Y’all have probably already seen this, but I was having a crappy day and this made it soooo very much better.
Every bit of this! pic.twitter.com/sUOlg7t0sa
— Lali Bella Aeyna ? (@AeynaLali) May 19, 2020
open thread
ETA: Here’s the video
Nancy Pelosi just called Donald Trump "morbidly obese" and hot cocoa just shot out my nose when I heard it. pic.twitter.com/5gJKPh4wyr
— Amee Vanderpool (@girlsreallyrule) May 19, 2020
How many people thought she was way too old, way too stodgy to continue to be speaker?
That was joyous!
MoCA Ace
Gonna need a lot of skin grafts to cover the burns on that fat orange ass!!
TaMara (HFG)
This photo never gets old
Mary G
Notice she used his own framing against him with the “they say.”
So Operation Strokeout is tonight?
Man, they did a great job of avoiding leaks.
And yes, the “they say” drew a chef’s kiss here.
Repost from last thread:
I already see Nancy being accused of fat shaming, but as someone, who’s got the same BMI classification as Chump saying Chump is “morbidly obese” for his age and size is not “shaming”. And the fact is for someone with that underlying condition, IF he is taking that drug, then its medically true that it is not a good idea to be morbidly obese and older to be using that drug in any other capacity than it’s intended use.
But I guess folks gonna cry bout anything…at some point folks are going to have to not be sensitive when someone accurately points out the dangers of being morbidly obese to one’s health.
I’d like to think I am very realistically about my health and I know my obesity is a problematic precursor for other conditions
“morbidly obese” is a medical terms, it’s not like she called the guy a “fat fuq” and just because Anderson Cooper smirked doesn’t change that.
But then ask yourself what MD would prescribe the drug to someone who is in the precondition group that Chump is in, especially if he doesn’t have any of the conditions that the drug is supposed to be approved for.?
answer: not a reputable one. Nancy Smash just exposed it for the lie that it was
TaMara (HFG)
I added the video of her at top.
@Mary G: I know, I loved the “they say.”
Some people say … Whole quote was diamond sharp.
Nancy Smash, for the win.
Gin & Tonic
I don’t get what kind of hold he has over the WH medical staff. I see only three options here. 1: They are telling the truth and they prescribed him a medication that is contraindicated for a person of his health status, which is unethical. 2: They are lying for him, did not prescribe the drug, and are complicit in his lying to the public, which is unethical. 3: They told him they were prescribing it and are giving him a placebo instead, which is unethical.
I loved that better quality video of Nancy Pelosi and Anderson Cooper.
Laughing aloud. Even though I’d heard it several times by then. Sometimes it is all we can do to laugh.
Nancy Smash takes no prisoners.
Patricia Kayden
Did Trump say anything particularly egregious about President Obama’s speeches to graduates on Saturday?
Gin & Tonic
@Patricia Kayden: I’m just impressed that ABL is Tweeting from the future.
i jokingly said say “thank you Alexa” after setting the alarm and it said “anytime LAMH. Good night”
Someone mentioned Obama “missed me yet?” billboards near Trump’s lair in the swamp.
Some toe-tapping music for a Monday night is always welcome.
Travelers All Stars.
Fascinating story about milling flour using a mill more than a thousand years old.
Jim, Foolish Literalist
@Gin & Tonic: as somebody said on twitter, the letter from the White House doctor is very heavily lawyered. He says they discussed the drug and determined the benefits outweigh the risks, and never explicitly says he prescribed it or trump is taking it.
Hard to watch the video of him whining about the 60 Minutes interview and not conclude he just rambled and babbled himself into a corner. /Shrug emoji/. Somebody’s gonna die from that fish tank powder before Friday.
zhena gogolia
I love the “shall we say” in “his age group and shall we say weight group”
Isn’t this ‘morbidly obese’ thing something that should have come up during the much-anticipated second half of his physical…
…oh wait…
…come ON, national snooze media! There’s so much low-hanging fruit here, it’s like a low-hanging orchard of fruit trees, or something.
Love her so much.
@Mary G: Well, “people are saying”, so “it’s out there”.
Love the chyron on MSNBC report.
Catch MSNBC via Rockin Rooster online. And — the banner ad across the top is for webcasting funerals. Oh boy.
S.E. Cupp weighs (d’oh) in on what women’s response will be to the lame defense of “Pelosi is fat-shaming trumpov!”
Nancy knows how to leave a mark with those burns.
It was funny to watch Trump informing he is taking hydroxy …. not hard to imagine him saying “I am sitting in soiled diapers. Right now. Yeah. A full diaper. The fullest diaper …”
That’s the third or fourth time in the past six weeks or so Cupp has been accurate and cutting.
10 years ago she was “Sippy” Cupp.
Brian Williams brings up Nancy Smash and “morbidly obese.”
He says “she could not help herself.”
Shade there, Brian.
@Gin & Tonic:
Jim covered this at #18. Yes if you read it fast or without at least a nod in the direction of a lawyer, you think it says he was prescribed it and is taking it. But it really doesn’t say that at all. It will satisfy his base that it’s OK, it will satisfy his friends/bank account because a lot of people will take it. And as he could care less that they will die from it, if he even was to understand the letter it would be rather amazing. The more I hear of his speeches I’m getting more and more convinced that he is suffering from some form of dementia. The anger bit suggests possible Alzheimer’s. And this along with all his myriad other issues.
@HumboldtBlue: Yup.
You notice very few ‘conversions’ heading the other direction…I know we have to fight the whole way to November (and beyond) but still…it’s encouraging.
Especially the intensity.
Villago Delenda Est
@Patricia Kayden: She’s not wrong. There’s no way to verify anything Donald says, since he’s a pathological liar. He could very well be saying it to find marks to buy the shit from Jared’s warehouse.
Lord Fartdaddy (Formerly, Mumphrey, Smedley Darlington Mingobat, et al.)
As one of the Lawyers, Guns ‘n’ Money dudes, said earlier, fat shaming is a terrible thing, and I feel especially strongly about this, as I’m married to a lovely fat woman. But if it’s to drag our president [sic], I’m willing to make a big–shall we say, a big, fat exception. A morbidly obese exception, even.
Emphasis on ‘suffering’, if I may. It really is the least he deserves.
I know his idiot followers mistake all of his words for wisdom and his actions for strength, but folks who know better inside the Republican Noise Machine must be increasingly horrified at their odds this November. To which I can only say: it’s not nearly enough that they lose a little or even a lot of sleep.
#He.Lies.Everyday.Every.Hour.Every.Minute. Every.Second.Every.Breath.He.Takes
The truth can roll over him, back up over him, and roll over him again and #He.Lies.Everyday.Every.Hour.Every.Minute. Every.Second.Every.Breath.He.Takes
De mi Rancho a Tu Cocina:
Enrolladitas Y Remedio Para la tos De Mi Rancho A Tu Cocina
@Lord Fartdaddy (Formerly, Mumphrey, Smedley Darlington Mingobat, et al.): The President* is of Taftian proportions. And Nonna Pelosi doesn’t out and out call him morbidly obese. She just lets the suggestion hang there like a ripe cherry.
This is an example of why I won’t get one.?
It would have only have been netter if she had said
morbidly obese…at a level no one has ever seen before
h/t to Cooper for not falling out of his chair
Who says TV talking heads aren’t talented?
Suddenly have the best song ever for Trump… not sure why it never occured to me sooner, but it’s literally his theme song. And David Bowie, no less.
I will never see his orange visage again without hearing “pug, pug”
Heh. “How to hydroxychloroquine.” She’s rather brilliant.
@Jim, Foolish Literalist: The press better not let him fucking get away with this. The President just said, point blank, that he is taking a very dangerous drug and has been taking it for more than a week with absolutely no side effects. Either he is, or he isn’t. Yes, he lies all the time, but this feels very different. This is “marbles dribbling out of his ear” level of lying, and it’s so straight forward that it becomes very close to being clear enough for the media to actually clearly say it’s a lie.
Trump said this (video embedded):
Yes she is.
@Gin & Tonic: It’s Twitter timestamp weirdness.
Jim, Foolish Literalist
@trollhattan: I was hoping she’d do one of those for today
she’s so damn good
@Lord Fartdaddy (Formerly, Mumphrey, Smedley Darlington Mingobat, et al.): Speaking as a personal fat person (formerly thin, but yeah, whatever). I say go for it! It’s the skin thickness, and the getting under it. Go Nancy!
@Steeplejack: That is all he can say. Doesn’t make it true.
Attention is not on the IG and arms sales to Saudi Arabia, though. Shiny object!
I have no words. I have no words for how this happens over and over and over.
I thought I understood. I thought I was hip and woke and I got it.
I have no words.
Also, since this is an open thread (1) TaMara I hope your doglets are letting you recover as needed. and
(2) the very firstest grandbaby of the next generation in my widest extended family was born this afternoon (not mine, my nephew + wife). V. exciting. Hope she’s not allergic to big black fluffy dogs. :/
Mary G
Patricia Kayden
@Jeffro: ?? ?? ?? I usually can’t stand her but S.E. Cupp clapped back good and hard. Well done!!
If any needs non-schadenfreude-y pleasure, Flower Fight on Netflix came out today, and it is everything I ever wanted from a show about pretty flowers and adorable people.
Enhanced Voting Techniques
@Gin & Tonic: Trump might be getting the prescription from that quack doctor of his in NYC and then has his staff fill it. I would be to surprised if Trump taking a lot of drugs he doesn’t tell the Navy doctors about.
@Mary G: Hmmm, guess these “attorneys” never saw the sign “no shirt, no shoes, no service”.
James E Powell
On twitter I see that Megan McCain blames Obama for “ushering in” Trump. For Republicans, it’s always the black people’s fault, isn’t it.
Thor Heyerdahl
@lgerard: …at a level not seen since Taft?
Trump retweeted The Hoarse Whisperer, of all people. While he (Trump) was bashing on Cavuto big time. I’ll give a shot at embeding a tweet properly.
If it has not been mentioned in the remarks above, Trump invested in this drug. It was not accepted by the scientists and MDs the first time it was promoted. Then there was a lot of stress by people who rely on it for their medication in Lupus. It faded away from the news. I doubt if he would take the chance of taking it.
Ceci n est pas mon nym
@?BillinGlendaleCA: Did you read to the end of the “ad”?
patrick II
It just struck me why Trump has to suddenly broadcast he’s taking hydroxychloroquine. Dr. Bright was on 60 Minutes last night saying what a sad joke (paraphrasing) the White House was telling about hydroxychloroquine. So today Trump has to correct the record asserting he was right all along — because he’s taking it. He’s probably not, but you have to keep the dupes in line.
@ziggy: I want you to brace yourself, as this may come as a shock: Donald Trump is a deeply, deeply stupid person.
@James E Powell:
@Ceci n est pas mon nym: Just skimmed, I sit corrected and live in shame.
Which is just a
ruble’sstone’s throw fromMinskGlendale?[ETA: Larry Storch is still alive, 97 years old. And this whole reply probably seems like a non-sequitur, but it’s not. Well, not completely.]
TS (the original)
@Villago Delenda Est:
Bingo! There are 29 million doses to be sold.
@TS (the original):
To paraphrase Jacobs/Casey/Farrar: Grift is the word
@dmsilev: I tell people that and they say “how can that be the case, he’s rich”? I, of course, tell them that he’s not in fact rich and is leveraged up to his piss colored hair.
@Gin & Tonic, @?BillinGlendaleCA:
It’s an oddity of Twitter. If you embed a tweet, the date on the embed goes (apparently) by (current) GMT, so in the evening in the U.S. you sometimes see tomorrow’s date. But if you go to the actual tweet, the timestamp is “correct.” Go figure.
patrick II
Here Bill, have some hydroxychloroquine — it cures shame.
It never occurs to them that someone as rich as he claims to be, and as much of an attention-seeker he actually is, would be taking out a full-page ad in the FTFTFNYT showing his tax returns, rather than trying to keep them sekrit.
Hey, since this is an open thread, I have a story I need to tell. Saturday was our congressional district Dem convention, and since it was online, there was very little opportunity for preening and grandstanding.
That didn’t stop the Berners from trying, of course. They were worked up because their resolution calling on Democrats to pass “Bernie Sanders’ Medicare for All Bill” (in so many words.) They tried to rope in us Warren delegates, too, in their usual “you’re progressives, so we assume that means you believe all the same things we do” fashion.
The rules for the resolutions vote were that there was one up or down vote on the whole package of resolutions. They were convinced that the lack of a MfA resolution was so damaging to “the progressive cause” that they would all vote against it and lobby other delegates to do the same, so that better resolutions could be introduced and passed at the state level (even though that’s much less progressive than northern Virginia.) And they seemed to believe that the authors of resolutions about criminal justice reform, gun control, climate change, labor, etc., would see the light and join with them in progressive unity after they torpedoed their resolutions, rather than seeing it as proof they are unreliable allies.
Needless to say, since they were already in the minority, the resolutions package passed, and other than possibly doing themselves some damage, it was all for naught. But it was quite bizarre. I’ve never encountered people involved in politics who seem to have less understanding of how politics actually works.
Chetan Murthy
@Patricia Kayden: I’m with ABL 100%. Three reasons it’s on-brand for Shitler to be lyin’ about this:
(1) he’s a sociopath — he’s gonna recommend to people whatever is best for HIM. So he’d say arsenic is good for ya, if it’d help him.
(2) he’s got a decent sense of self-preservation: if the doctors say “it might kill you”, he won’t take it.
(3) if he’d do -anything- with it, it’d be to force everyone around him to take it — just as they all wear masks, all get daily tests.
I’m sure what happened, was that somebody was needling him about his pushing “the hydroxy”, and he said “well, I take it, and it works!” A little lie. But then he was locked-in, and had to keep repeating it.
@Redshift: Hmm, one edit – I meant their resolution had been watered down by combining it with other health care resolutions into a generic pro-universal healthcare resolution.
@Redshift: That is bizarre, I agree. And I’m in Chesterfield, Virginia. I hope the damage is lasting because these people really are unreliable.
Oh, they are just fucking with Trump now, and I love it!
Been away from the Internets and this is the first I have heard about this.
Has Trump called Pelosi “nasty” yet?
@patrick II: Nothing cures shame.
Grover Gardner
This isn’t so smashing:
We’ve been doing so well in Oregon, until this asshat judge declared the Governer’s authority null and void.
In Southern Oregon, Jackson Co., 50 cases and no deaths. People have been very good. Now these damn churches want to do whatever they want. Thank goodness his ruling is on hold. Plenty of people going about their business here, but it’s relatively sane. And Gov. Brown is slowly reopening. There’s no need to trash her authority.
@Redshift: so many facepalms. Thank you for sitting through that and living to tell the tale.
Bill Arnold
FWIW, the actual tweet id contains an encoded timestamp. This site will parse tweet urls:
@Chetan Murthy:
Recently, my wife (a longtime, top-quality nurse, who has dealt with patients of all types of psychological makeups) and my daughter (who deals with and treats persons with various types of “pathologies”) saw — at separate times, without the other one present — the Murderer-in-Chief’s signature, and commented that his signature was that of a psychopathic (or perhaps psychotic) person.
I thought that was interesting, and not in a good way.
@patrick II:
I agree that Trump is lying. He wants to use his lies about the malaria pills and the promise of a vaccine to reinforce the Big Lie that we don’t need testing and the country can quickly open up again.
Trump truly does not care who gets hurt.
Another Scott
@Redshift: Thanks for the report from the trenches!
Juice Box
Hydroxychloroquine also causes retinal toxicity. I hope he goes blind before the arrhythmia kills him.
Bill Arnold
@Gin & Tonic:
(4) He had acquired a supply on his own, and asked his doctor if it was safe for him. His doctor looked again at his EKG records prayed a moment and said “probably” but it won’t actually help, and Trump said thank you, I will risk it because I have been exposed and am too vain to wear a mask to protect against new exposures.
And his nights have been nightmare been less restful since.
Not sure but it’s consistent with the timing of the Whitehouse The Masque of the Red Death infected people incidents. He could just be lying, but personal safety is motive for him; he was reported to be screaming about not being properly protected when the infected valet (or maybe others) was found. And it’s a really cheap drug, so there is very little profit involved.
@Grover Gardner:
I saw that.. who is that judge ? Are they up for re-election? I think tomorrow is voting day or something.. (I already voted)
Crazy stuff. But in the end, I think Gov Brown should do the best she can. But if it ends up that she loses.. then these morons will all get it and I guess God will erase all doubt. Trumpers gotta Trump.. after a few die, they’ll stop on their own.. but not before the damage is down – most likely to their pocket books.
Loved the flour mill story. Thanks for the link!
patrick II
Our shameless president disagrees, but then you probably have a conscience.
Our relationship with AI is getting very interesting. Little kids may take it for granted.
ETA. Ask Alexa what she thinks about Trump.
Oh, also, they (including the Warren delegates who decided to join in) wrote an open letter and sent several emails saying, among other things, how this was important to “appeal to” people on the left, and to include “all of the party.” You know, by rejecting a compromise designed for broad appeal and demanding something that appealed only to them.
I actually wrote a reply to one of them explaining that I was so far beyond “appealing to” people who sneer at every attempt to accommodate their views because it doesn’t give them all of what they want. I decided not to send it because I didn’t want a fight, but it made me feel better to write it out.
@TaMara (HFG):
You’re so right! I’m going to print that out and frame it!
The Lodger
@Grover Gardner: The Oregon Supreme Court isn’t known for speedy action, so I’m glad to see they upheld the Gov.
@The Lodger:I lived in southern OR 15 years and can confirm that everything outside of Portland is Alabama.
Steeplejack (phone)
@Bill Arnold:
Posted on an earlier thread but I thought I’d repeat it here.
If you have washable masks with elastic over the ears where the elastic is not doing the job anymore, just run a string or bit of fabric through the elastic and tie it in back. If you can’t get masks that fit because you have a large head or ears set too far forward or back, this works for that as well.
@patrick II:
Ah, there’s my problem.
Dan B
@patrick II: Also, we got to watch Trump deflecting from the conemnation by Dr. Bright and the firing of the IG for the State Department and the sale of arms to the Saudi’s. Now the media, and us, are on to Trump claiming to take hydroxychloroquine.
Shiny object!
Amir Khalid
Who is Donald Trump to accuse WHO of bungling its Ciovid-19 response?
Villago Delenda Est
@Grover Gardner: Oregon SC put the kibosh on that yahoo judge in Baker County, and upheld Gov. Brown’s actions.
Villago Delenda Est
@oatler.: Eugene libelz!
Villago Delenda Est
@Steeplejack: The IMAX called Donald. He missed his shift last weekend.
Amir Khalid
Food for thought: why incompetent men become leaders.
Sloane Ranger
According to Dr Reiner? (VP Cheyney’s cardiologist) his contacts at the WH are telling him that Trump is getting hydroxicloricine? Or at least that’s what they’re telling Trump.
Reiner said that he’s dumped on the drug as much as every other doctor (true) and he wouldn’t recommend it for the general public but that the rules for national leaders are different. There is a clinical trial ongoing to see if the drug works as a preventive so if his doctors think he’s had massive exposure to the virus, they may think that the benefits of giving him the drug outweighs the risks, especially as, unlike most of the rest of us, he has a full medical team no more than arms length away 24/7.
My guess, after the valet and the VP’s aide tested positive, he was found in a corner rocking backwards and forwards and the only way they could get him out of his funk was to promise him hydroxicloricine, lots and lots of it.
Amir Khalid
@Sloane Ranger:
The benefits of hydroxychloroquine? I thought it had been established by research that the drug offers no discernible benefit against Covid-19 as a preventive, a treatment, or a cure. It wouldn’t do Trump any good; in fact, it could do him a great deal of harm. I still think that either Trump is lying about taking hodroxychloroquine, or his doctors are giving him sugar pills.
@Amir Khalid:
Much thought. Thank you
Dan B
@Amir Khalid: Very good talk. It made me realize one of the features of Bernie that rubs me the wrong way. He’s smart and narcissistic. And it seems to show up in his followers who are either hero worshippers or narcissists themselves, at least in demanding you cater to their smarts.
It was also interesting to hear about male leadership’s tendency to incompetence from a cis male who has the traits and looks of a movie hero. I could listen to his voice for hours. It seemed clear that he values competent leaders and empowering more women leaders. Not what one would expect from a man who could so easily fit the role of a macho man.
And timely when we look at female leaders in the covid pandemic, and some non-jerk* men.
*substitute egotistical if you like but most of them are just jerks that piss me off royally.
@Amir Khalid:
From the link about leadership. I think this is a major problem.
Incompetent men are often groomed, promoted, given second chances, while women are ignored or quickly shoved aside if they are not immediate successes.
Uncle Cosmo
@Patricia Kayden: Ever since I first saw that name I’ve wondered if S.E. Cupp had a sister named Dee Dee who majored in lap dancing at Liberty U…. but that’s just me.
Uncle Cosmo
@dmsilev: Morbidly obtuse.
Uncle Cosmo
@?BillinGlendaleCA: “Come back, Shame!”
Uncle Cosmo
You clearly were too young to attend weekly meetings of your local Vietnam Moratorium committee & watch the wacko left bicker over obscure manifesto bullet-points & assassinate one another’s character. I should’ve brought popcorn but at the time it was no laughing matter – most of us were there because we wanted to stop a stupid, bloody war that had already killed one of my HS friends.
Sloane Ranger
@Amir Khalid: According to both Dr Reiner and Dr Sanjay Gupta there’s a clinical trial to see if it’s any good as a preventive which is due to report very shortly. I suspect you are right and the answer will be no.
Jeez, she knows just how to poke him into a fury!
Siri once told me I wasn’t being very nice. I haven’t spoken to her since.
Amir Khalid
@Uncle Cosmo:
Well, that too.
@HumboldtBlue: Yeah, I know…she was always conservative, but atheist (LOL) and a both-sider at best. Maybe the increasing influence of the RR in the party pushed her over partially into the light.
Miss Bianca
@lamh36: I could never, never live with an Alexa in my house. You are a braver woman than I.