— Dave Weigel (@daveweigel) February 7, 2020
I just hope we don't end up in cages on the border.
— Gov. Bill Weld (@GovBillWeld) February 6, 2020
For all our hand-wringing about Democratic infighting (and ‘independents’ trying to ratfvck us in service to their cult leader)… Don’t forget that ‘GOP unity’ is a result of every Republican unable to stomach the criminality of Donald Trump’s administration leaving or being driven out of the party.
It’s easy to be unified as ‘a team of horses under one driver, one whip.’
Hey, pundits.
Before you rattle on about Democrats being bad at democracy because a few caucuses still exist, do a fucking segment on how Republicans are literally cancelling primaries to prevent Trump from facing a primary challenger.
— Caucus Error Reporter. (@CascadianSolo) February 5, 2020
Give the old warhorse credit for getting out there, just as a protest against the vandals.
There is an actual crowd also waiting for Weld, although a number of them seem to be students and / or caucus tourists. Not sure how many are actually Iowa voters. #iacaucus
— Dave Redlawsk (@DavidRedlawsk) February 2, 2020
From the @washingtonpost fashion critic @daveweigel.
— Gov. Bill Weld (@GovBillWeld) February 2, 2020
That's not "The Shining"-level creepy at all.
— Daniel W. Drezner (@dandrezner) February 4, 2020
Hope Weld can plug on. I just gave a big contribution to Warren.
Listening to her interview today on This Week. The shithead interviewing her is giving her crap about being a ‘socialist’, after Warren has repeatedly ID’d herself as a capitalist to the marrow of her bones.
Stephagoopalus , sorry, Stephanopoulos, (I can never remember how to spell his name) an idiot or or lazy, or incompetent, corrupt or all of the above? But Warren played nice like it was a reasonable question and pointed out toStoopagoofalusStephanopoulos that she was a capitalist without any detectable snark or righteous pissyness.I saw a while ago even the centrist Max Rose tell some bigshot corporate news reporters that they needed to understand they were not a PR wing of the Republican Party. And I remember Jerry Brown tell some corporate reporters that they were like pathetic lap dogs that run after every GOP fart and burp to sniff it.
Maybe the Dem candidates shouldn’t be so nice to these corporate media jerks.
@jl: I would have said ‘Hey Georgie, wakey wakey. I’m not Bernie. You do any homework at all, or what? I’ve said over and over again that I’m a capitalist. Cut the crap questions, OK?’ Then I’d probably smoosh Rose’s and Brown’s comments together.
But, that is probably why I’m not in politics.
Mary G
Hey, AL, your senator rocks:
Got my CA ballot and have decided to go for EW. She’s the best candidate left and I don’t wanna do the vote strategically to make sure Wilmer doesn’t win. I am a woman who wants a woman president.
Fuck Dump and ZERGNET.
I do like a mail-in ballot.
I also like athletics.
Watch this 800 meter run by Ajee Wilson at the Millrose Games.
And moms are always welcome.
Here’s Nia Ali doing mom stuff.
@HumboldtBlue: Mail-in ballots are most excellent. No rush to fill it out.
ETA – And you can listen to rock and roll music while researching/filling it out of you want.
I’m nervous about what happens to the Republican Party when Trump inevitably keels over of natural causes while in office. Do they have a new demagogue waiting in the wings to replace him, or do they implode?
@Mary G: I don’t know when we get our mail-in ballots here in WA. We vote March 10, week after Super Tuesday and I hope to God I still at least have either Warren or Klobuchar to vote for.
@Mnemosyne: Ritual suicide for their god emperor?
It will be Lord of the Flies but with their God-given AR-15s and bump stocks.
But Ted Cruz is tanned and rested.
I can’t see them going from being Trump trash to being Ted trash. Especially given how they’ve been told to hate the “Establishment” for decades.
Capirotada De Mi Rancho A Tu Cocina Mi gente ya esta aqui la cuaresma y les hice una capirotada muy rica como yo la hago en mi rancho ojala les guste
@Mnemosyne: Dunno. They seem intent on this trajectory with increasing electoral interference.
At some point it’s going to come to a head – either we’ll win, or we’ll revolt. We’ll unwind this garbage, and then what?
@Mary G
Mike Pence is the new (but not improved) Nancy Reagan. Or an escapee from Madame Tussaud’s. Or both.
¿Por qué no los dos?
@NotMax: How would they do both?
The Dangerman
Junior and Ivanka will wrestle for it. 2 falls out of 3
ETA: Bet on Ivanka
ETA: Then again, could be Tag Team. Junior and Kimberly against Jared and Ivanka. I think KG could kick all their asses, 1 on 3.
@The Dangerman: Jared/Zuckerberg 2024!
Mai naem mobile
@Mnemosyne: I am worried about that too because you just know there’s going to be conspiracy theories about how the Deep State did him in by poisoning him or the Dems stressed him out to an MI or stroke.
BTW anybody notice the right foot dragging by Trumpov when he’s walking. There’s a guy on Twitter who talks about Trumpovs medical issues/dementia . He’s talked about the foot dragging and I could never really see it.. Anyhow if you turn off the sound of a clip of him walking, the foot drag becomes more noticeable. I don’t know the reason but we really should demand his medical records be released.
@Mai naem mobile:
You want to demand Wilmer’s as well while you’re at it?
@Mai naem mobile: I saw someone talking about that a couple of weeks ago. Probably the same guy. I wasn’t sure if I was imagining the foot-dragging, but he wasn’t walking like a healthy human.
@mrmoshpotato: Funny, both he and Trump refuse to release their taxes and health records. I mean the real ones, not the opinion “Brent Spiner” from Independence Day released.
@opiejeanne: Yup.
Mai naem mobile
@mrmoshpotato: absolutely . I actually think insisting Sanders release his is one way into bugging Trumpov to release his. He won’t but at least voters will know he’s trying to hide something or at least the Dems should make sure the voters understand he’s trying to hide something. The Dems have to make Trumpovs health issues part of the election. They have to do it carefully. You don’t want to be seen as making fun of him – it has to be done as a national security issue.
Barb 2
@opiejeanne: re: twins Trump and what’s his name not releasing their health & financial records – Putin is so pleased.
what’s his name wife records – how does she record the facts about how she killed a college. She could be the one to watch.
Warren needs to distance herself from the guy who is not a Democrat and who will stab democrats in the back. That BS guy.
Amazing how the GOP is protecting Trump from competition.
Yeah, but we don’t know what “cardiologists and doctors have confirmed.” Guess we’ll just have to take his word for it this time around.
Tony Jay
Got to love that Flight of the Damned pic.
“Okay, let’s make this one count. You, lonely brown-face, nice and central, sit up straight. Straighter. Big smile. That’s great, now everyone hold the balls of the person to their right and say “Freeeeeeee-dom!” Okay, that’s good, that’s good. Only next time, could we not make it so obvious that Debbie on row three is a Godless skank that Mother will be punishing for her wanton attributes? Yeah? Okay? Great. The in-flight movie is ‘Border Guards III – Dude, Where’s My Civil-Rights?‘. Good flight.”
Fine people.
One of 2 Republicans I ever voted for, and the only one I’m proud of. John Silber was creepy as fuck.
The other R was Joe Malone, who sucked, but his opponent was going to prison, so yeah.
David ??Merry Christmas?? Koch
Wilmer was on Fox News today campaigning for republican votes.
Of course they called him a communist to which he replied:
It was a really weak, pathetic answer, not only in substance but in tone and delivery. He reserves his frothing anger only for Democrats and women.
@Mnemosyne: Junior is positioning himself as the successor, but I would still put my money on Tom Cotton. In the end, it’s a matter of who the cult chooses to follow.
Chyron HR
I hate to give Trump this much credit, but at least he selected the only competent one of his children to be his right-hand woman, while his ostensible heir was left begging for his attention by retweeting Nazi memes.
@Tony Jay: Perfect capture. (Didn’t know you were a photographer!)
Correction: The (heavily edited and redacted) transcript indicates: “Freeeeeeee-dumb!”
BTW: We’re more than overdue for some of your snark infested insights on conditions on the ground post Brexit. And what’s the deal with Ireland?
(apologies if I missed something!)
Does that help?
@Chyron HR: All things are relative, but “competent” is quite the stretch for Ivanka. At what? Running a charity? Nope. As a designer? Her crap goes directly to TJ Maxx, at best. She’s as stupid and incompetent as her half-wit brothers. She’s just quieter about it.
@Mary G:
I like!
Chyron HR
Okay, fine, Ivanka is the “closest to competent” of his shitty brats.
@Mary G: If I lived in CA, I would wait to mark my ballot for president, and hold off on returning it until much closer to the deadline, because a lot of things could change before then.
@Mai naem mobile: The Rep answer to about Trump’s health records is that the Dems hid FDR’s health issues from the voters in the WWII election, so it’s totally fair for them to do it now. Silly. Don’t you know how these things work? This does not of course apply to releasing his tax records.
@MJS: I worked in the accessories dept. at the local TJMaxx, and her stuff truly was crap. Junky and unimaginative. Of course, so were a lot of others that people paid stupid money for…
Marshall Eubanks
So, where does the black guy sit on the Trump flight when they are not taking photos? In the back? Or was he a walk-on actor?
@mrmoshpotato: Ted Cruz, the Tea Party insurgent’s Tea Party insurgent, is now “Establishment”? What a time to be alive.