I've got news for the Republican establishment. I've got news for the Democratic establishment. They can't stop us.
— Bernie Sanders (@BernieSanders) February 22, 2020
This pretty much sums up my feelings about that:
The “Democratic Establishment” is just Democrats.
If you don’t want Democrats to have a voice get the hell out of OUR primary.
— Millennials For Her (@Millennials4Her) February 22, 2020
Everything else I’m thinking I won’t say, except I just filled out my ballot for Elizabeth Warren.
It’s like Lost, innit? Momentum all leading to a disastrous conclusion.
Emma from FL
One has to give the old Marxist props for barefaced egotism.
Adam L Silverman
@NotMax: Less lens flare though.
OT, but has anyone seen BellaQ recently? Or Joel Hanes?
@Adam L Silverman: Accidental or as a conceit?
Adam L Silverman
@opiejeanne: Joel Hanes was hear the other day.
BellaQ has put herself in time out. I hear from her by email on a fairly regular basis.
Adam L Silverman
@opiejeanne: JJ Abrams productions all have lens flare.
TaMara (HFG)
@opiejeanne: Joel’s been around all day.
I voted for Warren yesterday, the second day of early voting here in Ohio. Saturday, I phonebank for her.
Kinda sounds like Sanders just got some bad news.
Great way to pull a fractured base together. He is not a Democrat. Never has been and has nothing but disdain not just for the “establishment” but for any liberal to his right. If he takes Nevada tomorrow and has a big day on Super Tuesday we are screwed.
The Dangerman
You Pontificating Putz, the Establishments aren’t going to stop you. A repeat of a Dukakis defeat in the Electoral College is going to stop you…
…or your ticker going kablowy (sp?). That’ll stop you cold.
Adam L Silverman
@The Dangerman:
Easier to spell than kablooey.
Mike in NC
After Bernie Sanders helps Fat Bastard steal the 2020 election with tons of Russian and Saudi illegal money, he’ll chill out until 2024 (assuming we will still have free elections then, and if the fucker doesn’t croak from a few more heart attacks) and then he’ll be right back with his legion of 20-something BernieBros looking for free college and whatever other free bullshit the elderly socialist can promise them.
Just filled out my absentee ballot for Sanders.
I mean like 2/3 of voters don’t like the Dem Party either so maybe he’s onto something.
(Looking forward to everyone jumping down my throat)
Juice Box
I mailed my ballot this afternoon. EW.
Just what we need in a D presidential candidate: a nominee who views the Rs and Ds with equal loathing.
Personally I don’t think either trumpov nor Wilmer are going to make it to Election Day, for various reasons. But regardless, I won’t be voting for either one.
Goku (aka Amerikan Baka)
Just clicked through to the “Millennials 4 Her” tweet and saw these lovely responses:
Gotta hand it to the first troll, they even used “ordinary people”. I wonder what “ordinary people” is code for?
@Adam L Silverman: the creature has stolen the space modulator!
Honest question.
What does he offer that attracted your vote?
(He’s not Trump not a valid answer as that applies everyone else on your D ballot.)
Goku (aka Amerikan Baka)
Is this a joke?
Entertaining to watch the jackletariat talk themselves into supporting Trump by not voting for Bernie in the general election.
Jim, Foolish Literalist
how are there so many people stupid enough to think Bernie Sanders can win a general election in this country?
@Goku (aka Amerikan Baka): lol yeah it is. Makes you think though, huh?
I predicted the trump disaster early on but never wrote it down so no credit for me. Hope I’m wrong, but this time I will write it down: If Sanders is nominated he will legitimately lose in a landslide and drag the Democratic party, to which he doesn’t even belong down with him in a landslide.
@Goku (aka Amerikan Baka):
I prefer the very first response to BS’s tweet:
Another Scott
Does anyone believe that Sanders wrote that? I don’t.
A huge problem with Political Twitter is that one often has no idea who’s doing the speaking. Yeah, he’s “responsible”, as much as St. Bernard takes responsibility for anything.
Bernie strikes me as being far too removed from the actual machinery that uses his name. He collects the donations, he gets the adulation, but he doesn’t much care about all the rest. And that’s bad in someone who is running for an office as important as President of the United States.
He should have a talk with whoever wrote that. But he won’t. Because he’s still running his 2016 campaign against the Democratic Party and hired people who want to destroy it as well.
Ah, I feel a little better now.
TaMara (HFG)
@E: Which is absolutely your right. As is every person who votes for Trump. Everyone gets a voice. No matter how much some people would prefer we not have one, including, it seems, the person you just used your vote for.
Um. I think people are being unkind by neglecting the common use of “establishment”.
I hear that statement as, “the established power base of the Democratic Party can’t stop us”. Not “Democrats”, nor the Democratic Party, but the Democratic “establishment”. Honestly, I’m not sure how people see it otherwise.
@TaMara (HFG): judging by the “a hit dog hollers” metric, I honestly hope they do too, I’d love to be proven wrong, but the comments here don’t inspire much confidence.
Miss Bianca
@anarchoRex: we’re a long way from that. I will vote for Shouty Old New York Bastard #2 in the general if it comes to that. But I will do all in my power to make sure it doesn’t. The overwhelming contempt that BS apparently feels for Democrats is returned in kind by this one.
@Another Scott: If you are trying to make excuses for Sanders’ shitty tweet you failed.
He’s not using it in the common sense. He’s using it to define anyone and everyone who doesn’t support him.
@Miss Bianca
Now, now. There are plenty of reasons to tar New York other than that. He moved to and has resided in Vermont since 1968.
The Dangerman
I can’t believe the Democratic Establishment will allow Sanders to be nominated. Sure, some of the Bros will be pissed and take a walk, but, you know what, Fuck ‘Em. They can go pound sand.
@Another Scott: He probably didn’t write that. The person who wrote it speaks for Sanders, though.
Either he disavows it tomorrow or he owns the statement 100%.
@Miss Bianca: so I don’t really get this response. Are you under the impression that Bernie hates you personally because you’re a Democrat?
Adam L Silverman
Tanker helmet? Check!
Mag carrier? Check!
Two small digicam bags attached to the mag carrier? Check!
All of the digicam patterns between the helmet cover, the mag carrier, and the two small digicam bags mismatched? Check!
Hawaiian shirt that clashes with the mismatched digicam? Check!
AR15 pattern rifle with an M16 style stock, a non-military/milspec style hand guard that is far too short for the barrel? Check!
Miss Bianca
@LongHairedWeirdo: and who the fuck is the “Democratic Establishment”? I am an officer in my local party. Does that make me “Establishment”? Wow, wait till I tell Mom – finally, I’m one of The Establishment! Dear Comrade Sanders is coming for little old me? Wow, what an honor! I just can’t wait for the alte kocher to set his minions to try to drag me off to re-education camp.
@The Dangerman: I don’t think there are as many legitimate Bernie-or-bust voters as people think. I know some of his followers defected to trumpov in 2016, but who knows how many of those were ever ‘gettable’ for the eventual Dem nominee to begin with.
What I do know is Hillz got 63M voters…3M more than trumpov…and that trumpov only “won” by the narrowest of possibly-hacked margins in 3 states. As Adam is wont to point out, let’s get revved up in the EC battlegrounds and deliver for whomever the eventual nominee is.
Like, seriously. I am thinking of decamping to NC in Oct to help out.
Adam L Silverman
@Another Scott: My guess is it was either Sirota (his speech writer) or his psychotic spokeswoman. You might remember her from some of my other comments this week.
Matt McIrvin
I don’t think Bernie Sanders personally hates all Democrats, but his biggest fans on Twitter sure do.
@Adam L Silverman:
Sigh. That man is the America the world sees us as.
@Miss Bianca
There had better be rugelach.
Miss Bianca
@anarchoRex: No, you disingenuous twit.
Jim, Foolish Literalist
Just a reminder to anyone who thinks Bernie Sanders should be taken seriously as a potential president: “Look out the window, Mitch…”
Another Scott
@lumpkin: It’s good that I wasn’t doing that, then, isn’t it?
I’m saying Bernie didn’t write it. His campaign did.
Bernie probably personally posts as much on Twitter as I do.
I dunno if Hector Sigala is still the head Twitterer for him or not. (Story is from 2016.)
That is all. Yes, again, he’s responsible for it. But if he has to comment at all, he won’t apologize or do anything about it, because Bernie doesn’t take responsibility.
I have my mail in ballot and holding off voting until after Super Tues. I was in for Kamala, now looking seriously at EW, and, possibly Biden – depending how he does between here and then. I was looking at Amy quite seriously, but she didn’t fare well in the last debate. Should she recover… she’s a third possible choice. Our Primary is the 10th.
@LongHairedWeirdo: what the heck do you think the Democratic establishment is? It’s people who work to get democrats elected. He wants to be elected. If he wins the primary, those people he just expressed hate for are supposed to work hard for HIM! He is incredibly stupid.
I consider myself to be a democrat with decades of loyal voting unlike him, and I find him absolutely infuriating and insulting. He doesn’t even understand what this party is. There is nothing to be ashamed of in being a democrat and plenty of shame in being a foolish independent.
he lost to Hillary because more people liked her than him, which is the way a primary is supposed to work. There didn’t need to be any conspiracy to do it. He doesn’t even appreciate having been allowed to run in our primary.
Adam L Silverman
That would be African American voters, especially African American women, as well as other people of color.
@Adam L. Silverman
He’s demonstrating the “right” (MAJOR air quotes there) to carry any arms he damn well chooses. Anytime, any place.
Imbecilus ammosexualis.
@Another Scott:
Dude sounds as accomplished as that clown Trump just hired to head Personnel. //
@Miss Bianca:
How else am I supposed to read this?
@Adam L Silverman: definitely a good faith reading of that line, he was obviously saying he hates black people.
Adam L Silverman
@NotMax: I get that AR pattern rifles are basically the semi-auto rifle versions of a tinker toy and everyone can spec them out how they like, but that configuration is so ate up it makes my head hurt looking at it.
Ugh. Every time I starting convincing myself that Bernie wouldnt be a humongous asshole and fail either during the general or afterwards… he does something this fucking boneheaded.
Christ what an asshole.
@Adam L. Silverman
That’s what one ends up with from shopping for kit on eBay.
Adam L Silverman
@anarchoRex: I doubt that. What I’m saying is that the actual power base of the party are African Americans and people of color. That’s it. So if you want to read the tweet as being directed at them, that’s what the reading should be. I don’t think that’s what the tweet is signaling.
Adam L Silverman
@NotMax: The frightening thing, based on his left hand, is someone married him.
Me too.
So this seems like the perfect place to post this clip of Warren talking with Lawrence O’Donnell last night.
The entire 5 minutes or so is worth a watch (except for the commercial you have to get through first–sorry). L O’D starts by asking Warren about something the cameras caught on the commercial break just after Warren had gutted Bloomberg like a fish. Apparently, the two of them were suddenly just having a normal conversation & O’Donnell wants to know what that was about. Warren says they both stayed at their podiums and out of the blue Bloomberg asked her where she was born. And then they had a conversation about their roots. As normal human beings. Just after going at each other hammer and tongs. And O’Donnell then asks what this exchange can say about reaching across divides to have dialogue with folks we might disagree with and this is where I think what Warren says is so important–it is at around 3:30 of the clip.
Warren says, paraphrased, that when she looks at her fellow candidates this primary cycle she says you have to realize that everyone who has been on the stage with her has run for president because they love their country. That everyone who has run is smart and has good ideas and that she thinks about who is left standing and the folks who had to quit for lack of resources and how she knows they all had good intentions and ideas that she wants to embrace & carry forward & and it is by honoring her competitors by adapting their best ideas that she hopes to bring unity among Democrats. That when someone drops out she always has a conversation with them to talk about what she really liked about their campaign & ideas & asks if she can steal those ideas from them. Warren then mentions specific ideas (plans) that she has co-opted from Harris, Gillibrand, & Castro (note: I also know she incorporated Inslee’s Climate Change ideas pretty wholesale as well though she doesn’t mention him). Another example is Yang talking about Warren getting his book, reading it, and discussing it with him.
Obviously, I am a Warren fanboi so I think this is awesome, but I was also thinking about the debate when she took one long swipe that hit Buttigieg, Klobuchar, and Sanders in regard to their healthcare plans. Knowing what we know about Warren, we have to assume that after being roundly criticized by Buttigieg & Klobuchar for her version of M4A she did go to their websites to see what their plans were like. And knowing Warren & her belief that as a county we have find a way to get affordable healthcare for everyone that she did look at Buttigieg & Klobuchar’s plans and was like nope, this is just not going to do it. And you have to believe that that is what was behind her criticism of B & K plus her criticism of Sanders for not being open to either questions about his plan or suggestions for making it better.
Anyways, I’m just laying this out in response to a fair number of comments the night of the debate that complained Warren didn’t go after Sanders enough. Although, yes, she saved her flamethrower for Bloomberg, she did actually go after Sanders about as much as she did Buttigieg & Klobuchar, it was just not as pointed.
And as for this tweet by the Sanders campaign, well, fuck em.
No One of Consequence
@TaMara (HFG): Bravo. Well-played.
– NOoC
Omnes Omnibus
@anarchoRex: Fuck off.
Adam L Silverman
@Marcopolo: Here you go!
@Adam L Silverman:
It gets even better.
(I can’t link the actual article because I’m not a subscriber.)
@Adam L Silverman: then why bother posting a comment making that inference? If you don’t believe that’s what was meant.
@Omnes Omnibus: just pie me, all you ever have is potty mouth responses anyway.
TaMara (HFG)
Did anyone watch Lawrence tonight? Curious what he said
I didn’t listen to every single minute, but I thought her remarks about Bloomberg sounded much more rehearsed when compared to her remarks to the other candidates.
Another Scott
@Marcopolo: Thanks for the pointer. I’ve noticed the same thing in her comments about the former opponents. She’s a great artist – she steals from the best (with attribution!).
She knows it takes a
villageteam to win.Cheers,
Another Scott
@Another Scott: Moderation for too many links (mostly in a Tweet). Grr…
Adam L Silverman
@debbie: I just read it. It doesn’t say whether he was convicted of the felony. If he was, he’s going to be very sorry for owning that gun.
TaMara (HFG)
@Another Scott: fix’d
TaMara (HFG)
I’m sure Anne Laurie will FP this tweet, but I gotta drop it here.
Another Scott
@TaMara (HFG): Thank you!
BTW, what’s the “HFG”? High Falutin’ Geraniums??
Bernie, if your eye ever gets back on the ball, let me know.
@Adam L Silverman: Thanks Adam. Just noticed watching it again that while Bloomberg & Warren are having a cordial conversation, at the other end of the stage Buttigieg & Klobuchar are studiously avoiding looking at each other :).
Once again, folks, I think the Warren’s most important remarks start at around 3:30 of the clip.
I can’t help but think of this tweet in the context of hearing from Berners after the 2016 convention “how dare you think you can just demand that I get on board!”
Assuming anyone in the campaign is even thinking beyond the primaries, how is running against you’ll need to have a successful general election campaign going to work unless they think they can just order everyone to get on board?
@Adam L Silverman: Get some armed Black Panther shock troops to march with Cletus. Cletus’ll shit his drawers.
TaMara (HFG)
@Another Scott: Honorary Food Goddess (it’s what Anne Laurie used to call me when she did my posts, before Cole gave me keys)
If not now, when?
I just dropped $100 on Elizabeth Warren’s campaign and my WA State mail-in ballot just arrived today. I was going to wait until after Super Tuesday (WA Votes March 10) but I might just be done with it and mail it in now.
I think she is the only one left who has a chance of joining both sides of the party together to take on Trump.
I am off to bed. Have a good weekend everyone.
For me, Sunday is door knocking & a Visibility event in St. Louis–the St Louis Indivisible folks have decided with all of the shit going down in the Trump Admin since the impeachment it is time for us to do regular street protests. As we are all painfully aware, calling & writing Roy Blunt, Josh Hawley & Anne Wagner (our local GOP Congressvermin) ain’t gonna get us very far.
That is her big point. She has good/great ideas but knows that you don’t get anywhere by being shouty and getting mad at anyone who disagrees. She knows what the job entails and that working together and fighting realistically towards common goals is far better and more effective than pouting. She includes people she beats, not as victims/losers but as competitors that she will have to work with and ask for help in the future. She’s a better human for that, because a lot of people never do what she’s good at, being a part of the whole and being a leader. She can eviscerate Bloomberg one minute and talk to him as a fellow human a minute later. That’s respect. She has it and shows it and uses it well.
David ??Merry Christmas?? Koch
Here’s video of Sanders saying the Washington Post published Russian interference story to sabotage his campaign (video). It’s an an echo of Dump.
In your guts, you know he’s nuts.
@Redshift: I think bullying people into supporting him is their strategy. That seems counterproductive, not to mention harmful and divisive.
In the debate the other night there was a moment when 5 candidates united and opposed handing the nomination to someone who wins only a plurality. This actually follows what the Rules say and what they all agreed to when they decided to run as Democrats. You need to get to 50%. If you can’t get there on the first try, then you have to attract others to your side and form a coalition to get there. There was only one candidate who disagreed.
Joseph A Miller
Fuck Bernie. I’m sick and fucking tired of him and his goddamned fan club. God damn it, if he’s our nominee we’re going to fucking lose, and we’ll lose more than an election. We’ll lose the Republic.
Bernie’s not saying that he hates Black people. He’s saying that Black people shouldn’t be allowed to boss him around.
I’m not sure you really get how much of the reaction against Obama was white people’s freakout about having a Black man as their boss. White liberals may be fine with Black subordinates or peers, but they still freak the fuck out at the idea that a Black person can tell them what to do.
Take a look at the list of Democrats that AOC has decided to primary. Ask yourself why a majority of them are Black. Really ponder that for a minute and wonder why it’s so fucking urgent to get rid of them this year when we need all hands on deck and need to keep every Democrat in the House.
Why does Hakeem Jeffries need to be thrown out of office right after he helped lead the impeachment effort? Explain to me in small words why Jeffries is one of the worst of the worst Democrats and MUST be targeted for replacement this year.
@Adam L Silverman: Ha. Showed military relative who carries M4 (not sure of variant) who is now ROFL and trying to slash wrists simultaneously.
my biggest fear is that Putin will play us all, by publicly donating to each Democrats campaign publicly….
Bernie is absolutely correct, and smug Millennials For Her doesn’t get it. The establishment are the the convention rule makers, superdelegates and others with national voices. The establishment is not your average democratic voter.
David ??Merry Christmas?? Koch
Meanwhile, on Twitter the BernieBros are attacking Democrats, the Washington Post, and….. [checks notes]…. Hillary – saying the story is a conspiracy to stop him.
? Fish rots from the head down.
David ??Merry Christmas?? Koch
@Joseph: The Democratic Establishment all voted to impeach and remove Dump from office (except Bernie’s running mate Tulsi Gabbard). To equate them with the Republican Establishment that voted to retain Dump is disqualifying.
The Democratic Establishment didn’t publish an innocuous story saying Sanders had an intelligence briefing.
The Establishment is a bunch of BIPOC people who did the work and climbed the ladder within the party. John Lewis is the Establishment.
Bernie is saying that John Lewis shouldn’t be the boss of him. Bernie’s surrogates attacked Lewis by name in 2016 when Lewis pointed out that Bernie was not, in fact, at the Selma March, a fact that Bernie agreed was true. Why is John Lewis the enemy, exactly?
@Joseph: But I just… what? Are you trying to argue that the democrats didn’t try to work with Bernie and his people? There was a whole fucking unity thing that happened after 2016, and I don’t see changing rules or any superdelegates jumping in the race.
But I guess anyone who’s actually, ya know, IN the Democratic Party counts as establishment when you’re interested in trying to hijack their hard work
ETA word
So Senator Shouty is still a grievance-mongering conspiracy theorist according to his own Twitter feed? Well, that’s obviously just what the nation needs after four years of Donald Trump.
I am going note here, for all the sweetly naive folks who insisted that Trump “wouldn’t dare” use the Pocahontas slur against Warren, because that would just be too racist and doom him – he did exactly that in his most recent rally. As he has been doing on and off for the last three years.
I’ve seen quite a few self-described Bernie supporters call her the same thing on Twitter. Apparently it’s okay to call someone a racial slur as long as you don’t believe that they’re actually part of that racial group.
@Joseph: Bernie was completely aware of the rules. He agreed to those rules when he decided to run as a Democrat. He is the establishment.
David ??Merry Christmas?? Koch
If Sanders and his campaign can’t handle an innocuous story that made him look good, then imagine what is going to happen when all skeletons start falling out.
Omnes Omnibus
Maybe not, but it certainly includes multimillionaire senators.
@Mnemosyne: Yup. I am afraid so – and with that particular slur amplified by the World Berners, I think it’s going to be very easy for Trump to make it land in the states that Democrats absolutely have to win.
Yep, echoing the same attacks that the Republicans make so they resonate even more since they come from “both sides,” just like they did in 2016. Same as it ever was. ?
Barb 2
@Adam L Silverman:
Great summary of Warren’s response to the question about what she and Bloomberg were talking about. That interview was great in many ways – well worth the time to !isten.
Yes she did incorporate Jay Inslee ‘s Climate change plans. He put them out there for all to use and Warren was the only one who made the effort.
@Eljai: Honestly, just because a man is a millionaire with three homes, that’s no reason to call him a member of the establishment. You have to have at least one car elevator before you qualify for membership of that club.
@Morzer: I think I was taking a bathroom break when the DNC Unity Commission put that in the memo.
Barb 2
good one – aka the Senator from Utah. Has car elevator in one of his homes in CA. Now that thing is impressive. Gets rid of the unsightly car parked in that long driveway. Better not tell Jane, she might fill out a loan application to upgrade one of her homes. Then she can stand behind Bernie with her trademark smirk.
@Barb 2: Does Jane Sanders fill out loan applications these days? I thought she just signed up another small college for her special leadership program and then allowed its bank account to socialize its way into hers.
@Morzer: oh, come now, according to St. Bernard one house is just a summer camp. It’s worth $700,000 in a gated community on Lake Champlain, but it’s just a summer camp like thousands of Vermonters have!
Can I throw up now??
Amir Khalid
@Another Scott:
Hmm. It strikes me that High Faluting Geraniums has band-name potential.
Death Panel Truck
@Wag: I took great pleasure in opening my Washington state ballot that came in the mail yesterday and voting for Elizabeth Warren.
If Bernie Sanders is the nominee, the Democrats will lose in a landslide, and the House of Representatives will be gone.
America will then slip into the dark.
@columbusqueen: Ah, but is it a socialist
palacesummer camp or a neoliberal mansion? That’s the question we must ask ourselves. According to Wilmer the Quadrennial Democrat, that is.wmd
I’m an independent. I supported Bernie in 2016 well past Pennsylvania when it was clear that he would not win enough delegates, worked for him to win Indiana and voted for him in California.
I raised money with actblue “bernfor” pages – over $3500 for down ticket races after Bernie called for Hillary to be nominated by affirmation.
I’m opposed to Bernie in 2020. I strongly believe Elizabeth is the best choice. I’m working for her. Many reasons – her plans look achievable. Her policy is sound. I work for a company she has said deserves antitrust scrutiny, and this has potential to reduce my net worth. And when I look at the effect of her policies on other Americans … well I’ve been donating heavily and am now working phone banks for EW.
one of my conversations with fellow volunteers is illustrative. I’m a cancer survivor. As a technology professional I had good insurance – and I had spent my full out of pocket maximum of $2000 before I was fully diagnosed. So I had no worries about paying for treatment, and I know that not having financial concerns helped me beat my disease. No one should have finances get in the way of healing.
Bernie can’t fix this. His attacks on the establishment Democratic Party make it impossible for the party to function for down ticket races if he wins the nomination. While Warren began stumping for downticket races in 2019 before she announced her candidacy.
I have no great love for the Democratic Party. I’ve gone to the great trouble of running as an Independent twice in Indiana – and there are strong barriers to this thanks to the state Republican party.But we have to have a strong Democratic Party in 2020 – it has to win – flip the Senate and flip as many state legislatures as possible. Bernie cannot do this. #PresidentWarren can.
I’m committed to making this happen.
David ??Merry Christmas?? Koch
How many *average* people live in a 2,400 square foot home.
@Morzer: Still so incredibly pissed off that she bankrupted my wife’s alma mater.
Thanks for all your hard work. Hope she is the next president.
David ??Merry Christmas?? Koch
@Morzer: Get this: he put the home into a trust (photo) so it can be passed down from generation to generation without ever being subject to the estate tax – just like Karl Marx intended.
Sanders is now actively undermining confidence in the Democratic party in California:
@David ??Merry Christmas?? Koch: Well, you know, there is an interpretation of The German Ideology that suggests that Marx was lukewarm on estate taxes…
@David ??Merry Christmas?? Koch: That was a specifically narrow group of houses he cited, built in 2010. I think that might be the average size of a house built that year.
@Morzer: That makes no sense at all. The Independents can vote for him by requesting a Democratic primary ballot. How are they disenfranchised?
@opiejeanne: My guess is that The Talented Mr. Wilmer is not completely confident of victory in California, so is preparing to blame Democrats for rigging the system against him.
@Morzer: That would be my guess too. He made the same complaint in 2016. If I recall correctly, back then the polls showed Hillary and Sanders almost tied, but she ended up winning by 8 points or so.
@Morzer: WTF? If Bernie want’s to get NPP(No Party Preference) folk out to vote, that’s his fucking job. The California Democratic Party allows them to vote in our primary(I’m opposed to this), but it’s Bernie’s job to motivate them to get them to vote for him.
@?BillinGlendaleCA: Welcome to the neoliberal Democratic establishment, Comrade Bill.
@opiejeanne: Obviously, it’s because the California Democratic Party hasn’t identified these folk and sent a limo to their house to take them to a voting center.
@?BillinGlendaleCA: This is sadly the case. We have been remiss here in Washington as well.
@?BillinGlendaleCA: He couldn’t even motivate them to register to vote. Turning up at a rally is fun, but actually doing the work of registering and then expecting them to vote? What is wrong with us?
David ??Merry Christmas?? Koch
@Morzer: He did that in 2016 after he lost New York, literally screaming “today, 3 million people in the state of New York who are independents have lost their right to vote in the Democratic or Republican primary. That’s wrong.”
He tried to take the fact that NY had a traditional closed primary that didn’t allow republicans and independents to vote in a Democratic primary and turn it into massive voter suppression.
When he lost California he blamed (always blaming someone) MSNBC and AP for reporting that Clinton’s win in New Jersey secured a majority of the delegates for the nomination, saying his voters stayed home. But it’s likely an equal amount of voters from both sides stayed home.
joel hanes
I’m about.
@David ??Merry Christmas?? Koch: That’s our principled
independentDemocrat Bernie! Seriously though, you can always tell if it’s a leap year by his party affiliation.opiejeanne
@joel hanes: Hi! Today I was admiring a comment you made some months ago, about duck hunting and bluebird days, and I realized I hadn’t seen you in a while.
@Morzer: Just as you can tell when he’s worried about losing a primary vote, because he starts yelling about the conspiracy to keep him down.
joel hanes
She’s a better human
joel hanes
I’m around less consistently because I’m finding it more and more difficult to be civil about the political situation. Guess I’m tired of all the winning.
@TaMara (HFG): Thank you for posting this!!
@opiejeanne: Sometimes it seems like there’s a primary every day.
@joel hanes: I’m not here as much for the same reason.
@joel hanes: you aren’t the only one.
@Morzer: Yes, but never in WA. By the time we vote a lot of the shouting will be over, except among the Berners.
I think I hear you arguing “the only thing one could mean by the Democratic establishment not stopping them, is that they hate the people who help Democrats get elected’.”
I’m surprised by that argument, because you seem functionally literate. Bernie might be ten kinds of terrible person for ten different reasons, but his saying “the Democratic establishment can’t stop us” does not provide evidence of his hatred of anyone.
I swear, trying to use *that tweet* to say he’s hateful sounds to me like a GOP hissy fit. If you can’t find a better tweet to show how hateful he is, then I’m sorry – you ain’t got nothing.
On a more… well, maybe not cheerful note exactly, the first chapter of Hilary Mantel’s final volume in her Thomas Cromwell trilogy is now available:
Very late to the party here, but….
I live in Minnesota and we are part of Super Tuesday. I have been agonizing over Bernie and Elizabeth and who I should vote for. I thought Bernie might have the better chance of beating Trump, given Bernie’s likely ability to pull some of the natural Bernie voters (e.g. blue collar, non-college educated white men) out of the Trump camp. However, after the Nevada debate, it became crystal clear to me that Elizabeth Warren is the right candidate. Smart, tough, articulate, but yet KIND. Democrats need someone who understands kindness – that is the antidote to Trump. Bernie is not kind. We don’t need to replace one old male curmudgeon with a different old male curmudgeon. Elizabeth Warren needs to the the first woman to become President of the United States!!
Chyron HR
This may surprise you, but this “Bernie Sanders” person did not rise out of obscurity yesterday. He, in fact, already ran for president once, and explicitly blamed the “democratic establishment” for the fact that more individual everyday Democrats voted for his opponent.
@Chyron HR: Actually, that was the wicked Wilmer of Vermont. Bernie the Perfect has no connection to that neoliberal Democratic stooge.
Betty Cracker
@Morzer: Thank you! Got that on pre-order.
I hear, “someone else is raising money I’m entitled to”.
Another Scott
@wmd: Thanks for your post and your efforts. They’re important and make a difference.
@feebog: …..funny how you clowns never seem to have a problem with him not being a democrat when he caucauses with you 100% of the time. Funny how democratic voters seem to choose him over “The Real Democrats” every…single..FUCKING TIME. Funny how “The Real Democrats” to some degree all attempt to coopt his message. So…the question now is do you idiots with a track record of losing most of the campaigns you ran for the past 40 years including 2016 where you lost to a fucking reality TV show care more about who is in your clique or ACTUALLY FUCKING WINNING AND MOVING US FORWARD ?
@Zinsky: Are you fucking high ? Are you seriously trying to draw an analog between Sanders and a fucking nazi sympathizer, career criminal, reality TV show clown, and fascist …because he is old and male? How fucking stupid are you ? When will you idiots admit the real reason why you hate a nice old man from Brooklyn who tells it how it fucking is and wants to give you health care instead of falling back on these bullshit rationalizations ?
@Chyron HR: This may surprise you, but I complained about making an inference from a particular tweet – not about whether Bernie Sanders is a good guy or not.
Language actually matters. The truth may well be that Bernie is a horrible person who hates all the people he’s been said to hate. But if *this* is the evidence you (generic) are presenting, you look like a Republican slimer. “They can’t stop us” doesn’t say Bernie hates specific Democrats. There may well be lovely proof that he’s the most hateful hater who ever hated a hate, but *THIS TWEET IS NOT EVIDENCE*.
Not because of anything about Bernie, but because any functionally literate speaker of US standard English can parse the tweet in a clear, obvious, non-hateful manner, so claiming it, as evidence of hate, is pure-D bullshit.
It’s the stuff the GOP does all the time – ignore plain English, and get people yelling agreement that *of course* “they can’t stop us!” is indicative of hate. And it’s just as ugly when done by non-GOPs, more so if they claim superiority to the GOPs.