Robert Mueller has told us all to read his report. So I propose to summarize parts of it, highlight what seems to me to be important, and add in some background. Then look for your comments.
I will take it in relatively small sections, starting at the beginning and going through to the end. I am looking forward to comments, particularly from the Balloon Juice Legal Service, since I am not a lawyer and may miss things. I may miss other things too, which I am sure will be brought up.
I’ll try to do two posts a week or more – 400 pages will be a lot to get through.
I’m looking for the big picture rather than details of who was at which meeting on which day, but those details will sometimes reveal parts of the big picture, so there will be some of both. It’s also important to understand what Mueller says about how he and his team see their work.
Let’s start with recommendations for versions of the report. There are a great many out there. I downloaded the Department of Justice’s version. The site takes some time to load, so it’s easier to have it on my computer.
Which version are you using? URLs, please, if you can, so that others can access it.
Let’s also stay on topic as much as we can. I know that’s asking a lot, but there are usually open threads around.
Mary G
Audible had it free, but I haven’t started listening yet.
Another Scott
I see that the DOJ version has been updated to include OCR (searchable text). That’s important.
Thanks for doing this. I hope I’m able to contribute something meaningful to the discussion.
Quaker in a Basement
I’m reading at this link provided by NPR:
Adam L Silverman
For those interested, Audible has the audiobook of the report available for free.
Is there a way to compare the multiple versions out there to see if there are discrepancies?
I’d like to see a Mueller supplied version to compare with “Barr’s official DoJ version”
Patricia Kayden
This is a great idea. I’ve glanced through the report. It will be good to go through it with a fine tooth comb. Trump is counting on most Americans being too busy to really digest it.
I got the Audible version, because of a post on here.
Joy in FL
This sounds great Cheryl. I have no applicable professional expertise, but I am literate and interested.
I have the Washington Post’s printed copy and digital version and the free Audible version. Listening to the audio book, I’m at page 138 in volume 1 in the paper copy.
The details can definitely be overwhelming, but the overall picture is clear and utterly persuasive regarding how lawless and ruthless 45 and his people are.
I downloaded USDOJ and made the text searchable on my own.
Doug R
I bought a copy of the Washington Post version at a Costco in Calgary, Alberta.
Cheryl Rofer
@sukabi: How about this?
Side-by-Side Comparison of Barr’s vs. Mueller’s Statements about Special Counsel Report
There is a version out there released after a Buzzfeed FOIA that lists the exact reasons for each redaction.
I got a copy through Overdrive Libby through the library. The PDF version I downloaded is unreadable on my tablet.
I would be quite happy to get a printer slightly-larger print version, so I can write all over it etc. Any suggestions?
Here is the DOJ link, and I think the report is now searchable:
Good idea, this will make it easier to read the whole thing. I bought the Washington Post version from Amazon. The version with an Introduction by Alan Dershowitz must be contaminated.
zhena gogolia
Damn, I just got it (Washington Post version, ordered from Amazon), but I’m going away June 8-15 and won’t be here.
Cheryl Rofer
@Catfishncod: I’m not sure whether any of the versions go beyond this, but most, including the DOJ version, include one of three reasons for redactions: “Personal Privacy” (referring to those not charged), “Harm to Ongoing Matter,” and “Investigative Technique”, otherwise known as “sources and methods.”
Cheryl Rofer
@zhena gogolia: It will go beyond June 15.
Gelfling 545
Looking forward to it.
@Joy in FL: That’s a good idea, to listen while following along with the print version. I also have the WP version.
zhena gogolia
@Cheryl Rofer:
But how will I catch up?
Now I think I should take it on my trip so that at least I’ll have read as far as you guys when I get back.
AM in NC
I’ve been reading the NYT version
It is slow going for me, because I keep getting so angry and upset I have to stop so I don’t have an aneurism.
Cheryl Rofer
@zhena gogolia: And later I will be gone for a bit, so you’ll have a chance to catch up.
I have the WP version, bought at bookstore, but will try this link to a free podcast that I think I got here:
google podcast of Mueller Report
patrick II
Digby at Hullabaloo had a post called “–Getting the facts out isn’t as hard as they think — which is an excellent summary of the Mueller report. The best I have seen actually. It includes a video of Adam Schiff’s reaction to being attacked by restating the facts of Vol 1. Then there is another video of former prosecutors stating Trump should be prosecuted, and then leaves it to Republican Congressman Justin Amash, first with a video of his town hall, and then, and most importantly and eloquently, putting Amash’s tweets into narrative form — and it is the best short readable narrative of the crimes outlined in the Mueller report that I have read.
I find it a shame the democratic party has not met or exceeded that bar.
If you are not going to read the Mueller report or want a thoughtful outline before you do, I strongly recommend Digby’s post.
Nice timing. I’m getting a blood transfusion right now and took the opportunity to begin reading the Mueller Report. I decided to take a break and upon checking BJ found this post of Cheryl’s.
I just finished reading “How Democracies Die” (Levitsky and Ziblatt) and it is clear that anyone who voted for Trump should read it — and none will. I think the Mueller Report will be similar in that its content should greatly alarm any (semi-intelligent) American who even pretends to value democracy.
From the Report:
Those two brief excerpts (from the Executive Summary) ought to deeply concern every American citizen and at the very least raise suspicions that Trump was not “exonerated” by the Report.
Joy in FL
@Eunicecycle: That was my original idea when I saw the free audio version– to read and listen at the same time. I already had the digital copy. But what has happened so far is that when I’m driving, I listen to the Report. I’ve gone back and looked at some of the print version, but not as much as I would like to.
I’ve found that when I do go to the print text, what I’ve already listened to makes more sense to me, names are a bit more familiar, and I can hold the bigger picture in my mind better.
I’m listening to the free audible version.
Dorothy A. Winsor
I have this e-version, which I got for 99 cents on Amazon. It has a big M on a black cover.
So I just got suspended from Twitter cause I was ragging Twitler for keeping D Day Vets waiting for him while he got his knob polished by Laura Ingraham on Fox today. Luckily I was able to get my account back. DH thinks it is hilarious.
I’ve been picking my way through but I really need some discipline. I lay it aside for a few days, forget where I left off and end up rereading the same stuff. This will serve to focus me, even if I don’t have much to contribute. Thanks for taking this on, Cheryl
@Litlebritdifrnt: Rabble rouser. I approve.
Ohio Mom
@TriassicSands: Just getting a blood transfusion? I like the way you casually mention it, as if it were a common, everyday occurrence. Just leaving to walk the dog, just need to get started on supper…
Whatever it is, wishing you minimal side effects and a good outcome.
Mike in NC
@Litlebritdifrnt: I suppose we have to be grateful Trump didn’t dismiss the Allied soldiers who fell on the beaches of Normandy as “losers and suckers” as is his wont.
of course, the draft dodging coward of a thug did.
I’m in moderation and I can’t figure out why.
Another Scott
Relatedly, Evan Hurst at Wonkette:
Drip, drip, drip.Tick, tock.Next week might be very interesting indeed.
At least Pelosi was classy, refusing to respond while on foreign soil. If only Twitler were so.
@Mike in NC:
How could he considering Fred Sr. was there alongs…oh, right.
@Dorothy A. Winsor:
That’s a different cover from the one I have, but mine was also 99¢ on Amazon. Am only about 15 pages in; Cheryl’s dedicated threads will prompt me to read it regularly, carefully, and systematically.
@Cheryl, this is a really good idea! Thank you for taking the lead.
zhena gogolia
Wow, I just started reading it, and it’s gripping as hell! What I’m amused by is that I can often fill in the redacted parts (when it’s a single name) based on my BJ education.
I’m in! I’ve been reading the report through a link my local Democratic Club posted, which I think is the DOJ link. But I haven’t been as diligent getting through it as I should be, so this will help. Thanks, Cheryl!
I downloaded a searchable pdf through CNN:
It’s huge, far too huge to transfer to my iPad mini. Acrobat Reader is shyt.
I loved his tweet from last week, implying that Mueller wanted “that FBI job.” //
@Mike in NC:
“I like my heroes not dead.”
Is it hard to follow when you’re listening?
Karol Cummins (@karolcummins) Tweeted:
Flynn less redacted 302 transcript:
“During the call, KISLYAK asked FLYNN to set-up a [video teleconference] between President-elect Trump and Russian President PUTIN on January 21st.”
I believe Simon and Schuster has published it in paperback. Check your bookstores.
Simon and Schuster has ‘analysis’ by Dershowitz. If you’re going to buy a copy I’d buy the Washington Post edition.
Got it. I thought it was just a forward that could be paged past.
@Dorothy A. Winsor:
I’ll have to try that. I got the updated searchable DOJ version, which still contains the scanned pages, so it’s huge. I couldn’t send it to my Kindle because it’s too big, so I had to hook up a USB cable. Then it turns out it displays the scanned pages, scaled down, so it’s completely unreadable.
All the more infuriating because it’s obvious Barr was given the original electronically, and did the print it out and scan it back in crap just to make it harder to read.
Alternative Fax, a hip hop artist from Idaho
That job he had for 12 years? Because the POTUS at the time (a real one, 44) requested he stay 2 years beyond his appointed term when it expired? Instead of a partnership at a law firm where the buy in is over, say, 1.5M? Of course he wanted “that FBI job” instead!
BC in Illinois
The weekend that the report came out, I had access to a printer and a 3-hole punch. So I have the two volumes in two 3-ring binders.
I went through the first volume in a matter of days – – Putin’s attack on the 2016 elections, welcomed by the Trump campaign. Ever since I saw a documentary that approached the 2016 interference from the viewpoint, not of “what was Trump doing?” but of “What was Putin doing (and how did Trump receive it)?”, I have found the Trump/Russia narrative to be clear and undeniable.
I will welcome the commentary and analysis — especially legal analysis — of the second volume. What Trump did in obstructing the investigation was shady as can be. But, we come back to Lester Holt’s [SNL] question, “Did I get him? Is this all over?” The guilt is [a lot of it] out in the open. The question is what to do with it.
And a lot of the Trump criminality is not in the Mueller area of investigation. We have binders full of corruption that Mueller did not touch.
You know what the Beach Boys said about impeachment:
J R in WV
I’ve read quite a bit, esp from Vol 2, on what I downloaded when it first came out and was available online. Like some others, after a few pages I have to set it down and go process anything else, from the anger, nay, fury that it generates inside me.
Fiction, for now, is the only remedy, except action. Wife just contributed to one of the Democratic campaign committees, that helps a little.
zhena gogolia
That’s where I am right now, in Vol. 1, about the Russian interference campaign. Seeing it all spelled out in minute detail is so infuriating. I keep yelling, “Hillary Clinton should be President right now!”
@Redshift: Would it work on your Kindle if you converted pdf to mobi or epub? I use a program called Calibre to do that because pdfs suck on small tablets. Just a thought.
Looking forward to the book club, Cheryl.
Quaker in a Basement
@BC in Illinois: You have nailed down what was the initial takeaway for me: There is no question that the Russian government interfered in the 2016 election. Trump has never admitted that it happened, has taken no action to prevent it from happening again, and has tried to halt the investigation into how it happened.
@Dorothy A. Winsor: thank you, just got it!
Fair Economist
I got the Wapo print version. Looking forward to the series!
Obviously I didn’t get the one with commentary by Dorkowitz. The clerk mentioned there were other version and laughed when I said that I obviously didn’t want the one with his commentary.
Cheryl, thank you for doing this. I just got the WP hard copy version, tho am also considering the audible version.
Oh, you can skip it. But WaPo has better analysis and you won’t be supporting Dershowitz.
I have The Washington Post version because I wanted to have a book to hold onto. Also, my printer isn’t working. I plan to start it this weekend.
There is a freely available EPUB/mobi version made by some heroic individual:
Reasonably sized PDFs there too!
Barb 2
Slate has a podcast of the executive summary. I listened to that after skimming the redacted Mueller report. Then I got the free Audible version and listened to part one of volume one.
There are several books by journalists about the Russian contacts with Trump. Beginning with his first wife and her father. Then the Brighten Beach Russian Mafia. All of this provides context for the 2016 Russian warfare. “House of Trump, House of Putin”by Craig Unger. All the Russian names, all with links going back to Putin.
Thank you Cheryl – perhaps I can get to the end of the Mueller report? Barr needs to be in jail for his crimes against the Mueller report.
Lawfare – Benjamin Witted ” Notes on the Mueller Report: A Reading Diary. ”
Trump is dirty in plain sight. Barr is and has been dirty almost his whole career.
I’m currently on vacation but thanks to all the comments he’s I’ve decided to go buy the Washington post hard copy version as soon as we get back home. Thanks for the heads up to avoid the Dersh ‘s crap “analysis” !
I wish I remembered where my version came from. I downloaded into iBooks, so it’s searchable, and I’ve been meaning to start reading. Thank you, Cheryl; a group reading will nudge me to keep at it. Will there be a scheduled day to post and discuss?
Dave W.
I got the free (non-searchable) Nook pdf version when it first came out. Probably should grab the searchable EPUB version mentioned above. I’ve read both halves.
I figure most of the Harm to Ongoing Matter reductions relate to Roger Stone’s upcoming trial, and a lot of those redactions can be guessed at pretty accurately with that as context.