister and Michelle Goldberg, and I actually think they have a better sense of the base of the party and the value of unity at this historical moment.
NPR had a piece this morning following up with Trump voters who had been previously interviewed regarding their feelings on how they think things have been going so far. They I terviewed this coal miner and his wife, and they said that Trump hadn’t actually produced any results for them, but they finally feel like they don’t have an enemy in the White House. I instantly hated them because FUCK YOU, why do you expect us all to support the use of old, dangerous, dirty, expensive technology just so you can fail to adapt? And then I remembered OH YEAH WHITE MALE ENTITLEMENT.
I hope they feel like we all hate them now. Not just the president. I hope they feel personally despised.
@debbie: PegasuPerhaps. Most of his remarks on this trip have sounded like that. Monotonic and slowly enunciated.
Kayla Rudbek
@Jeffro: I’m a transplanted Minnesotan so I am really riled up about the Confederate monuments. I should get a frame for the print of the Fourth Minnesota marching into Vicksburg that my spouse bought me, and go put it up in my federal office!
mike in dc
I don’t think anyone’s writing off the 13 million who voted for Bernie. I think maybe they’re a bit reluctant to exert maximal effort to woo the fractional number of those who either sat on their hands in the general election, voted 3rd party, or, God forbid, pulled the lever for Trump. There’s certainly been a concerted effort by the DNC to reach out to Bernie supporters. If they want to take over the party establishment, win the nomination next time.
O. Felix Culpa
@SiubhanDuinne: Oooh, you’re wicked. And good.
@Ken: Alas, yes. Where this becomes a problem is in the Senate where every state gets two so in the next 25 years or so we’ll see 70% of the American pop represented by only 30 or so of the 100 senators.
Villago Delenda Est
@Ken: Cow country. Very impressive.
Can I just say I’m relieved? Because if these elections gone differently I would be heading out to crash with Helen in Dublin for the next year. Or more.
De Blasio trounces opponent; first Dem re-elected mayor of NYC since Ed Koch back in ’85.
@Adam L Silverman: ok, so now they’re admitting they’ve gone from figurative wh0res to literal wh0res.
I guess they get points for honesty.?
Villago Delenda Est
@magurakurin: I left Seoul at 5PM on Saturday.
I arrived in Eugene, OR, at 5PM on Saturday.
That’s a lot of lag.
From the WP.
Progressives, hungry for wins this year, celebrated the de Blasio victory as one of their own. Sen. Bernie Sanders (I-Vt.) endorsed the mayor and stumped with him in the final week to support the idea of a new tax on the very wealthy.
“Everything that Mayor de Blasio is trying to do is exactly the opposite of what Donald Trump is trying to do,” Sanders said at a pre-election rally.
Three cheers for Tom Perriello who showed how a primary loser should act within a party.
@LanceThruster: SO help me, if Sanders tries to take credit for this victory I am going to…something.
@Davebo: I said that in the prior thread. Tom shows how to be one of the 13 million the right way.
@mike in dc:
You clearly do not understand how hostage taking works.
? ?? Goku (aka The Hope of the Universe) ? ?
An enemy in the White House, huh? Dumb fucks. There is an enemy in the WH that opposes literally everything this nation (aspirationally) has stood for since its founding. He’s a would-be-tyrant who would love to have his domestic enemies killed, and the rule of law wiped away like his debts down the memory hole. Putin is his idol for a reason. These people are fools to submit themselves to such an incompetent regime, believing themselves immune from the Leader’s wrath.
Happy to report that “standing for our anthem” “independent-democrat” Mark Hanni is currently losing his bid for municipal judge. Fuck that pseudo-patriotic authoritarianism.
@Villago Delenda Est:
I find drinks in the lounge followed by drinks early in flight helps. #sleepinflightistheanswer
Gelfling 545
Constitutional convention proposition in NY voted down to the relief of all thinking people.
@tobie: Maybe go back and reread what he said about Brazile. After his initial reaction, which was hedgy because he hadn’t seen the agreements, he came down firmly against Brazille’s line after he reviewed them. But your comment was actually about attitudes about the Bernie wing of the D party and Marshall has never been a Bernie fan.
Example of Marshall on Brazile’s claims:
The super hardcore ones are maybe 5 percent of that 13 million. At best. Unfortunately for us, many of them are in the media or have their own media outlets and refuse to join the rest of us in reality.
@Davebo: Yes, Tom Periello has been a class act. I phone banked for him in 2010 and was sorry he didn’t get reelected. He fell on his sword for the party in voting for Obamacare. I’d love to see him back in the House.
@LanceThruster: De Blasio crests on the Bernie wave. This is the funniest thing I’ve read tonight. Thanks for the chuckle.
Oh…just like the rest of us! How exciting to see that we are so simpatico with the Mayor, Wilmer, and Dems from here to timbuktu.
@O. Felix Culpa: Turmeric.The general is Bajirao I.
@tobie: I turned it off after the “giggles” – and I agree with all you said. She may have had a bad impact on dem voting in other times but the anti trump vote was way too strong for much else to matter. I think I saw on a scroll that black women voted 98% for Northam.
? ?? Goku (aka The Hope of the Universe) ? ?
Wasn’t de Blasio mayor of NYC before Sanders was a national political figure? He was a nobody prior to 2015.
Adam L Silverman
@raven: That’s because someone just explained it to him.
Peter H Desmond
an excellent dance!
Eep!!! By my count the Democrats lead in 50 of the 100 seats in the Virginia House of Delegates.
There are four really close races and the Democrats lead in only one.
District 27 -138 votes
District 28 -104 votes
District 40 +125 votes
District 94 -12 votes
Does the Lt. Gov. break ties?
I guess Maine Medicaid had been called. Congrats, Mainers.
@Marcopolo: I’m not going to split hairs with you on this. Go back and read my post. I said male hipster journalists should wake up to who is the base of the party. I didn’t say anything about who they supported in the primaries or whose policies they endorse.
? ?? Goku (aka The Hope of the Universe) ? ?
@Adam L Silverman:
He wants to show off those superior genes. Did you know his very bright uncle was an MIT grad?
@Davebo: Seconded. The guy is a total hero in my book. For getting behind Northam a 1000% after what must have been a really hard loss & for his vote for the ACA which contributed to his only being a one term congressman.
There are a lot of school levies in this area, and they all seem to be passing. I think that’s a first.
Uh oh. Security issue at Northam speech.
ETA: Immigration protestors.
O. Felix Culpa
@satby: Me too. Erin go Bragh and all that. Love Ireland, but Ms. O would be chuffed if I left. At least I think she would.
@tobie: yeah, and by implication I was saying Marshall is well aware of who the actual base of the D party is unlike some of the other folks you threw in there that you are probably right about.
Adam L Silverman
@Belafon: Good.
Corner Stone
@Baud: It’s hard for Northam to determine a threat through his severe squint.
@Corner Stone: It was his security guy that made him get off the stage.
O. Felix Culpa
@Villago Delenda Est: Yes it is. And try doing that after an interminable flight with two toddlers, who don’t get the concept of time change, no matter how carefully you explain it to them.
Corner Stone
@Baud: “Liddle’ Weak Northie! Scared of his own shadow. How does he expect to lead against a North Korean invasion! SAD!”
Tenderly remembering Heather Heyer tonight.
Just a reminder to all that now the Corey Stewart total-mouthbreather wing of the GOP will be pushing its officials and candidates to embrace Shit Midas even harder…and that is a losing proposition in most places. If Milquetoast Ralph Northam (and god bless him, he is a great guy but a lackluster campaigner) can pull of this kind of slam-dunk against an establishment/Trumpism-straddling candidate like Eddie G, then the gravity is only going to shift* towards people who’ll stick with the full Trumpian message.
More power to them! LOL
*kind of like a Wingularity, one might say…
Um, no they’re not.
I wouldn’t be surprised if he follows the McAuliffe model and runs for one of the statewide offices in for years.
McAuliffe pissed off a lot of people by parachuting into the gubernatorial primary and splitting the field, leaving us with a weak candidate. But then he spent the next four years really working in Virginia politics, and helping a bunch of candidates, and had broad support the next time. Periello starts off in a better position (since the candidate he challenged won), but he’s really done great work in this election.
I never realized this before, but Northam has a bit of George W’s mannerisms.
Corner Stone
I’m just glad this guy is elected for four years, and doesn’t have to campaign again anytime soon.
Adam L Silverman
Oh good, pro sanctuary city protestors as Northam tries to give his speech.
O. Felix Culpa
@schrodingers_cat: Thanks. I thought was wondering if it was some kind of spice. The dance fits tonight’s mood perfectly.
Anybody else noted Medicaid expansion has passed in Maine. Great night. Curious to see how the D does in Chaiffetz’s special House election. Think if she hits 35% it’s a win.
@Kay: And it’s a change with community-wide ripples. Healthier kids achieve more, healthier adults are more productive, leading to stronger economies, etc.
Repeated from below.
Yes it’s a bit like reading entrails, but the last time both NJ and VA elected Dem governors was in 2005.
And remember how the midterms of 2006 subsequently played out well for Dems.
@Marcopolo: It’s a good night. Virginians gave Trumpism the boot and hopefully the conversation can now move from problems in the party to hope for 2018.
Goodnight, BJers, and sweet dreams.
Another Scott
@Baud: Northam’s a good guy, I donated to his campaign and voted for him, and I’m extremely glad he won.
But he voted for W twice.
@Baud: Were those immigration protesters Bernie Bros???
@opiejeanne: I assume there is overlap, but I don’t know how closely they were associated with Bernie. They were immigration protestors, however. Sanctuary cities.
@schrodingers_cat: That was cool!
@Another Scott: He got better.
@Marcopolo: Not looking good
For or against?
Corner Stone
@opiejeanne: I think it may have been Trentrunner in a wig and a girl friend of his.
@Mnemosyne: Against Northam’s stance against sanctuary cities. Left wing protestors.
@O. Felix Culpa:
“Chuffed” means happy and excited. So, um …
@Corner Stone: To his credit, he apologized in the prior thread.
Oh, so they’re protesting a stupid, made-up “controversy” that doesn’t really exist. That sounds about right for that crowd.
@Another Scott: We all make mistakes. Didn’t the guy who runs this blog vote for W twice? The rub is whether we learn from our mistakes.
@Corner Stone: Ha! That guy likes pie.
Another Scott
@guachi: In Virginia, the Lt. Gov. breaks ties in the state Senate, not in the House of Delegates.
Steve in the ATL
@Adam L Silverman:
False flag?
@Corner Stone:
Can’t run for reelection for governor in Virginia. He doesn’t have to campaign again ever.
@Amaranthine RBG: good god, you’re even pissier than usual. Who the fuck pissed in your Cheerios? Or are you butthurt that your man Gillespie lost?
Adam L Silverman
@sukabi: Huge, huge sex scandal and sexual assault scandal a coming in the Florida legislature and Florida politics. I suspect we’ll see it in a lot of other states and in Congress. What began with Weinstein isn’t going to stop in Hollywood. Well past time to clean out the toxic males who pull this crap of harassing and assaulting women. Or who play holier than though while cheating on their wives. Or both.
@chris: Well, there you go—not gonna crack 30% at this rate. Gonna have to google what the UUT stands for with the third place candidate.
Captain C
@japa21: Yeah, I’m sure we New Yorkers wouldn’t have figured this one out without Wilmer’s assistance.
Adam L Silverman
@? ?? Goku (aka The Hope of the Universe) ? ?: I may have heard something to that effect.
Jack the Second
Preliminary local results for my small town look good. If they stand, we’ve held on to the Town Supervisor (previous Dem retired, new one won), taken an extra seat on the Town Council (which gives us a majority) and our new delegate to the County Leg will be caucusing with the Democrats (technically third-party) which might finally give us a majority at the county level.
Adam L Silverman
@Corner Stone: Works for Eastwood.
@Mnemosyne: Yeah. I was asking because of the way Our Revolution were treating him and campaigning against him last week. Them and what’s her name who has the BS book out right now.
Interviewing Danica Roem on MSNBC right now. She just made the point that with this election result there’s a good chance VA does a Medicaid expansion. First time I’ve heard her & she sounds awesome—a former newspaper reporter. I’d have voted for her.
@Amaranthine RBG: People are sick of the Sanders/Clinton thing though. Clinton has said he is out, and Sanders should do the same.
O. Felix Culpa
@Mnemosyne: Hehe! I’ll chalk that…um…slight error up to being chuffed about tonight’s victories.
Adria McDowell
@Ken: Not how I would make that map, but….*shrugs*
In Ohio, Issue 1 wins (“guarantees expanded rights for crime victims and their families in the state constitution. They include notice of court proceedings, input on plea deals and the ability for victims and their families to tell their story”- from WCMH), and Issue 2 (requiring “the state to pay no more for prescription drugs than the Department of Veterans Affairs’ lowest price, which is often deeply discounted”- again, from WCMH) losing.
The AP called both of those issue results at around 8 p.m.
Adam L Silverman
@Steve in the ATL: No flags. They had posters.
Amaranthine RBG
As I talked about here with several posters, I canvassed for Northam and Kathy Tran with some friends back east.
So you’re an ignorant fuckwit. That’s number one.
But yes, I am pissier than usual. This is a great night with good news across the board and 1/2 dozen shithead who are apparently enamored with the idea of being perennial losers, have used this thread to dredge up their ignorant and counterfactual attacks on Sanders.
You can lead an ignorant shithead to the path to electoral victory, but you can’t force them to stop being an ignorant shithead. Fuck it.
It looks like Kathy Tran won, too. Was it Elizabelle who was canvassing hard for her?
@Captain C: C’mon, you just know Sanders’ endorsement was worth at least 35 of de Blasio’s 37 point margin!
Another Scott
@Marcopolo: Not trying to trash him tonight, but just offering a counterpoint to those (like Kay (bless her)) who is seemingly greatly taken by Northam tonight.
It’s kinda weird to vote for W twice, as an “apolitical” “underinformed” voter, then run for office as a Democrat who is concerned about things like reproductive rights and medical care….
Yes, I applaud him now (generally) being on the right side of things that I care about, and he clearly knows how to win state-wide in Virginia, but there’s something weird about him as well.
He will be governor for 4 years. He will prevent Virginia from turning into East Brownbackistan – and that’s a good thing. I hope the House flips, that he’s able to get Medicaid Expansion to be law of the land in the Commonwealth, and all the rest. But I will keep an eye on him for potential backsliding as well…
@Adam L Silverman: yeah, before this all shakes out, I fully expect several states will have sex abuse scandals and a bunch of men will opt for “retirement”.
@Gin & Tonic:
I was always amazed how President Obama could travel thousands of miles west & sprint off the plane as if he was walking out the door of the white house. He then gave speeches, seminars and went to meetings, without appearing ready to collapse.
Jet lag always hits me when having to travel west during the night – BUT – the president* has air force one – comfortable seats, whatever he wants on demand & a bedroom – he doesn’t have to sit up all night squashed between two other people.
@Another Scott:
FWIW, Elizabeth Warren voted for W at least once, IIRC.
Captain C
@Gelfling 545: I have a Facebook friend who thinks he’s smarter than everyone who wrote that he was likely voting Yes. Another example of highly booksmart with less common sense than a drunk college freshman.
@Amaranthine RBG: I backed Wilmer in the primary and then happily switched to backing Hillz in the general. Because I’m a Democrat. I understand Duverger’s Law well enough to know that we have a 2-party system and we have to work within it. Wilmer wants to be our nominee or influence our party? Then he needs to nut up and JOIN it. Same thing with his bros. I’m sick of his leghumpers acting like he’s the answer to all life’s ills. If they don’t want to vote in our party, fine. They can go to hell for all I care.
@Another Scott: Just as I keep an eye on our bloglord.
@zhena gogolia: and beat a racist reactionary anti gay asshole of the first degree, Bob Marshall.
@TS: I wonder if it helps if you have regular sleeping habits, versus (say) waking up three times a night to rage-tweet.
@Another Scott: You know who also voted for W? John Cole
@sukabi: Not just the states. I’m seeing background rumblings about Congress. Think D.C. is as likely to blow up as other state governments.
@Amaranthine RBG: do you have a blankie with Bernie’s picture on it when you take your nappie? let if fucking go. Bernie is the past. Like the 20th century past. He don’t mean shit to nothin. Just a bitter old man whose flame won’t flicker much longer in this mortal realm.
@Mnemosyne: I heard about her candidacy from @Amaranthine RBG. And HOORAY!!
@Mnemosyne: She claims to have started voting D in 1995 so, if that is true, she wouldn’t have voted for W. But HW, twice.
Adam L Silverman
@Marcopolo: I would expect a lot of the House GOP retirements may be as much about getting ahead of this issue as it is not wanting to have to worry about being primaried by Bannonites.
@Amanda in the South Bay: WOO HOO! And one of them celebrated her win by… rocking out with her metal band no less. Ever so cool.
@Ken: I’d say regular sleeping habits probably makes jet lag worse, but just an opinion.
Another Scott
@Mnemosyne: She voted for Reagan more than once, IIRC, but she was a Republican back then. Wikipedia says she began voting for Democrats in 1995.
I’m happy people change their minds (for the better). I can see the scales falling from someone’s eyes about economic policy pronouncements and their actual actions.
I find it harder to understand supporting a party and candidate that explicitly and loudly wants to restrict abortion rights, and then running for office as a member of the other party just 3 years later on a strongly pro-choice platform and ticket. I haven’t seen an explanation from him about that (“apolitical underinformed” people don’t usually decide to run for office).
But it’s an example of how complicated humans are. And how we (or at least I) should continue to resist the temptation to put politicians into comfortable little boxes, but instead find ways to work together to make progress where we can…
Matt McIrvin
@Adam L Silverman: Though I suspect Democrats will be hit harder by the sex-abuse scandals than Republicans, because Republicans will cover for each other longer and more insistently. When the Weinstein thing broke, I saw a zillion Republicans chortling about how Democrats really abused women while Republicans like Trump only made silly locker-room jokes about it.
@Adam L Silverman: Unfortunately, the realist in me says sexual harassment scandals will hit D’s as well as R’s. And when you think of the typical psychological profile that a lot of politicians seem to present it ain’t gonna be pretty. I will hope that hits the other side of the aisle a lot harder, if only cause there are a lot more D seats held by women who don’t seem to engage in that kind of behavior at the same level.
Amir Khalid
@Villago Delenda Est:
I’ve had quite a few trips to America that were like that. Once, my return trip began 48 hours after I got off the plane in Rochester, Minnesota.
Adam L Silverman
@Matt McIrvin: @Marcopolo: It’s going to be bad regardless of partisanship. There will be a generational break – so older Congressmen, Senators, and state legislators more likely to have engaged in it. As for sexual infidelity, that’ll break more on the GOP side. It always seems to. The question is whether given the current climate they can brazen it out like Vitter did.
@Matt McIrvin: See my comment below yours. I suspect with everything that has happened we are beyond the colleagues covering for each other stage and to the point where the accuser now gets the benefit of the doubt.
David ??Merry Christmas?? Koch
@LanceThruster: Weigel is Bernie’s ventrilguist’s dummy.
Didn’t you hear? He’s the second coming, the messiah, the true one, our savior.
Or at least I’ve been told.
Seems to be a bit of a stretch to me that a has been, washed up 25 yr national, professional politician with a pretty much nothing record would be all of those things but one never seems to know about whose who play in professional nothingness.
Hoboken just elected the first turban wearing Sikh in the nation.
Ravi Bhalla.
@Kayla Rudbek: Funny. In 08id just returned from my 3rd visit to Iraq and I did snap when a repub canvasser offered a sample ballot at the polls. Normally reserved, I asked her how she could stand there when Republicans were ruining the country. I went on quite loudly for a while then heard the Dem canvassers… laughing. It felt so good to vote that day.
Captain C
@different-church-lady: It’s too bad he (Wilmer) didn’t spend more time in Staten Island; Di Blasio might have made some serious inroads with the many economically anxious White Working Class people who live there.
J R in WV
@Amaranthine RBG:
Dude, you lie about PIE !!!!
Get over posting here and expecting anyone to believe you work for anything but burnt peanut pie!!!
J R in WV
Just want to say, although I was raised in a Republican family, who fought unions (by paying more than union scale) in their business, by the time I was 21, with Richard Nixon and Arch A Moore Jr. as flaming examples, I have never voted for a Republican in my whole 66 year life.
I missed one election when I turned 21 while in the USN, and as I said Nixon won, so I wouldn’t have made any difference.
And I don’t hold hard feelings against folks who were once lost (in Republicanism) but are now found in Democratic turf!! But people who are still voting Republican, they should move to Siberia where they will be more comfortable, politically.
@Chyron HR: it isn’t so much Bernie as what he represents
Not credit, just pointing this out amidst the continued Bernie bashing. This ‘not a Democrat’ is still in there fighting the good fight.
Bernie has an actual plan, whereas neoliberal Dems are getting better mileage from being ‘not Trump’ at the moment.
Am curious about the Goldman Sachs NJ Dem governor-elect. It’s good Christie was so horrible.
So, Birth of a Nation worked on them.