Last night was a great night for Democrats, but let’s take a moment to savor the victory of Danica Roem over Robert Marshall in Virginia. Roem is the first openly transgender person to win a seat in a U.S. statehouse, and she defeated an old-school SoCon dinosaur to make history. Via The Washington Post:
The race focused on traffic and other local issues in suburban Prince William County but also exposed the nation’s fault lines over gender identity. It pitted a 33-year-old former journalist who began her physical gender transition four years ago against a 13-term incumbent who called himself Virginia’s “chief homophobe” and earlier this year introduced a “bathroom bill” that died in committee.
“Discrimination is a disqualifier,” a jubilant Roem said Tuesday night as her margin of victory became clear. “This is about the people of the 13th District disregarding fear tactics, disregarding phobias . . . where we celebrate you because of who you are, not despite it.”
Marshall ran a nasty campaign. He refused to debate Roem. He consistently referred to her by the wrong pronouns. He ran slimy ads insinuating that Roem was blowing random men in a public restroom. The state GOP distributed flyers accusing Roem of “wanting transgenderism taught to kindergartners.”
But Marshall lost. And every pol — especially the graceless clod who is currently embarrassing this country abroad — could learn something about how to handle victory with class from Roem’s remarks when asked about Marshall:
“I don’t attack my constituents. Bob is my constituent now.”
Congratulations, Delegate Roem. And as Katie Hamm at CAP pointed out, Roem was part of a wave of diverse women who won Virginia statehouse victories last night. She’ll be joined in the House of Delegates by Jennifer Carroll Foy, Kathy Tran, Kelly Fowler, Karrie Delaney, Elizabeth Guzman, Hala Ayala and Wendy Gooditis. [ETA: Also Cheryl Turpin, who won a red district by 394 votes, according to valued commenter Taiko.]
Well done, Virginia.
I’ll be honest with you; I’ve been feeling discouraged lately. Even though most Americans don’t support Trump, his election and the antics of his enablers in Congress have done so much to reinforce the already appallingly prevalent belief that nothing we do makes a difference.
Well, people working their asses off in Virginia made a difference. Voters in Maine bypassed their odious toad of a governor to expand access to healthcare. Folks in New Jersey sent Chris Christie’s would-be GOP successor packing.
Now it’s up to us to replicate those victories in every state and on a national scale. Can we do it? We just saw Danica slay the dragon in Virginia. Yes we can!
I nominate Betty as the official Dem Motivater in Chief!
Roem’s hyperfocus on local issues despite attempts by media and her opponent to make the race about her identity was really impressive. Also, her “gracious” comment on her defeated opponent is some PhD level shade. I’m thrilled by her win.
Smedley Darlington Prunebanks (Formerly Mumphrey, et al.)
I couldn’t be prouder of my commonwealth this morning. What makes this all the sweeter is that Northam is from the Eastern Shore of Virginia, which is where my family has lived for 400 years. His family goes to church at the same church my family has gone to for generations. We’ve only ever had one other governor from the Eastern Shore, and he ended up committing treason against the country by fighting for the confederacy. I think it’s safe to say Northam isn’t going to do that.
Don’t let the motherfuckers wear you down.
Eric S.
“Bob is my constituent now.”
Wow! That is one of the greatest responses I can recall.
I can’t actively campaign because of my job, but I’m proud, proud, proud of my sister and her fellow Moms for Action who pounded the pavement, as well as least a dozen women friends who were also out there every weekend knocking on doors to get out the Democratic vote.
PS Health care and GUNS were the two top reason Northam voters turned out. Could this be a harbinger of things to come?
Betty Cracker
@Mary: You’re right — it was both a gracious comment and elebenty-dimensional shade.
A great win even as the media will, without fail, play it down by trying to point out Va elections are not Bell Weather; HA! Suck on it (as in an exhaust pipe from a car that has a malfunctioning catalysis converter …), media whores.
Enhanced Voting Techniques
Well done Virginia, for choosing decency and common sense last night.
And que on the Conservative Social Media Cultural Warriors bleating about how white males are so oppressed now.
@Eric S.: @Betty Cracker:
Another Scott
Virginia, and Maine, and all the other wins yesterday are great.
But it’s really just a continuation of all the election results since the Women’s March. Something like a 15-20 point swing in favor of Democrats. Tonight, it was enough. In some earlier races, it wasn’t quite.
People all over the country are shocked and fed up with Trump and the Teabaggers and they’re willing to turn out to vote. I see no sign that that 15-20 point swing won’t continue in November 2018. It doesn’t mean that Democrats will automatically have a +50 margin in the US House, but it puts the winds at our backs if we’re willing to fight for every seat.
If that surname refers to some sort of medical condition I hope it is highly contagious.
“I’m afraid you have been afflicted with too much of a good thing. You may experience an inordinate amount of winning.”
Betty Cracker
So much awesome packed into this race:
Make your own goddamn sammich!
Chyron HR
Wait a minute, her name is Gooditis? I’ve been calling her Goodtits! Why didn’t someone tell me? Aw, I’ve been making an idiot out of myself!
From an earlier thread:
I’m going to learn needlepoint just to have that on a pillow.
@Betty Cracker: Nice.
Hear hear. My mood has considerably improved from the dark place it’s been since exactly one year ago.
P.S. Betty Cracker for Florida Governor.
@MomSense: yes – I’m just floored (imagine how speechless ol’ Bob is ?)
Another thing– Prince William county is on the southern, growing rim of the DC area and I hear about Prince William traffic every morning and afternoon as I drive to and from work. So, traffic is a major issue. And so is demographic change– PW is second most populous county in Va (after Fairfax, I guess) and look what’s happened in Fairfax.
Admit you’re just angling to make BC your campaign manager in 2020.
You missed Cheryl Turpin, who also won last night in a red district by 394 votes!
@Chyron HR:
You’ll get used to it. I have.
@Betty Cracker: Pure Southern Lady. All it needs is a “bless his heart.”
Betty Cracker
@Taiko: Added, thank you!
Goddamn, well done, Virginia. It’s easy to be a lazy cynical fuck (I’ve mastered that not-so-difficult art), but that’s a really good election night for the good guys and gals.
the “Trump Democrat” in Ohio suffers humiliating defeat:
Campaigning with Don Jr was apparently not a winning strategy.
Enhanced Voting Techniques
Hmm wonder how this will play in Congress. I can imagine a lot of Reps with in the 10-20 pts zone are feeling nervous today.
Ohio Mom
@PaulWartenberg: Any more news about efg?
Fair Economist
Danica winning is a level of poetic justice that would seem overblown in fiction, but it’s real. She sounds like she will be an outstanding representative as well.
Smart gal with smart issue framing.
I’m not at all hopeful about my district, MN 8th district. It had been a DFL union stronghold for decades but now the pro copper mining, anti union folks and gun lovers up here along with changing of district lines to include more central MN areas have made Dem wins a lot more difficult. Rep Rick Nolan has been courting the pro copper mining voters.
An infrastructure heavy campaign strategy such as Roem’s worked great in Virginia but I don’t think it would work in MN 8th district, not any time soon. We have too much bitter division between pro copper mining folks who believe copper-nickel mining near BWCA will bring tons of jobs and prosperity to Iron Range and mining companies will keep our ground water safe and the folks that say there no copper-nickel mines exist that can protect our ground water, lakes and streams and our unique BWCA, lake country tourism businesses and residents will be irreparably harmed.
Betty Cracker
@Kay: That makes me happy! :)
I would literally crawl over broken glass to vote against Don Jr. Talk about a turn-out engine. Good Lord. I’m mad I didn’t get to.
I hope they roll out the otherwise unemployable adult children for the midterms. We can all vote against a Trump!
@MattF: I was kind of shocked at the results from Prince William and Loudoun, honestly. Looks like they are turning more solidly blue more quickly than anyone could have anticipated (Loudoun especially)
The feeling this AM is so good that it makes you want the Dems to go all in on Alabama. Why not? I can’t think of a better Dem to try than a prosecutor, and Moore is so bad that even some GOPers can’t stomach him. Toss in the general anti-Trump vibe around the country and there is no better time to buy a lottery ticket in Alabama.
If anyone is bored and wants to cast some shade at CNN’s resident political genius, Chris Cillizza, please do so.
Basically, this has been the theme of the Village Media the last three weeks “Feckless Democrats about to get their butts whipped by classic Republican Dog Whistle (or now blowhorn) racist campaign. Aren’t Trump, Bannon, and the Republicans clever! And speak to Real Americans.” It may have had a reverse effect of encouraging all the anti-Trumpers in Northern Virginia to go out in the cold rain and vote the straight Democratic ticket out of fear a Gillespie win would embolden Trump and the Republican Congress.
@Betty Cracker:
That town is like 95% white. White people are so fickle and unserious. Grow up, clowns.
We won because of hard work, but also because Democrats contested almost every race–including several Northern Virginia Republican seats who have been uncontested for years. Grassrooots engagement, and people getting out there to do run, that’s what made the difference. The big lesson here is that we need to fight every race, every time.
@droog: While driving through her district several weeks ago, my wife noted the campaign signs and asked “Good Tits? Really?”
One local note, Humboldt County Democrats went heavy for Bernie in the primary and were beside themselves with anger when our congressman, Jared Huffman, who is also a super delegate, refused to cast his ballot for Bernie who easily outdistanced Hillary in this region.
I’ll give them credit for one thing, they took that “run for office beginning at every local level and work your way up” seriously and won two community college board seats, a school board seat and have challengers for each county supervisor up for re-election. Local liberals (all-inclusive) already control city councils but they are working hard to have someone on every ballot for every race.
The local Bernies have removed any reference to him from their efforts but he did spur action in an area that is already pretty engaged and involved. They are focused on bread and butter, health care, affordable housing, education (particularly votech AHEM! Dems! votech and career training should be number one plank) and anything-something-anything that can possibly help with the mental health and homeless issues.
Oh, And Washington state government is now fully under control of Democrats.
@Betty Cracker:
Great lol story.
I agree- Baud isn’t pulling his/her weight. That’s what you meant, right?
@acallidryas: Gosh, it’s almost like Howard Dean was on to something with that 50 state strategy. Who could have known?
I suspect today’s results may be shortening some on the right. Twelve-term Rep. Frank LoBiondo a Republican from New Jersey and Rep. Ted Poe of Texas announced they weren’t seeking re-election. The Texas seat is likely are hold for Republicans but given the results in New Jersey today that LoBiondo’s seat may be a target for Dems.
Btw Jerry Falwell’s bitter, bitter tears are just soooo sweet. Yes, Jerry, you and your racist un-Christian bullshit didn’t prevail so by all means let’s twist our democracy into a knot to accommodate you (he wants DC…to annex NoVA!)
DIAF jackass
I’m just so glad all that hate and nastiness lost. I don’t care about the nastiness between the pols but there’s so much collateral damage- regular people who get sprayed by it. The Trumpsters are assholes, too, so they’ll double down.
Don’t retreat,Trumpsters! Go out there and YELL at some people! :)
@Jeffro: No, actuallly, he wants to secede from Va. and create his own little utopian Republic.
@Betty Cracker: Even though this is the first time I have heard of this, I can just imagine Carman whining “But it was a JOKE.” Well, then, it was a bad joke.
I left work early yesterday to make GOTV phone calls because I was so nervous. Nearly everyone I actually spoke to had already voted or had plans to vote. Although I am a nervous nellie, when Northam started taking the lead by around 8:30 pm I knew it was going to be big, because the big Kahuna, Fairfax, with 25% of voters in the Commonwealth, usually reports dead last or close to it. I stayed up until 3:00 am in 2006, 1:00 am in 2008, and 11:30 pm in 2012 waiting for Virginia results — all statewide Democratic victories. Anywho, among all the impressive statistics from yesterday, the ones that stand out are — demographic composition of voters was like presidential election years, and Fairfax went for Northam by a 2 to 1 margin, and that’s a wider pro-Dem margin than we usually see, which is incredibly bad news for Barbara Comstock. The stalwart Arlington electorate voted for Northam 80/19. And Loudoun County, which the Washington Post told me would be TIED, went for Northam by a margin of 59/39. There is now only one remaining Republican House Delegate from Northern Virginia. Of course, when your standard bearer refers to the region as enemy territory, you probably don’t deserve any, but as someone who moved here in 1978, let me tell you — that’s just incredible. I will be looking at the map all day and it is sweet, sweet, knowing that the General Assembly will not be in a position to keep gerrymandering the U.S. House Districts in a way that lost Tom Perriello his job in 2010. To understand how gerrymandered we are: Republicans have not won a statewide election since 2009 (and that was close). Yet, the composition of our congressional delegation is 8 R to 3 D. Comstock’s district (centered in Fairfax) and the district that Perriello represented (basically, Charlottesville) are among those that are constantly being changed to prevent Democratic victories.
low-tech cyclist
This. Women and men stepped up all over the Commonwealth, realizing nobody was going to do it for them, and ran for House of Delegates. Only a dozen or so GOP incumbents didn’t have Dem challengers. And so this morning, we’re looking at a good chance of a House of Delegates majority.
And a big shout-out to Tom Perriello, a true mensch. He lost the primary to Northam, but then did everything he could to support Northam’s candidacy and campaign for HoD candidates. (Note to Bernie: this is how to handle losing a primary.) With any luck, he can run for his old Congressional seat next year, and win it back.
Adria McDowell
@Kay: Good riddance to bad rubbish. The “purity ponies” have it all wrong- the only test a Democrat should face is whether or not they voted for Trump. If they did, or they support him in any way, BOOT THEIR ASSES OUT!
Also, Balle’ Balle’ Bhalla!
And comforting to know that some things never change and Cilizza is still the worst.
And in spite of the fact that Ralph Northam, the Democratic nominee, hailed from the sparsely populated eastern shore of Virginia and had a southern accent that some Democrats worried wouldn’t play well in northern Virginia.
Yeah, no one in Northern Virginia cared about his accent.
Patricia Kayden
@Enhanced Voting Techniques: Northam and Herring aren’t oppressed. From what I’ve heard, FOX NEWS is simply ignoring the Democratic election wave last night. LOL.
randy khan
Some people here may remember my mention of a meeting with a House Republican a bit less than two weeks ago. It was LoBiondo. This announcement helps explain why he was so candid.
Matt McIrvin
@Jeffro: If DC annexed NoVa, Virginia would lose a gigantic chunk of its tax base. I guess turning Virginia into Alabama is basically what he wants, though.
Patricia Kayden
@Betty Cracker: Wow. That’s what you call pushing the hell back. We have so many great stories from yesterday to revel in.
randy khan
Yeah, seriously, Northam’s accent was the last thing on anyone’s mind in this election.
@Patricia Kayden: Watched the top of the Today Show this morning and they pretty much did the same thing. Covered it, but didn’t invite any of their political folks on to discuss it. Spent much more time on the shooting in TX and the baseball pitcher’s death
Patricia Kayden
@Enhanced Voting Techniques: As they should. Hopefully this will scuttle that ridiculous “tax reform” nonsense which would take money from the poor/middle class and give to the rich in massive tax cuts. Any R who votes for it may find him/herself unemployed next November.
Patricia Kayden
@Yarrow: You know if Ed Gillespie and squeaked out a win, their coverage would have been much different. But **shrugs**, I guess since folks have figured out that the MSM is in Trump’s pocket.
@low-tech cyclist: I agree re Perriello. I have always liked Perriello, and it amazes me that the guy who was once reviled by many as a blue dog is now seen as some kind of inspiration to supporters of Sanders. I hope these results are a harbinger of good things for him personally.
@MattF: his statement was for DC to annex NoVA, though
@Chyron HR:
So…if one reads the name incorrectly the message one gets is still positive? Not even Don Draper & Peggy Olson could beat that one.
I mean, even if you object to sexist objectification, a person with a good nature would not begrudge knowing they exist somewhere in his/her district.
Last week on the Snooze Hour, practiced liar Brooks and Bumbling Jowls Shields spent most of their time on Donna Brazille’s book and tut tutting about D chances this Tuesday. I will tune in this week to check to see what they have to say. I think they will just ignore it.
@Matt McIrvin: that’s correct – he just wants a little backwater theocracy he can lord over
low-tech cyclist
I grew up in NoVa and lived there for several years as an adult. So I remember the frustration of people in local government in Northern Virginia because the rest of the state routinely tied their hands.
I’m sure Falwell and his late dad were perfectly OK with that. But now that the shoe’s on the other foot, listen to him whine. I think he needs the accompaniment of the world’s smallest violin.
@low-tech cyclist:
Yeah, Periello was great through this whole thing. There were more than a few people wanting to turn his loss into another bitter Sanders/Clinton feud and he tamped that down really well.
I don’t understand why you are all so happy. Don Jr told all of his minions to get out today and vote, and I’m sure they’re going to head out to do just that. :)
Seriously, though, as a friend of mine said on FB yesterday, last night she was feeling a sliver of what she expected to feel a year ago. Me too. I cut off or was cut off by several friends in the wake of last year, because they turned out to be someone other than who I thought they were (or maybe I just didn’t want to face up), and I’ve been pretty negative on American culture in general. Last night gives me hope that, while some of my (former) friends are assholes, plenty of my fellow citizens are not.
Maybe Trump should have made his hat pink instead of red. Keep pissing off women, GOP, yesterday is just a taste of what could be in store next year.
Washington Governor Inslee is ready to start implementing his priority list immediatley.
@Jeffro: Well, if DC annexes NoVa, that would disenfranchise a whole lot of Democrats, so it’d kill two birds with one stone. But Falwell could just up and leave.
Danica Roem’s phone interview with Lawrence last night was so impressive. The response that the defeated Bob was now her constituent was so instant, real and heartfelt, I had to wonder if she was a Buddhist. She was so focused throughout the interview on her district. She would take no bait to nationalize her victory. Her people came first.
Perhaps her journalistic background helped her ability to stand strong and only answer with her truth.
This morning, despite obvious data pointing to how important women’s votes and women’s candidacies mattered to Democratic victories last night, the punditry don’t see how women are still angry Hillary was robbed. Sexism was non-stop in the 2016 election. And women knew it. Yet, the Hillary connection is ignored.
All the Dem victories happened because women decided to run, often for great reasons like the “cook dinner” guy going one sexist atrocity too far. But the victories also happened because women decided to fight. To canvas, call, organize. Ground game is everything. Ms. Roem said 75,000 canvas calls were made on her behalf in her teeny tiny district, alone.
Organizing and turnout – keys to Dem saving our nation. Black voters, especially women, turned out heavily in VA cities. Dems ignoring their base is not a route to victory. The base won last night. Long may we wave.
I nominate that for a rotating tag line!
@MazeDancer: To them, if you are not an in the R demographic then you are to be
ETA: Its not WWC that’s the T demographic its the pundit demographic on our TV sets and in the newsrooms across the country. I don’t remember W or Romney’s empty podiums get covered the way T’s were.
Danica Roem’s win taught me about Althea Garrison.
As I begin this schadenfreu-delicious Wed, I have to wonder whether Trump’s tasteless and nasty tweet about Gillespie last night (it read something like, “He didn’t embrace me and that’s why he lost”) will finally move some of them to distance themselves from him. I mean Gillespie as RNC chair was their promoter and money bag for years.
No, let’s hope they cleave him to their breasts and hold him close, oh so ever close. The more Trump is their face, their brand, their message, we win.
@MattF: Liberty is the only thing that has kept Lynchburg afloat. I hate it because they are slowly becoming “normalized” as and educational institution.
@Humboldtblue: Good point!
Haha, it isn’t just Media Matters and Weigel regularly posting about how much Fox is avoiding actual news that they find unpleasant; now even guys like this – the communications director for wingnut Utah Senator Mike Lee – are commenting on it:
I guess Fox is staying with the business model adopted by Roger Ailes, as noted by Joan Walsh back in May:
I wonder if Rupert’s children find this problematic for the future of the network they will inherit, or whether they’ve already determined that there will be enough angry old racist white viewers to tide them over for quite some time yet.
Ceci n est pas mon nym
@Nicole: There is something deeply ingrained in our culture that celebrates assholery, that mistakes it for competence and leadership (if in a white male). We keep promoting those guys to management positions and watching them destroy companies, departments, employees, etc.
I won’t go so far as to say we’ll stamp that tendency out any time soon, but I believe we may have finally gotten to the point of a majority recognizing there are other models for leadership. The assholes are loud and proud and they and their worshippers are far too numerous and devious. But they are not the majority.
Cheryl from Maryland
@Jeffro: Housing, especially in Prince William County, is cheaper than in Fairfax or Arlington or Alexandria. The result is that both counties are becoming more diverse and more Democratic.
CF on Prince William’s demographics: More than half of the County’s population is either African American, Hispanic, Asian or some other racial/ethnic background, which is substantially higher compared to the state of Virginia and United States. Prince William’s percentage of Hispanic population (the fastest growing population in the United States) is also higher at 22% compared to the state of Virginia and the nation.
Both counties are also younger now — only 17% of Prince William’s population is over 55.
Folks go watch Fox Snooze or check out their website right now – you’d never know there were elections at all yesterday, much less historic upsets all across the country (and all in one direction too)
I mean wow…the bubble, it is STRONG…
The Moar You Know
I was reading about this. He went full Nazi, she wouldn’t talk about any of that shit, just kept the conversation on how fucked up their local roads were.
She whipped his ass. And yes, oh boy is there a lesson there for Dems going forward. And then this!
BOOM. Class without compromise. Watch this one, she is going places.
@raven: their online presence is just HUGE, too – their teacher prep programs are probably the largest or second largest in the state at this point
Our country is not conservative, it is polarized. Today, we are looking at the other side of that. There are more of us, and we want good government, and we are fucking pissed. If we stay motivated, we can fix all that they have destroyed. So far, the political shifts have been stunning, unprecedented.
I have been saying this, and I see evidence now I wasn’t just being naive. Take heart, folks.
Uncle Ebeneezer
@Baud: We need to see Betty’s Funding Agreement first!
Another Scott
@MazeDancer: This.
Great comment.
@schrodingers_cat: You got that right. While watching MSNBC last night, they rolled Va voter breakdowns and every single breakdown I saw was in favor of the other guy. White voters, Male voters, non-college educated voters, Evangelical Christian voters – all went solidly for Gillespie. The demographics that were for Northam (and it had to be basically everyone else) were not given. It was odd.
@Cheryl from Maryland: thanks! (I do live here in Fairfax, so these numbers are familiar to me). What’s new is these groups finally tipping the balance ((especially in PW) to the Dems.
Barbara Comstock must be absolutely shitting a brick today. Tick-tock, Barbara…
Ceci n est pas mon nym
I know there are local happy stories like this all over the country. Here’s what’s giving me the happy dance this morning.
Pat Meehan is our US Congressman. Tick-tock, Pat.
In the worst of all typos, I typed Mr. instead of Ms. Roem. Apologies to her and to all.
Am appalled at myself. I will go drink more coffee. And send a donation somewhere.
@Cheryl from Maryland: Interesting. I hadn’t realized there was so much demographic/economic stratification, although it’s no surprise..
Betty Cracker
@MazeDancer: Want I should fix it for you?
Ceci n est pas mon nym
@Ceci n est pas mon nym: I also saw something about Democrats taking control of Westchester and Nassau counties in New York, though I don’t know all the details about what offices were on the ballot. That is awesome news. My mother-in-law, when she went to work for Nassau County, registered Republican because she was convinced it would be impossible to be hired otherwise.
@Barbara: I’ve been preaching that gerrymandering thing for years. In fact if you take out McDonnell’s 2009 win, I don’t think a republican has won statewide since 2001. Yet until ast year, the congressional delegation was 9-2 republican, when we got one seat back. The 2010 redistributing killed us both in the general assembly and congress. And it also has national implications; a fairly districted Virginia would add 4 or 5 democrats to Congress.
It is so sweet getting rid of Bob Marshall. Almost as delicious as the self-destruction of George Allen in 2006. I know James Webb has his issues but I still appreciate him for ridding us of Macaca.
Gin & Tonic
@Ceci n est pas mon nym: The Nassau County Republican machine is what gave the nation Senator Alfonse D’Amato. Democrats winning there was about as predictable as Republicans winning in Cook County. Although I (thankfully) left Lawn Guyland decades ago and haven’t followed it very much since.
@Betty Cracker: That one should make the anthologies of Great Political Ripostes.
J R in WV
I’m not a mining engineer, but I would agree with this statement after seeing and living around copper mining country in Arizona. Even with mining in a desert, the water around copper mines is poisonous to birds landing beside the “ponds” full of toxic blue fluids.
With actual flowing groundwater and rainfall to deal with, copper and nickel mining is not quite the worst flavor of hard rock mining, but pretty close. Molybdenum mining and rare earth element mining may be worse, in that order.
Rare earth element mining is up there with mining for radioactive metals, worst of all. Gold is pretty bad too, they use cyanide to dissolve the gold from the crushed ores, sometimes by spraying it over piles of crushed ore in the open air!
Ya’ll will lose all that canoe rental business once the water changes color and kills everything it touches! I exaggerate a little – much of the health effects damage is slow building.
I haven’t seen them, but I’ve been told they’re mostly celebrating the one year anniversary of drumpf’s victory while simultaneously stirring the pot for more Hillary Clinton Administration investigations.
@Ceci n est pas mon nym: My mom, a good lefty in Westchester County, is shocked Astarino lost. And pleased. Very, very pleased.
But her emails!!!
She ran again last night as a candidate for Boston City Councilor at large. She came in fifth (top four get seated). This is honestly my preferred result, given three out of our four at large candidates are great. The only one I would like to see get unseated is Flaherty, but his base of support is the 2nd strongest of all the at large candidates so any insurgent candidate is likely to knock out a solid candidate, not him.
@Betty Cracker:
One more moment of proving you are a Goddess, Ms. Cracker.
Thank you!
@Honus: Webb has his issues, but among the other things his victory assured, it made it impossible for George Allen to credibly run for president. Also, this WaPo article gives a good overview of what happened in Virginia:
Northam won Comstock’s district by more than 13%. It’s time for me to get back involved in SwingLeft.
zhena gogolia
@Another Scott:
I remember your counseling us not to take Ossoff as a loss.
ETA: Your wisdom is now more apparent.
One of the best things voters in the state of California did was to remove re-districting from the legislature and turn it over to a non-partisan board.
We soooooo needed this! Such a boost psychologically — I was braced for defeat. And the incredible diversity of the wins around the country is as important as the wins themselves.
America’s immune system working hard to overcome the cancer of GOP/Trumpism.
zhena gogolia
Thanks, great comment.
@germy: yes that and whipping up fear about North Korea of course
That reminds me to ask my Republican friends and relatives exactly what they feel were the highlights of Trumpov’s first year in office …lol…
J R in WV
Any political group or individual who supported Sanders, especially if they still support his clique, will not get the time of day from me. I’m a generous supporter of many politically active groups, from ACLU and SPLC to OFA and individual candidates via Act-blue.
But if when I look at the political history of a candidate or group and I see (or smell) that telltale Sanders nonsense, I unsubscribe from their mailing list and tell them why by using their “contact” links. I’m a Democratic Party supporter, not a supporter of folks who won’t join the party but want to use if for their own purposes.
Wow, there are some hella stats in that piece.
Democrats didn’t just run up the score on blue turf, though:
Also …
Betty, I’ve been moderated. Li’l help?
mali muso
@Jeffro: Can’t wait to oust Comstock! More fired up than ever to knock doors and GOTV next year here in VA-10.
Guessing Falwell doesn’t have the slightest inkling such a thing would require a constitutional amendment, as the size of the federal district is set and defined in Article I, Section 8 as “not exceeding ten miles square.”
Another Scott
@mali muso: Aren’t there about eleventy-seven D candidates for her seat? It seems to be a reasonably easy get, if we get the right candidate. I wonder/worry about splitting our side, but it’s early yet – the primary isn’t until June 12, 2018.
Sister Golden Bear
Thank you for highlighting this. Turns out Danica also metal AF (and has her own band).
FWIW, in addition to Danica, there were three open “first transgender” winners last night:
– Andrea Jenkins, Minneapolis city council (also the first trans person of color to be elected to any U.S. office)
– Tyler Titus, Erie, PA school board
– Lisa Middleton, Palm Springs city council
Also, a friend of mine narrowly lost her election for town council in New York, but will likely run again.
I cannot tell you how moving it is to finally have “someone who looks like me” in office. I’m still crying this morning.
But I’m not the only one. I’m sure I’m missing some other “first” candidates, but there were the two Sikh candidates mentioned downstairs and the former Liberian refugee in Helena, MT. Seattle just elected its first openly lesbian mayor (and first women since the 1920s).
This is my America mofos, and yes we are continuing to make it great despite your revanchist asses.
When Dems turnout, Dems win.
Well, actually, I fail to to see the down side on this. They’re putting in the work, and if they learn how to work with other Dems to get things down, and push the agenda leftward, I’m not going to complain.
Betty Cracker
@Humboldtblue: Didn’t see anything in the back room. Sorry.
@Capri: I thought it was narrower in a couple of places than you would have expected. IIRC, non-college educated was something like 54 for Gillespie, 45 for Northam, and the same holds true for voters over age 45. That gave me an inkling that the vote for Northam might be wider than was predicted. It should have been 60+ for Gillespie in those two categories.
Neither am I. Bernie did well here for a few reasons, chiefly it’s rural and very white, but also educated and engaged. They liked his populist message and while many of the younger folks were spurred by Bernie and the chance to “stick it to the establishment and the corporate Dems”, when they showed up at Dem headquarters they found some seriously well informed political vets. It’s a win-win.
@Betty Cracker: It appears to have been cleared, Betty.
randy khan
WaPo has a pretty full exit poll results story. Some highlights (Northam first in each case):
Men 48-50
Women 61-39 !!
White 42-57 (actually an improvement over Clinton v. Trump)
Non-white 80-19
College grads 60-39
Independents 47-50
Decided in the last week 61-37 – you may remember some stuff about Northam fading; apparently not (and apparently not much impact from the sanctuary city kerfuffle either)
Feelings about Trump affected vote:
Support (17% of voters) 4-96
Opposition (34% of voters) 97-2
Not a factor (47% of voters, many of them lying): 41-56
Here’s the whole thing: Le Link
Kinda makes you appreciate the energy from the Bernie contingency. Magic happens when you tap that momentum. Also makes you realize what a lost opportunity that was.
Betty Cracker
@LanceThruster: Thanks for pointing out that the first trans woman to win a U.S. statehouse seat and the diverse slate of women who were elected along with her owe it all to Bernie. To paraphrase another alleged savior, “Bernie is the way and the truth and the life. No one comes to the statehouse except through Bernie.”
@Betty Cracker:
Well see, Betty, those 10 Virginia women who unseated 10 GOP male incumbents learned how to beat an old white man by watching Hillary run Bernie and his clueless gaggle of supporters off the stage. So yeah, in a way old Uncle Never Did a Fucking Thing contributed greatly to the progressive gains made last night.
@Betty Cracker:
Not what I said at all, Betty, your attempt to mischaracterize it notwithstanding. I merely pointed out that an enthusiastic base showing up at the polls has long coattails. People were so underwhelmed by Hillary’s anticipated coronation…they stayed home, with predictable results I might add. She was an albatross. ‘Not Trump’ has a little more legs now.
Betty Cracker
@LanceThruster: Oh, bullshit — you waded into a thread that was specifically about celebrating Democratic women in Virginia and the party’s incredible gains in that statehouse last night and attributed it to the “Bernie contingent” and dropped yet another Sanders-shaped turd into the punch bowl. Your fucking comment is still there at #122 for all to see, so don’t lie about it.
Contrary to your fantasy world, Sanders didn’t have dick to do with the results in Virginia last night. He refused to back Northam after his anointed candidate lost the primary. To his credit, Perriello was a mensch about it and campaigned his ass off for Northam (unlike some sulky sore loser assholes who wasted their votes on a third-party vanity candidate instead). Sanders didn’t campaign with Ms. Roem, but Hillary Clinton’s running mate, Senator Tim Kaine, did.
You’ll never understand it because you’ve swallowed too many wingnut talking points about Hillary Clinton being an ambitious shrew, but women were and are pissed off about the way Clinton was shafted in 2016, and with good reason. Millions of them marched in January, and thousands of signed up to run for office as Democrats.
And last night, an incredibly diverse slate of Democratic women in Virginia beat Republicans. That’s what this thread is about. For you to try to erase their experience and claim the credit for Sanders is an insult.
@Betty Cracker: Bravo, BC. Nailed it.
No One You Know
@Betty Cracker: Thank you! It’s silly to think Bernie Sanders is the motivating force that Trump himself is. Now that people know what they’re up against, if they don’t run, if they don’t vote, they are coming out in force. The prospect of being hanged focuses the mind wonderfully (Samuel Johnson, I think).