I get why Moscow Mitch is cramming the impeachment into a couple of days – it has to be done before the SOTU so Trump can declare victory from the podium. But my God what a toll that’s going to take on the older Senators. When Collins complained to the manager about her order, sent a note to Roberts to complain about Jerry Nadler, it was after midnight, for christsake. That’s way too late for the over-80 crew ( Shelby, Feinstein, Grassley, Roberts, and Inhofe) and probably pretty damn late for the over-75ers (a bunch of them).
My experience with people in their mid-80s is that they sleep a lot, and they need their sleep to get through the day. And these were relatively healthy 80-somethings, “relatively healthy” being a stretch for a few of these Senators.
Look, I’m not pissing on these people for being old. Aging sucks, I fucking hate it, and we’ll all suffer through it, if we’re lucky. We can have an argument about whether these guys should all have retired some other time. But from just a simple human perspective, we’re risking the lives of a bunch of people just to ram this thing through the Senate.
Tom Levenson
Just pulled the post I put up 2 minutes after this. Will repost in a while.
I find I sleep less as I grow older. At the rate I’m going, if I reach 80, I’ll be wide awake 24 hours a day.
But it bears the alternative. And most of the Senators you named are gop, so what the heck, put them at risk!
If they want the power, they better deal with the hours.
Roberts is cool with republicans lying under oath during these hearings? And wandering away?
There’s goin’ to bed time, gettin’ up time, and between them, some fraction of total time spent technically sleepin’. It’s that middle bit that becomes an issue.
A different, hotter take:
I don’t care about your age. If you are a Senator who can’t even sit through the occasional long business day that most Americans deal with, you shouldn’t be a Senator.
I hope Nancy makes sure she tells her members to boo that fat lardass at every chance possible during this year’s SOTU, which I will not be watching because I want that breathing Cheetos with a hairpiece off my mind as much as possible.
HRH mistermix, Lord Bombay Sapphire, Duke of Schweppes
@germy: From what I’ve seen, people sleep less in their 60s/70s and then they’re like Rip Van Winkle in their 80s.
PF37 +2
Balls and strikes, baby. As long as those pitches are over the plate [Umpire Roberts helpfully providing Republicans a plate 5 feet wide. The Dem’s plate is a singularity.]
HRH mistermix, Lord Bombay Sapphire, Duke of Schweppes
@Tom Levenson: It’s funny how often that happens. Thanks
@khead: They certainly get a lot of time off.
@germy: Yes. Because he’s not actually unbiased.
VFX Lurker
My senior Senator left late last night after becoming ill and returned this morning.
Jesus! We have the NBC news on right now, and they just showed this commercial:
@VFX Lurker: DiFi is senior.
@germy: LOL.
Power naps. Repeat after me, power naps.
Susan Collins isn’t going to be re-elected and when Trump starts whacking Social Security and MediCare next year it’ll take the Russians changing all the votes for any of them to get elected.
@germy: Who was it here yesterday who pointed out that it’s perfectly normal for jurors to get up and wander out of the courtroom… happens all the time!
And they still get to render judgement! Totally fair. Totally.
@WaterGirl: How did Lindsey Graham know to walk out right before the clip of him during the Clinton impeachment was shown?
Or maybe it was just chance, since he’s always walking out.
With less sleep, do you wake up feeling rested? If so, you bastard!
Cheryl Rofer
McConnell is no spring chicken either. 77
@debbie: I wake up groggy and miserable.
“Did I miss anything?”
“Yeah, Mr. Mason was questioning the defendant when a dude jumped up and shouted, ‘Okay, it was me, I did it!'”
“Oh, now what?”
Justice Roberts Sternly Admonishes Impeachment Participants To Remember They’re At Complete Farce Of A Trial
This post is making me sleepy.
@debbie: No one can figure out what’s wrong with me, but whatever it is, it makes me irascible.
@WaterGirl: That would be me.
@Cheryl Rofer:
Is the camera ever on him? I’d bet he wanders out of the room from time to time.
@trollhattan: Yours is funnier than mine. I was picturing them coming back and saying:
“What did I miss?”
“Just that they said Trump is totally innocent and they are just lying in order to win the election.”
“Oh, okay, great.”
Gin & Tonic, Duke of Tanqueray
I’m not 80, but I have a Medicare card, and I skiied almost 25k of vert today, and feel good. Not bad for an old man.
Some places let you ski for free if you’re over 80. Something to look forward to.
@?BillinGlendaleCA: You said it better than I did. You should find that and copy and paste it into this thread. :-)
@Gin & Tonic, Duke of Tanqueray:
As in 15 miles down a mountain?
@germy: That was well done.
I am willing to bet that whoever wrote that story was weeping for the entire time that it took to write it.
They all voted for this exact schedule. Fuck them. If they wanted a 9-5 impeachment schedule with plenty of nap breaks they could have voted for that too.
This is the schedule that the GOP wanted and every damn one of them voted for it.
@Gin & Tonic, Duke of Tanqueray: Dukes ski free at 75, I believe.
@Kent: I was about to reply that you forgot to say “fuck them”.
But then I saw that you had already said it. You can be forgiven for not being aware of the new rules that require a “fuck them” in ever paragraph, effective Monday, Jan 20.
@Kent: they want to wrap this up quickly so PEETUS can crow like a rooster during his SOTU.
Ella in New Mexico
All the wankers on the R side bitching and moaning about how terrible these hearings are have one to blame but McConnell.
Jay Noble
So, has McConnell wandered off during any of this?
I’ve served on 2 juries and I don’t think we went more than 2 hours without a break.
Wonder if any of the Senators remember Burt Reynolds in Semi-Tough? :-)
@khead: This is a garbage capitalist take. Most people are not working from AM to midnight for several days in a row, and we need to push back hard on that garbage now that most families are two-income families. Children are not raised by wolves.
@Tom Levenson: I would just like to say that it’s good to see you posting more often. You must have gotten
the monkey off your backyour book finished, or at least sent off to an editor.WaterGirl
@Ella in New Mexico:
McConnell could destroy nothing without the votes of all his lemmings.
@?BillinGlendaleCA: Yes, and might have an appointed successor by Mr. Newsom down the road? We need younger Californians and fortunately there are plenty of qualified residents. Which is relative. To? the President? Oh, well then, we have about 10 million who would make an ‘acceptable’ representative.
As a senior, over 75, I love a good 8-hour sleep. The better to arise at 5 am and go walking, then complete the day….as I CHOOSE. It’s a great life at this stage. The trick is to give it your best efforts beforehand, leaving you with….choices.
@Gin & Tonic, Duke of Tanqueray: It used to be 70, but then there were too many Boomers so they increased the age.
Comrade Colette Collaboratrice
@Gin & Tonic, Duke of Tanqueray: Twenty-five kilometers?!? My god, man, that’s almost 12 parsecs!
@germy: What. The hell. Was that?
Colbert cracking open his skull made more sense.
True, but it’s up the mountain.
Fester Addams
My understanding is that, per Majority leadership orders, it’s never on anything but the speaker’s platform. Understandable, no one wants to be watched while they’re taking a shit. (On the constitution.)
Gin & Tonic, Duke of Tanqueray
@debbie: 26 miles horizontally. Almost 25,000 feet vertically.
Is there video of Collins writing the note? Would make a great campaign ad against her in the general election. But, if not, maybe a dramatic re-enactment would be OK. No one likes a pissy snitch in the classroom. Boys and girls of all ages have very long memories about their elementary school class snitch.
Good to know that Collins is disappointed and concerned about Democrats, as well as her own party and the Senate as a whole. She is fair and balanced.
What it is, is passive-aggressive Lindsay Graham style toadying.
@Gin & Tonic, Duke of Tanqueray:
That’s actually very impressive.
zhena gogolia
Knowing that it was her note that prompted it, I felt a little better about Roberts, since he admonished “both sides.”
Gin & Tonic, Duke of Tanqueray
@debbie: There are chairlifts that take you up the hill.
@Starfish: Most people don’t get the chance to vote on their working hours.
@Gin & Tonic, Duke of Tanqueray:
Yeah, I know how skiing works, but I assumed, based on the distance, that you were talking about cross country.
@zhena gogolia: Maybe Roberts was admonishing Collins too, for bothering him with snitching and whining. Did Collins include the word ‘pettifogging’ in her note? Then, case closed.
We need to get that note. Reveal the snitch note, Collins! What do you have to hide?
@jl: At long last, have you left no sense of decency for Collins’s deep concern?
Steeplejack (phone)
Dang! Thought that was an anti-McConnell ad for a second.
@Gin & Tonic, Duke of Tanqueray: Missed opportunity to claim you climbed that mountain several times wearing skis.
@HRH mistermix, Lord Bombay Sapphire, Duke of Schweppes: I’m in my seventies and need naps because of health issues and the medications I take for them. That’s going to vary from person to person. I also need more sleep at night.
I wear a Fitbit and now they do what appears to be pretty accurate sleep tracking. It shows me (for a rest period of three hours or more) the breakdown of time light sleeping, awake, dreaming (REM), and deep sleep. It corresponds pretty well to my perception of how rested I am. If there’s not much deep sleep I won’t feel as rested regardless of duration of sleeping.
Gin & Tonic, Duke of Tanqueray
@mrmoshpotato: Story of my life.
Have they done a full-on sleep study where they hook you up to a bunch of sensors and then you try to sleep? If not, you’ll have to battle with your insurance company to get it, but it may be worth the fight. There’s a lot of odd things it could be.
If they did do a sleep study and couldn’t find anything, there’s an insomnia-specific form of CBT (cognitive behavioral therapy) that you can try.
@mrmoshpotato: I’m a BJ commenter. Decency? Huh what is that?
@jl: Haha, I’m sure Susan Collins is deeply concerned about that.
@Cheryl Rofer: MCturtle? Rubber chicken, not spring, look at those rolls under his chin. Actually, those are Trump’s.
zhena gogolia
I’m sure that if some of these geriatric senators contacted Wilbur Ross he could share a few tips about getting through the work day.
@zhena gogolia: Reporters: Hahahahaha, not even if you said “Pretty please with a cherry on top!” and then gave us all hot fudge sundaes!
@brantl: The disrespect to rubber chickens! I never! Imperial March
@mrmoshpotato: Don’t disrespect rubber chickens, Psycho Chicken will come after you.
@?BillinGlendaleCA: Haha
I was trying to do the best Stephen A. Smith/Skip Bayless I could offer but those folks might actually argue to let the kids be raised by wolves and I can’t compete with that.
Villago Delenda Est
Let the GOP traitors suffer. They’re in the process of shitting all over their oaths.
Providing the GOPerverts can f*ck the situation up as much as they can …………………………………….