With fresh fury over the picture of a drowned father and daughter, and reports of mistreatment in immigration shelters, 2020 candidates divert pre-debate to protest Trump administration policies via @daveweigel @colbyitkowitz + @chelsea_janes: https://t.co/EqL6Vsyk0G
— Matt Viser (@mviser) June 26, 2019
Earlier today, Rep. Mucarsel-Powell, who represents part of Homestead, FL in Congress, invited all 2020 presidential candidates to visit the Homestead Detention facility, currently housing 2,300 detained migrant children. pic.twitter.com/Fx4GIRsDF6
— DJ Judd (@DJJudd) June 26, 2019
Reminder that this was the voter who asked Warren about Homestead last night, prompting her to announce she will in fact be coming here today https://t.co/zaUDKvjnnh
— MJ Lee (@mj_lee) June 26, 2019
(Have a plan — and bring your own folding chair ladder, as Shirley Chisholm would say… )
.@ewarren’s campaign has organized buses to take her supporters down to the Homestead detention center outside of Miami pic.twitter.com/uPRjJJYGF6
— Elizabeth Landers (@ElizLanders) June 26, 2019
Warren is here and up on a ladder across the street from Homestead — she is waving to children inside that she can see above the wall pic.twitter.com/LOdR52cFJK
— MJ Lee (@mj_lee) June 26, 2019
Other candidates, too:
Asked why it was important for her to visit the Homestead facility today, Senator Amy Klobuchar tells @DaniellaMicaela “This president has put us in this situation, starting with the inhumane separation of families at the border.” pic.twitter.com/NPjjVQHpOJ
— DJ Judd (@DJJudd) June 26, 2019
On family separation, Amy Klobuchar told me, “If you don’t believe that these families want to stay together, look at that tragic photo of that dad with his daughter. He was doing anything to save his daughter," referencing Julia De Luc's photo below: https://t.co/zPPS3KYpUP pic.twitter.com/rcYPz8uAcB
— DJ Judd (@DJJudd) June 26, 2019
In addition, Senator Kirsten Gillibrand will visit the Homestead Facility Friday, Gillibrand Comms director Meredith Kelly tells @Merica/@AthenaCNN. Beto O'Rourke announced a visit here Thursday earlier this week. pic.twitter.com/TdcZ8A8FWs
— DJ Judd (@DJJudd) June 26, 2019
Jane Sanders arrives at Homestead, says that closing detention facilities would be @BernieSanders first executive order pic.twitter.com/ov3upmsDaY
— Dave Weigel (@daveweigel) June 26, 2019
One of these things is not like the others.
@Baud: That was my reaction when I saw something about this earlier.
Betty Cracker
We turned MSNBC on a while back to hear the pre-debate spin. Tweety was babbling on and on about the Nixon-Kennedy debate. Which happened before the mister and I were alive. AND WE’RE KINDA OLD. Jesus God, MSNBC! Put that old fart out to pasture and give Joy Reid his time slot!
@Betty Cracker:
Did you know Tip O’Neill was the official Nixon-Kennedy debate bartender? You could look it up.
What did Eisenhower have for breakfast that day, I wonder?
@Betty Cracker: Surprised he didn’t go on about Lincoln-Douglas.
I just love these women and this fight. He doesn’t act Presidential so they (reasonably and sensibly) believe they don’t have to treat him like one.
Is this the approach? As long as he behaves like a petty, mean-spirited asshole we all withhold the respect he craves but has never really earned? He isn’t respectful to others and not only isn’t he “Presidential” he doesn’t behave in an ordinary, decent way. He isn’t holding up his end. We could drop the end we’re holding. Boom. Down it goes.
@Betty Cracker:
I heard that bit. It bored me, and I was 18 years old at the time. Chris dwells in the perfect, golden past (Tip’n’Ronnie, anyone?) With no TV, I rarely see Tweety, but I often hear him on the car radio. His spluttering, spitting, shouting persona is scarily reminiscent of a couple of aged politicians I could (but won’t) name.
Did Mrs Senator Sanders say the problem at the border is not race, but economics?
Tom Levenson
@Kay: Yes. Scorn and derision are effective against him…and are, in the end, the only way to break his hold on at least some of his supporters.
I think back the Jimmy Swaggert: he was broken not because he was philandering fornicator, but because he became ridiculous, his behavior the opposite of his testosterone infused persona. Trump stands to lose supporters the more people turn his attempt to dominate them into a bad joke.
Note: I’m not saying that those Trumpistas who might be pried loose in this way will then support anyone remotely acceptable, just that this is the kind of thing that can fracture an already weak base of support. The crazies who will disdain a revealed-to-be-laughable Trump won’t vote Warren…but some of them, at least, won’t vote for Rs either. And that’s a net win.
@Kay: LOVE. IT. Hey GOP, who do you think the majority of Americans will side with here? You like what you’re seeing/hearing/tweet-reading?
I’ve always thought so.
Betty Cracker
@Kay: Boom. Both of those young women have earned their position with hard work and talent, in stark contrast to any Trump.
The Raptor’s ain’t going to the White Supremacy House either.
zhena gogolia
In normal times I might be shocked by the expression “f–king White House.” Not now. That’s what it is until/unless we get those criminals out of there.
Testing to see if I’m able to post
@Kay: I’d love Megan to Tweet reply with, “I’m not your type”.
@Peale: hmm. I wonder what bad word I used? Mark Shields? Is Mark Shields forbidden?
@Tom Levenson:
It’s funny because it’s normal, right? They’re not overthinking it. He acts like an asshole, they hit back, like they might to a heckler or something. The Institution, The Presidency, props him up, but only if it’s recognized. You can just drop it and since he’s not holding it up it falls. It’s that easy.
@Immanentize:A good economy is all they need to get their boats lifted! And Medicare For All.
It should be.
A shame he isn’t because now when I see him I become mesmerized by Mark Shield’s jowls and no longer function.
Has anybody seen Shields and Wilbur Ross in the same room?
I couldn’t agree more. This is what you have to do. Treat him with no respect, the way he treats everyone else.
I would never want to sit near Chris Matthews when he’s on a rant, unless I could cover myself with a tarp. He’s seems to have a spittle issue.
Also, the podiums look like smallish tardises. I have no idea what the plural of tardis is.
I met my first enthusiastic Tim Ryan supporter last night. I almost blew it because I thought she was being sarcastic. Saved right in time! “Oh, that’s great!”
Very nice woman. She’d vote for a stuffed animal over Donald Trump, so no worries there.
@Kathleen: I just saw the clip of Bernie saying, “Some people say” the primary was rigged. He is such a sad revival.
How is Mrs. Ryan?
I really hope it tanks his support.
@Tom Levenson:
Why do you think the Republicans spent so much time tearing down Hillary in 2016? An opposition voter who stays home voluntarily is almost as good as an actual vote.
Joe Falco
Meanwhile, in my and Raven’s neck of the woods…
I think the mayor is hoping Wayfair will be the first one to blink and change course, sparing the local government officials from having to do anything that would endanger much needed jobs from coming to the area. I’m just hoping there’s enough pressure to get all these companies doing business with concentration camps to run away screaming.
It gets better and better.
@Baud: Jane Sanders does know a little something about closing down a facility.
zhena gogolia
You know, when he spoke at the DNC in 2016 I got very excited about him too. I haven’t thought about him much since, but he impressed me on that occasion.
i just straight up love warren.
@Joe Falco: Tough one, Kelly is good people and I’m sure this blindsided him. How many mayors do you see out picking up trash on Saturday mornings. Plus his kid loves my dogs!
Please, Baud. He’s incapable of showing gratitude to his support or anyone else.
Boy the wingers are buying up ads on the debate.
Joe Falco
I’m sure he and everybody else on the commission are probably gobsmacked this came up before the ink could dry on the agreement.
@Joe Falco: I’m sure Lingua Franca is in it!
I understand he was there for the Lincoln – Douglas.
He’s been saying crap for a long time.
Betty Cracker
@chopper: She’s fabulous!
@SiubhanDuinne: Shame!
Betty Cracker
@Raven: I noticed that too. Let those anti-choice, pro-insurance company groups burn their money!
I for one haven’t been treating him as presidential at all. He acts like the asshole he is and always has been. He has no concept of earning anything, he thinks he’s owed everything. I don’t think we should let him forget that he’s no better than anyone else and far worse than most. Person I grew up with, went to church with, whet to school with for 12 yrs, who has been in prison for almost 50 yrs for murder, I think better of her than I do drumpf. She’s paid for her bullshit, he’s been rewarded for his. Yeah, I respect her more than him.
@Baud: I think it will hurt him. He is like a cover band at this point. Maybe not as offensive but also not that interesting
@Immanentize: Whoa, my brother would disagree!
@zhena gogolia: hey they broke it- (it being all civilized norms) so let them face the consequences and hatred they’ve earned
When Kellyann says he’s a counterpuncher, I always think, “So are we.”
So now she’s saying he’s been banging his useless noggin on the counter all this time, counterpunching. Well that would explain the total lack of normal human thought and emotions.
@trollhattan wrote:
Shouldn’t that be “worse and worse”?