Sarcasm alert!
These are the top four stories on the NYT homepage right now, which together make me wonder if my fundamental analysis of Trump as a good businessman who just tweets too much was slightly over-generous.
— Isaac Chotiner (@IChotiner) September 9, 2020
During a White House campaign speech disguised as a “news conference,” the president is saying false things.
— Daniel Dale (@ddale8) September 10, 2020
Trump says if Bob Woodward thought his comments about COVID were bad, then Bob Woodward should have gone and warned “the authorities” so they could’ve taken action.
The president of the United States said that.
— Kevin M. Kruse (@KevinMKruse) September 10, 2020
Trump's Paradox.
— Lawrence Glickman (@LarryGlickman) September 10, 2020
“I don’t want to jump up and down and start screaming death, death”
How about if we just say, "400,000 dead by Christmas", in a low, sorrowful voice.— Charles P. Pierce (@CharlesPPierce) September 10, 2020
oh @clairecmc just has no fucks
— Brian Tyler Cohen (@briantylercohen) September 9, 2020
As my wife said at dinner, Trump shot 200,000 people on Fifth Avenue, and now we'll see if he gets away with it.
— Bill McKibben (@billmckibben) September 9, 2020
People who watched the press conference, which he began half an hour late, all seem to say he was high AF during it too.
scott (the other one)
When even centrist Claire McCaskill goes H.A.M. on you…
Dorothy A. Winsor
In Watergate, the existence of tapes made a difference. I’m hoping the same thing will happen here.
what I think when I see this photo: 1)this folks are idiots, 2)I just can never believe that the same white folks won’t come out before and voted for Chump won’t do so again 3) Karma would be for majority of these unmasked fuq’ers to get COVID, 4) I expect majority white folks to still vote for Chump, so Dems will def need to GOTV in large numbers to offset them and any effort at disenfranchising the vote
Chyron HR
And then Dr. Fauci started jumping up and down with me and we was both jumping up and down yelling Death! Death! Death! Death! and the Nobel Price came over, pinned a medal on me, and said “You’re the bigly boy.”
Humanities Prof
@Dorothy A. Winsor: You know, for a guy who reportedly looks to Richard Nixon as a role model for how to president, Trump didn’t learn anything from Nixon’s demise. You don’t keep tapes. There can’t be tapes.
Richard Cheney is a contemptible piece of shit, but he at least was smart enough not to leave evidence behind.
Tim Tebow did WHAT!!
Mary G
I’m seeing that Jon Karl had the first question, and he asked “Why did you lie to the American people?”
David Frum asks:
Frum’s answer is good, but I‘d put it a bit differently— Trump has a limited behavioral repertoire.
Other MJS
Norman, coordinate!
zhena gogolia
@scott (the other one):
What does that mean?
@Princess: He almost invariably starts these things late. Presumably it’s an intentional dominance thing- “I’m going to make you wait on me because I feel like it.”
zhena gogolia
Open thread, so — does anyone here have “office progressive” glasses? Do they work?
Villago Delenda Est
@Other MJS: You beat me to it. I curse you with canned clams!
@lamh36: @lamh36:
No doubt, Tebow was guided by the hand of god
Roger Moore
“We can’t tell the public because it would spread panic” is the absolute worst kind of elitist bullshit. It’s the lie the elites tell themselves to justify their position at the top, and it’s 100% untrue. The public has never been any more prone to panic than the elites, and when we’re given an honest assessment and an explanation of the path forward we have always been willing to do our part. As voters, the public are the final decision makers in our society, and we both require and deserve the truth. When the elites deny it to us, they are undermining the very soul of our democracy.
Mary G
People listening to law enforcement scanners hear BLM and are convinced black people came out to the boonies and started fires, when the authorities are actually talking about the Bureau of Land Management.
Villago Delenda Est
@zhena gogolia: I had progressives, but not “office progressives”. The problem is that to find the sweet spot for seeing the monitor right is an eternal struggle. I gave up on them and I’ve got “computer glasses” and “outside glasses” now.
@Mary G:
I always knew that would bite us in the ass one day.
The real question is why he didn’t actually DO ANYTHING about this fatal pandemic.
uh, yeah. trump isn’t a businessman, he’s a salesman. the product he sells is the image of him as a businessman.
He didn’t want us to panic.
Mary G
@zhena gogolia: I do and I love them, though when I first got them, they told me some people get dizzy and can’t adapt. It is so nice to be able to read papers on the desk, see what’s on the monitor without cranking up the zoom so all the boxes and tables go wonky, and look out the window disapprovingly at the college kids next door coming and going from their ginormous parties.
It’s always struck me that a very simple basic bedrock thing that you could do to present at least the appearance of competence is to start a meeting or event at the scheduled time – and this administration can’t even do that!
Emma from FL
@zhena gogolia: Do you mean the ones measured as the distance between your eyes and your PC screen? If so, I do and they are great. I have to wear trifocals and they do not do a great job at that particular distance. My eye doctor recommended the office prescription. It was a bit fidgety to measure but it has helped me immensely.
McCaskill interview is a hoot. “Never mind all the other fatal flaws, he’s too STUPID to be in office.”
@zhena gogolia:
god, “office progressive” makes me imagine some dumb berniac standing around the water cooler demanding we discuss ‘medicare for all’.
@zhena gogolia:
Mine do not. They give me a headache.
@Roger Moore:
likewise there’s a massive, massive gulf between jumping up and down screaming ‘we’re all gonna die’ and saying it’s nothing, it’s the flu, it’s all gonna go away next week. i mean come the fucking hell on people.
Trump-Pence 2020
Death to America!
Roger Moore
I think the twitter threat by David Frum that MattF: linked to above gets it about right. Trump didn’t know how to do anything real, and he was unwilling to concede control to anyone else, so he did what he always does: tried to lie his way out of it.
He genuinely seems to think he can change reality by repeating the way he wishes things were often enough. And to some extent, when he’s dealing with other people he can. If he lies enough that a bank gives him money, he stops being broke. If he praises his ridiculous products enough, people buy them just as if they were actually worth something. His problem is that COVID doesn’t listen, and his lies just made things worse.
Sure Lurkalot
@Geoduck: So why attend. It’s not a news conference. It’s grievance hour for the WATB. Time better spent interviewing a Trump voter in the heartland for the thousandth time.
I began “panicking” when we had the two plague cruise liners (one of which parks in Oakland, 80 miles away) and then the Roosevelt, with the virus essentially mowing down everybody wearing shoes. Sure seems like a long time ago, now.
hells littlest angel
I’m in no position to say if McCaskill was a good senator, but as a TV talking head she’s fucking great.
@Roger Moore: @Baud: The question I want the press to ask is one that was raised here on BJ just yesterday. Let’s give him “prevent panic” even though it means ignoring the lie. But, the tapes show he knew that coronavirus does infect kids, and can kill them.
So why less than a month ago were Trump, DeVos, and others in his administration insisting that kids go back to school? By that time everyone was well aware of the virus, so it wasn’t to stop panic. Why did they endanger the kids?
Sure Lurkalot
@zhena gogolia: I want the answer too as my optometrist recommended these to me!
@lamh36: I am afraid you are completely correct. Although to give them credit, I expect the majority of white women to vote for Biden. I am afraid the majority of white men just wish they could be as much of a stupid asshole as Trump. For them he is a role model.
@Roger Moore:
Yup. After all those many times he “convinced” a woman after she told him to go the hell away, he thinks he can do the same to the country/rest of the planet. No, Donny, means no.
Just saw the Lincoln Project Lindsey Graham Parasite ad air during local Charleston news! (Warning, it’s kind of gross.)
zhena gogolia
Thanks! The doctor said they’re a “luxury item,” so I’m leery.
Matt McIrvin
@chopper: Yeah, they’d be little John Lennon glasses, I bet.
Sure Lurkalot
@Villago Delenda Est: So, you can’t see distance with your computer glasses? This is what my optometrist recommended, but I haven’t moved on it yet. Good results?
@Ken: The problem with “trying to prevent a panic” is that for the last 3 months he and the RW noise machine have been trying to gin up a panic about an invasion of “THEM” into the suburbs & a race war so that White Identity politics can get them a Electoral College victory.
@lamh36: What I think when I see that photo is that I hope almost all die of the ‘Rona (not including the facility staff or press).
Baud: He thought it would be better for us to be dead than for us to be panicked.
Tired of this shit.
zhena gogolia
@Villago Delenda Est:
But back to Claire McCaskill. I never knew how much I love her until she lost her seat and became one of the most honest and entertaining talking heads ever. This segment is her tippy top, gold star best, but she’s been really great. I’d love to have a beer with her. Heilman and Wallace are both busting a gut there.
@Mary G: The stupidity, it burns, it burns. In this case literally.
Emma from FL
@Emma from FL: P.S. had her make a pair of backups only for computer work At the first sign of eye strain, they go on. They’re useless for anything else but lord, they really help with the headaches.
zhena gogolia
@Mary G:
Thanks! If anybody gets dizzy from them, I will.
Yet again, there’s no defense against stupid.
NB Placer County is smart enough to continue sending Tom McClintock to congress, so….
In the clips they keep showing of Trump downplaying the virus when he knew better, there’s that clip where he says it’s all good so “stay calm.” Geez, Trump is one of those guys who believe the way to calm someone down is to TELL them to ‘calm down’ or ‘stay calm’. Could there be anything more enraging?
zhena gogolia
@Emma from FL:
Thank you.
zhena gogolia
I was afraid of that interpretation.
zhena gogolia
@Sure Lurkalot:
Sounds as if the answer is, some do, some don’t.
David ? ☘The Establishment☘? Koch
Rest in peace, Emma Peel — in all her glory (video)
zhena gogolia
@David ? ☘The Establishment☘? Koch:
So sad about that.
@Sure Lurkalot: I figure with them on you can only look to the left
From Kool & the Gang:
Miss Bianca
@lamh36: Is it a bad thing when some old honky starts muttering “Death to Whitey” every time she sees one of these Plagueapalooza photos? Asking for a friend.
I want him to tell about all the staff in his office that knew about it and approved of his plan to belittle anyone making an effort to repsond to it.
Miss Bianca
@Humanities Prof: Apparently, Trump didn’t learn *anything* from Nixon’s example, because even Nixon managed to actually govern and preside over legislation and conduct foreign policy while crimin’ as POTUS.
@zhena gogolia:
I am mainly nearsighted, but my optometrist recommended them. I just can’t adjust to them. I don’t use reading glasses and the difference between the two different areas in the lens was completely disorienting. I keep them around as an emergency pair in case my regular glasses get broken or lost. I can watch tv or drive by making sure to look through the top of the lenses in a pinch.
@lamh36: Welcome to fundagelical world…
We may finally get the vote for white working class union members (via LGM).
@Sure Lurkalot: Depends on your Rx. Computer glasses are optimized for the average distance a person sits from a monitor, and they’re often a better option than progressives for someone who works primarily on a screen. If that isn’t drastically different than your distance Rx (say within 1-1.5 diopters) you can usually see distance well enough to even drive during the day. I use my computer glasses as my only glasses now that presbyopia has reduced my nearsighted Rx by a lot, and take them off to read.
satby, once and future optician
I will never understand these evangelical assholes. Jesus, is that sick, sick, sick.
zhena gogolia
I have regular progressives, and I’ve gotten used to them, although they are terrible for playing the piano with sheet music. I have to spend hours and hours on Zoom every day teaching, which seems to strain the eyes more than just meetings or socializing, and it’s causing weird stuff. The doctor said I might want these special progressives (you can’t drive with them) that are just for working on the computer.
As I recall, Trump in fact did jump up and down yelling “Death, Death” during H1N1. And he does it daily about Portland, NYC, the mortal threat to the suburbs, etc.
I can just tell that his own death will be way too merciful in its execution.
I would never let my kid be circumcised by someone who couldn’t make it as a New York Jet.
zhena gogolia
Remember the SNL skit with the guy doing a bris in the back of a car?
@David ? ☘The Establishment☘? Koch: That’s wonderful!
I loved Mrs Peel.
@zhena gogolia:
Hmmm. Vaguely.
zhena gogolia
I hope there’ll be a Rigg thread.
Miss Bianca
@MattF: For a change on a social medium thread, all the comments seem to be sober, on point, and lack in either profanity or misspellings.
And Frum himself is on point, or at least constructs a compelling narrative. (Fucker was a speechwriter, after all…)
zhena gogolia
Can’t find it on YouTube.
There was an ad about how this car (a Lincoln?) had such a smooth ride that an expert jeweler could cut a diamond in the back seat. SNL replaced him with a rabbi doing a circumcision.
@chopper: “office progressives” are a newer kind of lens that can provide a range of vision from reading papers on a desk, to the computer screen, to around an average office. Depending again on your basic Rx they could potentially be all you need for most things except while driving. They were designed for people who use a computer at work, but also read / handle a lot of paper and might be in meetings with people while computer glasses are prescribed pretty precisely for best vision on your pc but not much else.
zhena gogolia
Speaking of old ads, why can’t I find a video of the Wilkinson Sword ad where the narrator intones “Balaklava. Inkerman.”
@zhena gogolia: you’re jogging my memory.
Uncle Cosmo
@lamh36: He’s a football legend, and you know what they say –
Miss Bianca
@zhena gogolia: Damn, it took me the longest time to parse what you meant, and I’m still not sure I have – “office progressive glasses” just conveyed some very bizarre mental images to me.
I think I may just *be* going mental.
zhena gogolia
@Miss Bianca:
I never heard the term before today myself! I was afraid it would evoke the wrong associations here.
@zhena gogolia: They kind of are, because not too many people can afford multiple pairs of progressive glasses. But they can make life drastically better at work. It’s all about what you’re using them for, they’re just tools for your eyes.
For a long time I had computer glasses and distance glasses, because two single vision glasses were a tiny bit cheaper. I have had progressives, I needed them 20 years ago when I was an optician to read our PD sticks, back when we measured for your glasses with rulers. But in IT, the computer glasses worked better for me.
I remember!
Ceci n est pas mon nym
@Roger Moore: Funny thing about that “we didn’t want to create panic” is my memory of the week beginning March 9 goes something like this:
So I’m not quite buying that this approach was to head off panic.
I don’t even remember what he said. I think it was precisely because he said nothing that people realized “oh shit, nobody’s in charge and we are in deep doo-doo.”
Alison Rose
@zhena gogolia: Hard As a Motherfucker :P
Gin & Tonic
@Uncle Cosmo: I’m not up on all the doctrinal issues, but why are evangelical “Christians” doing circumcisions? I thought that was just for the Jooos and the dirty Mooslims.
zhena gogolia
@Alison Rose:
Thank you!
Miss Bianca
@chopper: That’s kind of where my mind was going – I was thinking, “wait, do I put the glasses on to *find* the ‘office progressives’, or to AVOID them?”
James E Powell
@zhena gogolia:
H.A.M. = Hard as a Mother****er!
H.A.M. – Kanye West & Jay-Z
@Miss Bianca:
I’d be more interested in glasses that identify who the Trump supporters are.
@zhena gogolia: If I was giving you advice, I’d lean toward recommending the computer only glasses rather than the office progressives, because progressives lenses are expensive, and you already have a pair that works for everything except long hours in front of a screen. (Unless you’re constantly looking down to read and back up to the screen to teach. I could do that with my computer glasses, but at the time I had an Rx that would let me).
Ceci n est pas mon nym
@sherparick: There was a poll here a couple of days ago that showed him losing Christian support, even white evangelical Christians.
But when you look into the internals, you see that he still has a majority of the white males and the evangelical Christians. “Losing support” in both categories mean’s he’s down to about a 56% majority from whatever majority it used to be.
However, he’s way underwater with every other group, including white women.
@lamh36: One benefit of no minor league baseball this year. We don’t have to hear about the exploits of that sanctimonious prick as he toils away in the Mets farm system pretending he can have a career as a baseball player.
@zhena gogolia: Yes and yes. If by office progressive you mean what my optician called computer glasses. They’re my prescription from reading out to about ten feet. Love ’em!
@Ceci n est pas mon nym: If he’s down to 56% of white evangelicals he’s toast. Most of his term he was over 70% with that group. I’d want sourcing on that though.
@HinTN: Two different things, computer glasses are single vision, office progressives are for an *inside* range of vision from near to about the distance of an average office. Though I bet a lot of places mix the terms up. Also about a $250 difference in price ?
Miss Bianca
For some reason that got me thinking about this old commercial from the 70s that always ended with the intonement, “It’s not NICE to fool Mother Nature!”
I think it was for margarine. Which Trump has both the color and general consistency of. He’s margarine. Ersatz butter, completely unappealing in taste and texture in its natural form, so dyed to resemble that which it is not, and doing a poor job of it. It will fool some of the people some of the time, it will do just fine for others, but those who appreciate the difference between butter and margarine ain’t having it any more.
And looks like Mother Nature ain’t having it, either. COVID isn’t the only disaster Donnie is currently bungling – all those wildfires out West in “blue states” are burning out his base as well.
Let it be so.
Oh great, super spreader trump is coming to Bemidji, MN, Sept 18, “Great American Comeback” tour.
J R in WV
Then there is something wrong with either your prescription or the lenses cut according to your prescription. See your opthalmologist asap!
Anyone remember the Steve Martin film, LA Story? He’s a weatherman who gets away with taping his full week’s segments every Monday because the weather is so constant (except for fires, of course). I thought of that when I read the Daniel Dale tweet above:
He could tweet that every day and run little risk of being wrong.
A Ghost to Most
Why not baseball? He pretended to be a pro qb. He’s a sick asshole with the worst throwing motion I’ve seen.
Eta: except Howard Wolowitz
@zhena gogolia: Gonna take a guess what HAM means without looking downthread: hard-ass motherfucker. Ok, now I’ll check to see if I guessed right.
Miss Bianca
Around here, you don’t really need glasses for that… :/
@Chyron HR:
And I started jumpin’ up and down, yellin’ “KILL! Kill!” and he started
Jumpin’ up and down with me, and we was both jumpin’ up and down, yellin’
“Kill! Kill! Kill! Kill!” and the sergeant came over, pinned a medal on me
Sent me down the hall, said “You’re our boy”. Didn’t feel too good about it
@zhena gogolia: I remember that skit. It was poifect!
There are so many flaws to choose from it’s hard to pick the top one – corruption, ties to Russia, racism, A history of sexual assault – but honestly his sheer stupidity always stood out, as it is just so incredibly obvious to anyone with two ears
@zhena gogolia: Found it on Vimeo.
@Ken: because if the schools don’t reopen as normal, everyone knows that something is majorly wrong… And they start asking why
@Gravenstone: As a Mets fan I heartily concur. They clearly bring him back to spring training every year to sell tickets, not because he has any hope of making the team.
@bemused: So four years and the lazy fucker still hasn’t made America Great Again? How much time does he need?
@zhena gogolia: I tried them a few years ago. My boss liked them, but I had to get the glasses redone because they were unwearable for me.
I think my problem was that at the time, the style was for glasses with small lenses, and I had to hold my head at one very specific angle to see through the very small part of the lens that was for viewing monitors. Big bugeye lenses might work, to give you more slack in how you position your head.
@Miss Bianca: that’s because Nixon wasn’t watching eight hours of Fox News every day
@Uncle Cosmo:
IKR…like why da hell would you let someone who’s NOT a rabbi or even a licensed clinician CIRCUMCISE you damn kid…
Bard the Grim
@Baud: You are a treasure beyond words.
Ohio Mom
Zhena gogolia
I wonder if part of your eye strain is that your eyes are dry. People tend to not blink often enough when staring at screens, and blinking is what keeps a nice even coating of tears over the cornea. Dry eyes make for blurry vision.
I use OTC moisturizing eye drops (be careful not to buy the “get the red out” ones if you want to try this) and hot compresses (a washcloth that’s been rinsed with hot water and wrung out).
@Calouste: maybe it’s time to bring in John Kasich* to run both domestic and foreign policy for this WH as VP, which would free up a trumpov to REALLY get focused on “making America great again”… Clearly, Pence is not up to the job
*per 2016 reporting
Stone the fucking crows, they are finally FINALLY starting to understand what the hell is going on, after 3-point-too-many years of normalizing this fucking monster.
Still gotta deal with the death cultists, but we just MIGHT save this flailing, stumbling republic after all.
@Jeffro: LMAO Kasich would’ve set himself on fire before doing any such thing, and he’ll tell you same.
This is 1. true and 2. kind of horrifying, because it’s so specific. This 14 year range, my friends, is the problem :)
I don’t think it ‘s happened before. It isn’t even “seniors”, mind you- “seniors” are + Biden.
@Baud: There was pretty fun movie about just that.
John Carpenter, of course.
@Other MJS:
“Everything I tell you is a lie.”
Except this time it’s .. it’s … *smoke* *sparks/
David ? ☘The Establishment☘? Koch
@Jeffro: Though Tricky Dick religiously watched “School House Rock” and “Scooby Doo” on Saturday mornings.
@BruceFromOhio: oh I know that…I’m still just shocked that it never registered with Republican voters just how dumb trumpov was/is and and just how uninterested he was in actually governing
@Uncle Cosmo:
Stuff about Touchdown Jeebuz is old news–Mormon missionary shit. He just has a better arm than Mittens.
Ohio Mom
So people born between 1956 and 1970.
What was their shared traumatizing event, that scared them into suporting the likes of Trump?
@Kay: I am telling y’all, this is the Reagan babies and their last desperate gasp
my fellow GenXers…they really, really disappoint…
@David ? ☘The Establishment☘? Koch: well, yin and yang, dark and light, no one is ALL bad…?
@Miss Bianca:
Donny–always the Low-Cost Spread. Always.
Trump as generic margarine fits pretty damn well. Also, too, cheese spread from a pressure can.
@David ? ☘The Establishment☘? Koch: Didn’t everyone? Except when the Watergate hearings preempted the cartoons.
@trollhattan: Trump as the “zonk” items in a Chopped basket works surprisingly well as an analogy. Make a dessert with… tire rims and anthrax.
@Ohio Mom: Gaia save us, if you can help this 1963 baby understand it, I would be most grateful.
@zhena gogolia:
Like VDE, I have computer glasses and trifocals. My computer lenses are basically all mid-range. They’ve worked great for me. I used to stagger out of work all bleary-eyed and my eyes wouldn’t focus; now, my eyes may still be tired, but I can see very well. I’ve also forgotten to switch back to my regular glasses from time to time, and driving’s been perfectly fine.
In the good news department, I counted 43 Biden signs on a 28-minute walk!
@zhena gogolia:
The Royal Deluxe II!
@Kay: That’s my age bracket. The only thing I can figure is that for the most part they’re more financially secure than the age cohorts on either side. Kids are out of the house. It’s their time to be selfish.
Or not. Damned if I can figure out how anyone could possibly vote for that clown.
@Ohio Mom:
I don’t know but this absolutely tracks with my informal and very discreet Trump-likely observations in my office. That’s the main base. Look at the rallies, too! Just look at the people. It’s like once you see it you can’t unsee it. The pattern was there all along!
In a way it’s really convenient for the opposition because it’s such a defined group of people- white, 50 to 64. Weird, right? They’re particularly attracted to…..what? Liars?
The more you look at Trump the more strange and terrifying the whole thing becomes :)
Ceci n est pas mon nym
@Ohio Mom: That covers me and all my siblings, and as far as I know none of us voted for or will vote for Trump.
So there’s some other element at play that infects certain baby-boomer brains.
Something to do with how you think about Vietnam or hippies? But on the lower end of that scale, if you were born after 1967 your first political awareness might be of Ronald Reagan.
@trollhattan: @Ken: Ugh. Must.. banish.. thoughts of cheez whiz recipes.
@Ohio Mom: wish I knew…. as I was being formed as a person I watched the end of Vietnam yet the registration/draft was a thing we discussed as adolescents… and Watergate was happening at that time, every day home from school it was on….then the oil crisis, Disco, SF Movies go mainstream, Iran, Reagan, New Wave/Punk Rock, Title IX, Computers come home….
I think it’s mostly white people being in charge has always been their normal and they are loathe to see that end… maybe one too many societal changes for a generation that has seen so much happen…? I dunno, just spitballing
Lead in gasoline and paint.
Roger Moore
@Ceci n est pas mon nym:
I find it utterly believable that Trump’s main goal was avoiding panic, at least on Wall Street. He’s just terrible at his job.
Patricia Kayden
Meanwhile in Oregon:
Me too. I wouldn’t think it was weird if it was “voters over 55”, but 50 to 64? It feels…medical. Like a specific toxin or something.
James E Powell
@Ohio Mom:
Black people everywhere, having to push 1 for English, not being allowed to smoke everywhere, a black president, gays & lesbians no longer required to lead secret lives, rap music, heavy bass, tomatoes that have no taste, the designated hitter . . .
@zhena gogolia: I think I had them. Are they the ones aimed at more reading close and at computer monitor distances, and less for further back. I didn’t like them at all. I could barely recognize my bosses when I saw them in the hall or at my office door. It was weird
ETA: I really like regular progressive glasses. I just didn’t like losing the the not very distant part.
Chetan Murthy
Senator McCaskill! She was a stalwart on the ACA, a stalwart on women’s rights. She was a crafty politician — remember her shenanigans to ensure that Todd “legitimate rape” Akin was her opponent in the general election? Sigh, I was sad she lost last time, and would dearly like to see her back in office. Sigh.
I remember one Senate hearing where she ended up banging on the desk about the ACA (I think it was). Stalwart, she was. Stalwart. And she was from a pretty red state, too, so that counts for something.
Roger Moore
@Ceci n est pas mon nym:
I’ll take it. We don’t have to beat him in every possible category. We just need to chip away enough at his support that we win bigly in November.
That whole lead analysis is completely fascinating. “You know what? They’re making you dumber and more violent with this”. Shocking.
CSU already throwing in the COVID towel for spring ’21.
Pretty relieved now the kiddo didn’t opt for Cal Poly (which I was lobbying for TBH).
Steeplejack (phone)
@Ohio Mom:
My brother the ophthalmologist recommends the Refresh Tears brand (“lubricant eye drops”).
Uncle Cosmo
@Gin & Tonic: How the fuck should I know “why”? I walked out on Roman Catholicism 6 weeks after my Goyishe Bar Mitzvah and henceforth restricted my appearance at various “houses of doG” to nonparticipatory attendance at friends-or-family-centric celebrations. Fairytales about a conjectural Big Daddy In The Sky & details of the cockamamie rigmarole He/She/It allegedly demands from humankind have never much interested me.
@Chetan Murthy:
She threaded a damn fine needle being a Dem senator for Missouri and I thought was very effective and always on her game. I’d like to think of her as Katie Porter’s spirit animal. :-)
Patricia Kayden
Steeplejack (phone)
@Ohio Mom:
Disco music.
the utter dregs
@Miss Bianca: These are the glasses that help identify Trump supporters:
@trollhattan: Yawn. Let me know when someone calls him “a traitorous, Soviet shitpile mobster conman who’s been sucking the Kremlin’s asshole since at least 1987 when he returned from his first trip to Moscow and took out full page newspaper ads trashing the NATO alliance.”
@Patricia Kayden:
Eric lied in the intro. Said they brought back plants. Nope. Lie.
It seems unfair that Donald Trump has the entire Trump Family to lie for him- it’s like cloning the asshole 5 times. On the flip side if we beat him his entire family is unemployed and utterly humiliated, so there’s an incentive.
Speaking of which, how’s progress on that plan to pull out of Germany? Did the military just wait out the two days it takes until he forgets his big announcements?
Villago Delenda Est
@Sure Lurkalot: I can see distance, just with some fuzz, with the computer glasses. So I still have outdoor ones.
Roger Moore
I think John Carpenter made a movie about that.
@James E Powell:
They’ll be especially pissed this year.
Steeplejack (phone)
@Kay, @Kristine:
Whole thread is interesting.
@trollhattan: UC will be there too. Nothing is going to change until there’s an election.
Time for Portland peeps to start checking in – things not looking good there.
@Ceci n est pas mon nym: Wasn’t that when he announced a travel ban (and trade ban that he didn’t mean) on European countries that don’t have Trump properties? Which then carpet bombed NYC and other major international hubs with COVID 19?
@Martin: Fire or. . .?
@Kristine: Might be talk radio. After Reagan repealed the fairness act, it took a hard right turn.
Bill Arnold
PRRI (Public Religion Research Institute) survey.
White Evangelical favorability for D.J. Trump has been on a slide, from 77 percent March 20, 2020 to 56 percent August 20. Note this is “favorability”, who who they would vote for.
Just that chart:
Trump Favorability 2019-2020, Among Whites by Religious Affiliation
(full survey)
@Ken: No idea. I can’t keep up with all the bullshit.
zhena gogolia
I do go back and forth between reading and looking at the screen.
Roger Moore
I think the thing with the 50-64 year old group is that Trump has always primarily appealed to the older, whiter, more racist generation, but his mishandling of COVID has lost him the votes of the people who are old enough to be in greatest danger from it. That leaves only the people who are old enough to pine for the old racist days but not old enough to be scared to death to go outside.
I understand they have to ask Biden questions and I knew it would feel unfair because Trump either tells them to fuck off or lies, but it is REALLY a detriment for Trump’s opponent that they never even tried to figure out how to handle the incessant lying. It is a WILDLY unequal playing field when one candidate lies with absolute impunity and the other is held to the normal presidential standard.
There is no other contest like this, where one side utterly ignores the rules and the other is held to them. This happens in no other competition.
I was thinking about if trials were operated like this- where it was just understood that one side could introduce completely false statements and evidence and the other side could not and the judge enforced that unequal standard. Disastrous results. A fucking train wreck of injustice.
That’s our playing field. Jesus.
@Chyron HR: ??? and we sang, I don’t want a pickle, i just wanna ride on my motorcycle…
zhena gogolia
@Miss Bianca:
It’s not nice to fool Mother Nature…
Thorns (NWSL) match scheduled for Saturday was just pushed back to the 15th. FWIW
I just saw an AQI from Oroville, CA of 647 this morning. I’m out of can’t evens.
zhena gogolia
@Ohio Mom:
@Roger Moore: Makes sense. I think Trump did best with the very olds in 2016.
@Ken: Remember!! Most of the men in Congress have the same lead poisoning.
No I am not snarking
@Kay: Gen X. My sister and BIL are that age. They missed the whole Civil Rights and Vietnam eras. Ronald Reagan convinced them that civic mindedness was for chumps, but he put a smiling face on it.
My impression is that, except for Raven and a couple of other dudes, all the white Vietnam vets were die hard Republicans.
@trollhattan: I am relieved for you, bruh
ETA. Cal. Poly is great, but awful. Your daughter was right.
zhena gogolia
Thanks to everyone for advice on glasses, and on finding the SNL circumcision skit.
Now where’s that Wilkinson Sword ad?
Just checked. Trump did about the same with the olds and the very olds.
Chetan Murthy
Ages 50-64 were 10-21 in 1980. I’m goin’ with your diagnosis. Sure, lead was around then, but most of these white people weren’t living where the pollution was rampant. They all lived thru that time, when everybody started to think they could get rich on the backs of others, and government was the problem, not the solution. It was a greedy, greedy time.
@Ken: Then lead wold have been in gasoline and paint for the people older than they are, also. I don’t think that’s it.
I do think lead changes was a big contributor to the crime rate going down.
@Ohio Mom:
@raven: Fire. Mandatory evacuations up to around Oregon City. Level 1 evacuation up into the south of the city.
@Baud: My late brother in law, and my husband’s parochial classmates who went to Vietnam sure aren’t/ weren’t. The ones that managed to avoid Vietnam or the draft, on the other hand…
Steeplejack (phone)
@Martin: Not looking good fire-wise, or not looking good protest-wise?
Oh, I’m sorry. It’s heartbreaking. The fires led the news on even the local Toledo station so maybe they can get some help.
@Kay: He should have simply said that he would use trump’s guidelines
@Patricia Kayden:
The area was being evacuated. Out of control fire.
Chacal Charles Calthrop
@Ohio Mom: Ronald Reagan’s election meant they never had to learn any of the new stuff being taught in school, care about black people, or worry about the environment, nuclear war, or trying to get into college
@Mary G: One of my cousins who lives in Wyoming is married to a retired BLM employee and I learned from her that BLM is enlisted to fight forest fires I did not know that. He’s retired so he’s no longer able to do that.
Sure Lurkalot
@zhena gogolia: Just when you didn’t want a YMMV.
He isn’t a salesman either, he’s a con man..
If he was a salesman you’d get something in the transaction.
Being as he’s only a con man, the only think you get in the transaction is fucked.
@Immanentize: That’s not true. More Viet Vets are Trump supporters than I would expect. But fewer than older vets (Korea, WWII,) As my Dad said — you don’t become conservative untill you have things to conserve.
He’s a good sport about it but come on- brutally unfair. So strange that all this time we were relying on some shared notion of halfway decent behavior – no incessant, blatant lying- and all it took was one malicious person to blow that whole implied agreement up. We still don’t have any tools to handle it. I don’t know how to fix it.
Her comment returning from the recruiting trip was “Everybody there seems happy.” She also liked that it was sunny and warm on the ocean in January. It ultimately was nixed due to not being comparably strong in her intended major, a decision I may or may not have been able to make at her age. The coastal draw is strong. :-)
Chetan Murthy
@Steeplejack (phone): Goddamn! That’s the stuff! Fuck Joe Fucking Lieberman with the many-thorned cock of Gulbuth the Rampant. May he be shish-kebabed on there next to Rush Fucking Limbaugh and Roger Ailes!
Apropos of, I just sent my contribution check off to Sara Gideon. Gideon for Maine! I left it way too late, but I kept on delaying b/c I didn’t want to walk down to the Post Office and the mailman doesn’t pick up from my house, etc. But today I wrote out and mailed all my political contribution checks. It might be too late to have as much of an effect as desired on the campaigns, but at least I can fund their lawyers when the fucking GrOPers come out with all their damn legal challenges.
Chief Oshkosh
@Ohio Mom:
They are the half generation to witness their fathers no longer being able to be the breadwinner/sole supporter on a blue-collar salary. They are the half generation that Springsteen wrote about in his early work; they are the kids that sat on dad’s lap as they drove through ‘My Hometown’. They are the ones that saw all the privilege (though they thought it was just the norm, back then) evaporate.
The racism was always baked in. Some saw it for the false excuse (false god?) that it is, and moved past it to enjoy a better humanity. But so many others, through laziness, or dullness, or both, took that easy, slithery path to blind hatred; the easy target, the restful, peaceful…lie.
@?BillinGlendaleCA: ha!
Ceci n est pas mon nym
@Bill Arnold: Thanks. I went Googling for it and was totally unable to find the key words to find it.
And you’re right, the questions were about approval, not about who they were voting for. And only 28% of the evangelicals approve of Biden.
If you look down at the bottom of the full survey you see a head to head comparison of Biden and Trump. Biden leads in approval in every category except white no college degree (42% vs 48%), white evangelical (26% vs 56%) and white males overall (42% to 50%).
Cheryl Rofer
Not only the fires, but self-appointed gun-carrying dudes are stopping evacuees to check if they are antifa arsonists. That seems to be correlated with color of skin.
@trollhattan: My son thought the students were one dimensional. They were ‘this.’ Or they were ‘that.’ CA Poly is fabulous. But not for all. Love your daughter for her perceptive nature. If she could get in there, regardless where she went, she is and will be fabulous!
@Kay: Thank God we can’t blame the boomers for that one!
@Cheryl Rofer:
500k evacuated is a major city’s worth! Where the heck do they go?
Chetan Murthy
I spent a lot of years in “enterprise I/T software”, and worked with a number of gifted sales(wo)men. The truth is much, much worse. As we used to say, “they thought they were buying enterprise-quality web-application middleware, but when it arrived, it was [name of product omitted] in the box”.
The business of sales is far, far closer to a con-job than you might. A little story. So when my former employer rolled out this new software in the late 90s, they put this guy Chris in charge of getting the first 50 big customers onboard. He went out and basically promised whatever-it-took to get them to sign. I was one of the last-resort troubleshooters, and we used to bitch and moan to each other about all the lies he was telling, the promises that were literally unfulfillable, that he kept on making. And we had to clean up the messes, convince the customers that no, this was *impossible*, and that they didn’t need it anyway, etc.
But it turns out, that that was all part of the business model. And that pretty much, it was part of the business model at every enterprise software company, everywhere. Basically, if you’re in that business, you MUST promise your customers things that you cannot deliver to them, in order to stay in business.
To borrow a phrase: “It is the way it is”.
So yeah, actually, Lord Dampnut *is* a salesman. And actually, a gifted salesman [slowly entering dementia, but still has the gift.]
Cheryl Rofer
The fires are threatening Eugene/Springfield and Medford, as well as smaller towns and farms in Douglas County.
Fire map here.
@Miss Bianca:
Nixon actually had an IQ higher than a fruit fly. He had no idea how to do anything positive with it but still, he was smarter than a fruit fly. shitforbrains, not so much. The dumbest fruit fly would give shitforbrains a run for his money – which is at best $1.95.
Alison Rose
@trollhattan: I didn’t go to school there but had a few friends who did and I spent a lot of time in the area many years back, and damn do I miss it. Not sure if it would feel the same now at 40 (going on 78) than it did in my late teens, but I just adored the town, and the “SLO life” as they called it. Too bad the school itself wasn’t the right fit for her, but I’m sure she’ll do well wherever she’s going :)
@trollhattan: elsewhere
Three weeks on campus, in a dorm, even taking outdoor classes in person, she’s very happy with her school. Fingers crossed they keep the bubble intact. It’s a long time ’til Thanksgiving.
Oh yeah, got her running swag yesterday. Talk about affirmation. :-)
@satby: This also works for me. Also, getna large screen. No eye or neck strain.
@Chetan Murthy: Sarah Gideon will debate Collins and two independent candidates tomorrow at 7pm eastern.
@Ceci n est pas mon nym: I think the boomers have aged out of blame for this particular dismal fact.
@trollhattan: fingers toes and eyes crossed.
Who woulda thunk it?
@trollhattan: There’s a point where it’s not really useful to call it ‘air’ any longer.
Bill Arnold
@Ceci n est pas mon nym:
Yes, though 77 to 56 (DJT approval) is a big slide in several months. I’ll take it. It can be converted to some votes with some effort, I think well spent since most of the grifty White Evangelical leaders have hitched themselves (superglued themselves) to Donald J. Trump. (I consider many of them e.g. the Prosperity Gospels leadership, to be abominations, TBH.)
@Ohio Mom: How about the Iran Hostage taking? That enraged people like I have never seen. “Nuke em till they glow and shoot em in the dark’ started then. Different than rational enemy, like the Cold War.
Ceci n est pas mon nym
In other news, I got my first Biden-Harris merchandise today, ordered from the Biden store the day after the official Kamala Harris announcement. An envelope came with my bumper stickers.
Still waiting for a lawn sign and a face mask.
@Cheryl Rofer: That’s 15% of the state’s population.
smedley the uncertain
@satby: My computer glasses are Bi focal. Monitor distance and near (reading) distance.
Might be a little on the nose right now, but The Big Burn by Timothy Egan chronicles the monstrous fire of 1910 and how it affected Roosevelt’s commitment to creating federal land. The description of he and Gifford Pinchot with their maps spread across much of the White House is particularly fascinating, and only touched upon in Roosevelt bios I’ve read.
I’m part of the Xennial group, born in 77 myself. It’s definitely the erosion of privilege that has the older Gen Xers in a tizzy. Makes me mad at the idiots. Nothing i can do about it but to keep on chugging along myself. I’m a racially mixed kid, and growing up in the 80s as such was interesting. It’s not until recently i realized i’d put up with tons of microaggressions from everyone around me for years. They had frustrated me at the time, and make me angry now. But my existence is part of why some of them are pissy. I’m adult, educated and far too aware of my ability and lack of ability to do things. Also not afraid to talk about it. Hence i vote Dem, not just because of my working class familty either.
I may have grown up in Reagan times, but i was far too young to get just how shit a president he was. My first vote was for Clinton. *grins* Trump is an absolute horror and i’m doing what little i can do to make sure his ass is out on the curb after November.
Odie Hugh Manatee
@Ohio Mom:
They’re getting old. They’re reaching the end of their sex lives (or already have). They fear their own mortality but are not smart enough to do anything to prolong their lives until it’s too late for them. They feel that their lives have been one huge failure after another because something or someone has always been keeping them down while giving free shit to the undeserving. I could keep going on and on but I think you get my point. I cruise a few conservative “zoos” online and it’s clear that they are a bunch of virtue-signalling white men who have in most cases done much better than others in life, yet hate most of those who have it worse than themselves.
Forget about reaching them, they’re a lost cause until they realize that they have been fucking stupid and need to stop. They are stupidaholics and they’ve got a death grip on their habit.
@Baud: It’s mostly true down here but when I go up to Champaign-Urbana my home boys know what time it is.
TS (the original)
@Ohio Mom:
They were born at a time when middle incomers (well the white families) had it all. Unions provided the support, labor was well paid, taxes were high and governments actually provided services. Middle income families could easily buy a home. Women knew they stayed at home & raised the family. Everyone was working to give their children more than they had, the US was still on a high from WWII & these people grew up with it all.
Trump promised to let them go back to those days.
@Ohio Mom: I could have told you, because I have been out of step with the critical mass of my generation my whole adult life. But yes, they came of age when they voted for Reagan, and their generational cohort has not budged all that much over the last 30-40 years.
@Martin: Got it.
@Ohio Mom: the 24/7 economy, AM talk radio Newt Gingrich and enhanced interrogation. Also, midlife crisis. A too big portion are experiencing an undeniable loss of buying power and nothing but shit jobs that dont pay and are convinced it’s the fault of everyone but white men despite all evidence to the contrary. And some are glad to be an out and proud shite-bag.
Sure Lurkalot
@satby: Thanks so much for sounding in with your expertise! As I remember, I think my optometrist was recommending computer only glasses as my appointment was to get new progressives.
And though expensive, I love my new progressives. I still wear my old ones when I do something sweaty, and there’s no comparison. I am 6ish nearsighted with pres. The shop did a good job.
@trollhattan: The Big Fire was 3 million acres. CA has already passed that this season. I said earlier that 4 of the 10 largest fires in CA history were currently burning. I was wrong, it’s 5 of the 10 largest.
My sense here is that we simply don’t have the resources. Normally we don’t get 1000 fires in 24 hours, so we normally knock a lot of them down before they get out of hand, but once we got behind they could grow and now only good fortune can stop this. And now there may not be enough resources to throw at this because these fires are so widespread and so out of hand.
What happens when the real fire season arrives? Down south here we haven’t had winds, but we’re gonna – and soon.
@trollhattan: TR wasn’t President in 1910, his last term ended in March of 1909.
Amir khalid
Mohels and their Muslim equivalents have been circumcising boys for thousands of years — they have no medical training, but plenty of practice.
lol. Nobody voting for Trump cares about the hypocrisy. It’s just about winning and s**ting on everybody else.
@zhena gogolia: My guess is that if you are only going between the text on your desk and the computer monitor you will like them. If you use them for anything broader ( distance) you will be unhappy.
All day at Zoom teaching with a text seems ideal.
I did tax prep, so most of my day was looking at client data and entering it on the computer. Perfect for that. But another 25% of my day was interacting with co-workers and bosses sticking their heads in my door, and the visual failure there made me dizzy.
@Chief Oshkosh: This is so true. I saw my home town go from prosperous union jobs to the bottom falling out, basically between middle school and graduating from college in 1982. We also were in the vanguard of the first generation of children of more likely to be divorced parents. I can’t say why that led so many in the direction of Reagan, but maybe it was the sunny face validating their desire to blame other people for what happened, culturally and economically.
The Moar You Know
@Ohio Mom: School desegregation and busing. Not de jure (that was earlier, obviously) but de facto. It was implemented, deliberately IMO, to be as disruptive and traumatizing to that cohort of kids as possible
My fellow Californians by and large didn’t have to go through that. My family members from the South did. Guess which group is voting for Trump?
It’s a sad state of affairs that there are two huge life or death things associated with the same city. In this case, the fires and the terrible police response to the protests.
@WaterGirl: Don’t forget about the pandemic!
@Barbara: People here went apeshit when I recommended “Mrs America” but it’s a really well done overview of the ERA fight and how Schalfly twisted shit for her advancement. One saving grace was how Reagan dumped her sorry ass after she used her influence to get him elected.
@WaterGirl: But this generational group has been the most likely to vote Republican for decades. It’s not personal to Trump for the large majority.
Chris Cuomo is unleashed on CNN..
@The Moar You Know: I also think that is the last generation to know life before Watergate and the realization that while politics is politics, one party leader was more than willing to break the law to stay in power. The Dems saw this as a parable, the GOP apparently took the lesson as an instruction manual and the kids of that timeframe 14-19 could have been blissfully unaware of what was going on (whereas I grew up in DC metro, so it was EVERYDAY), so they would have been ripe for maintaining their ignorance…
Sometimes when I want to make myself unhappy I recall that the Bush supporters didn’t abandon him until halfway thru his second term, and only because the economy started to tank. People say it was Iraq but in conservative areas they all supported the Iraq invasion. They didn’t abandon him because of Iraq. That’s what it took to take him from 50% to 25%. When they all started to get laid off and could no longer make those truck payments. Me, me, me. Has to be THAT personal.
@Ohio Mom: stagflation, white flight, broken families.
Talked to my brother today about a not urgent family issue. He works in SF and lives in Marin. Utterly uninterested in the fires. Baby great nephews and grown up nephews breathing in smoke all weekend and he doesn’t care.
I grew up with him before he aspired to be an oligarch. I am actually surprised at his indifference. What did I not notice in our childhoods together?
Gin & Tonic
@Amir khalid: Tell me it’s none of my business if it actually is, but is there significance to the lower-case “k”?
Eric S.
@James E Powell: I’m down with the designated hitter but I’m never voting for Trump or any other GOP candidate.
@Martin: Agreed!
For Portland, it’s like the locusts and the plague and the fires of hell.
@Sab: Maybe he doesn’t want to cause panic!
I assume you’d have noticed the obvious signs, like mistreating animals?
Chief Oshkosh
@Barbara: Yep. No unions = no societal prosperity. It’s what differentiates us from France and Germany, though they of course have their own problems.
And the racism. Always the racism. Just absolutely baked into the American pie.
@Ohio Mom: This 1956 gal doesn’t understand why either.
Amir Khalid
@Gin & Tonic:
My laptop crashed the other day. I had to reset the machine and reinstall Windows and re-enter all my passwords and retype my nym. The lower case k is a typo that I will need a front-pager’s help to fix.
@Ohio Mom: Baumol’s cost disease.
The 60s and 70s and 80s were a period of tremendous increases in productivity in manufacturing. It was sort of the end of the labor era – which was always cemented in manufacturing/construction and transportation – but because you could make so much more stuff per worker, or more so much more due to containerization – their jobs became more advanced (and paid better) but there were WAY fewer of them. A lot of people in that generation got squeezed out of industries that they expected to be able to employ them.
Instead, people like me from that generation went to college, either bypassed those industries or went in as professional managerial classes – engineers, MBAs, etc. often with the task of reducing labor and automating. If you wanted a coal job in the last 20 years, you pretty much had to have a mining engineering degree. These weren’t the kind of blue-collar jobs from the 60s and 70s. Mind you, a lot of that blame falls on Reagan for busting the unions and making that process one that fucked over wage labor pretty badly.
But if we think of the ‘conservatism consists of one principle’ formulation, it basically suggests that there must be an over/underclass. That’s a core belief. There’s a group of people that have jobs and are deserving of those jobs and a group of people that are taking those jobs and are undeserving of them (because reasons). Same for housing and basically everything else.
If you believe there’s not enough going around, if you believe you’re entitled to that thing your parents had, and so on, then the solution is to target a group of people that shouldn’t benefit. And those undeserving could be anybody – blacks, immigrants, gays, Californians, coastal elites, you name it. The only thing that MUST be true is that someone else is less deserving, and something must be done about those people.
See, people like me, who went to college destroyed those factory jobs. And that’s not wrong – we did – because that how economics works. Now, it doesn’t matter that Democrats were trying to protect those labor rights, or anything else. The point is that harm was done, and something must be done, and Trump promises to do something. He’ll punish the bad people. It doesn’t even matter that he is a bad person, but it’s 100% clear that he’s on THEIR side, he’s willing to hurt US, and as such balance the scales, as they see it.
That’s why Dem’s let’s help everyone message doesn’t work – they think that’s impossible. In order for there to be winners there need to be losers, and it becomes really important that they not get suckered into being in the loser camp.
@Amir khalid: That’s weird, the Commenter Name (Nym) * field is in every comment box, watch, I’ll do a CAP R
@Kristine: Born in 1956 here. Graduated in 1979. First job summer of 79; let go summer of 80 due to economic downturn. Perhaps others in my cohort felt the pain and then the healing presence of St Ronnie. That’s how my sibs in the age range grew up in the Reagan Era. I, somehow got radicalized in the late 60s ( as a teenager) and was impervious to the “charms” of The Gipper.
And change it back to lower case.
@Misterpuff: Van Morrison had some things to say about the 60’s
Did you ever hear about the great deception
Well the plastic revolutionaries take the money and run
Have you ever been down to love city
Where they rip you off with a smile
And it don’t take a gun
Don’t it hurt so bad in love city
Don’t it make you not want to bother at all
And don’t they look so self righteous
When they pin you up against the wall
“Look at this—an entire generation of Cinderellas, and there’s no glass slipper.”
Elaine Miller – Almost Famous
@Steeplejack (phone): I see good ole Joe still wanting to screw the Democratic party.
@Mary G: Aha.
Some mouthbreather hopped on my twitter TL today claiming that Antifa had started seven of the west coast fires. I knew it was nuts, but didn’t want to go looking for the origin of that nonsense. This could be it.
Miss Bianca
But there *were* trials conducted like this. Witch trials. If you float, you’re a witch, if you sink, then you’re dead anyway. If you tell the truth, you’re told you’re lying. If you lie, then you’re dead anyway.
@SFBayAreaGal: His contemptible son is going to fuck up the GA Senate special. What is wrong with that family?
@Miss Bianca:
Ask any African-American about American justice.
@Miss Bianca: Theodoric of York, Medival Barber!!
gin & tonic
@raven: Seems easy enough.
TS (the original)
Is Dr Fauci now supporting trump on Fox? What does trump do to people??? They ALL come to grief through the association.
@Misterpuff:Born 1954. My first grownup job got terminated in the Volker Recession. I understand why Volker did it ( actual economics) but I never understood why Reagan thought the utter upheaval in my life from a government instigated recession was okay.
@Martin: So you can boil it down to “they believe life is a zero sum game”. Trump certainly does believe that.
Villago Delenda Est
@Martin: I can tell you that down the valley in Tracktown, USA, the smoke is heavy, and the eastern edge of Springfield (Home of the Simpsons!) is under Order One protocol. The McKenzie highway east of Springfield, up the river and over the Cascades, is closed due to wildfires along the route. We’ve got fire to the west, too. Farther up the valley is in worse shape, Salem was sporting 500+ 2.5 ppm air, very bad. A major issue is that wind shifts may change the fires, but the smoke is everywhere around Tracktown.
Steeplejack (phone)
That’s because both versions of your nym have been passed by a front-pager at some point. Nyms are case-sensitive. But Amir definitely should be able to enter a comment with his “correct” nym, since it was previously passed.
@Amir Khalid: I think you should be fine, because you have previous comments with the capital K. But I just changed you to a capital K in a comment in this thread.
See if you can post a comment with the capital K because of that. If you can’t, I can approve your comment right away.
@Ken: Yes indeed. You did not want to be a ray fish or a toad and come within his orbit.
But his manners today are impeccable, much better than mine.
Amir Khalid
This comment will probably go into moderation. i’m hoping for a quick rescue.
@Sab: Volker was appointed to the Fed by Jimmy Carter.
@Raven: That’s because you have commented as Raven and raven.
I think Amir will be fine, but I am on standby if he wants to test it.
@Kay: I think the toxin is called “Reaganism”, followed by Newt Gingrich’s specific brand of insane toxicity.
Glad to see some serious Biden (and Webb!) ads on during the game tonight!
gin & tonic
@WaterGirl: I don’t think I’ve ever commented like this.
@Miss Bianca:
It would be difficult for me to stay engaged because there’s a sense of futility. Does it matter what he says? The question was “will you be transparent about your health?” Is he thinking “well, yeah, I guess but the other guy wasn’t and no one did anything, but sure, why not”?
Like the witch trials. “Oh, sure, dunk me but we all know it doesn’t matter if I float or sink, so why bother?”
@James E Powell: it really was a big transition/dislocation time for all of us late Boomers/early GenXers. Last generation to use typewriters, for one ;)
Alex P. Keaton was an asshole.
@Amir Khalid: no moderation!
@gin & tonic: WordPress is definitely case sensitive, hence the chris and Chris that we had at the same time.
@?BillinGlendaleCA: Yes. That is true. Where was Congress when things hit the fan?
@WaterGirl: It’s autofill not me.
Miss Bianca
@TS (the original):
Yeah, but any idiot ought to know that he had no power to do that. He can’t “bring back the jobs”. He can’t even “make Mexico pay for it”. Mere assertion of white supremacy being ENOUGH for my age cohort to follow him in such droves is what’s got me flummoxed.
@Steeplejack (phone): great insight…it’s a definite, distinct difference
Amir Khalid
@Amir Khalid:
And I see it’s already taken care of. Thank you, WaterGirl.
J R in WV
I never went overseas, but also was never, NEVER a die hard Republican!! USN from 1970-73. All the vets I know in the neighborhood are liberal Dems!
Villago Delenda Est
@Ohio Mom: I was born in ’57, the year of Sputnik, and I was never a Reagan fan. Nixon turned me off Rethugs forever. Yet, in 1979, I got a commission in the Army and spent a decade in uniform under, yes, Ronald Reagan and George H.W. Bush. If anything, the Army convinced me that “socialism” has a lot of merit, where grubbing for money isn’t the be all and end all of existence.
@Miss Bianca:
Oh wait, Trump’s got a new plan for that…Tollbooths.
@Ceci n est pas mon nym: I picked up a whole bunch of Dem yard signs today from my local party office…excited to deliver them tomorrow!
@raven: At one point you had a device that posted as Raven. But that was a long time ago, I think.
Oh my god. You are right.
The aggression, the anger, the stupidity, the impulse, it explains everything.
@?BillinGlendaleCA: Yeah, essentially. I mean, that’s clearly their view of economics and has been at least since Reagan. But I think they see it even broader than that – there’s a kind of culture and social economy as well that they also believe is zero sum. Every taco truck displaces a greasy spoon. Every same-sex marriage displaces a cis-marriage.
I mean, all of these things existed before – we simply didn’t recognize them. Somehow recognizing them displaces something they value in their calculus.
And there is a bit of truth to that. CA’s 500,000 renewable energy jobs is of small comfort to a guy in West Virginia who only knows how to mine coal. But Democrats don’t believe that those renewable jobs don’t provide enough economic benefit to make the coal miner whole – only Republicans seem to believe that. So they vote for Republicans, they still lose their job, and now they get nothing because they thought the corporate taxes were protecting their job, not protecting them from the inevitable loss of that job.
But this is why we should all expect the deficit being the most important thing ever should Biden win. GOP dollars do more economic work than Dem dollars, because reasons.
I had an after hours appt way out in the country so was in the car and I caught the regular ABC radio “news” they play on the hour. I was pleasantly surprised! They did a straight up piece on Trump lying about the virus with a clip of him woodenly reciting what seemed to be fatality rates for children? Maybe not. Something about children and 2%. Anyway, then a lively rebuttal from Kamala and that was the whole thing. Just the clips. No opportunities for excessive lying.
@gin & tonic: I did a search and there were 1100 or so comments, though some were replies. I looked at the last page, thinking maybe you started as little g, but nope. I was too lazy to go through all the pages though. But that’s how WordPress functions, so you must have been lower case at some point.
You just passed your 10th anniversary at BJ!
Enhanced Voting Techniques
@Martin: Alternatively, I have relatives who waited since the 60s for the steel mills to come back. They were out of work while three generations of their own family had their own careers and some of them quite successfully. They could have easily voted for Trump knowing he would be a disaster so they would have excuse for their own failure to adapt to the changes.
@Cheryl Rofer:
I should be ashamed of myself for asking, but are any of the fires threatening the Bundy territories?
I’m white male and I’m smack in the middle of that age range being born in 1964. And I got nothing. We missed all the big wars, far too young for Vietnam, too old for all the Gulf wars.
But I tell you, a shitload of my former HS friends who I look up on FB are complete MAGA tools these days. Nothing but cammo and guns and MAGA hats and poses in cammo in front of fish they’ve caught and deer they’ve shot on FB interspaced with bullshit memes about standing for the pledge and all that cramp.
And I grew up in suburban Oregon near Eugene, not rural Iowa or something. In fact I grew up in a blue county.
I think it’s basically a general sense of being pissed that you aren’t important anymore. Your tastes in music and food and fashion and everything else just aren’t important or even relevant. No one cares about Springsteen or Rush. No one cares what you think about gay marriage or whatever. The world has moved on.
@Villago Delenda Est: My dad is in Florence, and its been bad even over there.
Looks like the Riverside and Beachie Ck fires are going to merge tonight. Also looks like a spot has shown up about 5 miles east of Oregon City. Holiday Farm seems to be growing in every direction right now, based on the difference between the satellite data and the extent maps.
@Misterpuff: Same for me. It happened to me in the late 60s early 70s.
@Kay: Maybe everyone’s just sick of it…of things Not Working For Most Of Us. Maybe we’re aging out of it (except for that blessed ‘donut hole’. Maybe Dems are finally learning how to play this game, on multiple levels.
I dunno. But it’s certainly encouraging!
Woo! Fun with nicks!
But the Vietnam vets are also much older. If you were 18 in 1970 when the war was well on the way to winding down you would be 68 today. That’s much older than all these pot belly assholes marching around in cammo fondling their weapons.
OT but I have to say: I could watch Mahomes and Hill and Kelce and Edwards-Helaire all season long (and will, knock on wood). Go KC!
Citizen Alan
@Gravenstone: Is Tebow playing baseball now? I’d not hurt that. Personally, though, I hope he stays in sports forever, because every day he’s a sports star (or even a talking head on ESPN) is a day he’s not running for political office. Fundie’s love that amiable dunce, and he could probably get two terms as Governor of Florida if he got the right backing.
@Chief Oshkosh: I am 64 and the oldest of four – my youngest sib is 56. All of us despise DJT, even my brother-in-law, a 70-year-old Vietnam vet and retired cop. We will do anything to see that Joe is elected, and the Senate flipped.
There is a real intra-generational gap that I frankly don’t understand.
I put up a new Open Thread. It’s right after On The Road.
@Kent: That’smy point. Viettnam era people had to make choices. The next group didn’t. No repurcussions for white people when Reagan stuff began.
ETA: Typing with thumbs is hard.
Chyron HR
My sibs and I were born 1956-1960. All of us have voted Democratic Party since we could legally vote.
I wonder if the break is actually where it appears to be. If the age 64 cutoff is where the pollsters draw the distinction, it seems possible that the age cutoff could be a bit earlier or later. Maybe they never look at the group that only goes to age 62 or goes to age 66.
Well, “fair” as between Biden and Tapper but not as between Biden and Trump since Trump won’t be asked these questions and if he is he will shut them down or lie. Has. He has never actually answered why he was rushed to the hospital last year.
But I suppose it’s necessary we go thru this charade. And we’re learning a lot about Joe Biden!
So our new public health director, stolen from South Carolina, used to work in Indiana, born and bred and mostly trained in Ohio, quit within 12 hours of her appointment. Good job Ohio. Good job Gov DeWine.
As an Ohioann, this makes me urky about our future. Stay inside grandkids! The powers that be do not give a rat’s ass about your survival.
Citizen Alan
@Kay: Personally, I still say what finally tanked Shrub was immigration. He couldn’t thread the needle between the xenophobe base and the cheap labor base, so he went with the latter (since, as a plutocrat, he himself was a part of that base). And the xenophobes never forgave him for it.
I think he was also cleared as RAVEN.
Yeah, but the kids don’t and that’s my point. My teen daughter who is very into classic rock has all my 60s albums. Beatles, Stones, Who, Dylan, etc. And then she skips up to the 80s with stuff like Talking Heads, Clash, REM and so forth. About the only thing she listens to from the 70s is Queen and that’s only because of the movie.
@Ohio Mom: #notall1959ers
I hope we learned from this thread that every demographic is diverse.
WTF? Seriously? What bullshit is going down in Ohio that would make someone go “Nope!” after 12 hours?
I think he was actually smarter than that on this one issue. Being from TX he knew that there was no way the GOP could survive forever as a white party. Your average TX Hispanic family lives in a suburban ranch, works in the trades or has a small business, drives a big pickup, has kids in the local schools, and goes to a Catholic or Evangelical church. They are very easy pickings for a GOP without the racism and culture war bullshit.
What tanked him was the trifecta of war-weariness, Katrina and the economic collapse.
Ted Cruz actually knows the same thing, at least about immigrants. As vile of a pile of rancid flop sweat that Ted Cruz is, he doesn’t really do the racism. He says the same GOP bullshit about BLM and so forth. But didn’t run a racist campaign in 2016. So they went with Trump instead to get the real thing.
@mrmoshpotato: Hopefully she will tell us tomorrow!
@Kent: You’z a fool. :)
@Martin: last generation where it was ok to hit your wife and kids if you didn’t hit them too often.
It’s “young boomers” to “old GenXers” – there are some post-Viet Nam boomers in the mix. I’m on the cusp, so I fall dead center in this demo. Some cultural historians call it the “Jones generation” because we’re the first generation that had to realize we weren’t guaranteed we’d have it better than our parents did, if we just did the best we could. All the assholes where I live who refuse to wear masks at the store are white people within five years of my age, one side or the other, which neatly fits this band. Also, they’re probably more religious than those younger.
Hopefully, her contract didn’t have a non-disclosure clause and she can tell everyone. Otherwise we just have to speculate that the state told her to lie about the numbers.
MoCA Ace
@Villago Delenda Est:
Diito on the progressives. The sweet spot is so small I get a stiff neck and a headache trying to adjust. Got computer glasses and just take them off for walking around the office or just go full Chuck Schumer.
Apparently she once worked as a volunteer coördinator for Planned Parenthood. The horror! Major pushback from the usual suspects.
@zhena gogolia: Yes. They are fantastic. Try them if you can, unless progressives don’t suit you (about 3% of population) you will find them very convenient.
@Steeplejack: Right to life my ass. They do not care about life at all. Stay inside, grandkids. These people want to kill you.
I wouldn’t blame DeWine. More likely that she got a welcoming death threat or two, and thought better of taking the position.
tRUMP lied,people died is not a difficult concept to understand. Say it LOUD over and over.