The governor also announced that indoor and outdoor gatherings at private residences will be limited to no more than 10 people because of the recent prevalence of COVID-19 spread resulting from small indoor gatherings including Halloween parties.
He said those gatherings have become a major cause of cluster activity across the state. The public health measure brings New York State in line with neighboring states including Connecticut, Massachusetts and Rhode Island. This new rule is also effective Friday at 10 p.m.
“If you look at where the cases are coming from, if you do the contact tracing, you’ll see they’re coming from three main areas: establishments where alcohol is served, gyms, and indoor gatherings at private homes,” Cuomo said. …
@Hunter Gathers: It’s a spin-off called The Kremlin’s Fat Orange Fascist Bitch Will Be Literally Thrown Out Of The White House If Needed.
(Yes, a long title but then The Man Who Went Up A Hill Then Bitchslapped Everyone About That Fucking Mountain)
Have we thrown the mobster shitpiles out on their fucking fascist faces yet?
Amir Khalid
Let me just say it again: a political argument against a public-health measure is nonsense from the get-go. If you can’t show the measure goes against good public-health principles, you got nothing.
@Bill Arnold: I hear you can still slap the shit out of a bunch of selfish shitbag adults while wearing a hazmat suit…
Chetan Murthy
@Amir Khalid: “Salus populi suprema lex esto”. Or so you would think.
Jim, Foolish Literalist
Ron Johnson invites abuse, it would be rude not to accept…
Senator Ron Johnson @SenRonJohnson · 1h
My committee has jurisdiction over USPS and the federal workforce. I’m asking anyone who knows of irregularities related to mail-in or absentee ballots to contact our confidential whistleblower hotline: [email protected]
I know it doesn’t mean anything, but I love that has a big link on it saying “Joe Biden: 46th President of the United States” and is selling inauguration merch. :)
EDIT: My project for the evening is to see if I can snag a launch-day Playstation 5. It’s not a particularly SERIOUS project, but sure, why not.
If you can’t show the measure goes against good public-health principles, you got nothing.
Our wingnuts sez “Hold mah Beer*”
*I actually don’t think that’s allowed in Islam, but to be fair that’s a gap in my knowledge.
Hunter Gathers
@mrmoshpotato: I hear they are working on another spin off, this one a reboot of Three’s Company:
Trump, Melania and a “Mr. Hilter” getting into all kinds of shenanigans while living at Mar-a-Lago : avoiding subpoenas from New York state, hiding behind the couch when the landlord – a Russian who definitely does not look anything like some dude named Putin – knocks on the door, runs to the pharmacy for more Adderall, burnt steak cookouts and the most offensive threeways this side of Hentai.
What is up, Cole.
I’m sorry, but Robby needs to stand under the basket and post up Lebron 1000 times.
Also, in person schools, bars and restaurants need to be closed in the US right now.
I needed a break. Went to YouTube to watch three young peregrine falcons in downtown Melbourne (Australia) think about, and then decide not to, fly off their nest ledge atop a building.
It was wonderful. They ran up and down the ledge, flapping their wings, screeching at each other. The parents are, apparently, at a vantage point nearby. At one point Mom (or Dad) flew by, yelling at them to stop stalling and fly already.
But no. The kids have tired themselves out and are settling down for a rest. I don’t know if that’s it for the day, or they’ll try again later.
Bill Arnold
I mainly want Donald J. Trump to be miserable, and preferably for he and his family to descend into a precarious middle class existence, with copious lawsuits and other court battles looming, threatening to throw them into destitution or prison or both. Unless they attempt a coup; then patriotic Americans will be tempted to go medieval, with fully updated methods.
@Hunter Gathers: Ended after 1 episode via being fired into the Sun for being Putin’s bitches.
@geg6: The blog gets new front pager once in a while. Let’s see if this one posts pet pics or if we have to turn on him and tear him to rhetorical pieces.
Dave Wasserman, DJ Quinlan, and Decision Desk HQ have called Arizona for Biden in the last few minutes. Maricopa County has reported most of its remaining ballots.
We had two good friends over. We sat outside in the wind under heavy blankets at 45 degrees. We were masked except for my Mike guy drinking rum and ginger beer and one friend who had a beer. It was great, like being alive again. Covid cases are rising here * so we’re doing even less.
*Our mood is in lock up the fools who have to socialize when the virus loves that. How many more months will this postpone a return to living without fear of a terrible contagion? We could end this in two months with strict measures, but NO!
Dave Wasserman
I’ve seen enough. No path back for Trump in AZ.
So AZ is a lock? Excellent!
@Hunter Gathers: What part of “fired into the Sun for being Putin’s bitches” do you need explained?
@ALurkSupreme: Good news to counter the Raw Story piece saying Trump toadies are planning a military coup. I don’t know how they’d get the Generals to go along so hopefully the retired General is just alerting the brass to the mischief.
Matt McIrvin
@CaseyL: Decision Desk also called it. Personally I think everyone should call GA too, though probably won’t because of the recount.
The pettiness just gets so tiring.
New: A stack of messages from foreign leaders to President-elect Joe Biden are sitting at the State Department but the Trump admin is preventing him from accessing them, sources say. Traditionally State supports all communications for the President-elect.— Kylie Atwood (@kylieatwood) November 12, 2020
@Jim, Foolish Literalist: Ron Johnson is too inept to be a real threat, but he is annoying as all f@#$. Putin must be paying him more than Trump or they got videotape that involves more than pee.
Enhanced Voting Techniques
@Amir Khalid: Well these are libertarians we are talking about. The guys who get misty eyed watching a Mad Max movie.
@ALurkSupreme: Yes, David Wasserman has seen enough:
I’ve seen enough. No path back for Trump in AZ.
Quote Tweet
The AZ – abc15 – Data Guru
· 39m
Maricopa county has posted 13,143 ballots. Breakdown: Biden: 5,826 (44.3%) Trump: 7,019 (53.4%) Biden leads Trump in Arizona by 11,635 votes.
@Matt McIrvin: The margin in GA is larger than the margin in AZ.
Is there any way in hell that Georgia starts and finishes a hand recount of 5 million ballots by the Nov. 20 certification deadline?
Jim, Foolish Literalist
@Yarrow: I’m always wrong about their primaries, but I predict a quick flame-out for Pompeo in 2024. He may not even last long enough for him and and his awful wife to become punchlines
Can I call you Ron? So listen, I got wind of some irregularity – I got a nude picture here of you instead of a ballot. I think what’s going on is that people are stuffing their ballots with nude pictures of you – that’s gotta be some federal crime right?
Anyways, thanks – kthxbye
@Dan B: I have been combing the web all day reading about the coup. Was getting worked up again until I remembered trump and friends are morons. They don’t have a real plan and the lawsuits are just poo flung at the walls. Secondly, for all the tough tweets, he’s a coward. Firing a few people probably made him feel powerful but no way he sticks his neck out with any type of marshal law.
Somehow a Geraldo tweet wound up in my feed, saying essentially that from a friend to a friend, it was time to give up. And I made the mistake of reading the responses which were…unenthusiastic. Hundreds or thousands of likes. A bit scary. How many of those are bots (rooting for the highest possible number)?
Mike in NC
@Yarrow: Some English writer described Fat Bastard as the “Picasso of Pettiness”. He really is most pathetic oxygen thief who ever lived.
Republican officials have scrambled nationwide to produce evidence of widespread voter fraud that could bolster the Trump campaign’s legal challenges, but no such evidence has surfaced. And Biden’s lead in several states targeted by the Trump campaign has expanded as late-counted votes are reported. In all-important Pennsylvania, the Democrat now leads by more than 50,000 votes.
Still, the absence of evidence and of a comprehensive and realistic plan to overcome Trump’s significant deficit and secure him a second term have not stopped some of the leading figures in the administration and the Republican Party from amplifying the president’s misinformation about the election outcome.
Dan B
@ALurkSupreme: I believe the Georgia SOS stated they were going to review a large sample. They should complete that on time.
Just riding out TS ETA. Been raining steady for a couple hours, winds in Polk 17 mph from the SE. Looks like Tampa and environs winds @30 mph. Could be picking up on the rain and wind shortly according to radar. Humidity 97% ugh. But I haven’t seen anything flying down the street yet.
British government in turmoil last night as one of the Vote Leave (ie Russian) advisers left and several more might be leaving including Dominic Cummings.
Boris Johnson’s been told he has to decide if he wants a deal with the EU by 19th November.
Doesn’t look like the British government think Trump’s staying and they are pretty delusional at the best of times.
New: A stack of messages from foreign leaders to President-elect Joe Biden are sitting at the State Department but the Trump admin is preventing him from accessing them, sources say.
The weird thing is that Trump knows how to play these silly, pointless adolescent games with such an attention to detail.
I wonder if he appointed someone to be his Chief Pettiness Officer.
Dan B
@Glyph2112: Yes. If you don’t have the Brass you can’t get the troops. Hopefully these new Islamophobic appointees don’t try anything foolish. Their arrests would stir up cries of “Deep State!”
¡Madam Auntie Vice President Kamala Harris! @flywithkamala BREAKING: #IL14 officially re-elects Lauren Underwood, who became the youngest Black Congresswoman in history in 2018. #BlackGirlMagic#BlackWomenLead
and she retakes Dennis Hastert’s old district, beats back multi-millionaire perennial candidate
Omnes Omnibus
@Dan B: In all of this Trump is going to stage a coup there seems to be a failure to recognize that people other than the Trump also have agency. The military is not some golem that is waiting for Trump to order it into action.
Dan B
@dmsilev: Lt. Gov. John Fetterman had a great burn for Lt. Gov. Patrick. He found voter fraud in PA, a republican of course, and wants the million dollar check mailed to him. Fetterman is awesome!
I know it doesn’t mean anything, but I love that has a big link on it saying “Joe Biden: 46th President of the United States” and is selling inauguration merch. :)
That’s not a government-run operation. It’s just some guy from (I think PA) who has a web site and online store.
Someone’s probably already posted this, but… According to Jennifer Epstein, Biden has picked Ronald Klain for his chief of staff.
Mike in NC
@Brachiator: It all relates to the ridiculous bullshit that constitutes Reality TV and its biggest asshole star.
Democrats need to be vengeful and Sharp in their messaging going forward. And I’m here for it
@Omnes Omnibus: dang, I hate misspelling and using the wrong words. I am typing on an iPad so i tend to make a few more mistakes.
Dan B
@Omnes Omnibus: Yes. It seems like the Pentagon Capers don’t have any real plans, strategery, etc. It is weird how the pundits are reacting. I spose pundits gotta speculate blather.
@?BillinGlendaleCA: Steve in the WTF isn’t here right now so someone literally has to do it.
@Kent: Yes. Which is why it doesn’t mean anything. :)
@Dan B: I think it is a total recount of the Presidential race only. Hey, I tried to link to the CNN post about it, but must not have known what I was doing.
@Dan B: yup. Speculating on nefarious deeds in the DOD probably makes for better ratings than narcissistic man baby fires people he blames for his own failures, replaces them with ineffective yes men.
The count will be conducted under Georgia’s rules for election audits, but not as envisioned when those rules were drafted.
The audit rules call for a random sample of ballots to be pulled, and the text or bubbles to be reviewed and counted. The audit would have concluded when all ballots were counted and the odds that the full tabulation was incorrect was less than 10%, according to State Election Board rules.
But instead of pulling a smaller sample of ballots, Raffensperger plans to audit every ballot. The sample would have had to be over 1 million ballots, according to the secretary of state’s office, so Raffensperger decided a full count was justified given the closeness of the race.
“You actually have to do a full hand-by-hand recount of all ballots because the margin is so close right now,” Raffensperger said.
Georgia’s recount rules wouldn’t have allowed a hand recount.
A State Election Board rule passed this year, which Raffensperger supported, required only scanned recounts.
Election integrity advocates protested, but state election officials said scans were faster and more accurate. The audit process was envisioned as a way to check the accuracy of tabulations by looking at the ballots themselves instead of relying on computers.
Georgia rules and laws don’t authorize the secretary of state to leap from an audit to a full hand-based recount, said Bryan Sells, an election law attorney.
“If the goal here is clarity, the secretary of state should not step into murky legal territory,” Sells said. “The secretary of state should not be making any questionable calls here to give either side the opportunity to question the fairness of what he’s doing.”
It sounds like a mess. Here’s hoping they don’t mess up the count, and that they get it all done on time.
I don’t have a subscription so can’t read it, but Karl Rove has a piece in the WSJ that Biden has won.
Another Scott
@Mary G: Apparently Donnie’s antics aren’t about trying to win. It’s a category error to think so.
They’re all about ramping up the butt-hurt among his followers that he will turn into bigly ratings (and power against the GOP) for his new TV channel.
Sounds like there are solid case studies to back Cuomo up:
There are also some excellent examples south of the equator. Large indoor family gatherings definitely covid spreaders.
@Mary G: To be fair, I couldn’t give two shits about what Turd Blossom has to say. And it’s not worth a trial subscription just to take a look. Just to be clear, I’m not aiming any anger against you (or anyone really right now) but that person is one I could stand to not hear from or see ever again.
Is there any chance in hell Trump might order the DHS/DOJ to arrest Biden, Harris, and all of the Dem members of the House for “treason” and his toadies in those agencies would carry out those orders if things came to a head? Such as if the House refused to certify the election after some R state legislatures tried to seat Trump electors in the EC?
Probably never going to happen and incredibly unlikely, but it’s a scenario that came to mind recently
One theory I’ve heard for why the GOP is indulging Dolt45′ latest temper tantrum is due to his remaking the GOP in his own image. Most GOP voters adore him, worship him, and will follow wherever he leads. Is the GOP were to tell Dolt to STFU and GTFO, their base will explode with rage.
That means the GOP candidate race in 2024 is going to be an absolute shitstorm. Either Dolt will make good on his threat to run again (assuming he isn’t in prison) or, if he doesn’t, whoever does will have to bend the knee and get his approval (even if he is in prison).
Is there any chance in hell Trump might order the DHS/DOJ to arrest Biden, Harris, and all of the Dem members of the House for “treason” and his toadies in those agencies would carry out those orders if things came to a head? Such as if the House refused to certify the election after some R state legislatures tried to seat Trump electors in the EC?
Probably never going to happen and incredibly unlikely, but it’s a scenario that came to mind recently
I am relaxed. I was asking what would happen in a hypothetical situation and how likely it was to happen
I know Kay has said she wants the GSA admin called before Congress. She thinks Congress could use it’s inherent contempt powers to arrest her, but honestly what’s to stop Trump from ordering DHS agents to simply protect her? Kay never did give me an answer to what happens after that
The problem with all of this is that our system (any system) relies on all parties that exist within it to act in good faith. With several of agencies compromised and the GOP seemingly going all in on trying to delegitimize the election, that good faith doesn’t exist anymore
I don’t think he runs again. No matter what Biden does I think independents and the few sane republicans are done with him. He is all ego and no way he risks losing again. I am not sure his act can be recreated. He has been in the spotlight so long he has a brand that let him get away with a lot of stuff that if it came from someone else would never work. Nobody is excited about pence, or Cruz, or Rubio. But he will still hold his rallies because it’s all about him.
Are you still looking for the worst possible outcome for the USA? Maybe you want these things to happen, given you spend so much time thinking them up.
@Goku (aka Amerikan Baka): Wrong order. First ask if it’s likely at all. Which it isn’t. Then …. well, have you ever heard the expression “if I’m the pope, then …” ? It refers to the idea that if you assume something counterfactual, then, well, anything is possible. So no point in assuming something counterfactual. Sure, *maybe* Shitler decided to arrest all his political opponents. But if that happened, I agree with @?BillinGlendaleCA: that our country to get much poorer and smaller … y’know, the sort of thing that happens when a civil war breaks out. Either that, or Shitler dies real quick.
Is there any chance in hell Trump might order the DHS/DOJ to arrest Biden, Harris, and all of the Dem members of the House for “treason”
If that happens, there would be “some” civil disturbance. I expect enough trouble for foreign investment to dry up for a period, and for insurance companies to embargo international deliveries. “Don’t come to us with insurance claims.” This shut down Nicaragua’s harbor when Reagan’s CIA mined the port.
I have trouble visualizing that our oligarchs will accept that.
Rev. Warnock just gave the perfect answer to Stephanie Ruhle."I've no interest in defunding the police. She (Loeffler) seems interested in defunding their healthcare"He's running on realistic policy, not slogans.— Terry Biggs (@TeeBiggs) November 11, 2020
Are all murder mystery writers secretly serial killers?
There sure were a lot of murders in Cabot Cove.
Matt McIrvin
@Goku (aka Amerikan Baka): Trump has likely already tried to do that repeatedly. I know he was trying to get Hillary Clinton arrested earlier. Barr actually pushes back, though. He knows he can’t make it stick without a plausible indictment.
Dan B
@Glyph2112: I believe you win most obvious burn of pundits! You did good.
And we need a better punditocracy.
Emma from FL
@Goku (aka Amerikan Baka): Mym mom had a friend who was a catastrophist (is that even a word?). When she was worried she would start with an acorn of fear and end up with a 200 year old oak of terror. My mother would sit her down, hand her a tacita of cuban coffee, and they would watch la telenovela du jour and gossip about simple things until she was calmed down. Mom would say “all she needed was to see normal again.” You really, really need to find your normal again if you’re not going to give yourself an aneurysm.
(added) to others: yes, people do need reassurance, folk, so ease up a little.
his toadies in Defense and Intelligence are there for a reason. Is he covering up? Grabbing money? Both? Something is up.
We also have to be wary of what we do not see because Trump is a master of deflection and distraction. He made everyone look at Pentagon while he did … what?
Emma from FL
@?BillinGlendaleCA: Actually I think Jessica traveled a lot! Try to be a cop in Midsomer, I dare you.
@TS (the original): nope. Senator is not the boss. He wants to be the star.
One theory I’ve heard for why the GOP is indulging Dolt45′ latest temper tantrum is due to his remaking the GOP in his own image.
I’m not sure that there is any rational explanation for the actions of the GOP leadership. Trump lost, and nothing, except for the clumisiest and most egregious action can make Trump president. And the GOP doesn’t really need an excuse to justify any future obstruction. It’s what they have been doing since Obama’s administration.
The GOP leadership is going to have to walk back their Trump support. I don’t know how they will do it. I just know that they have to do it.
Most GOP voters adore him, worship him, and will follow wherever he leads. Is the GOP were to tell Dolt to STFU and GTFO, their base will explode with rage.
The absolute true believers are a small, if sizable, subset of the GOP. The leadership doesn’t need to fear them as long as the right wing plutocrats continue to support the Republican Party.
And where are the Trump supporters going to go? Oooh. About the only thing the GOP might fear is a Trump instigated third party. The thing is, Trump is too incompetent to be able to pull something like this off.
So, as angry as Trump supporters might be, right now, their only outlet is to remain good little asshole Republicans.
That means the GOP candidate race in 2024 is going to be an absolute shitstorm.
Yeah, it may be a shitstorm, but other than that there ain’t much to say about it.
@Sebastian:his toadies in Defense and Intelligence are there for a reason. Is he covering up? Grabbing money? Both? Something is up.
How possible is it for his toadies to a) grab intelligence information to sell internationally, and b) hash up the safeguards to prevent folks from figuring out what was taken? I can certainly imagine they could hoover up $400 million+ worth….
British government in turmoil last night as one of the Vote Leave (ie Russian) advisers left and several more might be leaving including Dominic Cummings.
I’ve read some liberal UK pundits who think that the Conservatives will sack Johnson in the Spring. Could it be that discontent is accelerating?
Boris Johnson’s been told he has to decide if he wants a deal with the EU by 19th November.
The EU is calling Johnson’s bluff that he would simply walk away. However, I keep hearing that Conservative Party hard liners want a no-deal BREXIT. It will be interesting to see what Johnson decides to do.
Just watched the entirety of Wayne. Fucking awesome. great recommendation!
@Goku (aka Amerikan Baka): What would happen if USA were Russia, or Nigeria, or Brazil? Something would happen for sure, but I don’t know what it is yet.
What would happen if the top brass all switched from poker to bridge? What would happen if the Secret Service were all doxxed on Wikileaks? What would happen if you were king of the world? What if I were? What if we tried to answer some hypothetical questions, what would happen then?
The entire theater map of this war has hundreds of possible battle sites. None of them show a real path toward victory for the Trumpiskis without disastrous risk to them and everyone else.
Goku (aka Amerikan Baka)
Something I’d like to get off my chest:
I’m still miffed about that thread where everybody jumped on me because they thought I didn’t understand how diverse Hispanic communities are in the US are, yet I did. I’m not that stupid or ignorant, believe it or not. Everyone ignored the positive comments I left about the possibility of state legislative seats being gained. Some of the questions I “ask” are meant to be rhetorical, too
I’ll never forget Satby calling me a “fuck head” because I wanted to protect myself and my family with medical grade masks when this whole pandemic started. I’m a frontline worker that faces hundreds of people every time I’m at work. That thread I talked about above? She said I play an “open eyed wonder” schtick or something to that effect. I don’t, not intentionally
For the last few weeks I feel like I’m often being jumped on and I don’t appreciate it
I agree. He is homely and obese (didn’t stop Trump) and lacks even that alleged “charisma ” that Trump has with the Morlock base. He just comes across as an arrogant bully without humor.
Welcome to the world of conservative assholes. They don’t need to be right, just loud and consistent and they will cause trouble because loud and consistently wrong are their only concepts of, well anything.
We also need to keep an eye on him and his family selling state secrets in order to pay off their foreign debts.
@Brachiator: In my opinion the changes are a very clear signal that the Brexiters are on the out. Johnson has one week to make a deal (Nov 19 is the cutoff). So now he cuts a deal and looks like a fool or doesnt and hello massive tariffs on January 1. And either way there will be lots of new paperwork and chaos at the ports.
Johnson could well be out. He has looked terrible ever since his bout with Covid (it was prior to theraputics being available to the rich and connected). His government is a shambles with constant u-turns. His Chancellor Rishi Sunak has been running rings around him.
Its quite possible with Biden coming in that they will take this opportunity to ditch him and rejoin the semi-sane via Sunak
I think you should all stop beating on Goku just because she/he/they/whatever/jesus-I’m-sick-of-pronouns has enough imagination to believe that shameless corrupt evil people might do previously unimaginable shameless corrupt evil things.
@Ruckus: Trump could pull it off because 1) he was thought to be rich, and 2) he was a celebrity. I think “2” was worth 1-2% of the vote just by itself.
I don’t know that Trump is fighting solely for gritting purposes. On January 21st, he will be citizen Trump facing multiple felony charges for fraud, tax evasion, rape… I think he is scared shitless of prison.
My recent belief is that he’s doing “it” to keep the rubes riled up and angry. Because his only actual political power is in riled up angry rubes. There’s no strategy beyond that. He’s got nothing to lose, so he might as well blow everything up and hope he can rule over the pieces.
Fair Economist
@Goku (aka Amerikan Baka): There’s been a lot of inappropriate attacks here lately. I appreciate your posts; hang in there.
Also, in person schools, bars and restaurants need to be closed in the US right now.
Beg to differ on schools. Masking, podding, and distancing work.
I’ve been living it, PITA though it is, for the past 2 months. We only have 2 more “live” days and then a “project week” before Thanksgiving — school comes back after two weeks apart with a teacher shift (they have 1 core and 3 specialists live, 3 core Zoom this term), and pod re-jigger post Thanksgiving. Rinse, Repeat come February (President’s Day Break).
Do keep the fucking bars closed. Keep the fucking 10pm curfew (which should have been implemented Labor Day, Governor Baker). Close down live HS’s when asshats throw parties (my nephews are remote because of this).
It’s doable. It’s just a lot of fucking work, and too many people are not willing to work at it.
@Yutsano: Hopelessly late, but yeah, I wanna encourage Mary G because she’s AMAZINGLY WONDERFUL, but she needs encouragement, because OC. And she’s survived that.
My San Diego “village” (don’t get me started on that BS) started celebrating last Saturday about 8:30 am PST that I didn’t even have to get on the tubes to know what had happened. And it was easily 16 hours of people being happy after that. I found Colbert being happy and he had SD picture #3 of happy ppl, and I like YES that’s how happy and relieved ppl are.
Well he acted rich, or at least like he thinks rich assholes act. So he got that at least half right. The asshole part.
A celebrity? Really? OK so he had/has zero talent, and that hasn’t stopped a bunch of others, and he was on TV so I guess that makes him a celebrity. Although, I’ve been on TV as well and I am no celebrity, not close, no way, no how.
Try not to take it personally… everybody gets dumped on here from time to time. I also think that there several here who should conclude their comments with a +2 (or +5). Alcohol reduces inhibitions, and as the evening wears on, BJ After Dark can get a little rough.
Reminds me of that scene from Coming to America – when he yells out and the whole neighborhood turns on him and joyously screaming “Fuck you too!”
@gwangung: I got sucked into the idea of them selling secrets. But no, that would be treason. Look at the lawyers with these suits. They are crap but in the end they aren’t willing the risk their license by lying. Heck even the postman in Pa recanted his whole voting fraud story. And that’s why Kelly, and Mattis, and esper are gone, they would not do outright illegal things just because trump orders it. I am sure they skirted the line, but selling state secrets is like deadly to far.
but again, makes for a better story.
BJ is supposed to be a community, a family, and that means we don’t jump down one another’s throats (trolls, yes: they get pied).
You do tend to take a look-on-the-dark side viewpoint. But I have to be honest and say that you’re putting in print stuff that I do think about, I just don’t say out loud. Because there’s a shivery feeling that saying it makes it more real, you know? (I do realize intellectually an actual coup is extremely unlikely. Doesn’t stop me from worrying about one.)
It’s been a bitch’s bastard of a year. We’re all on edge. More regulars are having meltdowns than I’ve ever seen before.
Comrade Colette
@Omnes Omnibus: As a possessor of tits who sometimes eats fish, I am EXTREMELY OFFENDED. FUCK ALL OF YOU.
@Goku (aka Amerikan Baka): Dunno If this will help, but generally speaking when I see commenters here saying obnoxious shit I always keep in mind what they are saying says a hell of a lot more about them than anything else. (This really comes in handy when I weigh the utility of my own comments)
Anyway, keep your head up and try not to let the arseholes get under your skin.
OK, new analogy: we’re at the part where the cult leader is about to set fire to the compound….
@Goku (aka Amerikan Baka): Ok we are sorry you feel jumped on but you need to look at yourself or you are going to make yourself miserable before you are much older. This is not politics, this is you. You do try really hard to find something terrible that is going to happen. Your flights of imagination are frequently too unrealistic and we don’t always have time for it. Right now there really are actual dangers we are trying to figure out, and your, forgive me, silly ones are wasting our time.
Awhile back you were soliciting opinions about story ideas and you chose a lot of disasters to try and write about. You tend to think that way and it’s not Trumps fault. You need to re think that and quit trying to be scared. You have picked up a habit of always seeing doom, and you need to teach yourself something new.
Also think about the boy who cried wolf parable.
all this Trump 2024 talk is kind of funny, I fully expect the motherfucker to be in jail. Once NY gets done with him for tax evasion and some of that other stuff (Rape, defrauding a charity, sexual assault) then we can watch the pivot to all of the other federal shit that he’s likely to forget to pardon himself about… because nothing says you’re innocent more than a blanket pardon excusing yourself of your crimes
Besides, how likely is he to run with the rest of his family also being in jail?
I have no problem with them holding their knees telling themselves it will be alright while they rock back and forth, but as Yarrow has faithfully indicated… Tick Tock, Motherfuckers.
@Gvg: The problem with that parable is four years ago the wolves were walking around on their hind legs and talking on cell phones and nobody wanted to believe it could happen and now everyone’s had their faces eaten off.
Speaking of horrifying: it just occurred to me we’re entering the phase where the predictable suspects start shrieking like howler monkeys because Biden is not giving every cabinet position to AOC.
@different-church-lady: Who’s is the intransitive pronoun. Sorry. Most people don’t give a shit any more, but at least mostly Juicers know how to spell lose and losers.
I’m not sure about the music I’m hearing the band playing, but some of it’s cheerful.
This guy has admitted more crimes in front of rolling television cameras than an entire season of Perry Mason episodes.
I’m not around here much atm and it’s entirely possible that this has already been posted & discussed but Tim Snyder, the author of On Tyranny, did a tweet thread yesterday about how we are still not out of the woods in regards to protecting our democracy. He’s an expert on this topic & I think we should pay heed to his concerns:
1/20. Democracy is precious and exceptional.— Timothy Snyder (@TimothyDSnyder) November 11, 2020
And btw, I don’t think Trump is some kind of anti-democratic genius (def the former, def not the lattee), but his whole life he’s been pushing boundaries to find leverage & advantage and what we are experiencing now is just another iteration of that—which in this case happens to threaten our form of government. Also, while I don’t credit Trump with any particular strategic acumen for accomplishing his goals, it’s also entirely likely that there are more savvy actors out there (Putin for ex) who are throwing fuel on the fire since a diminished USA serves their interests.
@SectionH: WOO-HOO!!! Now let’s get the rona outbreak fixed.
I really was trying to make it clear I was attacking Rove, not Mary G. Apparently I failed in that regard. I have shame.
@SectionH: I’m sorry, the correct answer is, “Third base!”
And as a follow up, here is what Snyder posted today about the importance of Civil Society to get us through the current situation & what we can do to strengthen it:
0/10 Yesterday I tweeted that it was up to civil society to defend democracy. Today I want to say something about what civil society is, and how it works.— Timothy Snyder (@TimothyDSnyder) November 12, 2020
He was also on Maddow last night talking about this but I admit I did not catch it & haven’t yet found a good clip of his appearance.
Everyone have a good night & thanks for making this place such a good, albeit sometimes fussy & cantankerous community. Love y’all & have a good late late night early morning.
@Yutsano: No you didn’t fail, to me – I was completely wanting to make that clear too.
Let me take another one of those Deep Breaths
We’re back worst (like fuck it is) Tier…
this will not change my behavior At All.
I personally want 14 quarantines on assholes from states if come to San Diego.
Well, it was nice while it lasted. Saturday through Tuesday nights I went to bed at a reasonable hour, awoke rested and refreshed the next day after seven or eight hours, and had sufficient reserve energy not to need a nap in the middle of the day.
Now — boom. Gone, just like that. I’m not actively, consciously all that worried about what Trump and his minions may do in the next ten weeks, but apparently I have the screaming meemies lurking right under the surface, ‘cause here I am again, wide afuckingwake at nearly 2:30 in the morning.
I agree: come 2024, Trump will more likely be sitting in jail than running waddling, while pumping his arms to fake sprinting, for President. Trump 2024 is not going to happen.
@Goku (aka Amerikan Baka): I’m sorry you got jumped on (it happened to me a while back and I seriously considered giving up on BJ.) But if you don’t mind some friendly advice, it seems like you have a tendency to present these fears as “I see a nightmare scenario, unless you guys can disprove it, it could be true.”
In essence, that’s making demands on our attention/expertise without a corresponding investment of effort, and people get tired of it. It’s kind of like the people in science forums who post “here is my new scientific theory, can you prove it isn’t true? If you want to post nightmare scenarios and ask “is this plausible?” that would be fine as long as you can accept the answer no. But if you want to call on the expertise of others, you need more evidence to supplement your imagination.
At least, that’s my impression, but I could be wrong.
I have done a lotta stuff, and I have earned my damn naps, and like my grandfather before me, I’m taking them, when and where they find me.
the pollyanna from hell
@Goku (aka Amerikan Baka): The chimps in the experiment had an easy climb to a source of bananas. Then an electric shock was interposed. When a new chimp was added to the group, the others screeched and carried on to prevent the new one from climbing.
A few months later another chimp was added. This time there was no screeching, because the latest additional member never noticed there was any place to climb. “No place to climb” was the inter-subjective reality of the group.
In 1988(?) I looked up to see my 4(?) year old nephew twenty feet off the ground and headed up to the roof tree above the chapel. After the fire and remodel the building was seen through new eyes by all of us. In 43 years not another child has noticed how simple and easy that climb is.
We chimp-like hominids must always screech and carry on when you notice things that we have eliminated from our inter-subjective reality.
I’d say, considering how much he’s deteriorated in 4 yrs, 4 more is not going to be good for him. I believe he’s stated he’s thinking about running. As he doesn’t really think at all, I’d bet he’s just wanting to keep his political grift going. Because that’s all this last 4 yrs has been is a political grift. He’s done zero to a negative 1 million as far as the job goes, as is typical for him he bellows and brags and struts, but any actual work that gets done in his name is done by someone else. And he’s getting rid of anyone who might have done anything, in any way considered work. Not that anyone did any work that in any way could be considered good, or even reasonably close to not horrible. But he certainly didn’t. And he isn’t going to get better in any way over the next 4 yrs. Not in any way, shape or form. Not personally, not politically, not functionally, just zero. At best.
David ?Booooooo!? Koch
Dump will declare he’s running again because it allows him to legally bilk suckers for contributions, tax free.
@SiubhanDuinne: en vérité. I can’t even say how much love her. Piaf.
I can in fact swallow my R’s for French and trill them (and double) in Spanish. I can’t do Umlaut vowels in German. But basically I can’t string more than a sentence or 2 speaking French even though I fucking got a minor in French in my BA. I must have been able to read and discuss the language in several classes, in actual French but no, I don’t.
I retain more Spanish which I had one year of when I was 10 and German which I had one year of. Just enough words…
well I mean when we driving from Den Haag to Zagreb while The Wall was falling, I mustered enough German to find a hotel, and Mr S was fluent enough in Italian to get us the rest of the way.
It hurts me, but I’m apparently incapable of speaking French.
I don’t think languages are my actual forté
eta: I’m at least an American who’s incompetent at 3 different foreign languages.
@Omnes Omnibus:
You are about as useless as tits on a fish.
Apparently, you are not aware of the Dolly Parton trout.
You really are going to give yourself an ulcer, kid, and I say that in the full knowledge that I go to exactly the same catacysmic place because we’ve evidently read a lot of the same books.
Fact is, Tang the Defeated would love to do all the things you postulate, because he really is a wannabe despot, but he simply can’t. The GOP have hollowed out a lot of America’s democratic infrastructure, but staging an actual ‘Night of the Long Knives’ requires levels of organisation and commensurate weakness on the other side that just don’t exist. These are cosplay coupists, treat them as such.
Do yourself a favour. You want to write. Sit down and dash off a short story where the worst – does – happen. Drain out all the poison and the fear onto a white page and see how you feel afterwards.
And don’t sweat the brickbats. This is BJ. Even I’ve been mouthed off at on occasion, and I’m frigging wonderful from top to toe.
My fave Piaf too, and has been since I first heard it at around age 17. But I haven’t listened to it in a long time, so thanks.
Sloane Ranger
@Omnes Omnibus: I think the fantasy goes something like this.
Trump – the military loves me. Not those loser Generals, but all those grizzled NCO’s and gung ho junior officers. If I have a fig leaf of constitutional authority by having the senior people in DOD support my orders, they’ll ignore any orders to the contrary from senior military officers and take the Post Office, MSM studios etc
German which I had one year of. Just enough words…
My takeaway from my year of German (1961): Ich bin auch Student, und will in München studieren.
Well, I can follow along and make reasonable sense of a German opera libretto. But actually converse? Nein.
Mary G
@Goku (aka Amerikan Baka): I’m not on here as much just because people are on their last nerve and I am too. That said, you do seem to persist in your disaster scenarios after people have disagreed with them, and that can be annoying. I am thrilled that you come to Balloon Juice to help give a youthful perspective and keep some onions off our belts.
But we olds have a perspective that you don’t. In my lifetime, the world has been ending many times. The Cuban Missile Crisis was going to end in worldwide nuclear destruction, some bored, lonely Russian soldier drunk on bathtub vodka would hit the wrong button and ditto. Presidents, candidates, and preachers shot and killed, Vietnam and the Civil Rights movement happened right in front of us on TV in an uncensored way that is never allowed anymore, the Berlin Wall went up and came down and on and on. You have lived through what seeems to me a fairly blessed time of peace without much violence during the Clinton/Bush2/Obama years (except for Iraq, which has been very compartmentalized unless you’re in a military family.) So sometimes we’re the grizzled old soldiers getting snappy with the new recruit. Forgive us.
And thank you, sweet SectionH, I wasn’t upset by Yutsy. It’s hard to make yourself clear in a sentence or two and I was happy to see Rove telling the cons that the toddler’s tantrums are annoying other diners in the restaurant and he needs to be taken home for a nap, because Rove is a weathervane pointing the way I like to see.
And I am glad this is Balloon Juice dead time so nobody sees this drivel. I went to bed at 7 pm, slept five hours and am now wide awake.
@piratedan: it speaks to the real problem the GOP have now – there’s nobody who can fill his shoes. They decided they wanted a carnival barker as leader and that’s now what they need to find. Their best bet for a candidate is going to be someone like Hannity, not someone like Nikki Hayley.
They’ll never let go of Trump until they find someone who can turn out the party like Trump, and everyone is going to look like cold soup after him.
Bruce K
@Martin: Sounds to me like Trump gave the Southern Strategy voters a taste of blood, and now anything less from the GOP will be seen by them as a betrayal. Whoever can call the tune for the Klan vote will have power over the GOP now.
It’s the same devil’s bargain that German conservatives made in the 1930s, and we’re damned lucky that this time, it didn’t take a global war to knock the fascists off their throne. (At least, not yet. If they come back stronger next time, it may take a war to send them back to hell where they belong.)
Moms, Dads, and especially you youth coaches: Show your kids a picture of Donald Trump and explain that he is a poor sport and a sore loser. Suggest strongly they not be like this person.— Stephen King (@StephenKing) November 12, 2020
And then open it up for discussion.
What else is he that kids (or anyone of any age) should never be?
A Soviet shitpile
A mobster
A conman
Someone who paints his face orange
Someone who wears cotton candy on his head
Someone who wants to bang his own daughter
An idiot who bankrupts casinos
A manbaby
Hey, it’s 9 in the morning here and I’m on coffee mug two. I read it and will never, ever, ever forget it.
You’re ‘3 a.m. Comment Mary’ to me now and you always will be. 8-)
@The Moar You Know: Ok, sorry. eta: Carlsbad or I could keep going…I But fuck I used to live in Escondido. Which at least is a real place.
We had fucking assholes being BIG and LOUD and STUPID in spades. 127 megachurches. I probably exaggerate about that number, but I used to drive by three gigantic megachurches on 2 on different corners, and 1 close enough…
But I live in Hillcrest now. And our density has to do with ppl per square inch rather clogged up brains…
SD County is bigger a lot of actual countries, never mind most fucking Red States. We’ll get Issa next time, if the Traitor Tribunal doesn’t get him first.
Do you get the the SD County Commissioners are are now FOUR Democrats? You want fucking FLIPPING? We can has flipping.
I think I’m mostly just kinda happier about local SD politics than you are. I’m very happy with a whole lot of my elected reps. Toni Atkins? She’s gonna be important. Next but one Governor, probably. FFS, she got elected to state assembly and then got in charge, and then she elected to the state senate, and tnen the Pres Pro Temp – I don’t know … she seems to play WOW with others. Also too she sends us a Holiday card every year with her and her wife and their PUPPEH!
Sorry you missed the SD Balloon Juice meet-ups, btw. There was one with ranchandsyrup [may have got the nym wrong] and his wife, and another one which our ruemara organized at the Karl Straus on Sorrento Mesa. Yes, our frontpager, and she’s just that cool. We had dozen ppl. Couple of Texans – Ronnie Roo and her guy – they were Austin ppl
I’m up for a meet-up at a place on the bay right now, IF YOU”RE LOCAL because we can. It’s windy, and they don’t fuck around about masks. You and one other, because otherwise too many ppl too close.
@Martin: This. They’ve really backed themselves into a corner. But I’m sure another demagogue will arise who will pose some new challenges and will appeal to bigger swath of voters and have same potential to do real damage.
@Goku (aka Amerikan Baka): You might have the doom gene. My dad and two of my siblings could not look at any subject without zooming to the worst possible “what if” scenario, or ascribing the most nefarious motive. It’s hard to counter not least because it is/was a reflex of their own fear, and not usually a rational weighing of facts.
Sloane Ranger
@sanjeevs: About 50 Tory backbenchers have formed an anti lockdown group and the election of Joey B has altered the Brexit calculus. Johnson has problems. Had The Dump been reelected, it would have been full steam ahead with a no deal Brexit and a chlorinated chicken trade, fuck the Irish border problem, deal with the US.
Now – not going to happen. But, on the other hand, more stability in foreign relations, US support for NATO, chance to revive the Iran deal and someone who believes in climate change. So, not a complete loss.
Johnson is a cynic and a pragmatist with no discernable underlying political philosophy and no real loyalty to anyone. I think he’s resetting his government to deal with the incoming Biden administration.
Remember, Trump’s a clown, Johnson just plays one.
@rikyrah: Everyone should use that answer the second “defunding the police” is brought up.
Chris Johnson
@Redshift: It goes one shade darker than that: I get why Goku is feeling put-upon, but also completely understand and share the pushback reactions.
See, it’s like this. Part of gaslighting, like with abuse from a narcissist, as in Trump obviously, is that the gaslighter is feeding you a ton of bullshit. I think of this when I see how many people unironically voted for Trump. They did NOT vote for what the dude actually does or represents, even when the reality of it is falling all around them. No, they voted for a pack of lies. They were LIED into supporting Trump.
And they’re still dying out there on the back of lies like ‘COVID isn’t real’.
And they still VOTED for Trump. The lies aren’t real but the deaths as a result, are real.
Because they got fed bullshit, and rather than calling it out, they went ‘but what if?’. What if COVID isn’t real. What if Hillary raises mole children in underground tunnels below a pizza restaraunt. What if BLM activists plan to hunt and kill all white people. And on, and on, bullshit endlessly.
Part of using bullshit as a weapon in this way is getting people to conclude that they HAVE to seriously consider it as a possible reality, much like part of using ‘free speech’ as a weapon is getting people to conclude that they have to debate whether underpeople should really all be exterminated like diseased animals or not be exterminated yet. The fundamental grounds are off, and you’re meant to skip over that because it’s the GROUNDS you’re being sold, not the argument.
Goku, you’re fucking up in that you’re repeatedly going ‘but what if thus and so?’ in areas where you have no right to establish the grounds. I guess what I’m saying is, yes we’re looking at heavily redpilled insane Trumpists and extensive subversion, and yet there are limits to how far that can bend the system and we’re looking at that too, in real-time.
You do not GET to suggest ‘what if the US Military acts as the brainless golem of Trumpist forces and executes a coup’ because you don’t get to define what the military is, for instance. They get trained against shit like that. The concept of what an illegal order is, is part of their training, and you’re not going to flip all of them so fascist that a coup is possible. I think it probably helps that Biden is an old white man who looks very ‘normal’ as an American leader, but even that isn’t the point.
The point is that you’re being bullshitted by the Trump and Russian forces because that’s what they do, and it’s important that you not play along. They could make up some press release SAYING that the Army is signing on to back Trump in a coup and you need to be calling bullshit first and panicking later if ever: if for no other reason than, how much more evidence do you need that these people constantly lie?
Another Scott
@West of the Rockies: Sure he’s flailing and trying everything, but dick_nixon makes the point that much of it is out of his hands even with his flailing.
E.g. pardoning himself is pointless as NY is after him and a federal pardon does nothing about that.
What’s that line?? “Full of sound and fury…”
I suspect Donnie will try to run out the clock on prosecutions, and try to scare prosecutors from acting by threatening to rile up his minions. Time will tell if any of it will work.
Ron Johnson invites abuse, it would be rude not to accept…
Senator Ron Johnson @SenRonJohnson · 1h
My committee has jurisdiction over USPS and the federal workforce. I’m asking anyone who knows of irregularities related to mail-in or absentee ballots to contact our confidential whistleblower hotline: [email protected]
Dear Senator:
I’ve heard stories about a guy named Dejoy, who attempted to prevent mail-in ballots from being delivered in a timely fashion!
Shouldn’t he be investigated for interference with the US Mail???
Maybe his boss as well, who conspired with him, some guy named Donald J Trump!
All the American Voters who hand-delivered their ballots !!!
Is there any chance in hell Trump might order the DHS/DOJ to arrest Biden, Harris, and all of the Dem members of the House for “treason” and his toadies in those agencies would carry out those orders if things came to a head? Such as if the House refused to certify the election after some R state legislatures tried to seat Trump electors in the EC?
Probably never going to happen and incredibly unlikely, but it’s a scenario that came to mind recently
You need to stop imagining worst case scenarios in the wee hours, you’re just upsetting yourself. Please? ktnxbye
Hunter Gathers
This season of The Man in the High Castle is fucking weird.
@Hunter Gathers: I can’t tell if you are talking about the show or about Cole.
ETA I fucked up my name
@Hunter Gathers: Needs moar Alexa Davalos.
Bill Arnold
Sounds like there are solid case studies to back Cuomo up:
Governor institutes new COVID-19 restrictions on bars, restaurants, gyms and residential gatherings (November 11, 202)
@Hunter Gathers: It’s a spin-off called The Kremlin’s Fat Orange Fascist Bitch Will Be Literally Thrown Out Of The White House If Needed.
(Yes, a long title but then The Man Who Went Up A Hill Then Bitchslapped Everyone About That Fucking Mountain)
Have we thrown the mobster shitpiles out on their fucking fascist faces yet?
Amir Khalid
Let me just say it again: a political argument against a public-health measure is nonsense from the get-go. If you can’t show the measure goes against good public-health principles, you got nothing.
@Bill Arnold: I hear you can still slap the shit out of a bunch of selfish shitbag adults while wearing a hazmat suit…
Chetan Murthy
@Amir Khalid: “Salus populi suprema lex esto”. Or so you would think.
Jim, Foolish Literalist
Ron Johnson invites abuse, it would be rude not to accept…
I know it doesn’t mean anything, but I love that has a big link on it saying “Joe Biden: 46th President of the United States” and is selling inauguration merch. :)
EDIT: My project for the evening is to see if I can snag a launch-day Playstation 5. It’s not a particularly SERIOUS project, but sure, why not.
@Amir Khalid:
Our wingnuts sez “Hold mah Beer*”
*I actually don’t think that’s allowed in Islam, but to be fair that’s a gap in my knowledge.
Hunter Gathers
@mrmoshpotato: I hear they are working on another spin off, this one a reboot of Three’s Company:
Trump, Melania and a “Mr. Hilter” getting into all kinds of shenanigans while living at Mar-a-Lago : avoiding subpoenas from New York state, hiding behind the couch when the landlord – a Russian who definitely does not look anything like some dude named Putin – knocks on the door, runs to the pharmacy for more Adderall, burnt steak cookouts and the most offensive threeways this side of Hentai.
What is up, Cole.
I’m sorry, but Robby needs to stand under the basket and post up Lebron 1000 times.
Also, in person schools, bars and restaurants need to be closed in the US right now.
I needed a break. Went to YouTube to watch three young peregrine falcons in downtown Melbourne (Australia) think about, and then decide not to, fly off their nest ledge atop a building.
It was wonderful. They ran up and down the ledge, flapping their wings, screeching at each other. The parents are, apparently, at a vantage point nearby. At one point Mom (or Dad) flew by, yelling at them to stop stalling and fly already.
But no. The kids have tired themselves out and are settling down for a rest. I don’t know if that’s it for the day, or they’ll try again later.
Bill Arnold
I mainly want Donald J. Trump to be miserable, and preferably for he and his family to descend into a precarious middle class existence, with copious lawsuits and other court battles looming, threatening to throw them into destitution or prison or both. Unless they attempt a coup; then patriotic Americans will be tempted to go medieval, with fully updated methods.
@Hunter Gathers: Ended after 1 episode via being fired into the Sun for being Putin’s bitches.
Amir Khalid
It depends on the individual Muslim and how devout they are. I’ve known a few who really liked their beer.
Who are you? Do I know you?
Omnes Omnibus
@Amir Khalid: Plus, if someone is holding their beer, the individual Muslim probably would not be drinking it.
Hunter Gathers
@mrmoshpotato: That, lack of advertising and Palm Beach not being a ‘college town’.
But he’ll get second billing at a puppet show at Silver Dollar City next year.
Mike in NC
@Jim, Foolish Literalist: Just sent a nice “Fuck You, Russian Stooge”.
Omnes Omnibus
@geg6: The blog gets new front pager once in a while. Let’s see if this one posts pet pics or if we have to turn on him and tear him to rhetorical pieces.
Dave Wasserman, DJ Quinlan, and Decision Desk HQ have called Arizona for Biden in the last few minutes. Maricopa County has reported most of its remaining ballots.
@Benw: Sounds like your bones have a Basketball Jones.
Dan B
We had two good friends over. We sat outside in the wind under heavy blankets at 45 degrees. We were masked except for my Mike guy drinking rum and ginger beer and one friend who had a beer. It was great, like being alive again. Covid cases are rising here * so we’re doing even less.
*Our mood is in lock up the fools who have to socialize when the virus loves that. How many more months will this postpone a return to living without fear of a terrible contagion? We could end this in two months with strict measures, but NO!
So AZ is a lock? Excellent!
@Hunter Gathers: What part of “fired into the Sun for being Putin’s bitches” do you need explained?
Trump and the Republican senators will be especially unhinged tomorrow.
@Kay: especially? Fucking hell.
Dan B
@ALurkSupreme: Good news to counter the Raw Story piece saying Trump toadies are planning a military coup. I don’t know how they’d get the Generals to go along so hopefully the retired General is just alerting the brass to the mischief.
Matt McIrvin
@CaseyL: Decision Desk also called it. Personally I think everyone should call GA too, though probably won’t because of the recount.
The pettiness just gets so tiring.
@Jim, Foolish Literalist: Ron Johnson is too inept to be a real threat, but he is annoying as all f@#$. Putin must be paying him more than Trump or they got videotape that involves more than pee.
Enhanced Voting Techniques
@Amir Khalid: Well these are libertarians we are talking about. The guys who get misty eyed watching a Mad Max movie.
@ALurkSupreme: Yes, David Wasserman has seen enough:
I’ve seen enough. No path back for Trump in AZ.
Quote Tweet
The AZ – abc15 – Data Guru
· 39m
Maricopa county has posted 13,143 ballots. Breakdown: Biden: 5,826 (44.3%) Trump: 7,019 (53.4%) Biden leads Trump in Arizona by 11,635 votes.
@mrmoshpotato: don’t make me call Shaq :)
@Matt McIrvin: The margin in GA is larger than the margin in AZ.
Is there any way in hell that Georgia starts and finishes a hand recount of 5 million ballots by the Nov. 20 certification deadline?
Jim, Foolish Literalist
@Yarrow: I’m always wrong about their primaries, but I predict a quick flame-out for Pompeo in 2024. He may not even last long enough for him and and his awful wife to become punchlines
Another Scott
@Jim, Foolish Literalist:
oh my god, he didn’t..
The amount of crank mail he’s gonna get.
Dear Sen Ron Johnson,
Can I call you Ron? So listen, I got wind of some irregularity – I got a nude picture here of you instead of a ballot. I think what’s going on is that people are stuffing their ballots with nude pictures of you – that’s gotta be some federal crime right?
Anyways, thanks – kthxbye
@Dan B: I have been combing the web all day reading about the coup. Was getting worked up again until I remembered trump and friends are morons. They don’t have a real plan and the lawsuits are just poo flung at the walls. Secondly, for all the tough tweets, he’s a coward. Firing a few people probably made him feel powerful but no way he sticks his neck out with any type of marshal law.
Somehow a Geraldo tweet wound up in my feed, saying essentially that from a friend to a friend, it was time to give up. And I made the mistake of reading the responses which were…unenthusiastic. Hundreds or thousands of likes. A bit scary. How many of those are bots (rooting for the highest possible number)?
Mike in NC
@Yarrow: Some English writer described Fat Bastard as the “Picasso of Pettiness”. He really is most pathetic oxygen thief who ever lived.
@Jim, Foolish Literalist:
Johnson, besides being a goddamn traitor, is gonna sacrifice some poor saps to answer those false claims.
@Glyph2112: Trump insists he’ll win, but aides say he has no real plan to overturn results and talks of 2024 run
Dan B
@ALurkSupreme: I believe the Georgia SOS stated they were going to review a large sample. They should complete that on time.
Just riding out TS ETA. Been raining steady for a couple hours, winds in Polk 17 mph from the SE. Looks like Tampa and environs winds @30 mph. Could be picking up on the rain and wind shortly according to radar. Humidity 97% ugh. But I haven’t seen anything flying down the street yet.
British government in turmoil last night as one of the Vote Leave (ie Russian) advisers left and several more might be leaving including Dominic Cummings.
Boris Johnson’s been told he has to decide if he wants a deal with the EU by 19th November.
Doesn’t look like the British government think Trump’s staying and they are pretty delusional at the best of times.
The weird thing is that Trump knows how to play these silly, pointless adolescent games with such an attention to detail.
I wonder if he appointed someone to be his Chief Pettiness Officer.
Dan B
@Glyph2112: Yes. If you don’t have the Brass you can’t get the troops. Hopefully these new Islamophobic appointees don’t try anything foolish. Their arrests would stir up cries of “Deep State!”
Omnes Omnibus
@Glyph2112: Martial.
Jim, Foolish Literalist
and she retakes Dennis Hastert’s old district, beats back multi-millionaire perennial candidate
Omnes Omnibus
@Dan B: In all of this Trump is going to stage a coup there seems to be a failure to recognize that people other than the Trump also have agency. The military is not some golem that is waiting for Trump to order it into action.
Dan B
@dmsilev: Lt. Gov. John Fetterman had a great burn for Lt. Gov. Patrick. He found voter fraud in PA, a republican of course, and wants the million dollar check mailed to him. Fetterman is awesome!
That’s not a government-run operation. It’s just some guy from (I think PA) who has a web site and online store.
Someone’s probably already posted this, but… According to Jennifer Epstein, Biden has picked Ronald Klain for his chief of staff.
Mike in NC
@Brachiator: It all relates to the ridiculous bullshit that constitutes Reality TV and its biggest asshole star.
Democrats need to be vengeful and Sharp in their messaging going forward. And I’m here for it
@Omnes Omnibus: dang, I hate misspelling and using the wrong words. I am typing on an iPad so i tend to make a few more mistakes.
Dan B
@Omnes Omnibus: Yes. It seems like the Pentagon Capers don’t have any real plans, strategery, etc. It is weird how the pundits are reacting. I spose pundits gotta
@Glyph2112: Omnes is here for you.
Omnes Omnibus
@?BillinGlendaleCA: Steve in the WTF isn’t here right now so someone literally has to do it.
@Kent: Yes. Which is why it doesn’t mean anything. :)
@Dan B: I think it is a total recount of the Presidential race only. Hey, I tried to link to the CNN post about it, but must not have known what I was doing.
@Omnes Omnibus: Literally a nice touch there, literally getting literally in there.
@Jim, Foolish Literalist:
That’ll never get old.
Omnes Omnibus
@?BillinGlendaleCA: I thought so.
@Bill Arnold:
At a guess he is miserable now.
@Dan B: yup. Speculating on nefarious deeds in the DOD probably makes for better ratings than narcissistic man baby fires people he blames for his own failures, replaces them with ineffective yes men.
Another Scott
(I haven’t clicked your CNN link – don’t know if this is redundant.)
It sounds like a mess. Here’s hoping they don’t mess up the count, and that they get it all done on time.
Going way out on a limb, another display of dickishness on the part of Trump and his minions?
Not enough.
Mary G
I don’t have a subscription so can’t read it, but Karl Rove has a piece in the WSJ that Biden has won.
Another Scott
@Mary G: Apparently Donnie’s antics aren’t about trying to win. It’s a category error to think so.
They’re all about ramping up the butt-hurt among his followers that he will turn into bigly ratings (and power against the GOP) for his new TV channel.
True? Makes as much sense as anything…
Goku (aka Amerikan Baka)
@Matt McIrvin:
Saw a stupid front page story today in the Plain Dealer that said “the presidential race is too close to call”.
“Too close to call”?! WTF?
TS (the original)
@Bill Arnold:
There are also some excellent examples south of the equator. Large indoor family gatherings definitely covid spreaders.
@Mary G: To be fair, I couldn’t give two shits about what Turd Blossom has to say. And it’s not worth a trial subscription just to take a look. Just to be clear, I’m not aiming any anger against you (or anyone really right now) but that person is one I could stand to not hear from or see ever again.
@Another Scott:
The only reason they are doing this is because of those senate seats. This isn’t about Biden at all.
Steeplejack (phone)
Blame autocorrect.
Goku (aka Amerikan Baka)
@Omnes Omnibus:
Is there any chance in hell Trump might order the DHS/DOJ to arrest Biden, Harris, and all of the Dem members of the House for “treason” and his toadies in those agencies would carry out those orders if things came to a head? Such as if the House refused to certify the election after some R state legislatures tried to seat Trump electors in the EC?
Probably never going to happen and incredibly unlikely, but it’s a scenario that came to mind recently
One theory I’ve heard for why the GOP is indulging Dolt45′ latest temper tantrum is due to his remaking the GOP in his own image. Most GOP voters adore him, worship him, and will follow wherever he leads. Is the GOP were to tell Dolt to STFU and GTFO, their base will explode with rage.
That means the GOP candidate race in 2024 is going to be an absolute shitstorm. Either Dolt will make good on his threat to run again (assuming he isn’t in prison) or, if he doesn’t, whoever does will have to bend the knee and get his approval (even if he is in prison).
That, at least, could be entertaining.
Arizona and Georgia???
Geez Goku. Take a deep breath and relax.
@Goku (aka Amerikan Baka): If Trump did that, the United States would become a much smaller and much poorer country.
Goku (aka Amerikan Baka)
I am relaxed. I was asking what would happen in a hypothetical situation and how likely it was to happen
I know Kay has said she wants the GSA admin called before Congress. She thinks Congress could use it’s inherent contempt powers to arrest her, but honestly what’s to stop Trump from ordering DHS agents to simply protect her? Kay never did give me an answer to what happens after that
The problem with all of this is that our system (any system) relies on all parties that exist within it to act in good faith. With several of agencies compromised and the GOP seemingly going all in on trying to delegitimize the election, that good faith doesn’t exist anymore
@Jim, Foolish Literalist: Underwood is worth 5 AOC’s.
Absolutely love her. She is the REAL DEAL???
I don’t think he runs again. No matter what Biden does I think independents and the few sane republicans are done with him. He is all ego and no way he risks losing again. I am not sure his act can be recreated. He has been in the spotlight so long he has a brand that let him get away with a lot of stuff that if it came from someone else would never work. Nobody is excited about pence, or Cruz, or Rubio. But he will still hold his rallies because it’s all about him.
TS (the original)
@Goku (aka Amerikan Baka):
Are you still looking for the worst possible outcome for the USA? Maybe you want these things to happen, given you spend so much time thinking them up.
Evening, Cole??
Chetan Murthy
@Goku (aka Amerikan Baka): Wrong order. First ask if it’s likely at all. Which it isn’t. Then …. well, have you ever heard the expression “if I’m the pope, then …” ? It refers to the idea that if you assume something counterfactual, then, well, anything is possible. So no point in assuming something counterfactual. Sure, *maybe* Shitler decided to arrest all his political opponents. But if that happened, I agree with @?BillinGlendaleCA: that our country to get much poorer and smaller … y’know, the sort of thing that happens when a civil war breaks out. Either that, or Shitler dies real quick.
TS (the original)
Wonder if he might try to become a senator from Florida? He’d probably win a primary against Rubio and the election.
Emma from FL
@Goku (aka Amerikan Baka): For cripes sake. He could order it and they could order it but who would do it?
Mike in NC
Finally put shithead troll Goku into the pie filter. Asshole.
Goku (aka Amerikan Baka)
@TS (the original):
Of course I fucking don’t want these things to happen
Goku (aka Amerikan Baka)
@Mike in NC:
How the hell am I an “asshole”? For asking to be reassured? And I’m not a “shithead troll”. I don’t think I’ve ever talked to you that way.
Mallard Filmore
@Goku (aka Amerikan Baka):
If that happens, there would be “some” civil disturbance. I expect enough trouble for foreign investment to dry up for a period, and for insurance companies to embargo international deliveries. “Don’t come to us with insurance claims.” This shut down Nicaragua’s harbor when Reagan’s CIA mined the port.
I have trouble visualizing that our oligarchs will accept that.
@Goku (aka Amerikan Baka):
There sure were a lot of murders in Cabot Cove.
Matt McIrvin
@Goku (aka Amerikan Baka): Trump has likely already tried to do that repeatedly. I know he was trying to get Hillary Clinton arrested earlier. Barr actually pushes back, though. He knows he can’t make it stick without a plausible indictment.
Dan B
@Glyph2112: I believe you win most obvious burn of pundits! You did good.
And we need a better punditocracy.
Emma from FL
@Goku (aka Amerikan Baka): Mym mom had a friend who was a catastrophist (is that even a word?). When she was worried she would start with an acorn of fear and end up with a 200 year old oak of terror. My mother would sit her down, hand her a tacita of cuban coffee, and they would watch la telenovela du jour and gossip about simple things until she was calmed down. Mom would say “all she needed was to see normal again.” You really, really need to find your normal again if you’re not going to give yourself an aneurysm.
(added) to others: yes, people do need reassurance, folk, so ease up a little.
@Goku (aka Amerikan Baka):
He already tried that in 2017 and was told nope.
There are a few things we need to keep an eye on:
his toadies in Defense and Intelligence are there for a reason. Is he covering up? Grabbing money? Both? Something is up.
We also have to be wary of what we do not see because Trump is a master of deflection and distraction. He made everyone look at Pentagon while he did … what?
Emma from FL
@?BillinGlendaleCA: Actually I think Jessica traveled a lot! Try to be a cop in Midsomer, I dare you.
@TS (the original): nope. Senator is not the boss. He wants to be the star.
@Emma from FL:
LOL! I can’t believe it. That’s exactly what I was thinking!
I’m not sure that there is any rational explanation for the actions of the GOP leadership. Trump lost, and nothing, except for the clumisiest and most egregious action can make Trump president. And the GOP doesn’t really need an excuse to justify any future obstruction. It’s what they have been doing since Obama’s administration.
The GOP leadership is going to have to walk back their Trump support. I don’t know how they will do it. I just know that they have to do it.
The absolute true believers are a small, if sizable, subset of the GOP. The leadership doesn’t need to fear them as long as the right wing plutocrats continue to support the Republican Party.
And where are the Trump supporters going to go? Oooh. About the only thing the GOP might fear is a Trump instigated third party. The thing is, Trump is too incompetent to be able to pull something like this off.
So, as angry as Trump supporters might be, right now, their only outlet is to remain good little asshole Republicans.
Yeah, it may be a shitstorm, but other than that there ain’t much to say about it.
@Emma from FL: And the murders seem to follower her, never trusted that lady
ETA: We never heard why she was a widow, probably knocked off her husband.
Emma from FL
@pamelabrown53: Rule no. 1: never visit the church fete.
no.2: The kindly old vicar is hiding awful secrets.
no. 3: anyone owning a horse is sex crazed and will kill multiple members of his/her family to protect old secrets…
Emma from FL
@?BillinGlendaleCA: The worst, though, is still Miss Marple. That old woman was a holy terror!
@Emma from FL:
no. 4: watch out for writers and gardeners.
How possible is it for his toadies to a) grab intelligence information to sell internationally, and b) hash up the safeguards to prevent folks from figuring out what was taken? I can certainly imagine they could hoover up $400 million+ worth….
Amir Khalid
@Goku (aka Amerikan Baka):
Then don’t dwell on them. That doesn’t do you any good.
Emma from FL
@pamelabrown53: And amateur water-colorists. Poor Joyce. Every hobby she tried to pick up someone ended up dead.
Uh. Now that I mention it — Joyce did find a lot of bodies… suspicious, that…
West of the Rockies
@Mike in NC:
I sent a similar missive.
I’ve read some liberal UK pundits who think that the Conservatives will sack Johnson in the Spring. Could it be that discontent is accelerating?
The EU is calling Johnson’s bluff that he would simply walk away. However, I keep hearing that Conservative Party hard liners want a no-deal BREXIT. It will be interesting to see what Johnson decides to do.
Just watched the entirety of Wayne. Fucking awesome. great recommendation!
Omnes Omnibus
@Goku (aka Amerikan Baka): What do you think I am likely to say to this?
the pollyanna from hell
@Goku (aka Amerikan Baka): What would happen if USA were Russia, or Nigeria, or Brazil? Something would happen for sure, but I don’t know what it is yet.
What would happen if the top brass all switched from poker to bridge? What would happen if the Secret Service were all doxxed on Wikileaks? What would happen if you were king of the world? What if I were? What if we tried to answer some hypothetical questions, what would happen then?
The entire theater map of this war has hundreds of possible battle sites. None of them show a real path toward victory for the Trumpiskis without disastrous risk to them and everyone else.
Goku (aka Amerikan Baka)
Something I’d like to get off my chest:
I’m still miffed about that thread where everybody jumped on me because they thought I didn’t understand how diverse Hispanic communities are in the US are, yet I did. I’m not that stupid or ignorant, believe it or not. Everyone ignored the positive comments I left about the possibility of state legislative seats being gained. Some of the questions I “ask” are meant to be rhetorical, too
I’ll never forget Satby calling me a “fuck head” because I wanted to protect myself and my family with medical grade masks when this whole pandemic started. I’m a frontline worker that faces hundreds of people every time I’m at work. That thread I talked about above? She said I play an “open eyed wonder” schtick or something to that effect. I don’t, not intentionally
For the last few weeks I feel like I’m often being jumped on and I don’t appreciate it
How will we be able to tell?
West of the Rockies
@Jim, Foolish Literalist:
I agree. He is homely and obese (didn’t stop Trump) and lacks even that alleged “charisma ” that Trump has with the Morlock base. He just comes across as an arrogant bully without humor.
@Amir Khalid:
Welcome to the world of conservative assholes. They don’t need to be right, just loud and consistent and they will cause trouble because loud and consistently wrong are their only concepts of, well anything.
I haven’t read the preceding comments cause I’m scrolling from bottom to top but I wonder if I ain’t got this one.
We also need to keep an eye on him and his family selling state secrets in order to pay off their foreign debts.
@Brachiator: In my opinion the changes are a very clear signal that the Brexiters are on the out. Johnson has one week to make a deal (Nov 19 is the cutoff). So now he cuts a deal and looks like a fool or doesnt and hello massive tariffs on January 1. And either way there will be lots of new paperwork and chaos at the ports.
Johnson could well be out. He has looked terrible ever since his bout with Covid (it was prior to theraputics being available to the rich and connected). His government is a shambles with constant u-turns. His Chancellor Rishi Sunak has been running rings around him.
Its quite possible with Biden coming in that they will take this opportunity to ditch him and rejoin the semi-sane via Sunak
I think you should all stop beating on Goku just because she/he/they/whatever/jesus-I’m-sick-of-pronouns has enough imagination to believe that shameless corrupt evil people might do previously unimaginable shameless corrupt evil things.
@Ruckus: Trump could pull it off because 1) he was thought to be rich, and 2) he was a celebrity. I think “2” was worth 1-2% of the vote just by itself.
West of the Rockies
@Another Scott:
I don’t know that Trump is fighting solely for gritting purposes. On January 21st, he will be citizen Trump facing multiple felony charges for fraud, tax evasion, rape… I think he is scared shitless of prison.
My recent belief is that he’s doing “it” to keep the rubes riled up and angry. Because his only actual political power is in riled up angry rubes. There’s no strategy beyond that. He’s got nothing to lose, so he might as well blow everything up and hope he can rule over the pieces.
Fair Economist
@Goku (aka Amerikan Baka): There’s been a lot of inappropriate attacks here lately. I appreciate your posts; hang in there.
Beg to differ on schools. Masking, podding, and distancing work.
I’ve been living it, PITA though it is, for the past 2 months. We only have 2 more “live” days and then a “project week” before Thanksgiving — school comes back after two weeks apart with a teacher shift (they have 1 core and 3 specialists live, 3 core Zoom this term), and pod re-jigger post Thanksgiving. Rinse, Repeat come February (President’s Day Break).
Do keep the fucking bars closed. Keep the fucking 10pm curfew (which should have been implemented Labor Day, Governor Baker). Close down live HS’s when asshats throw parties (my nephews are remote because of this).
It’s doable. It’s just a lot of fucking work, and too many people are not willing to work at it.
@Yutsano: Hopelessly late, but yeah, I wanna encourage Mary G because she’s AMAZINGLY WONDERFUL, but she needs encouragement, because OC. And she’s survived that.
My San Diego “village” (don’t get me started on that BS) started celebrating last Saturday about 8:30 am PST that I didn’t even have to get on the tubes to know what had happened. And it was easily 16 hours of people being happy after that. I found Colbert being happy and he had SD picture #3 of happy ppl, and I like YES that’s how happy and relieved ppl are.
Well he acted rich, or at least like he thinks rich assholes act. So he got that at least half right. The asshole part.
A celebrity? Really? OK so he had/has zero talent, and that hasn’t stopped a bunch of others, and he was on TV so I guess that makes him a celebrity. Although, I’ve been on TV as well and I am no celebrity, not close, no way, no how.
West of the Rockies
@Goku (aka Amerikan Baka):
Try not to take it personally… everybody gets dumped on here from time to time. I also think that there several here who should conclude their comments with a +2 (or +5). Alcohol reduces inhibitions, and as the evening wears on, BJ After Dark can get a little rough.
@Fair Economist:
Huh.. nobody has attacked me. I feel unloved.
No comment.
ETA: ::sips whiskey::
Omnes Omnibus
@cain: Fuck you! You are about as useless as tits on a fish.
Feel better?
@Omnes Omnibus:
Y’all love me! You really do!!! hah :D
Reminds me of that scene from Coming to America – when he yells out and the whole neighborhood turns on him and joyously screaming “Fuck you too!”
@gwangung: I got sucked into the idea of them selling secrets. But no, that would be treason. Look at the lawyers with these suits. They are crap but in the end they aren’t willing the risk their license by lying. Heck even the postman in Pa recanted his whole voting fraud story. And that’s why Kelly, and Mattis, and esper are gone, they would not do outright illegal things just because trump orders it. I am sure they skirted the line, but selling state secrets is like deadly to far.
but again, makes for a better story.
West of the Rockies
Note to self: phrasing!
@SectionH: so to Yutsano:
I’m just gonna point out the San Diego just elected the first both completely Out Gay AND Latino Mayor.
Works for me – he was out at least 2 elections up.
Because the Moar person who lives in La Jolla does not in fact represent the actual city…
Oh, and, San Diego County has had its Supervisors flipped from 4 Republicans to 1 to FOUR DEMOCRATS.
@Goku (aka Amerikan Baka): I’m sorry you’ve caught so much heat from people. You don’t deserve it.
BJ is supposed to be a community, a family, and that means we don’t jump down one another’s throats (trolls, yes: they get pied).
You do tend to take a look-on-the-dark side viewpoint. But I have to be honest and say that you’re putting in print stuff that I do think about, I just don’t say out loud. Because there’s a shivery feeling that saying it makes it more real, you know? (I do realize intellectually an actual coup is extremely unlikely. Doesn’t stop me from worrying about one.)
It’s been a bitch’s bastard of a year. We’re all on edge. More regulars are having meltdowns than I’ve ever seen before.
Comrade Colette
@Omnes Omnibus: As a possessor of tits who sometimes eats fish, I am EXTREMELY OFFENDED. FUCK ALL OF YOU.
@cain: Also, fuck you, too, also. Happy now?
@Omnes Omnibus: Wait… useless to who?
Comrade Colette
@different-church-lady: Whom.
ETA: ?
@Goku (aka Amerikan Baka): Dunno If this will help, but generally speaking when I see commenters here saying obnoxious shit I always keep in mind what they are saying says a hell of a lot more about them than anything else. (This really comes in handy when I weigh the utility of my own comments)
Anyway, keep your head up and try not to let the arseholes get under your skin.
OK, new analogy: we’re at the part where the cult leader is about to set fire to the compound….
Mallard Filmore
How will he execute this sale without it becoming obvious what he sold, and how can he hide the financial benefits?
@Comrade Colette: Who’s Whom?
@Goku (aka Amerikan Baka): Ok we are sorry you feel jumped on but you need to look at yourself or you are going to make yourself miserable before you are much older. This is not politics, this is you. You do try really hard to find something terrible that is going to happen. Your flights of imagination are frequently too unrealistic and we don’t always have time for it. Right now there really are actual dangers we are trying to figure out, and your, forgive me, silly ones are wasting our time.
Awhile back you were soliciting opinions about story ideas and you chose a lot of disasters to try and write about. You tend to think that way and it’s not Trumps fault. You need to re think that and quit trying to be scared. You have picked up a habit of always seeing doom, and you need to teach yourself something new.
Also think about the boy who cried wolf parable.
all this Trump 2024 talk is kind of funny, I fully expect the motherfucker to be in jail. Once NY gets done with him for tax evasion and some of that other stuff (Rape, defrauding a charity, sexual assault) then we can watch the pivot to all of the other federal shit that he’s likely to forget to pardon himself about… because nothing says you’re innocent more than a blanket pardon excusing yourself of your crimes
Besides, how likely is he to run with the rest of his family also being in jail?
I have no problem with them holding their knees telling themselves it will be alright while they rock back and forth, but as Yarrow has faithfully indicated… Tick Tock, Motherfuckers.
@Gvg: The problem with that parable is four years ago the wolves were walking around on their hind legs and talking on cell phones and nobody wanted to believe it could happen and now everyone’s had their faces eaten off.
Horrifying — you meant to say horrifying, yes?
Speaking of horrifying: it just occurred to me we’re entering the phase where the predictable suspects start shrieking like howler monkeys because Biden is not giving every cabinet position to AOC.
@different-church-lady: Who’s is the intransitive pronoun. Sorry. Most people don’t give a shit any more, but at least mostly Juicers know how to spell lose and losers.
I’m not sure about the music I’m hearing the band playing, but some of it’s cheerful.
@different-church-lady: nope, second sentence of my comment… emphatically.
This guy has admitted more crimes in front of rolling television cameras than an entire season of Perry Mason episodes.
I’m not around here much atm and it’s entirely possible that this has already been posted & discussed but Tim Snyder, the author of On Tyranny, did a tweet thread yesterday about how we are still not out of the woods in regards to protecting our democracy. He’s an expert on this topic & I think we should pay heed to his concerns:
And btw, I don’t think Trump is some kind of anti-democratic genius (def the former, def not the lattee), but his whole life he’s been pushing boundaries to find leverage & advantage and what we are experiencing now is just another iteration of that—which in this case happens to threaten our form of government. Also, while I don’t credit Trump with any particular strategic acumen for accomplishing his goals, it’s also entirely likely that there are more savvy actors out there (Putin for ex) who are throwing fuel on the fire since a diminished USA serves their interests.
@SectionH: WOO-HOO!!! Now let’s get the rona outbreak fixed.
I really was trying to make it clear I was attacking Rove, not Mary G. Apparently I failed in that regard. I have shame.
@SectionH: I’m sorry, the correct answer is, “Third base!”
And as a follow up, here is what Snyder posted today about the importance of Civil Society to get us through the current situation & what we can do to strengthen it:
He was also on Maddow last night talking about this but I admit I did not catch it & haven’t yet found a good clip of his appearance.
Everyone have a good night & thanks for making this place such a good, albeit sometimes fussy & cantankerous community. Love y’all & have a good late late night early morning.
@Yutsano: No you didn’t fail, to me – I was completely wanting to make that clear too.
Let me take another one of those Deep Breaths
We’re back worst (like fuck it is) Tier…
this will not change my behavior At All.
I personally want 14 quarantines on assholes from states if come to San Diego.
@Mallard Filmore:
I don’t think he’ll be very discreet about it and I don’t know who will hold him responsible.
@Omnes Omnibus:
Now that’s a tag line right there.
@SectionH:I regret nothing!
@Yutsano: je ne regrette rien
Well, it was nice while it lasted. Saturday through Tuesday nights I went to bed at a reasonable hour, awoke rested and refreshed the next day after seven or eight hours, and had sufficient reserve energy not to need a nap in the middle of the day.
Now — boom. Gone, just like that. I’m not actively, consciously all that worried about what Trump and his minions may do in the next ten weeks, but apparently I have the screaming meemies lurking right under the surface, ‘cause here I am again, wide afuckingwake at nearly 2:30 in the morning.
No matter how much I practice, no matter how hard I try, I will never be able to rrrrroll my Rrrrrs in the back of my thrrrroat like Piaf.
Amir Khalid
I agree: come 2024, Trump will more likely be sitting in jail than
runningwaddling, while pumping his arms to fake sprinting, for President. Trump 2024 is not going to happen.Redshift
@Goku (aka Amerikan Baka): I’m sorry you got jumped on (it happened to me a while back and I seriously considered giving up on BJ.) But if you don’t mind some friendly advice, it seems like you have a tendency to present these fears as “I see a nightmare scenario, unless you guys can disprove it, it could be true.”
In essence, that’s making demands on our attention/expertise without a corresponding investment of effort, and people get tired of it. It’s kind of like the people in science forums who post “here is my new scientific theory, can you prove it isn’t true? If you want to post nightmare scenarios and ask “is this plausible?” that would be fine as long as you can accept the answer no. But if you want to call on the expertise of others, you need more evidence to supplement your imagination.
At least, that’s my impression, but I could be wrong.
John Revolta
@SiubhanDuinne: Embrace the nap. The nap is good.
I have done a lotta stuff, and I have earned my damn naps, and like my grandfather before me, I’m taking them, when and where they find me.
the pollyanna from hell
@Goku (aka Amerikan Baka): The chimps in the experiment had an easy climb to a source of bananas. Then an electric shock was interposed. When a new chimp was added to the group, the others screeched and carried on to prevent the new one from climbing.
A few months later another chimp was added. This time there was no screeching, because the latest additional member never noticed there was any place to climb. “No place to climb” was the inter-subjective reality of the group.
In 1988(?) I looked up to see my 4(?) year old nephew twenty feet off the ground and headed up to the roof tree above the chapel. After the fire and remodel the building was seen through new eyes by all of us. In 43 years not another child has noticed how simple and easy that climb is.
We chimp-like hominids must always screech and carry on when you notice things that we have eliminated from our inter-subjective reality.
@Amir Khalid:
I’d say, considering how much he’s deteriorated in 4 yrs, 4 more is not going to be good for him. I believe he’s stated he’s thinking about running. As he doesn’t really think at all, I’d bet he’s just wanting to keep his political grift going. Because that’s all this last 4 yrs has been is a political grift. He’s done zero to a negative 1 million as far as the job goes, as is typical for him he bellows and brags and struts, but any actual work that gets done in his name is done by someone else. And he’s getting rid of anyone who might have done anything, in any way considered work. Not that anyone did any work that in any way could be considered good, or even reasonably close to not horrible. But he certainly didn’t. And he isn’t going to get better in any way over the next 4 yrs. Not in any way, shape or form. Not personally, not politically, not functionally, just zero. At best.
David ?Booooooo!? Koch
Dump will declare he’s running again because it allows him to legally bilk suckers for contributions, tax free.
@SiubhanDuinne: en vérité. I can’t even say how much love her. Piaf.
I can in fact swallow my R’s for French and trill them (and double) in Spanish. I can’t do Umlaut vowels in German. But basically I can’t string more than a sentence or 2 speaking French even though I fucking got a minor in French in my BA. I must have been able to read and discuss the language in several classes, in actual French but no, I don’t.
I retain more Spanish which I had one year of when I was 10 and German which I had one year of. Just enough words…
well I mean when we driving from Den Haag to Zagreb while The Wall was falling, I mustered enough German to find a hotel, and Mr S was fluent enough in Italian to get us the rest of the way.
It hurts me, but I’m apparently incapable of speaking French.
I don’t think languages are my actual forté
eta: I’m at least an American who’s incompetent at 3 different foreign languages.
Apparently, you are not aware of the Dolly Parton trout.
Am in no way worried about a Trump 2024 run. Am concerned about his shit-stirring between now and then.
Tony Jay
@Goku (aka Amerikan Baka):
You really are going to give yourself an ulcer, kid, and I say that in the full knowledge that I go to exactly the same catacysmic place because we’ve evidently read a lot of the same books.
Fact is, Tang the Defeated would love to do all the things you postulate, because he really is a wannabe despot, but he simply can’t. The GOP have hollowed out a lot of America’s democratic infrastructure, but staging an actual ‘Night of the Long Knives’ requires levels of organisation and commensurate weakness on the other side that just don’t exist. These are cosplay coupists, treat them as such.
Do yourself a favour. You want to write. Sit down and dash off a short story where the worst – does – happen. Drain out all the poison and the fear onto a white page and see how you feel afterwards.
And don’t sweat the brickbats. This is BJ. Even I’ve been mouthed off at on occasion, and I’m frigging wonderful from top to toe.
@SiubhanDuinne: My favorite Piaf
Hint: it’s Not La Vie En Rose. But it does have 23+ milliion views
(also too, she does Trill her Rs… )
My fave Piaf too, and has been since I first heard it at around age 17. But I haven’t listened to it in a long time, so thanks.
Sloane Ranger
@Omnes Omnibus: I think the fantasy goes something like this.
Trump – the military loves me. Not those loser Generals, but all those grizzled NCO’s and gung ho junior officers. If I have a fig leaf of constitutional authority by having the senior people in DOD support my orders, they’ll ignore any orders to the contrary from senior military officers and take the Post Office, MSM studios etc
My takeaway from my year of German (1961): Ich bin auch Student, und will in München studieren.
Well, I can follow along and make reasonable sense of a German opera libretto. But actually converse? Nein.
Mary G
@Goku (aka Amerikan Baka): I’m not on here as much just because people are on their last nerve and I am too. That said, you do seem to persist in your disaster scenarios after people have disagreed with them, and that can be annoying. I am thrilled that you come to Balloon Juice to help give a youthful perspective and keep some onions off our belts.
But we olds have a perspective that you don’t. In my lifetime, the world has been ending many times. The Cuban Missile Crisis was going to end in worldwide nuclear destruction, some bored, lonely Russian soldier drunk on bathtub vodka would hit the wrong button and ditto. Presidents, candidates, and preachers shot and killed, Vietnam and the Civil Rights movement happened right in front of us on TV in an uncensored way that is never allowed anymore, the Berlin Wall went up and came down and on and on. You have lived through what seeems to me a fairly blessed time of peace without much violence during the Clinton/Bush2/Obama years (except for Iraq, which has been very compartmentalized unless you’re in a military family.) So sometimes we’re the grizzled old soldiers getting snappy with the new recruit. Forgive us.
And thank you, sweet SectionH, I wasn’t upset by Yutsy. It’s hard to make yourself clear in a sentence or two and I was happy to see Rove telling the cons that the toddler’s tantrums are annoying other diners in the restaurant and he needs to be taken home for a nap, because Rove is a weathervane pointing the way I like to see.
And I am glad this is Balloon Juice dead time so nobody sees this drivel. I went to bed at 7 pm, slept five hours and am now wide awake.
The Moar You Know
@SectionH: Christ, I wish I lived in La Jolla. Nothing so nice. But you’re right. North County native. Never lived in the city of San Diego.
@Mike in NC: he’s so obvious I’m surprised it took you this ling.
@Mary G:
I read it.
And I’m drunk.
Good words.
@piratedan: it speaks to the real problem the GOP have now – there’s nobody who can fill his shoes. They decided they wanted a carnival barker as leader and that’s now what they need to find. Their best bet for a candidate is going to be someone like Hannity, not someone like Nikki Hayley.
They’ll never let go of Trump until they find someone who can turn out the party like Trump, and everyone is going to look like cold soup after him.
Bruce K
@Martin: Sounds to me like Trump gave the Southern Strategy voters a taste of blood, and now anything less from the GOP will be seen by them as a betrayal. Whoever can call the tune for the Klan vote will have power over the GOP now.
It’s the same devil’s bargain that German conservatives made in the 1930s, and we’re damned lucky that this time, it didn’t take a global war to knock the fascists off their throne. (At least, not yet. If they come back stronger next time, it may take a war to send them back to hell where they belong.)
And then open it up for discussion.
What else is he that kids (or anyone of any age) should never be?
A Soviet shitpile
A mobster
A conman
Someone who paints his face orange
Someone who wears cotton candy on his head
Someone who wants to bang his own daughter
An idiot who bankrupts casinos
A manbaby
Someone who won’t accept his baldness
Tony Jay
@Mary G:
Hey, it’s 9 in the morning here and I’m on coffee mug two. I read it and will never, ever, ever forget it.
You’re ‘3 a.m. Comment Mary’ to me now and you always will be. 8-)
@The Moar You Know: Ok, sorry. eta: Carlsbad or I could keep going…I But fuck I used to live in Escondido. Which at least is a real place.
We had fucking assholes being BIG and LOUD and STUPID in spades. 127 megachurches. I probably exaggerate about that number, but I used to drive by three gigantic megachurches on 2 on different corners, and 1 close enough…
But I live in Hillcrest now. And our density has to do with ppl per square inch rather clogged up brains…
SD County is bigger a lot of actual countries, never mind most fucking Red States. We’ll get Issa next time, if the Traitor Tribunal doesn’t get him first.
Do you get the the SD County Commissioners are are now FOUR Democrats? You want fucking FLIPPING? We can has flipping.
I think I’m mostly just kinda happier about local SD politics than you are. I’m very happy with a whole lot of my elected reps. Toni Atkins? She’s gonna be important. Next but one Governor, probably. FFS, she got elected to state assembly and then got in charge, and then she elected to the state senate, and tnen the Pres Pro Temp – I don’t know … she seems to play WOW with others. Also too she sends us a Holiday card every year with her and her wife and their PUPPEH!
Sorry you missed the SD Balloon Juice meet-ups, btw. There was one with ranchandsyrup [may have got the nym wrong] and his wife, and another one which our ruemara organized at the Karl Straus on Sorrento Mesa. Yes, our frontpager, and she’s just that cool. We had dozen ppl. Couple of Texans – Ronnie Roo and her guy – they were Austin ppl
I’m up for a meet-up at a place on the bay right now, IF YOU”RE LOCAL because we can. It’s windy, and they don’t fuck around about masks. You and one other, because otherwise too many ppl too close.
Tucker Carlson. Mark my words
He is obviously being groomed not sure it’s the Russians this time, looks more domestic.
He is a great speaker. Liar? Of course! Effortless. Shitpile? Yes same. Douchenazi? Yep and yep.
But he has something that appeals to a lot of folks and he is not Trump dumb. His weakness is his past as little douchy creep nerd. The bowtie.
If we want this guy neutralized we have to start asap with caricatures and make him laughighstock.
May I suggest a literal sack of bullshit?
@Omnes Omnibus: But Republican state legislatures are something Trump can control. And they may hand him the election.
@yellowdog: Oh bullshit, do your homework.
@Martin: This. They’ve really backed themselves into a corner. But I’m sure another demagogue will arise who will pose some new challenges and will appeal to bigger swath of voters and have same potential to do real damage.
@Goku (aka Amerikan Baka): You might have the doom gene. My dad and two of my siblings could not look at any subject without zooming to the worst possible “what if” scenario, or ascribing the most nefarious motive. It’s hard to counter not least because it is/was a reflex of their own fear, and not usually a rational weighing of facts.
Sloane Ranger
@sanjeevs: About 50 Tory backbenchers have formed an anti lockdown group and the election of Joey B has altered the Brexit calculus. Johnson has problems. Had The Dump been reelected, it would have been full steam ahead with a no deal Brexit and a chlorinated chicken trade, fuck the Irish border problem, deal with the US.
Now – not going to happen. But, on the other hand, more stability in foreign relations, US support for NATO, chance to revive the Iran deal and someone who believes in climate change. So, not a complete loss.
Johnson is a cynic and a pragmatist with no discernable underlying political philosophy and no real loyalty to anyone. I think he’s resetting his government to deal with the incoming Biden administration.
Remember, Trump’s a clown, Johnson just plays one.
@rikyrah: Everyone should use that answer the second “defunding the police” is brought up.
Chris Johnson
@Redshift: It goes one shade darker than that: I get why Goku is feeling put-upon, but also completely understand and share the pushback reactions.
See, it’s like this. Part of gaslighting, like with abuse from a narcissist, as in Trump obviously, is that the gaslighter is feeding you a ton of bullshit. I think of this when I see how many people unironically voted for Trump. They did NOT vote for what the dude actually does or represents, even when the reality of it is falling all around them. No, they voted for a pack of lies. They were LIED into supporting Trump.
And they’re still dying out there on the back of lies like ‘COVID isn’t real’.
And they still VOTED for Trump. The lies aren’t real but the deaths as a result, are real.
Because they got fed bullshit, and rather than calling it out, they went ‘but what if?’. What if COVID isn’t real. What if Hillary raises mole children in underground tunnels below a pizza restaraunt. What if BLM activists plan to hunt and kill all white people. And on, and on, bullshit endlessly.
Part of using bullshit as a weapon in this way is getting people to conclude that they HAVE to seriously consider it as a possible reality, much like part of using ‘free speech’ as a weapon is getting people to conclude that they have to debate whether underpeople should really all be exterminated like diseased animals or not be exterminated yet. The fundamental grounds are off, and you’re meant to skip over that because it’s the GROUNDS you’re being sold, not the argument.
Goku, you’re fucking up in that you’re repeatedly going ‘but what if thus and so?’ in areas where you have no right to establish the grounds. I guess what I’m saying is, yes we’re looking at heavily redpilled insane Trumpists and extensive subversion, and yet there are limits to how far that can bend the system and we’re looking at that too, in real-time.
You do not GET to suggest ‘what if the US Military acts as the brainless golem of Trumpist forces and executes a coup’ because you don’t get to define what the military is, for instance. They get trained against shit like that. The concept of what an illegal order is, is part of their training, and you’re not going to flip all of them so fascist that a coup is possible. I think it probably helps that Biden is an old white man who looks very ‘normal’ as an American leader, but even that isn’t the point.
The point is that you’re being bullshitted by the Trump and Russian forces because that’s what they do, and it’s important that you not play along. They could make up some press release SAYING that the Army is signing on to back Trump in a coup and you need to be calling bullshit first and panicking later if ever: if for no other reason than, how much more evidence do you need that these people constantly lie?
Another Scott
@West of the Rockies: Sure he’s flailing and trying everything, but dick_nixon makes the point that much of it is out of his hands even with his flailing.
E.g. pardoning himself is pointless as NY is after him and a federal pardon does nothing about that.
What’s that line?? “Full of sound and fury…”
I suspect Donnie will try to run out the clock on prosecutions, and try to scare prosecutors from acting by threatening to rile up his minions. Time will tell if any of it will work.
J R in WV
@Jim, Foolish Literalist:
Dear Senator:
I’ve heard stories about a guy named Dejoy, who attempted to prevent mail-in ballots from being delivered in a timely fashion!
Shouldn’t he be investigated for interference with the US Mail???
Maybe his boss as well, who conspired with him, some guy named Donald J Trump!
All the American Voters who hand-delivered their ballots !!!
J R in WV
Is good ol’ Denny still in prison for financial irregularities in payouts to the children he molested back when?
Hoping so!!!
So stupid.
J R in WV
@Goku (aka Amerikan Baka):
You need to stop imagining worst case scenarios in the wee hours, you’re just upsetting yourself. Please? ktnxbye
Miss Bianca
@Emma from FL: