Colorado primaries are coming up. We’re gonna need a new governor. The Democratic governor candidates of course are running against the orange-in-chief, but also touting the need for single-payer health care, saving our beloved open spaces and education, among other things. In honesty, the top three Dems are solid candidates and I’d be happy for any of them. I am supporting Congressman Jared Polis in the primaries.
On the Republican side – I have’t paid much attention to it, except the entire process for getting petitions signed turned bloody quickly. Fraud was discovered and good ole racist Tom Tancredo dropped out early. And one candidate is Romney’s nephew and has no political experience at all. But, hey, governor looks like a good place to start, right?
The candidate that has suddenly stood out to me is State Treasurer Walker Stapleton. He has some pretty deep skeletons in his closet: Hit and Run Charges and questions on how he’s run the the treasury.
But this is what caught my eye, he’s the first Republican candidate to go full Trump:
Be interesting to see how this plays out in the primaries. I live and play in a fairly blue section of the state, so I’m not a good judge on how Trump is seen here overall. But one Republican is running on a pro-business, anti-California platform and the other two haven’t made enough noise for me to notice yet, it remains to be see if they’ll swing full-trump, too. The primary is June 26, should be interesting.
I wonder how long it will take the #NeverTrumpers and right-leaning ‘independents’ and what not to realize: the GOP as they knew it ain’t coming back, and perhaps the dirty hippies aren’t so bad after all? It’s Trumpism or the Dems, folks.
Nah, who am I kidding? They’ll cling to their delusions, just like everyone else…
Corner Stone
@Jeffro: Jeffro Mensch, you been staring at your crystal balls again?
Corner Stone
Speaking of Republican Venality, the Honorable Man syndrome strikes again:
I’ve been hearing about the Wingnut Wurlitzer going Full Metal on the whole “anti-California platform.”
You know, that place with the WORLD’s sixth biggest economy and running a surplus in the budget.
The horror.
Jim, Foolish Literalist
according to this from Morning Consult, a name I see/hear a lot but I’m not sure of their reputation, trump was 16 points underwater in Colorado last month
? ?? Goku (aka Amerikan Baka) ? ?
Aren’t a lot a Californians moving to Colorado? I don’t think this is a great strategy.
Racer X
“anti-California platform”? I didn’t realize that California was an election issue. WTF?
Chris T.
Fourthoops sorry Fifth biggest, now.TenguPhule
@Racer X:
Trump needs a war. Any war will do.
@WereBear: They aren’t even the highest taxed in the nation, but you wouldn’t know that by the liars.
? ?? Goku (aka Amerikan Baka) ? ?
But they recognize Those People as actual people there. Can’t have that.
Republicans are upset at such a large pot of money that they haven’t been able to steal yet.
I hope he wins the primary so that the Democrat can win by reminding everyone, at every opportunity, with Norm McDonald-esque delivery, that the opponent’s name is WALKER STAPLETON.
Republicans: Good point. Nazis it is then!
? ?? Goku (aka Amerikan Baka) ? ?
My fellow Americans, I have signed a Yuge executive order outlawing California forever. Bombing begins in five minutes.
Ryan and McConnell: “We support the president. God Bless America.”
Walker Stapleton,
TexasColorado Office ToolTenguPhule
In rather bad but not unexpected news, the IRS has ruled that States can’t get around the new cap on state tax deductions through their inventive workarounds.
@Chris T.:
I think we passed Germany at 10:50 this morning.
” anti-California ”
Is that a big policy issue in Colorado? If a GOper wins, should we expect a declaration of war out here, or just a spate of mean and insulting proclamations? Or will CO pass a blanket anti-California law?
And a quibble. The bar for going ‘full Trump’ is getting higher every day/ How many countries are making payoffs to the guy? Just Russia won’t do the trick anymore. That is low energy, and shows lack of the Art of the Deal.
Major Major Major Major
To answer everybody’s question, Coloradans have been bitching about Californians moving there for decades. “Don’t Californicate Colorado!” was a popular bumper sticker when I was a kid. They blame out-of-towners (esp. Californians) for the housing crunch.
Walker Stapleton? Is he from the family the airport is named after?
Jim, Foolish Literalist
If only there were something this sitting senator (and media darling) in a party with a one vote majority who will not face re-election but will hold office for another seven months could do about this….
Wow! them sounds like fightin’ words!
The end of Walker’s ad is why we can’t have nice things. He’ll “take the fight to the liberals, and beat them again”.
He’s not opposing a specific policy, but he’s going to beat a specific group of people in his state.
I know sometimes politicians do this with outside groups like “I beat the tobacco lobby, and got the state a huge settlement”, but they aren’t saying they’re going to defeat actual people because they think differently.
And this is considered moderate right-wing rhetoric.
@Major Major Major Major: I for one, take malicious glee in promiscuous Californification of all, these, our great, United States.
So, I’d like my name to go in the anti-California law, or whatever it is. Who do I contact in Denver about that?
@TenguPhule: What folks don’t realize is that affects wealthy areas in red states also. In parts of the 6th district of GA 10,000 is not unusual for property taxes and that doesn’t account for the state income tax. If you are single like I am, I think the cap is half of that.
What happened to that party that didn’t believe in paying taxes on taxes.
Miss Bianca
What a douche canoe. Honestly, I am embarrassed for our state. Oh, well…at least we seem to have some decent Dems running. But this “unaffiliateds voting in the primary” schtick – I really, really hope this doesn’t come back to bite us all in the ass, besides being hideously expensive.
@WereBear: Republicans I talk to keep talking about how this MUST be a hellscape because it’s so expensive to live here and people keep moving out of the state.
Of course, it’s expensive to live in some parts of the state because *they’re in high demand*, and the state’s population is growing. But they’re convinced the state is awful partially because Democrats run it.
@Jim, Foolish Literalist:
Flake: “He’s a dirty rotten bastard and I am in complete accord with his state of mind.”
Jim, Foolish Literalist
@Jim, Foolish Literalist: sorry to go OT but I’ll bring it back to Colorado
confusing if you discount ‘fucking coward’
I’m sure they will follow the traditional Republican answer to this problem and cheat on their taxes.
Their chances of an audit are only slightly better then winning the lottery thanks to the GOP.
TaMara (HFG)
@WereBear: Right?!
At least guns being used are not involved in the ads. So far.
“the WORLD’s sixth biggest economy”
Excuse me, California is now fourth or fifth, depending on whether you want to include the rest of the US in the comparison. Just passed France.
@MisterForkbeard: California hot spots doesn’t mind spreading the wealth by sending the scutwork to other parts of the state, And after that, to other states. Nevada is helping out with warehouses. Others can join in. Far preferable to sending our tax money to keep a bunch of red states on the dole.
? ?? Goku (aka Amerikan Baka) ? ?
Can anyone tell me why my nym and e-mail info for commenting keeps disappearing every time I comment? It’s very annoying to have to keep typing it in every time.
Bobby Thomson
@WereBear: anti-California sentiment has deep roots in Colorado.
@gene108: He’s not opposing a specific policy, but he’s going to beat a specific group of people in his state.
Modern Republican party at work. The POTUS doesn’t even bother trying to be president of all people, he pretty much brags about how his policies will get certain people. This country has been changed forever.
hedgehog the occasional commenter
Thanks, TaMara. Victor Mitchell is the other Rethug candidate advertising quite heavily. His first set of ads claimed he’s an “outsider candidate with new ideas” (and swear to dog I heard the narrator say “no ideas.”) And as mr. h commented, electing an outsider businessman has worked SO well for the country /snark/
I backed Kennedy in the caucuses; I haven’t decided if I will vote for her or Polis in the primary.
Speaking of furriners invading California.
@Jim, Foolish Literalist: “He may be a corrupt bastard whose balls are in a Russian-flagged vise, but hey, tax cuts for rich guys and appointing Paleolithic judges!”
Gin & Tonic
@jl: I remember “Don’t Californicate Colorado” bumper stickers four decades ago.
hedgehog the occasional commenter
@Miss Bianca: I know (re unaffiliateds in the primaries). What could possibly go wrong….
Thought that was Great Britain. Who committed economic suicide.
@gene108: moderately rabid right-wing rhetoric.
Gin & Tonic
@? ?? Goku (aka Amerikan Baka) ? ?: Being discussed in the Site Maintenance thread downstairs.
Bobby Thomson
@? ?? Goku (aka Amerikan Baka) ? ?: that’s actually why it’s a good strategy.
Miss Bianca
@Corner Stone: “Dangerous times that a jumped-up, holier-than-thou asshole who bought his own hype about what a righteous man he was helped to BRING ON, Comey, you piece of shit.”
@Bobby Thomson:
I’m sure that’s true but must point out the locals’ nickname for the Rockies is the “Texas Alps” due to how many Texans sully the joint. It would be hilarious for a Colo Dem to do “Defending Colorado from Texas values” featuring their asshole governor, lt governor, congressional delegation and things in Texas blowing up all the damn time.
ps Popular Colo bumper sticker in the 70s-80s: “Don’t Californicate Colorado”
TaMara (HFG)
@? ?? Goku (aka Amerikan Baka) ? ?:
@Racer X:
Here are two of his videos:
? ?? Goku (aka Amerikan Baka) ? ?
@Bobby Thomson: I mean it’s probably a good strategy for a primary election, but what about the general? I guess it depends on whether the anti-California rhetoric pisses enough people who live in Colorado who are from Cali.
Yep. The place that produced 16% of the country’s job growth since 2012, and has seen it’s GDP grow faster than the national average for the past 10 years.
@Miss Bianca: Could be worse, you could have the “jungle primary”.
A Ghost To Most
I signed Jared Polis’ nominating petition.
Fuck Stapleton. And Victor Mitchell.
Apologies for to all Californians, and congrats on the upgrade.
@? ?? Goku (aka Amerikan Baka) ? ?: There was an update earlier today. Check to make sure the box that has “Save my name, email…” is checked. it’s above “Post Comment.”
@Gin & Tonic:
There were “Don’t Californicate New Mexico” bumper stickers on cars when I moved hear in 75. I know a guy who says he coined the phrase which was copied in other states, but, well, he says a lot of things.
@MisterForkbeard: Oh, we tried having Republicans run California. The budget never got passed on time, infrastructure wasn’t maintained, parks had to close, the state finances were a shambles, we started charging tuition at our public universities…. Yeah great record there, Republicans.
@TenguPhule: The news reports about it a few weeks ago were too polite to name the country we passed, so I just checked the wiki. France. I remember years ago it was Italy, then India, but they are eating our dust now.
UK will take some time, since CA is 15% below. Will take a 7% swing on each side, so maybe someday, if pessimistic Brexit forecasts pan out. Or if UK breaks up. I’m fine with fourth place, and don’t mind a little slippage. Too much competition for jobs here.
No offense, but the rest of these our great United States aren’t in even in the running (Edit: TX needs to keep just a smidgeon ahead of Canada, and hope it can pass Brazil first), so no need to worry about them catching up. Share the wealth, I say!
@Corner Stone: I thought I was being realistic (for once)?
Bobby Thomson
@MisterForkbeard: no one wants to live there anymore because it’s too crowded.
Major Major Major Major
@A Ghost To Most:
Hey, my parents live there!
There’s also the small matters of prop 13 and decades of failing to build enough housing.
@TenguPhule: “He’s an existential threat to our republic…but
I’mthe Kochs are getting whatIthey want, so there’s that…”Enhanced Voting Techniques
The mind spins at the possibilities. No avocados? Banning of all Hollywood produced entertainment? All Apple Products confiscated? Will California be officially “That State we do not name”?
LA Times
Germany’s next ahead, then Japan and China.
I’m going to write Jerry and suggest California start a sovereign development fund to invest in those other little dinky states.
Jerry can invite some GOP governors to the announcement, throw a $100,000 a plate dinner for access. project pitches, and genteel groveling. Preferable on camera with HiFi sound.
Make it a big deal. I’ll watch for it on the evening news.
@Major Major Major Major: Quite a few of those parking lots created by bulldozing parts of downtown LA for parking lots in the 50’s and 60’s are spots where high rise residential is being built now.
@Major Major Major Major: I used to fly into Stapleton.
Major Major Major Major
@?BillinGlendaleCA: And it should have started many years ago.
@?BillinGlendaleCA: It’s a nifty little …suburb? now.
Btw no linky needed or provided ’cause he’s a douche and I don’t want to give him any clicks, but the WaPo’s Marc Thiessen noted today that Trumpov “is the most fearlessly pro-life president in history…and that’s why so many Christian conservatives are sticking with him”
Marc, m’man…that ain’t why they’re sticking with him. He’s sticking with THEM, ’cause without their support, he’s fucking toast. They’re sticking with HIM ’cause he’s a white male supremacist who’ll do and say absolutely anything they want.
john fremont
@Bobby Thomson: I’m so old I can remember when Coloradans were griping about Texas ruining the state in the 80’s during the oil and gas boom. California has passed Texas!
Remember when the Governor of Texas came out to California and was badmouthing our state, Jerry didn’t take to kindly to that. Where’d that guy end up, he had smart guy glasses?
@trollhattan: Thanks. I just noticed that the wiki entry comparisons don’t quite match up on the year between states and countries. i only listened to radio stories on it, didn’t check papers.
However, note that rest of my arrogant bragging is on firm ground and will not be retracted.
The highlight would be Jerry challenging various governors to pull-up contests.
@Major Major Major Major:
Nobody was putting up the cash years ago. It wasn’t any regulation that changed, just that they needed space to build and they’re pretty much ran out of land in the basin.
Wish the rest of the country would realize nothing good has ever come from a Republican administration, and stop voting for Republicans for Congress and President.
Bobby Thomson
@? ?? Goku (aka Amerikan Baka) ? ?: if my pretty damn liberal friend is any indication, it’s not a bad strategy, depending on how specific it is. Think yuppie assholes in BMers.
@hedgehog the occasional commenter: I am voting for Kennedy in the primary. I supported her in the caucuses. Did she lose her position as Treasurer to Stapleton in the past?
@?BillinGlendaleCA: IIRC, Brown said (paraphrase) ‘you guys in the press are like little lapdogs, every time the GOP farts you run to sniff it. It was barely a far, barely a burp.”
Enhanced Voting Techniques
@Bobby Thomson:
Like Oregon and Nevada -Colorado lives off California hand me downs. Thus the hating. Also all of the Trumpism is driven by fear of the Silicon Vallification of the rest of the country.
There was quite the kerfuffle following Jack Ohman’s Rick Perry “Business is booming” cartoon.
Surprised he didn’t proffer duelling revolvers and a sunrise challenge.
Major Major Major Major
@?BillinGlendaleCA: I’m aware that regulations haven’t changed. It doesn’t change that California’s housing production and transportation infrastructure, particularly in magnet areas, have been woefully inadequate for many years.
@Enhanced Voting Techniques:
Tell that to the Colorado River.
john fremont
@Gin & Tonic: I also remember a T shirt in the early 90’s that said in all caps ” COLORADO SUCKS! …now go back and tell your friends from California.”
@Enhanced Voting Techniques:
Which is hilarious given each wants their Very Own Silicon Valley.
No Drought No More
WTF? We’re a state that has- what?- the sixth largest economy in the world?
What on earth does any republican find objectionable about that?
@jl: Was talking to Madame about the up coming election, she said “I wish we could keep Jerry”.
@Enhanced Voting Techniques: At first, the hand me downs were good (Earl Warren, public infrastructure and education investment)/ Then for a while, IMHO as a CA-ian, the hand me downs stunk (Prop 13, tax revolt, Reagan), and I apologize.
But things have turned up, and I hope the state is making amends.
@No Drought No More: 5th largest economy, we moved past France this morning.
Tattered little airport but hellofa lot closer to Denver. DIA seems like it’s in another time zone.
@trollhattan: Lewis Black had a “Back in Black” segment on TDS when Gov. Smart Glasses came to New York to steal bidnes; basically a bunch of folk saying “fuck you”(including IIRC a nun).
@Major Major Major Major:
Well to be honest, Republicans DO have the solution: make a place unlivable. Inflow problem solved. Mexican immigration plumetted after W & conservative economics sank the economy.
@?BillinGlendaleCA: I think a lot of detractors will point to the income disparity and the high cost of living and the growing homeless problem.
Which are all true….but the question to think about is….aren’t these problems more tractable when you DO have that wealth and large economy?
Tamara, he didn’t say he had grit. Every friggin’ ad I saw here, the conservative insisted he or she had grit. Other than that, he sounds pretty Trumpy.
@Enhanced Voting Techniques: They can get avocados from Mexico. It’s almonds that would be the real problem. No almond milk? No way.
@Major Major Major Major:
We were pretty much run by Republicans from 1983 to 2011(with a short break for poor Grey Davis). Did you notice my comment about Republican governance?
@gene108: That stood out to me, not only is Walker Stapleton pro-Trump; he will also punch dirty hippies. With that kind of “strong” messaging, I think he has a great chance to win the primary.
@trollhattan: True, but not that much closer to Downtown Denver. I think I may have clocked the same time getting to downtown from either. I really do like DIA.
@gwangung: A good deal of the homeless problem can be traced back to the late 60’s and early 70’s with the reforms to the mental health system. Who was Governor then?
@?BillinGlendaleCA: I thought both were in a different state. Kansas or something.
Enhanced Voting Techniques
Yes,t the concept that getting High Tech means getting new ideas and new ideas means including The Other just sends them into apoplexy inducing rage.
Mary G
Speaking about bragging on California, the SacBee says: California’s budget surplus is billions bigger than expected. Will Jerry Brown spend it?
So instead of $6 billion, it’s going to be almost $10 billion. The legislature is itching to spend it, but Jerry wants to save and only spend on very important one-time expenditures.
Major Major Major Major
@?BillinGlendaleCA: Yes, and I wasn’t debating it, I was just saying that it’s not expensive only because people want to live there. There are lots of places people want to live just as much which are cheaper.
ETA as you yourself noted, it’s not like the regulations have changed between the Republican years and now.
@Racer X:
Californians have been spreading themselves everywhere – Portland, Seattle, Austin, Denver, Boston etc and taking money from selling their homes to buy cash for property. So cosequently, the cost of living has gone up in all these cities and it’s been a struggle for a lot of low income folks. Hell a struggle for even upper middle and middle class people. It’s getting hard to even buy a home these days.
@?BillinGlendaleCA: I for one can agree with BillinGlendale, for once.
some of the notorious CA problems are due to malicious GOP governance. Even the relatively moderate Arnie, who is still in delusion and clinging to GOP supply side tax myths, even though good on transportation, health care and climate change policy.
Edit: a problem is CA’s very unstable pro-cyclical tax revenue structure, which is a reason for Brown’s being chronically stingy with surpluses. In general, Brown is correct, CA does have to save extra hard for future rainy days. Not sure he has to go to such extremes. But the CA tax revenue structure is definitely a product of GOP BS, so I don’t think just standard political blame game.
@?BillinGlendaleCA: @trollhattan: Apparently the old Stapleton Airrport tower had been repurposed as a restaurant.
Cory Gardner is going to be gone. He knows it. In general, the Democratic party at least here in Denver is very active. They smell blood in the water and seem to be quite aggressive. The times I’ve gone to their events it’s been quite lively.
Mary G
This thread is cute, though it only contains one dog picture:
Fair Economist
Also growing faster than the country as a whole and that’s even with being held back hard by restrictive zoning laws.
Major Major Major Major
@?BillinGlendaleCA: Stapleton is much closer to downtown than DIA, it’s on the way even. FWIW
Enhanced Voting Techniques
Isn’t Hippie Punching a Conservative Standard? What’s be bringing to the table then, punching an actual Hippie on TV when Staplenton is elected?
Fair Economist
@Mary G:
Often I think Jerry is too conservative (in both senses of the word) but he’s right on this. CA gets most of its income from income taxes, which are quite variable, and needs to have a large rainy day fund set up at times like now.
@cain: CA isn’t exporting enough people, on net, to do that to the whole country. That is a systematic national problem in housing policy and macroeconomic management, IMHO. Still a lot of people coming here. I think far over 20K new jobs a month over last few years. Lower income people are leaving though.
Most populous county in the US, and our homicide rate just keeps going down (though note that you have to add the City and County numbers together in that article to get the full picture).
Yep, it sure is a hellhole out here. The big scary crime story on the news was people who sneak into unlocked cars and steal stuff when the owner is pumping gas.
@Major Major Major Major:
Well played.
@Enhanced Voting Techniques:
China and India could help by giving all their IT and EE students banjo lessons.
@No Drought No More:
Democrats are in charge of it and won’t let Republicans steal that big pot of budget surplus.
@Major Major Major Major: It has a lot to do with geography, but that can mitigated to some extent by good infrastructure(aka mass transit).
Great Britain. You guys were already ahead of France.
More depravity. Winery fundraiser underage prostitutes
Roger Moore
California is pretty much the Republicans’ worst nightmare. We’re majority minority (including a large immigrant population), we do all kinds of crazy liberal stuff, Republicans are almost irrelevant in state government, and our biggest problems are the result of too much growth and money.
@Mary G:
Can he become governor of Hawaii next? We could do with the help.
@Racer X:
CA is successful. That alone makes running against it a rethuglican staple. If the liberal stronghold of the country is successful, while the bright red jungles of Kansas and Indiana, etc start to look even more pathetic. And if the moron in chief looks as bad to more and more voters……..
Donald Trump is running the federal government.
@MomSense: Trump’s right. Tots out of control out here.
@Major Major Major Major: Yeah, I saw when I took the cab from DIA to downtown.
Major Major Major Major
@?BillinGlendaleCA: We also have a complicated anti-density bias (which intersects with anti-transit biases in many ways). We can’t have too many people/those people/too many of those people ruining our schools/making it hard to park/driving down property values.
See: BART expansion into Marin; housing construction in Marin
Fair Economist
Not true; residential development was greatly restricted in downtown LA until the adaptive reuse ordinance allowed conversions of commercial to residential.
Now we know what the Russians have on Nunes. Child prostitutes.
Amir Khalid
@Major Major Major Major:
Why am I suddenly thinking of The Red Hot Chili Peppers?
@TenguPhule: Jerry’s good, but I don’t think that even he can stop the volcano.
I’m sure others have already answered your question, but based only on the first paragraph of his Wikipedia entry, my guess would be yes:
@?BillinGlendaleCA: Forget the Volcano, the never ending boondoogle of a Rail project is worse.
@Fair Economist: True, but that’s a small portion of the overall development in DTLA.
Chris T.
California definitely has its problems. I mean, where else does a teardown house (post-fire, not salvageable) cost over $1 million? But not to worry, when you buy the place for a measly $1 million, you can sell it a year later for $2 million…
(I’d add “/sarcasm”, only, it isn’t…)
And Trump now threatening Canada and Mexico with 25% tariffs on automobiles and automotive parts if they do not concede on NAFTA talks.
Oh, then you don’t want Jerry; he likes trains.
@Chris T.: It’s the land, they ain’t making any more of it here.
Major Major Major Major
@TenguPhule: OK, so does the executive branch just get to do whatever the fuck it wants with tariffs? I feel like this is something the legislature ought to control.
He’s so courageous that he has the comments disabled on his video.
@?BillinGlendaleCA: We’d like them too, the problem is the people in charge of building it 1) keep lying about the costs 2) keep stealing from the money assigned to the project for personal perks.
@Major Major Major Major:
Trump apparently intends to invoke the National Security exception clause.
How Jared got a Security Clearance
Enhanced Voting Techniques
City I live in, had it’s first murder in five years. Completely out of control.
North Korea must disarm before any economic relief, says Mike Pompeo
I can’t tell anymore if Pompeo, Bolton or Trump is the one off message here.
Mary G
Republicans are convinced they will win in CA this November, because we have a new gas tax they’ve been bitching about for a year now. It’s to fix roads. People get that concrete isn’t free. All the people who were going to move out of the state because income taxes on the rich went up are still here.
Obligatory “All of ’em, Katie.”
The who pro-business, anti California thing tickles me. California is like, two states over, isn’t it?
Major Major Major Major
@Mnemosyne: @Enhanced Voting Techniques: Jealous. In SF there’s a big car breakin problem and I have to walk around used needles and human shit every day. Even in front of Whole Foods, which always feels like a good metaphor.
Edited for clarity
Doug R
@Enhanced Voting Techniques:
Every DC show you see on the CW is produced in Vancouver (except Black Lightning). Does that count as Canadian GDP or California GDP?
for cars and car parts. sounds legit.
The White House sinkhole: nature finally says what we’ve all been thinking
Bless the Guardian for a laugh in these dark times.
Amir Khalid
Walker Stapleton has that curious dead-in-the-eyes smile I see on so many Republican politicians.
@chopper: We have to address that Strategic BMW gap. //
Chris T.
@?BillinGlendaleCA: I know, I’m just quietly (ok, noisily) flabbergasted.
This plus Prop13 creates really weird dynamics. The neighbor who bought the house in the 1960s pays $2k/yr in real estate taxes, the neighbor who bought the other identical house last year for $1M pays $17k/yr in real estate taxes. The low-tax neighbor should downsize and move close to his kids but then his taxes would triple…
@Amir Khalid: Also that odd diction…I’m guessing around a 90 IQ or so?
Doug R
@Mary G: My opinion on surpluses is do all three: Save some, spend some and lower taxes a tiny bit to give you some leeway when you have to raise them.
@Roger Moore:
My ex-sister in law just sent us some of my niece’s prom pictures with just her and her female friends. Out of a group of about a dozen girls, my niece and maybe two others were white. And this is near, like, Westlake Village.
Christ, what an asshole! As a Canadian I don’t understand why anyone would be proud of beating single payer.
Major Major Major Major
Ooh, is it time for me to rant about how California needs to institute a land-value tax??
@Amir Khalid: You mean the sociopath dead-eyed look. It’s a tell.
@rikyrah: Thank you for the link
Not the Onion.
Cole’s twitter feed has photo of Lily looking splendiferous in her little purple polka dot bow, after another chemo session.
Sweet puppy.
@Chris T.: Prop 13 was a badly written piece of shit, I voted against it. However, property taxes were rising really fast in the mid 70’s and were forcing folk out of their homes(mainly retired folk), that’s why it won.
@Major Major Major Major: Something like a property tax?
ETA: Prop 13 was on the first ballot I was able to vote on.
Major Major Major Major
@?BillinGlendaleCA: No, the value of the land itself instead.
@Enhanced Voting Techniques:
It was a pretty big deal recently that they found three dead guys all at the same time. They had been reported missing from Bakersfield and were found here. Given their ages, it was most likely drug-related, but the investigation is still ongoing.
@Miss Bianca:
My concern is that “unaffiliated” = “Wilmerite.”
Mary G
More horrid behavior by ICE:
? ?? Goku (aka Amerikan Baka) ? ?
@Major Major Major Major:
What’s a land-value tax?
@? ?? Goku (aka Amerikan Baka) ? ?:
Exactly what it says on the tin.
@Major Major Major Major:
Only if you want to be tarred, feathered, and run out of the state on a rail.
@Major Major Major Major:
That’s probably not a good idea.
Major Major Major Major
@? ?? Goku (aka Amerikan Baka) ? ?: @TenguPhule: You tax the value of the bare lot rather than the property on it, it encourages efficient use of fixed pseudo-communal resources, especially in dense areas.
@TenguPhule: Why not?
Colorado is just pissed because California’s weed is better.
? ?? Goku (aka Amerikan Baka) ? ?
I could Google but I’m just asking for conversation’s sake (and laziness); is it the same as a property tax?
ETA: Never mind.
Californians love to bitch, and there are plenty of things about this state that could be better. But in the ongoing, vote-with-your-feet referendum, California wins every day.
@Major Major Major Major: Can I get a tax reduction for keeping my six acres of redwoods as a carbon offset for those denser areas? Otherwise, efficient use may mean logging….
Major Major Major Major
@Humdog: Perhaps the state could create a scheme of tax reductions for private land being used for publicly-equivalent purposes, like parks.
Everyone should piss on Howard Jarvis’ grave at least once in their life. It’s the secular equivalent of going to Mecca.
@Major Major Major Major:
Because you unite all the private landowners of undeveloped property with the usual suspects against additional taxation. As I recall, because it taxes the value of the land itself, which varies depending on who makes the determination, it punishes landowners who don’t want to economically exploit their real property. It encourages development over preservation.
California already has water issues, among other things.
@Major Major Major Major: Balloon Juice campground it is, then!
@Corner Stone: Oh please.
eta He is disgusting.
Major Major Major Major
There are obvious ways around that, like an additional tax scheme that makes sure the external costs of environmentally-harmful exploitation (remember that city density+transit is greener than sprawl) are borne by the exploiter. Or some other sort of green credits. And exemptions for historic structures or what-have-you.
But yes, keeping a single-family home in the middle of a big city would become hellaciously expensive, and you’d be encouraged to redevelop into apartments. Which is the entire point. The land supply is fixed, and therefore (IMO) how each parcel is managed becomes a communal issue.
Maybe you can do it just for residential properties.
ETA as for water issues, if you accept that the goal is to increase the number of people who can live in California affordably, then density is a plus since it reduces yards.
@Major Major Major Major: The LVT is a subset of the property tax.
@burnspbesq: His crypt is over at Forest Lawn Hollywood Hills.
Major Major Major Major
@?BillinGlendaleCA: In the wikipedia article for “property tax”, the first paragraph states:
Obviously this is not the final word on the topic, but it’s always been my understanding that a property tax is distinct because it taxes… the property.
@Major Major Major Major:
That’s already the case, unless it’s passed down through the family. Then you’re back to the Prop 13 problem. As Burnsy said, you ain’t gonna repeal Prop. 13.
@Major Major Major Major: A property tax is based on the assessed value of the LAND and improvements.
Major Major Major Major
@?BillinGlendaleCA: Yes, hence the distinction. I’m glad we agree. ETA I’ll concede the point if you’ll allow that it’s a subset in the same way a tobacco tax is a subset of a sales tax
Well, no, I’m talking pie-in-the-sky tax schemes.
And to be clearer, keeping a single-family home would be hellaciously expensive compared to a more efficient use of the property, to a degree that it isn’t currently. Probably. Obviously zoning comes into play too, but a LVT would put pressure on those regulators.
@WereBear: 5th biggest. :) Go Bears.
@Major Major Major Major: If you repeal Prop. 13 AND you change zoning AND you allow for destruction of historic properties, maybe. Ain’t gonna happen even in your lifetime.
ETA: I’m not sure if you’re aware of a bill in the Legislature to change zoning around transit to allow more density, there’s a huge pushback from homeowners.
ETA II: I still think you’re missing my point, WE HAVE LVT as a subset of our current property taxes. It is skewed to hell by Prop. 13, but it is there.
Major Major Major Major
@?BillinGlendaleCA: But I’m going to live forever and become a robot.
Besides, we talk about outlandish fantasies all the time here, like Republicans being banned from holding power ever again.
ETA Yes, that was my senator’s bill, it died in committee a month ago. Of course there was pushback from homeowners. It would have been bad for their investments.
@Major Major Major Major:
I think my outlandish fantasy has a better chance then yours. :P
I’m not trying to meddle with one of the universal constants of the universe.
Major Major Major Major
Prop 13?
Prop 13 nearly killed California. I know something had to be done. People who had owned their homes for decades and had retired found themselves unable to afford the rising property taxes. The fuse was lit and Howard Jarvis ran with it with the help of the usual suspects. Limiting the property tax increases hurt local towns because they are the ones who get that. What hurt the state was the attached rule that any tax increase by the legislature had to pass with a 67% margin in the legislature. So for years it was 60% Democratic but there were enough Republicans that just wouldn’t vote yes. With inflation taxes go up every year so Repubs had us by the huevos. For years it was like we were being run by the Freedom Caucus. Our own Brownbeck experiment. Well people finally got sick of it and voted in a supermajority of Democrats in both houses & Jerry’s second run at governorship. Dems voted to kill that part of Prop 13 so that increases only needed a majority, not a supermajority. And we’ve been paying off our debt and digging out of the morass we found to what we have today.
It’s funny. I moved out to N. Cal in the 70’s from NY to live with some friends of mine who had moved there. About 4 years later many of them moved to Colorado because California was getting so crowded. Now they heard people bitching about Californians moving to Colorado then. That was the early 80’s. Some things never change.
Ah, but NOT property taxes, they only go up by 1% per year; that’s one of the previsions of Prop. 13.
Pretty good summery.
J R in WV
Wait…they want to build railroads between the Islands??????? Whut….!!???
@kindness: From what I read, the crisis in residential property tax that produced Prop 12 was a result of a big residential real property asset bubble in CA in the 70s and a very local, very discretionary tax assessment system that CA used. Led to some big scandals and corruption, CA legislature tried to clean it up and did not do a good job. Fixed income people couldn’t afford the tax rates. Jarvis scumbags used it as an excuse to gut CA property tax system in favor of large corporations.
I think no way Prop 13 can ever be repealed. As more people who never could afford to own residential property age into prime voting age, chances of reforming it grow, and someday I think it will be reformed through vote, to end the insane give away to giant corporations. I think Prop 13 type treatment for single home property will be here for a very long time.
@J R in WV: If Hawaii has corruption and embezzlement problems with its rail project (never heard of it before) then that needs to be fixed.
But, OTOH, I think any large infrastructure project that a country has no experience with and builds for the first time is going to be a boondoggle. Whether government or private industry builds it. Carnegie’s innovative big steel bridge had to be put on hold, and I think he resorted to the 19th century version of crowd sourcing to finish it, then its holding company went bankrupt, and I think caused local financial crisis.
We need more local and regional passenger rail. So, CA needs to pull up its socks and learn how to build rail. Boondoggle schmoondoggle. Crying top much about that ignores the history of big innovative construction projects going back for as long as there are records about them.
Little pissant government treasurers and controllers are always moaning about the cost of everything, but they don’t understand the value of anything. And then you have the Jarvis turds. They’d gripe about a penny increase in tax revenue even if that is all needed to divert a giant meteor headed straight for the middle of the state.
Saint Vincent
Educators such as myself have no affection for Mike Johnston, whose contempt for us is manifested in his championing of continual performance reviews and the elimination of due-process protections for those who receive poor evaluations in two consecutive years. You can bet that older teachers–who have finally begun to earn a competitive salary–will be deemed “poor performers” and replaced by less-experienced, cheaper labor, to the detriment of students and society.
Quaker in a Basement
Jared Polis has strong name recognition and would make a fine governor, but the missus and I favor Cary Kennedy this time around.