When we take the House in 2018, won’t it be that much sweeter if Paul Ryan’s out on his ass, whoring for corporate money as a civilian instead of as a member of Congress? Let’s give to his opponent Randy Bryce here.
Remember: Ryan will overspend to try to keep his seat if he gets nervous, so giving money to his opponent is a good investment in any event. Let’s make sure he’s scared.
Mike J
Stick your finger down Wisconsin’s throat!
My “thoughts and prayers” are with Ed Gillespie this evening.
Taking out Paul Ryan next year would be so sweet.
Central Planning
5 minutes until polls close here in Rochester. I’m in one of the burbs that is traditionally republican. I know lawn signs aren’t necessarily the best indicator for how the vote will go, but there were a ton more for the Democrats than there were for republicans.
Also disappointed that a HS friend’s husband (not in NY) is running for school board as a republican. Ugh!
Wow, when was the last time all the major headlines were good news?
@Central Planning:
Which burb are you in? I live in the city.
I heard There was an attack ad against Bryce for his medical bankruptcy but haven’t been able to find it
It’s impressive how desperate the Republicans are so early on to smear Randy Bryce. Now he’s being derided both for having gone bankrupt 20 years ago – over a few thousand dollars of medical bills due to his cancer – and for having been a little over $1000 behind in his child support.
Central Planning
@Doug!: The snooty one on the east side :) Moved here 18 years ago. Still surprised this is where we ended up.
? ?? Goku (aka The Hope of the Universe) ? ?
Wow. That’s fucking disgusting. The man went bankrupt because he had to pay for cancer treatment. Fuck these soulless fucks
No Drought No More
Don’t kid yourself. By all means, it’s a great idea to donate, mind you. But Ryan is already nervous, and likely pondering retirement from congress, even as he ponders the odds of being sworn in as president. Lest we forget, Pence is wading knee deep in the Volga, too, along with everyone else in that crime syndicate. And doesn’t it somehow feel as if shocking events are in the offing which are approaching avalanche mode? I’m OK with the that thought, too. The American people can handle anything when dealt with honestly. We can always handle the truth, always, and those that contend otherwise are flat out wrong, and/or have an agenda that doesn’t square with that of promoting the general welfare.
Mary G
I liked it better when I was singing “got to scrape that shit right off your shoes” as opposed to “behind blue eyes” now because it reminds me of Paul Ryan, who, as he deserves, looks worse and worse each week.
Steve in the ATL
I’m sitting in a restaurant in St. Louis in blood red Missouri enjoying the hell out these returns. Suck on that, presumably conservative, racist patrons of Lewis and Clark’s!
Mike J
It’s always good news for John McCain.
@? ?? Goku (aka The Hope of the Universe) ? ?: Yeah, seems exactly like the kind of attack ad you’d expect from a smarmy $#&% like Ryan.
@? ?? Goku (aka The Hope of the Universe) ? ?: Seconded. Maybe he could run on it, he understands people’s concerns about health insurance.
Thoughtful David
Here in VA, social warrior Bob Marshall got beat by a transgender woman, and ultra-teabagger Scott Lingamfelter got beat by an immigrant Hispanic women. (Danica Roem and Elizabeth Guzman)
Just got back from buying some ice cream to celebrate tonight’s wins. Apparently the orange one is about to address the South Korean parliament. Think he’s been watching election returns? Think he does something stupid because the voters are rejecting him & his party and his fee fees are hurt? I’d be worried if I were Kelly.
Also too, how many more R congresscritters will announce their resignations before the end of the year as a result of tonight? Six, ten, more? I know when I call Senator Blunt’s office tomorrow I’ll be pointing out the results as I tell them it’s time for the R’s to stop fuking over regular Americans.
Last and least, what if the margin in the VA Gov race is close to the # of former felons to whom Macauliffe restored the vote? I think we will see some exploding R heads!
@Mary G:
Sweet Virginia is in my top 10 of favorite songs of all time and Behind Blue Eyes isn’t even in my top ten Who songs but….it’s fitting here.
Northam running up the biggest Dem margin of victory in VA in 32 years.
Now +8.2 points.
@smintheus: Hmm. I wonder if that attack will play poorly with the white working class base. Stay tuned.
Dave Wasserman (@redistrict), one of my favorite Virginia data guys, days we have a serious chance of taking the House of Delegates, and the Dems must be considered the favorites too take the US House next year. (His projection was that if the Dems picked up at least 10 seats in the HoD, they’d be likely to win the House, and he projects we already have 12 and could win more.)
@Thoughtful David:
The Sideshow Bob Marshall defeat is one of the sweetest of the night!
O. Felix Culpa
@Marcopolo: So, the all-important question: what flavor?
Becoming the Speaker might be the straw that breaks Ryan’s back. Conservatives don’t like him and aren’t inclined to offer much support. The power of that office works both ways. John Boehner being a prime example.
ROFLMAO! (Probably the first time in at least a decade that I’ve used that acronym, but this seems like a good night to bring it out of storage.)
He’s already tweeted that it wasn’t his fault, it’s Gillespie’s fault for not being Trumpy enough.
Maine Medicaid expansion looks like a great big YES with 37% reporting.
@Steve in the ATL: Small correction: if you are in St Louis (or even StL County) you are in one of the three blue regions in “blood red” MO. You need to get out to St Charles & beyond to get the true conservative reality. Like out where Ozark Hillbilly lives.
Central Planning
SMH. Dolt 45 just said he liked South Korea’s ancient modern wonders.
@Central Planning: WNY here too and hoping Dems win here especially Bernie Tolbert for Erie County sheriff to get rid of the racist asshole Howard. Go Dems !!!!
@O. Felix Culpa: Hagen-Daz Trio—“crispy Belgian chocolate in white & milk chocolate ice cream.” It’s pretty damned good.
@SiubhanDuinne: It’s great to be able to laugh after the last 364 days.
O. Felix Culpa
Dems have picked up 13 seats in VA. So far. Nine more seats left to call.
judge Crater
Yes, Paul Ryan is even more evil than Trump. Make him pay for his wanton cruelty.
@Duane: I am thinking the odds of the R’s passing their tax bill just fell by quite a bit—at least in its current form.
O. Felix Culpa
@Marcopolo: It sounds like a fitting choice for a celebration. Enjoy!
Another Scott
@Baud: OpenSecrets says Paulie has $10,427,981 on hand. Isn’t it one of the perqs of Congress that when one retires, one gets to keep all their campaign cash?
Maybe he’ll decided that he needs to spend more time with his Weinermobile and just keep it.
If not, let’s make him cry.
Donated (again).
Another Scott
@Thoughtful David: Lowkell (Blogmeister on BlueVirginia.US) always calls him “Sideshow Bob”. It fits.
I’m so glad that Danica Roem defeated him. Here’s hoping she has a long and successful career in politics.
Gelfling 545
@catpal: WNY as well. Haven’t been able to even get a whisper about where things stand.
Central Planning
@Gelfling 545: Spectrum news is showing results. I’m not sure when races will be called. Local dems seem to be doing OK.
J R in WV
We have been saving some Chunky Monkey, think it’s time to break it out!!!
So happy tonight after the past year of misery.
There’s a bottle of Auchentoshen waiting at home for me. I think it’s time to leave the office. Maybe there’ll be some results from Utah-3, Chaffitz’s old district. A friend of mine lives in Provo, so I’ve been hearing about it. Curtis, the Republican, will probably win, but it would be nice to see a close race. He was mayor of Provo, and not as far right as Chaffitz, but that’s not saying much.
@chris: The medicaid vote sounds like great news. Perhaps it will motivate other non-expansion states to do likewise.
When people can vote on propoals like this, or minimum wage increases, they often pass. Then politicians that oppose these measures get elected. It’s counter-intuitive, but there it is.
Steve in the ATL
@Marcopolo: ah—that explains the lack of open carry morons out and about
Steve in the ATL
For the record, my celebratory dessert tonight is chocolate mousse. Can’t go wrong with that.
Omnes Omnibus
@Steve in the ATL: Mousse bites can be dangerous.
WNY election news
randy khan
Two more Republican retirements from the House today – Frank LoBiondo (from south Jersey, part of the 1994 Gingrich class) and Ted Poe (7th termer from Texas). They can feel what’s coming.
LoBiondo is a Tuesday Group guy and voted against the health care bill. I’m guessing this makes his vote ungettable on the tax bill as it stands now.
Amir Khalid
Behind Blue Eyes even has a line for the Dotard: “And I blame you!”
randy khan
I’m loving the interview with Danica Roem on MSNBC right now. She’s being incredibly gracious – she started by saying she knew what a tough night it was for Bob Marshall (and not in a remotely snarky way) and is focused on the issues. Also, I’m just so happy she beat Bob Marshall, who is a total tool (and even referred to her repeatedly during the campaign as “he” and “him”).
randy khan
Okay, this is the laugh of the night: I just saw an ad from the incumbent Republican in a local House of Delegates district on MSNBC. Apparently they forgot that the election ended almost 4 hours ago. (Oh, and he lost. By a lot.)
Lurking Canadian
@eclare: for that matter he can run on being so squeaky clean in his private life that a twenty year old medical bankruptcy is the worst dirt they could find.
I hope some folks do ads in Alabama deriding Six Gun Roy as a total clown and a loser.
No one likes a bonafide loser and he is a genuine loser.
By the way, recent polling had that race at a tie.