This is a gem, and also completely true:
Let’s get one thing out of the way right now. A lot of the Robert Mueller testimony was boring, especially in the House Judiciary Committee. Mueller seemed old (he turns 75 in two weeks) and, true to what he said he was going to do, he declined to answer a lot of questions, staying within “the four corners of his report” and letting it “speak for itself.” And with that, we have acknowledged and given the proper respect to every VALID right-wing criticism (and too-cool-for-school leftist criticism) that exists. It did not send the thrill up the leg, and in our American culture, which demands shiny things in order to keep its attention, it fell kinda flat…
Beltway journalists (some of them, at least) were also so booooooooored, like are we there yet? …
Are you hearing all this stuff and giving in to an inclination to agree that yesterday was just terrible and the Democrats are terrible and Robert Mueller was the worst and now you’ll never get your pony?
Stop it.
As former DOJ official Chuck Rosenberg said on MSNBC not long after the Judiciary Committee hearing, “There’s a difference between exciting and important. There are things that are exciting that are not important, and there are things that are important that are not particularly exciting.” Yesterday’s hearings were important. And if you slogged through all of it — even the boring parts — some really crucial things came out, some of them for the first time.
We can start with Judiciary Chairman Jerry Nadler’s opening five minutes, which really covered most of the ground that the hearing on obstruction of justice needed to cover. In rapid fire questioning, Nadler had Mueller confirm that Donald Trump and his minions are lying every single time they say the investigation found NO COLLUSION and NO OBSTRUCTION and TOTAL EXONERATION. Mueller also added a new phrase to the lexicon: “Does Not Exculpate.”
Nadler also had Mueller confirm that Donald Trump can absolutely be prosecuted for his crimes after he is dropkicked out of office, though it didn’t really resonate at that point, because we guess half of America hadn’t had its coffee yet. It was under questioning from GOP Rep. Ken Buck of Colorado, where Buck seemed just FLABBERGASTED at that notion, and asked Mueller to repeat himself. Did you really just say our shithole garbage king could be LOCK HER UP-PED after he has been de-throned?…
… Mueller stated for the record that it is not only unethical and unpatriotic to do the things Trump and his campaign did, but that those behaviors also open people up to blackmail and extortion and compromise by hostile foreign powers, like for instance RUSSIA, IF YOU’RE LISTENING.Oh yeah, did we mention that Mueller confirmed that the FBI is still investigating aspects of blackmail and compromise as it pertains to Trump and his associates? Rep. Raja Krishnamoorthi got that out of him. He also got Mueller to confirm that he really did not see it as his job to investigate Trump’s financial ties to Russia, or whether Russians used Trump to launder money or anything like that…
Some examples of ‘pundits’ putting the #fail in Our Failed Media Experiment:
At this moment, WaPo offers up news; NYTimes offers theater review.
— Dan Froomkin (@froomkin) July 24, 2019
Literally Maggie Haberman is on CNN right now informing us that Trump’s team feels “really good about today.” So: in all the options for framing SHE is the one who is pushing the ‘let’s move on, nothing to see’. She could choose to frame it anyway she wants. It’s pathetic.
— Soledad O'Brien (@soledadobrien) July 25, 2019
There is nothing in this piece that backs up what the anonymous Democrat says.
Welcome back, Tiger Beat On The Potomac— Charles P. Pierce (@CharlesPPierce) July 25, 2019
What's also infuriating is that I distinctly remember people in the media criticizing Obama for being too *good* at optics.
— Tommy X-TrumpIsARacist-opher (@tommyxtopher) July 25, 2019
"After former special counsel Robert Mueller testified before the House Judiciary Committee this morning, @chucktodd managed to demonstrate, with uncharacteristic brevity, his basic misunderstanding of the requirements of his job…"
— Thank God It’s Bob (@elongreen) July 24, 2019
Maybe if Mueller had finished off his speech by stabbing a few onlookers w/ a broad sword? Would that have been better optics, perhaps?
— Cliff Schecter (@cliffschecter) July 24, 2019
I really hate kewl kid quips like the below. Mueller has to be there because you & yours did a bad job when his report was first released, running for days on Barr's false gloss . So he needs to be there to create an event that gets what the report itself said on page one.
— Thomas Levenson (@TomLevenson) July 24, 2019
So basically Mueller affirmed some of the most damaging accusations against a President since Nixon but because it wasn’t good television it doesn’t count?
— Schooley (@Rschooley) July 25, 2019
Since all threads are open threads:
2) Can you imagine the republic pants shitting that would be taking place if Obama were tweeting about his efforts to get some thuggish rapper released from custody? (No idea whether what’s his name is, in fact, a thug, but they all are to Republicans.)
Its not just MAGA Habs its the entire team covering politics at the Vichy Times, they are terrible.
I has a tweet about it
NYT reporters are the biggest T fluffers outside of the RW news complex. Where is the liberal media that I was promised?
John S.
Like peak wingnut, the liberal media does not exist.
Ohio Mom
I only saw snippets of Mueller’s testimony but I appreciated his quiet, dry understatement as a kind of art form. I mean, you don’t roll your eyes when an opera singer hams it up, that’s what opera is.
That’s what serious investigators, auditors, and the like are. Very circumspect. That’s part of what makes them credible.
I watched the testimony yesterday. I then watched some commentary on MSNBC and was confused by their criticisms of Mueller. Why didn’t they focus on all the crap that the Republicans were shoveling out with their stupid questions? How about criticizing Gomer Gohmert or idiot Gym Jordan or Gaetz the Clueless? Why not amplify the good points made in the questions Mueller answered and confirmed?
I was disappointed, but not by Mueller. The ridiculous comments by Dems and than by Republicans really were way off-base and damaging to the end goal of cementing key points from the Report.
Heywood J.
What if — and I’m just spitballing here — but what if enough people turned away in disgust from the useless antics of Chunk Toad and Magat Haberman and that ilk? What if a sufficient number of people communicated to CNN’s sponsors that they wouldn’t be buying their products anymore, that the days of supporting this Statler and Waldorf theater criticism bullshit are done?
I don’t know. CNN and MSNBC and the FTFNYT have been as dead to me as Fox, for a couple of years now. They are all completely useless. They are only talking to each other. They are not just part of the problem, they are the problem. They are gaslighting us. Put them all on a rocket and fire it into the heart of the sun.
This is an old Vox explainer but it’s relevant to how the media works. It’s about CNN but could apply to most news organizations today.
The video is worth watching to see the comparisons with ESPN panels.
Edit: Forgot link:
@Yarrow: MAGA Habs and Peter Baker are far more dishonest than most sport commentators.
Heywood J.
@Yarrow: Unfortunately, that sport is pro wrestling. Which is how we get a kayfabe-ocracy.
@Harbison: hmmm What about the grief Obama got for defended a home owner being arrested in Cambridge, MA for not being polite enough to the police.
Shortly after the launch of Fox News, Roger Ailes said, “We are going to cover news like ESPN covers sports.”
@donnah: If it is Biden/Trump wait until you hear all the spiel about Biden touching shoulders and ignoring trump’s trysts. In fact trump will campaign on it, cuz he can
zhena gogolia
There’s also this from Renato Mariotti, which jibes with my impressions yesterday:
zhena gogolia
@Ohio Mom:
His restraint was remarkable in response to the wingnut inquisition. I only saw a flash of anger in response to Gaetz.
Mary G
Great post, AL. Glad to see so many people pushing back against the dictated narrative.
@Yarrow: Nice to see you again and hope you are well.
Thank you, AL.
Keith P.
I really appreciate the irony of Chuck Todd – who has worn a goatee on television every damn day since 2000-and-something – being a judge of optics.
Which is why I have been writing it as “FTFTFNYT” for a while.
The Dangerman
Lock him up.
Of course, I assume, he will pardon himself (and by the time that winds through the courts, he’ll be long dead).
Something to fight over.
I don’t even know who to hate anymore.
If you think Mueller looks like a tired old man, I’d like to take the opportunity to remind you he is younger than two of the Democratic frontrunners.
John S.
@Keith P.:
Chuck Todd took the ‘Paul Bunyan’s Axe’ award for being the biggest tool away from David Gregory – who was the inaugural recipient of the award.
I think Maggie Haberman is on a quest to dethrone Chuckles, though.
Kellyanne Conway is definitely not going to hell, because no way that Satan would take her. He’s got too much class for that. Here’s a quote from her on the Hugh Hewitt show:
“I feel like Bob Mueller may well have been used by the people around him to imbue this fake and ill-conceived investigation with credibility and legitimacy it wouldn’t have otherwise,” she said. “And I am first and foremost who I will always be, which is a daughter, a mother, and, of course, I feel great empathy and compassion for folks who, as some of these headlines suggest, may be feeble or not understanding some of the questions — asking them to be repeated, clearly not conversant with the facts and with his own report.”
She obviously has great empathy – why else would she call him feeble.
I’m embarrassed to be a member of the same species as that thing*
* I have too much respect for women to call KAC a woman
A Ghost To Most
@Searcher: Dementia doesn’t look at birth certificates. It might not be, but it looked that way to me.
Where is our modern day “Ami du Peuples”?
Gelfling 545
@Harbison: “, if elected, she would work to reduce crime.” Her being in DC a good part of the year would probably help.
We have a president talking about infantroopens and lawmarkers and we’re worried about Mueller’s performance. JFC
@Baud: Eye on the prize.
What should I do with my other eye?
Omnes Omnibus
@Baud: Is this the bill that people were calling out as a horrible bill and a giant sell-out few days ago?
@Baud: lol
@Omnes Omnibus:
Yep. That’s why I thought it noteworthy.
@Baud: FYI I don’t know where little immp is but a friend just confirmed that at Mass General there are lots of dead zones where you can’t access the internet. It might be awhile before we hear.
Horrible term in this context, but thanks for the info.
@Mary G: Thanks. I’m okay. Been dealing with more dad health issues, which has taken a ton of time. He’s doing a bit better but not out of the wood yet.
@schrodingers_cat: They’re only dishonest if you expect them to be actual journalists covering their beats objectively. I expect them to be people who are paid to spin stories a certain way for their owners and they perform that way.
@Baud: tried to fix it
Maybe they can all have a Twitter fight with each other while the adults get back to work.
smedley the uncertain
@Baud: Why is it necessary to Hate?
It’s all so frustrating.
@smedley the uncertain:
I want to fit in.
joel hanes
I don’t even know who to hate anymore.
Start with Republicans.
@Baud: I barely know who those 4 are. They’re nothing but junior Rep’s from another part of the country.
Patricia Kayden
@schrodingers_cat: NYT can only get excited when going after Hillary Clinton about her email servers. They should just pretend that Trump is Secretary Clinton.
I’ve read that the Trump administration uses unsecured email servers and phones but who cares.
hells littlest angel
@Keith P.: Chuck was disappointed there wasn’t a fistfight between Mueller and Trump on a steel girder 500 feet above the pavement.
Patricia Kayden
Well said.
Mueller has set the table for impeachment.
Let me help. KAC is the kind of woman who gives women a bad name. She is a self-proclaimed feminist who is anything but. I have faith that kharma will catch up with her.
This was discussed a couple of days ago. Some hold that it was tossing away leverage in September, others think it’s a good deal due to the spending increases, rather than cuts the ReThugs wanted.
As it’s discretionary spending by the Administration and the debt ceiling kicks in for the next Administration,
and the day after the budget increase the ReThugs cut food stamps again,
Hell to the yes.
Oh, dear god. This doesn’t even qualify as a low-quality hire.
As long as you agree that there are reasonable views on both sides and hyperbolic statements about the capability of the people involved would be out of place.
I thought he was at B&W but might be misremembering. Have been thinking about Imm and Immp and Eric and Emma and Scotian all day.
@debbie: It’s pretty much a meaningless job, but clearly it is a reward for being a bigot. In Trump’s world, you have earned something for being a racist. I honestly would love to see the House condemn the hiring, that might actually make news.
Steve in the ATL
We are at Lake Oconee this week, because why stay home the one week you’re not traveling for work? I’m at a wine dinner (spoiler alert: not a fan of Australian wines) and, deep in the heart of Jody Hice country, am sitting between two Democrats. They had both watched the Mueller hearings (on C-Span—they’re not stupid!) and we have been discussing it quietly. Conclusion: at a minimum, obstruction and conspiracy, at worst, treason. I was lobbying for treason, but we’re on the 6th flight now and attention spans are short.
Steve in the 706
Steve in the ATL
@debbie: yeah, pretty sure she was hired for her blonde hair.
Unrelated, who’s hiring people with gray hair? Asking for a friend.
@SiubhanDuinne: All hospitals have areas where you either can’t bring in your tech devices or can’t access the internet. I assume he’s taking care of his son and Baud can bitch at him later about not informing us. then we can all release a sigh of relief.
Depends if your glass is half empty, or half full, or you are an engineer who believes the container is the wrong size.
@Steve in the ATL: Stephanopoulos is doing okay… just sayin
do what I do and hate everyone. Less complicated.
@Jay: Definitely the wrong size.
@debbie: me too
Steve in the ATL
@JPL: that’s surprising, but encouraging, JPL in the 770
@A Ghost To Most: hearing impairment more likely.
Amir Khalid
@Steve in the ATL:
Completely off-topic, but did you know that Fender has brought out an all-digital version of the Twin Reverb*? Half the price, half the weight, all the tone, and none of the toob amp hassle.
*And the Deluxe Reverb too.
Keith P.
@SenyorDave: Hell always needs shit-shovelers.
Cool. So which members of the Squad betrayed us?
open thread… I can talk bout something else?
Can’t recall if I posted this the other day, but JIC…read this story and I just had to share it.
These Gay Wedding Photos from 1957 Offer a Mystery, Some History, and a Tribute to Heroes | Tom + Lorenzo
Here’s the link to the whole story: DEAR GENTLEMEN, YOUR 60-YEAR-OLD WEDDING PICS ARE READY
Do yourselves and favor and check it out. Here’s hoping they find the grooms and it’s a happy ever afte type story!
Yes you do, start with everyone and work back from there.
Amir Khalid
@The Dangerman:
Didn’t the DoJ tell Nixon he couldn’t pardon himself? I imagine this is still true.
That seems to be the consensus. I can’t disagree.
Steve in the ATL
@Amir Khalid: half the weight? I feel like I’ve incurred lumbar damage for nothing! Is the sound really the same, or is that just the report from the Fender marketing department?
@Amir Khalid: The current Supreme Court might disagree but at the time it was true.
Courtroom dramas are made un-boring through fiction. The real thing only manages sporadically.
But it is real. And what it reveals is anything but boring.
At this juncture, hard to say.
Steve in the ATL
@lamh36: that’s awesome!
QFT again. And for the record, though much of the time the litigation I do is boring, I’m totally exciting. Also, don’t fact check that with my wife.
@lamh36: here’s the link where you can view the photos and who knows maybe help solve a mystery?
@Amir Khalid:
Same answer I use for people who convert wood fireplaces to gas: The hassle is the point!! Plus, I can get out my soldering iron and disconnect the too-brittle bright cap on the reverb side of the DR.
How’s the guitar practice? I’m trying to expand my repertoire but it takes at least 4 months to get a new song down. Sometimes 6 to 8*.
*10 to 12.
Steve in the ATL
@frosty: DR rather than TR? PIE FILTER!!!
Amir Khalid
@Steve in the ATL:
These guys seem to think so.
@JPL: Cheetolini literally trotted out his opponent’s husband’s sexual harassment accusers while he was himself being bombarded by numerous credible allegations of sexual assault on a daily basis.
The man has absolutely no shame whatsoever.
Excellent thread on how to cover Trump without normalizing his bullshit:
Lower down in the thread:
@Steve in the ATL: Ahem. Lumbar issues? 35 lb for the DR, 45 for the VR, got no idea for the Twin. Plus, hearing loss (WHAT???)
Berry pie from a farmstand on the Eastern Shore for me!
By George I think Schooley’s got it.
Amir Khalid
It’s going fine. I feel like I’ve made some unexpected headway recently, especially in not staring at the fretboard while playing.
Cheryl Rofer
This is the presidential seal placed on the wall for Trump’s speech at the Young Pioneers the other day.
Double-headed eagle, as in the Russian state symbol. Golf clubs in the claw instead of arrows. Row of small hammers and sickles above the stripes on the shield.
@Steve in the ATL: The pics so lovely. Ugh…I feel so mad that they may never be able to have seen the pics and have something to remember their special day!
Ugh…time have certainly changed even if not perfect
No worries. My pitchforks are ready as soon as we find out.
Dorothy A. Winsor
Have we heard from Imm about Immp’s surgery?
@Dorothy A. Winsor:
No. It sucks.
Your slip is showing.
Steve in the ATL
@Dorothy A. Winsor: he’s pulling an efgoldman and claiming there’s no internet at the hospital
@Cheryl Rofer:
It’s really awesome. Someone is getting a Medal of Freedom in the next administration.
@Cheryl Rofer: “45 es un titere”
“Forty-Five is a puppet”
Haha. Like I wear clothing.
Amir Khalid
@Steve in the ATL:
All I have myself is the Twin Reverb’s poor cousin, the Champion 100.
Ohio Mom
@Cheryl Rofer: And one claw holding wads of cash instead of an olive branch.
Now who did this work of art? Somebody tunneled their way in to produce this sabotage.
Dorothy A. Winsor
@Steve in the ATL: I suppose he has more important things to worry about than us. I hope all went well.
A Ghost To Most
Maybe. They were all talking a mile-a-minute, trying to fill their 5 minutes. Maybe he was just confused at the impatience.
His affect seemed pretty flat, though.
Cheryl Rofer
@Spanky: In Spanish, even!
If you were him and had an even close to normal psyche, you’d have shame. He falls so far outside normal that in any situation, all you have to ask is, “What’s the worst way to handle something, or what’s the worst way to respond to something, or to speak about anything and that’s your answer as to what shit for brains will do.
Think if it this way, if you could see inside his brain, OK first you’d need therapy, stat, and not that anyone should have to look in there, but if you could and did it would look like a cement mixer filled with his crap, just going round and round because it’s all backed up into his head and has tainted his view of, well everything. And you thought he was craping while he was sitting on that gold spray painted throne.
Amir Khalid
@Cheryl Rofer:
That deserves a place of special honour in the Prankster’s Hall of Fame.
@Cheryl Rofer: That is a thing of beauty. You would think the golf clubs would be a dead tipoff.
I think the Obamas absolutely roared with laughter when they heard about this one. Hillary too.
zhena gogolia
Don’t draw any conclusions. I’m sure he’s preoccupied.
zhena gogolia
@A Ghost To Most:
His affect was flat because he’s a G-man.
I’ve got my fireman coat and hat, an axe, and a very strong desire to burn every Gaia damned thing to the ground.
Robert Mueller endured hours of testimony yesterday (crickets), but this presidential shield is going to race around the internet and late night shows like ____ (you think of something!).
Ridicule is a potent weapon, and the majority of people who see that are going to snicker or laugh out loud. We all need some levity to endure this administration.
It’s brilliant.
@Cheryl Rofer:
Oooh, much better detail than the screen grabs, had not seen the hammers and sickles before. Very well played, anonymous person.
@Amir Khalid: @Steve in the ATL: @frosty:
I vote that one of y’all go buy a Kemper modeling amp and report back to us. I’m a bass player much too invested in too much gear to go out a buy one, but I am strongly Kemper-curious. FWIW, I’ve heard fairly mixed reviews about Fender’s modeling capabilities in the bass realm.
A Ghost To Most
Creator of the improved presidential seal (WaPo)
Cheryl Rofer
@trollhattan: It’s the first good-quality version I’ve seen. Saved one for myself.
@A Ghost To Most:
The last good Republican.
Cheryl Rofer
@A Ghost To Most: LOL
Watching the hearings, one of the things I noticed was that after Republican Ken Buck asked Mueller if a president could be indicted after leaving office and Mueller said yes, Buck appeared to start to ask Mueller if he believed that the president committed a crime and caught himself before finishing the question. I’m pretty sure he was afraid of how mueller would respond.
Also, the Gladiator clip reminded me of the James Traficant expulsion hearing, during which he actually did threaten to stab people, or at least expressed the desire to, like Maximus
Cheryl Rofer
Shout out to our gal Lindsey Horan who did this absurd shot last night. So far as I know there were no arrests. Mind you, she didn’t even play the majority of our WWC matches due to the embarrassment of talent on the squad.
@Amir Khalid: I’m skeptical that any digital amp really captures “all the tone” of the tube amp that it’s modeling, though some do sound pretty good in their own way. There’s just something magical about tubes.
Amir Khalid
Search the Anderton’s YouTube channel. They have a video with a blind comparison between a Kemper and various valve amps. The Kemper does surprisingly well.
WaPost story:
Ohio Mom
@A Ghost To Most: Wow! I wondered who created that take-off on the Presidential Seal at comment #99 and by #113, I had my answer. A full-service blog indeed.
@Amir Khalid:
Whoa, that sounds nice. Fanning the flames of my electric-guitar lust.
Mike in NC
We’re watching “The Battle of Algiers” on DVD. Thought my wife’s eyes would glaze over but she finds it absolutely fascinating.
Well, then CNN should hire Stephen A. Smith. Just try to imagine his take on Mueller’s testimony.
Ohio Mom
@Elizabelle: Another capeless hero.
@Ohio Mom: Yes. Thank you to Ghost to Most for finding that WaPost article.
A reader comment:
ETA: Another WaPost reader comment:
Amir Khalid
Take a look at the video I linked to. Digital signal processors are getting more and more powerful, and these days the sound of digital amps is getting awfully close to that from valve amps — close enough that professional musicians find them hard to tell apart.
Get a grip. Do you have any idea what Formations House actually does? It’s the Brit equivalent to fucking CT, i.e., the most boring thing on earth.
@Amir Khalid:
Valve amps?
Are you sure you’re not a Brit?
Omnes Omnibus
@A Ghost To Most: What was his affect supposed to be?
@Amir Khalid:
That’s certainly the word on the street (or at least on some bass players’ forums). I don’t have that sort of scratch, alas. There are some cheaper ways of investigating modeling which I might investigate. (Just what I need – more goodies.)
@Cheryl Rofer: A jackal to his black, shriveled heart.
Ben Cisco
@Burnspbesq: LOL
A Ghost To Most
No one expects the Resistance Inquisition.
In a google image search, it’s the 3rd hit of suitable images (ones without a background or a sufficiently easy to remove background). The 5th is a cthulhu one, so there is a clue to pay close attention. So, no you don’t have to look for it.
Ohio Mom
@Omnes Omnibus: I’m beginning to think a lot of people wanted Mueller to jump up on the table in front of him, fling open his arms and start tap dancing and belting out the report, with all of the people sitting behind him joining in on the chorus, with coordinated arm movements.
Instead he gave very measured, carefully considered, extremely succinct answers. Like he has a background in law or something.
A Ghost To Most
@Omnes Omnibus: More like Chuck Rosenberg, another taciturn G-man, I think. He seemed too flat, even when the nazis were attacking him. But then, taciturn is not in my wheelhouse. I hope I am wrong.
@Ohio Mom:
Robert Mueller has a law degree from the University of Virginia
@Ohio Mom: It’s hard to convince tens of millions of people to admit they got rolled.
Ohio Mom
@Martin: But now the search has been contaminated. Lots of people are looking for that image. So of course it has risen to the top. We can’t know how hard
or easy it was to find a week (or whatever) ago.
Omnes Omnibus
@Ohio Mom: Like the Pips?
Amir Khalid
I’m not British, of course. That’s just the English I learned at school.
Ohio Mom
@HRA: I knew he was an attorney (was just being snarky), didn’t know where his degree was from
I thought his affect was completely appropriate for the seriousness of the setting. I sure he is more animated IRL. I’m betting he can even be funny when he isn’t testifying before Congress.
Omnes Omnibus
@Amir Khalid: That “of course” is a little suspicious.* How much is Moscow playing you?
*I just wanted to join in the new fad of calling out long time commenters as trolls.
Omnes Omnibus
@Ohio Mom:
Even Baud can do that on occasion.
This is a hugely embarrassing admission. How in the everloving hell could it NOT have been Mueller’s job to investigate Trump’s manifold ties to Russia? He was investigating whether the two coordinated or conspired together to help Russia to meddle in the US election, plus whether Trump obstructed the investigation. Both of those are linked to the question of what tied Trump and Russia and whether those ties (or related factors like leverage) had a causal relationship with coordination or obstruction. As disgraceful as it was for Mueller not to demand that Trump and his crooked children sit for interviews, it’s even more so that he neglected the evidence of Trump’s financial ties to Russia…the very thing Trump warned him not to investigate.
Steve in the ATL
That explains it. We all have our crosses to bear.
@zhena gogolia:
Considering the rest of the thread, this is a musical joke, right? After six flights of wine tasting plus a bottle of Caymus, I may not have full mental capacity.
@Ohio Mom: Google search is both path dependent and history dependent.
Steve in the ATL
@Omnes Omnibus: whatever, neoliberal shill!
AM in NC
@lamh36: When online worlds collide! Love me some Tom + Lorenzo, and that story and photos were hella awesome. I hope they find the people in them.
Amir Khalid
@Omnes Omnibus:
Yegads! I’ve been exposed!
Omnes Omnibus
@Steve in the ATL: Great, now people are going to start explaining again that the word neoliberal has so not lost its meaning through over- and misuse. Asshole.
Omnes Omnibus
@Amir Khalid: Great method acting.
@Steve in the ATL:
When I played trumpet I was a B flat man.
Alternative Fax, a hip hop artist from Idaho
@Steve in the ATL: You got your own bottle of Caymus? After six flights, and the Caymus, you’ll do well to stand up, much less think clearly.
Like the Panema Papers, what Formations House does is perfectly legal under British Law if they dotted all the I’s and crossed all the T’s.What their Clients do is often not so legal. Some of their Clients may not be legal under British Law.
There is a long list of “legal” Financial Institutions not just enabling illegal acts by their customers, but sadly, often abetting them.
Like the FSB Hack, the Panema Papers and other fiscal record hacks, in some cases this will probably lead to the exposure of White Collar Crime.
Another Scott
@smintheus: Rosenstein’s letter appointing Mueller didn’t say anything about investigating Trump’s finances. It wasn’t his job.
Ohio Mom
@schrodingers_cat: I just googled “Presidential Seal” and clicked on Images and there were many examples of the parody seal, some with Trump standing in front of it.
I guess Google is like a river, you can never step into the same one twice.
zhena gogolia
I thought that was specifically excluded from the areas he was supposed to investigate. At least that’s what Nancy P. said in the press conference.
@Ohio Mom:
I enjoyed watching him and especially at the very end with Adam Schiff. I am sure he is much different in his own circle of family, friends and associates. I saw the man with the mustache sitting behind him once grin widely at one of his responses to a question.
It has been noted he had been called to testify 89 times before Congress in the past. That is amazing.
Sorry for not catching the snark! :}
zhena gogolia
Shoot, you guys had me in an okay mood and I went to WaPo to do the crossword puzzle and saw this:
Steve in the ATL
@Alternative Fax, a hip hop artist from Idaho: started with the Caymus, then went to the wine dinner, but took the remaining Caymus with me because I don’t drink white, but there was enough shitty red to intoxicate me without the Caymus, which I finished nonetheless.
Australian wines remind me of Willamette valley wines, for which I don’t care (?). Nevertheless, I persisted.
Ohio Mom
@HRA: I was reacting to all the talk (not here, in the media) about how boring Mueller was, or maybe he is ailing and that is why he was so “low energy.”
@Ohio Mom:
Google is designed to find what people are looking for.
I will bet you good money that before the end of the week, Trump or some Fox News goober will claim that liberal biased Google is deliberately favoring images that embarrass the president.
Steve in the ATL
@Ohio Mom: Bear in mind that, per BillinGlendaleCA, lawyers are really boring people. Which I think is totally unfair to burnspesq!
@Another Scott: Yes, it was his job because it was directly related to the crimes he was investigating, as I stated.
Forget the Trump Baby balloon. Protestors should have t-shirts printed with this seal.
I wonder if the image has moved up in the search results since it hit the news. The perpetrator would have been looking, what, a week ago?
@Omnes Omnibus: I doubt that Baud testified before Congress, they require clothing.
@zhena gogolia: Nope. His letter of appointment states that he’s to investigate (a) any links between Russia and the Trump campaign, and (b) “any matters that arose or may arise directly from the investigation”. It was utterly implausible to pretend that the question of Trump’s financial links did not arise directly from an investigation of the coordination that did – improbably – occur between a candidate for US president and a hostile power. Such coordination is so unprecedented, unseemly, and unlikely that the matter of what caused it ever to occur is fundamental.
It is for me when I search “Trump Presidential Seal” in News, Images, and All. Ha!
@debbie: The tee shirts will look smashing with a pink hat.
One item in the fake presidential seal lacks an explanation.
When I do a Google search now for presidential seal, one of the first images helpfully shows the fake seal, the Russian double head eagle symbol and the real presidential seal. You can click to an explanatory story.
In the real deal seal, the eagle is holding an olive branch. What is it holding in the fake seal?
Another Scott
@smintheus: If you believe the rumor mil in 2017, he was looking at things like Russian transactions. Maybe those investigations are still on-going by the FBI, etc.; maybe they got handed off to other jurisdictions; maybe the reports were wrong. (I assume they got handed off to other jurisdictions if they started under Mueller, myself.)
Mueller had a limited mandate and tried to finish things reasonably quickly. He couldn’t do it all by himself (with his small team). He certainly wouldn’t just ignore evidence of illegal behavior that he found.
My $0.02.
@Jay: Whatever the memo did state, it cannot legitimately take away the jurisdiction that Mueller’s appointment letter gave him. The investigation of links/coordination with Russia is directly related to an investigation of the factors that created/influenced those links and that coordination. Financial ties is one of the most overwhelming of such factors.
It’s possible that Rosenstein decided to do Trump’s bidding and warn Mueller for corrupt reasons not to investigate Trump’s financial ties to Russia. But if so, Mueller should have told Rosenstein that the horse already left that barn; that he could not do his job and fail to investigate that matter.
Not how the chain of command works.
@Jay: It’s disgraceful that the University decided there was nothing they could do to hold the fraternity scum in the photo accountable.
It’s a wad of cash.
@Ohio Mom:
I believe he was most likely exhausted after the preparation of a lot of time for the day. Yet, a relative said “How come he doesn’t remember what he wrote”? Almost 500 pages of the report and he should have memorized it?
I believe he did very well in consideration of the usual acting up and idiocy of some of the Reps. In regards to the negativity of the press and WH individuals, I stay away from reading the drivel they espouse at the rate of an assembly line.
@Jay: If Rosenstein was interfering in Mueller’s ability to do the job he was appointed to, then he should have told Rosenstein he’d resign and let the public know that his hands had been tied. That would have been the end of any attempt to prevent him from investigating Trump’s financial dealings with Russia.
To me Mueller looked very careful, listened very carefully and answered carefully and crisply. There is an interesting epigram about brevity. He walked out like a noble scholar, who has dedicated his life honorably to defending justice and the rule of law. Like someone who has spent a lot of time at his desk and not playing golf. “Feeble” my ass. K C is a Nazi.
Pass me the wine.
Org guys follow org rules. Moreso when they believe that their orderzs are lawful orderz.
The reality is that you don’t have a career like Meuller when you are the cop who plays “fast an loose with the rules”, partnered with the guy who is “too old for this shit”.
It’s not a movie. Meuller was handed a limited brief, which in a still classified and redacted memo, limited his investigation further.
He was not given a blank slate like Starr.
Red, white, rose, or something harder?
Citizen Alan
That is absolutely adorable in light of the reality that 99% of all media outlets are owned by the super-rich. But I’m sure there are a few college alt-weeklies that can pursue a corporate agenda.
Ha! Thanks.
Meuller didn’t write the Meuller report or conduct most of the interviews. Meuller managed the investigation and construction of the report, relying on his team of experts.
Jim, Foolish Literalist
I’d be curious to know more about the composition/redaction process. I wonder just how deep in the weeds he got.
as for his affect, it reminded me very much of my father, who after the age of 85 or so, started sleeping more. It took him an hour or so to get going in the morning, and he took a short nap before lunch, a longer one late in the afternoon. Before and after his naps he was a little slower, physically and cognitively, for half an hour or so, but most of the day he was pretty much the man I knew all my life.
As an anti-matinalist, expecting anyone to bright-eyed and bushy-tailed, ready to have complicated back and forth about a complicated matter, a man with a reputation for being extremely cautious in his choice of words, and in a fucking tie, at 8:30 a.m., is kind of ridiculous. (/only somewhat seriously, before someone feels the need to tell me how they translate and comment Pythagoras before their 7 a.m. steel cut oatmeal and wheatgrass juice)
@Jay: @Jay:
Thank you for the information. I know a lot of people do believe he wrote it himself and I just went along with the crowd. I will have to inform them about it.
Steve in the ATL
@Jim, Foolish Literalist:
I’ll drink to that (hic)!
@Jim, Foolish Literalist:
@Jim, Foolish Literalist:
Also—this thought just struck me—in answering questions Mueller had to remember not only what his team wrote in the report but what was redacted by Barr’s minions. That would cause you to take your time in formulating your answer.
Mike J
@Brachiator: dollar bills.
Bill Arnold
@Ohio Mom:
Could be. Could also have been google bombed near the top of the list beforehand. and then, one term of art is “fat finger attack”.
If the heroic perp confesses, then that’s why it happened. If not, then it’s either they’re not confessing, or … weird. (I can’t go with Russia-did-it, though Russian humor can be strange to us Americans.)
Was very good to see, regardless. Lots of smiles today about it.
Miss Bianca
@Brachiator: A wad of greenbacks, it looks to me.
@Steeplejack: That’s a great point. The redacted material.
@smintheus: Could it be that he wasn’t allowed to investigate Trump’s finances? I think that might be highly likely as the Special Counsel rules made it far too easy for the President to control the SC’s brief. We need to go back to some sort of Independent Counsel, not withstanding that the IC can abuse the office, a la Ken Starr. In my view, an IC who over reaches is far preferable to a corrupt President who can control the investigation into himself.
I know this is likely a dead thread, but had to add this. Showed my night nurses on the oncology unit the pic and told them about his speaking before it, and to a person they all laughed and went on about only he could be that oblivious. Made for a good laugh in a place where those are rare and always needed and welcome
Thanks for giving it so I could share it with them.
David Macdonald
@Steve in the ATL: I doubt if they can sound the same, especially the Deluxe, but the built-in effects and weight reduction might be worth the tradeoff. If you’re really interested in this sort of thing, check out BluGuitar and Quilter.
@Jim, Foolish Literalist: This for the win.