I have seen a preview of the new website and it looks fucking amazing.
Not posting any pictures or telling you anything else because you will bitch, piss, and moan like a Republican at a diversity clinic.
But it’s awesome and I am super excited. FAST, too!
Gelfling 545
Like Republicans at a diversity clinic! OMG ?
@Gelfling 545: Republican diversity: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_hb2EItHEH4
Calling us Republicans is just mean.
I bet we manage to break it within 30 minutes.
I have a fancy necktie hanging over a doorknob. When the new design debuts, I’ll wear it while I comment.
I hate it already. I don’t know what you were thinking with that layout. And the fonts! My god. This is literally the worst thing to ever happen to this country.
I trust you will remove it from the doorknob first. //
@TenguPhule: Depends how the new design goes.
@Martin: Too bright!! My eyes!
Amir Khalid
Having experienced a site refurbishment or two in my time as a jackal, I fully expect the new website rollout to be … interesting.
@germy: Indeed. That green. What the fuck were they thinking with that green!
@Amir Khalid:
And there you have the title of your upcoming autobiography.
Glad to hear that this blog isn’t going the way of the ancient classics Fafblog and Topic Drift, at least not immediately. Just wondering, btw, was the identity of Fafblog ever uncovered?
@dmsilev: Obviously, you’ve never seen what I can do with a 24 oz framing hammer.
@OzarkHillbilly: Were you able to nod off this afternoon?
@JPL: Got back from the NP about 9;30, slept until a little after noon. I am functional to an extent and that will do for the rest of today.
@Gelfling 545: I know I am going to have to try and remember that one!
@OzarkHillbilly: Well I hope you have a better night.
Is it made of steel slats, or did you go full concrete?
Sloane Ranger
Just popping in to do a little crowing, England 2 – Norway 0 at half time. Yeah!!
Hope I haven’t put the horrible curse of death on our team for the 2nd half.
A Ghost To Most
Sure, it is fast now. Let’s see how it performs under TBOGG Unit pressure. Hopefully, the database is tuned to the load.
Is stackpath still involved? Asking for my cell phone battery.
ill admit the comic sans is a nice touch.
@chopper: You go sit in the corner and think about what you just did young man.
As soon as I stop chortling.
Meanwhile…… The anticipation and excitement builds for the BJ meet up in St. Louis at John D McGurks in Soulard starting at 5:00 pm Central Time…..
Another Scott
It looks great!!11 Not a lot of comments though…
@Sloane Ranger: Nope. Now it’s 3 – 0. Getting today’s match on Fox.
@Sloane Ranger: Nice work, England England Football Football and David Beckham approves. 3-0. Also, too, noting the conspicuous attendance of male England fans, including those guys with the drum kit. Well done.
This is shit. The Speaker just opened herself up to get fucked over like the rest of Trump’s subcontractors. She should know better.
@TenguPhule: That’s unfortunate. Needless to say, trusting Trumpco’s word on anything is not a good idea.
Steve in the ATL
Oh man–you are actually as evil as people say I am!
@TenguPhule: It would be better to require humane conditions, but that’s just not going to happen. In fact, I see an argument for passing a ‘clean’ bill without a lot of conditions. It’s safe to assume, after all, that the administration will continue to mistreat and abuse children without regard for what Congress does– consequently, the issue will remain alive and the ‘cruelty is what we do’ policy can be continue to be put up front.
Steve in the ATL
@Quinerly: St. Louis PD SWAT team set up already? i know Marco Polo can get pretty dangerous.
The goggles! They do nothing!
The Dangerman
I’m calling shenanigans. No way a Republican attends a Diversity Clinic.
@The Dangerman: Unless they’re under the impression that the purpose of the clinic is to ‘cure’ diversity.
@TenguPhule: if her caucus doesn’t agree, what should she do, throw a bigger tantrum?
@TenguPhule: Yup..
David ??Merry Christmas?? Koch
@TenguPhule: what do you want her to do. She got no help from the fucking senate and stabbed in the back from the fucking “moderates” She did the best she could with the cards that were dealt.
“Behind the scenes, moderates were encouraging members of the Blue Dog and Problem Solvers caucuses to vote against a procedural vote that governed floor debate and force Pelosi to pass the bipartisan Senate bill, as the White House and Hill Republicans have been demanding.”
“The Republican-led Senate on Wednesday passed a $4.6 billion bill to address the migrant crisis at the southern border, setting up a clash with House Democrats, who had passed a different version of similar legislation. The Senate bill passed overwhelmingly with an 84-8 vote.”
The Dangerman
Point taken, if they are under the impression they can bring their TiKKKi torches, they might show up.
@piratedan: Yes. She could at least put a sentence in to say not to be used for the fuckin wall.
Personally, I thnk I’m going to whinge. I just like the word a d whining hurts my ears — and it’s not as though I’m going to share any wining opportunities, they’re just tragically under-represented in my timeline (unlike the former).
ahhh for the rollout when the entire site got poleaxed when we forgot to close tags in comments . . . . I can smell the onions from here and get all weepy.
@Steve in the ATL: we have the roof top snipers in place at the “Hat Factory” across Russell Street ready for the command. Teams are positioned both at the art gallery and church across 12th and Russell. I’m miked with a carefully hidden body cam. The temperature of the Guinness has been checked and doubled checked. A double supply of Jameson, Powers, and Middleton are in a hold pattern. Ready to roll…. Don’t tell anyone. ? News travels fast with these folks who love their BJ.
Pelosi messed up.
She could have demanded no funding for the wall
and let the Senate block it.
The wall is not popular
It is hard to get rid of the Danes when you keep
paying the Danegelt.
@GideonAB: She could have added protections for undocumented spouses whose spouse is serving in the military, but she did not. I’m pissed.
I really hate new things. Right now, I don’t get any pictures on your website.
@piratedan: She has to make up her mind. Either she’s going to lead or she’s going to wait till her caucus makes up their mind.
Backtracking like this after making bold statements as a defender of children earlier makes her look foolish and weak. Its feeding the “Say anything but do nothing” narrative the GOP is spinning about the Democratic House.
zhena gogolia
That is all.
zhena gogolia
Just kicked in for Kamala.
@David ??Merry Christmas?? Koch:
Its not like this is the first time they’ve behaved badly. Hold the stupid fuckers accountable.
@zhena gogolia: I just hope she doesn’t go all in for public and no private health plans like Warren did.
softball does not work with Republicans.
I believe this. Public opinion is the only
card the left has.
Why do the Democrats doubt it?
It seems to me that
this is where someone like Julian Castro could
take a stand and push the party in the right
Trump will take this win, will throw away the
assurances and America will move on.
The money will be used for the wall which will
end up paying for steel slats from a Russian
Do Democrats not see that Russian is not a friend
Mary G
We will need a strong site that can handle all the shit that is coming down in the next.18 months. I feel like screaming every moment rn.
Sloane Ranger
Well that’s it. 3 – 0 and we’re through to the semi final but there were times when we were very sloppy. We can’t afford that when we play France or the USA.
Still that’s for another day. Tonight, I will raise a celebratory glass. Thinking about the St. Louis meet up tonight. Enjoy yourself fellow jackals!
@A Ghost To Most: No stactkpath.
@Another Scott: That’s amazing! That’s just what the new site will look like.//
zhena gogolia
I think she’s a little more cautious and non-shoot-from-the-hip. Which I like, but not everyone does.
@GideonAB: haha. I voted for McGovern in the one state that he won.
We have yet to answer the most important question about the new site.
Would we want to have a beer with it?
A Ghost To Most
Excellent. It is a terrible CPU and battery hog.
Now tell me the DB is tuned to the SQL in the most-used queries. The answer to that is a good predictor of performance under load.
I hope the redo isn’t like Booman Tribune because it sux. I quit going there, and I had gone for years.
@OzarkHillbilly: Glad to read you got some sleep. I hope you can find some relief. Charley horses are a b***h.
@donnah: I quit going because I thought Booman and his commenters sucked.
@TenguPhule: Who is this “person familiar with the discussions”? Ten bucks sez it’s Pence or one of his minions.
Nancy knows better than to listen to that little shit. My guess is that it was a way for PenceCo to rub her face in it, with a complicit reporter.
A Ghost To Most
@Another Scott: Did you notice that one of the headers says “This post was linked to by Instapundit”.
Another Scott
@A Ghost To Most: I didn’t, no. But looking at the hover text for the link, JC seemed to be saying that it was linked to a SFChron story. Not that Instapundit was reading his stuff back then. Though he might have been!
Also, Schuemer needs to be kicked from Minority Leader in the Senate. He’s a fucking waste of space.
@Spanky: FTFNYT.
Ceterum censeo factionem Republicanam esse delendam.
Another Scott
95 House Democrats voted against the (Senate’s) ’emergency’ border bill.
The final vote was 305:102
(via Rep. Don Beyer’s Twitter feed)
A Ghost To Most
@Another Scott: He would have been. The site was full of right wingers then. I believe Harriet Miers (sp) was the turning point. I came in as it was transitioning.
@A Ghost To Most: Terri Schiavo.
J R in WV
I just want the 5 minute clock on edits to reset when you dick up your first edit!!! That’s all I asked for, all I want new and improved. Plus Fiestaware dishes for the tea time sandwiches!!
Chetan Murthy
Ah, the Green Lantern theory of leadership. All she needed to do, was get out the bully pulpit and those Blue Dogs would turn into lapdogs, right? C’mon, man: even at this moment, when so many eyes are turned to the border in horror, TWELVE of her 18-vote margin had PUBLICLY rebuked her. Publicly. Do you think she doesn’t know how to count votes?
Also, the 84-8 margin in the Senate apparently means that under Senate rules, McConnell doesn’t have to agree to a conference committee. It’s either the Senate text, or nothing.
Yes, we can all thank Schumer. I can thank Sen. Feinstein. Shit. Just shit.
A Ghost To Most
Probably correct. I do remember him blowing a gasket in Oct 2005 about Miers, but Schiavo died in March.
@donnah: I would say it’s nothing like the new Booman site, but you will have to decide for yourself. If Booman’s new site had been up when we turned in the specs, I would have provided the developers with an images of his old site vs. his new site and would have said” this is what we don’t want”.
@A Ghost To Most: I’m certain the incompetence of Miers didn’t help matters at all, but for sure it was the mishegas that was the Schiavo affair that started the scales falling from his eyes.
Elie Mystal (@ElieNYC) Tweeted:
Going forward, what will frustrate @realDonaldTrump is not Roberts, but time.
Roberts doesn’t want to wear a #MAGA hat where his face is exposed, he wants an old-school hood like the Republicans used to hand out.
But those take time to make, and the Census needs to go out soon. https://t.co/QAvYbMhsvm https://twitter.com/ElieNYC/status/1144291101567868936?s=17
For the record, I have never complained about the website or any changes to the website.
I save my fury for the really important things like placement of Willow trees and invasive vines.
Seriously Cole WTF with the all the vines?!?!!!1!1
@Chetan Murthy: Speaker controls what gets put to a vote in the House. She should have been counting votes before putting up the House version of the spending bill. Counting votes and coming up short after talking big about “protecting the children” then conceding is…not good leadership.
Elie Mystal (@ElieNYC) Tweeted:
Okay, the Census case is weird, but my read is Roberts saying: “Yo, @realDonaldTrump if you want me to allow your racism you simply MUST give me better cover than this. Maybe you’re comfortable wearing a hat, but I really need my *hood*, brother.” https://twitter.com/ElieNYC/status/1144255139114627072?s=17
Elie Mystal (@ElieNYC) Tweeted:
@JosephPatrice I thought I was going to end up calling the Roberts gerrymandering decision “willfully ignorant.” But it’s not. He’s not pretending not to understand how gerrymandering works, he’s straight up saying that he doesn’t give a good goddamn. https://twitter.com/ElieNYC/status/1144248528958631936?s=17
Chetan Murthy
Oh, I thought you were objecting to her relenting on allowing the Senate version to come up for a vote. I see that you’re objecting to her having squawked before allowing the Senate version to come up for a vote.
So let’s game that out. McConnell sends over his bill. And it’s precisely as he wants it, remember. Pelosi let’s it go to the floor for a vote, and let’s remember, *unmodified*. Who thinks she doesn’t get pilloried for being Trump’s patsy?
She -did- try to push back. And it turned out, she didn’t have the votes. Democracy is messy. And something else: I’m sure some are gnashing teeth about the BlueDogs. Aside from the few who actually come from solid Blue districts, the rest are the precise ones we worked so hard to elect back in 2018: Dems from swing-districts. This is part of the price we had to pay, for not having a big-enough margin. No, I don’t like it. But it doesn’t change the facts.
@TenguPhule: I’ve been trying to ignore you but you are fucking moron.
I almost drove off the road when I heard the reporting that he wanted to “reschedule” the census! Fucker.
Patricia Kayden
@TenguPhule: Yeah. Whatever strategy Pelosi is pursuing is lost on me. This is not a good move. We didn’t elect Democrats to push the Trump agenda.
James E Powell
This isn’t on Pelosi, it’s on the entire leadership of the Democratic senate and house. They look like losers because they are losers.
There was no reason to go along with anything proposed by Trump and the Republicans. They are on the defensive. Nobody wants their wall and they are putting children in cages. The stories were right there in the public, undermining their position on anything to do with immigration. Telling the Republicans to pound salt was the right thing to do.
@Chetan Murthy:
Again, Speaker Controls what comes up for a vote in the House. Senate’s bill could have been given the gander sauce that McConnell is giving the House.
Chetan Murthy
You’re saying “pick this hill to die on, Nancy”. Is that what you intend? Really? She was taking public flak from her own caucus, FFS. And lots of it. And OBTW the Dems in the Senate *completely* caved already. And look at the eventual vote on the rule: only 90-something Dems actually stood firm. Don’t you think she counted the votes and realized what was happening?
And also: really, you should decide your position and kind of stick with it? First you’re angry she let the bill thru. Then that she squawked before letting it thru. Now, back to angry that she let it thru? I mean, c’mon man.
@Chetan Murthy:
1. Don’t let the bill through for a vote.
2. If you must let the bill through for a vote because reasons, don’t make a speech implying you have the votes to pass a different bill that will help children when you do not in fact have the votes to pass that bill.
And yes, Children Concentration Camps should damn well be a Hill that the Speaker of the House should be ready to die on. Just like Torture. Just like opposing an illegal war based on bald faced lies. Some things are supposed to be worth fighting for.
What strong arguments did her caucus muster?
Did they think that looking after children properly
would be a vote loser?
Doug R
@TenguPhule: So you’re saying Pelosi should use the “rule” invented by a man in prison,
Like Mitch McConnell does? GTFOH.
Doug R
Not letting a Senate bill that passed 84-6 to the House floor would have looked even weaker, FFS.
I have NOT seen the new website, but what I haven’t seen looks terrible. All is lost!