A takeaway from @statnews reporter @levfacher covering the Senate #COVID19 hearing:
"As some lawmakers push to reopen the U.S. economy, it’s not clear whether the Senate itself is capable of resuming normal operations.''https://t.co/wZ6k7HHsh6— Rick Berke (@rickberke) May 13, 2020
As much as a layperson can, I’ve been following the unfolding pandemic pretty closely, but I still learned a few things from this widely-praised Financial Times piece:
Edward Luce spoke with dozens of officials to discover what went wrong in Donald Trump’s first real crisis — and found a president who ignored increasingly urgent intelligence warnings and dismissed anyone who claimed to know more than him https://t.co/jSkLQL4KCS
— Financial Times (@FinancialTimes) May 14, 2020
Vivid analogy, from a pandemics expert:
Alright. There is a LOT of chatter on this website bashing those who are saying most of the country still isn't ready for a safe reopening.
So, as we approach what would normally be summer pool season, here's a short analogy about pooping and accountability.
— Jeremy TEST/TRACE/ISOLATE Konyndyk (@JeremyKonyndyk) May 15, 2020
There's a next step – some poor soul on pool staff has to go fish out the poop. It's a pretty thankless job.
Then they have to shock the pool with chlorine to kill off bacteria.
And then everyone waits half and hour or so til it's safe to swim again. https://t.co/y0IMgvvDT9
— Jeremy TEST/TRACE/ISOLATE Konyndyk (@JeremyKonyndyk) May 15, 2020
If the lifeguards tell everyone to clear the pool, but the pool staff declines to actually get rid of the poop, what happens?
No one can go back in. The poop is still there. Limbo.
Whose fault is it that it's not safe to go back in the water? Who is accountable?
— Jeremy TEST/TRACE/ISOLATE Konyndyk (@JeremyKonyndyk) May 15, 2020
And a lot of the public is buying it!!
The President's whole play here is to distract from his failure to fix the mess by focusing the country's attention on people who don't want to swim in a pooped-in pool.
He wants you to believe they're saying you should never go back in.
— Jeremy TEST/TRACE/ISOLATE Konyndyk (@JeremyKonyndyk) May 15, 2020
Everyone wants to get back in the pool. Everyone wants to reopen the country.
And if you're frustrated that we can't, please hold the right folks accountable. The problem isn't the people saying we need to reopen *safely*.
It's the people saying needn't bother with that part.
— Jeremy TEST/TRACE/ISOLATE Konyndyk (@JeremyKonyndyk) May 15, 2020
If people can see the poop still floating in the pool, they're not going to be convinced by the staff telling them it's safe to go in.
Similarly, governors lifting restrictions won't yield economic recovery until a critical mass of people feel that reopening is safe.
— Jeremy TEST/TRACE/ISOLATE Konyndyk (@JeremyKonyndyk) May 15, 2020
Seven weeks into coronavirus lockdowns, Fed has a new, darker message https://t.co/y9MXhEsvDj pic.twitter.com/JI8MrOpmGl
— Reuters (@Reuters) May 14, 2020
Tired of Covid news? Last year I wrote a feature about how frontline responders fought #Ebola in Congo. So much of this story is relevant now. A THREAD. https://t.co/jlwGb0k68s
— Amy Maxmen (@amymaxmen) May 14, 2020
As a result of mistrust & confusion, despite Ebola drugs and an Ebola vaccine, the overall death rate was still a whopping 67%. The lesson is that outbreak response isn't just about biomedical tools. It's about what happens in communities where viruses spread. Sound familiar?
— Amy Maxmen (@amymaxmen) May 14, 2020
The best responders tried to understand what people were worried about & then tried to see how to change behaviors in that context. Anthropologist @AnokoJulienne told me: “We just show them that we are human — mothers, fathers, sisters, brothers — we explain why we want to help.” pic.twitter.com/DJItgGumOI
— Amy Maxmen (@amymaxmen) May 14, 2020
America is on life support because of the malicious incompetence of the Trump administration dealing with everything and most devastatingly the Coronavirus. #TrumpHasNoPlan pic.twitter.com/CNoJE4JLAR
— MeidasTouch.com (@MeidasTouch) May 16, 2020
“First real crisis?” Wasn’t that the North Korean missle launch just after the Inauguration? How many firsts does this guy get?
Patricia Kayden
@Patricia Kayden:
Phuck that heifer ??
@rikyrah: “Morbidly obese.”
That’s gonna leave a mark. Nancy Smash!
OTOH, I think it’s the best thing Melania heard all day. She probably laughed. In private.
@Patricia Kayden: Why she gets paid the big bucks.
Le sigh. She is an idiot.
@Patricia Kayden:
Kind of like how Lincoln ushered in the civil war.
@debbie: I agree that this is the first huge crisis WRT the mainland Trump has faced, although a better president would have thought Hurricane Maria was a huge crisis. Not der Trump!
We and he have been lucky in that respect, but luck runs out. (Not that Trump has not been a disaster, in his own right. But not the usual externalities a president sees.)
I want Nuremberg Trials.
Also, this particular pool has 90% of the water on one side and 10% on the other. 30 people or so are in the large side frantically cleaning it and siphoning off any clean water remaining in the small side while demanding the other 350 odd million of us jump in the shitty small side or they might lose just a tiny bit of their water. #failedpool
zhena gogolia
The replies to that tweet are EPIC!
zhena gogolia
Haha, I have heard people called “heifer” so many times, but never has the epithet been more aptly used than in reference to Meghan McCain!
@rikyrah: I just saw that and, well, game over. ??????
“morbidly obese” God, I love that woman.
Well when he said he was a stable genius turns out he WAS talking about shit.
Mallard Filmore
For anyone that is in constant contact with possible positive individuals, I ran across this item:
My ex-wife had one of these devices, and I have seen an advertisement on TV about a new and improved version. The hose in one nostril pumps the water in, and the hose in the other nostril sucks it out. If I HAD to do a sinus flush, this would be the way to go.
From the FT article: “That afternoon at the CDC provides an X-ray into Trump’s mind at the halfway point between denial and acceptance.”
I of course couldn’t help thinking of this: https://www.sbs.com.au/guide/sites/sbs.com.au.guide/files/styles/full/public/homer_brain_scan.jpg?itok=1YviyP61
Might want to extend the pool metaphor a bit, since a big part of the problem is that the poop isn’t actually visible, and we only know it’s floating around in there somewhere because a percentage of the people who do go into the pool are getting nastily stained with it.
@rikyrah: I am impressed that Anderson Cooper kept a stone face with that.
Maddow opened her show about the imaginary model that the WH used to push the re-opening ??
Undercounting prison breakout numbers
Undercounting meat packing plant breakout numbers ???
I have to disagree with those folks who claim that trump was ignoring his responsibilities and not focused on his job He spent most of January addressing what he saw as the greatest threat to America:
Jim, Foolish Literalist
@rikyrah: Hey trump! yer old and fat!
god bless her
Dorothy A. Winsor
Nancy Pelosi called Trump “morbidly obese” while talking to Anderson Cooper. He struggled for a straight face.
ETA: Rikyrah beat me to it. It’s still a fun thing to post.
Jim, Foolish Literalist
@lgerard: my god, was it just in January he was carrying on about his trouble flushing?
@Mallard Filmore: I have my “I was a B-J commenter during neti-pot mania” t-shirt.
@rikyrah:Full quote:
I love ‘his, shall we say, weight group’.
Bill Arnold
Copied from a thread below, since it’s pertinent.
Just to be clear, there is no observed protective effect for hydroxychloroquine in a population that takes it regularly for other reasons.
Hydroxychloroquine. Does. Not. Work. To. Prevent. Serious. COVID-19[1]. At. Least. Not. For. Lupus. Patients.
A bit technical but short:
Baseline use of hydroxychloroquine in systemic lupus erythematosus does not preclude SARS-CoV-2 infection and severe COVID-19 (Accepted 27 April 2020, pdf)
[1] Nor, probably, does it affect rates of SARS-CoV-2 infection. That’s less clear from the data, but not particularly relevant; mortality and general symptomatic COVID-19 cases are what matters.
Comrade Colette Collaboratrice
@Patricia Kayden: @rikyrah:
TS (the original)
@rikyrah: She seems to be the only media pundit talking the truth about what is happening in the US at the minute. EVERY talk show should be highlighting the issues she covers.
Much as I hate to insult either bovines or porcines, Meghan McCain also epitomizes the phrase “lipstick on a pig”.
I remember a couple of hurricanes there too.
Matt McIrvin
@Dorothy A. Winsor: just saw a friend of mine on Twitter agonizing over that wisecrack: “we’re gonna lose so bad”.
Bill Arnold
Already linked I think, but worth a skim if one’s blood pressure is under control.
So, lockdown protests almost certainly include some geographically-dispered superspreader events:
US lockdown protests may have spread virus widely, cellphone data suggests – Devices associated with protesters travelled up to hundreds of miles after rallies where few precautions were taken (Jason Wilson, Mon 18 May 2020)
This is sooo on-brand. I don’t even want bonus points for predicting this back in February.
@Jim, Foolish Literalist:
Toilet rant 1/15/2020
dr. bloor
@rikyrah: With two words, Nancy SMASH manages to trigger Trump with a re-enactment of old mother-son dynamics AND send a warning shot across Ronny Jackson’s bow as to how obsequious incompetence is viewed in the House.
Fucking brilliant.
@Matt McIrvin:
God, Democrats, there are no bigger handwringers on the planet. Some of these people are not going to make it to November. They’ll have a collective nervous breakdown.
Do you recall the specifics of the last Nancy Pelosi outrage? It was when she tore up the SOTU speech. Obviously a huge turning point in the race, sealed the deal for Donald Trump.
@Patricia Kayden: She forgot to add, “As John McCain’s daughter…”
I just love watching spoiled entitled brats who never had to earn anything in their useless lives pontificating on what “working people” need. It’s like they’re trying to accumulate a sense of accomplishment and self-respect via association instead of, you know, actually doing something.
@rikyrah: I already see Nancy being accused of fat shaming, but as someone, who’s got the same BMI classification as Chump saying Chump is “morbidly obese” for his age and size is not “shaming”. And the fact is for someone with that underlying condition, IF he is taking that drug, then its medically true that it is not a good idea to be morbidly obese and older to be using that drug in any other capacity than it’s intended use.
But I guess folks gonna cry bout anything…at some point folks are going to have to not be sensitive when someone accurately points out the dangers of being morbidly obese to one’s health.
I’d like to think I am very realistically about my health and I know my obesity is a problematic precursor for other conditions
“morbidly obese” is a medical terms, it’s not like she called the guy a “fat fuq” and just because Anderson Cooper smirked doesn’t change that.
Mai naem mobile
@Mallard Filmore: I found the use of betadine interesting because I’ve always preferred using betadine for cuts and ‘not deep’ wounds(instead of neosporin) but I wonder what happens if betadine makes its way into the lungs.
@Bill Arnold: Oh hooray! Fucking assholes.
@Matt McIrvin: I have some grave reservations about your friends and their judgement.
@Patricia Kayden: Isn’t Megs some well-known person’s daughter? I can recall exactly who right now. :)
zhena gogolia
Jim, Foolish Literalist
@Patricia Kayden: my sister used to wear a button that said, “Why isn’t ignorance painful?” Of course, I do believe Meghan is more stupid than ignorant. You can fix ignorant.
Old Dan and Little Ann
@rikyrah: The video of Pelosi saying that is in that Twitter thread. Thanks for making my day.
@Kay: I have no patience with pants wetters.
These are probably the same people who think Democrats are real fuckups, every single time. A lot of them are … progressives.
Courage, pants wetters.
Jim, Foolish Literalist
@Matt McIrvin: @Kay:
@Patricia Kayden: McCain’s remark could almost be true in the sense that the culture way was ushered in with the Obama Administration by Mitch McConnell. But that’s not remotely true either.
Jim, Foolish Literalist
@Redshift: the recently resurfaced Turd Blossom used Meghan McCain’s Bangladesh-born sister as racist-bait in the 2000 So Carolina Republican primary because he knew Barack Obama was going to usher in a culture war 8 years later
@Redshift: And McCain’s running mate — Sarah Palin.
No way anyone could ever accuse that one of fomenting culture wars. It’s why she was chosen.
zhena gogolia
@Old Dan and Little Ann:
It’s the “shall we say” that makes it — chef’s kiss!
I don’t much like fat jokes about Trump because that’s not what’s bad about him, and I know perpetuating the idea that being fat is a personal failing is painful for many fat liberals I know. (It was even worse with Chris Christie.)
But puncturing Trump’s vanity with some concern trolling about an entirely relevant risk factor isn’t a fat joke.
zhena gogolia
Mai naem mobile
@Elizabelle: I remember when Katrina happened, FEMA had a Katrina kind of disaster in NOLA and the San Andreas fault cracking up as two possible natural disasters they were concerned about. I am wondering if this earthquake is going to happen under Donny the way our luck is running with him.
@Jim, Foolish Literalist:
He’s high risk! These are the FACTS :)
I’m a girther though. I think he lies about his weight, just like he lies about his height. Of course he does!
@Mai naem mobile: Oh please no. At least California has excellent state government.
But no more disasters. Trump is a fucking disaster all on his own. Does not need no help from Mother Earth.
Mai naem mobile
@Matt McIrvin: if we lose to Donny we fucking deserve to dissolve as a party and as a country. I don’t care what crap the GOP pulls there should be enough motivation on our side to win. Electoral college, voter suppression, russian bots, media time unfairly apportioned to Donny…whatever, we still should be eeking out a win.
@lamh36: Listen, love, we just wished you a happy graduation. You need to take care of yourself. PLEASE. After my dad died, we found a notebook with a quote: “If you don’t take time for health now, you will have to take time for sickness later.” It was heartbreaking.
Can you help people who would take medical advice from Donald Trump, though?
Those people would have taken something deadly at some point anyway. I’m amazed they’re alive right now. They’re a lost cause.
@zhena gogolia: I
@ThresherK: you and every liberal on the planet, including me…..
@lamh36: Wait ‘til she says he’s a big fluffy snowflake, after his tantrum…..
@Mai naem mobile: Not a good result….