Framed Hagar the Horrible cartoon behind the laptop.
— Dan Zak (@MrDanZak) August 11, 2020
the story behind this is actually quite touching, but I do hope that when, god willing, biden gets elected, he puts up a big "you can't soar with the eagles when you're surrounded by turkeys" poster in the oval office
— guy caligiuri (????????????) (@mmcgrath42) August 12, 2020
Nearly nine out of 10 Democrats approve of Kamala Harris as their party’s vice presidential nominee, and she is more popular than presidential candidate Joe Biden among women, young voters and some Republicans, according to a @Reuters /Ipsos poll
— Reuters (@Reuters) August 13, 2020
Reporter: Do you regret all of the lying that you have done to the American people?
President Trump: What?
Reporter: Do you regret all of the lying that you have done to the American people?
Then, President Trump doesn't answer and moves on to the next reporter.
— Yamiche Alcindor (@Yamiche) August 13, 2020
(Apparently it was HuffPost‘s S.V. Date. Wish the next reporter had followed up!)
One final thing: Stop demanding that Democrats DO SOMETHING.
There's an election in less than three months.
It's not about the Democrats doing something.
It's our turn.
We are the ones we've been waiting for.
— Jeff Fecke (@jkfecke) August 14, 2020
Two questions:
Is the Yamiche Alcindor tweet an actual exchange? Or just a wished-for/hypothetical? [Yeah I know Paula Reid (I think) asked a similar set of questions, but didn’t recall if she used the word “lying.”]
What the feck is Fecke on about? To whom is he speaking? “It’s our turn”?? WTF?
Yeah, I can count. So sue me.
Good Morning, Everyone ???
@SFAW: Yes. Someone asked if about lying. I think it was someone who worked at HuffPost, and trump should be asked that question every time he’s available for questions.
Dorothy A. Winsor
A federal court in Pennsylvania has ordered the Trump campaign to produce what evidence they have of mail-in voter fraud. I think the Trump campaign is suing to curtail mail-in voting because of possible fraud, and the judge is saying put up or shut up.
I find it odd that “young voters” needed KamHa on the ticket to find it palatable for electing. Heads up yoots: if Trump gets another 4 yrs, you may not have a inhabitable planet on which to live when you reach your 50s. You certainly wont have many rights and freedoms….
Anne Laurie
@SFAW: Added a Guardian link with video — it was an actual question!
And Trump didn’t explode (he honestly doesn’t seem to have understood the question); his handlers must’ve had him on a heavy dose of tranquilizers for this particular press.
As for Jeff Fecke’s tweet… We’re a little better than that here, mostly, but too many ‘true progressive’ Democrats are still whining about how Nancy Pelosi / Neera Tanden / Joe Biden should Do Something, wave a magic wand, to make Trump, McConnell, and the rest of the GOP Death Cult just STOP already. It’s not that simple. We have to keep reminding our ‘allies’ — it’s never that simple!
@SFAW: I took Fecke’s “our turn” as meaning “the voters”.
Dorothy A. Winsor
@SFAW: I took Fecke to mean it’s our turn to do something, which is vote. The Ds have already done what they can from their constricted position. We need to stand up and get this done ourselves.
@Dorothy A. Winsor: They can send in Trump’s Florida application, which used a business address (Mar-a-Lago, IIRC) rather than a residence and so constitutes fraud under Florida election law.
Le Comte de Monte Cristo, fka Edmund Dantes
No, it was a real question. If we had a decent political media, the next reporter called would have said “I’d like you to answer his question“.
But he’d just stop making himself avail —
Never mind. Brilliant idea.
@SFAW: ‘Do you regret all your lying?’ White House reporter’s question startles Trump
@Anne Laurie: Patricia Kayden posted this below. Another real question and answer from our racist pres.
Le Comte de Monte Cristo, fka Edmund Dantes
It was S.V. Date.
I need some advice. I just saw an article that says the USPS may not be able to get ballots out to everyone in PA in time for the election. I’ve never voted in any other way than in-person, and am thinking I should probably do so again in November, so that my request for a mail-in ballot doesn’t add to that workload. I’m thinking I should leave the mail-in ballots to those who can’t make it to their polling place, for whatever reason. Thoughts?
@Dorothy A. Winsor:
Have other presidents filed lawsuits? I know no one can equal Trump’s propensity for lawsuits, but I can’t remember anything like this.
and Ozark got there first.
Good plan.
John S.
I don’t know about other parts of the country, but here in South Florida we can use our mail in ballots without having to use the mail.
The counties all have numerous drop boxes setup — some are open only during early voting hours in polling places, others are open 24/7. That means voters do not have to take the risk of voting in person OR take the risk that the USPS will deliver their ballot in time.
@Dorothy A. Winsor: Best part? Trump appointed judge!
@John S.:
In Ohio, the SoS is only allowing one dropbox per county, outside the county’s BoE. One county (Cuyahoga, I think) has one million registered voters! The SoS’s excuse is that there isn’t enough time before the election and it’s too expensive.
@JPL: what does that even mean? He wants to push 5% of the minorities out of the suburbs?
@MJS: Come Nov 3rd I will drag my broken masked body thru broken glass to my polling station so I can cast my vote. I’m not trusting any other method in this failed state.
@Peale: Possibly it’s a mis-transcription, he does slur[*] a lot. Instead of “I like to cut it lower,” he may have said “I like to keep it lower.”
* In several senses of the word.
@satby: Actually, Anne got there first. She added the link and video to the post. :-)
ETA Well, maybe not the video, I can only see text in tweets.
Thanks all for the explanations. I hadn’t heard about the SV Date interchange. I would love it if the MSM started doing their jobs, but I’d also love to be 30 years younger. On the plus side: at least with the MSM, there is a non-zero probability.
@OzarkHillbilly: I may vote early, which Indiana calls absentee in person. But I’m going to the polls.
I imagine Traitor Ken Blackwell is on the SoS’s payroll.
go early, if you have early voting
Or, it’s in keeping with his lifelong obsession with practicing redlining and racial housing discrimination. ?
I just am wondering when the lawsuits about Trump admitting to the federal offense of mail tampering will drop. Trump might be immune from prosecution, but his PMG is not.
@MJS: Can you vote early in person at your local BOE? I’m considering that. I don’t want to wait until in person on election day because a lot can go wrong in 30 days, including the possibility of illness for me. But I can go early, masked up, to my BOE and vote on their machines. If the concern is receiving your mail-in-ballot, not returning it, I’d go the early in person route if your state allows it.
Yeah, he still pops up from time to time to foul up the discussion, like a never-ending nightmare.
That was my understanding, too.
@satby: Indiana may be a semi sane state. Misery is cuckoo land. They make absentee as onerous as possible.
@Dorothy A. Winsor:
I keep hoping that when the Murderer-in-Chief spouts that crap during his “coronavirus briefings,” some reporter(s) will ask him to tell America what specific evidence he has which led him to make that clearly false claim.
@OzarkHillbilly: Nope, Indiana is not semi-sane. I never realized how subtle vote suppression could be until I moved here. It starts at the DMV when you try to get ID.
Tranquilizers or not, if a woman had asked the question I believe he would have exploded with a flurry of insults directed at the reporter. Instead he just ignored the man’s question and moved on to the next question.
I doubt we’ll see that particular reporter again, though. He probably got scolded by Jonathan Karl after the presser: “We don’t talk like that here in the Beltway media.”
The safe bet would be that he wants 100% of the minorities out of the suburbs. And the metro areas. And the rural areas.
Whatever gets young people out to vote is fine with me.
Le Comte de Monte Cristo, fka Edmund Dantes
Remember back when the USPS was a beloved American institution, so much so that it made its way into popular entertainment?
I always vote early in-person. It reduces the load on the pollworkers day of election.
@Le Comte de Monte Cristo, fka Edmund Dantes:
My favorite morning TV show when I was a kid was The Merry Mailman. Ray Heatherton (father of Joey).
@rikyrah: Unfortunately, no early voting in PA, so I’ll be voting in-person, come hell or high water. Neither rain nor snow nor heat will stay me from my appointed round. (Gloom of night excluded because I’ll be voting long before the sun goes down).
@satby: Here, they are proud of our vote suppression. They don’t exactly brag about it but it’s pretty blatant. I guess IN still has a sense of shame, something we are entirely lacking,
@Anne Laurie: There are postal inspectors. Where are they? Why can’t they start cracking down?
Aren’t there ANY sheriffs in town?
Last night Mr WereBear and I decided we can’t mail our ballot. For the good of the nation, we will risk our lives by using the early election period.
I STILL refuse to accept that there’s “nothing to be done.” Think outside the usual boxes.
Because Trump is acting outside of them.
John S.
That’s ridiculous. Broward County has 22 ballot boxes in place, and they did it relatively quickly. But then, our SOE is a solid Democrat with a vested interest in making it EASIER for people to vote — not HARDER.
It’s 62% favorable with Kamala vs 60% favorable with Biden. There’s no difference :)
But 60 (or 62%) favorable is high, so that’s good.
Re: the various Fecke-explicatory responses: thanks. I don’t read it the same way. It’s probably some innate bias of mine (re: how I read it), but when I’ve seen “it’s our turn,” it has typically been used in a “get TF out of the way, boomers/DNC/group-we-don’t-like-or-respect” sense. I’m guessing/hoping he meant to write “It’s our turn to step up and do what’s necessary, stop looking to others to solve our problems,” and decided the last 15 words were implied/obvious.
Person, woman, man, camera, blog.
@MJS: I go as soon as I can get my night shift wife out of bed.
In NJ we have 5 drop boxes per county and this feels inadequate
Only good thing for me is one drop box is near where I live.
Having one per county is obscene
A star is reborn: dust cloud blamed for dimming of Betelgeuse
@Le Comte de Monte Cristo, fka Edmund Dantes:
ICE is the least popular. The US Department of Education is also very unpopular, which I suspect is because of student loans. I suspect a student loan is the only interaction most people have with them.
Matt McIrvin
I’m not getting a gun, so what else is there? I think that may be where we are.
@Le Comte de Monte Cristo, fka Edmund Dantes
And then came Cliff Clavin.
Ohio Mom
I haven’t gotten over having the Ohio March primary election abruptly cancelled by the Governor — it was cancelled because it was the start of the first big Covid surge, and I eventually was able to mail-in a ballot, but I am traumatized for life.
All set for the short walk to my polling place, suitable all-blue outfit ready (I always wear blue to vote) and POOF!
I will be voting early AT the Board of Elections. I can’t ever imagine waiting until Election Day ever again.
The funny thing is, I’ve had mixed feelings about early voting. I’m not against the practice but I think depending on the schedule, some early voting can be TOO early: the campaigns aren’t finished, things could happen that will still change those critical “undecideds” minds. I hate that we are dependent on people too lazy to develop a coherent political philosophy but that’s where we are.
@Kay: Me too. Frees me up to do GOTV volunteering or poll monitoring on the day itself. Plus, I’m sure nothing will get in the way of my voting that day because I’ve already done it.
@Punchy: She is more popular. Young voters like her better. I still see some people who are complete dodos calling her a cop though because young voters are not a monolith.
So O.T. personal news, the eye doctor got hold of me Tuesday and asked if I would be available to work if the manager was no longer there (at least as a fill in). Since business is down and there’s no travel in the future for probably a year, I said I could for limited days /hours. Might as well, the cats and dogs are sick of always having me underfoot.
When I worked as a manager in the postal service we would have meetings on how we were doing and the measure they used was comparisons to other countries. For some reason I remember “Germany” coming up constantly but I’m sure there were other countries.
Anyway- we measured up quite well:
@Matt McIrvin: You don’t have a gun??
@satby: I was startled when I read an early pioneer memoir which stated something like, “Indiana acts like it has a conformist requirement in the state constitution, though I looked and it’s not written down.”
The man and his family moved on :)
Matt McIrvin
@Ohio Mom: One thing I like about early voting is that the October Surprise crap that pops right at the end usually subtracts information and intelligence rather than adding it. If people vote before all that, it’s probably actually a more thoughtful vote. I voted early in 2016 and I got my ballot in before the entire Comey letter drama dropped. Imagine if more people had!
@WereBear: I think this will have the effect of more people voting.
Dorothy A. Winsor
@MJS: Here’s an article that says PA is allowing at least some people to early vote through in-person absentee voting. That was how we early voted in Iowa. Any time during the 6 weeks leading up to the election , I went down to the courthouse, filled out an absentee ballot, and turned it in. From the article, I can’t tell how widely available that will be.
But as Kay says, early voting eases the strain on election workers.
@WereBear: ? I agree with that guy.
Dorothy A. Winsor
@satby: I’m assuming the eye doc is taking the same kind of care I’ve seen in doc offices around here. And it would be nice to have something different happen. Assuming “different” isn’t a euphemism for “disaster.”
@Ken: Steven Miller might disagree with you.
Matt McIrvin
@gene108: Massachusetts leaves it up to the city or town and as far as I know, mine does not have drop boxes. But every town has in-person early voting, so I may do that.
I requested a mail ballot for the Sept. 1 state primary (Markey v. Kennedy, some uncontested races too) and the state says it mailed out in August 12th, which, you will note, is already close enough to the election that it may be too close (it has to be RECEIVED by election day). The ballot is not here yet. I’m going to see how many days it takes to get here and use that as a rough gauge as to whether I can risk sending it in. If I do send it in, I’ll watch the same website to see how long it takes for them to get it. It will be an interesting experiment, though it may not have bearing on what state the USPS will be in by October for the general election.
@SFAW: No. Ken Blackwell went off to work for a right wing think tank years ago. ALL Ohio Republican SOS do this stuff.
@trnc: The safe bet is he doesn’t even hide his racism anymore. His filters are gone.
@raven: The Wisconsin effect? I sure hope so.
@Dorothy A. Winsor:
Democrats and voting rights advocates (but I repeat myself) have done a good job expanding access in various ways the last ten years. Early vote is one, automatic registration is another. They’ve gotten a lot accomplished. Next they need to work on this:
You want them to be able to count the absentees before election day. It’s a felony to release results early and a lot of states have been counting absentees prior to close of polls for years with no problems.
Ducked into Costco yesterday after dropping landlady off to see her eye doctor in order to check whether an item they were out of during my earlier regular shopping trip had been restocked (it had).
While ambling around to eat up time, saw that the formerly wide open to view bakery work area has now been completely sealed off, floor to ceiling, from the display and shopping areas. Also that the variety of baked goods for sale is maybe 75% of what it has always been. Something’s up.
Matt McIrvin
@raven: fuck no, will never have one. There’s a child in this household, for one thing, and I read statistics. We might need an army in coming months but I don’t think I can be in it.
Ceci n est pas mon nym
@MJS: PA Dept of State emailed me yesterday to say that we would be getting ballots in Sept or Oct and since we’d used the mail in process for the primary, we didn’t even need to request them again. (Although we had).
They got the job done for the primary, only slightly glitchy. We got the ballots Monday night before Primary Day, too late to mail in. And info on drop boxes was hard to find.
I think they’ll have their act together this round. Even with the federal attack. Primaries were a dry run for all of us, voters, poll workers and state govt.
My state (IL) doesn’t start counting mail-in ballots until polls close, so I am going to suck it up and early vote. My first home project was stripping the MANY layers of paint off of the bricks in the sunroom. The more I did it, the more I masked up–and last week I found three N95 masks from my last effort (more than two years ago), so I at least have that for going out. I’ll need it next week, too, as I have a dentist appointment and will have to take public transport there and back. I’m nervous about it, but I have a chipped tooth and I don’t want it to get worse.
Defending the postal service is a political no-brainer. Donald Trump doesn’t know anything about how the country actually works so he doesn’t know this, but it’s true. This senator is Montana but the odious Susan Collins is also concerned.
Just go crazy on the Trump Administration ruining the post office. Can’t be too vitriolic on this one :)
Also noticed the outside food court (which had already been cut back to sodas, pizza and hot dogs only, as well as removal of all tables and seating) was shut down, locked up and unapproachable as there was a line of eight foot high towers of pallets blocking anyone from getting close.
Maybe this is a controversial opinion, but I think the “do you regret all the lies” question was a waste of time. Just like “have you stopped beating your wife” there’s no real answer. Is any politician ever really going to say yes? Or no? Pretty sure that if Biden were faced with the same question he’d react the same way. Moving on was the right thing to do. Surely that same time could have been better used pressing Trump on something where his answer would actually tell us something (even if it’s not what he meant it to) like why he’s having a campaign megadonor destroy the USPS or how he feels about Alexander Lukashenko. Notice how he has had nothing whatsoever to say about that?
Gin & Tonic
@raven: I’m sure you do, like all southerners.
Dorothy A. Winsor
@Obdurodon: Or, alternatively, I don’t want to hear what Trump has to say about anything ever again. Listening to him destroys brain cells. You wind up knowing less than you did when you started.
Gin & Tonic
@Kay: RI is a heavily-Dem state and has a good and effective SoS; this year they’ve introduced early in-person voting, which I think I will take advantage of. I’ve voted absentee several times due to travel, and it’s always been pretty frictionless here.
Matt McIrvin
@Ceci n est pas mon nym: I think using the mail in any way is just going to be impossible–there’s no act to get together there. They’re going to have to switch gears to telling everyone to vote in person.
Dorothy A. Winsor
@Gin & Tonic: Hee. I see what you did there.
@Gin & Tonic
You risk spraining a finger from pushing the button that hard.
@Matt McIrvin: Makes sense.
Ceci n est pas mon nym
@Matt McIrvin: Apparently I missed a story in the Philadelphia Inquirer that the USPS told PA back in July that they weren’t going to deliver the ballots on time.
That makes me very curious now why PA decided to send out that email yesterday promising ballots in September or October.
As of right now I’m planning on voting by mail, but I have to see how the war of states vs USPS continues to play out.
@Gin & Tonic: Southerner? I’ve only been here 35 years.
early voting begins October 19th in Illinois
And, the hours for Early Voting have expanded. They will be late hours from the very beginning, instead just the second week.
it will be everyday through November 2nd.
@SFAW: His usual evidence: “Many people are saying….”
Evidently the officials at our county jail just this week heard about this virus called COVID-19, and have decided now that they had a big outbreak perhaps they should provide the guards and inmates with face masks! That’s with a mask ordinance in our city. I have no idea what these idiots were thinking. So, our numbers in this county spiked up despite the mask ordinance because of this. Who knows how many cases they’ll find if they test all 750 inmates and 102 officers. Good Lord……
@satby: Wondering the same thing.
I ordered a mail ballot for this election. The most important thing is that it gets to me. Once it gets to me, I will hand deliver it back to my election authority.
My sister is going to early vote. It is only 5 minutes from out house. I will send her the first day, when it opens.
@raven: Heh.
@Matt McIrvin:
There are always vital supply-chain tasks: cooking, laundry, water delivery…
@narya: Because of the HIV crisis in the eighties, dental offices have used best practices for decades. I did wear goggles during the appt though and asked her not to put me to far back. AC systems are still problematic.
@debbie: No one anywhere can equal trump’s propensity for lawsuits – it’s how he breathes.
@SFAW: He’s now a “Fellow” at Family Research Council. Fun fact – during his college years at Xavier and his early years in Cincy city govt he was very liberal. A friend who worked as legislative aid for councilman at that time (early 70’s) said he and Jerry Springer were the most talented and charismatic politicians she’d ever seen. And she knows everyone in local politics.
I just found out yesterday that you can almost add my 31 year old brother to that category of “complete dodos”. He’s extremely liberal and has every intention of voting for the straight Democrat this year. So good, but he asked me my take on Harris getting the VP nod and it turns out he’s a strong believer in the “Biden’s mind is addled” and “She’s a rudderless neocon only out for her own ambition” lies that have been peddled by the Bernie Bros, GRU, and the GOP since the contest started.
So yay to voting right, but man is it disheartening to see even someone who should know better and who knows how to vet sources fall for a blatant disinformation campaign.
And I’ve only been a Wisconsin resident for 35 years. Or any resident, for that matter. But then being born at the tail end of 1984 will do that. Sorry raven, you’re a Southerner ;)
I’m with Ozark and Kay. Going to vote in person, but early. The more people do that, the less Trump gets to talk about how he was ahead before they started counting the rigged mail-in vote.
It’s more dangerous, but voting against Trump in a swing state at some point prior to Nov 3 will be the most important thing I ever do in my life, and Trump is putting an element of doubt into whether that vote will be counted.
@Kay: I do also but this year I’m voting by mail for the first time and have mailed my ballot application. Now I’m second guessing myself. I early voted in the primary and voted 3 days before DeWine cancelled in person voting.
Matt McIrvin
@Kay: Calling the postal service a joke and pushing for it to be eliminated or privatized is one of those 1970s-80s resentment politics things, like fearmongering about minorities invading your suburb and complaining about low-flow plumbing. I expect him to start grousing about the metric system initiative and the Panama Canal at any moment.
@rikyrah: Good morning.
@SFAW: I’ve followed him for awhile now and he was referring to complainers who blame Dems for “not doing something”. He’ saying we have to also take action. He’s a good guy in my opinion.
@raven: I could never be a southerner. But my son’s Great great grandparents are buried in Texas, which probably meets the statutory requirements.
@Matt McIrvin:
That’s true. The whole Trump Family are weirdly dated. It’s like they are frozen in time. Even Ivanka and Jared are like 1980’s people.
When I worked for the postal service (always in smaller rural offices except for a brief stint at the Detroit sorting facility) older men (always men) would come in and bitch about how inefficient we were- “gubmint jobs”. Often I was the only employee there- the carriers go out in the morning so they’re gone- and I would give them shit right back, tell them “I’m the only one here- if I get cut the door is locked and you have nowhere to go at 11 am every day”.
Matt McIrvin
@raven: There’s a bunch of LGM commenters who have been urging everyone on the left to get a gun and learn to shoot. I think there are important caveats to be attached to that exhortation. There are many, many people for whom this is a deadly hazard, maybe a bigger hazard than Trump.
I’ve been a Masshole for 40-plus years, but still am, at some level, a Noo Yawkuh. [As partly-evidenced by my love of the Mets and my hatred of the Wilpons.]
ETA: But to the rest of the world, I’m a Masshole. Well, sometimes the “M” is silent, but you get the idea.
@Kay: I worked as casual at PO a few times and I have tremendous respect for the people there who were some of the coolest people I ever worked with. When I was crew leader for census my letter carrier was very helpful as he could be (there were boundaries). He was like the neighborhood archivist because he interacted with so many neighbors. It’s sad that we are losing that.
Your self-restraint was/is admirable. I would have told them that the USPS is only open to non-moron customers, so if they want to come back later, after they smarten their asses up a little …
Matt McIrvin
@Kay: Goddamn catalytic converters, you’ll never catch me keeping one of those newfangled gadgets on MY car!!!
@Gin & Tonic:
I’m to the point where I just want to do every step of the process myself. I file my own appeals too- carry them to the clerk and file them myself. My assistant gets a little insulted and she’s great but I just don’t want to worry that someone else made a mistake with drop dead dates. If it’s a fuck up it’s going to be mine.
sheila in nc
I’m a precinct official here so I vote early every year because I’m going flat-out from pre-dawn to post-dusk on Election Day. Set up for polls has to begin by about 5:45 am, polls open at 6:30, polls close 7:30 pm, then shutdown and I have to personally account for all the ballots and tabulator tapes and drive them up to the county seat. Officials cannot leave the precinct premises for any reason during election day.
I have been agonizing about whether to work. I think the work is so important, but I’m 65 (many of our poll officials nationwide are retirees; I’m not, but I’m in the age category.) My husband is starting to make snarling noises about my decision to work. Our usual precinct site was already declared too small to use, but I’ve had no word about where we would be moved to or whether there will be a plan for flow of foot traffic, etc. I’m going to have a chat with my doctor to see if she can add any useful information to consider in my decision. Our county is actually doing pretty well right now with a low rate of new cases, but who knows what we will look like in November after the students have been back for a couple months. Argh
Anyway, please vote early if you can. Lines are much shorter and it makes life much easier for actual election day workers. NC has no-excuse absentee voting. Actually, technically an in-person early vote is treated as an absentee vote; if you look up your voter records you can see your early votes listed as absentee.
@sheila in nc:
Ohio bds of election workers call them “in person absentee”, which is amusing. But I know what they mean :)
Amir Khalid
Restricting funding to the US Postal Service to combat the all but nonexistent crime of vote-by-mail fraud makes sense only if you think the USPS, a Federal agency, actually abets such fraud — which of course it does not. This one’s a doozy even by Trump’s high standard of not making sense.
Mai naem mobile
@SFAW: I know it’s already been answered – SV Date he wrote a piece in Huffpo earlier this year about Donnie lying.
Hes a good follow on Twitter. I think Donny didnt recognize him because of the mask. Date keeps track of the days and cost of Donnys golfing. His golf tweets inevitably have replies from Trumpers about why he doesn’t talk about Obama’s golfing which he always mentions in his HuffPo pieces as a comparison .
Matt McIrvin
@sheila in nc: As I mentioned, I did in-person early voting in MA for the last couple of cycles where it was available, and I’ll probably do it for at least the general election this time. The process seems to be identical to mail voting (not absentee voting–in MA the two systems are actually different!), except that you do it at City Hall instead of at home, and after you fill out and sign the affidavit on the envelope, you stick it in a box and they haul it to your precinct on Election Day.
I just hope the in-person early voting system isn’t ITSELF dependent on the Postal Service somehow.
I’m just completely pissed at how this cycle made mail voting seem like a complete no-brainer until Trump realized the USPS was the one lever he had remaining to fuck directly with the election. I still think there may not be time for us to pull out of this, since we did all the hard work of convincing everyone on our side that mail voting was the best, most secure way. It opened us up to fatal ratfucking–we just didn’t think any administration would be willing to kill the entire country’s postal system IN THE MIDDLE OF A PANDEMIC to stop it, but here we are. COVID-19 may end up helping Trump yet.
Ceci n est pas mon nym
So far. But I’m beginning to worry that the last-ditch line of defense will be ordering postal employees to separate out and destroy mail-in ballots, i.e., commit mail fraud.
Gin & Tonic
@Kay: We have optical-scan paper ballots here too, so you go between Oct 14 and Nov 2, fill out the ballot, insert it in the machine and watch the counter register it.
My local Board of Canvassers is in Town Hall, which I have to drive past to go almost anywhere, so it’s super-convenient.
Matt McIrvin
@Ceci n est pas mon nym: Yeah. Even if some place has a postmark rule, the USPS can fuck with the postmarks, or just outright drop your ballot in the shredder. Even if it all gets found out afterward–what can anyone do about it? No do-overs. None dare call it treason.
Mai naem mobile
@SFAW: I know it’s already been answered – SV Date he wrote a piece in Huffpo earlier this year about Donnie lying.
Hes a good follow on Twitter. I think Donny didnt recognize him because of the mask. Date keeps track of the days and cost of Donnys golfing. His golf tweets inevitably have replies from Trumpers about why he doesn’t talk about Obama’s golfing which he always mentions in his HuffPo pieces as a comparison .
Matt McIrvin
@Gin & Tonic: Here, if you do early voting, the box you stick it in contains the equivalent of a mail-in ballot envelope with your ballot in it. The actual scanning and counting doesn’t get done until Election Day, when the ballot gets delivered to your normal precinct voting site, and they take them out of the envelopes and scan them.
sheila in nc
@Matt McIrvin: Our NC voting is like Gin & Tonic’s. You fill out a ballot and feed it yourself into the tabulator. Some other advantages of in-person early voting: long as you are in your county of residence, you can go to any of six voting sites (on election day you MUST go to your own precinct); 2. if for some reason your voter registration has been deactivated or otherwise messed up, you can fix it right then — actually, if you are unregistered you may register during early voting but not on Election Day; 3. if you spoil a ballot, you can just hand it back to the worker and get another. Also, I’ve never voted absentee by mail, so I really don’t know what my official signature looks like any more. I’d hate to send in a ballot and have it rejected because the reviewer didn’t think my signature matched.
Oh, I’m glad. I have a lot of affection for the USPS. I liked working there and they gave me a lot of training and were constantly trying to promote me. They sent me to Detroit for training which I think was supposed to be the start of my more-regional career but I took an OIC (like a fill in postmaster) position instead, because I wanted to see my children and it was front loaded- start really early, quit early. I still get up early and I can still nap at the drop of a hat- which is what I did between 1st shift (at the PO) and 2nd shift (caring for children). Napping can be learned :)
@PenandKey: My old man coached a Wauwatosa when I was a kid!
Captain C
I think the correct response would be, “maybe you don’t, Mr. Stenographer.”
@Matt McIrvin: I do too, there’s a bunch of people who shouldn’t own guns and not just on the left!
@Argiope: here in Charlottesville we had curbside early voting at the BOE and I’m told it will be available again for the general election beginning September 18.
@Kay: I worked as a mail handler at the SCF in Champaign (home of Columbia Records returns!) and go fired because I didn’t put some negative info from the Army on it. I have always thought, along with breaking my back causing me to go back to school, it was the best thing that ever happened to me. I hated it.
James E Powell
I’m thinking your life story would be a good read.
a thousand flouncing lurkers was fidelio
Here’s Ballotpedia’s page on early voting, with a link for each of the 40 states that have some form of early voting, with rules and dates: also has information on early voting
@Kay: That sounds like a blast! Sounds almost Mayberry ish! You could probably write a play about it.
From a math perspective he is saying he wants to push 5% of the population out of whatever he considers the suburbs to be. If the other figure he is using is true, the 30-35%, then he would want to kick out about 1 out of every seven minorities in the suburbs.
Still not clear what he defines as suburbs or minorities in this weird plan.
@MJS: The junk mail gets through. The ballots will get through.
@Ian: Stewardess, I speak math idiot. He means that he would estimate it lower than 35, subtract more fudge factors.