Without a doubt, my favorite Costco run of all time. I love you, @MichelleObama. #IAmBecoming pic.twitter.com/TOY77yLGgP
— Ellen DeGeneres (@TheEllenShow) November 15, 2018
Watch the entire interview here: Michelle on Ellen
She talks about escaping the White House to see it lit up after marriage equality, her boyfriend, Ronnell (“that’s the black Ronald”) and Malia going to prom. It’s a joy to watch them have fun together.
Open thread
“When they go low, we get high!”
@Baud: That was a great line. I love seeing the two of them interact.
Yes…I’m enjoying watching every bit of this book tour.
The video the Ellen show put together of Michelle’s impact is a good one too.
A Look Back at Former First Lady Michelle Obama’s Impact on America https://youtu.be/lDxC1DBWqkc via @YouTube
@Baud: They went really low, I shop at that Costco. I was there Tuesday evening, no Ellen or Ms. Obama. (sobs)
Gotta love the Saudi POV on their official report of the Istanbul incident – they were just there to kidnap Khashoggi, and someone decided, what the heck, lets murder him. North Korea can write more plausible fiction, guys.
That means I was within 3 miles of Mrs. Obama whether I was at work or at home. Sigh.
And the CVS they went to on their last excursion (in 2016) is the one that’s three blocks from our apartment.
Gin & Tonic
Can we have normal human beings in the White House again, plz?
I went to Costco today but no Michelle or Ellen. Boo….
@Mnemosyne: Seems like they’re stalking you.
TaMara (HFG)
Her Barack impression. Killed me.
Gawd love Black twitter.
After that douche posted the pic of AOC talking about what she was wearing or some shit…Black twitter folks are now posting pics of silly shit with the caption from his original tweet:
One of my favs:
@Yarrow: You probably went to the wrong Costco.
@lamh36: Cole retweeted that one.
@Mnemosyne: Thanks for the heads up below. I miss her.
@lamh36: since efg is not around, let me say fuckem in his honor.
Wait…ya’ll…dude deleted the tweet bout what AOC was wearing today…and now talking bout he meant she was “elegant”..
TaMara (HFG)
@lamh36: I swear I did not realize you were posting all the links in the other thread. We just think alike. :-)
Mary G
@lamh36: His new tweet is getting ratios as bad as the first one, and his book reviews on Amazon have taken a sudden turn.
@Mary G:
He was trying to roast people back but … it did not go well for him. ?
the videos are so great.
Chip Daniels
So long as I live, I will never understand how America went from the very best President and First Lady to the very worst.
@Chip Daniels:
Bigotry, hubris, and a lot of free riding.
@Chip Daniels:
Looking Forward, not looking back.
We don’t even have a Costco in our state.
@Chip Daniels: Yeah, seeing the video Ellen put together about Michelle’s impact was a sharp contrast to the stupid Be Best sign that looks like it was hand-drawn and colored in with markers. I think the Be Best sign itself is all that has been done.
It’s a travesty that the white trash is in the white house and they brought all their trashy friends. But worse than that, the president is someone who would think about turning over a 20-year US resident to placate a dictator in an effort to get said dictator to stop causing a ruckus about the journalist was butchered on orders from his good buddy MBS.
If that goes through, I don’t know what I’ll do. That cannot stand.
Then where do you get your 55 gallon drums of mayo and winter tires?
Mary G
@MomSense: Whut? Even Cole can get to a Costco, can’t he?
@?BillinGlendaleCA: I went to the right Costco for me! Ellen and Michelle must have gone to the wrong Costco.
@Chip Daniels: Just after election but before inauguration I read a RW woman comment about how with the new ‘1st lady’ we’d ‘finally have a first lady in the WH with some class’
Oooh…I forgot, but Oprah’s special interview with Michelle Obama premieres on OWN tonight, and will of course be re-broadcast again.
It’s on right now.
Yes, it’s all Barack Obama’s own fault that white Americans are hopelessly racist. ?
Or did you not realize that “look forward, not back” was a slam specifically against Obama?
@lamh36: The entire interview was great, and I thought the story about her escaping from the White House with Malia was pretty special. My favorite was the recap though. It reminded us of her great accomplishments. I don’t know if you saw the Today show interview with Jenna Bush, but Jenna Bush got teary eyed.
@Yarrow: The part about him saying that they’re “screaming and shouting” as he himself is screaming and shouting at the Twitter machine (and furniture, if reports are to be believed) just made me laugh. You can’t get much more pure distilled projection than that. I can’t believe anyone, even the truest of true believers actually believed that one.
CA-39: Kim’s lead over Cisneros is down to 48 votes.
@Yarrow: I went to the right Costco, just the wrong time.
Ah…this OWN interview with Michelle Obama is soo good. I have the book, and I can’t wait to read it. I have a term paper and final exam to study for, so I don’t want to start the book and get so engrossed that I don’t do my school stuf!
@?BillinGlendaleCA: Yowsuh
@TaMara (HFG): LOL…I’ve been posting about Michelle Obama’s book tour since the beginning in whichever open thread I can…lol.
You don’t understand! If only we’d have prosecuted Bush and Cheney and had the case thrown out by the Supreme Court in a 5-4 decision that declared torture constitutional and gave Republican presidents free rein to do whatever they want, every Republican would be smart enough to ignore the rising tide of frothing racism in the Republican voting base, especially Donald Trump, and no one would ever dare cater to them in case it was illegal!!!
@HinTN: Good chances for another flip.
@?BillinGlendaleCA: I once voted in a highly contested election and my candidate won by something like 16 or 17 points. You really feel like your vote is important when it’s that close.
@sdhays: It really is. He’s kind of the perfect example of projection.
The way I read the tweet, there were two different “they”s: Mueller et al. and the harpies shouting at Conservatives Who Dine.
Mary G
@lamh36: I don’t usually buy books I know the library will have eventually and was kind of bummed I’d have to be on the waiting list for months, but I found that I pre-ordered it the day it was announced and it is in my Audible library right now. So happy!
Do yourselves a favor…and find a way to watch the re-broadcast of the interview of Michelle Obama about “Becoming” on OWN.
If you don’t plan to get and read the book…it’s def worth it.
Stone didn’t get his rep in the 2016 elections.
There’s a reason y’all keep seeing the same ratfuckers and their protege’s time and time again and fouler and fouler lesser demons across the isle.
There’s only a few times that any Democrat President had the “mandate” enough, and a window of opportunity to rip the rot out.
If you take the Senate and WhiteHouse in 2020, you might want to remember that.
The lists keep getting longer and longer now.
@lamh36: Don’t start it until you have time. 400 plus pages and I couldn’t put it down.
I mean, I know it was a crappy decision that was made to protect conservative but powerful Democrats who had been dumb enough to go along with the Iraq War, but it wasn’t exactly Obama’s call.
Interesting tidbit I just found out: Jane Harman, who was one of the Democrats who was being shielded from her bad decisions, was in line to head the House Intelligence Committee after the Democrats kept the House in 2008. She was denied that position by … Nancy Pelosi.
That reason is racial panic.
Dorothy A. Winsor
Thanks so much for linking to the show, TaMara. I watched all the clips with delight.
Oh, so you did mean to blame Obama for the actions of the white Democrats in Congress who were too cowardly to investigate their own and made him be the fall guy for their decision.
You really, really do not understand the nuances of American politics.
For everyone who went to jail for Nixon, ten new assholes lined up to break the law next time.
@Baud: I thought it was Economic Anxiety.
Doesn’t explain The Book of Faces, Twitter, Gab, Wells Fargo, Academi, Bechtel, etc.
@Frankensteinbeck: If you want to do awful things like keeping brown people down, you need awful people to do those things.
@Jay: You forgot Balloon Juice.
@Chip Daniels: Really, really angry white people for whom the concept that even the best black person is less competent than the worst white person became an actual selling point.
@Mnemosyne: Girl. That has to sting. Next time, you’ll run into her.
So, final update from the gofundme fundraiser thingy will go out this weekend. What recipe would you guys like? One of the holiday cookies? Chipotle dark chocolate with dried raspberries? White chocolate ginger? or tonight’s beer & cauliflower soup?
@Mnemosyne: Are you near any of the big fires? We can has our first snow tonight.
@?BillinGlendaleCA: It will be again after 2020.
Yes. I agree that prosecuting lawbreakers is usually a good thing. Bush and Cheney were one of those unusual times when it would be more likely to create a disastrous legal precedent. But even if they went to jail, it would not have stopped any of this. There is always a rich crop of ‘But they won’t catch me’ and it’s richer when the political leaders know their base have gone batshit insane and will fight for their right to do absolutely anything, no matter how vile.
That’s because of how much time in jail they spent, which jails they wound up in, and how their careers took off afterwards.
If America treated White Collar crime like a black kid playing with a clearly marked toy pistol in a park,…….
Or a Black Female State Senator in Georgia Senatoring while Black,…….
So, to up the happy time, looks like Pelosi made a successful deal with progressives, and that makes some moves I think are needed. So, if it sticks, we need to get the skeerded moderates and center-right curious Democratic Congresscritters on board. Maybe we should have a campaign to call and write to try to explain to them that if they vote against Pelosi, the scary GOP smears won’t go away, they’ll just come from a different direction. Or the GOP will figure out some media friendly clickbait hook to bash them because the voted against Pelosi.
This is huge. Nancy Pelosi has committed to put Progressive Caucus members—including newly elected progressive champs—on the most powerful committees in the House. Proud @MoveOn is working with @USProgressives and @TeamPelosi to empower a new wave of leaders fighting for change.
Wrong Costco.
Wrong time.
Wrong country.
As Meuller is demonstrating, you don’t start with Bush/Cheney.
@jl: I’m not sure how much of a change that is from prior practice, but if it makes people feel good, I’m on board.
Nancy Pelosi is a dealmaker, extremely liberal herself, and no doubt some of these folks will do a good job and she has recognized that. Why would anyone expect this to not happen?
Gelfling 545
@Yarrow: This has to be driving Trump wild. He keeps trying to get some kind of defensive reaction from Mueller but Mueller just keeps on working. He just refuses to get down in the mud with Trump and Trump can’t cope. That’ll be your screaming and shouting, right there.
@Baud: I don’t see a detailed news piece out yet on it, but the tweet links to a statement that suggests that the progressive caucus will get first cut at leadership positions that will move them up more quickly than in the past. Which people might like or not like, but the progressives decided to make a deal with Pelosi, and others didn’t, so… that is life in politics.
For Bush and Cheney, you would have to. Their crimes were very different from Trump’s. Theirs were political acts that were potentially illegal, and the lesser criminals were obeying them. Trump has crimes lined up from his personal life, and is surrounded by people who have their own little crimes on the side, and the collaboration with Russia was not performed as part of their duties. Abuse of power, like Kushner’s selling secrets, would not have come straight from Trump’s orders. The things people want the Bush administration charged for go straight to the top, and that puts them in a very gray legal area. It’s questionable whether Mueller can prosecute Trump himself, but there are a lot of targets around him that are on clear legal ground.
As a rule, I don’t put much stock in alternative histories, especially when they involve overly simplified descriptions of complex causal connections.
I do hope that we can become better law enforcers once we have power again. But it’s not costless, every political priority pushes something else down the list.
@Frankensteinbeck: Because everyone who ever held power before 2019 is a corrupt DINO aligned with the military industrial complex and oligarchs and they hate single payer. Except for Bernie.
Miss Bianca
@Jay: Thank you so much! It’s always so gratifying to hear advice from white guys from the Great White North on how best to solve US political problems. Especially since you were, I’m sure, instrumental in helping to completely solve your own country’s racial/political issues. And how you Canadians have managed to completely avoid electing anyone who was an embarrassment to his office! Well, no, you haven’t, but you can hug yourself knowing that your relative insignificance on the world stage is really a blessing in disguise, since it allows you to say, “wow, yeah, we may have fucked up a time or two, but not like YOU guys! You know what YOU guys ought to do is – ”
No, really, I applaud you. I wait breathlessly for the next pearl of wisdom to drop from your virtual lips.
What happened cudlips, we used to have a better quality of troll before. More amusing.
I understand it’s hard,
Wells Fargo loaded up your 401k with toxic waste, so now it’s worthless,
They robosigned your paid for house out from under you,
They stole your savings with bogus charges, worthless services and fake “insurance”,
They destroyed your credit with hidden fees, charges and usury hidden interest rates on your credit cards,
So why do you still bank there and why did you buy stock, now that they are ripping off shareholders?
I understand, you don’t grok “Credit Union”.
That’s some kida socialist thingy, right?
@jl: Ok, good. I’m interested in seeing what they do with it.
Mai Naem mobile
@?BillinGlendaleCA: they have Cisneros up by a thousand about an hour ago. What’s the deal with this Valdao/Cox race? The district is rural(Kern/Tulare/King) but is supposed to lean D but Valdao is the R incumbent and winning by 2K votes right now.
Stories about (picks one absurdity at random) white slavery meth labs laundering money for Soros in the basement of every Costco on right wing nutsites in 3… 2… 1…
Uh… you’re aware literally none of those things were criminal, right? As horrible as they were? That’s the point of deregulation, to create loopholes where industries can do horrible things but get away with it. Even the robosigning wasn’t criminal, it just didn’t follow legal procedures and there was a potential for clouded titles that the courts decided not to challenge. If you’re not claiming those things should have been prosecuted, I’m not sure what you’re trying to say, other than you feel superior to people who recognize there are no easy solutions.
@Mai Naem mobile:
Who’s they? I’m looking at the Secretary of State’s website.
Remember Halliburton?
On torture/war crimes, the first hurdle to start taking them down from the bottom up, would be a Court agreeing that torture was torture, murder was murder, and targetting civillians was a War Crime.
Nobody even asked the DOJ to try.
Other countries did, which is why Dolt 45 and Darth Cheney don’t travel much.
A decision that would go straight to a Supreme Court with a very, very biased and partisan conservative majority. So, which was worse, letting them go and letting torture remain officially unacceptable, or prosecuting them, and taking the very large chance that torture would be officially declared A-Okay, along with a lot of other stuff? Ugly choice to make, isn’t it? But it’s the one Obama was faced with.
zhena gogolia
Cole has one up of Clay Aiken in an amazing technicolor dreamcoat.
@Frankensteinbeck: But…but…Just like single payer, they didn’t even try!
TaMara (HFG)
Seriously, I leave to walk the dogs and you guys just feed the trolls? Not even quality trolls at that. No craft. No style. Sad. ?
@TaMara (HFG):
You are right, of course. I will stop.
@NotMax: It all makes sense now….
Fortunately, I’m pretty far away from the fires near Thousand Oaks (and even further away from the ones up north). We’re getting some of the nastier particles, though, which is playing havoc with my asthma. ? But our area of So Cal is mostly in good shape right now.
I know! It’s like me and LMM — so close, and yet so far.
I was looking at the map and it looks like you might be near ground zero for smoke right now? Stay inside and work on your projects.
@TaMara (HFG): Jesus said to feed the hungry, the trolls looked hungry.
@Frankensteinbeck: ‘ Why would anyone expect this to not happen? ‘
I don’t know, talk with some of the commenters, and media pundits, with their hair on fire the last few days.
Corner Stone
Torture apologists. Still making deals with the Devil.
And the fact that you think that it would have been simple and easy to get a US court to rule that way is more proof that your understanding of our politics is a mile wide and an inch deep.
But TaMara doesn’t want us to ruin her nice clean thread with more mud wrestling, so I’ll stop now.
@lamh36: I really liked this one mocking the commentary on AOC’s clothes.
Looks like former Rep. Dave Dreier’s home in Malibu got burned to the ground.
@Miss Bianca:
Well, recently, we got Reconciliation passed in BC, so for example, Kamloops paused the opening of the Sahali Trail because of the death of an Elder in the T’kumloops Septewimic tribe due to the historic and cultural roots of the trails path, and with out their participation it’s just a fancy sidewalk.
In BC, we got “big money” out of politics for good and are currently working on getting rid of First Past the Post.
We met and exceeded our Carbon Goals, the Carbon Tax has really cranked up Green Developments.
We are opening 1250 long term living shelters for abuse victims and ontrack to create permanent home for 3250 homeless this year.
But I understand, ‘Murika! Doesn’t need allies, trading partners, advice, suggestions, support or anything like that,…..
MAGA right?
Looks like Twitler is tweeting about the “lovers” (Page and Strzok) again…seriously, GOP, the man is Not Well. What will it take for y’all to cash him out?
To anyone who pays attention to what Nancy Pelosi actually says and does, this is pretty much the least surprising news ever. She is one of the most liberal members of the House despite what the Russian bots and Sanders dead-enders try to claim. One of the reasons conservative Democrats like Tim Ryan and Seth Moulton want her gone is that she doesn’t give conservative Democrats the plum committee assignments that they want.
One thing the Republicans keep saying about her is true: Nancy Pelosi is a San Francisco liberal, and she has a liberal agenda. But she’s an old woman, so online brogressives want her gone so white dudes can be in charge again. That’s why they lie about her and her record.
Chocolate and raspberries cookies please. Thx.
You didn’t even try.
Italy did. Spain did.
Instead you erased the video tapes and court marshalled some low hanging fruit on technicalities.
Like I said, Meuller is showing you the path.
Nobody even investigated The B Team, Halliburton, Blackwater,….. there’s probably a list of thousands,….. and a cast of thousands.
Meuller is showing that it’s a long, slow process of pulling threads and rolling over the little fish, to get to the big fish, and sometimes the threads lead to lots of other threads.
Do you really think that Halliburton’s massive contracts, getting away with massive frauds, and slave labour, had absolutely no connections to Darth Cheney?
Anyway, it doesn’t matter now does it?
It’s not like “looking forward, not back” and team of equals stopped the ReThugs long spiral ( 1996) downwards into full metal Nazi.
You might have another chance after 2020 to do some deep housecleaning, if you do, I suggest you take it.
@Mnemosyne: Yeah. I was going to head back out to the gym but my lungs said ENOUGH. I couldn’t walk half a block without shortness of breath. So, there goes that big idea. Burning calories in the kitchen it is.
@feebog: ok, but these are slightly spicy with the chipotle. Although the test batch I just pulled out is YUM. Do I have a second on the dark chocolate chipotle raspberry cookies?
Yup, allegories are wasted.
There’s still people who bank with Wells Fargo.
Some of what they did was not “deregulatory loopholes”, they were crimes. But nobody from Wells Fargo is in jail. Instead they just paid some fines with stolen money and laundered drug money and they are still in business and expanding.
Like I tried to point out to Mnemosyne, it’s too late to go back, you might have a chance in the future, to rip the rot out.
Of course, you might not. The US isn’t surviving the Insane Clown POSus 47, it probably won’t survive the Insane Clown POSus/Gym Jordan Administration.
@Mnemosyne: ?????
@Mnemosyne: I’m just catching up on all this. So happy if Pelosi outmaneuvered Moulton and Ryan. Once again she shows she knows her caucus and is a master tactician.
Major Major Major Major
So I’m not mad that it snowed my first night in NYC—I went for a lovely walk in it actually—but I sure wish I could have just walked into a store and picked up some herb, so I could really dig the snowstorm better. Stuck here with industrial-hemp-based CBD oil like a commoner for now.
Comrade Colette Collaboratrice
@ruemara: Stay in and take care of yourself! The AQI is over 400 in most of the Sacramento metro area. Crazy shit. Here in San Francisco, purpleair.com says the AQI at the sampling station closest to our house is at 278, and that’s not even the worst in the City – there are some spots well above 300 and rising now. It’s predicted to be worse tomorrow. My eyes are burning, my ears ache, my throat is raw – and I’m indoors.
I know this is nothing compared to the suffering of those poor folks in the fire areas.
Comrade Colette Collaboratrice
@Major Major Major Major: Oh my G-d, snow sounds WONDERFUL. You got out just in time.
Brickley Paiste
@Miss Bianca:
Major Major Major Major
@Comrade Colette Collaboratrice: yep. Me and like all my gay friends went to a wedding in Hawaii just hours before it got bad. The airlines were practically begging our friends not to fly back. Many of them ordered respirators so they’d be there when they got home. I flew straight to NYC, which was not a fun flight, but at least I can breathe! SF/Sacto has some of the worst air in the whole world right now.
J R in WV
Me too, in WV, not one!
A crying shame!!!!
@Major Major Major Major:
I’m in NYC also, with old friends now out of Colorado, and hear that it is decriminalized here. Thot about asking the doorman at our hotel about procuring a tiny bit for the vacation. But haven’t. Just doing it with Buffalo Trace so far…
Been here since Tuesday. Saw a fabulous blues show last night, Tinsley Ellis, out of Atlanta, playing in New York’s Highline Ballroom for the first time. He’s a guitar genius.
Take care here in the big city, Major^4!!
To borrow from Rachel Maddow, Are Dems doing the most Democrat thing ever re: Nancy Pelosi and Chuck Schumer?
Chuck sees his minority shrink, gets affirmed as minority leader by unanimous consent.
Nancy plans and executes the biggest Dem House win in 44-years, so naturally, some insist she has to go.
No one does the circular firing squad quite like team D.
And you can’t tell anything about her clothes anyway from those photos they’re stalking her with. A black jacket and a black coat. It’s the most generic clothing in the world. They somehow look extraordinarily expensive? No they don’t.
They’re just making fools of themselves and it’s creepy how they study photos of her- in addition.
@Kay: He is a moonies times thug of a creepy stalker.
Major Major Major Major
@J R in WV: decrim != retail. They also still write summonses for public use, theoretically.
Really I’m just waiting for an invitation to join one of the delivery apps, but it’s like going back in time!
Crazy that we’re here at the same time…
@jl: So the uber-progressives will stop whining that Pelosi is not mentoring the next generation?
Yes, I’m being bloody-minded. It’s been a miserable day and I’m out of intercourse actions to give.
It’s not just that- Pelosi is health care reform. Democrats won on that issue. So they get rid of her? What’s Chuck Schumer’s signature issue, pray tell? What are any of the rest of them known for? Tim Ryan? Um, nothing. He’s known for nothing. Well, more people know he’s a jerk now, so there’s that. Before this no one knew who he was at all.
You know what Pelosi is? Vindicated. Her main legislative accomplishment won public support.
Not to mention, most people wear their best clothes on the first day of work, which is what that orientation day was for her. So, yeah, she was dressed nicely in business attire as was appropriate for the occasion.
The “uber-progressives” on Twitter are all Russian bots. They just started getting outcommented by actual people today.
What a roller-coaster ride that district is having. Margin was 700 on Tuesday and well into the thousands yesterday.
Freaking E ticket.
It wasn’t that fancy! It’s practically a uniform. They have no earthly idea what it cost- black jackets and black coats come in every price range. She looks great but she always looks great. It’s not the clothes. Every time I see her she’s wearing like “red business attire dress” or “black jacket, dress and pumps”. These are ordinary things to wear for that job.
She seems to be immune to their craziness so I’m not worried about her. She almost revels in it, which must be driving them bonkers.
Your sanctimony doesn’t play well here.
Comrade Colette Collaboratrice
We’re the last generation who will know what that means, apart from “how you get on an airplane” – and that usage is going the way of the dodo, too.
@Comrade Colette Collaboratrice: Oh, goodness. I don’t even know what an AQI is, but it’s overpowering the nearly normal breathing I’ve had for about 2 decades.
@Comrade Colette Collaboratrice:
Back in the summer, when you guys were burning,
I pointed out that a cheap, ionizing aircleaner, will clear about 750sq ft of air in half an hour. Get the ones ( we use a Honeywell) that has washable filters. Replacement filters are not cheap.
You can buy a big box of disposable HEPA filters or “Welder’s” filters for outside, pretty cheap. If you have to use the cheap dust masks or a bandanna because everybody is sold out, they work better damp.
We’ve been living with “forest fire season” from snow melt to snow flies for over a decade,
It’s worthwhile investing in a proper industrial facemask with replacement cartridge filters if you can. It’s not like Global Warming’s going to stop.
we pack go bags and recheck exit routes as a rite of spring now.
Like I care.
Luckily they had brought the guy with the bone saw, by accident!
They expect her to wear a t-shirt and ripped jeans because that’s what poor people wear, right? The idea that a working-class person without a lot of money can figure out how to dress professionally blows their mind.
Air Quality Index is my guess. What do I win?
@Burnspbesq: Unlike the typical amurkan arrogance, which inflicted destructive shrub and the current thug on the entire world?
Dan B
@Starfish: Thanks!
That thread and MO with Ellen has made for a good evening.
Pre-ripped jeans are way out of my/her price range.
I think they expected sweats and a hoodie, kinda,
Except their false narrative is she’s Westchester Rich, so pearls and a tiara.
Dan B
@ruemara: AQI measures the amount of the tiniest particles in the air. These are bad because they go deep in the lungs and can lodge in for weeks or months. They also can get into the bloodstream and pass into organs. They can breach the blood-brain barrier.
Get the best air filters you can if any are left. If you don’t need them this year (good luck) they’ll probably be useful in the future, unfortunately.
A foster kitty if you want it?
@jl: That sounds good to me. There seemed to be general agreement that the Dems needed to get some if their expanded more diverse caucus into leadership positions. The sticking points seemed to be that meant someone was going to lose out, and nobody wanted it to be them, and there was a faction that used that fact to make an incoherent argument to replace the top leadership. (That argument always reminds me of people who try to start a third party with a candidate for president.)
Fair Economist
AOC was in the usual trap so familiar to women, especially in politics. If she’d worn street attire they’d have jumped her for being a slob and not respecting Congress.