I’ve never actually seen two people angling to be the first to go in the revolution, but these two are making a helluva case for themselves:
Treasury Secretary Steven Mnuchin and wife Louise Linton holding new $1 bills with his signature on them https://t.co/dUHzqlv66o pic.twitter.com/d4CoYsu5cs
— Hunter Schwarz (@hunterschwarz) November 15, 2017
Tone deaf muthafuckas.
Roger Moore
They’re both surprised because they’re not used to seeing any denomination that small.
Cheryl Rofer
Marie Antoinette was kind of asking for it.
Why is his wife there?
She doesn’t work there, right?
Have standards really fallen that far at the Treasury?
@Cheryl Rofer: This crew makes Marie Antoinette look like Eleanor Roosevelt.
Comrade Colette Collaboratrice
Gotta disagree with you here, John – but only about the first two words. These folks know and intend exactly what their haughty tone conveys: They are the MOTU and there’s not a fucking thing we can do about it.
Let’s just hope they’re wrong and keep working to make it so.
Those black gloves! Could she look any more like an evil villain?
He REALLY is that obnoxious. He’s loathesome, and so is his Trophy Wife.
What is the age difference between the Mrs. and Mnuch?
Comrade Colette Collaboratrice
@schrodingers_cat: 18 years.
ETA: Oh my G-d, this:
@rikyrah: Age difference seems Mooresque.
ETA: Confirmed by C^3.
Is this the “heightening the contradictions” that I was promised before the revolution can come?
Well I suppose her Décolletage could have been lower with shiny black leather.
Major Major Major Major
Ready-to-go material for great opposition ads for Dems will never come so cheap again. It’s like the Trumspters are doing ads for free a year out from the next election. Heck, with stuff like that, one is almost ready to go tomorrow for an ad blitz tomorrow against the super rich person’s GOP tax slash scam.
That look on their faces! A line for that in an opp ad is beyond my skill. but I am sure some creative people are chomping on the bit.
@schrodingers_cat: About a Moore. I think that’s the new marriage age differential measurement standard.
How many top Rs have wives > =15 years younger than them?
I will start:
Current occupant of the WH
This looks like a still from one of those old late-night get-rich-quick schemes, where the dork with a foolproof system flings around money while blondes coo over him.
Major Major Major Major
@schrodingers_cat: my parents are I think 13 years different, it’s not that terrible.
Comrade Colette Collaboratrice
@schrodingers_cat: Third wives, in both those cases and in Mnoooch’s.
@Yarrow: She really is ridiculous….. I can understand why they would want to see them and get a photo of the moment because it is sort of cool but jebus, can she try and pretend just once that this wasn’t something for the reality TV set?
Just One More Canuck
@Yarrow: Her Dalmatian coat was at the cleaners
@Yarrow: @schrodingers_cat: You’re old fogeys. They actually keep them long enough to marry and then betray. Mnuchin hasn’t even dumped her yet. You people are way behind the times.
You need to get “Moore’ up to date. Ha ha. That’s a bad joke.
@Major Major Major Major: My mom is actually a year older than my dad.
“I. myself, never use them. But I’m given to understand they’re popular with the little people.”
People, people, you’re burying the lede: Who’s she wearing?!?
“I like money so much, I bought the company!”
No Drought No More
Tone deaf? Not in this country, they’re not, and more’s the pity.
Somewhere along the line the democratic party forget that fact about the republican party- forgot “the face of mammon”, so to speak. Congressional democrats should blow that photo up, in fact, and hang it in their caucus room, lest they ever forget again.
BTW, there’s terrific article in the NY Times today about the recent discovery of the only etching of George Washington’s tent taken in the field. Check it out, 4 stars..
meh, all bills are signed by the current Treasury Sec. Nobody bothered to tell me about it before but it actually is normal, not the new “normal”. He’s supposed to do this, like Trump is supposed to send his portrait to all government offices.
This guy causes us actual problems, lets concentrate on actual issues.
Going through O’Hare this weekend, I saw an ad on the wall for a stemware company that was advertising specially designed glasses for different varieties of grapes. My first thought was “and as a bonus, being a customer puts you at the top of the list when the revolution comes!”
Very S&M-ish. Maybe she’s one of the “Knights of Ren”. Will have to check “The Last Jedi” to be sure.
@FlipYrWhig: ‘We have that One Weird Trick to Print this at Home! … with stuff already in you kitchen. Look what it bought me!”
@schrodingers_cat: Well, I was wrong in my assumption. McConnell only = Chao+11.
Corner Stone
@Just One More Canuck: Dammit. I had intensities to say that very, very beautiful thing. Believe me.
I hope Mrs. Treasury Secretary remembers to tag all her accessories on Insta. Just count me as #aspiringonepercenter, #temporarilyembarrassedmillionaire, #soblessed. Those gloves will be mine!
Corner Stone
The sex just can’t be that damn good where he flat out agrees to be the first guy under the blade.
Possible caption: “Money with just a “1” on it? Why does this exist?
President Idiot is boasting about rearming Japan.
Corner Stone
Subtitle to picture:
“Look Facebook Fam, they *do* exist! There really are such things as bills with only one digit one them!”
@ET: It doesn’t seem like reality TV to me. Looks like she’s in a low-rent Bond knockoff movie playing the mistress to the villain. It turns out in the end she was running everything herself–poorly of course.. The plot is telegraphed from the opening scene, dialogue is stilted and unrealistic and she dies in the end.
? Martin
As I said before, the common area of expertise of the current administration is looting national economies. This is what they are experts at, this is what they are proud of.
Corner Stone
Ermagawd! Trump just had his Lil Marco Moment with the water bottle.
@martian: Is she wearing those fugly Valentino caged pumps with rockstuds?
@Just One More Canuck: Exactly what I was thinking but the gloves would be red.
Corner Stone
@Yarrow: Long as she dies in the end, I’ll toss in a few bucks for the matinee.
Major Major Major Major
Well, yeah. It’s the fucking pose.
As for the last sentence, we are capable of holding multiple thoughts in our heads. You don’t go through all of your day “concentrating on actual issues”, do you? You’d just eat gruel and shower only when you noticed you smelled and protest.
@Corner Stone:
Take another look at him, it just might be.
@gvg: Why is his wife in the money printing facility? I don’t recall this ever happening before with any other Treasury official.
Drumpf just did a “Thirsty, thirsty Lil Marco” in the midst of his word salad upchuck. Sad.
She’s his assistant in the coming demo where he shows you how to double it with a GOP pass through tax loophole for the clever passive investor.
Who knows another One Weird Trick.
There is another joke about a weird trick there, but I fear it is uncivil.
(furtive whisper) Um, just show the cameras the front. It says ‘In Vlad We Trust’ on the back.
Adam L Silverman
Cokehead Dolt45 is giving an address right now. Sniffling ,sniffling, sniffling…Kelly must have wiped off the white..ummm…baby powder off Toddler Trump’s nose before they put him up on the little stage to give this afternoons performance. Uncle Rex and Uncle Wilbur are so proud of Lil Hands Donny…they’re going to pinch his cheeks.
54 and 36. How much Grecian Formula is the Manuch massaging his head with?
Aren’t we all?!
@Corner Stone: Owe you a Trump Wasser!
I can’t recall a mint press photo-op ever.
Had a meeting with an SF Fed Reserve employee once and the security was phenomenal. I can’t imagine what it must be like in the print shop.
Major Major Major Major
@Adam L Silverman: What is she, a fucking Bond villain?
@Adam L Silverman: Adam, what the hell is she doing there? I mean this seriously, how is she getting security clearance to be in there?!
? Martin
And I have to say, pretty brazen to put the moves on President Dwayne Elizondo Mountain Dew Herbert Camacho. Props to Crews for speaking out.
@Adam L Silverman:
Look! I got all this cool swag for free at work today, Honey!
It’ll make great wallpaper for the guest villa.
@Corner Stone: @misterpuff: OMG! He did the butthole mouth before he took a sip. GROSS!
@Major Major Major Major:
Right words, wrong order.
@martian: Not me, its too cold for them, plus they are ugly and expensive.
mike in dc
Trump is Marco Rubio-ing the shit out of this speech.
See thread below about Mugabe and his wife. I’m sure that Linton is in the running for assistant secretary of the Treasury.
@Major Major Major Major: I read that she comes from a rich Scottish family. They have a castle and estate. And the businesses that are keeping her family in money have some connection to…wait for it…Russia! So, yes. Maybe a Bond villain.
Corner Stone
That’s why she has the gloves on. She didn’t want to take a chance dirtying her fingers by touching such a small denomination. Wait til you see what she takes off as they go from the $50s to the Hundos.
Can recall similar when new designs/anti-counterfeiting updates were displayed.
Citizen Alan
Louise Linton may well be the Marie Antoinette of this (mis)administration. In that first picture, she looks for all the world like she wishes she could take off all her clothes right there and roll around in a tub full of fresh currency.
Corner Stone
@mike in dc: He’s cotton mouthed from all the coke he needed to keep him upright during the speech. The jetlag has to be kicking his absolute ass by now.
If he doesn’t end this speech by breaking into a 50’s doo-wop song lyrics I will be shocked.
@Major Major Major Major:
Wrong word order. She’s fucking a Bond villain.
ETA: Reading on, I find I’m once again slow to the keyboard.
@Brachiator: The Mint’s security is supposed to be heads above the rest. I can’t figure out how that asshat got clearance for his wife to get in. She has NO BUSINESS being in there.
Amaranthine RBG
This company? https://www.riedel.com/wine-tastings/tasting-sets/
My well-meaning brother in law got me a set of these:https://www.amazon.com/exec/obidos/ASIN/B000MYFXG0/ref=nosim/scotchaddict-20 and assured me they were really the “only way” to properly enjoy single malt. Um, yeah, if its good booze, a solo cup is just fine.
Adam L Silverman
@Major Major Major Major: I do not know.
5000 Shades of Munchkin Green:
‘Okay Lil Stevie,you told me , $5000 bills,not $1 bills. I am going to get my whip out. Oh, Stevie,I know how much you like whips don’t I?’
Adam L Silverman
@TenguPhule: I also do not know.
Betty Cracker
It’s not that the Treasury secretary is taking a standard PR photo. It’s that his trophy wife insisted on butting in.
Major Major Major Major
@TenguPhule: @Spanky: Please, Mr. Mnuchin is definitely not a Bond villain.
Millard Filmore
@Corner Stone:
“Look Honey, I found some wallpaper for the den.”
Comrade Colette Collaboratrice
@Betty Cracker: I still think this is the best yet.
@schrodingers_cat: Ugly and expensive is point. Tribal marker. How else will Everyone Who Matters understand that you, too, have money to burn if you aren’t conspicuously consuming it?
“You can’t dress trashy till you spend a lot of money.”
Not that I can tell, but she is wearing a very fugly super villain costume that Mnuch probably spent a good $20 or $30K on. She really has horrible taste. But then, that’s an easy call when you look at what she married.
@Yarrow: All these land owning types are up to their ears in debt.
O. Felix Culpa
@Betty Cracker: Ms. Cracker wins the internets!
ETA: And the twitterworld! Saving American womanhood from Steve Mnuchin, one tweet at a time.
@Major Major Major Major:
And there is definitely not a coup going on in Zimbabwe.
@Major Major Major Major:
He’s a henchman or perhaps client who gets blown up in unfortunate/planned crossfire.
@Betty Cracker:
Win the day, Betty!
Adam L Silverman
@Comrade Colette Collaboratrice: Here you go:
Major Major Major Major
@trollhattan: exactly. He’s one of the front-room suits who dies incompetently during unscheduled combat.
@TenguPhule: I’m starting to think you’ve never seen a Bond movie.
Thinking the same thing. The strange thing is that he actually is doing what he is supposed to be doing, placing his signature on the bills printed during his reign.
@Major Major Major Major: Elliot Carver.
I rest my case.
Corner Stone
@Millard Filmore: How gauche! More likely wallpaper for the pet’s bathroom in the third guesthouse.
@Roger Moore: I just got finished reading the Episcopalian joke at LGM.
Tom Levenson
@Amaranthine RBG: Ha! My inlaws gave a set of those whisky glasses too. Unusable IMHO.
Yup. That’s why it was Bad that Michelle Obama bought stuff from J Crew and looked fabulous. How were people supposed to know she was the First Lady if she didn’t wear clothes that were both ugly and ostentatious? Thank god we have Melania as our First Lady now to show everyone how a Real American dresses in ugly but wildly expensive clothes.
Just One More Canuck
@Corner Stone: great minds think alike
I’m going to be trite – regardless of age and who they married, GOP wives make ghastly fashion choices. It’s like they went to the local fashion store and the saleslady wanting her commission will tell them how loverly they look, regardless of what they are wearing.
He’s not the problematic part of the photo.
@? Martin:
Isn’t it exploiting any money any where?
They don’t really care where or how, just how much.
This is my not surprised face.
I’m not down with appearance shaming, but… Every time I see this woman my gut reaction is, “If she’s actually 36, she needs to fire whoever does her Botox asap.” ?
Corner Stone
@trollhattan: Mnuchin is the third-rate banker who “accidentally” turns in a miscount to the villain while on his private island. Shark pit drop in 3…2…1…
Major Major Major Major
@TenguPhule: He dressed the part. Mnuchin just looks like a doof.
The picture fairly screams “Fiona in Thunderball.”
Much as I despised her, Nancy Reagan had good taste in clothing. Probably a remnant of her B-list starlet days when the studios dressed her.
Warren Buffett lived in the same house for fifty years (not sure if he still does). And drove something economical. The people who mattered to him ?
only him.
IIRC, the guy was never convicted of domestic violence, which seems to be a bit of a problem with our current system since a majority of these mass shooting assholes have at least one DV arrest in their past.
Amaranthine RBG
@Tom Levenson:
And I have to get the damn things out and dust them off every time the brother in law visits. …
Awful ergonomics.
eta: “Slightly outturned lip directs the spirit onto the tip of the tongue, where sweetness is perceived, and serves to emphasize the elegant creaminess of top quality single malt whiskey” Maybe the problem is with me. Maybe I need to stick my tongue out more when I sip whisky.
What is Christopher Kimball doing in the background of that photo? IIRC, bowtie is #3 wife too.
@Major Major Major Major: @Corner Stone:
Maybe we can reboot this “Goldfinger” scene:
“Forgive me, Mr Bond, but I must arrange to separate my gold from the late Mr
@Betty Cracker:
You do speak the truth.
@Comrade Colette Collaboratrice: I literally LOLed.
I was amused when some congressman proposed a law to limit sexual harassment in the House – no sex between congressmembers and staff.
@geg6: Agree and Laura Bush dressed in a style that suited her, I was thinking of the nouveau administration and hangers on.
I’d forgotten about this.
I wonder if he’s sold his interest in the business. I think I read he didn’t sell. Also, Ratner is a sexual abuser.
@Major Major Major Major:
Is he a bond villan?
Small letter b, as in monetary instrument.
It amused me to find out after he died that Steve Jobs and his family lived in a neighborhood where kids could trick or treat door-to-door. Apparently he liked to dress up as Frankenstein to hand out the candy.
I mean, it’s still a huge, expensive house in an upper-class neighborhood, but it wasn’t an estate behind a wall.
Learning how to cook the books!
@Major Major Major Major
You’re correct. He’s a stock and bond villain.
@TS: Also too, Michelle, although I never understood her love for the 50s style full skirts.
I thought Laura Bush’s fancy dresses were a little dowdy, but at least they weren’t tacky.
Here’s an easy to remember acronym for all the buffoons who still support Trump’s tax plan. Trump’s Winning Income Tax Scheme. TWITS.
Major Major Major Major
@hueyplong: Oh, very good.
@Adam L Silverman:
@schrodingers_cat: She’s very tall and curvy, which works with that silhouette. I’m similarly proportioned (if not quite as fit) and it’s a good look — especially in photos.
It’s common for women who have larger hips to pick a full skirt. One of my coworkers likes to wear the same style for that reason.
I realize that, but alot of comments were about him originally. The tone changed when gvg pointed this out.
Steve in the ATL
Link? Or copy/paste?
@schrodingers_cat: I’m two and a half weeks older than my husband.
@catclub: he had the same unfancy house in Omaha, yes, but apparently at least one very nice house elsewhere.
@martian: You made me LOL at work. Very inappropriate on my part, but grateful anyway! Not much to laugh about these days.
@TenguPhule: Did you see the rest of her outfit? She’s got the shiny black leather thing going. Really.
@Mnemosyne: Laura dresses like the schoolteacher/librarian she was originally going to go into. I’m not familiar enough with her story to know why she didn’t pursue that.
@misterpuff: what is even the subject for this great reveal?
@Steve in the ATL: it was about small denominations.
@cosima: That is some real dominatrix money there. Steve didn’t bring enough home and he’s been a bad boy.
@Mnemosyne: I think it make large hips look enormous. I too has a pear shaped body so I know.
A-line skirt, or a pencil skirt, if you have it then flaunt it, is your motto.
Have his signature on the bills, yeah. Go find the picture of another Treas. Sec. holding them up with his strumpet.
@Corner Stone: I don’t think it’s coke, I think he just pops sinus pills right and left. They have that, what do you call it, pseudo-ephedrine?
I am pretty good with those two falling into a ditch that leads to the bottom of the Marinaras Trench, but I also think we need to confiscate their wealth for back taxes.
@Yutsano: I read something last week about influence of Laura Bush on the Dub administration. Apparently, she was one who pestered Dub into actually getting some of his good (though kind of small bore) policies passed. Marine reserve national monument declarations and some late moves in good direction on environment come to mind right now.
Some of those were dumped when good Dub policies that emerged into public view during Obama were attacked by GOP as Satanic Obama initiatives. Now Antiquities Act under attack. But some of what they are attacking are not Obama, but things Laura pestered Dub to do.
What is the Ill Douche giving a speech about, anyway?
Good news on the senate tax bill ( if it holds, natch):
The reason being personally insulted by the process seems to be a senate specialty.
I still think Corker is a good shot to follow through on his promise not to vote for a tax bill that raises the deficit.
Tenar Arha
Yeah, I saw this earlier.
My two thoughts:
A: These people are going to destroy capitalism via tone deaf photographs alone, and they’ll deserve it.
B: I doubt we’ll ever fully ban capitalism, but these people are not prepared for the job scarce, post-capitalist future.
Major Major Major Major
Well, if Brave Sir Maverick joins him, plus Collins’s soft no earlier today, that’s three.
Folks, there is usually a photo of the new Treasury Secretary and the sheet of bills. It’s just that it runs on the inside pages of the Wall Street Journal or the business section of newspapers. I wouldn’t be surprised if there were some with wives.
The only reason we’re seeing this one is because of the wackadoodle factor. It’s usually just a totally boring photo and no one cares. (Except the Treas Sec and family)
@catclub: Johnson might really oppose it because he agrees with the pissed GOP funders that it has already been shrunk too much, to account for failure of GOP PPACA repeleal/replace scam. But who cares? As long as he causes problems, if it holds, good news.
Edit: OTOH, it true that refusal of big funders to even consider closing any tax loopholes for tax expenditures for super rich that the GOP have been begging them for over last several weeks, means that they are doing this crap totally on the fly. It is bad improvisational theater disguised as legislation. And the GOP was begging for symbolic crumbs for pressers, and just what absolutely needed in order to squeeze into reconciliation, but that was still way too much to ask.
@catclub: Collins is indicating she’s a no due it to tossing a bunch of her constituents off the health insurance.
@Mnemosyne: Don’t forget that they’re all too tight. Why do people DO that? Especially people who can get everything tailored properly?
@catclub: That’s not the kind of social currency Mrs. Treasury Secretary or her Revenge of the Dweebs husband are going for. They’re True Trumpers. And there are a lot of tangible, material benefits to this kind of signaling.
How often do you think Donald sat his pasty behind, flat-ass broke, on his golden throne? Financial reality didn’t matter nearly as much as access and belonging did. There’s a mountain of privilege, coddling, considerations given, and easy breaks that goes along with these ostentatious tribal displays. A kind of privilege that keeps grifters floating in milk and honey comfort.
Warren Buffett didn’t need that to make his pile and, doesn’t appear to want it, though I doubt he’s quite as endearing and plain folk as his public persona. We’ll see what happens with later generation Buffetts after he’s gone.
That’s not leather. It’s the human skins of IndyMac clients.
a thousand flouncing lurkers (was fidelio)
@Major Major Major Major: Would it be wrong to thrown in a Tick reference, to Dr. Mrs. The Monarch, formerly Dr. Girlfriend?
@Yarrow: Fingers crossed that it stays that way.
Adam L Silverman
Senator Rubio trolls the President:
Keep calling!!
Tenar Arha
Verbal comeuppance of some tone deaf muthafuckas.
In this tweet:
@Adam L Silverman: Oh, that’s funny.
Major Major Major Major
@Feathers: I don’t really see anybody complaining about the existence of the photo so much as the clothing and expressions on display.
@Adam L Silverman: OK that’s actually funny.
@Yarrow: whoa, that explains the sudden about -face
Adam L Silverman
@Tenar Arha: Here you go, it’s better if you watch and hear it:
Heads on pikes!
Corner Stone
Listen, people. We all understand the SecTreas gets an official picture and several informal pictures with the first batches of money that have his/her signature. That’s not the freakin’ point of this post.
Major Major Major Major
@Yarrow: Oh boy, no wonder they’re bailing.
Chyron HR
Well, the important thing is we didn’t elect Hillary, for as it is written in Berninations 1:23, she’s in cahoots with Goldman Sachs.
Cheers! To laugh is to resist.
Corner Stone
@Yarrow: This is my “YIKES!” face.
You’re making a mountain out of a molehill, IMHO. The facility has public tours, plus as treasury secretary he has the ultimate authority to override any concerns (for better or worse).
House Democrats introduce impeachment articles against Trump
@Major Major Major Major:
Related: Actress Karin Dor, who played an actual Bond villain in “You Only Live Twice, ” died recently (November 6, 2017)
She also had a memorable scene in the Hitchcock film, “Topaz”
Great scene. John Vernon plays a blue-eyed Castro knock-off in the movie.
Corner Stone
@MomSense: Have you secretly taken on a PR job with Big Pike recently?
@Comrade Colette Collaboratrice:
why is she dressed like a Sith Lord in those pics?
@Yarrow: The grain of salt is something we learned from 2016: polls reflect moment-to-moment mood more than how people will actually vote.
@Adam L Silverman: I hope Claire uses that clip in her re-election ads. Tagline could be: “Claire McCaskill – doing math, kicking ass, on your behalf.”
@a thousand flouncing lurkers (was fidelio)
That’s Venture Brothers, not Tick.
wow. I think Weaver ran McCains Campaign.
Not on the production floor they don’t. Those tours are from the gallery overhead, not where the actual money is.
Norms and rules being broken. Again.
mike in dc
It will be more serious when/if the entire Democratic membership of Judiciary(17 members) AND Intelligence(7 members not counting Swalwell who’s also in Judiciary) intro articles of impeachment. Because it means the members most well-informed about the allegations, and the members who will actually vote in the committee of jurisdiction, are all on the same page.
a thousand flouncing lurkers (was fidelio)
@Yarrow: The next step is for someone to convince Strange to run a write-in candidacy, thus splitting the die-hard Republican vote.
This may be why all the suggestions for getting the GOP out of their Moore trouble involve highly improbable scenarios–introducing an alternative candidate without getting rid of Moore is likely to leave Jones the winner, with the GOP vote divided and the Democrats and many independents giving Jones a majority of votes cast.
Steeplejack (phone)
@Yarrow: good to hear – but only because it confirms MY prediction ;) that this would piss off the same ones who killed the healthcare repeal bill.
@Adam L Silverman: Hot dayum, that’s awesome. I listened to a lot of that Senate committee’s proceedings on C-SPAN radio yesterday, and the Dems were PISSED. I didn’t hear this bit, but watching McCaskill as she spoke is so much better than just listening would be.
From Paul Krugman yesterday, on this same topic:
Major Major Major Major
@different-church-lady: I feel like we already knew that. What we learned in 2016 was that margins of error are real, and that sometimes every poll is wrong in the same direction.
Third-party votes by Republicans are almost as good for us as votes directly for Jones.
The rightwing civil war seems to be heating up with rhetorical shots fired between Matt Drudge and Steve Bannon.
Drudge has called Roy Moore a whore and says the political novices like Bannon should stick to blogging or something like that.
@different-church-lady: absolutely, but one nice thing about a poll like that is that it might compel the Republicans to take some extraordinary step, which will probably backfire. I hope.
Roger Moore
And since they were married relatively late in life- he was 51 and she was 40- it isn’t nearly as creepy.
a thousand flouncing lurkers (was fidelio)
@NotMax: You’re right. I was confusing my post-modernist superhero cartoons.
Corner Stone
Here come da
Like this proves their sacrifice and hard work for the American people? How much was the hair stylist, and did we pay for that and for the photographer? Do they have use of a govt employed photographer whenever they insist on documenting their delusions?
@GregB: Root. For. Injuries.
Apparently Roy Moore’s attorney is holding a press conference right now, from what my intertubes tell me. Who’s hungry for some legal surrealism?
@Corner Stone: I hear their rates for outdoor installations have quadrupled since T took office
Corner Stone
@different-church-lady: Smoke so far. The worst thing is the involvement of Ms. Allred.
Now attempting to impugn the Yearbook.
@GregB: I noticed that. What’s Drudge up to?
Adam L Silverman
@sharl: Don’t thank me, I just embedded what @Tenar Arha: posted.
Corner Stone
Ms. Nelson was also apparently in a divorce action before Moore’s court in 1999. It’s strenuous garbage so far.
Major Major Major Major
@Corner Stone: the important thing is he’s not going away.
Corner Stone
Takes no questions! Only went after the fifth accuser, Ms. Bev Nelson.
@Yarrow: Thanks! And thanks go out to the women who spoke out despite backlash in their communities. I wish there was a group set up to offer support in a bigger way beyond letters to their lawyers.
@Corner Stone:
That way he can claim he told them no lies.
CBO: Republican tax plan would trigger big cuts to Medicare
11/15/17 11:00 AM
By Steve Benen
The federal budget deficit, which Republicans used to pretend to care about, is poised to get vastly larger if the GOP tax plan passes. There’s reason to believe, however, that Republicans will renew their interest in balancing the budget – just as soon as they’re done slashing tax rates on the wealthy and corporations.
Gary Cohn, the director of the National Economic Council at Donald Trump’s White House, hinted as much last week, as did House Speaker Paul Ryan (R-Wis.) yesterday.
The scope of this vision is pretty extraordinary: GOP officials have a vision of overhauling the federal tax code, redistributing wealth to the top, scrapping health care benefits for millions, and then targeting social-insurance programs like Social Security and Medicare.
And before you ask, “Didn’t Donald Trump give his word to Americans that he wouldn’t cut entitlements?” it’s important to remember the president’s rhetoric has very little to do with his actions, and he’s already endorsed some entitlement cuts, despite his commitments.
But in practical terms, we don’t really need to wait that long to see Republicans undermine popular social-insurance programs. As the Wall Street Journal reported yesterday, the GOP tax plan may very well bring about some sharp cuts sooner rather than later.
@different-church-lady: Which is not the same thing as “I told no lies”.
O. Felix Culpa
@Adam L Silverman: Claire McCaskill is shrill.
Adam L Silverman
@MattF: Andrew Breitbart worked for Drudge. Drudge mentored him. This is personal for Drudge as he feels that Bannon has trashed Breitbart’s good name and reputation by turning Breitbart into the mouthpiece for the alt-right.
What Drudge doesn’t realize is that outside of the hermetically sealed right wind infotainment ecosystem Breitbart doesn’t have a good reputation and his name isn’t spoken with reverence.
@rikyrah: They won’t be able to fix that Medicare cut, I don’t think. As I noted earlier today, that amount was already subtracted from the $136 B, to get the $111 B shortfall that they are having trouble with right now today, and it’s causing some GOP Senators to choke.
I always assumed that part of Michelle wearing the 50’s silhouette was that it references an era in America that a lot of (mainly white) people idealise. It reads as classy, conservative, and respectable, imo, mainly because of the 50’s nostalgia. It certainly helps that the style flattered her. She, Barack, and their girls together just screamed classic, picture perfect family.
Well, to me. I guess an election and probably thousands of racist, Facebook memes have proven that millions of white people in this country are rock-skulled regressives.
It is looking much of the whole rightwing propagandasphere is beginning to buckle and groan.
May the shit storm suck them all into an endless vortex.
@Adam L. Silverman
would overflow several athenea.
Ridnik Chrome
@Adam L Silverman:
My eyes are about to roll right out of my head here…
@GregB: Calling Mr. Lovecraft– the rest of your party has arrived.
Marie Antoinette was not actually the plutocratic sociopath history made her out to be.
Adam L Silverman
@NotMax: It is what it is.
@martian: You are right, her choice was pitch perfect for the image she was trying to project. I just think that A lines and pencil skirts would flatter her even more. YMMV. Like President O looked good even in dad jeans, but looks much more cool in the leather jacket, which he never wore while presidenting.
Adam L Silverman
@Ridnik Chrome: If the condition lasts for longer than four hours, please seek professional medical attention.
@Betty Cracker:
::::Bowing in admiration:::::
BTW, do I have the spelling of ‘tumbrel’ correct?
I’m just wondering why she wore a borderline Sith villain outfit to the event….
@Aleta: I see I’m wrong about the photo taking itself …
So something else: Sen Collins said that the person whose main job before the WH was “personal brand booster” is the “most effective” member of the White House team on tax policy discussions.
Planted piece on the hard working fashion inspiration at AP.
The Sofia Coppola movie was actually pretty fact-based once you got past the use of pop music. I read the Antonia Fraser biography that the movie was based on and Coppola stuck close to the actual history.
Marie Antoinette was spoiled and sheltered, but she wasn’t evil. A lot of the propaganda about her was basically xenophobia and spent a lot of time darkly hinting that she was plotting against France with her Austrian relatives.
@rikyrah: Something else might be worth bringing up with GOP Congressfinks. People should tell them they know what has happened. The GOP are such flunkies to their big funders that they will not cross them in any way.
After the repeal/replace scam failed, the super rich and big corporations had to agree to swallow some actual tax reform, closing some loopholes and ending some tax expenditures for the big shots. The GOP asked and got a flat ‘no’. So now they have to scramble. The whole project might sink because the GOP Congress are such chickenshits, they wouldn’t tell the the big shots to make some small sacrifices to preserve the feasibility of the tax slash scam.
Big Funders didn’t understand that pigs get fed and hogs get slaughtered. The GOP are such chickenshits that they could not flat tell their funders that what they wanted was infeasible, and that the draconian bill might fail if they wouldn’t make even small sacrifices.
@celticdragonchick: So I’ve read. In fact, in the absence of the internet, the the various pornographic (and false) rumors about her had to be written out and printed.
Catwoman outfit was at the dry cleaners.
@Aleta: Was Maggie H not available to do the fluff piece for Vichy Times?
Adam L Silverman
@celticdragonchick: Sure, take her side…//
Cthulhu 2020!
@Betty Cracker: What about if she only has to whip him?
@danielx: @danielx:
Yes, yes you do.
Let the tocsins ring and summon the sans culottes! Veil the Bust of Liberty! Aux Barricades!
I’m ok with dubbing her Louise the leather l’Autrichienne.
Trivia (incompletely documented): Supposedly, the shape of the bowl of what we know as the champagne glass was created from a mold made of Marie’s breast.
Adam L Silverman
@Yarrow: It goes beyond that. The staffing in this White House is terrible. Even for a short notice (under 12 hours prep) type of event like this, the water should be clearly placed where the principal normally looks for it, if it is in a bottle, then the bottle top is removed in advance. The inability of the current administration’s White House staff to do even the simplest things correctly is just mind boggling.
Oh, she was a product of 18th century aristocracy to be sure. However, the “Let then eat cake” line is almost certainly Herbertist propaganda. She was aware of Christian duty to the poor and made her children forgo Christmas presents one year and instead the expense went to poor children as a character lesson to them. However clueless or sheltered she was in some respects, she was not at all a monster and she displayed far more courage on her way to her death than the weasel Herbert did when the radical revolution turned to devour him.
Also, as chance would have it, the nym of an often perspicacious commenter haven’t seen ’round these parts in years.
Fair Economist
They could have been characters in a “My Dad the President” sitcom – many years ago, even. Well-behaved, well-dressed, cool but funny when they want – they were perfect for the part. Fortunately we got to have them play it in real life!
I have always been uncomfortable with criticizing how First Ladies dress. Not every woman is interested in high fashion and the world of cutting edge fashion designers. First Ladies like Jackie Kennedy, Nancy Reagan and Michelle Obama had a genuine interest in fashion, and that’s great. For others, picking gowns and clothes for important events and having hair and makeup people around probably wasn’t all that enjoyable. And that’s ok as well.
That would result in her being insulted and mocked again as she was by Tom Ford the last time.
So if Mnuchin is first up at the wall, can we just have her stand in front of him and save the ammo?
Heh. Just now noticed this is the second B-J front page comment titled “First Against the Wall.”
Fair Economist
Inference or do you have a link?
@schrodingers_cat: Judging by the White House family quarters decor, Michelle and Barack have fairly contemporary tastes. It’ll be interesting to see where Michelle goes fashion-wise now that she’s less constrained. I really miss the blog that used to chronicle all her fashion.
@divF: Ha! People never change, right? Social influencing in the days before being a social media “influencer” became just another career choice.
@Adam L Silverman:
As above so below.
@Adam L. Silverman
Good help is so hard to find. Wait until the H-2B visas for White House staff go through.
@Adam L Silverman: @NotMax: There are some jobs that Americans just won’t do.
Mike in NC
Her outfit looks like a reject from Game of Thrones. Needs more belts and some fur.
@Adam L Silverman:
Exactly. That Oval Office trick or treat gig with a big cardboard box of candy sitting on the desk looked stupid. Staff knows how many kids are coming, so you get colorful bags, fill them with candy, and tell the POTUS not to sit at his desk when kids are the audience. It’s not that hard.
@Adam L Silverman: I know. We can see their incompetence in these types of things. What can’t we see? But it’s hilarious to watch him drink from the water bottle. He needs two hands! LOL.
At least someone insisted on candy rather than lumps of coal.
War of the Roses coming right up!
Adam L Silverman
@Yarrow: It was 1/2 a liter. That’s a big bottle…//
@Yarrow: So, Ratner’s dick just punched Mnuchin and his Russian Oligarch in the wallet? Nice.
What, no nipple?
Well, totally late to the party, but let me say something that I know will affect Ms. Linton deeply: she looks a lot older than her 30+ years in that photo. Especially, look at those sagging cheek lines. Meow.
@celticdragonchick: Re: Marie Antoinette. Above all, she was foreign, the daughter and sister of Austrian rulers who were far more enlightened than the Kings of France. As we see only too well, it is very easy to hate the outsider and attribute all manner of discontent to their evil otherness.
Adam L Silverman
@Yarrow: Ratner’s done. Gal Gadot has made it publicly clear she will not do another movie as Wonder Woman if Warner Brothers doesn’t cut Ratner lose.
Roger Moore
I think the people who deserve, and get, the most criticism are the ones who obviously think they’re fantastic at this stuff but actually suck at it. Yes, the Trumpsters fit in here.
A fuller version of the story is definitely stranger than fiction:
It was worse than that. The Huckleberry came staggering in clutching the carton of M&Ms and dumped it on the desk. She looked very pissy. Kids were mostly bored, scared, and teary. Trump hasn’t the faintest idea how to converse or in any way interact with children. Insult their parents in front of them? REALLY?
@Adam L Silverman: Considering how scorching the reviews of Justice League have been so far, she may want to cut loose anyway.
Roger Moore
@Adam L Silverman:
I wonder how much of that is genuine incompetence, how much is competent people who just don’t give a fuck, and how much is competent people who are messing it up maliciously to make Trump look worse.
@Adam L Silverman:
She should boycott doing another “Justice League” movie until they come up with better scripts. I’ve avoided spoilers and reading too much about the upcoming movie, but reaction seems to be decidedly mixed.
Folks should see the new Thor movie or even catch up with “Blade Runner 2049” while they can still catch it on the big screen, the way the gods intended.
@dogwood: I think clothing is a kind of language, though, so discussion and analysis of what’s being conveyed is fair. That’s true for both Presidents and First Ladies, but for First Ladies in particular, much of their messaging is conveyed nonverbally.
For instance, Hillary Clinton getting constantly criticised for her hair as First Lady wasn’t really about her casual and changing hairstyles. Her hair always looked fine. The damn headbands looked fine. I think the hair arguments were proxies for cultural issues having to do with her overt feminism. When the fact that she frequently tried new hairstyles was mocked, it wasn’t about the hair, imo, it was about the changing itself, the readiness to try new things, the lack of conservatism, essentially.
It’s rarely just fashion, being criticised, I think. There’s a lot to unpack, almost especially for First Ladies “not into” fashion. Not being into fashion is a message all its own, after all.
@Yutsano: She was a librarian. Libraries were one of her pet causes as a First Lady. And she does NOT dress like a librarian, considering that we range from kente cloth to leggings and tunics. She dresses like an upper-class woman of the “always proper and suitable but never ever vulgar” kind. Actually I know a whole bunch of Kentucky ladies from the same part of society who dress similarly.
Gin & Tonic
@Emma: So that short film I saw with the librarian and the pizza delivery guy wasn’t … uh, never mind.
Blade Runner was fucking amazing.
@Adam L Silverman:
So notedTracking.Thank you Tenar Arha!
@Gin & Tonic: We don’t ask and we don’t tell.
Ms. Linton is quite pretty, and if you squint a bit the dress is just…another little black dress.
What does horrify me is her spiteful expression (OK, that does ruin the way she looks) and her apparent compulsion to demonstrate her superiority to the less fortunate. How did she get like this? I blame her nanny. (Joke…that last bit was a joke.)
My favorite was the Puerto Rico fiasco. They stuck him behind a cafeteria table strewn with disparate household items, He looked like he was working a booth at the flea market.
and they had to know he would not be able to resist the impulse to pick up stuff and start heaving it.
I was going to say something snarky about “Justice League,” and then I remembered that Joss Whedon had to step in and finish the movie because Zack Snyder’s son committed suicide. That’s just a bad luck production right there.
@dogwood: Can’t wait for the turkey pardon.I hope it runs away. Better still, attacks Trump.
Tenar Arha
@Mnemosyne: the mentions of upskirt photography of WW & the armor costume design are already warning me off, yet I saw WW in the theater 3x. I don’t generally go more than 2x, to anything.
Sounds like bad luck, Snyder’s male gaze, & tacked on Wheedon banter probably making for an unfortunate movie.
ETA That’s too bad, because I think DC-verse really has something to offer that Marvel doesn’t. But if this keeps happening we’re not going to get to see what it could be.
@Adam L Silverman: Actually Gal G said she didn’t even have to issue an ultimatum. When they all got together for a meeting, everyone was in agreement that Ratner was done. The studio and all. Unanimity.
@Betty Cracker: FOR THE WIN!!!!
@chopper: I was thinking she hooked up with the costumer from The Matrix.
@Major Major Major Major:
Because he’s not smart enough to keep his trophy wife away from the money.
@Fair Economist: I read some news stories and heard some news spots on it that included specific issues that have pissed off the donors. I’ll have to go look for them. A couple I can remember off the top of my head. Inheritance tax not ended immediately, cut in top bracket not as large as planned, retroactive tax cuts on capital income eliminated. That’s not the whole list.
From the funders’ point of view, the bill is already a half-ass piece of shit that will keep them impoverished and enslaved as far as the eye can see, and they don’t want hear from these useless snot-nosed punk GOP flunkies again, they want it done… right now. I’ll have go look for the news on recent unpleasant GOP-donor relations. If I can find them, I’ll give links in future threads on the tax cut scam.
Major Major Major Major:
A crew member not named in the script, wearing a red shirt?
J R in WV
The asshat, Mnuchin, is the Secretary of the Treasury. He controls and manages the Mint.
If he wants to bring in a crowd of street people who intend to vote Republican, he probably can. Or the Drive By Truckers to play tunes to introduce the newly engraved $20 bills, with Ayn Rand engraved on the front, no problem! Paul Ryan will guest of honor, and served Wisconsin Lobster at dinner.
They might introduce the trillion dollar coin stamped of palladium and platinum with Ivanka engraved and stamped on the front, and Trump Tower Moscow on the back, to balance the budget and enable deficit spending on millionaires’ tax refunds to continue.
The head nuthatch in charge of the Mint. Amazing to imagine the things they might get up to.