The guy who coined the term “the view from nowhere”, and who’s been a pretty harsh critic of the press’ handling of Trump, picks out four examples of journalism that he thinks are good signs of how other media outlets could change. I hadn’t read this about the Cleveland Plain Dealer:
On March 13, the Plain Dealer (and published a letter from the editor that was headlined by a question: “When candidates make reckless statements just to get attention, should they get attention?”
The occasion for asking that was a statement from Josh Mandel, a candidate for the United States Senate in Ohio who lost to incumbent Sherrod Brown in 2012. He plans to run again for retiring Senator Rob Portman’s seat in 2022. Citing no scientific evidence, and ignoring the advice of public health authorities, Mandel essentially declared the COVID-19 pandemic over, and demanded that Ohio Governor Mike DeWine lift all restrictions.
Chris Quinn, the editor of the Plain Dealer, explained to readers that Mandel “has a history of not telling the truth when he campaigns,” and a pattern of making “irresponsible and potentially dangerous statements on social media.”
We ultimately decided not to write about Mandel’s call for DeWine to lift his coronavirus restrictions. Mandel is pretty much a nobody right now, a nobody begging for people to notice his Tweets a year ahead of the Senate primary. Just because he makes outrageous, dangerous statements doesn’t mean it is news.
Doesn’t the editor of the Plain Dealer know that proving yourself as a top-notch shitposter is the key to success in the Trump/Republican party? Did he not get a memo from his DC bureau?
Anyway, read the whole thing.
Hmm, persistent liar, or fascist author — which to choose? I am so sympathetic to the plight of those poor, confused Republican voters
ETA: Fifth!
A little early to be drinking, no?
I’d have to be about 20 years early, since (as far as I know) they don’t bottle fifths any more.
How did that Madison Cawthown twit put it? He was “staffing his office for comms, not legislation” or something?
None of these kkklowns can tell the truth even about the most basic things, much less bring themselves to do any actual work.
Amir Khalid
No. (ETA: especially if the politician has a record of spewing bullshit.) But too many news editors lack the guts to say this.
He belongs to a political part that believes government should do nothing except stay out of the way of private enterprise.
So in his mind, he thinks he’s doing plenty.
white house press conference right now
huh, well so far questions are about the ‘crisis at the border’ and the death penalty
so the GOP talking points are still the texts for the WH press corps
another ‘crisis at the border’ question
wow, it’s amazing that this ‘huge problem’ JUST STARTED
In fact, ignoring someone who is lying is excellent media editorial policy. The catch is that media have to identify and call out lies as lies when they happen, rather than employ a ‘fact checker’ to debunk lies days or weeks later. The good news is that some editors have, finally, figured this out. The bad news is that some media sources lie as a matter of editorial policy.
follow up to that, was ‘is Joe Biden going to the border to see for himself’
I mean, wow, the President of the US doesn’t have any way to get information other than going personally, who knew.
The Plain Dealer used to be a top notch paper with fairly left leaning editors. The W campaign permanently broke them, IMO. The editors were strong armed by owners to not make an endorsement for president in 2000 – the only time in their history. They spent the next 8 years crawling on their bellies to lap up the utterances of any R-fool, Teahaddists, Fundagelical, and shitposter they could find in order to keep their suburban white flight readers entertained. The comments section of the online paper was a cesspool of overt racism and misogyny. They finally started turning off the comments on most of their articles around the middle of the Obama administration. I suspect it was more to do with managing risk than any actual concern for what the alt-right they had allowed to run amok on their site might do or say in the real world.
This response by the editors was likely directed by the owners. The ‘sane’ part of the OH GOP wants to keep control of the state and will likely not cozy up to Josh and likely are planning on running some Voinovich look-alike for the seat (or god forbid dig up another member of the Taft family). Thank Jeebus DeWimp is too old to run again – but you never know – they may not be able to find anyone who hasn’t been infested with the Cult45 disease. Their ranks are getting pretty thin.
It was nice to see some of the old liberal leaning press fire and snarky-ness that the PD used to fling. I just wish they hadn’t given into temptation back when newspapers started to die. They used to be a pretty good read once upon a time.
ANOTHER border question with GOP framing
well useful pieces of shit for the GOP agenda
not watching any more
This is spot-on and interesting to me because it’s at odds with the national rhetoric about all Republicans following Trump. I feel like the Ohio GOP is seeing some risk in that strategy and backing off the loonies, which makes me think they have real information indicating less fealty to Trump among Republican voters than the national political analysis would have one believe.
I think it’s overall good for Democrats, indicates a weakness in their confidence holding more moderate voters. That’s an opening.
Roger Moore
They don’t call them fifths, but 750ml is close enough to a fifth that the distinction is pretty meaningless. You have to measure very carefully indeed for the extra 1/4 oz in a fifth to make a difference.
Roger Moore
At least as important is recognizing liars for what they are. If somebody lies so frequently you feel a need to fact check them in real time, you should stop giving them a real time platform. Record what they say and don’t broadcast it until you’ve had a chance to review it. Even more important, when you decide something is a lie, discuss the topic of the lie and then explain the truth, but don’t repeat the lie in the process.
@M31: and Scarborough reverting to form this morning saying the border situation is because of Biden’s policy. WHAT FLIPPIN’ POLICY??? He has been in office 60 damn days. Sheesh!
Very interesting stuff about the decline of the PD. Thanks.
The old newspaper and magazine industry is pretty much dead. The irony is that the potential readership (viewership?) of online equivalents probably skew more liberal than conservative overall, which is probably why Republicans are so hot to impoe controls on the Internet and social media.
Actually, it’s now a political party that believes its primary function is to troll libs and throw toddler tantrums, as opposed to offering a coherent alternative approach to governing and policy in the best interest of the country. Hence they profess staying out of the way of private enterprise only if and when private enterprise cooperates in said trolling mission. So if Twitter decides to ban someone for spreading specious bullshit as part of a pure trolling campaign, then the jackboot of regulation is totally fair game.
James E Powell
Even the liberal Kevin Drum is blaming Biden and laments that he isn’t handling it well.
The press/media have shown that the honeymoon is over and they are back to running whatever stories the Republicans want them to run with Republican frames.
The administration & Democrats nationwide need to abandon the usual practice of going into the defensive crouch. Attack Republicans for their dishonesty, hypocrisy, and callous disregard. Hit them with the Bible.
Today, Senator Cornyn criticized President Biden because he “has instead emphasized the humane treatment of immigrants, regardless of their legal status.”
Many of the online news sites have dropped comments – it gets costly to moderate at scale, and the rightwing trolls and cranks drive off the paying customers.
@James E Powell:
The fiend! President Biden is humane? Oh, the huge manatee, etc.
@L85NJGT: And an unmoderated space is not worth visiting.
True enough. But comments can also be weaponized by online media. The UK Daily Mail used its comment section to foment and focus the racism directed at Meghan Markle. And being a right wing rag, this did not drive off readers.
At best, comments are like an amplified “letters to the editor” section. At worse, as you suggest, you get nothing but toxic venom.
Sure Lurkalot
I liked Jay Rosen’s examples but it appears today’s presser shows it’s one step forward ten steps rearward.
One thing I don’t like about fact checker sites and articles is how they often couch their analysis…”well, it’s not a BOLD FACED lie, there’s nuance don’t you know?” When there absolutely isn’t.
I would think a reporter who knows their beat would either realize when they are being lied to instantly, or some research before writing the story.
And since lies are repeated or what’s the point, it can be refuted quickly the next time.
But then, I’m thinking of journalism as a profession with responsibility to the public! Silly me.
Amir Khalid
That’s Republican values for you.
James E Powell
When I was in my beloved home town of Cleveland in 2019, I was shocked to see that the PD had shrunk to the size of the Sun papers and was no longer a daily.
A good part of the story of the decline & fall of the American press is the disappearance of local newspapers.
Somebody in Iceland buzzed Fagradalsfjall volcano with his off-the-shelf drone. Amazing footage. Drone lived to fly another day.
@James E Powell:
Our last paper shrank in page count, home-grown editorial content, physical size and finally, six days/week while the physical copy price went to an eye-bleeding $1500/year.
Still subscribe to the e-version but it’s a quick read. And the imported op-ed stuff can be mindblowingly bad.
To be fair, Texas doesn’t exactly recognize the need for humane treatment of most of its own citizens, let alone immigrants. So it shouldn’t be surprising that one of their Senators holds similar views.
It’s wild that locals go to hang out around the volcano. BBC News story.
Another Scott
It’s a good start.
Meanwhile, is our economists learning?
People normally don’t buy a refrigerator every year, but they do want a functioning society with things like reliable internet and freedom from warlords and plagues, especially once they have more than the bare necessities. And have the means to invest in their childrens’ futures.
I like the headline, and I hope people take it seriously. When people got no jobs and got no money, it doesn’t matter how much WalMart is able to cut their prices (by squeezing their suppliers) every year. Of course as people get richer they spend proportionally more on services (as opposed to goods). And it’s why governments grow as countries get richer – one doesn’t need an FCC or an EPA or a NIST or EZPass in a warlord-ruled hellscape.
Whatever his occasional virtues, Chris Quinn played a big role in the absurdly aggressive (and successful) busting of the Plain Dealer’s union newsroom, and he gets super touchy about it. He hates Cleveland’s alt-weekly, Scene, but they give a lot of fairly depressing reads on how the PD was killed.
A starter, for anyone interested:
@germy: Hice is a fucking asshole and he’s OUR fucking asshole.
Really? Did they forget to cc Timkins on the memo? She insists she’ll continue all Trump policies.
Anyway, I missed this particular Mandel gem. He was banned temporarily from Twitter after publishing a very provocative poll asking which was the greater threat to the country: Asians or migrants.
Mandel’s a monster. He’s the kind of *** that gives **** a bad name. All he’s really doing is burnishing his looney cred.
karen marie
@Amir Khalid: I’ve been applying the same standards to news outlets. I refuse to click anything with even a whiff of clickbaityness.
James E Powell
Scene! Brings back memories of the rock & roll days.
O/T, enjoying my post-vaccine Graeters. Scoop of Viennese Coffee, scoop of Dark Chocolate Brownie. A satisfying combo.
That’s not for normal voters, who won’t be paying attention yet. It’s for online fundraising (small donor) and national media attention – national media attention then leads to increases in online small donor fundraising, which comes from all the country.
karen marie
@germy: More trial evidence?
karen marie
@WereBear: Hahaha.
As if. That would require work which few are willing to do.
Not sure how Craigslist effect can be countered. Classified ads used to be a goldmine for local papers. Now all gone.
The only similar newspaper real estate is the obituaries. But unlike pieces of used furniture, you generally have only one obit per person.
@M31: “Please. Just a little crumb of content, sir. Something viral. Anything. Ohgod the shakes are so bad since Cuadillo Carrot left us…”
This might also be driven, in part, by the fact that Josh Mandel is pretty much universally despised by those who have any dealings with him. He’s what Ted Cruz would be if Cruz had grown up Jewish in Beachwood. I’m told by people in a position to know that even Mandel’s family hate him.
@M31: Serious q – how many of those outlets are just outright rightwing? I seem to recall a LOT of questionable outlets getting credentialed during the Reign of Error. Are they still there?
Whew the Big Ten really does suck!
@Raven: I think they may have been a little over rated, including by me.
ETA: Interesting that the lower seeded teams actually had better efforts than the higher seeded ones.
@Brachiator: Dunno. I know every journo I see on twitter gets dragged everytime they pop their wig over the parapet. And mostly by center-left people.
We’re probably the only ones they haven’t blocked already for death threats, honestly…
Omnes Omnibus
@Raven: How many teams did it put into the tournament?
@James E Powell:
Yep. Only took them, what, 11 weeks to forget the Capitol Invasion?
“Judgement of history” my skinny white ass…
@Omnes Omnibus: nine, every PAC 10 team remains. Michigan and Maryland is it for the B1g
@Omnes Omnibus: 9, 2 left, maybe, after today. Maybe 1, maybe none.
@Raven: Maryland is still there. Oops, I see you did include Maryland.
@japa21: Loyola was way under rated.
@japa21: I edited it even though they really are not!
Definitely, Deserved a 5 seed at least.
@Raven: The ACC has fallen on hard times, too. But the Cavs are still reigning champs! For another couple weeks, that is.
You know it’s after 5 pm somewhere.
Old School
Nine teams through to the Sweet 16. There are nine different seeds (1, 2, 3, 5, 7, 8, 11, 12, 15) through and eight conferences represented.
@Kay: Several years ago I attended a meeting Common Cause held to talk about the initiatives for changing how districts are drawn. This was during the height of Tea Party frenzy. One of the speakers had worked with Ohio Chamber of Commerce and she said many businessmen were concerned about how extreme Republicans were and the didn’t think it was good for business. I always thought the kinder gentler Kasich persona has been playing a long game for a long time.
@Raven: Assuming one of two things. Either you don’t really consider them B1G or already viewing them as losing to Alabama. Rutgers gave Houston everything they could handle.
Goku (aka Amerikan Baka)
Funny you should mention Meghan Markle. I was browsing the r/blackladies subreddit a day or so ago, curious to see what their takes on the whole Markle situation was and holy shit was it bad. I understand “colorism” is a big issue in the black community, but these women (assumed to be darker-skinned) poo-pooed Markle’s struggles as her being naive and privileged as a lighter-skinned person who could “pass” as white. They also dumped on her for wanting to marry into the British Royal Family in the first place, considering it’s imperialist and racist history. All this comes across as very victim-blamey. Also, it’s controversial with some of them to refer to baby Archie as “black”. They also couldn’t understand darker-skinned black women identifying with Markle.
I’m a white guy, so what I know, but it all just seemed to be blaming the victim and hating on a lighter-skinned POC. You can’t help who you fall in love with sometimes and despite Harry’s checkered past, he seems to have learned from his mistakes. Markle probably believed that she could’ve reformed the BRF, but obviously that didn’t pan ou
Here’s one of the threads in question
@japa21: Neither one of them belong in the conference.
Good to see you back!
scott (the other one)
I wish someone—the Satanic Temple?—would run an ad saying something like:
“Props to Senator Cornyn for advocating that people should ignore the teachings of Jesus Christ. Welcome to the secular world, Senator!”
(Except, of course, that the Satanic Temple seems to behave in a manner more in line with the teachings of Jesus Christ than Senator Cornyn or other GOP politicians.)
Exactly. But the money is too good, so they want it both ways- they want the rabid, national small donor base to keep hitting the donate button but they also want a milder face for in-state and less engaged voter consumption.
They can probably have both for a while. It’s two completely different groups of people. “Normal” voters miss most of the controversies completely. They simply don’t engage on that level.
Enhanced Voting Techniques
Obama had a comment that everytime Climate Change came up the idiots in the press demanded that Obama personally plant a tree himself, rather that enact policies to control carbon emissions. The press is all about theathor.
Sloane Ranger
In writing an editorial in which he mentions Mandel’s call to DeWine is he not writing about the call?
Or have I missed something?
Enhanced Voting Techniques
Until the whole industry consolidated down to a single outsource factory to get the lowest possible prices threw economy scale, and consumers end up paying for a name tag. At which point, you don’t want to buy a new refrigerator because the crappy old one is still better than the new one which might set your house of fire.
James E Powell
Ohio Republicans don’t even want to get rid of their indicted speaker of the house. They are neck deep in corruption.
The only reason they shied away from Trumpism is because they didn’t think it would work. The white flight suburbs of Cuyahoga County and Mahoning & Trumbull Counties went for Trump. The only question is, are they going to stay that way for every Republican?
Tim Ryan is from the latter area and I hope he is able to neutralize the white supremacist revanche enough to win the senate. I’ve been gone too long to know.
Sloane Ranger
@Goku (aka Amerikan Baka):
Given that they were barely married a year before they started making noises about “stepping back”, it doesn’t seem she tried very hard for very long.
James E Powell
@Sloane Ranger:
That’s what I thought, but no one cares what I think.
@James E Powell:
The Ohio Senate race won’t be about the now-blatant corruption of state Republicans, but the Ohio governor’s race will be.
@raven: As an MSU grad from the 60’s I’m still having difficulty accepting Penn State.
@japa21: There it is.
Goku (aka Amerikan Baka)
@James E Powell:
I hope not, but they might. Live in the Mahoning Valley.. Since 2018, both of my state reps have been Repukes. The original State House Rep who ran as a trumpist won narrowly in 2018. He died early last year from a heart attack and a young twit named Cutrona was appointed to the seat. He won last November by 60%. Cutrona’s father is a partner in the Northeast Ohio Infectious Disease Associates practice. Cutrona served as legal counsel for them. I strongly suspect nepotism. He ran an anti-lockdown campaign. The guy should know better, given his father’s background, but apparently power is more important than truth or protecting the public.
Both Reps are insane on Twitter and I have half a mind to complain to their staffs about the lies they spout on there. Trump wasn’t on the ballot then and the R’s narrowly won, but a Dem had held those seats safely for decades
@Raven: ……and the much maligned Pac 12 is acquitting itself quite nicely.
I’m still having trouble with Butler in the Big East.
Very weird – all the action is in Indianapolis and under ordinary circumstances the town would be going crazy. But with no visitors to speak of…meh.
@Sloane Ranger: There is no way to reform the royal family except as a step along the way to eliminating the whole concept of royalty.
Goku (aka Amerikan Baka)
@Sloane Ranger:
I’m not sure what you mean by that. Are you saying that the racism in BRF was so bad she gave up pretty soon into her marriage, realizing it wasn’t going to work?
@Sloane Ranger: He is very carefully dismantling the lie while citing it.
“Let me explain why this is bullshit,” is actual journalism.
“Here’s something dudeguy just said. (It’s errant bullshit, but I’d never say that because the entire Republican party won’t take my calls if I point out they’re lying.) Here’s what someone said about what dudeguy said. Here’s a half-dozen diner-safaris about how the common working-class dentists and rotary club members of this small
SundownHeartland town feel like Dudeguy really speaks for them. The Democrats showed us live audiotape proving dudeguy was maybe creatively-alterpreting certain aspects of factual detail involved in the issue at hand in a matter that does not fully respect demonstrable reality, but really, who can say who is honest, or correct. Oh sacred Eidolon of Diogenes-Reagan, please help us. Our nation turns its eyes to you,” is something else altogether.Goku (aka Amerikan Baka)
Based on my readings, they lead very barren lives in terms of having the world obsessed with what they had for breakfast. What happened with Diana is a great of example of this, where she was literally chased to her death by paparazzi. Combined with it’s imperialist past, it probably would be for the best if it were dismantle
I’ve always wondered if other countries with monarchies have tabloids that cover their every move like the UK’s does? Hell, several European nations like Norway, Sweden, Denmark, and the Netherlands still have royal families, yet I never hear about them. I guess it’s partly to do with America’s “special relationship” with Britain
@Goku (aka Amerikan Baka): I recall one youtube wag who referred to them as “England’s National Waifu”.
Felanius Kootea
@Sloane Ranger: Yeah – there’s no set period described in the etiquette manuals that define how long an African-American woman should tolerate British racism. Seems she was more familiar and comfortable with the American kind she grew up with. After seeing the comparison of headlines for Markle and Middleton for exactly the same actions, I really don’t blame her. I wouldn’t stick around either to find out whether my new in-laws consider my son’s complexion light enough to not cause them distress.
RIP Elgin Baylor, heckova player.
@Goku (aka Amerikan Baka): I don’t know about tabloid coverage, but the other European royal families seem to be much more down to earth. I don’t think they take themselves so seriously like the Brits do.
@Geminid: who’s left from the ACC, just Syracuse?
Le Comte de Monte Cristo, fka Edmund Dantes
Graeters’ coconut chocolate chip is amazing….
@Benw: think Florida State is still playing too
Important breaking vaccination news:
Krispy Kreme will give you a free doughnut every day this year — if you’ve been vaccinated
So, I guess the plan is to replace the COVID pandemic with endemic diabetes?
Diogenes would smash his lantern over the guy’s head, and toss a lit match on him.
“I have just enough white in me to make my honesty questionable.”
– Cherokee humorist Will Rogers
@piratedan: yup. I heard that the NCAA is offering seniors a free year of eligibility next year, as COVID do-over.
“I guess the plan is to replace the COVID pandemic with endemic diabetes?”
Have I got news for you:
“More than 100 million U.S. adults are now living with diabetes or prediabetes, according to a new report released today [July 18, 2017] by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC). The report finds that as of 2015, 30.3 million Americans – 9.4 percent of the U.S. population –have diabetes. Another 84.1 million have prediabetes, a condition that if not treated often leads to type 2 diabetes within five years.”
It’s already here
CDC report: More than 100 million Americans have diabetes or prediabetes
Le Comte de Monte Cristo, fka Edmund Dantes
I’m thinking about Republican breathlessness about the ICE-inspired border logjam, and came up with a salient observation.
You know when your dog goes apeshit when he sees other people and dogs on the street in front of your house? That’s your average older Republican/conservative “man” when he thinks about immigrants.
Sloane Ranger
You’re entitled to your view. It’s not one shared by the majority of the British public. Personally I’d rather have a Head of State who’s not a superannuated politician whose name no-one can remember and who hardly anyone bothered to vote for because the job’s just rubber stamping legislation and opening new buildings.
Le Comte de Monte Cristo, fka Edmund Dantes
Pshaw – that’s nothing. I’ve got four years’ unspent college athletic eligibility left. People would pay handsomely to see nearly 60 year old out of shape white dude get splattered in his first play on a football field.
“The guy who coined the term “the view from nowhere”…”
Nah, Rosen borrowed the phrase from philosopher Tom Nagel. Even Wiki says so.
Did Nagel coin it or borrow it? I don’t know. But Rosen definitely is not the originator.
Noticing a pro pos of the wishful thinking among some mediaweasels that the coverage is getting better, erm, naaah. The Bing homepage wot comes with Edge is full of TFG-ery today, noticeably so, reminding me of Merlin as he watches the eagles at Big Bear Lake on t’tv. He is riveted, then falls asleep (curled up on the tv box), then wakes up at the least chirp, then gets up and pats the tv screen, hard enough to wobble. But the bird in the tv never pats back.
@James E Powell:
I believe a few Democrats took donations from First Energy (or whatever that PAC was called).
And DeWine’s appointment of French, I hope, will be an issue.
@Le Comte de Monte Cristo, fka Edmund Dantes: hah! I used up mine playing ultimate disc (not kidding) so no splat for me!
Just One More Canuck
@Le Comte de Monte Cristo, fka Edmund Dantes: I’d pay to see that
On a more serious note, a good article on what it takes to improve the access to vaccinations in the poorer and harder-hit parts of Los Angeles:
Goku (aka Amerikan Baka)
@James E Powell:
Oh btw, Householder was removed by the Ohio House from his position as Speaker of the House unanimously
From the Plain Dealer
Goku (aka Amerikan Baka)
Hmm. Interesting. As an American I don’t really see or hear much about them
Goku (aka Amerikan Baka)
@Sloane Ranger:
Do you dislike Meghan Markle?
@Le Comte de Monte Cristo, fka Edmund Dantes: I’m a Mocha Chip gal.
@Benw: Florida State was still in the tournament, as of this morning. They are a decent team, maybe best in their league.
Sloane Ranger
@Goku (aka Amerikan Baka): No. I’m saying that, she was a new member of the family. Like any family, it takes time for new members to to gain influence within it. Especially as the future head of the family, the Prince of Wales, has already indicated he wants to make reforms of his own.
Plus, we’re still not certain about this alleged racism WITHIN the Royal Family. I’m not terribly impressed by people who make serious allegations and then coyly refuse to specify who they are making them against.
@Sloane Ranger: Why should she? She married Harry, not his family. I don’t see that she owes them anything or any family that is that callous and rude. I know it wasn’t all of them, but geeze, no help in keeping the racists away and the press being awful. Blech.
Given that Harry probably already hated the press……I suspect he was ready to bail anyway. I think it’s possible more younger family may follow his lead in the future.
Dan B
@debbie: Reminds me, the lactose intolerant, in Rome. Start: Cafe in park near top of Spanish Steps – Ristretto (double shot 1/2 the H2O, pack of sugar). Advance 1: Coffeehouse below Spanish Steps – Coffee Granita, no pastry. Advance 2: Wander near Fontana Trevi. High as a kite, like an acid trip.
Lesson: Fat and protein &/or beaucoup starch are your friends and your buffer.
Congrats on the Vaccination and treats are great!
@Kay: Good point. What do you think about the new ODP chair and who is your Senate choice – Ryan or Acton? I saw where you support my mayor John Cranley forgov.
@Felanius Kootea:
keep in mind also, that The Royal Family is a Corporation, and QEII is a figurehead, spokesmodel, not the CEO.
Hundreds of people run The Royal Family, almost none of them are Royals.
Sloane Ranger
@Goku (aka Amerikan Baka):
Not every other country has the Murdoch press and similar and the BRP probably gets more attention in the US because we share a common language, so the US press can just copy and paste British stories.
@Kay: Virginia Republicans are also attempting to straddle the Chamber of Commerce/”populist” divide. They are trying to develop hybrid candidates, who use coded language to talk out of both sides of their mouths. But the populists seem to want their fascism straight, as evidenced by State Senator Amanda Chase’s lead in the race to nominate a candidate for Governor. The establishment Republicans are trying to stop Chase with a ranked choice, “unassembled convention,” where pre-registered electors will vote in 37 places around the state
But the Virginia Republicans have a hollowed out party. Ohio Republicans have still been dominant, at least up to now.
Mike in NC
Got Moderna #2 today. No side effects. Made sure to thank the nurses (“You people are all angels!”) and National Guard folks working in a light rain.
James E Powell
My understanding is that Rosen is the one who applied the phrase and the peculiar way it acts in and on journalism.
James E Powell
@Goku (aka Amerikan Baka):
You’re right. I should have said former speaker. He is still in his house seat.
I think the new chair is fine. They have to figure out why they can’t seem to poll the state reliably anymore- polls were way off in both 2018 and 2020.
I’m supporting Ryan in the primary. I don’t think Acton has a chance in hell and honestly I think people should have more experience in government than Acton has before they go to US Senator.
I’m not going to do anything for the senate race, though. I like state races and I’m going back to that. I may work for pay for Cranley’s campaign. I think he’s talented and could win. My youngest child leaves for college in September and I’d like to try something new. I would of course “keep my day job” in addition to any paid work I took but with no kids at home I can get around more.
A woman from anywhere (formerly Mohagan)
@Goku (aka Amerikan Baka): I think the “bicycle monarchies” of Scandanavia and the Netherlands don’t have the small pomp and flash as a draw. Plus, yes, I think BRF still has a hold on the imagination of (some of) the American people because we lack a monarchy.
Sloane Ranger
@Felanius Kootea:
I thought it was only meant to be one in-law? Or do the ravings of crazy Uncle Albert prove that every member of his family are Trump loving, anti-vaxxer, flat earthers?
That’s one of the things that irritate me about the interview. You don’t make serious allegations and then refuse to specify against whom because doing so leaves everyone else under suspicion.
Dan B
@Kay: Watching the Sunday shows, and reading about the questions at today’s presser it seems that the RW / GOP messaging is targeted at the low info public and is working, on the MSM at least. I’m hoping for a more disciplined Dem message push back against the dehumanization of asylum seekers and the drumbeat of existential threat that smacks of John Birch Society propaganda.
The Border Patrol seems to be pushing a “kinder – gentler” deterrence as a reasonable “solution to the crisis”. Thr crisis that is miniscule compared to Covid and other challenges we face.
If the Chamber of Commerce types really wanted less extremism they would notice that the US reputation as a City on a Hill could be lost. Surely they realize that soft power opens doors to business with other countries.
Not holding my breath.
Mallard Filmore
@Sloane Ranger:
Drifting into suicidal thoughts will certainly cut down on your enthusiasm for conflict.
Rosen borrowed the term from philosopher Thomas Nagel’s 1986 book The View from Nowhere. Source
Capybara agility training,
@Goku (aka Amerikan Baka):
This is unfortunate.
Black Britons and nonwhite Britons in general appeared to cheer Meghan Markle. Prince Harry has gone out of his way to take on visits, etc, to nonwhite countries (as did his mother).
The idiots who think that they represent the monarchy’s interests have fucked over an opportunity to unite the country in new ways, taking into account its diversity. Instead, they have foolishly decided to make Harry and Meghan enemies.
Felanius Kootea
@Sloane Ranger: As someone in an inter-racial marriage, I was talking to my husband about this and the potential long-term impact on relationships with in- laws (given that some people do change for the better over time) and I honestly believe Harry should not have told Meghan about this. There is no way she would be able to forgive that conversation or avoid seeing the person who started it as a threat to her child(ren).
Harry is the only one who can reveal who raised that because the conversation about Archie’s complexion was raised with Harry by another family member, not directly with Meghan.
I find it interesting that Harry is the only royal family member who had to go through formal racial sensitivity training after his Nazi uniform wearing and slur uttering incidents. It seems to have changed his outlook considerably.
Felanius Kootea
@Sloane Ranger: See my comment above about this particular issue. I think Harry was at a loss about how to handle this and it is understandable because it is a messed up thing to have to deal with.
Sloane Ranger
@Goku (aka Amerika
@Goku (aka Amerikan Baka):
Not particularly. I welcomed the wedding. I felt that if they wanted not to be active members of the Royal Family their decision should be respected but her action in making a serious allegation, not naming the individual and thus leaving everyone under suspicion is not a good look.
For what it’s worth, I’m also not impressed by a 30 something man with a personal fortune of 30 million pounds whining that his Dad won’t subsidise him.
@Mallard Filmore:
reaching out to The Royal Family LLC HR Department for help, and getting shut down because it would be bad PR for The Royal Family LLC, also leaves a mark.
Sloane Ranger
@gvg: The Royal Family’s unofficial motto is “Never Complain, Never Explain”, because doing so just provides the press with more copy and thus keeps the story running longer.
As for other younger members of the family, many have already taken a step back. The Prince of Wales’ intended reforms will reduce the size of the Royal Family even further.
@Sloane Ranger:
$2 to $3 million a year for Security, out of pocket, quickly eats into $30 million. Consumes not just the interest and dividends accrued, but also the capital.
Felanius Kootea
@Jay: Yeah, as someone born in a former British colony, I am well aware. Unfortunately, I think that some of the royal advisers are really terrible when it comes to understanding the need to modernize the enterprise and the negative impact that a lack of change may have on a post-Brexit UK that seeks to leverage the strength of the mostly black and brown Commonwealth for trade, etc.
Sloane Ranger
@Mallard Filmore:
Fair point.
Sloane Ranger
@Jay: True but you factor that into your decision making and make plans to earn an income.
Alternatively, if you decide you need financial support from your Dad, you mend your fences with him an get him onside, not piss him off. The onus is on you, not him.
Sloane Ranger
@Felanius Kootea: I agree with all the points you make. The Royal Household is full of people who are there because their Dads were there.
@Felanius Kootea:
I don’t know. Something like this would possibly come out again, especially from people who want to be passive aggressive racist.
There may be great value in Harry and Meghan both knowing about this and being a united front.
@Kay: forgot. Agree about Senate. I love Acton but I want experienced candidate. I wonder about Rusn’s engagement with African American communities. Congrats on your position with Cranley.
@Dan B:
We’ll see. I get an overwhelming sense that people are just desperate to get back to some sense of “normalcy” and are not actively seeking a “crisis” or more conflict.
Do people really want Biden in their face every day like Trump was? I don’t think they do.
Honestly? I think this summer is going to absolutely fucking boom with pent up demand and people aren’t going to be paying attention to politics. They have a little money in their pocket from what my clients call “the stimmy” here (guffaw) and they want to relax and enjoy themselves.
Dan B
@Kay: I hope so. The DHS head didn’t seem to have the media savvy of Jen Psaki, which 8s a high bar to equal. I’d like to have something thrown back at them like, “What is your solution to this situation for the kids who are already here? And why do you call a group that is mostly teenagers ‘children’? The Biden Administration’s plan is to treat these asylum seekers as people, not a threat. Is that a problem?”
Instead it seemed the response has been defensive.
And low-info Americans should be putting this distant “crisis” on low priority. I’d like to have Dem’s put it this way instead of Chris Murphy, usually adept at highlighting GQP cruelty, saying he saw a four year old in fearful conditions – may have been out of context but still. Don’t hand out ammo when they’re already aiming at you.
We’ll see. The “stimmy” should get folks back to shopping – America’s number one sport.
@Dan B:
Oh, I think they all deserve a break and I hope they travel and spend money and just enjoy themselves.
What a strange, sad year it was. We all need a respite. My youngest isn’t getting a real high school graduation- they’ve already announced it- and after the past year of telling him to be patient I finally gave up trying to cheer him up and told him to just put this in the rear view mirror and move on.
I literally was like “it sucked- don’t dwell on it” :)
He’s 18! What a great thing to be.
@Sloane Ranger:
except “Dad” doesn’t run the Household, he’s just a figurehead.
and when it comes to “Security”, there are a bunch of British Government departments involved, not just The Royal Family LLC.
Sloane Ranger
@Jay: As Harry and Meghan are no longer working royals, the British Government is not responsible for their security. This is part of the reason why they moved from Canada. The RCMP would no longer provide security for them despite Harry (and Archie) being in the line of succession to the Canadian throne.
And any money Harry received from Charles would come from the Duchy of Cornwall, which Charles very much controls.
@Dan B: A lot of those Chamber of Commerce types understand that the people crossing the border will be productive Americans in a decade or so. But right now, the nativists dominate the Republican party.
That may be why the national Chamber of Commerce endorsed 20 House Democrats this last election cycle, including Sharice Davids (KS) and Abigail Spanberger (VA). These Chamber types may have their beefs with higher taxes and more regulation. But above all, they want shit to work, and right now that seems to be a secondary goal of the Republican party
@Sloane Ranger:
This is just too simplistic. Even if a person did not believe in the monarchy, it makes no sense to use this as an excuse to skimp on security.
Sloane Ranger
@Brachiator: This might be the case, but those very same papers who have been printing anti Meghan stories, plus anti-monachists have been complaining since at least the 1980’s about free-loading royals leeching off the public purse and giving nothing back. The pressure has been constant and finally led to a decision not to provide security unless a royal is actually undertaking official duties or there is a specific, believable threat against them. Of course, many of them live in grace and favour accommodation shared with working royals and benefit indirectly from the security provided to them.
You must understand that we have nothing like the US Secret Service here. Palace security is provided by a mixture of military guards staffing fixed locations, police officers and security guards employed by the Metropolitan Police who patrol the grounds and a close protection officer who is effectively meant to act as a bullet catcher when their principal appears in public, plus there would be an enhanced police presence at public appearances.
@Sloane Ranger: Ahh. Nice to hear how things are done in a country without 200 million firearms.