Mueller should tell him to pound salt:
Justice Department officials have communicated to Robert Mueller that the department expects him to limit his congressional testimony this week to the public findings of his 448-page report, according to one current and one former U.S. official familiar with the preparations.
In extensive discussions since the former special counsel was subpoenaed to testify on June 25, department officials have emphasized that they consider any evidence he gathered throughout the course of his investigation to be “presumptively privileged” and shielded from public disclosure.
In the future, the reports showing the lengths McConnell and Barr went to protect this man are going to be mind-boggling.
Atternie Jinerul?
Dorothy A. Winsor
I hope that’s how history comes down. But history is written by the victors.
Omnes Omnibus
John Cole
@SiubhanDuinne: fixed- just woke up from a damned nap
@SiubhanDuinne: Attorney Jabba.
If we every get a new and improved constitution, executive privelige should be seiously limited if not banned outright.
Invoking it here seems laughably suspect but who knows how the Trumpolini Supreme Kangaroo Court will rule.
Or are they invoking attorney-client privelige?
zhena gogolia
Same here, John.
LOL, perfect.
Congress should strike back with an invented “Legislative Privilege” and dare Trump to stop them.
Good joke.
Mueller is a better lawyer than Trump thinks, and knows “presumptively privileged” isn’t actually a thing, in particular when it comes to revealing the results of an investigation — just ask Ken Starr.
Asshole Jackoff? Anti-American Jerkwad?
Yeah, I know you corrected it already, Cole.
Another Scott
The tweet has been posted earlier, but ICYMI, The question was Melania Trump. The answer was Kirsten Gillibrand and Kamala Harris and Elizabeth Warren.
That’s how you do it.
Anonymous At Work
@Gregory: Amen. Mueller says something that the White House thinks is privileged and what happens? No one from the White House is there to yell, “Objection!”
The best that the White House can do is make their request *public* to preserve objections for any trials (Hello there, Billy Barr!), although any half-decent law school student can find ways independently to introduce that evidence.
Sure hope you’re right.
Saw this.
Read post. Was disappointed.
@Another Scott:
Anna has never not had NFG.
@Anonymous At Work:
The entire rethuglican caucus: Hold our beer.
@Baud: This post is definitely more “Old Man Shouts at Clouds” or some other snarky category.
Anonymous At Work
@Plato: I object to their objection in advance. My objection holds as much legal weight at theirs. GOP caucus can raise hell and demand closed session. Democrats on the committee should vote on the motion once and move on. The phrase attorneys use is “We preserve all objections for trial.” Make them use it.
Barr will never be done covering Trump’s ass. It’s too massive.
Apparently Stephen Miller went on Fox yesterday to receive a tongue bath and got Chris Wallace doing journalism instead.
Anonymous At Work
@plato: Holy frak. That was fast and decisive. Good on them.
Miller must have been rattled. He slipped up and said “Democratic” instead of “Democrat.”
@plato: “Blue paychecks matter!”
As do pink slips, apparently.
@Spanky: Liked this sign.
In related matters, this from May but worth recalling:
(Link to Salon)
Paul M Gottlieb
You said “covering,” but you meant “covering with kisses,” didn’t you?
Image in the pearl-clutching if Democrats regularly (and, arguably, accurately) said “The Republiklan Party”…
“Democrat Party” should be corrected every time it is uttered on-air. But our media sucks.
I prefer “Rethuglican” myself.
Another Scott
Pelosi-Schumer joint statement:
Sounds pretty good. It will be good to hear how the July 31, 2021 date was reached, and why.
@Another Scott:
@Another Scott:
A nickel says Trump will back out of it.
Earning every penny, he is.
Jim, Foolish Literalist
Thread. The neighbors formed a human chain so the man and his son could get back inside their house
Barr should be thoroughly investigated by whomever wins the presidency in 2020. He should be disbarred at the very least – his conduct is disgraceful.
@Another Scott:
Nancy Chamberlain has achieved peace in our time. //s
I have a bad feeling about the deal. Mainly that our Democratic leadership seems to believe Trump will honor his side of it.
Al Franken: senators say they regret calling for his resignation
We had a big T-storm about 1.5 to 2 hours ago. Didn’t last long, but the skies briefly turned as black as night and heavy rains, high winds and lightning exploded from the sky.
My mom lost power (along with a bunch of other places).
She lives about 1/3 of a mile from me. Just had dinner with her, then went home. I have power. She doesn’t feel like spending the night at my place, and I don’t want to pressure her, but do feel a bit guilty.
This is our timeline.
Judge: Under what grounds do you claim your defendant has a mental defect.
Atty: I just said he’s a Trump supporter.
Judge: I’m convinced.
Today’s political summary.
And now we have the official explanation for Pence’s panicked cancellation.
Of course I don’t believe it because Drug dealing doesn’t even rank as a felony big enough to make the top thirty for Republicans.
“Your honor, my client doesn’t think killing is wrong, but he was going to arrest his victim peacefully anyway!”
Is this legal malpractice?
West of the Rockies
You know, the gigantic melon of his looks like it would weigh 20 pounds.
Mary G
Democrats need their own news network, papers, etc. on the scale Republicans have. There’s no other way to counter the way conservatives can shape the media narrative, and what we are talking about, so easily.
Given the media shitstorm, I think, if Franken had stayed in Doug Jones would of lost, because of the endless “what about Franken” crap that would have spewed, anytime Roy Moore’s assaults on girls was brought up.
A Ghost To Most
@zhena gogolia: You certainly would not want to question your beliefs about railroading a good man.
That it was never “litigated” in the first place is kind of the point, dumbass.
@Another Scott:
now we wait. if statements like schumer’s get any traction in the media, trump will blow the whole thing up if it looks like the democrats are winning in this negotiation. trump believes that every deal has only a winner and a loser, and he has to be the winner.
Butter emails!!!
I actually prefer NatCees.
I wish that we could trust Mueller. I just don’t think we can. Whether he is too narrow and literal in the translation of his mandate, or for other reasons more sinister, he aint gonna help this republic stay afloat. Yes, I can see him “following orders” from Barr because in his mind, the letter of the law says that Barr is his boss and well, that’s it.
So what does my pessimism mean? I don’t know but there will be no justice for this awful regime until the fuckers are voted out of office. It will take years of pain, hard work and many dollars to clean up after this horror. The only thing these people are doing is breaking as many things as they can. Their goal is the destruction of the United States as we know it. Surely Mueller must know this and still he tips toes around literal interpretations of the law as we drown in the offal this regime has made of our system. Nope — I don’t believe that we can trust him so my expectations are lower than the floor.
@prostratedragon: I did not know that Major Frank Burns was advising the president. That totally sounds like it was written by “MASH” writers.
Too bad NY is not a stand your ground state. If Comello were able to play it cool, he could’ve gotten away with it.
Cops: What happened
Comello: I had accidentally backed into him. He then goes off about being a mob boss, pointed at his waste. I figured he was going for his gun. Got scared and defended myself.
This really is a crime a more collected person, in the right state, could’ve gotten away with.
Formerly disgruntled in Oregon
@A Ghost To Most: @eemom: Wonkette has it right. The Mayer article is kinda pathetic. And why is this news now? Focus, people. Eyes on the prize. Arguing over Franken helps NO ONE.
@TenguPhule: Hey, you gotta work with the material available. This guy isn’t insane, just stupid.
A Ghost To Most
@Formerly disgruntled in Oregon:
Phrases I’ve never heard:
“Jane Mayer is a shit journalist”
Fucking Jacobins needed a scalp. No one will admit it now.
@Formerly disgruntled in Oregon:
I’m guessing that Mayer went into the story expecting another Weinstein situation and was like, “WTF happened?” when she discovered there wasn’t one.
We really have to come up with some way of publicly rebuking and restraining men who are too touchy-feely without assuming that all of them are deliberately molesting women with malice aforethought, Weinstein-style.
Jim, Foolish Literalist
I don’t think it’s sinister, but I do think his (apparent) obsession with his own rectitude makes Wednesday a tough day for Dems. I hope they’re tamping down their desires to make a moment.
I think there is a pretty good chance that Louie Goehmert doing his nasty imitation of Louie Goehmert and Gym* Jordan’s meth-addled Chuckie Dolll antics could make Mueller look like George Washington, which may create a media narrative that will drag down trump.
* Cynthia Alksne, one of the least dramatic of the MSNBC stable of former prosecutors and a woman with whom I would not want to get in a knife fight, just spelled out G. Y. M. Jordan
@Spanky: Such perfection is hard to believe, isn’t it?
Jim, Foolish Literalist
@Spanky: Colonel Flagg, to whom Mike Flynn bears more than a passing resemblance, now that I think of it
A Ghost To Most
@A Ghost To Most: If you want to know how run of the mill D’s think, read the comments on the article in WaPo. Most appear to agree with me.
Last I checked, KG was dead in the polls, and spending 2x what she took in. But go ahead and continue to insult the many Democrats who agree with me.
Q: What comes after FUBAR?
A: How about Devin Nunes as Director of National Intelligence?
So far he’s just conferring with the shitgibbon about replacing Dan Coats but now it’s out there.
I got nuthin.
Formerly disgruntled in Oregon
@A Ghost To Most: Nobody’s perfect.
Senator Al made the right decision to resign. And that’s well in the past now.
But whatever, let’s debate this BS some more… (seriously?!!)
John Cole @ Top:
Even more mind-boggling will be the lengths House Democrats, the media, and Republican voters went through to ignore Trump’s criminality and reward the GOP for their decades of bad faith behavior and bad faith governing.
Dude, you never roll out a new product before Labor Day.
Stop the planet, I want to kick some people off.
Millard Filmore
I’m hoping for an avalanche of leaks from the international intelligence community if this goes through.
Seriously — if the Democrats win in 2020, our plates will be so full of shit to clean up that Barr will not be number one. I imagine that it will be like a Cat 5 hurricane where if we win, it will be like being in the eye but the eye wall will still be coming with the strongest winds and tide. Many of these folks will be headed for Russia or anywhere without an extradition treaty with the US. I WANT to have that problem rather than the possibility that they will win…no matter how horrid the clean up.
And just for my two cents — I have only one requirement of whichever Democrat we nominate — just win baby win. That is all. We are trying to save the life of this country. Lets not forget that in Medicare for all…..
@Elie: Sadly I agree. If Mueller were who everyone seems to think he is, then why did he try to avoid testifying? Why does he say he’ll only stick to the report?
More questions: Why didn’t he indict Don Jr., and others against whom he clearly had solid evidence of actual crimes? Why did he tiptoe around the “collusion” word? Why didn’t he speak out right away when Barr lied about the report and the media swallowed it?
I greatly hope he’ll prove me wrong, but I have lost any faith I might have had in Mueller.
I just cannot put any good faith to how he has handled this given what is so obviously at stake. Its nothing more than tragic. He had a chance to save the republic and he decided to descend to literalism and picking nits. To me, his role and failure will be my harshest judgement — and perhaps history’s.
I don’t believe he had the courage or ultimately, the integrity to take this risk…. wrong man for such a large task with so much ridding on so much outside the box. Like McClellan in the Civil War who could not take his superior fighting force to face the Confederates. He never thought that he had enough men, armor or anything to leave Washington. All he did was to drill his men all day everyday – in DC. Lincoln almost despaired of ever engaging the confederates …. Until he found Grant.
@Formerly disgruntled in Oregon:
Oh yes, and everything else our elected “leaders” are doing at this point is helping SO very much.
I’m guessing you are on drugs.
J R in WV
Because that word, collusion, never appears in any law. Legally the word is “Conspiracy” — not collusion, which is why the Republicans have talked about nothing but collusion since the election. For one of your questions.
Bill Arnold
@Formerly disgruntled in Oregon:
No. Mayer’s piece is another of her pieces on the American right-wing propaganda apparatuses, in this case about how Democrats and the non-right-wing media were artfully manipulated like puppets by Republican rat-fuckers and media into destroying a career before the incident was actually investigated let alone litigated. Roger F-ing Stone was involved, and we knew it at the time. The plays were f-ing obvious!. The flak jacket thing was clearly a visual joke. Like, fingers can’t push through a flak jacket, if bits of fast metal can’t. Maybe resigning was correct, maybe not, but the decision processes at the time were being manipulated, by Republican operatives and maybe by self-interested Democrats.
Meanwhile, we a sexual assault perpetrator (probably) on the Supreme Court and an almost-certainly serial sexual assault perpetrator as POTUS. Why? (Rhetorical question.) Moore went down, sure, that was good.
People who don’t acknowledge this are setting themselves up for more successful Republican rat-fucking. Part of winning the prize is successfully fighting against these methods in real time. We will be seeing for some serious Republican ratfucking attempts during the next 1.5 years.
Nice pics John Cole!