We will win by uniting our country around ending the corruption that has shortchanged our kids, our schools, and the very survival of our planet. pic.twitter.com/TeHXRHGqKI
— Elizabeth Warren (@ewarren) February 12, 2020
Warren calls on Barr to resign. https://t.co/CWCTgOYmtF
— Kyle Griffin (@kylegriffin1) February 12, 2020
Even if she doesn’t end up in the White House next year, Senator Warren has an important job where she can do what she loves: teaching people how to fight for their own rights. Even when she first announced her candidacy, I was afraid that would do her no favor in the eyes of the Media Village Idiots, and the coverage of Iowa and New Hampshire has verified my worst fears.
These guys don’t want to hear This is a sustained battle, and we’re all going to have to work hard and work together — they want to sit in the bleachers trading quips, while carnival barkers compete to sell the rubes the biggest, most brightly-packaged cones of cotton candy. But cotton candy soon melts into cloying insubstantiality. It won’t fill you up, but eventually it will make you sick of it…
NEW: Sen. Elizabeth Warren says Sanders, Buttigieg "had strong nights."
"I also want to congratulate my friend and colleague Amy Klobuchar for showing just how wrong the pundits can be hen they count a woman out." https://t.co/AMy05fjFHX pic.twitter.com/Vc2Mzl1FZR
— Evan McMurry (@evanmcmurry) February 12, 2020
Media: Why isn’t Warren performing better? It’s an unsolvable mystery.
Also media: https://t.co/bor8kPJXQ2
— Esther Choo (@choo_ek) February 12, 2020
Cable networks didn’t take Warren’s speech live, but are now taking Biden live even though he finished behind her. Same thing happened in Iowa, when networks cut from Warren to go to Biden.
— Matt McDermott (@mattmfm) February 12, 2020
"Why isn't the candidate we totally excluded from coverage for the past week doing better?" – the liberal media
— Daily Trix (@DailyTrix) February 12, 2020
The new Warren campaign memo: https://t.co/zMdOj7kZIX
— Sahil Kapur (@sahilkapur) February 11, 2020
Not to be overlooked, as the primaries wear on: Warren started with plenty of enemies, but she’s not deliberately making new ones…
Considering the whack she took at him during the debate, this is interesting. https://t.co/Us1yTxQptR
— Charles P. Pierce (@CharlesPPierce) February 12, 2020
Another Scott
Good, good.
Ella in New Mexico
OMG who thinks she should bail? This is the most ridiculously dynamic primary in our life times. NO ONE in the top 6 should bail until March.
Goku (aka Amerikan Baka)
Her corruption angle is why I tend to really like Warren.
“Corrupt authoritarians” is a really succinct way to describe the GOP, also too
Another Scott
@Ella in New Mexico: Too many people who are afraid of the power of the Presidency being used for the benefit of the bottom 99%.
Ella in New Mexico
@Another Scott: Please, go on. And yet, I agree. Fuck them
Elizabeth will still be running come Super Tuesday so I can vote for her then. Thank goodness. Some good stuff.
Goku (aka Amerikan Baka)
@Another Scott:
I’ve been tuned out. Has Sanders’ supporters been attacking Culinary 226? If so, yikes. Attacking a union isn’t a good look for self-described social democrats
She pulled $300,000 in campaign spending previously meant for the next two contests in Nevada and South Carolina. Strategy, or the beginning of the end?
I’ve been waiting all day for this post. Thank you, Anne. I made a point to donate to Warren this morning and reminded all the members of the Warren support coalition that I belong to do the same even if it was only a small amount; just a little reminder that we are still totally behind her.
Another Scott
@Ella in New Mexico: SP Warren covers it much better than I ever could. ;-)
The Narrative that the press has built up is so incredibly strong this cycle. It’s amazing. And wrong, and damaging, but they don’t care.
Anne Laurie
@Ella in New Mexico: Lots of ‘concerned, progressive’ pundits are suggesting it’s time for for the ‘liberal’ wing of Democratic voters to coalesce against the ‘greater threat’ of the mere ‘centrists’ (Buttigieg / Klobuchar / Biden). And, hey, it just so happens that the One True Progressive Hope has won (okay, tied) the first two (very nonrepresentative) races! Wouldn’t it just be safer if that not-to-be-named ladyperson dropped out, preferably while publicly endorsing St. Bernard of Vermont?
It’s stupid, it’s blatant, and it’s not gonna happen. But while the pundits can’t budge Warren, they are depressing the hopes of a lot of left-of-center Democrats. Which is the pundits’ real goal!
Don’t let them talk you into giving up when the starting trumpets have barely sounded…
@Goku (aka Amerikan Baka):
A union rep said the union’s health care benefits were better than what Bernie proposes for us all to have under his national plan. Really my work insurance is better than what Bernie has proposed too but I’m all for some kind of national health plan. ObamaCare was a good start.
@Goku (aka Amerikan Baka): The fact she has a plank dedicated to military families who are being fucked over by privatized military housing companies is a big one for me. Corruption touches every facet of our government, and for me, she’s the only one who has called it out consistently.
When the going gets tough, these shitstains get going. It reminds me of people who endlessly complain about everything, but when asked how we can improve X and take concrete steps to implement it, are always silent.
Step 1: Yell about X
Step 2: Yell about X
Step 3: …
Step 4: Underpants gnome profit!
David ??Merry Christmas?? Koch
The truth is Iowa and NH were always going to be Sanders’s best states and yet he lost the first and struggled to win by 1 point in the second.
Warren has a much better shot in diverse and urban states like Maryland, Pennsylvania, Michigan, New York – especially in states don’t permit republicans to vote in a Democratic primary.
RobertDSC-iPhone 8
I’d be happy to vote for her or Amy K. The men don’t interest me.
I think Warren reminds the press of Hillary, and we all know how much they hate her. I’m not sure it’s even conscious on their part – if you asked most of them, I think they’d say there’s just “something about her” that they don’t like, or that she “rubs them the wrong way” for a reason that they can’t quite put their finger on. I think she’s the best choice myself – all the good things about Bernie without the finger pointing and shouting, and without video of her saying she’s a socialist. We need her anti-corruption focus now more than ever. Also, she explains complex problems better than any politician I’ve ever heard.
Anne Laurie
@TC: Strategy. Sanders’ supporters are doing their best to lose the Nevada caucus for their hero (I plan to put up a separate post about the Culinary Union anti-endorsement later). If Warren’s campaign has learned anything, it’s to stand well clear when the Sanders campaign decides to throw its weight around.
As for South Carolina, Biden’s become such a big target there, seems like spending money on tv advertising would be wasted. If the media is focused on beating up Uncle Joe — and his base, presumably, is focused on protecting him — better to put those ad dollars somewhere there are still voters who might be persuaded.
Super Tuesday can’t get here quickly enough.
@Anne Laurie: Here’s an article I just read about the Culinary kerfluffle
Warren was on right after Bernie on Chris Hayes’s show.
It’s a low down dirty shame she is where she is. Hoping for a miracle.
Another Scott
Amy K. is on Rachel Maddow now.
David ??Merry Christmas?? Koch
@Anne Laurie:
@Ella in New Mexico:
Love everyone.
Cheryl Rofer
I declared myself last night.
@Another Scott:
I like “decency check.”
A Ghost To Most
Our mail-in ballots arrive shortly. I’ll be voting for Klobuchar, my wife likely for Warren. Still trying to wave the sons off Wilmer.
@Jeffro: That, too.
(goes back under rock)
@David ??Merry Christmas?? Koch:
Good. It’s been going on for four years. Glad someone is speaking up.
I still can’t believe no-show-Joe took the No Mularkey Express out of town before talking to his supporters. That’s shitty. At least Deval Patrick stuck around to thank all 7 of his supporters before he pulled the plug on that in-explicable campaign.
@TC: If they are his supporters, they understand the importance of SC to him.
Anne Laurie
@TC: Thanks. Keep in mind, David Dayen — the author of that article — is so blatantly pro-Bernie that the Sanders campaign should list his work as in-kind donations on their tax filings. If the best he can come up with to rebut the Culinary Union’s stance is dark hints about ‘Harry Reid, kingmaker’… well, the fact that Harry Reid is a significant figure in Nevada politics is not gonna come as a surprise to Nevada voters, is it? Rather like complaining that President Obama is very popular with Black voters — even if you think that’s ‘unfair’, it’s nothing something that can be changed by bitching about it.
@Cheryl Rofer: Congratulations. Take the rest of the primary off.
@Anne Laurie:
Their movement depends on enemies.
Cheryl Rofer
@Baud: Nope. Now I’m going to aggressively support her.
@David ??Merry Christmas?? Koch:
That poll is interesting when we look at what % of each party says they would support each category of candidate…honestly surprised to see such a high percentage of Dems supporting an evangelical candidate!
Likewise, surprised to see 41% of Repubs saying they’d be ok with an atheist (then again, they’re supporting a fake believer in the WH already)
Also, Gallup, hello: no polling on Asian-American candidates?
@Cheryl Rofer:
Very Warren-y of you. :-)
Anne Laurie
Well, better in the primary than the general. Try reminding them they’ll be defending that vote (if only to themselves) for a looong time. I still get embarrassed remembering I voted for John Anderson in 1976, when I was 21 — not sure I’d have been able to live with the shame if I’d been that young & voted for Nader in 2000!
Amy is making a good case for herself.
@TC: It was kind of (self-interested) genius on his part: pop in for a month, shake a few hands, get your name out there for VP or a cabinet post, then wrap up and head back to the office to catch up on paperwork or whatever it is Deval does.
It’s like the ultimate in Iowa/NH political tourism. They’ll be selling deluxe packages like this in 2024 for anyone with a week of vacation time to burn and a few grand in their pockets.
@Baud: Yeah, I guess they probably figured as much when he conceded NH at the debate. Yikes. That’ll put a damper on the GOTV effort.
@Goku (aka Amerikan Baka): Culinary 226 said they cannot and will not support Sanders because of M4A when they fought damn hard in union negotiations to get good health insurance.
Hopefully I still have Warren to vote for when this circus gets to WA on March 10. If not then hopefully Klobuchar.
What I think Warren should be doing is shifting her campaign to run against Trump 24/7. Pivot every question to Trump, 24/7. That it what Bloomberg is doing and would make her stand out more I think. Some turd reporter tries to pin her down on say….M4A. Answer: “Look, what TRUMP is trying to do is strip you of your heath care. His Justice Department is currently suing to have the ACA overturned which would have these devastating consequences on working families and everyone…… He has been trying to undermine and sabotage your health care coverage in the following ways since he took office and the net effect is that you are all paying more and getting less due to Trump. Any Democrat who just stops trying to take people’s healthcare away would be a huge improvement without even doing any new plans. The incremental plans of Biden and Klobuchar would be a big improvement over that. Ultimately I believe M4A would give us the best and most universal coverage at the lowest overall cost but there are a lot of ways to get there. All of them light years better than anything that Trump and the Republicans are offering which is to take it all away in order to pay for their tax cuts for billionaires.”
You can make the same sort of answer to pretty much every question that comes up. Viciously attack Trump before pivoting. I’m surprised that more of them don’t do it. But then they have a lot of high priced consultants and I’m just a guy in a coffee shop so what do I know?
David ??Merry Christmas?? Koch
@Baud: he was on Chris Hayes saying the only way to win is by bringing in disaffect working class voters*, yet they’ve been attacking working class voters in Nevada all day long.
* it’s telling how he ignores how suburban women and POC delivered us Congress and 700 state legislative seats and pines away for Dump’s base.
@Anne Laurie: Got my 13 year old daughter weaned off Wilmer and onto Warren. Now she is upset with me and sad because Bailey’s mom lost last night. That’s politics. Sigh.
@Cheryl Rofer: Yea! Proud of you.
And proud to support Elizabeth. She is the best.
“Now you understand, sweetheart, that most people are shit.”
I figure if we don’t persist we aren’t really playing by the Warren playbook. I saw a Cole tweet earlier today that he’d just sent her a Benjamin so I matched him.
Still planning on casting my vote for her in 4-5 weeks—unless she’s no longer looking for it.
Also, I think the Sanders folks are miscalculating if they think Warren’s support goes to BS if she drops out. I think most of them go to another candidate they view as pragmatic & anchored in reality. For me atm that next candidate is AK, but once again I’ll cross that bridge when I come to it.
Bill Arnold
Re Elizabeth Warren’s plan to fight disinformation, Fighting Digital Disinformation,
a quick Axios read on Chinese activities. The D.J.Trump administration and the Rs will be pushing this China angle since Russia is so pro Trump/Republican.
1 big thing: How the FBI combats China’s political meddling / 2. China’s playbook for hooking local governments (Bethany Allen-Ebrahimian, 12 Feb 2020)
Also, commercial disinformation ops (paywalled):
Facebook accuses telecoms groups of disinformation tactics – South-east Asian providers said to have used fake accounts to discredit rivals (12 Feb 2020, Hannah Murphy, John Reed)
I finally put my Warren bumper sticker on last week.
No sign of angry men in pickup trucks cutting me off in traffick, or aggressively tailgating.
@Marcopolo: At this point, if anyone drops out, I think most of their votes goes to a non-Sanders candidate.
@Kent: Thats cruel
Deleted a duplicate.
I think a lot of press hostility to Warren is 1) their editors don’t like her anti-corruption messsage, and 2) someday any of them may be applying to Bloomberg for one of the few remaining journalism jobs.
@Cheryl Rofer:
A lot of my friends are declaring for Warren. I think it’s time to put our cards on the table. I’m okay with Warren or Amy. I’m not going to support a white male in this primary.
Another Scott
@Baud: +1
“Hey Bernie, where are your tax returns??”
“Hey Bernie, where are your health reports??”
What were people waiting for?
Steeplejack (phone)
Off topic, but I can’t resist: how about a new Wes Anderson movie (in July)? Trailer in tweet.
Goku (aka Amerikan Baka)
We can only hope. Many of Sandeds broad ideas are great aspirational goals. If he wasn’t such an asshole with a lot of other baggage (guns, immigration), I might consider backing him. As it is now, no way. Even if he’d win, I think he’d make a terrible leader. It shows in the types he hires for his campaign.
Goku (aka Amerikan Baka)
@Bill Arnold:
How some commentators say that China is better than the US in foreign affairs, I’ll never understand.
Winnie the Pooh (Xi) is a mad man hell bent on controlling the world and as bad as the US has been, they’ll be 100 times worse. We’ll be living in a totaliatarian cyberpunk dystopia if the PRC has anything to do with it.
They’ll overreach too, just like every empire/great power that has come before them. And honestly, with how climate change is probably gonna shake out, it won’t matter anyway
Chris Johnson
Ask yourself why exactly they are so brazenly desperate about kneecapping her and then ask what better qualifications one could have for the 2020 election.
We’re run, we’re owned, by psychopaths and toddlers and monsters. Bernie Sanders can call them names. Elizabeth Warren can DO something about it and that’s why they’re fighting her.
She has a plan for it: remain Elizabeth Warren. I like this plan :)
@Another Scott:
Feb 13? E Warren has a time machine! I’m voting for Time Machine Lady.
@Goku (aka Amerikan Baka): The Chinese just want to maintain a sphere of influence in east Asia, they really would prefer stability and predictability as far as US politics and the US economy. They don’t want us generating crap over there and want us to keep buying their shit. Putin, on they other hand, doesn’t give a crap about our economy, we don’t buy anything from him.
@Goku (aka Amerikan Baka): They are loaning enormous sums of money around the world to governments to build highways, dams, subways, high speed rail, ports, etc. etc. If a couple of countries stop paying the whole thing might come completely undone. Like the debt crisis in 2008 when the music stopped and all the financial firms were left holding the bag.
@trollhattan: She managed to get Obama’s Time Machine(it’s Twitter’s dates, they’re weird).
Bill Arnold
@Bill Arnold:
Re Elizabeth Warren’s plan for fighting disinformation, this bit creeps me out a lot:
Governments will use shared information for whatever purposes they deem important to them. Bad governments included.
Looks like all the main authors of BJ are supporting Warren. Not a good omen about their predictive abilities, amongst other things.
@PsiFighter37: Wasn’t Cole all in for Obama in 2008?
ETA: Supporting a candidate isn’t predicting who will win – it’s working to create the future you want to see.
Went to Warren’s website to donate and there’s a blurb saying she needs $7 million in 10 days to stay competitive. It won’t happen and it pisses me off that $7 million is probably what Bloomberg makes in one day. I gave her $50 anyway.
Miss Bianca
@A Ghost To Most: Godspeed. I am a Warren gal all the way, but gotta say that at this point I would be fine with Amy K as well. Forward, thru the fog!
@PsiFighter37: I’m an infrequent visitor, but my sense is the BJ writers don’t predict and prognosticate so much as opine on the news of the day.
The commentors, OTH have made all sorts of bad predictions. The anti-Bernie sentiment seems to only fuel his success.
Here in WA I just got the voter pamphlet, the Dems will have a slot for ‘Uncommitted’. No Bill Weld on the GOP side. sad
@Steeplejack (phone): that looks truly zany!
Miss Bianca
@guachi: i haven’t been donating yet, but I will be now.
Hanging out here with fellow Warren supporters is a welcome respite. I think Warren has intelligence, grit, and integrity. I trust that she seeks the office because she believes she can be effective and not because it satisfies her ego. I cannot say that for most of the other remaining candidates. I wonder if primaries had ranked choice voting if she’d end up rising to the top by being the widely chosen second choice.
Joy in FL
I phone banked for Elizabeth Warren again today.
I ordered a yard sign (free shipping).
I have a bumper magnet in my car. I have 5 tee shirts so I can wear one anytime I leave the house.
I have buttons on my backpack.
The more I see her and hear her, the more I like and respect her. I’m so glad there’s a lot of support for her here : )
@Goku (aka Amerikan Baka):
Me too! She’s the only candidate this broke college student is even REMOTELY interested in campaigning, canvassing or donating to for the time being. She would be an EXCELLENT president, with or without all three branches of government under Democratic control.
P.S.-noce to see you back around here again; did you get my e-mail response from last year?
Goku (aka Amerikan Baka)
The Chinese have already begun to affect us culturally. The Houston Astros caving to CCP pressure by reprimanding (and firing IIRC) their manager over critical Tweets towards the PRC is disturbing in and of itself. Greedy Hollywood studios bend over backwards now to accommodate bigoted PRC censors. God forbid we have meaningful LGBT representation in major blockbusters instead of trivial scenes that can be edited out without affecting the rest of the film’s plot.
On top of that Xi is a Han chauvinist who has placed millions of Xinjiang muslims in internment camps
@Goku (aka Amerikan Baka): First of all, it wasn’t the cheatin’ Astros, it was the Rockets(basketball not baseball). These companies are just trying to cater to a 1.3 billion person market, it’s just simple economics.
Goku (aka Amerikan Baka)
I did not, unfortunately
@Miss Bianca: I donated $50 to Klobuchar last week. I finally sold my rental house that was dragging my finances down. I’m donating to doomed campaigns but I won’t ever donate to Sanders and I have no reason to donate to Bloomberg.
I’m a Democrat. I’ve been one since I was 9. I’m not donating to someone who doesn’t care about the party (and I don’t think Sanders or Bloomberg do in the slightest).
If I have to, I’ll donate to Biden, too.
I do not think Warren’s primary problem is the media.
Early on she Warren got excellent media coverage based on her well conceived plans.
Then, Warren made some unforced tactical errors and lost her shine. In my opinion these errors are why she is where she is.
zhena gogolia
Their bosses don’t want taxes.
Goku (aka Amerikan Baka)
Sorry about the Rockets mistake. But my main point stands. Whether China intends to or not, capitalism is spreading regressive values to the West through our economic ties to them. When the People’s Republic of China was allowed to join international orgs like the WHO and relations were normalized, we had hoped that we could change them; that we could develop China into a liberal democracy like we had other nations before. Instead, we’re finding out that that they are changing us.
And frankly? COVID-19 is showing us how bad of an idea it is to rely on a single nation to manufacture many goods as well as the cracks in the PRC’s system of government. China is probably going to be the site of future pandemics
@Another Scott:
Are you aware that Warren’s plan gives Culinary 226 three years to move to M4A, and the union does not support her plan?
So while that tweet is deceptively warm and cozy, Warren is “committed to working with them” [the union], because its position on M4A is FYIGM! They are deeply opposed to Warren’s plan.
And that union doesn’t care about the health care of workers who are not members any more than Trump.
Among the factors is that Warren reminds voters of a tough, demanding teacher they had and admired in retrospect – while they greatly appreciate what they learned from her, are nonetheless reluctant to have a tough schoolmarm-type overhanging them for four or maybe eight years. Another factor is, many people who admire her and would otherwise vote for her, nonetheless fear in their gut that there’s too great a chance she will narrowly lose to Trump. The biggest priority for a strong majority of D voters in choosing a candidate to vote for in the D primaries is electability, with policy only second.
Omnes Omnibus
@Mandalay: Do you even know what the purpose of a union is?
@Mandalay: That is unduly harsh. Unions, for instance, did not oppose prescription drug coverage for Medicare even though that was the bread and butter benefit they offered to their own members. What M4A proponents are missing is the extent to which Medicare has always been fused with private insurance. 40% of beneficiaries nationally have MA coverage, and it’s highest in urban areas. There is a pathway for getting universal coverage that does not extinguish union participation in negotiation for benefits.
joel hanes
@Anne Laurie:
John Anderson
You hadda remind me.
I was 23. In my defense, I was a stupid 23.
[closes eyes in shame]
joel hanes
@Another Scott:
IIRC, Sanders released ten years worth of tax information sometime in 2018. 2009 – 2018 inclusive.
He’s not my candidate, but it’s best not to attack with bad information.
@oldgold: I agree. She doesn’t have great political instincts and she may be getting bad advice from her campaign managers. In particular I’ve read Joe Rospars may have had her leaning too heavy into the identity politics angle and was also probably the ‘mastermind’ behind the Sanders shiv in the Jan debates which was a terrible misstep.
@Goku (aka Amerikan Baka): I disagree with your premise, I don’t think many folk thought China would become a liberal democracy. You can’t just refuse to economically deal with a 1/6 of the world’s population. Businesses won’t let you and they’re right.
True enough. China wields influence in the Asia region, and they want a free hand with respect to Hong Kong and Taiwan, but otherwise just wants the US to be a good customer.
True enough for now. But Putin and his oligarch buddies have tons of stuff, natural gas, minerals other resources, to sell to Europe and Asia.
Well that sounds fine, but the current explicit position of the union is: “Workers should have the right to choose to keep the healthcare Culinary Union members have built, sacrificed for, and went on strike for 6 years, 4 months, and 10 days to protect“.
Let’s see how Warren and Sanders address and resolve that.
The union knows very well that M4A will weaken them, because their existing “cadillac” plans would lose their luster even if they continued to be available in some form with M4A in place.
J R in WV
Warren isn’t a socialist at all. She believes in well regulated capitalism, because unregulated capitalism leads to oiigarchy and power in the hands of the few hyper-wealthy. And calling government protections ” useless regulation” when it is actually rules to protect people, is a fascist libel against the American way.
Which might be fine if there was any evidence that primary voters were any good at guessing who other people are going to vote for.
We already have a class of professional pundits who are crap at predicting much of anything or accurately analyzing what most people think. So now we’re having a primary decided by a nation of amateur pundits. Great.
I think the voters that think she’s “a tough schoolmarm-type” are the ones who base their preferences on what pundits tell them to prefer. This assessment is not based on exhaustive research, of course. But anecdotal data indicates that Warren does not talk down to voters, but instead explains things clearly, as if to an intelligent stranger.
Are you calling Cillizza an amateur? Wait, let me get my fainting couch. Just so long as you don’t call him a “self-important, overpaid moron whose superficial ‘analysis’ is an insult to any thinking American.”
Fair Economist
@Mandalay: The difference is that Bernie has said he’ll accept no changes to his plan, while Warren is willing to negotiate. The Culinary Union can work with President Warren but not President Sanders.
@SFAW: I wish I could call Cilizza an amateur pundit, because that would mean he was unemployed…
@Fair Economist:
Warren’s plan is a starting point, which if I recall so was the ACA. So is pretty much any legislation at it’s idea/introduction stage.
Pete Johnson
Long time lurker, first time poster. The results in Iowa and New Hampshire have had me in a funk and this article was just what I needed to prod me into making my first donation of the 2020 cycle, to EW. I just hope she gets enough $$ to be able to last.
@guachi: I gave her $100.
@joel hanes: @Anne Laurie: Dead thread, but … John Anderson was 1980. It was the SECOND time I didn’t vote for Jimmy Carter. But in my defense my first ever Presidential vote was for Shirley Chisholm. And at least I voted against Reagan in 1980. I’d seen him as governor, I knew what we were getting.
@David ??Merry Christmas?? Koch: Yet people are still saying he is the clear front-runner!
I may have to break up with the Pod Save America guys if they keep this up.
@Cheryl Rofer: Thank you.
J R in WV
@joel hanes:
I remember that. I also remember that those were partial releases, just the one page with no details about income or expenditures. So, no, not really a complete release like Hillary Clinton did.
ETA: ALSO, what about that medical report? The full details, please, again. Not the Trump version — just a sweet note from a doctor!!