In a backdrop of white supremacists distancing themselves from Jason Kessler's efforts to organize a Unite the Right II rally, Kessler, withdraws demand for new rally permit in Charlottesville.
— Joanna Mendelson (@jo_mendelson) July 24, 2018
… On Tuesday, Kessler shocked even his own lawyers by withdrawing his request that a federal judge order the city to grant him a permit for a “Unite the Right 2” rally for the weekend of Aug. 11.
But after the hearing, one of his attorneys, James Kolenich, told reporters that Kessler could still show up at Market Street Park, formerly known as Lee Park and then Emancipation Park, next month with a group of 24 people or fewer, without needing any permit. He and others maintain that they are protesting the city’s effort to remove a statue of Confederate Gen. Robert E. Lee.
Kessler, who lives in Charlottesville and graduated from the University of Virginia, quickly vanished after the hearing and was unavailable for an interview request.
His court appearance Tuesday was part of his ongoing lawsuit against the city, alleging that its denial of his permit violated his First Amendment rights. Kolenich told the news media that the lawsuit remains active because Kessler wants to prove the city acted illegally so that he can obtain the permit for a “Unite the Right” rally in Charlottesville for August 2019…
Kessler, who recently claimed online that he supports “white rights” and does not hate other races or ethnic groups, applied in November for a city permit to hold what he described as a “two-day festival” with an expected crowd of 400. His permit said the event wanted to call attention to “government civil rights abuse” and “memorialize the sacrifices made by political dissidents” during last year’s rally.
The next month, city manager Maurice Jones denied Kessler’s application, asserting that the demonstration would “present a danger to public safety” and would probably cost too much money for the city to protect and keep peaceful…
“The City’s concerns about the trustworthiness of the Plaintiff himself are substantial,” its lawyers wrote. “[T]he City has collected a great deal of evidence . . . that the Plaintiff will state peaceful intentions in public while in private encouraging and enticing attendees to engage in violence.”…
Kessler claims he’s still pushing for a permit to rally in DC, but it’s an open question as to whether he and his cosplay buddies want to be standing between the Antifa activists and the serious white-nationalist ‘Sons of Odin’ types…
How much do you suck as a human when *white supremacists* are distancing themselves from you?
— Rick Wilson (@TheRickWilson) July 24, 2018
Here I will start
— Oh No Not That (@kyyle23) July 24, 2018
Adam L Silverman
Obligatory, especially given Kessler’s:
David Fud
So, Kemp blew Cagle out of the water in Georgia. He will face Stacy Abrams in a race for governor. Do what you can folks. It would be a huge win for us all if she can beat him in November.
Abandoned to pull himself down by his own jackboots.
So, basically, he was planning to gloat over the murder of Heather Heyer.
Not surprised the judge gave him a big ol’ nope on that.
Major Major Major Major
@NotMax: Heh!
Man, glad he’s pulled his own application, but I can’t shake the feeling that something worse will come next.
Soundtrack for this post. DK— Nazi Punks F*** Off!
I am still a first amendment absolutist. The best thing about these racist pigs (apologies to pigs) is that whenever they show their ugly ass faces in public, they can be counted on to encounter a much larger group of counter protesters – exercising THEIR first amendment rights
MAGA my ass.
I’ll bet. These people aren’t exactly subtle and they aren’t all that smart. They don’t really hide what they’re doing.
Will never stop being relevant.
(Huh. It used to pick up links without the www before)
James E Powell
@David Fud:
I don’t recall, was Kemp the Total Asshole in the Republican primary or the Complete & Total Asshole?
Adam L Silverman
@efgoldman: I’m a 3rd Amendment Absolutist.
Mary G
@efgoldman: Yes, the fact that they’re always been a much larger group of counter-protesters show up since the first tiki torch march have disabused these guys of the notion that their bullshit is acceptable in our society.
Adam L Silverman
@James E Powell: There were three extreme ones out of five GOP candidates. Kemp, who did the shotgun video and had the round up the undocumented truck; Cagle, who said he’d just call the National Guard to do it, and Michael Williams, who had a deportation bus he customized and got himself banned from Cracker Barrel for trying to do a rally with it in their parking lot.
Major Major Major Major
@Adam L Silverman: Third Amendment Rights Group Celebrates Another Successful Year
Adam L Silverman
@Major Major Major Major: There was cake. It was a very nice event.
@Major Major Major Major: Just wait until they start making us house ICE agents. Third amendment wouldn’t apply since they’re technically not military personnel.
James E Powell
@Adam L Silverman:
They are all such awful people, as are the people who vote for them. This is all heading to a very bad end.
Amir Khalid
@Adam L Silverman:
This is not an issue I follow in American politics. Is it a major one?
Getting to the time to electronic things electronic down, turn off the water*, and scoot.
Keep the home fires burning, jackals.
*Precautionary measure, because if a leak is gonna develop, it’ll be when am away.
Major Major Major Major
@Amir Khalid: not for… a long time now.
@NotMax: off to that horrible far away city?
@NotMax: Have a good flight!
That made little to no sense. :)
Getting to the time to shut things electronic down, turn off the water*, and scoot.
Keep the home fires burning, jackals.
*Precautionary measure, because if a leak is gonna develop, it’ll be when am away.
Adam L Silverman
@Amir Khalid: Not since the Revolutionary War. The 3rd Amendment states that the government can’t commandeer your domicile and force you to house and feed troops in it, which was one of the major things the British did to the colonials that pissed them off.
@NotMax: as long as the home fires aren’t lava induced you’ll be fine. Safe and enjoyable trip. ☺
@NotMax: Have a nice flight.
Major Major Major Major
@Yarrow: in my darker moments I kinda feel like no amendment will apply if they get Kavanaugh through.
@Adam L Silverman: But we 3rd Amendment absolutest remain vigilant.
Mike J
There is this devastating op ed piece on that in the Times.
Mike J
@Major Major Major Major: Have you ever read The Emperor of Ocean Park by Stephen L. Carter? Itr’s about a black law prof at Yale whose father, a federal judge dies. There’s a throwaway joke in it about him being the nation’s foremost third amendment scholar. Or I think there is. I haven’t read it since it came out in the early 2000’s, but it’s an excellent book that has struck with me.
Major Major Major Major
@Mike J: I’ve not heard of it. I have a Niven and a Vinge glaring at me across the table but maybe I should read some political fiction after that.
I’ve always rather enjoyed the fact that there are 3x as many syllables in the abbreviation “www” than there are in “world wide web.”
Major Major Major Major
@SiubhanDuinne: WYSIWYG also fares poorly by this metric.
@Major Major Major Major: I’ve never actually heard anyone spell out the letters. Whizzy wig. That’s how I’ve always heard it pronounced.
Major Major Major Major
@(((CassandraLeo))): sure, I was just looking at the syllable ratio of the characters to the words.
Mike J
@(((CassandraLeo))): Americans and Brits tend to say dubdubdub (or there was a time when the Nathan Barleys of the world would say “tripdub”) . Swedes say wuhwuhwuh.
The only significant court case related to the Third Amendment is Engblom v Carey.
I thought there was a case where an officer was in transit and required to spend some time in the city where his father lived. Rather than stay in a hotel or the local BOQ, he was ordered to stay with his father. Dad objected on Third Amendment grounds. I haven’t been able to track it down, though.
Amir Khalid
@Mike J:
Germans say “vehvehveh”. A Volkswagen (“folksvahgen”) is called a “fauveh” over there, which is shorter and better than “veedubbelyew”.
Mrs. D. Ranged in AZ
@Mike J: “It’s hard to satirize people in shiny boots”
Millard Filmore
Someone is asking this question over at
Who should introduce the “require drug tests for farmers receiving aid” amendment?
@Mike J:
I loved The Emperor of Ocean Park.?
Don’t remember the 3rd Amendment, but the judge marched to his own beat.
@Major Major Major Major:
I loved all three of Professor Carter’s first three fiction books.
The Emperor of Ocean Park
New England White
The Palace Council
I appreciated that the Black protagonists were not involved in stereotypical settings/stories.
Amir Khalid
@Millard Filmore:
Let’s see, who is most likely to make Republicans’ heads explode by doing that?
One fine summer day Mr. Whitmore said to himself, “I think it would be fun to ruin a newspaper.”
From Daily Beast
That Kessler video needs MOAR Yakkity-sax!
Dorothy A. Winsor
@David Fud: Re the Georgia election, I saw this on twitter this morning.
@efgoldman: I once temporarily lost my mind and opted to live in the south for one year, a very conservative time in America, and a very conservative location, to go to college. The school had as a speaker to a class — the real live PR person for the real petroleum company featured in the Cher movie “Silkwood.” The students in the hall were so polite! But they asked real questions. Politely. And she ended up crying at the mic and shutting the whole thing down early…because the questions were so rude.
I’m reminded of that day, so long ago now, often.
J R in WV
I guess sometimes the truth is rude, huh? When your company has killed a bunch of people, and attempted to kill others to keep those first murders undercover!