BREAKING: A Democratic congressman has sued Donald Trump, alleging the former president incited the deadly insurrection at the Capitol. The suit also names Rudy Giuliani and extremist organizations that had members charged with taking part in the siege.
— The Associated Press (@AP) February 16, 2021
Didn’t think this news would get the attention it deserves, yesterday…
The House Homeland Security chairman accused Donald Trump in a federal lawsuit Tuesday of inciting the deadly insurrection at the U.S. Capitol and conspiring with his lawyer and extremist groups to try to prevent Congress from certifying the results of the presidential election he lost to Joe Biden.
The lawsuit from Democratic Rep. Bennie Thompson is part of an expected wave of litigation over the Jan. 6 riot and is believed to be the first filed by a member of Congress. It seeks unspecified punitive and compensatory damages. It also names as defendants Rudy Giuliani, Trump’s personal lawyer, and the Proud Boys and the Oath Keepers, extremist organizations that have had members charged by the Justice Department with taking part in the siege…
The suit, filed in federal court in Washington under a Reconstruction-era law called the Ku Klux Klan Act, comes three days after Trump was acquitted in a Senate impeachment trial that centered on allegations that he incited the riot, in which five people died. That acquittal is likely to open the door to fresh legal scrutiny over Trump’s actions before and during the siege. Additional suits could be brought by other members of Congress or by law enforcement officers injured while responding to the riot.
The suit traces the drawn-out effort by Trump and Giuliani to cast doubt on the election results even though courts across the country and state election officials repeatedly rejected their baseless allegations of fraud. Despite evidence to the contrary, the suit says, the men portrayed the election as stolen while Trump “endorsed rather than discouraged” threats of violence from his angry supporters in the weeks leading up to the assault on the Capitol.
“The carefully orchestrated series of events that unfolded at the Save America rally and the storming of the Capitol was no accident or coincidence,” the suit says. “It was the intended and foreseeable culmination of a carefully coordinated campaign to interfere with the legal process required to confirm the tally of votes cast in the Electoral College.”…
The case against Trump was brought under a provision of the Ku Klux Klan Act of 1871, which was passed in response to KKK violence and prohibits violence or intimidation meant to prevent Congress or other federal officials from carrying out their constitutional duties.
“Fortunately, this hasn’t been used very much,” Sellers said. “But what we see here is so unprecedented that it’s really reminiscent of what gave rise to the enactment of this legislation right after the Civil War.”…
Rep. Bennie Thompson files a lawsuit against Donald Trump and others, alleging that they conspired to incite and carry out a riot on the Capitol in violation of the Ku Klux Klan Act of 1871.
The complaint ??
— Sahil Kapur (@sahilkapur) February 16, 2021
— Bennie G. Thompson (@BennieGThompson) February 18, 2021
I don't think people have taken the time to actually read the NAACP lawsuit and realize how fucking insane it is there's a lawsuit charging the President with violating an anti-lynching statue where he's listed as a co-defendant with the Bundy Ranch people
— sean hannity's bottomless pasta pass (@MenshevikM) February 18, 2021
As I discussed with ?@JRubinBlogger,? Congressman’s civil suit against Trump under KKK Act could accomplish what impeachment could not.
— Barb McQuade (@BarbMcQuade) February 17, 2021
A lawsuit filed by by a congressman has accused former President Trump, his personal lawyer and two right-wing groups of conspiring to incite the deadly Jan. 6 assault on the U.S. Capitol
— Reuters (@Reuters) February 17, 2021
And he used Limbaugh’s death to repeat his election theft lies.
Everyone blames Trump but Trump. Shocking.
Birthdaay today. Spouse’s Zoom was hilarious. They think I am so young.
Baby sister did nada, which is usual. She is too young to notice our birthdays. This has been her position since she was born. i respect that.
Oldest ssister noticed Mars Rover but not my birthday. Ok.
I can’t stand that no one challenges Trump on that lie. “At 10:30 we were way ahead. In fact, you could even say we had won.” Asshole, California polls didn’t close until 11pm!
Happy Day to you!
Happy birthday, Sab!
@debbie: thank you.
@SiubhanDuinne: Thank you.
Happy birthday! ?????
I just signed up!
zhena gogolia
Oh, Gawd, Olathe’s in the news!
@Steeplejack: Thank you.
@sab: Happy Birthday to you! ???
Edit: do a group thank you later or you’ll get carpal tunnel.
@satby: Thank you.
@sab: ? ???
@zhena gogolia:
Boy, he sounds like a prince. His bulletproof vest (or whatever they call them now) seems undersized for him.
Irony is alive and well, chilling on the beach, letting all calls roll to voicemail.
@westyny: Yikes!
That could burn the house down. Thanks.
@Baud: I hope it has a german shepherd puppy inside that box.
So…this is a civil case? And the standard is preponderance of evidence?
@sab: hope you are having a great birthday ????
Major Major Major Major
Speaking of that dancing crab post from yesterday…. lolol
Insane in absolute terms, yes. On the scale we all got used to over the past four years, about a 6.5.
Fleeting Expletive
Just think, this precise Constituional stiletto has been sitting there for a century, an exquisite tool when needed.
I’m with Barbara Jordan, always: My faith in the Constitution is whole, it is complete, it is total.
I have a bit of bemused suspicion that ol’ Mitch is enjoying the great human, or inhuman, emotion of Revenge, a dish best served cold, as they say. If the Senate had convicted they wouldv’e said that’s enough, it’s over, move on, he’s suffered enough, whatever. But now, there’s prosecutions coming as far as the eye can see.and it will never be over. And Mitch leaves no fingerprints.
But I’m going to enjoy my own schadenfreude at whatever happens to the lot of them, within the law and in history.
Poe Larity
Angry young Matthew Barad does the maths to show centrism makes Democrats losers
@sab: Happy b-day, mine was 4 weeks ago.
Glad to hear about this civil suit. Has there been anymore talk about the 14th(?) amendment? I hear that only requires a majority vote which would prevent Turnip from running again.
@westyny: Thank you.
In a word — blech.
@Delk: Thank you.
@?BillinGlendaleCA: Thank you, youngster.
Google shows the same thing going on in Floriduh.
@sab: I don’t even pay attention to my birthday. Now I’m supposed to notice yours??? ;-)
Inhuman; crows seek revenge, and I think some other animals as well. Hadn’t heard of it among the reptiles before.
zhena gogolia
Happy birthday!
@Baud: Where the fuck is my puppy!!!!?
@Poe Larity:
Could you point me to where this analysis is in the article? I didn’t see it.
Happiest birthday wishes.
@OzarkHillbilly: No. I file you with my baby sister.
It’s waiting for you.
@sab: Don’t tell my wife but, is she cute?
@sab: Ta tuh-ta ta ta ta!
Ta tuh-ta ta ta ta!
Ta tuh-ta ta ta sab!
Ta tuh-ta ta ta ta!
@NotMax: Isn’t my biryhday tomorrow in Hawaii? Time zones confuse me.
Chyron HR
@Poe Larity:
There there, I’m sure once Bernie sheds another 25% of his supporters he’ll handily win his inevitable 2024 primary challenge against our sitting president.
@OzarkHillbilly: Yes, but her husband thinks she is cuter than you possibly could.
Fleeting Expletive
@Ken: Or a cat that poops in the bathtub.
(It was decades ago.)
@Baud: He or she? I have to prepare the many cats.
@sab: Her being married just makes it safer for me. I just like being in the same file as cute people, because that is so very rare.
Didn’t you read the small print on that fundraising letter? “Statements made by the Baud!2020 campaign should not be considered promises of future behavior.”
@sab: ?
A serious gun fetish.
Happy Birthday!
Major Major Major Major
Poe Larity
@Baud: Maybe
Hoppie Birday
Looks like the trumpov-Ghouliani-Stone-Proud Boys-Oath Keepers-Three Percenters have some ‘splaining to do . Good!
I don’t know about you all, but I am feeling somewhat slightly relieved that legal processes will take their course, get a fair amount of the truth about this conspiracy out there (including, unfortunately, the very small % of Capitol Police who were in on it), and result in jail time for a host of bad people as well as weigh on many GQP officials’ prospects due to their impeachment acquittal votes.
‘moral arc of the universe’ and all that ;)
Not that it should happen regardless but he at least was a resident of the Dumbshine State.
Wisconsin? Not so much.
@Poe Larity:
I’d prefer to see a more independent analysis.
@germy: She’s not well.
J R in WV
Happy Birthday, sab.
I haven’t been commenting, our power went off Sunday evening, and even tho we have a whole house generator, our internet link is via our neighbors who live above us on the ridge top, and the sat dishes are there. Their gen set wont fire up, so this afternoon T came down and helped get our portable gen set working. Lots of rehab to get it to fire up.
Lots of freezing drizzle and snow, one night was 15 degrees, not way cold, but…
Earlier yesterday day we got a phone call from the primary health care clinic in the county seat, asking if we were still interested in Covid-19 vaccinations? YES!! so if the freezing drizzle and snow overnight isn’t too bad, tomorrow Wife and I will get out first vaccinations, and appointments for our second shot next month!
Was startled at how relaxing that news made me feel, after months at home, masks, sanitizing hands, keeping our distance…
Will notify the B-J crowd on how it goes… will also try to buy bottled water in gallon+ sized, our well in 800 horizontal feet from the house, and it has its own APCO power drop at the well head, so unless we take a generator down there… no fresh water.
Just about out of water in the pressure tank in the basement. I do have 300 gallons of back-up water — so I’ll fire that up tomorrow afternoon for flushing and the dish washer. It’s several years in the tank, so not really fresh, but…
Good news, not so good news… so what else is new?
Ceci n est pas mon nym
How does it feel to be a Capitol Police officer who was putting your life on the line on Jan 6, knowing that over a hundred of your fellow officers were injured, and then read today that 6 Capitol Police officers were suspended and another 29 are under investigation for their roles in the riot?
Miss Bianca
@zhena gogolia: Is that Olathe, CO? I hope not.
Goku (aka Amerikan Baka
@Major Major Major Major:
Y’know what’s sad? I didn’t know Fry and the Red M&M had the same voice actor (Billy West) until recently
There isn’t any. Besides, Hillary ran as a progressive and lost. Obama didn’t run a centrist campaign either time and Biden certainly didn’t run a centrist campaign. I’ll give you Gore and Kerry as somewhat centrist.
These are the kind of arcs of the universe I’d like to see employed in this case.
Ceci n est pas mon nym
I’m reading that the dog was left behind in the freezing house, but not hearing any details about what care arrangements were made, if any.
Chile Ted Cruz still blaming his damn kids ??
@Ceci n est pas mon nym
“We left the bag of kibble open and all the toilet seats up.”
@lamh36: here’s the video of Cruz speaking in front his house…smh
Oh and what really is going to piss folks off more, apparently the family also left their dog home alone without light or heat..smh
@Ceci n est pas mon nym: Mitt Romney has a solution!
By the same reasoning, as the Braves led the Dodgers, 3-2, after five innings of last season’s National League Championship Series, they should have advanced to the World Series.
It’s all calculated to pwn the libs.
Goku (aka Amerikan Baka)
Happy Birthday!
Happy birthday, Sab!!
I ordered a new wood stove today. It’s going to be a couple of weeks before it will be installed, but I’m excited to have a bigger stove.
@lamh36: Limbaugh dies yesterday. Cruz mocked and shamed by his constituents today. Can this week get any better?
We need to fundraise off of this.
@lamh36: even their friends snitchin’
Like seriously folks dropping group text screencaps to NYT…proving the common known fact that NOBODY like Ted Cruz…smh
How are things in Houston?
Mai Naem mobile
Ted Cruz was putting on the Ritz at the Ritz Carlton in Cancun. Hope the Dems run an ad against Cruz in tops and tails like an old timey Mr. Potter.
@sab: happy sabirthday!
She’s a pwn star.
Missed this at the time. Le sigh.
A tale of two Joshes. California Democrat faces anger intended for Missouri’s Hawley
@lamh36: seriously…chile…like how hated are you if your “friends” ratting you out to the press…like wow!
Roger Moore
@Fleeting Expletive:
I have no faith in the Constitution; it’s just a bunch of words engrossed on velum. It has no force or power without people willing to devote themselves to protecting and enforcing it.
She could inflict serious injuries with that chin.
Mai Naem mobile
@germy: his daughters looked like kindeegartner/grade school age during the ’16 campaign which means they’re tweens/teens now. Not an age where mom needs dad’s help on a plane flight .
I think Josh Barro is right here…don’t piss off private school parents!
Jesus. He really is the most awful human scum. Not much pisses me off more than animal abuse.
@lamh36: Widely loathed? Roundly despised?
Sounds like Trump’s “friends” – near as I can tell, none of them like him, either.
@Ken: Apparently Tigers are the most vengeful big cats on the planet
I wonder what will be revealed about her during the investigations into the events of January 6th?
@lamh36: they left their fucking dog ????what the fucking fuck fucking fucking fucking fuck fucking fuckers
@germy: No, she is incredibly stupid. No serious gun owner displays guns out in the open (unless it is a historical, non functioning gun). My first husband owned a little gun/hunting supply store; his customers mainly bought hunting rifles and shotguns, reload supplies, traps and fishing gear. We had guns in the house (because he hunted)and they were NOT scattered about the house – they were in their own special closet. You keep quiet about your guns because you really don’t want every meth asshole in the county breaking in to steal them.
She made theft of her guns very easy – no search needed. What a moron.
The dog is the one who alerted the NYTimes reporters. The dog got this whole ball rolling.
Give Ted Cruz’s dog to Sab!
@NotMax: My response to that, is there a way to raise the flags to staff and a half to celebrate his overdue assumption of ambient temperature?
Sorry I’m sitting in my Dallas home with my husky who is recovering from surgery and I had to cut my New Mexico stay short to get him to the vet surgery center and I bathe his leg and apply antibacterial ointment to his fixator 3x a day and it’s been challenging and this cretin leaves the dog? Omfg
“That doesn’t sound anything like our dog. Fake Cruz.”
Major Major Major Major
@Goku (aka Amerikan Baka: is that sad? That doesn’t sound sad.
Marc Maron did a great interview with Billy West if you want something interesting to listen to.
@Quiltingfool: And the idiot HAS KIDS. Now maybe they taught their kids to not touch them, but come on…kids will be kids.
Damn skippy they shoulda!
Still cannot find my puppy. Hope it is okay.
Yep. Plenty of anecdotes here.
Blame Your Daughter at Work Week not going so good for Cancruz. More breaking news from the NY Times:
Ted Cruz’s Cancún Trip: Family Texts Detail His Political Blunder
The Texas senator faced fierce blowback for fleeing his state as a disaster unfolded. Text messages sent by his wife revealed a hastily planned trip away from their “FREEZING” family home.
@MomSense: Woo! Hoo! Toasty!
And I am sure that these Republican Georgia shits will all declare that they are protecting the integrity of the voting process by doing all they can to restrict the ability of people to vote.
The best part will be when Trump ridicules Cruz for apologizing.
@lamh36: One should not let 12 year olds make major life choices for the family. Just sayin’
Roger Moore
It could, but we’re not supposed to publicly wish for the kinds of things that would make the week better.
@J R in WV: Thank you for checking in.
The dog texted Maggie Haberman. The rest is history, as they say.
“According to a source close to the Cruz family, the dog is a very good boy, and would have loved a trip to Cancun.”
Civil suits may be a good means to take down the organizers of the January 6 insurrection. After the disastrous August 11, 2017 Charlottesville rally, survivors of the car attack that killed Heather Heyer, sued the event’s organizers. The lawsuit, Simes vs. Kessler, is finally scheduled for trial this fall, but it has already put severe financial pressure on organizations like The League of the South and Richard Spencer’s Indentity Evropa. Simes could provide a template for action by the many officers injured in the insurrection.
The lead plaintiffs’ attorney in Simes is Roberta Kaplan, who represented Edith Windsor in her successful challenge of the federal “Defense of Marriage Act,” titled Windsor vs. U.S.
Goku (aka Amerikan Baka)
So I guess this potentially means that Georgia’s status as a swing state will be delayed and Warnock/Ossof will have their re-elections in 2022 cut out for them. There has to be something the Biden Admin can do.
How much longer can this bullshit keep working? Surely the demographics will continue to shift to the point that voter suppression will no longer work. Educated, suburban whites are increasingly voting Democratic. How do they think disenfranchising educated whites is going to go down?
It was Ted and his wife’s idea.
The fact that he blamed his daughters is just more proof of his… what’s the word? Assholishness?
never steal a tiger’s meal. Words to live by
@J R in WV: Sorry about dish. Yay on vax! You will feel so relieved.
@Goku (aka Amerikan Baka):
Maybe they’re hoping to drive educated people out of the state?
@Brachiator: boycott the state until they relent… hurt them in the wallet
@sab: Not a real puppy. Just the one Baud promised me.
Goku (aka Amerikan Baka)
@Major Major Major Major:
I was just being self-deprecating lol. It’s just the voices sound fairly similar and I’m surprised I never made the connection sooner
Rare breed. Russian snitchhound.
Or could it have been archie and mehitabel’s Texas kinfolk?
And they went to all that trouble to attract younger, affluent educated people (and the companies that go along with them) to the state….
Cruz is so thirsty for T****’s base and can’t even get page 1 of the T**** playbook right. What a clown
Roger Moore
I sincerely doubt she keeps her guns like that regularly. She’s using them as props for her political appearance, just as she uses them as props for commercial purposes at her business. Of course real guns should not be used as props; that’s why they make prop guns.
The Cruz family dog is named Snowflake.
Someone on the twitter thread suggested it should be renamed “Ice Cube.”
@Geminid: Of course, civil action is not a substitute for aggressive criminal prosecutions and severe sentences. I especially want to see the feds nail Roger Stone. I think he was the conduit between trump and groups like Oathkeepers and the Proudboys.
And the FBI is circulating a picture of a man in a distinctive red and white motorcycle jacket, who can be seen in another horrible picture gouging the eyes of a police officer who’d been knocked to the ground. That guy needs to be buried under the jail.
@Goku (aka Amerikan Baka)
Only Warnock comes up for election again in ’22. Ossoff was elected to a full term.
Happy Birthday !
Goku (aka Amerikan Baka)
I guess. It pisses me off that these POS are doing this. They want to pick their own electorate instead of running on what people want. They’re fascist autocrats
So much for the “Shining City On A Hill” rhetoric of the Reagan Era. I guess democracy is ok when surrounding society agrees with your values and it’s convenient to use as a cudgel against the Soviets. Not so much when society has become more liberal and you can’t win popular elections anymore on your shitty right-wing platform
yes… I like Rep Kenyatta!
Roger Moore
So they think it’s a liberal who whines about everything?
@dmsilev: I guess you can’t tie a crate to the roof of an airplane.
Jim, Foolish Literalist
@Roger Moore: I wonder how much she actually fires guns. Hunters who saw Sarah Palin’s “reality” show episode in which she went hunting said she handles a gun like somebody with no training and no experience. I wouldn’t know
ETA: if Dr Mary Trump wants to branch out from being the Renegade Niece, the whole ammosexual phenomenon could use a skeptical analysis by someone with training
@Roger Moore: Case out of Cornelius, NC [NW of Charlotte, on Lake Norman]: A 25-year old mother appears to have been shot dead by one of her five children, when they apparently found a loaded semiautomatic gun in her purse. The youngest was wounded too, although not life-threatening.
Reports said the police arrived to find 4 children in the bedroom with the dead mother and the oldest child in the living room.
CNN article.
What a horror. Some of those children are going to remember that incident. How old could they be??
Shall add the although Ossoff is the youngest person elected to the Senate in decades, by the arcane protocol of the place he is now the senior senator from Georgia.
@lamh36: Was the dog just supposed to pee and poop in the house? Food? Water?
Goku (aka Amerikan Baka)
Oh really? I forgot he was elected to a full term. For some reason I thought they were both up in 2022
@Major Major Major Major: no Elzar?
@WaterGirl: IKR…SM
ETA: If you look the tweet I posted you can actually see the little dog in the doorway…smh
@Goku (aka Amerikan Baka):
Just Warnock — his was the special election to fill the rest of Johnny Isakson’s term (Isakson retired a year ago; Kelly Loeffler was appointed to serve until the new term began in January). So Warnock will run in 2022 for a full six-year term.
Ossoff is part of the normal cycle. In the runoff, he won a full six-year term and won’t run for re-election until 2026.
@lamh36: That means him versus Fetterman. Unfortunate, because both are great, but that is what primaries are for.
Roger Moore
There are much worse problems than having to choose between two great candidates.
@sab: Happy Birthday to do you!
@WaterGirl: Cruz has people.
But this will bolster his claim that he only was going to be away one night.
@lamh36: apparently the security guard was sitting outside and I guess supposed to look after it…but of course due wasn’t
More on poor snowflake:
Metro Atlanta has a metric shit ton of educated Black folks as well. And we’re not going for it…
@WaterGirl: I’m sure they left instructions for the housekeeper. I doubt Ms. Cruz cleans her own house.
@Elizabelle: One of the six gun safety laws passed in Virginia last year makes it a crime to have unsecured firearms in a house with children. That won’t solve this problem, but it’s a start.
When there was the prospect of new gun safety measures being passed in last year’s General Assemby session, rural counties like my own declared themselves “Second Amendment Sanctuaries,” and over 10,000 armed gun rights advocates descended on Richmond to protest on Lobby Day. But when these laws went into effect last July, I did not read or hear of any protests.
@Ken: Yeowch!
Me too.
@Ceci n est pas mon nym: I kinda don’t want to know, but my heart breaks for them, and I hope we get to the bottom of this white supremacist fifth column inside the Capitol Police (and law enforcement organizations everywhere).
I especially feel for the families of those two CP officers who killed themselves right afterwards. Whether they witnessed betrayal by their fellow officers, or were in on the plot, it’s just a horrific thing for the ones left behind to have to deal with.
Why I like this place, #11, 117 (approximately).
Can slip in a reference to archie and mehitabel and not see a raft of “Huh? Wuzzat?” comments afterward.
I think there were folks in an earlier thread saying Cruz was gonna survive this, no problem. I’ll be happy to take their nickels now and save us all some trouble. ;)
@Geminid: I’m glad Virginia is making progress on gun safety. Electing Democrats is doing our state proud.
a thousand flouncing lurkers was fidelio
@sab: ????2️⃣?‼️
to paraphrase one of Sandra Boynton’s cartoons.
zhena gogolia
I’m not ready to pay up.
Access Hollywood tapes, anyone?
Happy birthday, sab.
Some box will have a dog in it!
@germy: Beto’s response or the response of any sensible GQP primary challenger: “Um okay…given the urgency…maybe you could have just dropped them off at the airport and said ‘I’ll be in touch as soon as I’m able…people are dying’?”
To say nothing of the police escort, and the two packed suitcases he was toting.
@Roger Moore: I agree. I just worry about the race part. In Pennsylvania. It’s delicate.
Chile it’s ALLL coming out
I dunno…are any other trumpov properties due for implosion?
@Jeffro: Still want to know about the security panic buttons disabled in Member Pressly”s office. Crickets.
@Jeffro: They talked about at least one of them in the impeachment, at least I think that’s where I saw it. The one they talked about was fighting for hours in the insurrection, was hit in the head, injured, waited to get treated until it was over. So he definitely was not part of the insurrection.
@germy: “I am ready with the quick quips on Twitter, in order to deflect from my gun-poseur persona! Actual legislating/governing…not so much” – Lauren Barbie
@WaterGirl: The security guard was supposed to check in on the dog, I understand.
I shouldn’t make any further comment about this, or I’ll get in trouble
@Jeffro: This is Beto’s response to the emergency:
@zhena gogolia: I’m pretty sure it wasn’t your nickel I was thinking of…you’re not really going to make me go back through threads, are you?
There were two other folks who really thought I was being naive about how this will all play out. Which is often true in general…just not this time. ;)
Literally NOBODY likes Ted Cruz, not even Republicans!
@Immanentize: Nancy Smash is on it. We’ll find out.
“And intend to introduce legislation to change the name from black powder to patriot powder.”
@NotMax: ha!
Patricia Kayden
@NotMax: glad someone remembers archy and mehitabel!
@WaterGirl: yes – I know he’s been going full steam ever since the freeze hit. I was referring to what he (or any GQP primary opponent) could easily note to the press and/or public in regards to Cruz’s lame excuses? Kind of in line with my earlier comments about Cruz now being open to (well-deserved) attacks from the left and right.
Beto has been rocking it, no doubt.
@lamh36: As we’re learning, even the CRUZ family hates Ted CRUZ.
ouch! no sympathy though, well deserved
Republicans would rather be talking about this than their cowardly impeachment votes.
Toujours gai, toujours gai.
@Suzanne: or as Twitter Dick Nixon put it (paraphrasing): “at least some of the neighbors on that chat chose to stay in the dark and cold rather than accompany Cruz & family to Cancun”
I sure as hell would stay.
mehitabel has a superb derangement of epitaphs for her (many) ex-lovers; this is one of my favorites:
i will can you first and kill you afterwards and then I will ignore you
@NotMax: you clearly got an advance look at her legislative agenda for 21-22 ;)
The GQP can only deliver on things like calling French fries “freedom fries” (and in their own cafeteria, at that): beyond that…don’t expect too much, America!
I mean literally, what. do. they. do. for their constituents, to make their lives better? NO-thing.
C’est si bon!
@Suzanne: lol…folks already saying Heidi leaked the group texts to the NYT…cause she’s tired of his azz throwing and/or them kids under the bus…LOL
@Jeffro: Chris Hayes is pointing out this very thing…”bathroom bills”…making Texas a “second amendment sanctuary state”…weighing in on Colin Kapernick.
Um, you can do that from the comfort of some post in society, GQP! You don’t need to be taking up space in the TX (or any!) legislature.
@Roger Moore: Today Roll Call had an article about another potential Democratic Senate candidate: Impeachment manager Madeleine Dean, who represents a suburban district outside Philadelphia. Although Biden’s winning margin last November was less than 200,000 votes, Senator Bob Casey won reelection in 2018 by 650,000 votes, so this is a very winnable seat.
OT but I see that even Barbara ‘bible nut’ Comstock is pushing for ways to prevent trumpov from running again, like calling for full tax/business disclosures from candidates. Barbara, you’re a little (lot) late but thanks for your support!
Pretty confident got it verbatim, although the crayon is smudged.
zhena gogolia
thumbsfeelers up!:)
GOP supporters believe that Trump and McConnell delivered on tax cuts and job growth. They don’t want much else for themselves.
However, GOP supporters believe that their lives are better if other people are hurting.
So, they want to make sure that they have their guns, deaths don’t matter. They want to make sure that poor women cannot have abortions, that gay and transgender people are pushed to the margins of society, that Muslims are demonized, that black people cower in fear, and that undocumented people are hounded, rounded up and excluded. For extra fun they want to see China kicked in the nuts and Palestinians slapped down hard.
Omnes Omnibus
@sab: Happy birthday.
@zhena gogolia: Manhattan DA Vance faces a primary this June, so he needs to deliver some indictments before too long if he wants to keep his job.
@zhena gogolia
As it’s open thread, a Russian query.
There’s a place there named, on Anglicized maps, Kyyy (Кыйы). How might pronouncing that nearest to correctly be attempted in Americanish?
zhena gogolia
In Russia? This doesn’t make any sense at all.
zhena gogolia
Okay, I see there is such a place! That’s not a Russian name, it’s Yakut, I guess. Your guess is as good as mine about how to pronounce it. I’m guessing “kih-yih.”
zhena gogolia
Funnily enough, one of the cardinal spelling rules of Russian is that you can’t put that second letter after the first one.
@zhena gogolia
See, for example, Wikipedia.
@zhena gogolia
Cardinal Spellman was Russian? Who knew?
They only took half, thinking the tiger wouldn’t mind. Ha!
@Brachiator: great point.
GQP politicians don’t really have to deliver for their constituents, as long as they’re hurting other
not-really-Americans‘constituents’ and especially foreigners.Ksmiami
@debbie: I wonder if they regretted the theft as they were being swallowed…
How is this even possible: ted cruz left behind his family’s poodle, “Snowflake”, when they all took off on that Cancun trip?
I guess 2021’s writers are just as lazy as 2020’s…”Snowflake”??? Come ON
zhena gogolia
I’d guess that second letter is something between an “ih” and a “yu.” But I don’t speak Yakut!
Interview w/KKKLannity and he’s STILL blaming his girls…smh
“a lot of their friends were over”…dude…in the middle of a pandera…smh
Oh and Don Jr on a cocaine binge I’d guess..
Abbott is a Republican you dumb FUQ!
@lamh36: He is complaining about Cuomo. Who really has been fucking up badly. See? I’m complaining about a Dem. Governor. My Mom is in a transitional care facility in Upstate NY. He sold out all the most vulnerable.
@zhena gogolia
My based on nada guess was Keh-ee-yee. But I’d bet yours are much closer.
DJTJ has thoughts?
Jim, Foolish Literalist
so, the people the Cruz family ran away to Cancun with leaked their group chat? that Heidi was on? I don’t see kids planning a get-away. (is this a thing that happens? I had to spend a month begging my parents to take me and five or six friends to an amusement park for my birthday, my 11th or 12th, I think. It was not a Ritz-Carlton.) Looks like they thought all would be well by Sunday
@Immanentize: it’s a little funny, though…all someone has to do is ask Cokehead Jr how he’d feel if it was a Democratic senator who took off for Cancun in the middle of this kind of disaster.
@Immanentize: is that what he’s talking about…smh…he’s so stupid or coked out to realize by not mentioning Cuomo it reads like he talking solely about Texas…smh…dumb
@lamh36: I know. But they are all trying to hit Cuomo on the head right now, so you have to speak Republican Q to get the whole meaning.
He needs an intervention. But I suspect he has no friends or family who cares for him.
They really are only left with “whataboutism”
@Immanentize: Yup.
I wish there was a media outlet (or hell, just an AI on a website) that cranked out “Republican official X said/did Y…how do you feel about that, America? How would you feel it it was a Democratic official?”
Something along those lines, to snap a few % out of their GQP trance.
FSM knows, it’s been the one thing that shuts up my RWNJ relatives faster than anything else.
@sab: how many siblings do you have? And is the youngest sister a grown woman?
I’ve been in and out and way from the computer today. But have we talked about this yet?
OTOH, what the hell could dipshit ted do without making things worse? He is one of the most useless human beings, what has he ever done that was in any way positive for any one else?
Speaking of the Capitol Police, or at least of that day:
I can’t help but be reminded of the video from the 2016 campaign where Cruz tried to kiss his daughter and she ducked away from him like he was the stereotypical stepfather who wants to send the children to boarding school.
Jim, Foolish Literalist
@debbie: that’s hilarious
I’m all in on Ted Cruz Cancun memes. Let them replace the Bernie Mittens. Here is the transition.
@Geminid: I read a few weeks ago that Cy Vance is retiring. So no primary to worry about, and no accountability if he decides not to prosecute. I don’t have much faith in him given his prior history, but hope to be surprised. It is a good chance for him to make sure prosecuting Trump is what he’s remembered for.
The Moar You Know
@lamh36: A Trump hath spoken so…NOT ANY MORE HE’S NOT
@Jim, Foolish Literalist
Chillin’ Ted’s Big Adventure.
Limbaugh dies yesterday. Cruz mocked and shamed by his constituents today. Can this week get any better?
Trump could stroke out.
Has this been shared? A photo of a spot in Texarkana where Texas and Arkansas roads run parallel. Excellence in infrastructure!
I would say that passing the revised Voting Rights Act nad killing the filibuster to do it is something the Senate can do.
Good luck with that. Supreme court is stalling any action on his subpeona of trump tax records.
Ghost of Joe Liebling*s Dog
@sab: HB2U!
Bruce K in ATH-GR
@AnotherBruce: Better news would be Moscow Mitch suddenly suffering that fate. At the moment he’s the greater threat to America.
Hypothetically, if you gave me a gun with two bullets and put me in an elevator with Trump, Cruz, and McConnell, both Trump and Cruz would walk out without a scratch.
Happy Birthday ?????????
matt the somewhat reasonable
@Poe Larity: Uh, the’ recent data’ showing that progressives won more often than centrists in 2020 is a Ryan Grim twitter thread.
Grim is a lying sack of shit.
@Shalimar: Manhattan DA Vance may well be retiring. At least, he hasn’t announced he is running for reelection, and has raised little money for a campaign. On the other hand, he is a well known incumbent, and there are nine other candidates already, so he probably could announce May 1 and still win.
@catclub: News reports are that Manhattan DA Vance has obtained some of trump’s tax returns from sources other than the accounting company involved in the Supreme Court case. And the hiring of Mark Pomerantz indicates the Vance has got a case against trump going. Pomerantz was head of the criminal division the U.S. Attorney for Southern District of New York 1997-99. He did a lot of work in the area of financial crimes since then, mainly on the defense side, and he is credited with a thorough understanding of this area of criminal law. The trump Seven Springs property in Westchester County is thought to be one focus of Vances efforts, but there are others. Vance’s office has had trump henchman Michael Cohen in for several interviews, one last week.