(Sorry for the delay; was getting the dread ‘Data Base Connection Error’ message for the last hour-plus.)
More sealed indictments today. Is CNN staking out Don Jr’s place tonight?
— Schooley (@Rschooley) February 1, 2019
Four new sealed dockets filed today in DC. ??
19-cr-29— Tim Hogan (@TimInHonolulu) January 31, 2019
Huh. Pretty late for him. Something’s got him wound up. Maybe those four indictments will be news tomorrow? https://t.co/eAUEsju7ZH
— Dana Houle (@DanaHoule) February 1, 2019
If nothing else, it’s some consolation to know that the conspirators around Trump had a bad night last night… even if the Figurehead-in-Chief is too addled to remember what happened this time last week.
Speaking of addled, or at least resistant to reality…
Nearly three-quarters of Republicans say the news media don’t understand people like them https://t.co/65iuIou3cd
— Pew Research Center (@pewresearch) January 30, 2019
Media understands them. They just don’t like the image in the mirror.
— Hypocrisy is an Underrated Survival Skill (@BingSeaBreeze) January 30, 2019
So what'll it be? Which one of those things makes you misunderstood and able to be debated with fairly on humane policies to enact? Why should anyone take you seriously when you either defend or dismiss the torrent of lies this administration peddles?
— KorGhee (@KorGhee) January 31, 2019
They cited various reasons, but the party-switchers have one thing in common: They say the GOP under President Trump has become too extreme. https://t.co/NnrI44CU7p
— NBC News (@NBCNews) January 31, 2019
The official Whitehouse position is that Vladimir Putin is God. https://t.co/anegweOl33
— Darth Putin (@DarthPutinKGB) January 31, 2019
Good Morning, Everyone ???
Chyron HR
Well, at least she’s stopped claiming that a majority of the American people wanted him to be president?
Tony Jay
@Chyron HR:
“See? ‘Act of God’. Good luck litigating over that, Libtards!”
@rikyrah: Good morning.
Must visit more diners.
Shantanu Saha
You’d think with all the Cletus safaris the media has done since 2016 there might be some understanding there.
In other, less traveled nooks of the news –
1) Brickbats galore to the participants, who are – let’s not beat around the bush – accepting buckets of blood money.
2) Smelly deli.
BTW – Alain, if you happen to be up and about, noticed the copyright date at the bottom of the blog still reads 2018.
This person should be fired or impeached or whatever needs to happen to get someone honest and competent.
The secretary of state is smearing these people- residents of that state- thousands of them. The sec of state is harassing them and initiating political prosecutions. They have a right not to be harassed by ambitious pols who are using them to promote careers. They’re just regular people trying to exercise a right and these bumbling incompetents executed an inept hit job on their reputations and are now forcing them to jump thru additional hoops to clean up the mess.
The secretary of state is a recording office. They make and keep records. They’re supposed to make that process run smoothly, with as little inconvenience to people as possible. It’s not a political operatives hit list, funded by the public.
TS (the original)
So all we need to know now – is there ANYONE he will not throw under said bus? The Kushners may soon find out.
Chyron HR
“Just concluded a great meeting with my firstborn son in the Oval Office who told me that the secret phone call he made in between two meetings with agents of the Russian government was mischaracterized by the media – and he very much did not discuss any form of illegal treason conspiracy etc. with me. His phone call was distorted press….”
I’m assuming this is a lie?
@Kay: People they don’t like vote. Therefor, it must be illegal.
A majority of Americans believe the news media do not understand people like them, and this feeling is especially common among Republicans, according to a new Pew Research Center analysis.
Understand? Don’t understand? They couldn’t give a rat’s ass about people like me.
Bruce K
Oh, what I wouldn’t give for one of those sealed indictments to read “United States vs. Addison Mitchell McConnell Jr.”…
How can anyone trust them to make and keep accurate records? It’s a gigantic error and they just ran with it. They should be apologizing to those people. They put them on a list that said they had committed a felony. It carries years in prison. Then they compounded the error by releasing the number to news media and announcing it was valid. How does anyone know all their records aren’t compromised and made-up? Record keeping isn’t a ancillary part of their job- they’re recorders- it IS the job.
@OzarkHillbilly: and their job isn’t to be our shrinks anyway, it’s to report events factually.
So, failures.
Did you give us all that set-up line on purpose? Or has the caffeine just not kicked in yet?
@Baud: I lent the guy my phone the day. And my office. What? You don’t believe me? Unbelievable!
What Have The Romans Ever Done for Us?
@Bruce K: The media are all too busy understanding Howard Schultz, Trump, and their ilk to spend any time understanding the little people.
@rikyrah: Good morning ?! Welcome to the heatwave!
According to the Times, one of Junior’s call was to some slimeball investor who’s done deals with the Trumps. The other was to NASCAR head Brian France! At last, a sports angle to this conspiracy.
Pew Research Center via Anne Laurie @ Top:
Come on, Kay, you know better.
To paraphrase Traitor Turtle: Free and fair elections are an existential danger to the Republican Partei!!
Parallel to that: anything which could potentially allow “traditional” Dem constituencies to vote, is a danger to the Rethugs, therefore must be prevented/hindered/suppressed
ETA: In their “minds,” shitty record-keeping which advances Rethugs is a GOOD thing.
To paraphrase an old development engineering maxim (“Cheap/fast/good: pick two”): Crazy/stupid/evil: pick three.
I’m still assuming this is a lie.
They should disregard everything that comes out of that office. The state recordkeepers can’t keep accurate records. They’re unreliable and corrupted at their core function- the reason they exist as an office.
In Ohio the Sec of State keeps all kinds of records- not just voting. Are those politicized and invalid too in Texas? The assumption should be they are, until proven otherwise.
From the Dems gain as GOP state lawmakers switch sides because of Trump extremism article:
But trump was a bridge too far.
There needs to be a lawsuit about this bullshit. The abuses will not stop until there are actual consequences.
On another topic, you might find this interesting.
Record keeping is the base that all good governance is built upon, therefor it is standard GOP practice that it be hindered, malappropriated, and misused at every turn.
I used to appreciate news analysis, back in those halcyon days when it was longtime reporters with years of experience who were writing them. Now it’s whatever blond bimbo grabs the editor’s eye. It shows, badly.
They need to call them to testify about the methodology. That’s the key. They’re using some bullshit dragnet screen that probably came from Kobach’s grifter shop. If they get testimony and documents I would bet 500 dollars it leads right back to wingnuttia grift operators who are making money on it. They’re using a process and it wasn’t developed in-house.
Our “heatwave” is arriving with six goddamn inches of snow. So sick of this.
@SFAW: waiting for the punch line.
NBC News:
So they were still okay with the GOP after McCarthyism and blacklists. And they were fine remaining Republicans after Nixon’s corruption, authoritarianism, and the racism of the Southern Strategy, and the bargaining with our enemies to keep us in Vietnam another 6 years. And they thought it was just jim-dandy when Reagan illegally engaged the Iranians (once, twice, three times) and bargained with them to hold on to US hostages until his inauguration. And they had no problems remaining Republican when George W. Bush defended and implemented torture, and let a city drown, and crashed the economy harder than any time since the Great Depression.
But it’s Donald Trump who’s finally beyond the pale for you?
I guess it’s good to learn that a few Republicans finally have some sort of standards, even if those standards are so low you have to look up to see the sewers.
It might be too cold in Moscow for them to make it to the hearings.
More on Booker
I look forward to Booker or one of the other Dems kicking Trump’s fat ass on Election Day if he’s still in office by then.
The past is irrelevant for Republicans. It is meaningful that the present has become unbearable.
David ??Merry Christmas?? Koch
God wants the Rams to win – or atleast to cover the spread
@Baud: Book’ em, Dano.
I heard reporting that Mueller has asked for extra time to go through all of the evidence taken from Roger Stone. Will this hold up his final report?
@debbie: news analysis used to include historical and geographical context to put current events into a framework for people to understand. Now it’s just whatever opinion comes out of a paid toady’s ass, often completely fabricated “facts” included. Of all the numerous things I resent about the news media today, I resent that the most.
@JGabriel: Tax cuts are a hell of a drug.
@Baud: I’m so old that I remember when you couldn’t say that on this blog without entering Moderation Hell.
@germy: Since Mueller doesn’t leak, who would give them that information except for Jr.?
@debbie: His investigation will hold up his final report. If I had to guess I would say at least a year.
@Baud: The NY FBI field office?
@OzarkHillbilly: we say tax cuts but we mean greed, and we should start calling it that. One of the seven deadly sins that everyone understands. “Tax cuts” framing reminds me of the old Lee Atwater quote:
Finally! :)
As a side benefit, I think where the money is spent is much more interesting to people. You can’t really glean anything from saying “they spent a billion dollars! I’m outraged”. Tell them how it’s spent- who got it, and how much. People will be interested in that.
You start to understand why they have to raise so much money when you see what they pay the tippy-top people. My question is could you use it more effectively somewhere else. Could you push it down, and pay many more people 35k or 45k or 50k. People like organizers. Could you take 1/4 of tv ad spending and redirect it to door to door voter information in a city like Milwaukee, which is a kind of epicenter of voter suppression? I think the people standing in the way of doing that are the people getting these huge paychecks at the top. I want to hire many more front line people and pay them a decent amount. I want to take those funds from the top tier. We don’t always need “more” money. Democrats pour money into states like Wisconsin. The real question is what do they buy with it?
Then I definitely assume it’s a lie.
The past is irrelevant for the GOP b/c the past does not exist for the GOP. (Except in some gauzy swoon of fond remembrance for a fictional Ronald Reagan who bears no resemblence to, you know, reality.)
Betwixt cleek’s law:
and digby’s dictum:
Them two purty much covers the waterfront on GOP reactionary fabulism.
“George W. Bush who? Never heard of him, I’ma Tea Party Patriot!” Time will come, hopefully sooner than later, when 63 million people won’t never a heard of Donald J. Trump.
@Baud: But a “well sourced” lie.
On the bright side, this will extend GOP misery.
BrexShit!!! One in three UK firms plan for Brexit relocation, IoD says
So much winning.
I was as surprised as Nancy was when she dropped Reagan’s name in her post-Speaker election remarks and got zero reaction from any of the Republicans.
ZoomZoom (@ZoomsZoomz) Tweeted:
@PragObots Russia knows whites can’t break the black mind & vote – white progressive Berniebros got NOWHERE with black people against Hillary.
Russia will therefore put all efforts into breaking black people from WITHIN.
This is our fight this cycle: to reject that attack.
‘Like a Big Mac But Juicier’: Burger King renames sandwiches to troll McDonald’s
I’ll take a Burger Big Mac Wishes It Was and a large fry.
Ugh. Better representation of the reptile mind and oh-so-regrettably true of the species, tx. for reality fix.
The following weather advisory has been issued in light of the current record cold wave:
Southerners are urged not to travel unless absolutely necessary.
Northerners: You will need your heavy coat.
It helps if you read “too extreme” as “has begun to endanger my chances of re-election”.
I actually don’t like “all that”. His kind of woo woo spirituality gets on my nerves in a very specific way, because I connect it to a certain kind of Power of Positive Thinking, multi level marketing ethos that is just ubiquitous in the private sector right now.
You’ll speak to salespeople on the phone and they’ll tell you how “blessed” they are. How they are “honored” or “humbled” to do business with you. Really? You’re humbled that I didn’t put you to voicemail? I’m just temperamentally unsuited to it. It has the opposite effect on me than what is intended- I become short with them because I feel it is sales, and I’m fine with sales, I’ll buy or not and I get what we’re doing- they don’t need to connect with my soul or whatever. Let’s just keep it on the transaction level.
@Shantanu Saha:
Cletus safaris????
The news media DOESN’T understand them. The news media reports semi-accurately on them. If the news media understood them, they’d be even more upset.
HUGE shout-out to the evangelicals in a way most non-evangelicals probably won’t understand. One of their specific resentments is that ‘God told me to do it’ used to be mainstream, and now people think you’re a fucking loon. Having the president use that kind of phrasing, and to justify white supremacy no less, is super validating to them. Probably Pence’s suggestion.
I hate it when the companies I do business with use my email to wish me a happy birthday. Give me a gift or STFU.
Wish I had a bus gif?
Queensland floods: emergency dam release as Townsville hit by 1.1 metre of rain
Some hoax.
Thanks for the blech ?
Uh huh
Uh huh ?
h/t to the Ozark
@Bruce K:
I believe that indictment is coming ??
@Baud: I don’t think it’s a lie. I think that the House Cmmt finally got Intel on the blocked call made right after the meeting from Jr. and it was to someone other than Trump. But maybe someone super close to Trump? Like Hopey?
A “Blacks For Schultz” sock puppet twitter account has been suspended.
I saw it yesterday when it was still up. A bunch of stock photos of POC.
Judd Legum even traced down the stock photo used in the profile pic.
This is their job…and, they are not professionals ??
@OzarkHillbilly: 1/2 the continent on fire and 1/2 flooded. Australia no longer seems like a safe place to emigrate to.
For the record, Aleuts! for Baud! is totally legit.
I am out for the first time since Tuesday evening. It’s cold, but, this is a regular Chicago winter. Wind chill below zero now, but it will go up to TWENTY today. ….Heat wave????
@Baud: What did you do with all that recount money?
You and me both. If that’s his shtick, he’ll lose my primary vote.
My favorite Obama was the rat a tat tat Chicago Obama, when he was running through some true list of problems or issues. “While it is true that my health insurance website failed, it is also true that you’re all dishonest douchebags in reporting on it”.
The inspirational Obama I left to others who like that sort of thing, but even there he was never woo woo. I never got the sense he could have been selling multilevel marketing schemes on Facebook.
I get the same “Chicago Obama” vibe from Harris. She’s direct. There’s something admirably harsh and clear about her.
Don’t wish him ill, but why is he running?
There is no date or certain timeline for the final report. People like Whitaker and Trump and Barr are just saying it is close to completion because it puts pressure on Mueller to move faster in the hopes he will make a mistake or cut a corner or two.
Proof that God is one mean gutless unprincipled SOB.
@Baud: Staffers in the House probably leaked this information and it was probably Republican staffers still trying to corrupt the narrative.
@Kay: Same here.
@rikyrah: I don’t know. Why did he announce in the dark of pre-morning with no messaging?
Baud > God if that statement is true.
@debbie: has to be warmer to snow.
@rikyrah: I’m feeling the Blech today.
Bobby Thomson
Irrelevant. The meeting was in his building.
Possibly. We’ll find out the truth eventually. Eyes on the prize.
This was already Conventional Wisdom.
@satby: I don’t think it ever was. Australia gave us Rupert Murdoch. And yes, I hold them responsible. All of them.
@germy: Hookers and blow, what else?
Trying to turn over a new leaf.
@OzarkHillbilly: They’ll be fine. They have the Powerpuff Girls.
I’m willing to accept that God wanted Trump to win. He sent boils and frogs before, didn’t he?
What’s a little scary is that my initial response was the same.
Bobby Thomson
@Kay: I know Cory. He’s more of the “inspirational poster with a yoga pose” kind of spirituality than the “can I interest you in some Amway” kind of spirituality.
@SFAW: What’s wrong with the old leaf?
@Immanentize: I would have preferred boils and frogs.
Alain the site fixer
@NotMax: thanks. I’ll edit when I get back upstairs to my computer. Sharp eyes!
I routinely write that the curve for Unqualified White Men is REAL.
The opposite of that is…
There IS no curve for a Black candidate.
Just isn’t.
Barack Obama understood that.
Kamala Harris understands that.
I don’t believe that Booker does.
Duo set to make history as first male cheerleaders to perform at a Super Bowl
I smell a double standard.
@SFAW: You need help.
Regarding Indictments: Thursday before Stone was nabbed, Twelve Indictments were sealed. Seven belonged to Roger and were gifted to him Friday.
That leaves five from last week and five this week. Mueller’s team seems super conservative about the number and type of initial Indictments. Some US Attorneys like to get 20 or more initially to overwhelm people arrested. But Mueller is trying to keep the core of the criminal Enterprise out of the Indictments right now to both give comfort to the idiots and freak out the smart co-conspirators. In both cases, I bet Mueller is carefully watching for stupid or panic behaviors.
Those ten unserved Indictments, IMO, represent two more defendants. And those two are probably related to Stone which could include one of his circle (Credico, e.g.) or even a foreign national (Assange is my hope).
Maddow Blog (@MaddowBlog) Tweeted:
Next week, for the first time in eight years, there will be a congressional hearing on gun violence.
Eight years.
https://t.co/hxEVmCEeS9 https://twitter.com/MaddowBlog/status/1091161994181464064?s=17
During the 2000 recount, remember when Bush appeared with a big boil on his face? My friend in Chicago pointed out: “Boils are always biblical.”
@Immanentize: I assumed one indictment per person and that it could contain multiple counts, like a civil complaint. I guess that’s not how it’s done.
I’ve watched Booker for years, met him twice. He just doesn’t feel real the way Obama did. It all seems too careful. No chances taken, too much an imitation of a good politician…. But we shall see how he does in a non-blue majority race. At least Booker is knocking Schultz the Shitstain off the networks.
@rikyrah: eight years, and almost 400k people harmed or killed.
If a foreign country had assaulted the U.S. that way we’d be at war.
And they are right. But most of them aren’t honest enough with themselves to add: “The news media keep treating us as if we are “economically anxious”, or “concerned with faith and traditional values”, when really I support Trump because I’m a cruel, hate-filled asshole who reads The Camp of the Saints like holy scripture and cherrypicks the real holy scripture for just the parts that support my vindictive world-view while ignoring Christ’s message of peace and love toward all, including society’s most despised. So, sure, they have me all wrong.”
I think too much was made of the blocked numbers from the start. Sam Nunberg said on Ari Melber’s show (months ago or was it years?) that of course Trump knew. He was talking about it for a week before the meeting took place.
@Baud: It is true that the indictment has the separate counts in just one filing — which has all the narrative in one handy place! But I believe the Court dockets each charge separately. It’s easier for the court to act that way. But, I will run that down this afternoon. Or if LAO ever shows up, I will ask her! Where is she?
Dorothy A. Winsor
On Wednesday, Trump cancelled his daily intelligence briefing, which was the only thing on his schedule, because he was ticked at the intelligence people. Then they made up that story about how they were misquoted. Maybe they’re meeting again but who knows.
I seriously, seriously want an adult in charge again. I like a lot of the D candidates, though at the moment my favorite is Harris. But holy cow they look good compared to what we have now.
@OzarkHillbilly: Let the eewwropeans eat cake. Limeys literally.
Wild Cat
Fuck their mothers and let these US white supremacist bastards die:
@Dorothy A. Winsor:
An exploded beached whale looks good compared to what we have now.
Enhanced Voting Techniques
@Chyron HR: One man one vote, and that one man was Vladimir Putin.
I used to read a blog by a Black Conservative called Booker Rising (as in Booker T). The night of the Iowa Caucus, the blog owner wrote something that I never forgot..it always seemed to always hit on the mark with Booker…
” Somewhere in a Newark housing project, Cory Booker is scribbling down notes furiously “
@MomSense: how is it going with your friend’s estate, etc.? I remain sad for you.
Iowa Caucus 2008?
Booker gives me the strong impression of a man who will desperately and self-defeatingly try’n be overly reasonable and fair with people who are unreasonable and unfair.
Whomever wins the Dem nod, I am hoping it will be someone who is unbendingly clear-eyed and direct about the dishonorable opposition and the ills that opposition has inflicted upon our country.
Your “friend across the aisle” ain’t hardly yer friend if they wanna destroy everything you hold dear is all I’ma saying.
I’d agree with the idea that the media doesn’t understand Republicans.
They *have* consistently presented them as economically anxious and reluctant supporters of the explicit white supremacy when neither of those things are really true.
Your Johnny Fever impression still needs some work. Please leave your contact information with the receptionist, we’ll be in touch.
One of the things I sm looking forward to is learning what really went fown in that Al Franken story.
Ok. I’m going to try to send pics of Grace to AL this weekend. So much family drama – her mom is in her 90s and can’t handle stress and the other two siblings are creating some drama. One issue we are having is that we can’t access her laptop or phone. She has some valuable artwork and antiques and I’m the only person with a key because she didn’t want her siblings to have access. Apparently her brother didn’t think their relationship was as strained as it was but then he hadn’t called her in several years or helped her with her mom after she pleaded with them to help. So I’m going to try to home Grace and then disengage. It’s just stuff.
Republicans have said they don’t want everyone to vote for decades. Paul Weyrich said it plainly and out loud in August 1980 speaking the Religious Roundtable. “I don’t want everybody to vote. Our leverage in elections quite frankly goes up as the voting populace goes down”. Youtube Goo Goo Government.
Uh huh
Uh huh ?
@Bruce K:
You know…we’ve all been so focused on whether or not the prez can be indicted, we’ve (ok, I’ve) forgotten that yes, sitting members of Congress can be indicted for their crimes.
I wonder if Muellermas will bring us the heads of Devin Nunes and the Turtle?
@Jeffro: I wish it would. We are not safe if McConnell and Nunes escape without damage. After they have done so much.
They both deserve long prison terms. Bring it on. All the evil doers. This is not just politics as usual. It is working against the United States.
Is there a will?
Also, there are ways around passwords. The Immp deployed some of them after Julie died.
McConnell is the only person I can think of whose going to jail would radically improve the state of our country. Getting him out of control of the Senate would change things quickly and dramatically. His successor would probably be horrible, but I guarantee not close to as bad as McConnell, who has provided the will behind breaking all governing norms. Without him, I think Republicans will still elect white supremacists, but they’ll elect ineffectual and divided white supremacists. Unfortunately, I don’t think McConnell is going to be caught in a prosecutable crime. He’s careful enough to leave himself deniability. “Golly Gosh, I was just being political! Shame on those people for taking bribes and trying to obstruct justice.”
Citizen Alan
Yeah, the same people who genuinely believe that every abortion performed in the country is for a slut who didn’t want to use birth control and that all Dems support abortion because we get off on killing babies are now mad that someone else doesn’t assess their views and motivations with enough nuance.
Citizen Alan
It would be hilarious to me if UKIP’s enormous “Fuck You” to the continent ended up greatly improving economic standards there as every international business immediately moves across the Channel.
Citizen Alan
That will all pose an interesting dilemma for conservacreeps. Normally, they would demonize a Dem for being into spiritualism and whatnot, but they can’t hate Booker any more for being a black guy into yoga or whatever than they do simply for him being black.
Citizen Alan
Am I a bad person for reading that awful news about Townsville and then having my first thought be to wonder why the Powerpuff Girls didn’t save the day?
EDIT: And bd beat me to it.
Yes, I am often annoyed by people who extol the “power of positive thinking” as all you need to succeed, but in a world where people who look like you specifically receive constant negative external feedback no matter how successful you are, it might be a necessary coping mechanism that allows you to tune out so much negativity and stay focused on your goals. And it’s not as if Cory Booker exhibits the worst excesses of that kind of world view, which is, basically, to blame people for their own failures by not trying hard enough or being too negative. I’m going to give him a pass for now.
@Immanentize: It wouldn’t surprise me if that wasn’t Booker’s intent, and if so, I say, hurray to Cory. Also, I read an article in the NYT yesterday, front page, that basically said that Schultz’s claim that Democrats are all wild eyed liberals seems to have forgotten the numerous potential candidates who are known specifically for being moderate. I do expect Schultz’s “star power” to fade fast because he doesn’t really have any, and as a novelty act he wears out pretty quickly. I keep imagining what I am going to say if I get accosted at the Farmer’s Market to sign his petition for access to the ballot — “I’m not willing to be a useful idiot to enable narcissistic billionaires.” I imagined tearing up the petition with signatures already on it but I have a feeling that would get me into trouble.
“Not in this lifetime.”
Short, succinct.
Although he’ll flame out before then, so the occasion when you are so approached likely won’t arrive.
I’m a born and bred Californian, so I may be a tad biased, but I get the same feeling from Harris. Her interview with Rachel Maddow was awesome. And then it spilled over onto the O’Donnell show and she charmed his socks off as well. Her laugh is infectious and you can just sense the positive vibes.
Citizen Scientist
Good late morning friends and jackals. It’s snowing here outside of Philly again, I spent part of last night in the ER after a fall, and I have to get emergency dental care later today. So, I really hope everyone is having a better day than me.
It could be worse, I suppose. I do have a day off work and snuggles with Naiomi the cat to appreciate.
Has jacy checked in lately?
joel hanes
Once, Eric Sevareid did analysis on TV. Informed, thoughtful, articulate, deeply humane, he spoke at essay length in lovely sentences organized into paragraphs of meaning.
And they forced him into retirement because such analysis did not fit the network’s vision for their news program.
We shall not see his like again.
The Moar You Know
@OzarkHillbilly: Dead thread but this guy still needs to be primaried and taken out. HE IS A REPUBLICAN, no matter what it says on his voter registration. He’s desperately trying to keep his job in a district where there is no longer room for his Republican bullshit.
Does Dense bring Mother along when he and the Possum Queen have a prayer circle?
But this is why the Repubs think the media doesn’t understand them. Fundamentalism is not taken seriously as an entity just as a political force. I suspect most of the media are Christmas/Easter christians and do not have the fervent faith of the born again, who seem to think Jesus is their personal buddy.
joel hanes
Burger King
Dead to me ever since they “inverted” with Tim Horton’s expressly to avoid paying US corporate taxes.
And the Whopper was my favorite fast-food burger. Never again.
@satby: Pause for a moment to consider what sort of unpleasant critters would come washing into a flooded area in Australia.
@Citizen Scientist: Late, but hope things go well at the dentist and you feel better soon.
citizen Scientist
@satby: thanks so much.
Citizen scientist
@satby: I hope the weather improves for you soon!