In this forum, I’ve heard many of you express dismay at how angry and spite-filled you became with the rise of the Persimmon Pustule, over the course of his interminable season of catastrophic misrule, and at the prospect of sharing a nation with the millions of barking mad cultists that are his permanent legacy of crazy and stupid. I’ve said that too: Life went on because it had to, but I pretty much lived in a fog of incandescent rage and gnawing anxiety from 11/9/2016 to 1/20/2021.
Do you feel better now? I do, a little. The anxiety is permanent because the danger is too. But the constant, draining disgust and anger have abated a bit. Still, I enjoy the spectacle of a good comeuppance, and watching the insurrectionists’ incredulous and/or outraged reactions when their crimes result in consequences warms the cockles of my shriveled heart. Like this arrogant motherfucker: [NYT]
The man who put his feet up on a desk in Pelosi’s office during the Capitol riot throws a tantrum in court.
Richard Barnett, the Arkansas man charged with breaking into Speaker Nancy Pelosi’s office and stealing her mail during the Jan. 6 riot at the Capitol, threw a tantrum during a virtual court hearing on Thursday, yelling at the judge and his own lawyers that it wasn’t “fair” that he was still in jail weeks after his arrest.
One of the most recognizable figures from the Capitol assault, Mr. Barnett, 60, was photographed on Jan. 6 with his feet up on a desk in Ms. Pelosi’s office and a cattle-prod-like stun gun dangling from his belt.
From the moment he was taken into custody, he has waged an ongoing — and so far unsuccessful — effort to be freed on bond, and he loudly lost his patience with the process at an otherwise routine hearing in front of Judge Christopher Cooper of Federal District Court in Washington.
Appearing by video from jail, Mr. Barnett erupted into anger after Judge Cooper set the next court date in his case for a day in May, shouting that he did not want to remain behind bars for “another month.”
“They’re dragging this out!” he hollered. “They’re letting everybody else out!”
LOL! I’d bet my next paycheck that his family, who are probably every bit as loathsome as himself, rejoice with each continuance that keeps the whiny prick behind bars.
In other insurrectionist trash news, remember that ridiculous goober who painted his face and paraded around shirtless with an absurd horned-pelt get-up while bellowing like a brain-injured goat? That dumb motherfucker, who is facing a 20-year sentence, was interviewed in jail for “60 Minutes!”
He claims that he was ushered into the Capitol and was merely bestowing blessings upon it, not rising up violently against the government. He also claims to have prevented the theft of muffins from a congressional breakroom. (No, I am not making this up.)
If you’re wondering, as I was, what deluded and entitled wretch could have possibly raised such a colossal fool, wonder no more, for the dam of the horned whelp speaks:
"He walked through open doors." – Martha Chansley, defends the actions of her son — aka the QAnon Shaman — during the Capitol siege. This exchange was one of the most telling from the piece. Would watch the full clip.
— Laurie Segall (@LaurieSegall) March 4, 2021
After regurgitating the lawyer’s careful talking points about her dumb son’s invitation-only promenade through the Capitol Building, dim-son’s mom blows it by asserting that her boy had the right to interfere with the process of certifying a democratic election because it was stolen from The Former Guy. It’s safe to conclude that neither mother nor son will ever be invited to bring the noodle salad to the Mensa picnic.
Anyhoo, I know there are more important things to talk about than these nitwits, but watching them squirm amuses me. Please feel free to discuss whatever because open thread.
Frist? That’s unpossible!
Son likes to cosplay a shaman, mom like to cosplay Sarah Palin.
Ha ha fuck their feeeeeeeeeeeelings!
I began to feel better as I was watching Jen Psaki’s first press briefing. We are a long way from being whole again but i feel like we can get there if we hold together. We have too.
I’m feeling great.
I like this list:
(Future Dr. Seuss books for wingnuts)
The Q-nuts who attacked our Capitol can all go to hell and stay there. I hope every last possible one of them (300 and counting, last I heard) is prosecuted to the fullest extent of the law, and I really, REALLY want the Reps and Senators who were in on the plot to be thrown in jail, too.
I just wish it would hurry. up. I know the Dems are doing tremendous amount of cleaning up after the orange moron, but I want the Covid bill passed, the John Lewis Voting Rights Act passed and I want the 1/6 Truth and Retribution Commission up and
runningsprinting before we get to Memorial Day.Noncarborundum
Who dresses her?
A thread about a kind man:
@Jeffro: and a shot for every arm!
Do not forget for a moment that if The Former Guy ever gets in office again, he will almost certainly pardon or commute every single one of these would-be terrorists.
“Everybody else” didn’t do what he did. I relish my tax dollars keeping him and his ilk in prison to stew in their own bitter juices. Perhaps he can get some mental health services while there.
I’m morbidly curious: the wannabe shaman has a father. Where is he? Obviously the mother shouldn’t shoulder all the blame for how her son turned out.
Buried in the backyard?
A Ghost to Most
I truly won’t feel better until I find myself in my brother’s company, and knock the Little Prince’s ass into the dirt. I’ve been dealing with these assholes for 40 years, and I am done with their shit.
Yes, and you got that right. At the risk of going all purity-pony, the darts and barbs at the Biden Administration from the left is Gaia-damned irritating. Point those things at the GQP and its zealots!
Note to self:
If ever jailed, claim being a shaman whose religious requirements include a daily meal of surf ‘n’ turf.
Another Scott
Hey Betty! ICYMI –
Honestly, I feel like I have PTSD from the chaos and crazy of the last 4+ years. It will take me some time to recover, but I will.
I currently have a strong avoidance of any cable or national news program that is broadcast live. I only read news stories online where I can click or not click on a story. Avoiding news that reminds me of the former guy’s reign of crazy does help but it still will take time
Thank you for this, Betty. It’s a very useful and helpful post
Speaking strictly for myself, presented with those two, daily, I’d have headed for the hills years ago.
That is the best characterization of my Trump years yet. And I will say I feel better all the time. I even managed not to see one millisecond of Covigula’s performance at QPAC.
I cannot imagine what defense attorney on the planet allowed her client to go on teevee. Unless that was the it way said attorney is going to get paid? I bet the prosecutors are laughing their asses off.
Well put. Waking up every day saying “What shit will the orange shitstain do today?” grew old after a month. But we had to pay attention because he was in the Oval Office.
The election being called on November 7th for Biden/Harris was an enormous relief.
Worship, worship, worship
Tail and claw and fillet
Knowing full well
The state will never bill it
zhena gogolia
I feel much, much better. I still avoid live news. I get all my news filtered through BJ.
Full of apprehension about the insurrectionists, though, and furious at the sniping at Biden when we’re in the middle of this struggle.
@NotMax: I have a firmly held religious belief against prisons entirely.
Court-appointed? PD? Wingnut cash hire?
I love history twitter:
Ohio Mom
My god, these people are in over their heads. In every aspect of life.
Stupid 60-year-old kid!
Cry harder, Trump trash!
Seriously, fuck all these people.
@NotMax: also massages, Disney+, etc
When two dogs fight out who gets the bone, the third one steals it.
This is a good opportunity for them to learn about the many schmucks in Rikers for years before even getting arraigned. “How you like our criminal justice system now, mister Patriot?”
Rufus T. Firefly : Gentlemen, Chicolini here may talk like an idiot, and look like an idiot, but don’t let that fool you: he really is an idiot. I implore you, send him back to his father and brothers, who are waiting for him with open arms in the penitentiary. I suggest that we give him ten years in Leavenworth, or eleven years in Twelveworth.
Chicolini : I’ll tell you what I’ll do: I’ll take five and ten in Woolworth.
I actually googled the guy because I wondered what on earth he’s living on, a question that is still unanswered. As for father, doesn’t sound like he was ever in the picture. Per Wikipedia, “Jake Angeli was born c. 1988,[2] to Martha Chansley.[13] ” So there doesn’t appear to even be a father of record.
As for employment, since he was discharged from the Navy in 2007, there’s nothing specific, though he calls himself an actor and voice-over artist. I’m guessing he lives in Mom’s basement and receives an allowance.
“Forsooth, the entire planet is a prison, upon which we are destined to serve a life sentence.”
We were at a travel soccer game for Fro Jr that day, and my RWNJ brother met up with us to watch it. I think about 2 minutes from the start of the game was when the blessed ‘call’ came in that Biden had truly won it, and we were just thrilled.
RWNJ bro goes, like a sulky middle-schooler, “you’re going to be soooo disappointed.” And I just laughed and laughed… =)
randy khan
I am a bit surprised at how much better I felt. And there’s been a lot of good news, particularly on the COVID vaccine front, since Inauguration Day, which is making me feel better and better.
pacem appellant
A Previous Guy spotted in the wild. On the twits, Atrios went with Former Guy. I’ve started a poll to see if I can get a sense of where people are at with not saying the name of He-Who-Shall-Not-Named.
I feel much better now. I don’t feel the dread or the dismay that an angry, vengeful fool was president of the United States. I feel now that a competent and honestly caring man is now president. I liked and trusted Obama. I like and trust Biden.
Some people make a big deal about him being moderate and governing slightly from the left. I am more impressed that he has picked good people. It’s as though he knows his moment has come.
I am angry to see that the Republicans refuse to free themselves from what Trump represents. We may be in the middle of slow burn civil war 2.0. A good chunk of the country want a white minority dictatorship.
So I am glad for victories and note that the fight goes on.
Hungry Joe
Wait — there are muffins in the Congressional break room? Why weren’t we ever told this?
Would be willing to risk some moolah betting on tax evasion, too.
@NotMax: My religion requires a porterhouse, scalloped potatoes and dark beer.
Mom says shaman is sorry, not because he realized he did wrong (he doesn’t think so%) but because it landed him in prison. Waaah!
@trollhattan: I bet it is some version of the third. Winger hired or “volunteer.”
And access to Balloon Juice. My flock needs me!
@NotMax: That’s depressing.
You can volunteer for Elon’s trip to Mars.
@Hungry Joe: because the last time we told you, you ate all the damn muffins!
(Excellent comment/nym synergy, btw!)
So is most religious dogma.
@Baud: I’d go to prison for sure if Mars is on the menu. Transportation is once again all the rage!
Dorothy A. Winsor
It’s hard to disentangle my relief over the Former Guy being gone and my relief over the vaccine. They’re closely related anyway, since Biden actually has a plan to get more vaccine and get it out.
I won’t watch or listen to the Former Guy at all. Seeing or hearing him literally makes me sick.
And I don’t want to hear the whining of the seditionists either.
@raven: A one-liner for the ages.
@Ohio Mom:
Fixed. :)
Cosplaying Sarah Palin? Nahhhh. Edith Prickley.
@Ohio Mom:
And they vote. That’s what really hurts.
They vote and give money to rotted carcasses like Sen. Ron Johnson.
Hungry Joe
@Benw: You can’t prove that.
Do you really think he’ll be alive to run? I don’t. He deteriorated a lot in the last 4 years. I’m old enough to have seen a lot of people age out. Everyone shows the last few years in a similar way, because when things start shutting down the results are reasonably similar. I give him 3-5 years at most and the last one to three, the acceleration picks up. He’s not visually at warp speed yet, but he sure doesn’t look like he’s in neutral either.
Same here. More than a little, I think. Inauguration Day was one long exhale, I watched television for fourteen hours straight.
There’s still danger and still a lot that needs doing, but I enjoy the bits of normality returning. A press secretary holding daily press briefings. A president who considers his words carefully and doesn’t just blurt out whatever crosses his mind. Investigations and criminal referrals for crimes that took place in plain sight and have been ignored for years.
I love the dogs. I love that there’s a working fireplace in the Oval Office and that Joe actually uses it. I loved Jill’s corny lawn hearts. I love it when they go to some little business establishment for muffins or something, and the Bidens don’t even own the place.
I feel like I’ve been able to back down from red alert to yellow. I can stream actual fiction shows on television and pay attention to the plots. (I’m currently watching Buffy, up to season five.) I’ve started getting back into training with my dog, heeling backwards and tricks.
There’s still a lot about the national scene that is irksome, but I feel like we’re going to make it. (But, sigh, I don’t think we’re going to escape a fourth wave, thanks to the Neanderthals.)
Poe Larity
The problem is you can people like this at any Applebee’s salad bar.
Rotted Carcass Anti-defamation League on line 1.
Disappointed at the end of the reign of the Soviet shitpile mobster crime family?
Every single one of them should be held without bail.
zhena gogolia
Very well put!
Citizen Alan
I still don’t feel any better and probably won’t until (if!) a Voting Rights Act is passed and survives SCOTUS scrutiny. I am still paralyzed by fear and despair over the fact that I share a country with 73 million psychotics who, if given the power to do so, will herd me and people I care about into camps.
@mrmoshpotato: I must have prime rib (cooked medium, please), twice baked potato and Caesar salad with extra parm and dressing. I can only survive prison if I get this meal at least twice a week.
There’s a good podcast about QAnon (“QAnon Anonymous”) which has been following them in-depth. According to a recent podcast, the QAnon Shaman is not one of the leaders of the movement, he’s more like a mascot or “hype man”. He goes to all the rallies and gets a lot of attention from the crowd and the press, but he’s more of a follower; He’s not an organizer, or one of the brains behind the movement.
I recommend the podcast, there’s a free 1 hour episode every week.
“They were overcome by a group of people many of whom were armed.”
“Jacob wasn’t a part of that.” (said, incredibly, with a grin)
Jacob was carrying an effing spear.
The reporter didn’t see fit to point that out, though. Maybe that’s why Mom was grinning – she sensed she was getting away with the bullshit, on national TV.
I feel a little better these days, but I needed Zoloft starting in October just to get through to this point. I feel like we’re still watching a very aggressive driver in our rear-view mirror, hoping we can outrun him, hoping he turns off somewhere, hoping he gets a flat tire, or gets pulled over. .
Nora Lenderbee
Right. People are only in jail because they want to be there. Just as people are only poor because they want to be poor.
@stacib: Yes.
Steve in the ATL
@Dagaetch: don’t do this.
The two things giving me the most satisfaction are, first, the new administration is staffed with people who know how to do things, and they are DOING those things, quietly and competently, and, second, those who fucked around are finding out–again, pretty much quietly and as a result of competence. And the whining of the FA/FO crowd is even more apparent, because there isn’t a constant shitstorm of the orange menace taking up all the space. Also, as Chris Hayes noted last night, Faux is raging about . . . Dr. Seuss? Really? In part because they know that the relief bill has overwhelming support.
Faithful Lurker
@lumpy: There are brains behind Qanon? I don’t believe it.
So I’m looking at my calendar and planning my vacations for the year. Starting with a BBQ on Memorial Day weekend for local peeps (I know, not really a vacation, but an event I’m looking forward to). Followed by a two week driving vacation in late July from SoCal to Coos Bay OR and then to see our first grandbaby and play some golf in NW Washington. Then, a week in Cabo San Lucas in early December. I forgot I had money in my Alaska Airlines wallet, so we are going first class. Still hoping I can shoehorn in a few days in Steamboat Springs the first week in September. Will sprinkle liberally with overnight golf trips to taste. Hey, look no plans to stay in a federal prison.
The sad part about people like the Shaman and his mom is that they have no idea how they look to others. Crazy is only the beginning. Utterly stupid, outrageously privileged and utter oblivious to the total lie their lives are. Shaman at best is trying to appropriate a culture he doesn’t understand, and that is a very generous take.
Steeplejack (phone)
@pacem appellant:
“Former Guy” is canon—straight from Biden.
That Jorgensen guy doesn’t even have it listed in his poll. Boo.
Sister Machine Gun of Quiet Harmony
@Barney: The reporter also didn’t push back on the ‘fraudulent’ election BS.
e julius drivingstorm
@pacem appellant:
I’d say:
Individual 1
citizen dave
@Spanky: “Cosplaying Sarah Palin? Nahhhh. Edith Prickley.”
Yeah. I watched the clip. The outfit, my god, the outfit. Jean jacket with leopard print trim, and flag scarf thing up the middle. I won’t be getting this out of my head for a few days.
Mike in NC
@Dorothy A. Winsor: I caught about a nanosecond of Fat Bastard at QPAC and he had a fresh, shiny orange coating on his ugly face.
@A Ghost to Most: Come sit by me ( 6 ft away with a mask.)
I feel better but the other way around. My anxiety is down because we have a couple years of Democratic control. Good things can happen. Still angry and disgusted with the right wing nut jobs. I spent the first half of my adult life convinced they RWNJs were dying out. We’re clearly stuck with them for the long haul.
@mrmoshpotato: no…he meant I’d be disappointed in Biden/Harris before too long, when they don’t magically turn the country into a soshulist paradise overnight (or even in four years).
I was like, “oh, I’ll just have to take that chance” ;)
FoxBrained people are funny.
@Jeffro: Haha. Alright.
@Steeplejack (phone): I’m sticking with ‘orange moron’ and adding ‘former guy’. That’s probably sufficient until we get to the money laundering and tax fraud trials…have to think of something along those lines at that point…
Mary G
Well, the clothes sense didn’t fall far from the tree.
Here is why I feel happy at this moment:
Republicans are going to whine and make the clerks read it all and yada, yada, yada, but it’s going to be done this week. Ron Johnson says he’s going to stretch it until Sunday. Ooh, we’re scared.//
@Ohio Mom: It appears that they have been cushioned from reality for their entire lives. How is this possible?
randy khan
He thinks he’s getting out. He clearly does not understand his situation. He’s going to be there for a while.
Jim, Foolish Literalist
@citizen dave: to paraphrase what Colonel Potter once said to Corporal Klinger, I don’t know beans about fashion, but she looks like something the cat dragged out of a dark closet.
@Hungry Joe: That seems particularly unfair since I would imagine that you are always hungry.
@Spanky: Well if she had a pillbox hat.
@WaterGirl: I wonder what his mom does for a living.
@Nora Lenderbee: I think my favorite part is that it is March 4 and he thinks it’s only “another month” until his net court date in May.
James E Powell
Quite often, when a right-wing family member drops one of those stories that’s supposed to destroy my faith in a Democratic elected official or Democratic policies, it is something I have never heard of.
Gary K
No commenting allowed on that NYT story, which is too bad. I think there’d be some comedy gold in there.
citizen dave
@Jim, Foolish Literalist: That sounds familiar–loved Col Potter. Great reference!
Sister Machine Gun of Quiet Harmony
@randy khan:
Yes. He lives in an alternate reality and thinks what he did was rational and patriotic, instead of criminal and stupid. He is going to be shocked when he is convicted and sent to prison. I feel like I should be a compassionate person and feel sorry for these people, because they are deluded and some of them will take their own lives after the convictions happen. I just can’t.
David ? ☘The Establishment☘? Koch
That DC jury pool isn’t gonna give a shit about white privilege.
The Shaman Mom’s bit about him not doing anything wrong by entering the Capitol “because the doors were open” was some classic white privilege. One thing I’ve noticed is that a lot of these folks seem to be a melange of garden-variety racism/white supremacy with a kind of New Age sensibility about reality being contingent upon their mental state rather than some objective standard like “you should have known it was illegal to enter the Capitol Building the way you did.” Her defense was not qualitatively different from the old Steve Martin gag about the guy telling the judge “I forgot armed robbery was illegal . . . Excuuuuse me!”
@Noncarborundum: Yeah, choosing an outfit with leopard print accents for an interview puts you in a very specific category of person in terms of judgement, in my mind. Owning it as a serious article of clothing (as opposed to a ugly holiday sweater whose job is to be ugly) is bad enough, but looking at it and saying ‘yes, this is what I want to broadcast to the world’ is something else.
@randy khan: But he’s white? How is this possible?
There are cases where people who should be dead managed to stay alive apparently through nothing but pure spite, and The Former Guy is easily one of the most spiteful men that has ever lived.
So long as he can draw breath, be mean, and be adulated, he is a credible candidate.
(And even if he is not, his successor, in order to solidify his Trumpist bona fides, would pardon the exact same people.)
They like it just fine, because it’s never meant to apply to them.
This is why they were so arrogant, when breaking the law on 1/6/21, and are in disbelief they’re even being charged and/or held in custody now.
David ? ☘The Establishment☘? Koch
pretty sure May is two months from now
pacem appellant
@Steeplejack (phone): Yeah, what an idiot he is! (And he is me) Thanks for the tip. Former guy is most legit.
Don’t feel bad. Remember that a majority of those people considered “culling the herd” via covid a perfectly ok thing to happen. If they cull their own herd, who are we to argue?
In response to BLM statue downing and Portland protests their Dear Leader increased penalties for trespassing on Federal property. How’s that white privilege now?
As far as demasking Governors, why don’t Dems say they hate our nurses and doctors?
Gin & Tonic
@Sister Machine Gun of Quiet Harmony:
I don’t.
@Sasha: But he had two weeks to issue pardons after the failed coup and didn’t. Trump has no loyalty to anyone but himself, and never will. That fact needs to be constantly pointed out to his followers. His re-election wouldn’t save his long-forgotten mob of January 6…
I’ll feel better once some variation on HR1 passes. I feel better that Trump is out of office, but he left a fascist party behind that is an ongoing threat – particularly at the state level.
Hungry Joe
@WaterGirl: There is no “unfair” when it comes to muffins.
That was quite the contemptuous outburst there Mr. B. Maybe we reschedule your arraignment to July and give you some time to come up with a new attitude?
@opiejeanne: I couldn’t think of a reply that was not uncharitable.
@CraigM: But this is the easiest campaign promise he can make. “I’ll set those patriots free in my first week in office”. The crowds will go nuts for it, and he can do it with extreme ease.
@James E Powell: Yeah, and they just never run out of them, do they? Byproduct of the Constant Outrage Machine.
Somewhat related (file under “GQP fantasies”, I guess?) this is the same RWNJ bro who cycled through Bernie, Bloomberg, “brokered convention”, “the darling of the woke Left” (whomever that was supposed to be), Hillz, and more Bernie during the Dem primaries, always convinced that disaster for us Ds was just around the corner.
All while the GQP was canceling primaries and Xeroxing its 2016 party platform.
@Sister Machine Gun of Quiet Harmony:
I may be old fashioned and have been criticized by some friends for this, but I cannot feel compassion for presumably sane people who refuse to acknowledge fault for what they have done. Especially if they put the lives of others at risk.
Good on you Betty. It might not be nice to enjoy morons coming to grips with their being morons, but we’ll excuse it. What would really warm the cockles of my heart would be seeing those smug assholes who ginned the whole thing up and pushed these poor, poor morons to do their evil deeds on 1/6/21 jailed for sedition & treason. I’m looking at you Sen. Josh Hawley, Sen Ted Cruz, 1/2 the Republicans in Congress. It won’t happen now but I do believe in karma. They will get theirs in one life or another.
James E Powell
@Hungry Joe:
Store brand? Home made? We need to know.
John Revolta
@Martin: I like to think that the producer or the crew helped her pick it out. Looked through her closet, “Oh honey yes, This is YOU!”
Dan B
@mrmoshpotato: When we lived in Jim Crow small town Arkansas we rented the Barnett famiky mansion – 9 bedrooms, two sleeping porches, a porte cochere, a two story smokehouse, pecan orchard, formal (decrepit) gardens, etc. Nobody wanted “that old thang”!
I don’t want to know if it’s the same family as this nutcase from Arkansas.
Momma Shaman is missing a few links to the tree of logic. Everyone knows the election was fraudulent!!
I’m shocked, I tell you! Shocked!*
*Lack of logic or catching the happy train to incriminating your spawn? Your choice.
Dan B
@JoyceH: Was it a man who got her preggers? No! An angel…
Although if we go with the Italian, Angeli, it’s plural…
What time is the real inauguration? Will His Orangeness place a hand on a naugahidebound copy of The Art of the Deal (with faux gilt detailing)?
It’s all delicious but, in case you missed this state story, you should really click for the *chef kiss of statehouse stupidity.
@Hungry Joe:
Uncle Cosmo
Makes no difference to a shithead like Barnett who can’t count past twenty with both socks off.
I still have my “Make America Kittens Again” addon running in the browser. It helps a lot.
Still have the anxiety though and I feel well aware of how close the danger still is, even though it’s better now.
If we could actually dump the filibuster and pass the voting rights acts, I would begin to feel much more hopeful.
Bobby Thomson
I’m still wicked pissed and I want them all to be punished to the limits of the Eighth Amendment (assuming we still pay attention to such things as constitutional rights). The only thing that has changed is the constant sense of dread and needing to stay in high alert.
Bobby Thomson
@VeniceRiley: the dog who caught the car
Tenar Arha
@Citizen Alan: I’m relieved there’s a respite & some help from the federal government, but I’m watching the maneuvers in the Senate while at defcon “Molly, you in danger girl” territory bc of the SC & supercharged state level voter suppression efforts justified by the big lie.
Also too.
@Citizen Alan: not without a goddamn fight they won’t, fuck that fear shit
@Mart: Network radio news just announced that Mississipi Governor Kay Ivey has walked back her relaxation of the state’s masking rules. She will leave the current rules in place until they expire April 9, said she would wear a mask after that and urged Mississippians to “use common sense” and do likewise. The story did not mention other social distancing mandates now in place, and had no explaination for Ivey’s reversal.
The sheer caucasity of it all. That entitled jackhole has been cosseted his entire life if he believes he can pop off to a judge in that judge’s courtroom about the inconvenience of the slowly grinding wheels of the justice system. I wonder if/when/how it will begin to dawn on him that he’s going to prison and not back to whatever place it is that he does his big man shit talking and drinking. And then he can spend his time polishing his rage boner over who’s fault it really is.*
* It’s not His fault.
J R in WV
@randy khan:
What gives me the most pleasure about Mr. Barnett’s case is that this ass thinks May 4th is only one month away~!!~
He’s so stupid he doesn’t know about April, the sweetest spring month between March and May, that he’s going to miss while in jail.
What an Ass! Doesn’t know the calendar!
@laura: To translate your remarks into normal English.
Awesome fucking white privilege. This dude does nor even realize he is supposed to be privileged. He just thinks this is the norm.
@Geminid: Which moves Kay Ivey behind Gregg Abbott in the Race to the Bottom. Kudos where they’re deserved.
Too far behind to read through this thread, but this NPR report included a short interview with a woman who had been at the Capitol on 1/6 but says she hadn’t entered the building. She says she felt compelled to come to the Capitol today. She couldn’t explain why, but it sounds like God made her do it.
I call bullshit on her and on Trump. I also don’t think we will ever be rid of him until all of his followers have died.
J R in WV
Yes… 73 pallets of boxed ballots, 2.1 million of them, delivered right into the AZ Senate chambers, no doubt leaving no room for the august and distinguished Senators, who have NO IDEA what the hell to do with their precious ballots.
Very amusing, those fools…
Ohio’s governor announced a very strict guideline to rescind restrictions. There has to be fewer than 50 cases per 100,000 people for two weeks before anything’s lifted.
Sounds pretty decent to me, especially for a GQPer.
@WaterGirl: Good to hear I’m not alone.
@J R in WV: Time moves differently when you’re in the jug!
Steeplejack (phone)
@Citizen Alan:
Maybe I missed it, but what happened with your job interview last week?
@Nora Lenderbee:
Wish the Judge moved it another 6 weeks. When the man utters an outcry:
I have altered the deal, pray I don’t alter it any further.
The Lodger
@Geminid: I don’t think I’d trust the network’s explanation anyway. Kay Ivey is the governor of Alabama.
How long before Mr. Barnett figures out that May is actually TWO months from now?
I would be willing to bet that it will not be less than four weeks.
@The Lodger: then that was my mistake. CBS news gets things like that right.
I felt so happy when I heard the news about having enough vaccine for everyone in the U.S. by May, it made me realize how little real happiness I’ve felt these past 4 years. I’ve rarely been in a good mood. The former guy really did have a terrible effect on my life.