This very pointedly unstrangled, unshot, unparalyzed white man is a fucking testament to everything wrong with America.
— Slava Malamud (@SlavaMalamud) April 15, 2021
… Police were called to the store just before 2 p.m. Wednesday after an employee was attacked by the suspect with a piece of lumber. The suspect left, and was soon spotted by an officer in the parking lot of a nearby Walmart.
The suspect led the officer on a slow-speed chase that ended near the Hutchinson Mall off Highway 15 and Freemont Avenue Southwest. The officer approached the car, then became stuck in the driver’s side window. The suspect sped off with the officer hanging on, and then struck him on the head with a hammer.
The officer is in stable condition at an area hospital…
This happened yesterday in Minnesota, the suspect was a 61-year-old white man fleeing police. He wasn't shot or tased.
— Fifty Shades of Whey (@davenewworld_2) April 15, 2021
patrick II
In the last few days Republican giants Jim Jordan and Rand Paul have been chastising Dr. Fauci for not curing Covid yet (he’s had over a year!) and taking their freedumb away by the necessity of mask-wearing. Dumb guys like this fool have party leaders who keep them stupid. The guy is a spoiled five-year-old in a 61-year-old body, but it might help the leaders of the party he is loyal to would level with him.
JFC! These fucking brats. I hope they throw the damn book at him.
Makes you wonder how these assholes still have licenses, because why not go the wrong way down a one-way street instead of around the block, or blow that stop sign, or just barrel through that red light hoping you don’t t-bone someone or kill a pedestrian? Isn’t every rule getting in the way of these bratty assholes’ FREEDUMB?
Another mass shooting reported at a Fed Ex facility in Indianapolis.
Dr. Fauci: “Continue wearing a mask, practice social distancing, and get a vaccination as soon as possible so we can get back to our normal lives…”
Republicans: “OMG!!1! Paging Dr. Mengele!!”
Well, this lunatics spree ended as it should – with him in custody. It would be a dog bites man story anywhere else than the state where driving in a nice-smelling car while black or allegedly passing a dodgy bill while black are capital offenses
@SFBayAreaGal: Oh God. it will never end until we do take away their damned guns.
Villago Delenda Est
Now, if the suspect had been a 13 year old blah man, with his hands up, by all means, shoot to kill.
@opiejeanne: I agree
@Villago Delenda Est:
Eight people reported dead in FedEx shooting attack in Indianapolis.
ghost cat
The hits just keep on coming . . . .
FedEx mass shooting, just a few minutes ago, IMPD Public Information Officer Genae Cook reported 8 died of gunshot wounds on scene, and 1 shooter died from self-inflicted gunshot; 4 transported to local hospitals, 1 critical; a few treated at scene; unknown number with gunshot or other injuries self-transported to local hospitals.
@ghost cat:
Not a few minutes ago. Shots reported about 11:00 p.m.
ghost cat
The presser took place a few minutes ago–that’s what I meant
@ghost cat:
A source would have been good for clarification.
David ? ☘The Establishment☘? Koch
at least 8 dead
fucking gun industry
David ? ☘The Establishment☘? Koch
Newsweek is reporting 60 wounded (link)
@David ? ☘The Establishment☘? Koch: Good God! 60 wounded. Somehow the term “mass shooter” doesn’t quite cut it when there are so f*cking many casualties. Also, Goddamn the 2A.
ghost cat
@Steeplejack: See this is why I lurk. I listened to the media briefing, so I’m the secondary source relating info from the primary source—IMPD PIO Genae Cook–based on what she said immediately before I posted here. She’s the IMPD point person for this incident. i.e., the best source of accurate information at that time. Unlike other sources on twitter citing info from unofficial and possibly inaccurate sources. Example. This person reported 60 injured which isn’t quite correct, as shown in his updated tweet–60 people were evaluated for injuries. Before this, his initial not-quite-correct report from an unofficial source at IMPD of 60 injured was then reported by Newsweek.
I simply relayed verbal content straight from the best source with info that now other official journalists have since reported and can now be linked to.
@patrick II:
Did you see how Maxine Waters gathered up Jordan and got him all together ?
@ghost cat:
I think the confusion is with this badly written sentence. Thanks for posting the update. :)
@rikyrah: Hehe. “Shut your mouth”
I wonder if Gym Jordan knows how ridiculous he looks without a suit coat. Hell, even disgusting Shithead Ted wears a suit coat.
Steeplejack (phone)
ghost cat
@Steeplejack: Ohhh that’s funny—since when is perfect sentence structure a requirement for posting here? :)
ghost cat
@Steeplejack (phone):
I understand–like various sources on twitter reporting 60 people shot? Yeah. That’s why I listed the source of my info:
IMPD Public Information Officer Genae Cook reported . . . .
It’s all good. :)
ghost cat
Oops my replies to Steeplejack should have been to you. My apologies to you both. It’s past my bedtime.
@mrmoshpotato: Shouldn’t a prosecutor with Cook County be keeping their mouth shut right about now?
“Spare the Tazer and spoil the Crazer” as the Bible says somewhere or other.
@prostratedragon: I would think so. Not sure who CookCountyASA is. I just thought a good point was made.
@mrmoshpotato: Self-described as a prosecutor, but who knows what that means?
Almanac-type stuff:
Another host of birthdays includes Henry Mancini — “Night Side”.
We should “stop treating soil like dirt”
I mean I have no way of confirming if that person is really a Cook County Assistant State’s Attorney.
@mrmoshpotato: Oh, that was exactly my point. There are so many sovereign citizens about these days, and frankly I’d hope that anyone from that office, even if they’re not on this case, would keep the commentary to a minimum, so I’m not sure this person’s bona fides are too sound.
Just sat through this 6 minute CNN clip, and jeebus, is Jim Jordan ever an a-hole. (Yes, I knew that, but the Stupid™ has a strange attraction for me.) Maxine Waters, OTOH, is pitcho perfecto.
@JWR: As an Ohioan, Gym Jordan does make me worry about the rural parts of my state. Why do they keep reelecting these men?
He isn’t unique. The guy in Ted Strickland’s seat is nearly as bad. He doesn’t have the condoning college sexual harrassment baggage, but otherwise as awful.
Why do they keep electing blatantly vile men? I don’t know, but they do.
John S.
Economic anxiety.
These guys who planned the Whitmer kidnapping are free from custody pending trial.
And of course, Kyle Rittenhouse is still on the loose.
Even after factoring in the huge role that race plays in justice in this country, this is fucking crazy. I don’t get it.
@sab: “Why do they keep electing blatantly vile men?”
I think they’re brains have been marinating in Fox for so long that sending overbearing, loud mouths to Congress seems a clever way to troll the libs. It’s all just so damn stupid, this performance BS.
Coming soon from the NRA and its shills: “The Second Amendment doesn’t shoot people — people shoot people.”
Republicans “protecting the FREEDUMB of mass shooters,making it easier to shoot multiples than to cast a single ballot”.
@sab: Gerrymandering plays a role. The deep red, safe Republican districts encourage a race to the bottom for right wing politicians.
Not that you can’t get assholes in more purple districts, like my 5th Virginia District Congressman. He won by only 5 points, though, so unlike Jim Jordan, there is a good chance Bob Good will be a one-termer.
@JWR: You can be naive. This is who they are and have always been. Now we know.
@sab: I have not followed Ohio’s new redistricting law. It’s supposed to inhibit gerrymandering. When I looked at state media coverage of proposed permitless concealed carry legislation, I noticed that one of the law’s sponsors said that this session might be their last chance to push this law through, that next year’s redistricting would reduce the Republican majority in Columbus.
@Geminid: It is a mess, because relied on census, which Trump fucked up.
@sab: The Census data should be delivered in time for Ohio’s redistricting to be in place for next year. Republicans could try to slow walk things, though, to get another cycle out of the old districts.
In Virginia, on the other hand, this year’s legislative elections will be held on the old map. Although 11 of 100 House of Delegates districts were redrawn under a federal cout order in 2018, the map mostly is as drawn by Republicans in 2011. The next map will drawn by a new independent redistricting commission. Or maybe I should say semi-independent, as General Assembly Republicans and Democrats are on the commission.
Because they like blatantly vile men.
Feetball culture. these are the guys who claim ‘it’s all just normal locker room activity’. of course they create the toxic masculine environment and then indoctrinate their kids into the cult. After sportsball comes golf and yucking it up in the club house (or yacht club, gun club, militia, whatever) after hitting the 19th hole.
Voting against the guy daddy hates on is just part of growing up in rural ‘Murica now. Even if the kid gets out and gets an education, they end up right back in the locker room when their own kids are indoctrinated into the cult. Circle of fucking life man.