Here’s nature visualizing what’s heading our way after Trump and his handler get their business settled:
Open thread, y’all.
This post is in: Open Threads, Decline and Fall
Here’s nature visualizing what’s heading our way after Trump and his handler get their business settled:
Open thread, y’all.
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The Dangerman
HaBOOB seems appropriate and not for any anatomical reasons; Trump is a fucking dolt.
I wonder how FOX will spin it? And how does FOX get away with it? Hannity shares an attorney with Trump. Kimberly G. is screwing Don, Jr.
ETA: I had a late night last night; waking up (slowly) to this nonsense is painful.
This is the first time in American history we’ve had a unquestionable TRAITOR as President of the US. I wish all living former Presidents of the US, including both Bushes, would hold a joint presser stating this.
Haboob does seem most accurate to describe the current Soviet governorship of America.
@cmorenc: Nixon undermining LBJ’s peace talks…
@The Dangerman: Cheryl reports in the downstairs thread that even Fox commentators are calling it disgusting.
@Yarrow: Some of them, anyway.
@The Dangerman:
Actually, at least at the Fox News website (as opposed to their broadcast) their initial take is nauseating more for it’s matter-of-fact “not much to see here” blandness as it is (yet) for overt cheerleading. But give it a few hours for them to realize they need to handle to the widespread explosively negative reaction outside the Fox bubble, once it’s sunk in that its denizens need some propaganda and protection to assure they stay in the corral.
How soon before trump reports to Fox & Friends?
This made me happy.
(Warning – autorun on the accompanying video)
Alas, the pizza s still awful, maybe at some point they’ll fix that too.
Putin’s got a lot of nerve making the leader of the free world wait 45 minutes to kiss his ass.
@germy: Hannity and Carlson are getting the first post summit interviews.
@germy: Man, Greenwald’s fifteen minutes of fame expired about five years ago. It’s amazing that anyone actually takes him seriously anymore considering the massive amounts of bullshit he healed on Obama compared to his damning silence since Trump has been in office. Fuck him.
The Ancient Randonneur
I take it your not a fan of cardboard with ketchup and cheese product topping.
@Quinerly: It’s so easy to identify the traitors. Watching members of the media scramble to explain themselves and their contacts with Guccifer 2.0 on Friday was another example.
@germy: Who is Greenwald’s audience these days? Are there really enough Jill Stein voters and other idiots to sustain a business? I know there’s lots of speculation that he’s simply a propaganda mouthpiece, but he really seems to believe the nonsense he spouts so I’m more inclined to place him towards the ‘useful idiot’ end of the spectrum.
Matt McIrvin
@The Dangerman: They’ll probably do some overt pro-Putin propagandizing; he’s been laying the groundwork on the megachurch lecture circuit for years, convincing the US right that he’s the world’s great white hope for the Christian autocracy we need. The US could really use some domination by Russia, they’ll say. And some fairly large fraction of their viewers will swallow it. The question is just how large.
@BruceFromOhio: My kid likes Papa John’s, and honestly, I think it’s okay, or at least about as good as any other chain. The local franchise that delivers to our house is extremely successful, I have spoken with the owner, and I can’t believe Schnatter would be so willing to undermine those businesses to serve his own ego. Or I can believe it but it’s still disgusting.
@dmsilev: He’s not a useful idiot; he’s a Russian asset and has been for some time. He’s on Fox on a regular basis so Fox viewers are part of his audience.
@Yarrow: Of all the people who associated with Trump and who talked to Guccifer, Roger Stone should be the one who is most concerned about that indictment.
You tell the truth.
@dmsilev: He certainly has a ton of defenders on twitter.
Of course, his most important audience is the guy who pays him half a million bucks a year to promote a certain worldview.
@dmsilev: I would guess that Glenn Greenwald’s audience these days hews pretty closely to people who still think that Julian Assange and Edward Snowden are heroes. Greenwald went through the looking glass a long time ago.
When does the apology tour stop? We’ve come a long way from “Country First”.
Miss Bianca
@germy: Democracy Now! never seemed more laughably misnamed.
@germy: FUCK THAT BASTARD! And Democracy Now is totally dead to me.
@dmsilev: Just like “fake news” isn’t for you, it’s to give the base the “LALALALALALA” they need and reinforce the tribe, so too is this not about building an audience, this is about reinforcing the mind numbing denialism that creates a comforting mental environment to allow atrocities to happen.
Don’t know but Omidyar’s Intercept pays him about US$500,000/year. Not bad if you live in Brazil.
@Hobbes83: He’s one of many.
@dmsilev: Greenwald’s audience is Pierre Omidyar, who pays all the bills.
@chris: That’s not bad pretty much anywhere. Guess propaganda pays well.
@dmsilev: The same people who watch Democracy Now and Young Turks.
ETA: I have one acquaintance who loves Amy Goodman and she’s been telling me for almost two years that Crimea is in truth Russian. Whatever the size of the Russian-ethnic population, I don’t see how you can simply do away with agreed-upon borders. It’s a weird justification for the invasion.
@germy: Greenie is just begging for a deep dive into his own finances with that little tweet. He’s compliantly passing along someone’s POV.
Major Major Major Major
I always loved the word haboob.
@Gravenstone: I assume at some point he’ll piss off the bad guys in Brazil, and he’ll have to flee somewhere else.
Whenever there’s inconvenient news about trump, he tweets about local corruption and violence. I suspect at some point those folks will grow tired of him.
Everything is very frightening, but “haboob” will never not be a funny word.
Five days until EQUALIZER 2!!!
I think I’m gonna need this movie by the weekend.
Cheryl Rofer
In other news, up is down and down is up.
Teddys Person
Trump Baby (might) be coming to America, baby.
@The Ancient Randonneur:
Taking the box that pizza normally comes in and smearing some katsoup in it and calling it pizza does not make it pizza.
But when our kid was in college, it was the only place which would deliver at two or three ayem.
@rikyrah: Ditto, I will need that ultra-violence and I hope, like last time, he’s killing a bunch of Russians. Then I will see Ant-Man. Maybe just spend all fucking day in a theater and let the world go to shit without me. #mad
Word! [sorry]
I wonder how eternally pissed off Papa Murphy’s is that they’re so frequently confused with the other Papa. Should have considered that in the bidnez plan (admit I have no idea which came first).
@ruemara: I need to see Sorry To Bother You again. Lots of details and layers in that film. We’ll probably go this weekend.
Video reminds me of a photo I took in Niger in the 80’s.
First dust storm of the season
I really need to do a photo post of those in On the Road and In Your Backyard…
Chyron HR
Okay, but their complimentary cups of garlic-flavored grease are ON POINT.
Teddys Person
Neil Cavuto weighs in
@germy: I want to see that & Mr. Rogers, too.
One more day of work before I head off to Denver for my conference. I’m half-packed but need to finish that tonight so I’m not stressed in the morning. I’m trying not to get sucked into the Trump drama because fuck that traitorous asshole.
I understand that Weasel Face gave Pootie Kazootie the Grand Canyon and Statue of Liberty as wonderful parting gifts .
The comments are almost all some variation of “DO SOMETHING!”
@Teddys Person:
A courtesy they always paid to President Obama.
Teddys Person
I’m trying not to get sucked into the Trump drama because fuck that traitorous asshole.
Teddys Person
Darth Vadar’s spawn has a hot take
“And now we hear from the heartland…”
We might get to that big bass entrance yet:
(Sort of an “Uh-oh, chese it!” section of the tone poem.)
@Teddys Person: “Deeply troubled.” Wonder if she knows she can DO SOMETHING ABOUT IT.
@Chyron HR: Alright. I’m putting an end to this travesty by posting a pizza recipe in the next citizenship update. Garlic grease. Heathen.
@Teddys Person:
So Flake, Vaderspawn, and probably some others are squeaking up. You think they’ll do a single fucking thing?
Spoiler: no
Jim Parish
@tobie: Have you tried mentioning that that was the same argument Hitler used in claiming the Sudetenland?
TeezySkeezy (formerly the T S you hate)
@germy: It’s possible to acknowledge those facts about some of our “allies” as correct and be mad about them while also being mad about Trump subverting our country for one of the worst of ’em. Of all the kinds of whataboutism, the ones where the observations should just add to the total rage rather than diminish the original indignity are the most enraging.
Teddys Person
@efgoldman: Republicans and their media enablers have taking acting like outside observers to an art form.
@germy: I feel sick, the way I felt on 9/11. How are we going to ensure the integrity of the November elections?
We need a meteor strike, a lightning bolt, a massive coronary. Please, FSM, you’re our only hope.
@ruemara: spouse and I saw Won’t You Be My Neighbor on Saturday. Deeply, deeply moving. Highly recommend it. Balm for a weary heart.
Bring a hanky.
She and the other Republicans are in too deep now. There’s no way to wiggle free without their own complicity being revealed.
This is why you never bet the devil your head — he’ll always find a way to win.
@Cheryl Rofer: Translation: we got everything we sought, and a bonus!
His trip to Helsinki is roughly the same difference as flying from Denver to Washington, D.C. If even those minor rigors are more than the bloated pansy can handle, then the treasonous bastard should quit his office and retire to his lovely dacha outside Sevastopol.
Plus the home game version of Trump’s show, “I’m all about the Benjamins”
Teddys Person
Profiles in fucking courage
emphasis mine
@Teddys Person: When even the Foxbots dredge up some minor vestige of their pre-corruption selves, you know it’s serious.
@germy: Did the caller have discernible Russian accent?
Teddys Person
@Tokyokie: And it’s not like he’s crammed into steerage like us peons.
@Teddys Person:
Or had to get to the airport several hours in order to participate in security theater.
@Jim Parish: Good one. I’ll try it since my acquaintance was born in the last year of WWII as her Polish-Jewish parents were in hiding in the south of France. Maybe this will have some resonance, though I doubt it. She voted for Stein on the grounds that first things need to get really bad before we can have a socialist republic. I could have reminded her of Thälmann’s statement, “Nach Hitler uns,” but I was too aghast to say much of anything.
A Ghost To Most
Do we still own Alaska?
But Her Emails!!!
His trip was from Scotland to Helsinki.
@But Her Emails!!!: @But Her Emails!!!: And I figured the mileage from Aberdeen, not London. And GMT is 2 hours behind Helsinki time, as is the case of Denver with respect to the Eastern Time Zone.
✔️ check
✔️ check
✔️ and check.
But Her Emails!!!
@Tokyokie: Ah. Ok. My bad.
Wow! Yes, you certainly do!
Stop it!
Work as a poll watcher, make sure people are registered properly. Do what you can in your little corner of the world. Despair gets us nowhere except defeated.
Can’t find it now, but earlier I saw Lindsey Graham opining that the meeting was a “missed opportunity.”
I’m not sure I can take such strong language.
Paper ballots.
@germy: Reagan undermining release of American hostages in Iran.
@dmsilev: He’s an active tool. Yeah, I know the thread is dead. It’s what I do.
Amir Khalid
@Teddys Person:
I know this thread is well and truly dead, so you won’t see this. But your mythological allusion is well off-target: the spawn of Darth Vader are Luke and Leia.
@Gravenstone: She only identified herself as “Elizabeth J. from Washington DC”.