I broke down and bought a stool for the shower and installed it and man it is amazing. It is amazing. The ability to scrub my feet while not worrying about slipping is amazing. It’s well worth the price of feeling like an old when I see it in the shower.
One of the super nice things about not giving a fuck about what people think is really allowing yourself to do whatever you want and enjoying the fun things and not obsessing over appearances and crap like that. I was never particularly vain, but I remember when I first said fuck it was when I quit wearing contacts. They were just awful. Always having to clean them, take them out and put them in, getting dust and other bullshit in your eye.
Ehh, not sure what the point of this post was.
I’m gonna need that shower stool soon, I’m sure. Too many close calls lately, especially after a thorough cleaning of the tiles.
One advantage of hair going white that people don’t talk about is that you can color it without bleaching first. My hair is now a nice pastel pink.
I feel you, Cole. I am at an age where I was starting to not give a shit about how I look most of the time (well, not as obsessed anyway). And then COVID came along and it’s all gone to shit. I don’t mind going into the office two days a week now, but I resent a lot having to get dressed in uncomfortable clothes and put makeup on. When I retire, my goal is to go completely to seed.
I feel you Cole. I gave up the contacts for the same reason long ago, fuck pretenses, comfort rules.
Cole. I’m sure your wool socks are thanking you.
Our building’s laundry room is next to a drink-and-paint place, and it’s filled with attractive young 20-somethings having fun on Friday nights and I wave at them while I do my laundry because the laundry room is empty on Fridays and IT’S AWESOME NOT TO WAIT FOR A DRYER.
I sit when I shower because of safety reasons. To be fair, I have no idea why everyone doesn’t do it this way. It is sooo much more comfortable.
e julius drivingstorm
Twenty-one months ago, Ms. d’storm broke her hip so we got a pivoting traversing shower chair. She liked it so much she broke her other hip six months later (sigh). I’ve been stepping around the damn thing myself. She’s getting to where she doesn’t need it again but I’m thinking that it’s just about my turn.
That you’re old and proud of it!
Svlad Jelly
I rented a house in my 30s that had a chair in the shower and it was my favorite part of that house.
About a year ago, I finally swallowed my pride and started using the drive carts in the grocery store. It’s so nice to reach the checkout without feeling homicidal due to aching knees and feet!
I love my shower chair. I can’t stand for a long time so it works for me.
I love contacts. The newer ones (last ten years or so) are so thin and comfortable you don’t even know you have them in. Much better than glasses, IMO. They don’t fog up or get wet or dirty when I’m gardening and I can wear sunglasses driving.
@geg6: I am just about Cole’s age. Omnes made some comments on here that poked my vanity buttons, about having kids aging you, but now I mostly laugh. Having kids means no time to fuss. Maybe puppehs have the same effect.
The pandemic had the opposite effect on my day to day style, though, at least when I am working from home. I try to dress up more when I have to teach online. We all need some cheering up.
Grover Gardner
I hear your point!! I’m 64 and still, God willing, in good health, but a stool in the shower–LUXURY!! Sit and steam! Hated contacts–the slightest dust mote was agony, need three extra pairs of glasses for close, medium, etc., a quick nap on the sofa was an ordeal to remove, replace, blah blah.
TaMara (HFG)
@Kay: I couldn’t live without mine. They are multi-focal and I can see everything. They are so thin and they are dailies, so no cleaning.
Does anyone really believe this? ?
These days you can feel homicidal from the jerks not following the one way signs on the floor.
Lord Fartdaddy (Formerly, Mumphrey, Smedley Darlington Mingobat, et al.)
I never have to worry about falling. I take baths. Much more soothing, too.
Keith P.
Now you need to get one of those chairs that carries you up and down stairs, like Mrs. Deagle from “Gremlins”.
Mike J
Ari JOE na
NBC calls Arizona for Biden.
Some friends remodeled their bathroom and put a bench in the shower stall. Very smart.
@TaMara (HFG):
How do they make them? Magic.
Just Chuck
All the grocery stores around here (CO) removed the one-way signs. No one was following them anyway. I still see them at my local thrift store, but the aisles are super-narrow there.
@Mike J:
Hey, Trump won a battle today, too, you know! The PA court ordered that a tiny number of ballots that had been set aside and not counted because they were legally questionable definitely would not be counted. That’s just as good as winning an entire state, right?
@mrmoshpotato: problem is, all too often that jerk going the wrong way is me! I’ll be tooling along and see the arrow pointing back at me – whoops! I don’t shop often enough to learn this one way habit yet.
@Mike J:
God, it’s about time. So the first call was correct this whole time and this thing could have been over more than a week ago. Good job dragging it out and letting the lunatic roam free to break everything. Why is everyone such cowards? It’s an epidemic of cowardice.
Corrected. I feel semi-stabby about half the time.
It was a terrible decision though. The voters followed the rules they were told at the time. They did absolutely nothing wrong and their ballots will just be pitched in the trash.. I think of those millions of people jumping thru all these hoops to vote and Trump, the Republican Party and judges are working as hard as they can to throw their ballots out. It’s appalling. So incredibly disrespectful to voters.
I am glad you are sitting. Haberman just announced her book
@Kay: Because they got everyone looking at the TV and clicking on websites so they made money.
@Mike J: Booyah! And it’ll make the morning papers on a Friday.
It would be satisfying that the whole rotten Trump regime is finally collapsing, except … it’s our national government. And there’s all that pandemic stuff, and geopolitics and the economy and … there’s still 10 weeks left for them to be even more dysfunctional than ever
Remind me again why I’m supposed to show Trump supporters respect?
Uncle Cosmo
And why not? Because they stick the signs to the floor, because that’s easy and cheap. Shoppers aren’t looking at the goddamned floor, they’re scanning the goddamned shelves!
As I helpfully point out to local supermarket managers, if they really want people to observe and obey one-way signs, they should put them up at the ends of the aisle attached to the shelves at eye height (maybe like those floppy vertical banners that are stuck in the ground). But of course they don’t care, it’s nothing but virtue signaling dictated by HQ. /pet peeve
@Just Chuck: I go shopping on off hours, and look down aisles.
Mike J
@Frankensteinbeck: Shitty decision that, thank god, makes no difference.
This is what people meant when they said win by enough that cheating won’t matter. To be honest, I wish we had more, but this seems to be enough.
Matt McIrvin
@Kay: I don’t think it was cowardice. The initial AZ call was an error because they had incorrect data about how many ballots were still out. And for days, Trump was cutting into Biden’s margin and the way the count was going, it looked like he was genuinely on track to flip Arizona.
That’s because AZ was the one close state where the mail votes were actually more Republican than the in-person votes. In PA, GA and NV, Biden’s margin just kept getting bigger. In AZ, it was shrinking and it was just a matter of whether or not it would get to zero.
But the late late counts were a bit bluer and eventually, it became clear that Trump’s numbers were going to fall short after all. They probably could have safely called Arizona one or two days ago, but not a week ago.
It was kind of horrifying to watch them all lose their nerve at the same time and have a collective panic attack. They don’t even stand by their work! The two who called it were terrified to use it. Boy, attacks by Republicans must be really something. Democrats never seem to get this elaborate deference. They didn’t have any problem calling the states in ’16 and the margins were closer. Another broken thing. Add them to the pile of junk Trump leaves in his wake.
If we would just pay them what they think they are worth, they wouldn’t bother us any more. Of course they think they are worth everything, while we think they are worth shit, so it rarely works out to either of our satisfaction.
@Danielx: To each their own.
Omnes Omnibus
So this is the get off my lawn and pull up your damn pants thread? Is it the start of a new series?
Because people are afraid of him truly getting his freak on and setting his flying monkeys loose on them, personally. Being primaried is one thing, getting shot by some heavily armed idiot egged on by Trump is something else again. Cowardice or no, people are averse to setting themselves up for threats and abuse, particularly from a president a lot of whose fans are deranged.
What? Respect people who wear loafers because they willfully aren’t smart enough to tie their shoes?
@Matt McIrvin:
And Pennsylvania? And Nevada? And Georgia? And the new rule where they don’t call the race until the margin exceeds the recount trigger? They had a collective nervous breakdown. I’ll never trust them again. This thing is a test. A lot of people are failing it.
@JoyceH: I’ve accidentally done that at times. One of our supermarkets doesn’t have arrows at the aisle break halfway down.
But I’m talking about people who just walk over the arrow pointing at them from the ends.
Our home came with a shower stall with a built in seat. Would not be without it now. So relaxing after a vigorous day to just sit in the hot water and steam.
I’m not sure my tub is big enough to accommodate a stool big enough to be comfortable. Plus I shower so fast – in and out in 10 minutes, including hair wash – there doesn’t seem much point. If I had a comfy chair or bench, and if my hot water heater was up to it, I might linger longer.
Also: why don’t makers of bath tubs shape them like hot tubs, with built-in seating? I’ve never felt comfortable lying down in a tub. Yes, I could put one of those bubbly tub liners in, but then you have to take it out, clean it off, and hang it up somewhere to dry. Just what I want to do when I feel really relaxed!
My concession to age, pandemic/WFH, and a rapidly expanding sense of NFLTG is, I’ve stopped coloring my hair. The roots have grown out a few inches, and happily don’t look bad at all. Like a very thorough frost job.
@Mike J: C’mon JOEgia. Give Ms. Abrams something to celebrate.
mad citizen
Same for me and contacts, though it became harder for me to read with them in. I’m old but have dodged the readers.
I’m going beat NBC News so I’m calling the 1973 Kentucky Derby for Secretariat.
@Omnes Omnibus: Title of the series: Find Your Own Damn Mustard!
Omnes Omnibus
@Kay: Yes, when they were faced with a possible miscall on AZ, they got cautious. Once the race for an early call was over on election night, they really only faced the downside risk of getting it wrong. That changed the networks’ incentives.
Joey Maloney
I moved into a new apartment a couple of months ago, and the shower has, not just a chair, but it’s plumbed! It has water jets all over it! I can turn the knob and have water squirt onto my back (good for itchy skin) or onto my feet and calves (makes rinsing easier) or – and this is my favorite – shoot up from the seat and onto my nethers. It’s like a high-pressure bidet for a creature with [counts jets] 6 assholes. Or one big one, I suppose. I can also choose between a handheld showerhead and one of those great big, whatdoyacallems, rainfall showerheads.
Don K
I tried contacts close to 40 years ago, and it turns out my eyes produce insufficient tears to keep the damned things hydrated, so I had to use Visine like every 30 seconds or so to keep the lenses from falling out. I said, fuck it, I was meant to wear glasses, so here I am, wearing glasses since age 9 (except for a few months), and fine with it.
@mrmoshpotato: Since March, I’ve basically just gone to the grocery store late at night after the baby’s in bed and there’s only 5 people there anyway. That way I don’t have to care about the stupid arrows, which don’t really help when people aren’t moving.
I don’t blame people for not following the arrows or not moving. Sometimes you need to browse! The grocery store isn’t a fucking train. The real answer is limiting the number of people inside at any given time, but that’s not going to happen again. Waaayyy too much effort on the part of the grocery stores and no one wants to wait in line to get inside as winter descends upon us.
Another thing I’m finding useful that I would have scorned a few years ago – Chair Workouts For Seniors videos.
Omnes Omnibus
@Yarrow: Well, with a choice between this and the Trump sex thread below, I may need to flee this blog for the night.
Jim, Foolish Literalist
@sdhays:my main grocery store took the arrows out a few weeks ago. What’s really pissing me off the last week or so is they have all the holiday displays up, not decorations, the card board stands for marshmallows, one-time roasting pans, stuffing mix, all that crap
Omnes Omnibus
Don’t people use that crap around Thanksgiving?
I’m with you, Kay.
Dan B
@geg6: Is that “to seed” or feral?
Jim, Foolish Literalist
@Omnes Omnibus: right, but they’re blocking the aisles that a month ago were one way, and I can’t imagine they couldn’t just re/stock the shelves where the mini-marsmellows and stuffing mix usually are.
And I bet they throw out tons of those mini-marshmallows. They’re just trying to trick people into buying those. That’s capitalism, man.
Omnes Omnibus
@Jim, Foolish Literalist: Oops, I forgot this was the get of my lawn and pull your damn pants up thread.
I’m the same way with shoes. It’s been years since I’ve worn any casual shoes with laces. Running shoes and hiking boots yes. But any shoe I put on for work or casual wear is some form of moc. I can’t be bothered with laces.
Jim, Foolish Literalist
@Omnes Omnibus: and get a haircut
@Jim, Foolish Literalist: I’ve been to the grocery store a handful of times in the past 8 months during more normal hours and it’s just so goddamn stressful. The only thing different is people (mostly) wearing masks. Going late at night makes that all go away, so it’s worth it even though the fish counter is closed and the produce section is sometimes not fully stocked. I can shop without strategizing how to accomplish my task extra fast with a bunch of potential COVID mines at every turn.
Color me shocked, shocked….
Omnes Omnibus
@Jim, Foolish Literalist: I’ve got a good five or six weeks left before I start to look scruffy instead of raffish.
Jim, Foolish Literalist
He’s 87
@Omnes Omnibus:
Not looking, not looking, not looking…
randy khan
@Just Chuck:
We still have them at the Safeway near me (northern Virginia). And people generally (call it 90+ percent) follow them.
It’s official. Biden wins Arizona. He’s over 11,000 votes ahead with less than 11,000 votes left to count.
Margin of difference provided entirely by the Navajo Nation.
So, what replaced the contacts? Spectacles or lasik? I’ve worn glasses for 65 years and they don’t bother me, but I can’t even open my eyes underwater so I’ve never tried contacts. I had cataract surgery a couple of years ago and the results are great, but I think I chose the wrong type of replacement lenses, or else the doctor didn’t tune them right, so I still need glasses and they don’t work for playing pool or snooker. I’ve been thinking about lasik recently, and the internet says it works and is recommended, but I’m still leery. If anyone can reassure me I’d appreciate it. I’m also going to inquire about contacts, but I don’t think they’re for me.
@Procopius: I had lasik done about 20 years ago, and it’s without question the best thing ever. I went from very myopic and astigmatic (needed to be wearing my glasses to find my glasses) to 20/40.
One minor cavil: A few years ago I lost my close-up vision, and now need reading glasses. But that might have happened anyway.
You need to have your eyes evaluated first, make sure your corneas are up to being reshaped.
Honestly, I can’t recommend lasik strongly enough.
Amir Khalid
An inconsequential few votes, already held back from the count, will now definitely not be counted — with absolutely no effect on the vote count. No doubt the Trump campaign’s legal team are breaking out the champagne.
When I was in grad school in my late 20’s I rented a total shit shoebox studio. For some reason it had a bathroom with a 6’+ clawfoot tub (no shower). It took a week or so, but I fell in love with taking baths everyday.
Weird place, total shit neighborhood, the bedroom was only a few feet wider than the bathroom, and you could hear the junkies shooting up outside the bathroom window.
Still find showering to be lame all these years later….
99% sure the last time I gave a fig about appearance was in the womb.
@Amir Khalid: And in Arizona, where there is no recount unless the margin is 200 votes where 25,000 have voted, the sharpie-gate lawyers are demanding a hand recount in Maricopa. IT NEVER ENDS.
I stopped wearing my contacts when I started to fall asleep in front of my computer and woke up with gummy eyes. I had cataract surgery 2 years ago and opted for distance correction lenses…one of the best things I’ve done. I still need reading glasses but I am terribly nearsighted and having permanent contacts is great.
@Jean: Endless stalling because we gotta find some kind of fuck-up to justify our retainer fees, damnit.
eddie blake
just hit the point in my decrepitude where i need reading glasses. everything up close is blurry as shit as of a year ago.
I tried contacts 100 years ago and never again… I need another cataract surgery but they keep telling me I should wait until COVID is over… OK. I’m still relatively healthy, but kind of enjoying not having to look when people are pointing things out (“I told you I CAN’T SEE!”) and can claim deafness when I don’t want to listen to people. It’s liberating in its way…
@BlueDWarrior: I just don’t get how Republican lawyers can sue for a hand recount in Maricopa is Arizona doesn’t allow recounts with a margin that exists now. It’s stalling, yes, but stupid. I guess for the lawyers it’s a win. They get paid.
@JoyceH: Heh, well one advantage of having a hairline on a forced-march retreat is you shave down to stubble and don’t worry about it for a week.
@eddie blake: I think that was my mortality wake-up call, when my great vision became not so great.
@eddie blake: My best point in my marriage was when I watched my wife move the book farther and farther away, while cranking the light up to 250W and keeping my mouth shut until her sister said “Try my reading glasses.”
I’m a little older than Cole, but not yet ready for the chair. But I do worry about falling since it takes so long to recover. But otherwise, I pretty much feel like I’m still in my 30s.
Comrade Colette
Mine, too!
Unfortunately. It was brilliant violet for a few weeks, and then day-glo auburn, but no matter what color I start with, it quickly fades to washed-out pink. Luckily I DGAF and since I’m working at home, there’s no one to give me side-eye when I have an inch of white roots on my messy shag.
Rooting for injuries
Thinking about a stool but haven’t got around to it yet. Will, soon. Luckily, the apartment is accessible, so I don’t have to winch my legs over a tub wall to get into the shower —just walk on in, walk on out— and there are plenty of guard rails to hold onto. If I could install one of those walk-in tubs, I would do it, though.
Shifting gears, has it been mentioned that Lauren Underwood has pulled out a victory in 14-Illinois? Her opponent tried that thing of claiming early and daring anyone to challenge him, but votes from the more heavily Democratic parts of the district started coming in late last week.
This shit happened during summer too. And browsing during a pandemic? Fuck you. Make a list. Get your shit. Get out.
I guess if it is OK to use the office of the Presidency to promote or denigrate individual businesses for your personal advantage it would also be OK to use the assets developed by your campaign for your own personal use
All in service of MAGA!
@lgerard: And it’ll be just fine for the Democratic President to bash these fuckers’ bones to dust.
Oh, sorry, that’s Lady Justice and the rule law. Cry harder, Soviet shitstains.
@prostratedragon: Lauren Underwood’s late victory was mentioned this morning. At least one commenter was very happy. But like most of the Democrats who flipped red seats in 2018, Underwood never gets as much coverage as she deserves, so it’s good to bring her up. Ironically, Jim Oberweis, her opponent, was in the House GOP’s “Young Guns” program for favored challengers. Oberweis is 74.
He is going to fuck up this business like all others before but he is taking the RWNM down with him
Yes. Absolutely.
A woman from anywhere (formerly Mohagan)
@Jim, Foolish Literalist: I know it seems like a timeless time (except for the election), but it is 2 weeks to Thanksgiving! That stuff you mentioned is appropriate for cooking at Thanksgiving. Except for the flimsy aluminum roasting pans that you have to support underneath or they collapse. They should be illegal.
?? Important ??
It’s always projection and Donnie says the quiet parts out loud. Or the adjacent ones because he cannot keep his mouth shut.
Donnie has been going off Dominion the past few days and the GOP was weirdly quiet on that particular subtopic. I didn’t pay attention because I thought it’s spun from that made up software story they floated.
There is more to the story.
Turns out Donnie and GOP are attacking only one electronic machine vendor: The smaller one that was created because Diebold owned 70% of the market. Excellent thread below. Please get smart on this, it might very well be the motherlode of all that unexplainable fuckery we’ve observed.
Adam, sanity check please.
A woman from anywhere (formerly Mohagan)
@Jim, Foolish Literalist: In the grocery stores here, there is an area in front of the aisles where they have all the canned yams, marshmallows, stuffing mix, canned pumpkin, etc. so it doesn’t block the aisles and is easy to find.
@Jim, Foolish Literalist:
Rep Don Young, of beer virus fame.
Don Young brags about having never used a computer
Mary G
I came down with RA at the ripe old age of 22 and by the time I was 30 had every bathroom aid they made.
Friends would come over and laugh at me having more safety equipment than their 80-year-old grandmas – grab bars all over the place, the bidet atttachment, the shower chair, the giant paddle handles on the faucets, etc.
By the time we were in our 50s they were calling me about their hip problems and asking what they should get.
It’s not a shameful thing to use all this stuff or a wheelchair or scooter at the market – it frees you to be safely independent. Get whatever you need at whatever age you need it.
My absolute favorite bathroom helper is the toilevator.
The things you buy to make a toilet seat higher are a pain in the ass. Hard to clean, prone to coming loose at the worst possible time. The toilevator is a little pedestal that sits under the toilet to make it taller from the bottom up. It comes with whatever adaptive plumbing you need and my housemate installed it in about 15 minutes, dawdling plumber 30. Nowadays you can buy taller toilets for olds. I have one of those and a toilevator and it reduces the knee and hip pain from getting up in a delightful way.
Odie Hugh Manatee
@Matt McIrvin:
Can you show me at this link where it looked like Trump was going to win Arizona because I sure don’t see it. No, Kay is right. It’s cowardice and it’s a completely different treatment than Democrats get from the press.
Our billionaire-owned corporate press is wired to favor Republicans because that’s where their money lies.
@CaseyL: I have a grip bar in the bath/shower. It’s there when needed. I do use it.
Their client is a whiny ass titty baby who is pathologically incapable of admitting failure. They were hired to be his useless cries of “Nuh-uh!” That is all that is going on. It’s a toddler screaming as he’s dragged from a store. There is no more logic or planning to it, and no more chance of success.
Look, there was no vote count changing fuckery. None. America does, in fact, have people who watch for that, and they have said publicly they expect to be fired because Trump wants them to say there was vote count changing against him.
When has the GOP ever respected voters?
So, Fox was right about Arizona?
Phuck her.
@Danielx: I used to send infrequent letters to the editor, all pointedly and decidedly anti-right wing. When I started, I had trepidations because I lived in what might be the reddest part of the only state to grow more red in the 2016 election.
I found that even here, I heard no pushback, other than a couple of relatives who voiced concern about getting pushback by association from their right wing employers.
I was pleasantly surprised to get nothing but encouragement and appreciation from a wide spread of our community, even the much more rare recognition in a few far flung parts of the state. Clerks in stores that did not know me would ring my purchase and see my name on my card, turn and ask if I wrote ‘that letter’, then tell me thanks for speaking out. I got a few phone calls on my home phone from strangers, but they were all, every one, just people who picked up a directory, asked if I was the one who wrote ‘that letter’ and wanted to express their gratitude.
Even living that experience, that was then, and now I’ve stopped. I still compose those letters, I just don’t send them.
It is cowardice, an estimated 500 pickup trucks flying Trump flags and Confederate flags, convoying for most of a day up and down the road I live on make me wonder if I’d get killed for saying my piece. Sociopaths and psychopaths have been given their leash.
I composed one of those letters tonight, still don’t know if I’ll find the courage to send it.
@Joey Maloney:
Just reading this made me jealous?
Will never forget that
Love her.
She is the real deal???
Amir Khalid
It’s like 6am over there. Where are the early morning posts?
Good thread
Thank you
@Amir Khalid:
Hey Amir??
@Procopius: not too sure you can get Lasix after having cataract implants.
@CaseyL: presbyopia still affects Lasix patients, since most of them get Lasix for myopia. If you get it closer to middle age they sometimes undercorrect one eye slightly so that you can last longer without reading glasses, but eventually everyone needs them until they get new implants when they have cataract surgery.
@Amir Khalid: Howdy!
Spinoza Is My Co-pilot
@mrmoshpotato: Everyone above the age of innocence (whenever that is, some early grade school age I’d say) is vain. Pretending to not be vain is itself very much a form of vanity. It’s ok (to a point) it’s part and parcel of being human.
Twitter thread from Martyn McLaughlin on the rumored investigation by the Scottish government of Trump’s golf course business. McLaughlin has been following the actual and potential unexplained wealth investigations for several years.
Edit: Actually it was just this year that McLaughlin’s articles first got attention here. In the recent dispensation we have become divine, for a thousand ages in our sight are like an evening gone.
@Keith P.: In John’s case more like Livia Soprano.
Mary Ellen Sandahl
I’m a lot older than Cole, but as far as bathtub/shower maneuvering goes, I am just getting to the point where I can fully sympathize with this post. I’ve always *much* preferred baths to showering, for a bunch of reasons both practical and what I guess you could call esthetic. IMO nothing beats a deep comfortably hot bubble bath – deep enough to float in – for relaxo-therapy. And no problem getting at your foot-bottoms.But getting up to standing position – not as easy as it once was, the main reason being the rather mild bunion I’ve evolved on my right foot. Amazing how that can get in the way of stuff. You don’t know how much you depend on the first toe joint until it hurts like hell to put most of your weight on it while levering yourself up from tub (or floor).
I seem to meet my fragility with a disapproving frown thus far.
When one of the most reputable voting integrity activist in the country is ringing the alarm I’d take a second look.
J R in WV
Interesting conversation about bathroom aids.
When we built out home in 1991-94 I was just hitting the 40s and we were both active. But the main bathroom has a walk-in / roll-in shower room, tile lined, 5’x8′ with a bench opposite the shower head. No special plumbing on the bench, but sturdy tiled seat right where the water falls. Grab bars too. Having plumbing in the shower bench is pretty deluxe sounding.
All our doors are wide enough for standard wheel chairs. A good friend was injured in a fall from their balcony, now paraplegic in a chair, so we knew it could happen to anyone at any time. Wife uses the bench a lot, I don’t so far, but the many grab bars are important to us both. All the towel bars are grab bars as well.
Matt McIrvin
@Odie Hugh Manatee: Scroll down to “7/8/9 days ago”. In the rightmost columns, the block averages Trump was getting were pretty consistently higher than what he needed to overtake Biden. CNN had already called AZ at that point. That was when people started saying it was a mistake.
After that, the numbers were lower, but only by a couple percentage points for about a day after.
Naw, I’ve had shower seats since I was in my 30’s. They’re great at any age, IMO.
Seats in baths are as awesome like, well, grab bars in baths! For the same damn reasons! Olds may need them but the younger (and younger at heart) can put them to (pro)creative good use, or perhaps discover a solo quiet hunkered-down sauna-like dimension of relaxation when the hot is cranked. And no matter how one uses them, always having that security present if youthful invincibility on slippery surfaces proves to be fallacious.
Ah jeez John, IIRC I’m three years older than you and I have no issues scrubbing my feet in the shower. In the long term that shower chair is going to do you nothing but harm. It’s just going to enable the muscles you use for stability to atrophy that much quicker. And in the long run that means falls and injury.
I spend about 15 minutes a day strength training and doing flexibility exercises which is no where near enough but do yourself and your future caretakers a favor and ditch the chair and buy a weight set instead.