Please please please let this story have legs.
“I’ve never heard anything like this in the entire history of every controversy I’ve ever known about with the United States Supreme Court.” Rachel Maddow reacts to a NYT report that an upside-down flag, a symbol of Stop The Steal, flew over Justice Alito’s house after Jan. 6.
— Alex Wagner Tonight (@WagnerTonight) May 17, 2024
half a h/t to Jackie because she sent me a TikTok from Facebook and I tracked it down on twitter. The part where Rachel gets really serious is around 2 minutes, 18 seconds.
Gradually and then suddenly? We can only hope.
Oh, and if you want something soothing and uplifting watch this. I can’t recall who posted the link in a post earlier today.
Open thread.
*found the cartoon on twitter but also had it sent to me by TBone, so another half h/t for her! You know what they say, half a h/t here, half a h/t there, pretty soon you’re talking about real hat tips!
Will This Story Have Actual Legs (I Surely Hope So) Open ThreadPost + Comments (155)