First, I want to thank y’all for making routine threads a place where I can join in discussions about politics, pets, hot dishes, etc., without being asked about my health. I know inquiries come from a place of caring, and I’m grateful for that. But it’s so nice to have a place where I can be normal, you know? Real life is far from normal these days, so I value that a great deal.
That said, I’ve been meaning to update y’all on how my treatment is going in this specially designated portion of the blog. The good news is I’m almost done with lengthy courses of chemo and radiation. The bad news is it’s exhausting and nauseating, and I can’t wait for it to be over.
Thanks to the generosity of this community, Bill was able to take a leave from work to shuttle me to appointments and look after me during the worst of it, which includes the past few weeks and the next couple upcoming. I’m a reasonably strong person and figured I could tough it out while he worked, but I was wrong. I don’t know how I would have made it through this shit without him!
In addition to feeling poisoned all the time, I’m shedding like an equatorial golden retriever. But so far, I still have a full head of hair. I’ve lost volume but not coverage. I’ve also lost a ton of weight. Before I got sick, I knew I needed to drop a few pounds, so I’m not displeased with this development. But I would not recommend this type of fat farm to anyone, including the convicted felon.
So, to focus on the positive, I’ll be done with treatment within the next couple of weeks, and I’m hoping when they stop pumping poison into my veins and irradiating me, the side effects will go away. Then we’ll see where we are and what’s next. Hoping you all are enjoying great health or getting the treatment you need if not. Thanks again for the support — and the space to forget my troubles for a minute.