Good afternoon — I took today off as I have some PTO that expires/disappears soon if I did not use it. My morning involved testing out a new to me biscuit and breakfast place and then donating platelets. I’ve been giving platelets a couple of times per month since the summer as pediatric cancer patients like Claire need them. The Red Cross e-mails me every time they ship my platelets and I think that I’m part of a small group that are sending platelets to a particular patient as five of my last six donations have gone to the same, small hospital in the middle of nowhere.
Claire is doing well all things considered. She is in her fifth round of chemo and treatment at the moment. She is getting blood products a couple of times a week which has helped her tolerate the treatment. As far as I understand, her numbers range from being good to really good. This and the prior two rounds of treatment have been designed to blast out the unobserved and unobservable cancerous cells. Assuming the next few weeks go as anticipated, she should be released from the hospital in the middle of February.
And after that, she is in the watch, wait and closely monitor stage of her treatment. It will have been a very long and tough nine months for Claire and her family.
Right now, what Claire and plenty of kids like her need are blood donors. If you are capable of donating blood, please do so. You get to help Claire or someone like her out while also getting cookies. That is a good trade in my book.
Old School
That’s wonderful news. Here’s hoping for a continued recovery.
Although I gave blood earlier this month, but didn’t get cookies. I assume unwrapped baked goods are frowned on due to the pandemic.
Numbers “good to really good” is wonderful to read. Safe distance hugs to Claire and her indomitable family.
That is good news, and thank you again for updating us. Someday she’ll be able to laugh about the blog that cheered her on.
Good reminder for blood doning (is that a word?) It is hugely important.
Joy in FL
Thanks for the update. I’m so glad Claire is doing ok.
Thank you for this welcome good news. The next phase – Tom Petty said it best – the waiting is the hardest part. After decades of donating blood I got the permanent boot, but spouse donates plasma or platelets on the regular because you can donate with greater frequency than with whole blood. He’s currently in excess of 600 units – the most recent was Tuesday.
Here’s to Claire and all of those who are in the fight. Fuck cancer
For some reason I’m thinking of Lily and her bows.
So happy to hear that Claire is doing so well with her treatments. May all the news continue to be good, and she and her family get to go home in a few weeks. We’re all pulling for her.
Thanks for the update. Good news indeed, as difficult as it has been for Claire and her family.
J R in WV
Me too, thanking you for the update. So glad to hear reasonably good news!
I used to donate, but now I’m elderly and on medications that contraindicate passing them on to recipients, so that’s over for me.
So glad for Claire~!!~
Keep us informed…
Good to hear. Hoping for only good things going forward for Claire and her family.
Cap'n Phealy
Giving platelets is one of the easiest good karma sources known to humanity. I’ve been donating them every three-four weeks for most of the past 20 years. (Next appt. is Monday.)
If your employer allows some PTO for charitable purposes, blood/platelet/plasma donation may be an acceptable use of that time.
I am O- and CMV- (cytomegalovirus) so I get called whenever I am ripe if I have not previously scheduled. My blood is usually whisked away with “special orders” tags for Children’s Hospital of Wisconsin. I am not much of a meat eater and I ended up getting deferred a few years ago for mild anemia and evaluation showed I had very low iron stores. That got me my first colonoscopy and EGD at age 43 to rule out malignancy. I try to remember to take my Flintstone’s with iron. Dino is my favorite.
Good on you for donating platelets. If that is the machine I think it is: Hated It. Quit.
My BP is relatively low and it would alarm every time it went to suction mode. I was exhausted from trying to squeeze the rubber ball to keep up pressure.
So glad to hear the good news. May it continue.
Love those good numbers!
Good numbers good. Good numbers can stay.
Thank you for the update; so happy to hear things look good. May they stay that way.
Thank you for the update! I see the Claire sidebar every time I come to BJ, and always wonder how she’s doing. It’s great that she’s doing well, and may even get out of the hospital in a few weeks.
Has Claire been able to keep up with her schoolwork? It’s an ironic bit of timing, her needing remote schooling at the same time everyone else is also remote schooling: at least she won’t feel like she missed out, compared to her friends.
Thanks for the update. We are rooting for Claire. Cancer sucks.
Good to really good is great news! Please thank Claire and family for making my Friday.
Mike R
May the good news keep coming, so glad things are going satisfactorily. Without fear of contradiction, Fuck Cancer!
zhena gogolia
Praying for Claire and her family.
Great news great news!
Here’s hoping for the best.
Modern medicine really is great these days. It’s the people who seem to be getting shittier. My wife is a primary care physician and she is on regular therapy just to deal with the burnout and finding it hard to give a shit about all the horrible patients she gets who put in zero effort to make themselves better and expect her to do everything for them. She is a stable person but fucking needs occupational therapy to avoid just screaming “fuck all of you” and walking away from her job permanently. Especially today with Covid and MAGA. It shouldn’t be like that. She should enjoy her job but the patients make it miserable.
Excellent news for Claire, hope it continues.
As a Durhamite, I’m curious what the biscuit/breakfast place was & if it was worth a visit?
Alison Rose
So glad to hear that she’s doing…I suppose I could say, as well as can be hoped for. This must be so incredibly draining physically, emotionally, spiritually, and every other level, for her and the family. Sending lots of good thoughts for continued progress, and prayers if they are welcome. I’m not medically able to donate blood, but I’m very glad to here others doing so when they can. It’s literally life-saving, and what could be better than that?
Mary G
So happy to see this news and wish you get more and even better news as time goes by. Thank you for the update.
I’ve been banned from donating blood since the first time I tried at the age of 18. So frustrating not to be able to help, but in honor of my dad I donate to the usual places that fight cancer. Will increase that when I figure out my finances with my new pension.
So good to hear this news! And boy are there some great Juicers. I praise Biden.
(Trying to start a meme to replace I blame Obama.)
Thanks for the good news. I’m scheduled to donate platelets on Monday if I don’t get snowed out.
I am glad to hear this news about Claire.
Dave's Dad
This just one of the many reasons…I am proud of my son and extended family
Dave’s Dad! Welcome!
Definitely glad to hear about Claire. Sounds like they showed the cancer the red card and did the send off, and now are waiting on the league to hopefully pronounce a lifetime ban. Fingers crossed. Having kids come back smiling from tough situations is part of what makes our world worth inhabiting.
If you see that guy Mayhew around, you can let him know I miss refereeing, but not as much as I thought I would. Interesting that. Anyway, not sure of where he would be, might be lurking in a mirror in your parts somewhere ; – )
David Anderson
@Enzymer: sunshine biscuits on Franklin Street in Chapel Hill.
Coffee + biscuit for $6 was fine. Not amazing not bad, perfectly decent to get before driving to Raleigh for platelets
Yay, may the good news continue.
J R in WV
Here one of the big things is fresh baked biscuits and sausage gravy with lots of black pepper. Not every week, but every once in a while.
Tudor’s Biscuit World! They do all kinds of standard country foods, baked steak, hot dogs, fried potatoes with cheese or gravy, etc. Pulled pork, pinto beans and cornbread…
MoCA Ace
Soo glad to hear about Claire.
@JCJ: Me too. I have been donating for at least 20 years in our quarterly blood drives at work. Still, I was constantly getting reminders to donate in the interim. I would also get reminders from the Red Cross when the drive was coming up, in addition to the ones I got from work. When I realized everyone wasn’t getting the same reminders (hounding really) I asked a nurse and she looked at my record and informed me I was CMV negative then explained the significance. It’s really cool to know that dumb luck has protected me from the not-deadly-at-all (to adults) cytomegalovirus. I always feel a little bit of pride now when I get the notices that my blood has been shipped to some research hospital or the middle of nowhere.
Again, Fudge Cancer (children present) and you go Claire!
So relieved to hear this. Best wishes for continued good news.
@David Anderson: I have driven by Sunrise biscuits forever but the line always is long. But Biscuitville lines are always long, too. Flying Biscuit in Village District and Beasley’s downtown Raleigh are the tops I know of in the area.