I feel like everyone has the politics stuff covered, so here is a story of cruel rejection. My internet went out and I was bored and my yard is a thick quagmire of mud, so I drove to the big city (population 2600) to pick up some cucumbers, onions, and tomatoes for a nice salad, and on the way home I took the long way home up Rt. 27. As I was driving there, I remembered my dad talking about a family farm on the way that neither of us had been to, so I decided to swing by and check it out.
The name of the place is Family Roots Farm, and they make their own syrup, have pick your own strawberries, and other produce. Got there, and the place was closed. Sigh.
At any rate, there was a beautiful old bloodhound just howling away, and I spent a solid ten minutes trying to pet him. Every time I got close enough, he would jump back and out of reach. I finally decided to give up, because I try to retain some dignity. No pictures because my feels were too hurt. I JUST WANTED TO PET HIM AND RUB HIS EARS A BIT I WAS NOT GOING TO HURT ANYONE.
This was worse than an entire year of match.com rejection.
zhena gogolia
Obligatory Hubert from Best in Show.
I loved this story. In a dogs world we only count if we feed them.. Next time bring treats. Today Finch’s walker came over to help me weed. After 30 minutes he became bored and said can I take Finch for a walk, and of course I said yes. Anyway he returned and said I asked him to sit and he wouldn’t, because I didn’t have treats with me. Moral of the story, bring treats.
zhena gogolia
“Would you stop namin’ nuts?”
Frank Wilhoit
“…worse than an entire year of match.com rejection”, said the voice of direct experience. We defer, we accept. But bloodhounds are really weird; cf. Thurber, J., passim.
At least you don’t have to deal with semi-feral cats who are perfectly well-behaved in all respects, except they won’t allow any touching. Or, for that matter, the one who doesn’t even have the excuse of semi-ferality, but who has not yet forgiven me for giving her flea drops in the summer of 2015.
Try OurTime.com John. The age thing is really just a suggestion…
Watched Cargo on Netflix. Good movie.
Dogs are really stupid. Many are stupider that average. Assuming they know anything about humans is imposing a rational on them that many never display. I am sorry this stupid dog was afraid of you but you have no idea what hell it has lived through or how bright it is.
EDIT: You have been trained by dogs you love to assume all dogs are good, kind & have been treated in a way that makes the, crave human contact. That may not be true for all dogs.
TL;DR, the fault dear Brutus may lay in your stars not in yourself
The difference is you were expecting to be rejected on match.com. You thought the bloodhound would yield to the Cole magic and so the rejection stung more.
@Frank Wilhoit:
A friend of mine recommended a course of action with our semi-feral that actually worked: he said we should lay down on the floor on our backs as much as possible until the semi-feral decided that we must be safe if we were willing to expose our bellies that way.
It worked, and now she lets us pet her and even give her belly rubs. When her majesty is in the mood for it, of course.
Somebody get the tar and feathers. We got a live one!
@jeffreyw: I watched Coco.. good movie and it has a dog.
@JPL: It doesn’t matter sometimes. I carry milk bone minis wherever I go and most dogs in the neighborhood know me and get wound up when they see me. Every once in a while I run across a pup who just doesn’t like me, cookie or not.
Damned at Random
You need to signal dogs with their own body language. You can always try play posture – on all fours with your butt in the air. Not especially dignified for a large middle-aged man, but less humiliating than computer dating.
@TenguPhule: typical moronic bullshit
Don’t worry JC, you will always have Thurston, oh wait…..
@zhena gogolia: one of the best movies ever. ever!
I feel the dog-rejection pain, but from the other side: I find myself with a large-ish 9 year old Heinz-57 (Pyr-Lab mix??) from rescue (Newf rescue at that … no Newfie in this girl!) who is decidedly uncertain about other people, and mainly regards other dogs as snacks. After 25+ years behind the leash of giant slobber/affection machines, it’s a new and slightly awkward experience. She’s only about 90 lbs so, small to me, but big to other people–she’s a fuzzy wuzzy, but would look right at home in the mob cap and grandma nightie from Little Red Riding Hood, “What large teeth you have Grandma!”
Major Major Major Major
Wow, this thread got weird fast.
@Raven: tongue and cheek. You might not like it , but sometimes it’s just best to ignore what you don’t like.
Was all set for a story for a new addition to the Cole household. Not sure if it might still happen…..
@Shell: That would be hilarious. The Cole household with Steve, Rosie, Thurston, bloodhound and the beloved Lily.
Can you imagine the drool? yuck
@JPL: yep, Coco was very good
Watching The Last Man On Earth now colorized, Vincent Price, Netflix
He’s awfully profligate with gas
@MoxieM: ever seen the Italian water rescue news?
@JPL: so why did you just ignore me mom?
@jeffreyw: I was trying to decide if I wanted to watch Safe on Netflix, or Fences on Prime.
Instead I think I’ll turn off everything and read.
Have you met the internet?
ETA turning off everything and reading is a good idea
??? Goku (aka Amerikan Baka) ??
@Major Major Major Major:
You’re only contributing to the weirdness by commenting on it!
Try to retain some dignity. Oh Cole, you make me laugh.
That’s like colorizing Night of the Living Dead. They made it in black and white on purpose, assholes.
@M4: It was the best of times, it was the worst of times, it was the age of wisdom, it was the age of foolishness, it was the epoch of belief, it was the epoch of incredulity, it was the season of Light, it was the season of Darkness,
@??? Goku (aka Amerikan Baka) ??: everything I say and do contributes to weirdness I’m pretty sure.
Am a fan of Martin Freeman, but dont know if I can handle more zombies.
Mary G
Of course it says right on their website that they’re not open on Mondays. Guess you probably didn’t see that before you went.
But we accept that. Somehow people think dogs have some special ability to judge people. They have proven over time that they’re only slightly better than fortune tellers.
@Schlemazel: I don’t accept that.
??? Goku (aka Amerikan Baka) ??
If we’re doing quotes: here’s one I like:
@Raven: Oh, Yah! Proud as can be…never met one of the those dogs, but aren’t they something!
I did have one guy, Duncan, who would try to “rescue” canoe-ers who jumped out for a swim. He was sure they were in distress… I think the distress was more when they saw 135# of huffing black fur chugging towards them in the water!
The office dog didn’t come to work today. He was the only reason I wanted to go to work.
It may be that my boss is jealous because the puppy just wants to be with me.
Smedley Darlington Prunebanks (formerly Mumphrey, et al.)
You’d better take that back if you know what’s good for you, damn it. I don’t want to have to break out a can of Whup-Ass™.
Proved evidence, please. I believe unicorns exist & I have a unicorn horn so beat that.
My first lab used to try to save us when we were practicing wet exits and rolling as new kayakers. He was sooo sweet but it was frustrating.
@JPL: Fences was pretty bad. Woody Allen Interiors bad.
Uh, Mittens does this to me on a daily basis and he lives in my house.
@Smedley Darlington Prunebanks (formerly Mumphrey, et al.):
whup-ass is my middle name. There is a lot to be said for dogs but they are not good judges of character & every abused dog is living proof. My time volunteering at the shelter showed me too many dogs loved the abuser & feared the rescuer.
@??? Goku (aka Amerikan Baka) ??: I recently read The Stars My Destination. That had some great quotes. I liked this character introduction:
Dear John, I cannot believe you are still single. Even with the overalls, you are a CATCH. Why haven’t any of your many lady friends vouched for you and fixed you up? I think internet dating sites self select for a type of person who may not readily cherish you. A smaller pond in which to “fish” is a peril of rural living, I suppose.
@Mnemosyne: I have been doing Werebear’s slow blinks, plus treats. My semi-feral is friendly to me for the first time in more than a year. Yelling at a cat being an asshole isn’t the same as yelling at a dog being an asshole. The dog figures out she’s being an asshole, and tones down her conduct. The cat gets distressed that she is being yelled at, and ramps up her bad behavior to a new, more unacceptable level.
Why does she hate my Dad’s totally cool, kind, laid back cat? All the other cats and the dogs love him. She keeps trying to tear his eyes out while he is sleeping.
Joyce H
Oh, no! If my dog is stupid, then heaven help me, WHAT AM I? Because my dog always remembers an agility course better than I do. We’ve just done obstacle six, and I forget what comes next and am looking around for the seven, and I think Jazzy is running off on me – but no, she’s just going ahead and taking the jump that comes next that she remembers and I don’t.
@Joyce H:
There is a lot of empty space up there for them to store stuff like that. You filled it with Algebra, sociology and People Magazines 10 Sexisst men in the world
@??? Goku (aka Amerikan Baka) ??: Frank Lloyd Wright?
Ohio Mom
@Humdog: Yes! That is exactly what I was going to say, why hasn’t anyone fixed Cole up yet?
Don’t any of us commentators know anyone? (I beg off, as a late middle-age suburban stay-at-home mom, there are no 40-ish women in my orbit).
Maybe we should chip in and offer a prize to whoever successfully matches John up.
Joyce H
@Schlemazel: *sniff* Well, I’m not going to bother debating with someone who rejects the self-evident truth that my dog is a GENIUS!
Joyce H
She is also the most beautiful dog who ever lived:
@Ohio Mom: I agree, John is a catch. But it’s a tough niche to match: if they aren’t already in West Virginia would someone be willing to move there?
Bloodhounds have a very keen sense of smell.
Just sayin…
@Joyce H: Very beautiful!
@satby: His Uni should hire a 40 something, single new professor woman.
@Joyce H:
Oh, YOUR dog may be a genius. But as a group that would make him ot her the exception. It is like when people here whine that we abuse Texas as a state of backwards assholes. It may be unfair to the individual Texan who on rare occasion is a decent human but true for the average. :)
@Major Major Major Major: look at the premise in the OP…
@MomSense: the endless fun of dog scratch marks on your thighs…
Ima chime in: Dogs are so smart. Smarter, for example, than the dickswab who locked a couple of doggos in his/her dark Honda sedan today in the grocery parking lot, windows not even cracked. (Yup, I called the cops on them. In MA it’s legal to break the windows, but I lacked the means.)
Not smart enough to get away from said dickswab. In fact they probably love said dickswab
@Major Major Major Major:
Isn’t that why we all come here?
@Schlemazel: Damn! I should have found a way to break the windows. They could have made their getaway!
But they wouldn’t have, unless you had food & then you could abuse them as well
Ohio Mom
@satby: He’s not far from Pittsburgh, which has refashioned itself into a hip happening place (Pittsburgh is where the chemo vet is). But yes, I imagine that WVa is an acquired taste.
Damned at Random
@Ohio Mom: I keep expecting him to make a move on the ribbon nurse.
J R in WV
Well, I just got a brand new error message from the Balloon Juice system:
Say what? I typed a comment in one thread, then typed another in a second thread. Then I submitted the first one, then the second one, which went away after the error message !!!
How strange.
Plus, the edit function is so slow the 5 min. edit allowance expires before I can add a period or comma in the right place. YOU HEAR ME!!!!! Listen UP!!
You’re better off on Tinder. :)