Geraldo to Charlie Kirk: You have to stop this
— Acyn Torabi (@Acyn) December 15, 2020
You may remember Charlie ‘Diaper Boy’ Kirk insisting that liberals were ginning up ‘a war against Thanksgiving‘ (while looking like he was coming down from a week-long bender). Or maybe you thought of him when Politico reported that his ‘Falkirk Center’, formed in partnership with fellow grifter Jerry Falwell Jr, has been ‘pushing the boundaries of its 501c(3) tax status’ while shilling for Donald Trump. It just hasn’t been a good six weeks for young Charlie, and unlike more experienced right-wing grifters, he’s not tempered enough to know that losing an Oval Office figurehead in no way reduces the potential to scam the rubes!
Charlie Kirk criticizes Mitch McConnell for congratulating President-elect Joe Biden: "You typically don't use the term 'congratulations' when someone just stole a bank"
— Jason Campbell (@JasonSCampbell) December 15, 2020
Turns out, Kirk’s got an immanently upcoming event at Palm Beach which just might be affected by [waves hand] all this…
That last bullet point.
— Schooley (@Rschooley) December 15, 2020
Musicians, comedians, stage actors cut off from their primary source of income, but TP USA is essential. Killing Grandma over Christmas to see Charlie Kirk live.
— Schooley (@Rschooley) December 15, 2020
if I had to go to this I’d fake my own kidnapping
— shauna (@goldengateblond) December 14, 2020
But seriously… If these mopes were just a little more competent, I’d worry about a Jonestown moment. Because most of the cultists paying to show up for this clownshoe are very young and very ‘committed’, it wouldn’t take much for them to double-dog-dare each other into some kind of genuine terrorist event… probably something that hurt them worse than it did their multitudinous perceived enemies, but I feel bad for the first responders & innocent hospitality workers who might end up in the middle of the firefight / superspreader orgy. It’s not as though Florida governor DeathSantis is gonna be much help preventing another disaster, after all.
Barnum weeps.
Annnd I suddenly don’t care.
“A must-see extravaganza!”
– Dr. Charlotte Tenn
SAS? As in they couldn’t decide whether to choose SA or SS, and they decided on the combination?
All things considered that’s probably how they came up with it.
They do seem to have a bit more irrationality about them than an old dirty floor mop. I’ve wondered before how someone thinks that making a country inhabitable for most of it’s citizens makes it better.
Sacndinavia on line one.
South Africa on line two.
Turkey on line three.
San Antonio, Texas on line four.
John Revolta
Jeez, those are some really big names. It’s like fucking GriftStock. They’d better get the turnout because these types don’t come cheap and they expect to get paid and no bullshit.
Tony Jay
This story is openly begging fir a clip from that episode of Extras we were discussing on the Toobin thread.
“S.A.S. You know what that stands for?”
“Uh, yeah, Special AIr Service.”
“Special AIr Service”
“No. I’ve spoken to real S.A.S. guys and they told me what it really stands for.”
“Go on then.”
“Super Army Soldiers.”
“You sure about that?”
They didn’t cancel this thing? It may become the political equivalent of the Sturgis Rally. It’s taking place just before Christmas. Plenty of time to take the virus back home and spread it around.
Poor Charlie, never seen a wet ass pu**y and never been offered congratulations.
What a sad little person.
John Revolta
@Brachiator: Like I said, they probably can’t afford to cancel. Big-time hucksters like these expect to get paid regardless. Weekend before Christmas? At least a cancellation fee.
Anyway, Happy 250th to LvB:
Bonus, souvenir of an MRI: Prelude “The Bells of Moscow,” Rachmaninoff
Sloane Ranger
@Calouste: In the UK, SAS stands for Special Air Service. It’s sort of the British equivalent of your SEAL Team 6 (only its army, not navy). So, super tough.
The use of the initials by a lot of college age idiots is probably a coincidence, rather than an attempt at a connection though.
David ??Merry Christmas?? Koch
I don’t know what is more pathetic, a president taking Geraldo’s calls or Dump not talking to a sycophant/clown (who wants to name the vaccine after him) for sin of recognizing the end of an election.
@prostratedragon: Who is LvB?
@opiejeanne: guessing ludwig van beethoven – baptised 17 december 1770
ETA: hoping that @prostratedragon does not look like malcom mcdowell and wear a codpiece a la that book and movie about orange timepieces
Oh Geraldo you courageous protagonist ! Don’t let these rascals hurt your heart. Keep your headlamp burning, gallant TV guide.
@prostratedragon: thanks
I played the Kirk clip. I like how he leads off with the Georgia Senate runoffs, implying that McConnell will cost Perdue and Loeffler votes by congratulating Biden. The trump die-hards know how important those two seats are to Republican leaders, and think they can hold Perdue and Loeffler hostage. I’ve been skeptical that anti-establishment backlash would actually affect the runoff. Now I’m beginning to think it could sink Perdue and especially Loeffler, who is identified with Gov. Brian Kemp. Just a 5% dropoff from Nov. 8 voting could be fatal.
There was nothing in Al Capone’s vault
But it wasn’t Geraldo;s fault
Lazar Berman
@lurker: Thank you. I hadn’t looked at the calendar yet.
Born on the 16th of December. I remember it because of Peanuts.
@oatler.: Scoffing in his general direction
Le Comte de Monte Cristo, fka Edmund Dantes
Just checked Greenwald’s feed – he’s giving dreamy eyes to Josh Hawley and a potential right wing populist government in 2024 as being better than a dem when he’s not fluffing Trump.
Le Comte de Monte Cristo, fka Edmund Dantes
Oh, and Trump was tweeting his autogolpe nonsense at 1 am.
Shit’s still happening,
Story at CBS Chicago (+ Trigger warning for police camera footage that’s traumatizing. It’s shown with the social worker’s permission. She has fought the city ever since it happened, two yrs ago, to make the video public. )
thank you.
Bruce K in ATH-GR
Stumbled across a Raw Story page via Charlie Stross on Twitter: apparently “Republicans are furious with Trump for pocketing the money they need for the Georgia runoffs.” Fercrissakes, they let a grifter and embezzler take over their party; did they think that he was going to be generous and responsible with their money?
David ??Merry Christmas?? Koch
@Le Comte de Monte Cristo, fka Edmund Dantes: looks like Putin is backing Hawley and is employing his assets.
@Bruce K in ATH-GR: Politico had a good article on trump’s Georgia runoff fundraising two mornings ago. It doesn’t sound like republican leaders were surprised, but they still did not like it. The “fine print” in trump’s appeal says his PAC keeps 75% of money raised, with 25% going to the RNC. But I doubt if the RNC will see anything from that greedy grifter. They can’t complain too much between now and the January 6 runoffs, though, because trump can still sabotage Loeffler and Perdue. Republicans are desperate to win those seats, but trump just cares about trump.
In a guest lecture about violence against women of color, Harvard University professor Lorgia García Peña and three UGA professors experienced a Zoombombing on Oct. 28. The professors had advertised the lecture only through listservs for UGA’s Department of Romance Languages and women’s studies classes, and the host used a waiting room to admit attendees.
During a Zoombombing that lasted about five minutes, the perpetrators announced UGA professor Sharina Maillo Pozo’s home address, called the guests racial slurs and threatened their families with meat cleavers, gave ransom threats, shouted they were members of the Ku Klux Klan and showed a video of a dismembered body, according to The Red & Black. García Peña and Maillo Pozo declined to provide further comment to Flagpole.
@lurker: I’m a gurl! (I do wear berets in winter.)
Oh thanks! Can’t believe I hadn’t thought of that in years, considering what it does to me:
@Aleta: Finally! This was reported at the time, but with no video.
@Aleta: Thanks! Don’t know Mr. Berman, but he has some of my favorite piano composers in this recital so I’ll be enjoying it soon.
The Very Reverend Crimson Fire of Compassion
@Aleta: My favorite English version:
@prostratedragon: He was Russian, though eventually he was allowed to leave and settle in Italy. Someone took me to hear him in NYC in 1978 (or late ’77). Intense.
Well, the snow just started in Amicus Virginia. Small pellets of snow. We’re supposed to get ~6″, but I hear Pennsylvania will get walloped.
Does seeing himself in the bathroom mirror count?
Enhanced Voting Techniques
@Calouste: Same as the Special Air Service, the UK version of the Seals. So more militia cosplay.
Heidi Mom
Way too late, but anyway: I noticed that the list of speakers includes “Dr. Sebastian Gorka.” Okay for some, apparently.
@Enhanced Voting Techniques: I was alluding that they couldn’t decide which of two Nazi organizations to name themselves after, so they compromised on a combination.
“stole a bank”?
What did Charlie Kirk do to get money from Jerry Falwell Jr? He’s so ugly so I don’t think Becki’s type but we know there is only one reason for Jerry Falwell Jr. to invest money on young guys. It’s irresponsible not to speculate.
@raven: That’s horrific. I hope they recorded it and the criminals will be charged.