In the ’60 Minutes’ interview Trump posted, Trump says he hopes the Supreme Court ends the Affordable Care Act.
— Kyle Griffin (@kylegriffin1) October 22, 2020
And there it is.
12 days before the election, Donald Trump admits he wants to get rid of your health care.
— The Lincoln Project (@ProjectLincoln) October 22, 2020
Uh oh. Looks like all the Democrats were right about what Republicans were swearing wasn’t true.
And like Obama said yesterday:
Ten years. 10!
That’s how long the GOP has been saying “repeal and replace” without ever, once, offering a credible replace. And certainly without ever putting an operable pre-existing conditions coverage bill in committee, having CBO score it, etc.
Trump just wants to get us to single payer. ?
Well, we knew there would be consequences electing Obama. We just didn’t anticipate this.
Trump just wants to keep his house of cards from collapsing before he finds a country that will take him.
Jim, Foolish Literalist
amazing he thinks this will help him, but I don’t know if it will hurt him, but he’s definitely given the Biden campaign, the Lincoln Project and the other media wizards plenty of raw footage
@Jim, Foolish Literalist: Biden will absolutely talk about this today during the debate. I don’t see how he can’t.
Especially if the moderator or Trump brings up ‘court packing’.
West of the Rockies
So as usual, Republicans want to harm people, go cheap, funnel money towards those who already have it, screw the poor…
But, hey, 2nd Amendment; Bibles; Drill, baby, drill! Yippee-ki-aye.
My contempt is boundless.
The GOP is a death cult. I wish they’d hurry up.
Mike in NC
Leslie Stahl got to see Fat Bastard’s health care plan up close and personal: a 5-inch thick book of blank pages. It only took him four years to compile that. Impressive!
@Jim, Foolish Literalist: Trump’s focus on Obama is one of the true fixed points in his disordered view of reality. Destroying Obamacare is an absolute good.
David ?Booooooo!? Koch
No wonder he walked out.
It was another shit show interview
Like the one he did with Chris Wallace where he whigned that he could identify an elephant on a Alzheimer’s test (video)
Or like the one he did with Axios where he got caught manipulating Covid data (video)
The repeal part is all taken care of. Replace? We’ll get to it when we decide to give a fuck.
Just what Joe needed for tonight! Trump steps on his own d*ck so often, it must be a waffle fry by now.
46 million people have voted already.
David ?Booooooo!? Koch
Yeaaaaaaaaah, 60 minutes never asks “tough” questions.
??????? He’s so addled he thought posting (on the debate night, no less) this sad, whinny, weak display would make him look good.
@Jim, Foolish Literalist: T:
Next question – when you say “we,” does that include any members of congress?
In the immortal woords of Lily Allen, “Fuck you! Fuck you very, very muuuuuuuch!”
Remember when the far right claimed electing Obama would usher in the Antichrist? Guess they were right, just not the way they imagined.
The President of the United States wants me dead.
If TV commercials in my area are anything to go by, Republicans are terrified of the healthcare issue. They all have commercials where they claim they’ll protect pre-existing conditions and that their healthcare plan is better. What plan? They don’t say. But they’re sure selling the issue hard.
We’ll get to it IF we decide to give a fuck.
Fixed that for you.
I hate him so very much. All of them, really! Venal, vicious self-absorbed, pieces of shit!
They force a person to say things they would normally be ashamed of. When Limbaugh announced he was terminal, I said “good”! I hate that that’s who I am now.
His narcissism is so extreme it’s a kind of psychosis — it makes him delusional. That’s where the term borderline personality disorder comes from, in the old psychiatric nosology it was seen as an overlap of neurosis and psychosis. He can only perceive social reality with reference to himself, the world “out there” is invisible to him.
Mary G
David, are there any numbers anywhere about how many people bought the cheap, useless plans the Republicans have allowed to be sold since Twitler was elected? Because it seems to me that of the 8 million plus Americans who’ve had the Rona this year, there must be some who’re looking at astronomical bills weeks in an ICU generates, found out their low cost insurance won’t cover it and been ruined?
If Republicans wanna claim victory on health care reform, they can simply 1) vote the entirety of Obama’s ACA out of existence, 2) wait ten minutes, 3) repackage all of Obama’s ACA plan and relabel it “TRUMPcare,” 4) vote it in to “replace” the ACA, 5) declare a “NEW” Health Care plan of their own making, 6) ignore the yelling and screaming from Democrats and 7) get the Beltway Media to applaud the GOP for their ingenuity and moderation.
Medicare for All it is then.
Unless SCOTUS plans to kill Medicare. I’d like to see them try that.
@MomSense: Yep, and who knew he would be such an idiot.
It is easy to protect people with pre existing conditions. The insurance premiums will be sky high which is a feature and not a bug.
@Jim, Foolish Literalist:
Is this the wall or health insurance?
Mary G
@Yarrow: good to see your name again! Every time I see a great poll for Biden, I think of your “Tick tock, motherfuckers” from the ancient days of .Mueller. Took a lot longer than we hoped, but I believe some very bad times are ahead for them.
@David ?Booooooo!? Koch: Honestly, I think he’s just trying to damage 60 minutes Sunday ratings by making anticipated. It’s just about damaging people who made him angry.
Matt McIrvin
@PaulWartenberg: They had their chance in 2017! Somehow they couldn’t bring themselves to do it. That ship has sailed.
Villago Delenda Est
Donald will replace ACA with his “beautiful plan that covers pre-existing conditions” right after ACA is struck down, and it will consist of blank sheets of paper.
Problem is, the GOP want to drag the rest of the country down with them.
@PaulWartenberg: they would have done that in 2017 if they were 1) smart; and 2) not true believers in the cult of Ayn Rand, as interpreted by Jerry Fallwell, especially since the 5,000 or so superrich families they rely on as donors are true believers in that cult and have told them “no goodies for the drones, working for a pittance and dying in misery is good for their souls.” Hence the adoption of “herd immunity (and kill off the weak & old)” as the policy for handling COVID-19 of all true believing RWingers from Trump down to all the mini-Trump governors in the states.
What Have the Romans Ever Done for Us?
@Kent: They might. Barrett wrote in a law review article that under the “originalist” judicial philosophy, Social Security is arguable unconstitutional. She qualified that statement with saying that programs that are ingrained enough in the national life maybe should be allowed to stand anyway but who knows what they’d do in practice?
And if SS is then I’m pretty sure that would mean Medicare is too. Alternatively, they may say the entire administrative state is unconstitutional and Medicare can’t function without the administrative state.
Chief Oshkosh
Is the 500 page blank book really blank? The one photo I keep seeing around the intertoobes is where Stahl is opening that last few pages of the book. Many such tomes have blank pages at the back. Are there any photos of pages from the middle? I know that there actually is no plan, but if there are pages in the book with text on them, I’m morbidly curious as to what that text says.
@Yarrow: You, me and everyone else brother. He’s already killed well over 220,000 and no plans to throttle back.
Also, it’s so good to see you post. Tick Tock Motherfucker…..
@azlib: Right. The reason the ACA protections were HUGE is because you could legally always get health insurance even with pre-existing conditions. BUT:
* It was insanely expensive and effectively wasn’t available for most people
* Insurance companies spent lots of time denying payments because they would ‘discover’ that your pre-existing conditions were actually responsible for your current healthcare and therefore not their responsibility
* Insurance companies would comb through your medical records looking for things they could retroactively designate as a pre-existing condition to justify not paying. Things like persistent acne could be used to justify all sorts of theft.
I wouldn’t mind if they would hurry up – hurry up committing suicide. And they’ve already done that pretty much politically so…….
On the one hand, don’t tempt the Barrett court. On the other hand, if we actually get to the point where that’s a real consideration, we’re pretty much screwed already.
Villago Delenda Est
@MattF: Destroying anything Obama did is his focus. For example, he’s destroyed Obama’s economic recovery from the deserting coward’s great recession.
@Yarrow: Dude! Good to see you again!
Glad you’re here, and hopefully you get to write “Tick tock” a couple thousand times in the next few months.
@leeleeFL: I didn’t know I could so boundlessly hate until this administration- now I just want Republicans to die from Covid and leave the rest of us alone
@Mike in NC:
Did he put in one page a day to signify the years he’s been an absolute drain on the human race?
Citizen Alan
I am certain there will be at least 4 votes to kill Medicare after Serena Joy gets seated. Probably not Roberts and maybe not Gorsuch. But definitely at least 4. They want Lochner and they don’t care how many people they have to kill to get it.
Villago Delenda Est
@What Have the Romans Ever Done for Us?: Yeah, fuck that “promote the general welfare” shit in the preamble. Totally unconstitutional!
@Chief Oshkosh: I don’t think there’s been further news on that, but for the Stahl picture she’s pretty clearly more than a few pages in.
Trump’s Press Sec has said that the book contained every piece of legislation written (not certain if just drafted or written), every executive order and so on related to health care. Which is… extremely unimpressive even if it’s true. Like, that’s ALL?
I’ll tune in just to see what Stahl says about the gigantic binder of blank paper McEnany handed her.
@What Have the Romans Ever Done for Us?: The originalists want the law back to where it was in the Hoover administration, which would mean large chunks of the New Deal would not be constitutional.
True, but if they do that, we’ll have our “great, now enforce it” moment. We can fix overturning Roe with legislation. We can’t fix a court ruling that says the federal government is unconstitutional.
Anywho, by the time single payer gets to the Supreme Court, my guess is that there will have been some turnover, with hopefully a Dem president doing the replacements.
Cheryl Rofer
@Lapassionara: Haha no. Barrett was questioned about the Reconstruction Amendments – 13th, 14th, and 15th – and she’s not so sure they count for anything.
The irony, of course, is that even then women couldn’t vote and hold office, but she is willing to update that part. For herself, anyway.
@Lapassionara: literally blow up this Supreme Court and nullify it’s jurisdiction. That’s where we are headed…because either the Court is reigned in, or America ceases to exist. This is not an exaggeration
Let’s say the Big Book of Healthcare isn’t blank. Stahl sits down with Trump and says, “Your spokeswoman just handed me a very large book of your healthcare policies. I’m just going to open a page at random and ask you about it…”
Did they not see the horrific potential for something like that?
And how many oldsters would protest expansion of SCOTUS to 13 members if that is what it would take to restore Medicare and social security? They would be guaranteeing that SCOTUS expansion.
Biden. “I hate to do this, but if you want your medicare and social security back, I gotta expand the court to 13 members.”
My 80 year old Dad “Fucking get it done
Hell, they would probably have the votes in Congress to impeach the mother fuckers and get them replaced.
@Ksmiami: No, you don’t mean “literally.”
Who cares? This was their media stunt. Its on them to prove it’s not blank. I mean, how hard is it for them to post a draft healthcare plan on the WH website.
If they had anything of substance to show off, they’d show it off.
Chief Oshkosh
@Lapassionara:These Einsteins never seem to understand that it was the New Deal or pikes on heads, that FDR actually saved “the gentry” from the righteous wrath of the downtrodden.
@David ?Booooooo!? Koch:
He “thinks” everything he says or does makes him look good. From the orange goo he slathers on, to every word that falls out of his mouth, he believes with every fiber of his being makes him look great, grand, wonderful, smart, the very epitome of a great human, the very best human ever. And he is stunned how ignorant and hateful people are who can’t see all of that. And nothing anyone can say is going to change that. He is a diseased/sick human.
James E Powell
@Mike in NC:
Has anyone confirmed that the whole book was blank pages?
What Have the Romans Ever Done for Us?
@Lapassionara: If they decide to go that radical then my opinion (which, when it comes to the American people is not infallible) is people will be begging for and demanding a good old fashioned court packing about 5 minutes after SCOTUS renders the decision.
@Kent: They won’t actually roll it back, not completely. They’ll just chip away at it until it’s a shell of its former purpose, and then after everyone thinks the programs are useless THEN they’ll remove them.
This is basically what they’ve been doing on Abortion rights for decades, and what they’ve been doing to the ACA as well.
Another Scott
Doesn’t mean I’m going to watch it though. ;-) Like most here, I’ve believed who he was from the first time.
Yeah, we can go back to original intent and throw her ass off the court.
Goku (Amerikan Baka)
Glad to see you back, Yarrow!
Just a reminder that originalism is nothing more than wish fulfillment that the civil war wasn’t lost by the south, that the post civil war reforms never happened, and that we should roll it all back. Basically it invites the nation to fight that war all over again.
What Have the Romans Ever Done for Us?
@Kent: Yup. That’s my guess as to how it would play out too.
Goku (Amerikan Baka)
I imagine seniors would notice their social security checks getting fucked with pretty quick imo. Same with Medicare
Tim Wayne
Why did he post it? I guess to ruin their ratings or get ahead of the story or some stupid reason, who tf knows, but why open the door on healthcare just hours before the debate? He’s very weak on healthcare. If he’d released it tomorrow, then it wouldn’t come up in the debate. Or he could have released it tonight after the debate, if his performance was bad, in order to distract the press.
I doubt any of this will matter. Every informed voter knows by now that Trump has no healthcare plan. He just repeats “preexisting conditions” over and over, like that means something. And none of this will permeate the dense bubble encasing the head every Trump voter.
But still. This seems like such an obvious forced error.
mad citizen
Threads are coming fast here on BJ. I liked the piece from the R strategist–rejoice and celebrate these last two weeks, and CRUSH them!
Biden people, if you’re reading: Joe doesn’t need to trot out a lot of details tonight–he lives his truth, knows his shit, and works the job. The contrast is bright, and the deal is done. Also, it might be cool if he thanks all the millions that have already voted for him, just to rub it in Trump’s face. Talk about VOTING.
Medicare and Social Security are different.
How do you legally “chip away” at Social Security? Think about it. It’s completely different from abortion where it is the states continually pushing the envelope. No one is trying to chip away at Social Security or Medicare. What aspect of Social Security could they declare unconstitutional while leaving 95% intact
Bush tried to chip away at it with the privatization scheme. But that was different and wasn’t a constitutional argument.
Goku (Amerikan Baka)
To paraphrase Stalin: “The Supreme Court! How many divisions do they got?”
A woman from anywhere (formerly Mohagan)
@Lapassionara: That’s why the last time “court packing” came up it was FDR’s idea, because the Supremes found parts of the New Deal, the NRA especially, to be unconstitutional.
@Another Scott: They’re acting like they can just razzle-dazzle a program that’s spent the last fifty years assassinating con men with their own rope. It’s a Nathan Thrum presidency.
Sister Golden Bear
The GOP Just Broke the Rules to Advance Amy Coney Barrett’s Supreme Court Nomination
@trnc: At least Romney’s binders were full of women.
James E Powell
This has got to be a TV ad that they can run everywhere over the weekend. Sub it in for previously purchased spots during football & the world series.
Trump says he wants the Supreme Court to end ACA with its coverage for pre-existing conditions
The Supreme Court has already refused to do. That’s why he wants Amy Coney Barrett. She’s already on record stating that she believes its unconstitutional.
Call your senators. Tell them to vote no on Amy Coney Barrett.
Get it done. Get it up everywhere. It might work, it might not, but put it out there.
@Tim Wayne: It could just be that he’s an idiot and everyone around him has given up trying to save him from himself.
Betty Cracker
I watched a good bit of the footage Trump released, and he just sat there glowering like a toddler on the time-out stool and pouted and interrupted Stahl and whined about how unfair everyone is. It’s a sign of how delusional he is that he thinks that’s a good look.
It’s also a portent for the Biden debate prep team — if you think Trump was a feral whack-job at the last debate, watch out. He’s going to rant about Biden’s son and make outrageous accusations the entire time. It’s going to be a complete shit-show.
@Kent: Nah, there’s loads of room for fuckery when you take into account the idea that the conservative justices aren’t operating on actual legal principles.
All they need is a farcical lawsuit talking about how requiring funding from young people to old people is unconstitutional and needs to be made opt-in, for example.
Or a lawsuit if Biden tries to up the payment cap for rich people. With a 6-3 Conservative court where Gorsuch is the median vote, the lawsuits don’t have to make any sense at all.
I’m old enough to remember Mr. Bill, and Trump’s whining sounds more and more like, “He’s going to be MEAN to me!”
A woman from anywhere (formerly Mohagan)
@Kent: And as I remember Bush got his ass handed to him over privatization of SS. Not popular.
Why do y’all hate church bake sales so much?
@Betty Cracker: Trump’s goal is to ‘dominate’. He believes that if all eyes are on him, then he’s won.
@Sister Golden Bear: The whole thing is dumb: At least two minority members have to be present, but it’s a ‘rule’ and Lindsay Graham can apparently just suspend rules as the head of the committee. Or so he says.
I’d look forward to this as potential lawsuit fodder for the future, though: Her confirmation should be voided because the rules of the confirmation weren’t followed by Senate Republicans.
I join the loud chorus of
peoplejackals happy to see you back.mad citizen
@Betty Cracker: Biden should ask trump random questions about doing the job, such as “When is the last time you read a Presidential Daily Brief?” or even “When is the last time you had an intelligence briefing”? “If Iran and Russia did what your DNI said, what actions are you going to take?” “Where do you personally stand on a COVID economic package?” etc.
@Mary G: @laura: @MisterForkbeard: @Goku (Amerikan Baka):
Thanks. The tick tocks have been there all long. No “forward not back” this time. There will be a reckoning. Traitors gonna pay.
Another Scott
@Cameron: But Sluggo was literally actually mean to Mr. Bill!!
@different-church-lady: Rt just use the Constitutional power engendered in Congress
@SiubhanDuinne: Thanks. I have been here all along.
@mad citizen: Biden can’t really ask questions, but I don’t think there’s a point in asking. Trump can and will just lie about them or use his normal word salad.
“I get my PDB daily.” “You should know better than to ask about secret and confidential responses to intelligence attacks by another country, but we’re looking at very strong options.” “I want to release a great COVID package and told my people to go big, but Pelosi is holding it up for all decent hardworking americans”
Another Scott
@MisterForkbeard: I’m not an expert, but IIRC, people have been sent to the floor of the Senate without a positive recommendation from the relevant committee. There’s not a requirement for committees to give an approval, so there’s probably a mechanism for the committee chair (and a majority voting) to throw out any rules they want.
tl;dr – I wouldn’t get my hopes up that this will matter legally.
@MisterForkbeard: Sadly that won’t happen. The Democrats can appeal to the Parliamentarian, who would rule the Repukes out of order. Then McConnell promptly holds a vote to overrule them via majority vote – nuking the Parliamentarian. They always have had that power. All it will cost them is a little time
Failing that he can just fire the Parliamentarian and put in his own pliable one to rule the Ds out of order. That’s been done many times in Senate history. In the end, the Majority Leader decides the rules. ALL of them. And if he wants to chuck them out, that’s his perogative.
@Jim, Foolish Literalist:
I’m sure they have their top men on it. Top. Men.
@different-church-lady: OTOH – perhaps I do
mad citizen
@MisterForkbeard: I think there are no longer any rules in these debates. I know trump’s responses are BS, but if you phrase the question correctly you at least bring attention to the fact that trump has never done his job.
@MisterForkbeard: I like our chances in the 2022 midterms if the election is going to be all about saving social security and medicare from the GOP.
@Ksmiami: Considering the current environment I’d doubt the wisdom of these kinds of jokes.
glory b
@Cervantes: The 27 psychiatrists and psychologists who wrote “The Dangerous Case of Donald Trump” now have an updated and expanded version, there are now 37 mental health experts weighing in. I may get a copy.
Then again, why scare myself more than I already am?
@different-church-lady: I don’t think the impending crack up of our country is a joke just an inevitable moment in empirical history like what happened to Athens.
Like Jim Jones, they want everybody to gather round first before distributing the generic cyanide-flavor Kool-Ade. What fun is committing suicide alone?
Goku (Amerikan Baka)
I don’t know that Trump admitting what we all know matters to Republicans. Yes, Trump wants to kill the ACA (and anything his black predecessor brought to the government) and yes that killing the ACA will affect a lot of Republicans and Republican seniors. Those people have all joined the Leopards Eat My Face party and they all think their faces are safe.
They are idiots and that is why I say it doesn’t matter. They prefer their hating on others and taking things away from others even of it comes out of their pockets too. One thing we do know, when the Supreme Court junks the ACA next month, Republicans will all blame Democrats for it. And the MSM will repeat those claims.
Ohio Mom
Looking at that ridicously huge binder (it looks like a clown’s prop) supposedly full of Trump’s health initiatives, I can’t help but recall that one of the Tea Party’s most cogent and incisive criticisms of the ACA was that the bill was too long.
patrick II
There are times I don’t have seen Leslie be a very tough questioner. She can also do some soft interviews. I am not sure how she decides, but you should be prepared for the worst.
Yarrow!!! I am so happy to see your ‘nym. Sending you good wishes.
PS: “Tick tock, [etc]” is a recurring (and appropriate) phrase around here, thanks to you.
@Yarrow: Have you caught Tick Tock Motherfuckers in the rotating tags yet? I added it earlier this week.
@mad citizen:
I think that they agreed that no biting is allowed.
I think that a better line of attack is that Trump is incompetent and that he has betrayed the people he was sworn to protect. That he claims to care about his base, but doles out favor and protection to his rich cronies.
I keep hearing that Trump is going to emphasize his foreign policy creds. Moving the US embassy to Jerusalem. Being hard on Iran. Slapping China around. Biden should be able to undercut this.
What I like about Joe is that he effortlessly shows that he is not intimidated by Trump and also refuses to get into the mud where Trump loves to wrestle. Trump cannot stand it when someone does not take him seriously and dismisses his attacks and challenges.
Trump has to stand on his record. Not a good place to be.
@Lapassionara: OT, but I am wondering if you got the email I sent you a week or two ago?
@Tim Wayne: I never watch 60 minutes, but I’ll watch it for that. I imagine this will improve their ratings for Sunday.
This is not important. Beltway bullshit.
If the Democrats win big in November, they will have the task before them of bringing back some version of the ACA.
A lot of work to be done.
Every one of them needs to die a painful death.
Tim C.
If Dems get the Presidency and the Senate, it’s pretty easy. Put a bill through that raises the Mandate back to something like a dollar and the whole severability case falls apart. Not that they won’t come back again somehow, but it solves the current issue.
Well past time to throw every one of these Rethuglican shitstains out on their Putin-loving asses.
I hope there’s a way to strip them of their government-funded health insurance too, because to hell with having my tax dollars keeping these murderous motherfuckers alive.
@debbie: Has there been any more news on WTF is up with the Turtle From The Black Lagoon?
I support this measure.
Just hit up Sen. Portman’s Cleveland and DC offices to encourage the Senator to reject the Barrett nomination, and instead pressure the Majority Leader to take up COVID stimulus legislation. Short and sweet.
Fellow buckeyes, here’s the contact page, scroll to the bottom for all the phone numbers. It may be spitting in the wind, but it’s better to try.
@mrmoshpotato: he thought the maiden’s blood he drank was from a virgin (she wasn’t) so like in horror movies his mistake is bringing on his demise
One of my good friends and member of our local Health Care For America Now team wrote this song. He performed it in DC at the big rally for health care and at many local events. I was often on the stage with a bunch of kids holding those plastic jars with the pictures of people in need.
We were joyful warriors and it was a great song, but I really don’t want to have to get the band back together to start all over again. Begging for change – the healthcare blues
J R in WV
<a href=”#comment-7916670″>@BruceFromOhio: @mrmoshpotato:
Impeachment strips everything away. Just sayin’!
Bill Arnold
Sure we can. We just say that the Supreme Court has forfeited its jurisdiction and that henceforth (and retroactive to include that decision) any decisions it makes with regard to the other two branches of Government will need to be unanimous (or 7/9 or whatever).
They want to bring a cigarette lighter to a flamethrower fight, fine.
So of course you are saying that their view is that if they can’t have their way entirely they want the rest of us to join them in running (or more likely walking) off the cliff. I say fuck them. I’ll drive the bus to the cliff to save them the walk but I’ll be damned if I’m jumping with them.
Bill Arnold
This is in part bullshit.
The MSM is many things, and many of them are bad, but it has learned how to recognize Republican lies and attempts narrative-build and grab news cycles since 2016. The Trump administration has been like training wheels for this; so obvious in its attempts to manipulate sentiment so much of the time.
Why exactly do people think the Republican October Surprises are being received like wet farts? Part of it is the media being better in 2020 than it was in 2016. (Part of it is prep (e.g. narrative priming) because the moves were signaled a year+ in advance.)
Apparently Superspreader von Trumpovsky is bringing someone allegedly named Tony Bobulinski to the debate. He’s allegedly a “business associate” of Hunter’s? My head hurts
What hacks are writing this shit?
I know! I know! A Soviet shitpile mobster manbaby!
Not that I know of. I know I’d be freaking out if my hand looked like his.
As if that fuckhead will do that, what with his 91% record of voting with Trump.
@WaterGirl: I have not. Thanks for the heads up.
Bob Hertz
Richard Epstein is an arch-conservative legal scholar, and he predicts that the Supreme Court will toss out the current anti-ACA lawsuit by a 9-0 vote. Hope he’s right.