Ed ‘Not Officially An RNC Operative’ O’Keefe, relentlessly probing for the big stories:
Jen Psaki was grilled today about how often Biden talks to Obama and what they talk about pic.twitter.com/EZv5nViyU1
— Aaron Rupar (@atrupar) April 8, 2021
There are several problems facing the nation today, and we should get around to discussing them, BUT NOT BEFORE WE FIND OUT WHY AND HOW OFTEN THE PRESIDENT IS ASSOCIATING WITH A KNOWN AND AVOWED BLACK MAN!
— Slava Malamud (@SlavaMalamud) April 8, 2021
They are probably talking about all the stupid questions the reporters ask Psaki.
— Liat ????? #democratsavage✊ (@arunningriot) April 8, 2021
It is wrong to wish harm upon others, but if Ed O’Keefe were to choke on his frustrations to the point of sustaining physical injury… I’d find it hard to be properly sympathetic.
When it comes to CBS, hiring former Foxbots really seems to be a thing with them. (Not counting Major Garrett, obvs, who really seems to have “woken up” from his dumb days at Fox.)
Jim, Foolish Literalist
I’m a political junkie, a Biden-stan and an O-Bot, and I am genuinely not even a little bit interested in how often Biden and Obama talk on the phone.
The stupid question about the Veep going to a bakery yesterday was from the NY Post, which I guess is the Murdoch outlet for people who find Hannity too highbrow? But Ed O’Keefe is from the Tiffany Network, the House that Cronkite built. Next time they start up about how long since the last press conference, point to this.
Comrade Colette
Nah, that’s fine. Inflicting harm on others is occasionally a slightly gray-tinged area, depending on who are the ‘others’ in question
ETA: dammit, unsecond, and the visual text editor was in and out faster than … well, Stormy D can tell you how much faster.
Alison Rose
I know she wouldn’t, but I wish Psaki had been like “Aw, how cute, does someone have an unrequited crush?” Or else just stared at him and asked, “Why the fuck do you care so much about this?”
Knowing that O’Keefe probably gets paid a ridiculous amount of money to be that fucking stupid makes me want to break stuff. Like his face.
Well, what else are those RNC mooks going to do? Those “Biden bites Major” stories aren’t going to write themselves.
James E Powell
@Alison Rose:
Has SNL or anyone else done a Psaki unfiltered thing, like with Obama’s anger translator?
West of the Rockies
I confused O’Keefe with the younger, homely guy who dressed as a pimp to go after ACORN (James O’Keefe). And whatever became of Milo Yiannoppolous? Oh, how the mighty are fallen.
Honest to God, these White House correspondents are simple farmers, people of the land, the common clay of the new West…you know…morons. (Hat tip to Mel Brooks, Gene Wilder and Clevon Little).
pacem appellant
@West of the Rockies: Milo’s bilking evangelicals for hetero money, saying he’s straight now since the gay GQP grift dried up. In other words, same shit, same pile.
Amir Khalid
@James E Powell:
Yes! Jen Psaki needs a sarcasm translator to give the replies these idiotic questioners really deserve.
They are just clowns?
Just want to start spreading the bullshyt that 46 isn’t really President .
The scary Black man is pulling the strings behind the scenes.
West of the Rockies
@pacem appellant:
That is ludicrous. What a bunch of rubes.
Poe Larity
I though Hillary was in control. Or was it Soros? Or the far left but not bernie people or Limousine Liberals.
And when Fox defends against Dominion Voting, what happens when they subpoena owner Hugo Chavez? Does Elvis or JFK Jr show up?
I can’t sleep at night until all these questions get answered.
@James E Powell: @Amir Khalid:
It’s called Practice. It’s the patience* women learn even in the best scenarios of upbringing.
eta: Jen Psaki IS awesome, don’t get me wrong. But don’t get me started.
150 yra ago, in the US at least, “manners” used to apply to everyone. It was only since, hmmm, 1920~sh that only women started being constrained by “manners”.
I totally love Jen. Or at least her style. She IS the Notice to the Rses: We See You, and you’re pathetic.
Ben Cisco (onboard the Defiant)
@West of the Rockies: Obligatory.
@Poe Larity:
And when Fox defends against Dominion Voting, what happens when they subpoena owner Hugo Chavez? Does Elvis or JFK Jr show up?
I can’t sleep at night until all these questions get answered.
Welp, thanks a lot. There goes my beddy-bye.
JFC on a cracker. Do they ask any relevant questions at all?
@Seanly: No.
@Seanly: Psaki: I have questions for all of you: Why are you all such assclowns? Do you actually give a damn what work President Biden is doing? Do you actually care what the Executive branch does?
“They don’t talk. They communicate telepathically since being vaccinated. Next question?”
@rikyrah: That’s it, although I think the reason is that they’re sure that because Biden is so, so, so old, he can’t do presidentin’ on his own. Has to have the former former guy do it for him.
Ageism. And/or they’ve bought the dementia lie.
JFK, jr. on a bike. The philosophy of late-stage journalism is “give me gossip or give me death!”
Do these WH correspondents really live in such a bubble that they have no idea how foolish they look?
“Would you describe their relationship as BFFs? Do they follow each other on Twitter? How many times a week would you say they like each other’s tweets?”
Odie Hugh Manatee
@Jim, Foolish Literalist: “I am genuinely not even a little bit interested in how often Biden and Obama talk on the phone.”
That wasn’t for your consumption. Biden’s positive numbers are rising among Republican voters, especially with his pushing the infrastructure bill, so it’s time for the conservatives and their presstitutes to get to work finding ways to drag his numbers down.
Knowing how often Biden talks to a black man that conservatives passionately hate is one convenient way because it innocently sounds like news while conveying the real message the media/conservatives want to get out.
Blue Lives Matter
1950. The end of WW2 was when America scrubbed and rewrote its history, pretending that it had always been monogamous heterosexual single family households whose women were faithful, submissive homemakers who entered marriage virgins. The 20s were the Sexual Revolution where Flappers partied, had sex when and with who they felt like, and told the men they didn’t feel like to take a hike.
@Frankensteinbeck: Once I saw a 1950s rewrite of history in a TV episode of Victory at Sea. The episode recounted the important contributions of the Lend-Lease program to Britain’s defense against Nazi Germany. The narrator attributed the program to the U.S. Congress. President Roosevelt was not even mentioned, nor was the opposition of isolationist Republican politicians.
@Odie Hugh Manatee: If he really wanted to bring those numbers down, he should’ve asked about Biden’s association with HRC. They hate Obama for sure but not as much as they hate Hillary. Let’s not forget, Obama left office with high approval rating and he continues to be popular.
@Jim, Foolish Literalist:
Certainly better than Trump talking to Putin.
‘Traditional family values’ are definitely not traditional, but what is a tradition is historical revisionism about sex roles in English speaking culture. Even today, The Graduate could not be filmed because the idea of an older woman sexually preying on a younger man would get head scratches from the general audience. The 20s were hardly the first Sexual Revolution, either. Analysis of British marriage records showed that there were periods pre-1800s when most women married in their 20s, preferably after having a child or two to prove they’d survive childbirth. That doesn’t fit the Narrative, so it gets left out. There are a lot of editing to to fit the Narrative problems in our study of history.
David ? ☘The Establishment☘? Koch
Queen Elizabeth to be on this season’s edition of “The Bachelorette”
@David ? ☘The Establishment☘? Koch:
I was actually concerned that Elizabeth would die during TFG’s term.
Press Secretary Psaki’s 1pm briefing should be especially good today. She’ll have a wingman, Transportation Secretary Pete Buttegieg.
Salty Sam
Huh? Can you explain yourself here, because this makes no sense to me…
ETA: I mean, I get revisionism, but I don’t think “older woman preying on younger man” would be a head-scratcher for today’s audience.
Yeah, no telling who That F’in’ Guy would appoint as Queen. At least Interrim.
I thought Obama and Biden were friends. Friends aren’t supposed to talk to each other? What kind of dumb-ass shit is that?
Heh. I was worried about the scene he would make at the state funeral.
Just saw that Prince Philip has died.
Oh, bullshit. Communicating via the Gates nanochip transceivers (and GPS, of course), is not “telepathy.”
I don’t go much for pro wrestling, but I would LOVE to see that tag-team match. And they wouldn’t even need to use folding chairs.
@Odie Hugh Manatee:
I wish I had thought of that one. So I guess I’ll have to steal it.
He just pinin’ for the fjords.
@debbie: Heh. Psaki says, “I happen to have the White House phone logs right here. Let me see, according to this they spoke on January 20, 22, 23, 27, 29 (twice), February 1, 3, 4 … Oh, I’m sorry. These are last year’s logs, for previously-unreported calls between former President Trump and Vladimir Putin. I really shouldn’t reveal more until one of you makes a FOIA request.”
It’s really more of a hive mind. Very zen, very relaxing.
The voices inside my head disagree. Well, more precisely, they’re telling me to disagree.
Just One More Canuck
I read the post and the comments before I watched the video of Jen Psaki responding to numbnuts. The question was even more stupid that I was expecting. Are these people still in junior high?
@SFAW: I’d give real money to have Jim Ross narrate a Psaki presser.
“Oh mah gawd! She’s laying waste to everything she sees! Look at the carnage out there, King! Somebody stop the damn match!”
@Baud: Let me guess, he’s a Republican?! Did I win?
Wait, I thought VP Harris was pulling all of Joe’s strings? It must be crowded up there in the loft.
I wish Jen Psaki could drop these people down a shaft when they ask these stupid fucking questions. Maybe they could drop them into a room with bakery items and film them committing the act of snacking for the ultimate shaming.
Holy shit. At first, I was laughing. Then sanity took over, and I was worried about those poor SOBs getting various bones/skulls fractured.
Maybe there’s some sort of common thread, vis-a-vis VP Harris and Obama? What could it be? Connect the dots, libtard!
Odie Hugh Manatee
Late reply but that’s my life…
You are missing my point. Yes, what you said is true but the question was placed to remind Republicans, who might be seeing Joe in a better light, that he is their enemy.
Associations with Hillary and Bill are coming too, just wait for it.