Oh go fuck yourselves:
As Mistermix noted below, a grand total of four (4) Republicans voted to note that what the President said was racist as fuck and wholly inappropriate. Here’s what 187 Republicans couldn’t bring themselves to support:
This resolution states that immigrants and their descendants have made America stronger and naturalized citizens are just as American as those whose families have been in the United States for generations. It also expresses a commitment to keep America open to those who lawfully seek refuge from violence and oppression and those willing to work hard to achieve the American Dream, regardless of race, ethnicity, faith, or country of origin.
The resolution strongly condemns the President’s racist comments and states that they have legitimized hatred of new Americans and people of color, including his reference to immigrants and asylum seekers as “invaders.”
That’s about as fucking toothless as something in the house can get. It recommends no censure or other punishment, it does not call for impeachment, it doesn’t even call for the President to go without his Mickey D’s apple pie after his too well down double cheeses tonight.
And yet, no “Republicans of conscience” could be found anywhere to support it. If you are a reporter or journalist or pundit and find yourself thinking the phrase “Republicans of Conscience,” do us all a favor, submit your resignation, and go seek work more befitting your level of intellect and decency. Maybe as Steve Bannon’s hot tub scrubber.
It doesn’t even call for a beer summit.
Republicans with a conscience? These fuckers don’t believe in science, much less a conscience.
Or does a Republican conscience tell them to do the most hateful, harmful thing currently possible?
randal m sexton
4 out of 191 is 2%. 98% of Republicans are racists. Oh sure, maybe there is another 10 or 20 or whatever who would have voted for this if there were no consequences. So maybe there is some venn diagram intersection of cowardice and racism that actually makes racism and cowardice equivalent. There is no going back — All Dems would, should,shall, and must remember this time, and this behaviour should be the very first thing that is said in any debate with these guys for ever.
It’s worth noting the sexism involved as well. These are women that do not worship the big daddy in the whitehouse.
Mary Michel Green
Two of the four who voted yes are in districts Hillary won, so pandering more than principle.
C Stars
I hope it’s OK if I share a little fanfic here. I wrote this in response to Charles Pierce’s tweet showing Rick Perry leading a GOP prayer circle.
The Donald’s Prayer
Our Pussygrabber
Who art at the golf club
Hallowed be thy base
Thy corruption come
Thy grift be done
In the USA, as it is in Russia.
Give us this news-cycle
Our daily red meat
And forgive us our independent judiciary
As we forgive those who kidnap and abuse children.
Lead us not into accessible healthcare
But deliver us from secure elections
For thine is the misogyny
And the racism
Forever and ever.
@Baud: ” It doesn’t even call for a beer summit. ”
The economic miracle of the Baud Beer Boom would sweep Baud 2020! into a second term in a landslide..
I wasn’t able to follow the comment threads today, what with doing actual work at work and all. Have the ‘bots and trolls decided yet that the censure motion they were screaming for is actually weak tea that never should have been passed in the first place? It always amuses me to watch them do a 180 the instant they get what they claim they wanted.
Wow, that is pretty milquetoast. And only four* Republicans could muster the courage to vote for it (*and Justin Amash).
@Mnemosyne: I missed that, but there are people here who are doing that now.
J R in WV
Former Justice Stevens died today, he was 99. Sad.
We will not see his like again soon.
Another Scott
Villago Delenda Est
I’ve said this before, and I’ll say it again:
The GOP needs to go the way of the NSDAP and the CPSU.
Any BJer want to infiltrate Trump’s rally in Greenville, SC tomorrow at 7 pm?
AOC has replaced Nancy Pelosi as their bizarre hate-object. I mean, it’s a badge of honor in a very real way, but she’s so new at this it is just wild how they smoothly transferred to the next generation of women.
Haven’t seen anyone else comment on this: former USSC Justice John Paul Stephens has died, age 99.
His birthday was September 17, the same day the U. S. Constitution came into effect. And he was a great champion of the Constitution, and he will be missed. IIRC, he chaired the Constitution’s Bicentennial Committee In 1987.
A good man. May he rest in peace.
mad citizen
@C Stars: I was planning to just pile on Cole’s comment and say to the ether and hope it gets to the republicans somehow, Yea, go phuck yourselves.
Then I read this from C Stars–this is magnificent! I was at a wedding the other day and heard the original. I may have to carry this version around in my wallet. As good as the 10 Biblical Questions to ask a republican during the W years.
A rabid base causes rabies.
Chetan Murthy
Cribbed from LG&M:
Jeffrey L. Fisher, My Boss, Justice Stevens, 2010
@SiubhanDuinne: I was about ready to shit myself then I remembered he retired years ago. I feel a bit less panicked but still mourn his passing.
Steve in the ATL
@SiubhanDuinne: get over yourself. It’s been mentioned on at least three threads already. Sheesh.
C Stars
@mad citizen: Thank you! please share if you feel so inclined.
I don’t get how trump is any different from one of those idiots on a viral video (or in a court case) demanding that their black or Hispanic neighbors explain themselves, stop napping in their university common area, stop grilling cheeseburgers at their local park, stop swimming in their apartment complex pool, stop speaking Spanish in Walmart, stop walking in the street, stop wearing hoodies on the way to the store, stop entering their own homes, stop having nappy hair, stop having foreign accents, stop driving while being non white, stop stop stop stop.
I mean, he’s those people. Straight up, if a rando fat old dude said what he tweeted to any group of 4 young women of color, the video of that shit would be viral, and the dude would be shamed and maybe even fired if he held a job working for the public, even as a dogcatcher.
I need this all to end.
Cheryl Rofer
This is good news. We are going to need more of this sort of action.
The thread has a live-action thread embedded in it. Very worth reading.
Another Scott
Adam Serwer in TheAtlantic from 2017:
Well said.
(via LOLGOP)
Jim, Foolish Literalist
@Chetan Murthy: oh, that’s wonderful– I hope Rehnquist was enraged
@J R in WV: RIP
Another Scott
@SiubhanDuinne: I thought Burger resigned as Chief Justice to run the Constitution Bicentennial. (A very weird thing to do, I thought at the time.)
Stevens was a good man, a good Justice, and will be missed.
At this point, I feel like the best thing I can do is point and laugh at people who are enraged at getting what they asked for.
@C Stars: OMG that is perfect.
Gerald Ford, who was a lawyer, nominated Stevens for the Supreme Court not because Stevens was ideological ally, but because Stevens was the highest rated appellate court judge by the American Bar Association. And that might have been the last significant decent action by a Republican president.
Last I saw, the argument is that Nancy Pelosi was not physically standing with the 4 Representatives at their press conference, therefor she is on Trump’s side. They throw around ‘complicit’ a lot.
TS (the original)
And I had forgotten that – President Obama was attacked by the GOP and the media for suggesting the Cambridge police acted stupidly in arresting somebody when there was already proof that they were in their own home.
Obama called someone stupid and was criticised for months. trump is blatantly racist & the GOP congress think that is fine.
James E Powell
Who are “they”? I haven’t read anyone here saying anything like that, nor anyone screaming for a censure motion.
Is this acrimony really necessary? Is no criticism of the Speaker or the Democratic leadership permitted?
@C Stars: Brilliant!
Captain C
@Mnemosyne: “You said ‘yes’ to me, that is unacceptable!
Odie Hugh Manatee
The Party of Lincoln is dead, the South has risen again and in the ultimate act of revenge they have taken over the Republican party, and now they want to take over the country.
Pretty much this…
@tokyokie: Poppy Bush accidentally nominated Souter. The Right never forgave him for that.
@James E Powell:
The Twitter bots and trolls.
@James E Powell:
Criticize away. Just don’t whine when people point out that your criticisms lack substance.
As I said, the same people on Twitter who were demanding that the House censure Trump are now screeching that it was a terrible idea and never should have been done. Consistency is never a problem when there are Democrats to bash.
@TS (the original): And he didn’t even do that, really. Obama prefaced the comments by saying that if the story was correct as he heard it, then he thought the police acted stupidly. The media always leaves that first part out
@TS (the original):
I think the only conclusion is that the majority of the GOP in congress are also blatantly racist. We know for sure that a number of them are, and I am pretty sure the rest of them outed themselves with this vote.
@C Stars: Very good! That about covers it.