The elections are over you say? Stop being bitter, you say? We need to work together, you say? Fuck you and fuck everyone who said there was no difference between Clinton and Trump. Here is a running list of things that have happened that Clinton most certainly would not have done.
1.) agitated for or signed this fucking tax monstrosity
2.) signed anything allowing drilling in ANWR
3.) Appointed Neil Gorsuch
4.) appointed Jeff Sessions
5.) jammed the judiciary with wingnuts appointed to lifetime positions
6.) shrunk our national monuments
7.) moved our embassy to Jerusalem
8.) gutted the State department
Consider this an open project. Submit only things Trump has done in the comments with a respective url. We’ll move this to the side bar to club morons with in the future when they start this lesser of two evils crap in 2019.
And don’t fuck up this comments section with your idle chatter.
Rob Lll
Attempted to ban trans people from serving in the military.
That one vote VA Democratic win is now a tie? Whocooda?
ETA: Is this idle chatter or is it germane?
Hunter Gathers
Call Kristen Gillibrand a slut
Hunter Gathers
Call Nazis ‘Very Fine People’
Appointed Pruitt to run/gut the EPA
Same for DeVos @ Education; Carson @ Housing & Urban Welfare; Tillerson @ State; Zinke @ Interior
I could go on but you get the picture.
Citizen Alan
Done everything short of daring Kim Jong Un to start a nuclear war.
patrick II
Purposely damage our alliance with European democracies. Which I think is underdiscussed and one of the three most harmful actions Trump has taken.
Shrunk national monuments in Utah
Cheryl Rofer
Instituted the travel bans against people from Muslim countries.
Muslim travel ban.
EDIT: And Cheryl just beat me to it!
mike in dc
Withdraw from the Paris Climate Accords
Hermann Fegelein
But she weighs the same as a duck!
Invite Palin, Kid Rock, and Ted Nugent to the Whitehouse
Abandon the Paris Climate Accords.
Pump up the thugs in Moscow.
Allow CHIP to expire.
Expose the size of the ugly fraction of America that is Trump voters.
Cheryl Rofer
Issued mafia-like threats in the United Nations.
mad citizen
Discussed a response (with documents in full view) to a North Korea ballistic test with the Japanese PM in an open country club dining room in view of the CC members.
Numerous daily tweets making ridiculous wingnut statements as President.
Have a revolving door cabinet and spokespersons.
Jack the Second
Insult everyone being honored by the President, while talking about how great the President was.
Cheryl Rofer
She would have appointed people other than old white men.
Aaaahhhh!!!! Bundy mistrial declared. How hard can this be?
Leak highly classified intelligence (from Israel, no less!) to the Russian ambassador.
She would not have transferred 10s of millions of dollars of taxpayer money directly into her own pockets by holding state functions at the golf-clubs and hotels she owns.
She would not have allowed foreign governments to bribe her by making it clear they will receive preferential treatment if they green-light her real-estate ventures in their countries.
mad citizen
Watched TV 4 to 8 hours a day. Tweeted incessantly about crap seen on TV. Cared about whether a national magazine was naming her person of the year. Held Vanity Rallies.
BC in Illinois
Welcomed NRA head to the White House on the 5th Anniversary of the Sandy Hook Massacre.
Knight of Nothing
photo op with nuclear football
Repeatedly mishandles classified information
mad citizen
Bragged about the size of her Inauguration Crowd.
Doug Gardner
Sprained her ankle trying to get from subject to verb, and thenceforth to direct object EVERY FUCKING TIME.
Repeatedly insult Gold Star families. The absolute lowest of that motherfucker’s lowest of low points. Mock the disabled is close.
I knew the Berniestans were working for Trump the moment Joe Parrish, candidate for NC House 6, opened his gaping pie-hole and started his “I done read the Cliff Notes for the Commernist Manifester” spiel.
Fuck those dudes. Russian sockpuppets all the way down.
Lie about her predecessor using state apparatus to illegally spy on political opponents.
Disrespect the CIA while standing in front of their memorial wall.
Insult Native Americans with a racial slur, at an event honoring Native American veterans.
Repeatedly insult the FBI by disparaging their leaders’ integrity and saying the organization is in tatters.
mad citizen
Lied 5 plus times per day. Also I doubt she would have played so much golf.
Let Puerto Rico rot following a hurricane, then go there to insult the mayor and bitch about recovery costs.
[We pause now for idle chatter]
idle chatter
idle chatter
idle chatter
idle chatter
Sorry I yam what I yam.
Trump is quite the hate farmer. He plants it. He harvests it. That is all he has.
Eric S.
“Honor” Native Americans in front of a portrait of Andrew “Indian Killer” Jackson.
Not implement the Russian sanctions bill she signed. Also when she signed it she would not have then bitched out congress for sending the bill to her.
Cheryl Rofer
She would have put the Russian sanctions into effect instead of slow-walking them.
ETA: Mart beat me to it and did a better job.
To put it all together and wrap it up with a bow, she would never have turned us into a pariah nation which will also develop the largest income inequality in the world.
She would not have called her international and political opponents by racist, sexist, demeaning nicknames.
She wouldn’t have threatened to shut down media outlets critical of her.
She wouldn’t have demanded that certain football players be fired for kneeling during the national anthem.
Not be an inhuman evil monster.
Boosted the audiences of late night TV while becoming the subject of virtually every SNL skit for months.
Feuded with the NFL over people exercising their 1st amendment rights.
Enhanced Voting Techniques
Be at serious risk of simply dying from gluttony, leaving control of the nuclear stockpile a religious nut other conservative view as creepy.
Big Jim Slade
@kindness: I guess Doug! should have a post titled “if you plant ice you’re gonna harvest wind”
No reason to reinvent the wheel on this blog, Amy Siskind has been documenting the atrocities for 57 weeks.
cynthia ackerman
@patrick II:
Here here.
The appropriate visual:
Fire the head of the FBI
Fire The NY Prosecutor after saying he wouldn’t
Fire AG Sally Yates
Hungry Joe
Fail to mention Jews on Holocaust Remembrance Day.
Big Jim Slade
@Hunter Gathers: Yeah, John’s leaving the low-hanging fruit for us. Like consider white supremacists his base. Insult everyone everywhere… except white supremacists.
Have spokespeople who constantly/consistently lie about any and everything, no matter how small/petty.
Enhanced Voting Techniques
Not made the nation nostalgic for the warmth and charm of the Dick Cheney era.
Big Jim Slade
Be the most divisive president in modern history as a serious goal.
Caused hundreds of millions worldwide to wake up daily and check their morning newsfeeds with trepidation.
mad citizen
Not engaged in a continuous con job. If people aren’t able to see tbe difference between these two as people or Presidents, I have to wonder how they even feed themselves.
Cheryl Rofer
She would not have hired Chelsea and her husband as special assistants.
Sexually harassed women and call them liars
@Cheryl Rofer: Ironically, though, she still would’ve hired Ivanka, Jared, and Don Jr. to boot!
Appointed traitors to key positions in the administration. Brought the Russian ambassador into the oval office.
Given family members jobs in the White House.
Kept people in the administration if they fucked up their security clearance forms and especially not if they continued to find things they “forgot.”
She would not sign a tax bill that could benefit her by $11M per year.
Install a fast food joint in The Whitehouse
Insult black people on the daily
Grift for emoluments on the daily
Charge the Secret Service for rooms at Mara Lago and Trump tower
Not necessarily. He’s got a bumper crop of ignorance up the lower 40.
Roger Moore
Ended DACA
She wouldn’t be one of the most comprehensively awful human beings ever to gain the power that comes with the office. In fact, on a sliding Power Scale, I rate The Boy King as the Biggest Mistake in World History, not for what has already transpired but for what I believe still will.
She would’t be the embodiment of our lesser angels, nor stupid, nor a bully, nor a con, nor a braggart, nor a walking, talking force for destruction.
She wouldn’t have put her kid in the West Wing.
She would not be flagrantly violating the emoluments clause Edit VeniceRiley said it.
∞.) Been a complete fucking asshole in every possible way.
Install his entire fucking fucked-up family into the oval office as employees*. Except Tiffany.
*Don’t tell me Barron isn’t in charge of the cybers, sheeple.
Miss Bianca
Presumed that the GSA would not release copies of her emails to a special counsel.
Roger Moore
Gone golfing on the government dime at her own golf club every weekend.
Pardon Joe Arpaio
The Moar You Know
This, just from the BBC a few minutes ago:
Which is all countries save for Israel. Y’know, let this be a lesson. You take American money, you’re bound to do be asked to do something totally unacceptable sooner or later, because this nation frequently falls under the control of assholes. Maybe that bargain isn’t worth it.
Hillary would have slapped anyone who suggested something so vicious and petty into next week.
Pushed Congress to kill the ACA and, if that failed, supported gutting it via other methods–the tax bill in this case.
Admitted obstruction of justice in a television interview.
@The Moar You Know: Our money is going to be worthless soon, so no loss for them in the long run.
Smedley Darlington Prunebanks (formerly Mumphrey, et al.)
He’s been stoking up an unhinged dictator who now has nuclear weapons. I feel fairly confident Clinton wouldn’t be doing that.
Rescinded DACA,
Ended TPS for Haiti, Honduras and Nicaragua
Put the brakes on legal immigration by introducing new administrative roadblocks
@Smedley Darlington Prunebanks (formerly Mumphrey, et al.): Yeah, there’s one: X.) Think that belligerent bluster is a viable strategy to resolve a nuclear threat.
James E. Powell
The worst thing Hillary would have done is shut down the Clinton Foundation.
Roger Moore
Taken credit for everything she inherited from Obama.
Tenar Arha
Make a photo op of cutting regulations, as if all the water, air, and coastlines cleaned themselves since them 1960’s.
Hillary would have worn proper ISO-approved solar glasses to watch the eclipse.
She would have offered her dinner guests a second scoop of ice cream.
She wouldn’t have pushed the Prime Minister of Montenegro out of her way just so she could get in the front row for a photo op.
Mocked a US senator with Native American heritage as a “Pochahontas” during a ceremony honoring WWII Navajo code talker veterans.
Obstructed justice in the first place.
I hope it’s not idle chatter to say that reading the post and all these comments is making me physically ill. I’m going to have to close the tab.
@Yarrow: We all need to do whatever we need to do to survive in The Age of Assholes.
Called sponsoring your family members for an immigrant visa “chain migration”
Used real and made up incidents to demagogue against immigrants
In a country of immigrants made immigrant a slur
Top ten immigration developments of 2017
Eric S.
She would not have shoved a prime minister.
Tenar Arha
Hillary would never have been so offensive to all artists that the White House became a cultural desert ETA instead of a coveted gig.
Wouldn’t have called United States citizens sons of bitches for exercising their First Amendment right of free speech
? ?? Goku (aka The Hope of the Universe) ? ?
Would not have pulled us out of UNESCO over “anti-Isreal bias”, the U.N. organisation practically every state is a member in. Even North Fucking Korea.
Ohio Mom
Almost everything I can remember has already been mentioned. This is a reflection of my faltering ability to recall things — I know there are plenty of other atrocities. This thread is far from complete.
The ones listed below are admittedly somewhat trivial but they are symbolic in that they speak to Trump’s complete lack of taste and graciousness:
The White House Christmas decorations would have been befittingly joyful and enchanting.
The official portrait of Bill Clinton would not look like an airbrushed cover of the type of magazine found in supermarket checkout lines.
The children visiting the Oval Office for Halloween would have been greeted and treated with affection and warmth.
Michelle’s garden would have continued to flourish.
The Oval Office would have redecorated tastefully.
Thoroughly Pizzled
Tried to repeal Obamacare.
Give cover to literal Nazis.
Appoint Betsy DeVos/Ben Carson/[insert worst possible choice here].
Fill me with terror every day.
Make me feel like I’m fighting for my country’s basic survival.
Insulted WWII code talkers by holding the ceremony to honor them in a room with a portrait of Andrew Jackson.
Suck up to Putin. Drink water with two hands.
She wouldn’t have made me ashamed to be American.
? ?? Goku (aka The Hope of the Universe) ? ?
Idle chatter, I know, but they should have all just walked out.
Miss Bianca
And need we mention the orange elephant in the room?
No Drought No More
“Fuck you and fuck everyone who said there was no difference between Clinton and Trump..”.
The numbers of which were a drop in the bucket among the democratic rank and file. The party rank and file rallied to Clinton. For reasons fair and unfair, she was a deeply flawed candidate, and the party lost. You might as well waste time cursing Ralph Nader.
I’d like to see Hillary and Bernie hold a press conference, to announce jointly they will not be presidential candidates in 2020, but will support that candidate with all their might.
David ??Merry Christmas?? Koch
David ??Merry Christmas?? Koch
shoved a world leader out of the way
? ?? Goku (aka The Hope of the Universe) ? ?
@No Drought No More:
Not the Democratic rank and file, but if those who voted for Stein had voted for Clinton a difference certainly would have been made. It’s partly their fault. They’re just as responsible as actual Trump voters when innocent people are harmed. Voters should be held accountable.
Wouldn’t have made my sainted mother, a high school American history teacher, roll over in her grave by saying, as President of the United States, “Who knew Lincoln was a Republican?”
Miss Bianca
@No Drought No More: Can you take that “deeply flawed candidate” BS – sorry, idle chatter – and STFU about it? Also, spare us your little fantasies of Bernie Sanders agreeing to do *anything* that a). showed him cooperating with Hillary Clinton in any way, shape, or form, and b). voluntarily announcing that he’s not gonna be a contendah in 2020. He won’t be, but meantime he has millions of rubes to fleece for the grand and glorious Their Revolution.
@Roger Moore: On the flip side, tried to destroy everything Obama had put in place.
She wouldn’t have joked about trying to overturn Obama’s turkey pardon.
@No Drought No More: She was, however, the least flawed candidate available.
Barfed on the Prime Minister of Japan. No, wait. That was a different Republican President. Let’s just go with the tax returns.
Given us the dreadful Kushner family
Hire a guy called The Mooch as communications director
I’m leaving my tab open. Drinks for everybody!
Reduce the number of refugees we accept every year.
Get into a fight with San Juan’s mayor after a hurricane. Invent paper towel football.
Play golf every weekend in lieu of working.
Exhaust the Secret Service budget by traveling to Florida, NJ and VA every weekend.
Self-deal with abandon.
Violate the emoluments clause.
Leak classified information from a supposed ally to a known adversary.
Praise Duterte.
@SiubhanDuinne: He’s such a low class fucking pig.
A President Clinton wouldn’t have cabinet members offer up prayers of wisdom for their dear leader..
In fact Pence would be no where near the oval office
Fair Economist
Approved the Keystone Pipeline, which is already leaking.
Bobby Thomson
Banned the CDC from using words
Attempted to blackmail sanctuary cities
Had her Chief of Staff stand at the WH podium and insult the widow of a fallen soldier and their family friend.
She sure as hell wouldn’t have made this joke:
? ?? Goku (aka The Hope of the Universe) ? ?
Allow Puerto Rico to languish and turn into a third world shithole. Has someone already mentioned that?
Appoint Nazis like Gorka, Miller and Bannon to senior WH positions.
Fired Rod Rosenstein. (getting a start on the new year.)
mai naem mobile
Opened up ANWR for drilling.
Supported an accused child molester for Senate.
Sat on the toilet every AM tweeting nonsensical garbage.
Not warned her transitional team and ongoing team that all email would be treated as public knowledge and to act accordingly when using email.
Supported a Congressional Candidate who had punched a journalist
Hired Flynn after Obama told her it was a bad idea.
This post made me the happiest girl on earth. Of course because of the intellectual content. But mostly cuzza the “fucks”
Come to Ireland John Cole. Bring the babbys. You will love it here.
@daverave: This..
mai naem mobile
Ordered a Seal Team raid without good advice because she wanted her ‘we got OBL’ moment.
Not have a pet at the WH
Not accepted the Obamas’ gracious offer of a Jungle Gym for her grandkids because it had black cooties on it.
@No Drought No More: I don’t see cursing Ralph Nader as a waste of time.
If you are planning on getting divorced, do it in 2018. After the end of next year, alimony will no longer be tax-deductible to the payer. Which means it will be free to the receiver. This is just one of many dodges in the tax bill to pay for an obscene corporate tax cut. ( If you are already divorced you get grandfathered in). Affects 1,000,000 Americans.
Hillary never would have…
J R in WV
@No Drought No More:
Honestly, Miss Bianca, I thought you knew better than to respond to a pie-hating trool. (sic) Er, fool, uh trollish tool!
No Drought No More :: get thee to gaol, there to spend the rest of your painful life trying to raise enough money to make good your damage to the Universe, a task worse than Sisyphean ~!!! And take the double negative out of your nym, your mama knew better than that!!!
PS: John, a brilliant idea, when you post this thread’s link, also post a link to the reporter tracking Trumpetybump’s history of lying since his inauguration, Amy Siskind, which is getting pretty rich now!
Mary G
@mai naem mobile: Oh, I was feeling good all the way down reading these comments, because not having pets was the first thing I thought of, and you put it in right before me. Wha Wha Wha
{{idle chatter, just because John Cole is not the boss of me}}
Hillary would not have gone to Saudi Arabia and wave a sword around like a five-year-old, then support the king’s idiot son in his inept attempts to take over the world, including beefing with a nation that lets us have an airbase with a large number of troops in their country, and admired horrible dictators around the world, like Duterte with his shoot first and ask questions later purge of “drug dealers.”
RobertDSC-iPhone 6
Give sports teams reasons for not visiting the White House after winning championships.
Ben Cisco
She wouldn’t have picked a fight with every black person on the planet every goddamn day.
Pulled out of the Trans Pacific Partnership. Pulling out didn’t stop the other countries from going forward. It simply abdicated our leadership in the region. We are becoming Great Britain.
She probably wouldn’t have fired Jim Comey (though she’d have had good reason to).
@sublime33: I am no fan of Britain but when did they elect a know nothing ill mannered incompetent as their PM?
John Cole @ Top:
Share code-word clearance intel from an ally (Israel) with the Russian ambassador while in the oval office.
Ban American journalists from the same meeting while welcoming Russian journalists.
Fawn over Putin like a teenage girl with a crush on Justin Bieber.
Rescind Net Neutrality.
Decimate our diplomatic corps in the State Department.
Committed High Treason and gotten a bunch of our Russian assets tortured to death.
Which one? The Pigfucker or the current Maybot?
Illegally used the Whitehouse as a grift shop for herself and her immediate family.
Used her own club to steal money from the treasury.
Overbill the Secret Service.
Embarrassed the nation and herself by acting like a fucking six year old behind the wheel of large vehicles during photo ops – TWICE!
Paul W.
I’m sure someone has already said it but she would not have pulled out of the Paris agreement, tried to renegotiate NAFTA but really only looking to blow it up, or threatened the Iran deal needlessly.
Plus, she wouldn’t have appointed Ajit Pia to gut net neutrality, or had Sessions go after weed when there is no safer substance in the world than that.
Fuck anyone who worried about emails instead of basic competence much less the excellence Clinton would have brought.
Nate Combs
There are 2 quotes I remember from before the election that have stuck with me almost word for word.
From NPR, interviewing a Republican campaign chair in Florida:
“I would vote for Satan himself over Hillary Clinton, if Satan would repeal Obamacare and pass tax-cuts.”
From a Sanders supporter on a blog somewhere:
“Give me one good reason to vote for Hillary Clinton over Trump, that doesn’t involve the Supreme Court pick.”
Both of those groups of people are why we live in the world we live in.
HRC wouldn’t have met with Russian agents in the Oval Office and revealed secrets, and bragged like an asshole about firing Comey. She also wouldn’t have hired hookers to pee on Obama’s hotel room bed. She also wouldn’t have colluded or conspired with Putin’s agents to steal the election in the first place, and then take no action from preventing it from happening again.
@sublime33: Pretty sure you’re wrong about that. She’d come out against it unless certain clauses could be renegotiated. The TPP was pretty flawed for a number of industries (e.g. intellectual property only protected for big-ass corporations and not for mom-n-pop shops) and I for one am glad we’re not in it.
Take the global gag-order nuclear, cutting ALL funding to groups that offer vital health care services in places like Kenya if the group even mentions abortion
@Paul W.: TPP was as much about containing China as it was trade. If there were problems they could have been renegotiated. As to NAFTA, I read somewhere that the price of including Mexico and Canada in TPP was renegotiating some of the issues that had come up with the treaty over the years. The three countries succeeded in coming to an agreement, contingent on the US staying in TPP.
Now just the mention of these trade deals gives me a migraine but whatever their weaknesses, it is better that we stay in. Or at the worst get something for pulling out. But the great negotiator just walks away from them and gains nothing in return.
Sloane Ranger
@TenguPhule: I’m no fan of either Cameron or May but, in all fairness, I would not describe either as ill mannered or know nothing. Incompetent, well that’s another story :-)
@No Drought No More: Fuck you. & Fuck Bernie.
She wouldn’t have cosplayed Third Reich Redux. She wouldn’t need rallied to get a microdick mildly tumescent.
Another Scott
Hillary would not have signed all these stupid and counter-productive executive actions.
Probably wouldn’t have replaced Janet Yellen at the Federal Reserve.
Would not have appointed Ajit Pai to the FCC.
Etc., etc.
“People are policy” and “Trump is a bad hire” is clearly operative here.
Every single thing — every single fucking syllable — coming out of her mouth would not be a complete and a provable lie.
She wouldn’t belittle her own appointees on a regular basis, which would make her look like even more of an idiot.
1. Dissed Trudeau and Merle while giving a pat on the back to Putin and Duerte
2. Let Puerto Rico rot for months with no resolution
3. Hired grifters and crooks to “fix” pierto rico’s power
4. Nominated judges not fit to be paralegals
5. Gotten into multiple fights on twitter with gold star parents
6. Implied that fallen soldiers knew what they signed up for
Not just in the room, right in front of the portrait.
@Sloane Ranger: Take a gander at them again in PMQs, they’re rude as shit to the Opposition leaders. And yes, they know nothing.
Cheryl Rofer
She would have met with the Nobel laureates, like every other president has done.
Hillary would not have told the truth.
Sloane Ranger
@TenguPhule: Could argue but, mindful of Cole’s instructions, will simply disagree.
mad citizen
Would not have inspired her Secretary of State to call her a “fucking moron”.
@No Drought No More:
How many more times do we need to repeat that Hillary WON the goddam election? Three million people more voted for her than for Dump. The reason she’s not in the White House is the fkg Electoral College, established to ensure that ignorant hayseeds would always be able to fk things up for the rest of us. As for cursing Ralph Nader, why the hell not? It’s at least partly his fault that Bush the Dumber and Darth Cheney let Bin Laden’s terror attack drive the whole country off the rails, not to mention causing the deaths of at least 100,000 Iraqis.
mad citizen
@Tehanu: An excellent reminder, thank you!
President Clinton would NOT have used indifference, coupled with bad policy, to kill American citizens in Puerto Rico. I know that for a FACT.
At the same event, he explained to the honorees that his chief of staff General Kelly “is the general and the chief”. This was important to point out. ‘Cause Indians, they know from chiefs. He probably assumed they’d be gobsmacked by the notion that a chief could also be a general.
He also said, “I’m gonna give you [a hard copy of] my speech, and I know you like me, so you’ll save it.” There is something seriously wrong with this man.
@Swannie: Which truth are you referring to?
@Nate Combs:
Minor correction: her requirement was “without mentioning Donald Trump or the Supreme Court.”
Either way, she was a fucking moron, who even months after her initial “demand,” was still one of those “Yeah, Trump’s bad, but that Hillary — Well, I JUST DON’T KNOW!”
Fucking moron. I’m glad I don’t remember her name, because I would be tempted to seek her out, and shout from her front lawn (if she had one): “How about NOW, YOU FUCKING MORON? ARE YOU FUCKING HAPPY NOW???”
Sorry, I just remember hearing her interviewed, and yelling at her. Fucking moron.
Oh, and fuck Ralph Nader and fuck his moron followers who riposte with the “Well, Gore couldn’t even win his home state!!!!! And it wasn’t Nader’s fault Gore lost Florida!!”
Cole: sorry for the idle chatter
@Nate Combs: Yes, let’s ignore those Supreme Court picks, especially when a Federalist Society majority brings back “Substantive Due Process” to eviscerate an 130 years of environmental, conservation, social welfare and worker protection legislation and will declare any such new legislation (single payer for instance) unconstitutional.
Gosh, these people are so thick. Here is something they should think about, its not just Supreme Court picks, its National Labor Relation Board Members who will be fanatically anti-union and pro-management. Add that one to the list, see.
Probably mentioned, but can’t be mentioned enough since its a monstrous ongoing human rights violation in this country involving millions of people.
1. ICE dragnets detaining tens of thousands of innocent people and breaking up families through deportations.
2. Stopping the DACA program and exposing hundreds of thousands of people who were brought to the U.S. as minors to deportation as after living decades in the U.S.
@SFAW: You can’t say it enough:-)
@No Drought No More: No one the Democrats will ever nominate will not have “deep flaws” and you can expect that the Republican Right Wing Ratfucking Media Machine will shout those flaws out from the roof top, and will then have their shouts amplified by the MSM media tools on the NY Times political desk, Chris Cilliza, Matthew Dowd, Ron Fournier, Maureen Dowd, etc. And there will be a fair number of so call leftists (Cornell West, Glenn Greenwald, Matt Stoller, and Susan Sarandon, come to mind) who will find the Democratic candidate to impure to support, that the Right Wingers and Trump have a point, along with actual ratfuckers posing as leftists but are really right wing libertarian anti-democrats like H.A. Goodman (who was the editor at Salon that published this guy all through 2015 and 2016?).
She wouldn’t have tried to erase every single accomplishment of her predecessor, one time rival, and first African American President. Because she would have better things to do with her time and mostly because she isn’t a colossal dick. Also, she understands the difference between tweaking laws to make the better serve the people and throwing the baby out with the bath water.