There’s a lot riding on this primary.
Do we know what time we will start to get results in Ohio this evening?
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There’s a lot riding on this primary.
Do we know what time we will start to get results in Ohio this evening?
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no idea when final results will come in but just saw this
Well apparently they have closed. The Washington Post is reported 1% of precincts reporting.
That sure is one gerrymandered map (Wash Post site). One spindly little finger between Cleveland and Akron.
@JPL: Polls had Turner with 50%, which was upsetting.
@CaseyL: Dave Wasserman is pretty good. He called GA, but the numbers are early.
this is not good
A decent batch of early votes in Cuyahoga for Turner (D) just narrowed Brown’s (D) lead to 53%-40%. So far, Turner (D) doing much better among early in-person than early mail. We’ll see what EDay vote brings
Dave Wasserman (@Redistrict) / Twitter
The last Democratic primary had 78,000 voters. So far there are 28,000 being reported. So maybe we are a third of the way.
@planetjanet: so do you sell adverbs? Or is that Lolly? Been a while since I showed my kids schoolhouse rock on youtube, and even longer since I watched them in my formative years…
; – )
ETA: Fingers crossed for a good result on this one…
ETETA: Typing or editing issues today (or both)…
@lurker: No adverbs available today. But we have a special on prepositions!
dr. bloor
I would love to see Nina Turner lose by the electoral equivalent of the heat of a thousand suns in this primary but if she wins, I don’t see that there’s any concern for alarm.
I can see the district from my house ( both up and down the street) but not my district so I can’t vote
ETA Very very gerrymandered
ETA Akron here.
Fair Economist
Barring a blowout, we’ll probably have to wait pretty late because there’s not any useful reference elections. In general elections you can look at swings within reporting regions to predict changes in regions still out but not here.
@Fair Economist:
I’ll read about it tomorrow.
@dr. bloor:
It goes from like 10 Lefties in the House to 11? I don’t see it as earthshattering either.
But how did Jillfuckingstein vote? Has she issued a statement?
@planetjanet: so was assuming a reference to interplanetjanet… Could use a few prepositions though, do you have a website for those sales?
Rats. TFG’s candidate, Mike Carey is off to an early lead of 35.9%. Nearest to follow has 16.6%.
@Kay: I kind of think that even if Turner wins, maybe she’ll draw away some of the attention that is constantly sent to AOC and the rest of the squad. I don’t wish Ms. Turner any ill will but knowing that she is more than ready to fire back at the least provocation, I would hope that those who deserve her vitriol get to experience it.
Still would prefer Ms. Brown because based on what I have read, she’ll actually try and represent her constituents versus using the seat as a platform for self-aggrandizement.
dr. bloor
The catch is that she has an uncanny ability to direct it toward folks who don’t deserve it. I expect she’d be given illustrious committee assignments along the line of Maintaining Road Signage in the District of Columbia, and forced to choose between becoming the MTG of the Democratic caucus or toiling away in obscurity until the next good grift comes along.
Shontel Brown wins Akron 50-45. Seems like a good sign, since she is not a local.
If Turner wins it’ll be interesting to see how she acts, will she pretend the last 5 years of shitting on the Dems for fun and profit didn’t happen, and actually work with other Dems?
And if she does, will those who voted for her hoping she’d not work with Dems feel betrayed?
Or will she just be an attention hound who doesn’t really do anything of any consequence either way?
I just think Turner is a completely unpredictable person. To me, that means “unreliable”.
When you talk to Bernie voters they always talk about his consistency. They value that (overvalue it, I think). It’s baffling to me that they would then back this complete shape-shifter. One thing she isn’t is consistent.
There are people who tell me she’s “very religious”. Okay- I’ll just add it to the grab bag of things she “is”.
I’ve always wondered what Ohio Dems did to her. They can be awful- they may well have been with her when she was a up and coming state Dem- but she’s so volatile I don’t trust her grudge. I don’t know if it’s justified.
Fair Economist
@Kay: The problem is that Turner is a fake lefty. If we are lucky she was just trolling when she said Biden was shit and Hillary as bad as Trump. If we’re not she meant it and really is pro-Republican.
God I hope Nina Turner loses. She is insufferable.
WRT Nina Turner, and also Andrew Cuomo: It’s not about YOU. It’s about us. The people you purport to represent.
Oh swell, an open thread. Watching UFO on Netflix. A pretty good doc on where we are today, despite the gov coverup. Also recently watched Tomorrow Man on Hulu. Well worth the 90 minutes for the ending. Re-watched the Americans on Amazon. Can’t believe all I missed the first time thru. Maybe the year between seasons. ?? Possibly the best drama ever.
Urban Suburbanite
Polls close tonight for the local primary in Seattle, and that’s going to be another test for Chairman Sanders – they’re pulling hard for some city council candidates (and backing Kshama Sawant against a recall campaign, but she’s still the worst).
@Fair Economist:
The biggest problem in the Democratic Party is very few of them are team players. Sadly this is also true of the most Right leaning Democrats, who are a pain in the fucking ass and need constant tending and clearly LOVE when they are the pivotal vote. People make fun of “backbenchers” but not me. I’m glad someone knows how to work with others.
dr. bloor
Anything about how one might encourage them to hurry up with their death laser that will turn the planet into a smoking cinder?
James E Powell
@dr. bloor:
Agree completely. If Turner were a Blue Dog who vowed to balance the budget & cut entitlements, I’d be more concerned.
Nevertheless, I’d really like Brown to win.
She isn’t a Democrat. That’s all I need to know frankly. Neither was Kyrsten Sinema. I see them as both equally problematic for the same exact reason.
James E Powell
Exactly right. It’s the number one reason for “Republicans do X, why can’t Democrats?”
It’s also the reason that I admire Speaker Pelosi so much.
@dr. bloor: Not lasers, but a good bit about the progress of adapting alien technology. Specifically Element 215. Seems there is a problem of producing it. Of course.
@Kay:I don’t think they did anything to her, I think she spotted her opportunity to align with Sanders and take that to more attention, power and money.
And since there’s an opportunity to do that posing as a Dem, she took that as well.
I don’t think I paid much attention to her, even during the 2014 state-wide run. I didn’t vote for her in the primary, because I thought her opponent was the better candidate.
But I can see her going the Sinema route, just basic trolling of everything, because that’s what will keep her in the public eye.
ETA: I do have friends, all white, Sanders supporters, who love her. They also don’t live in Ohio.
She exasperated me before the 2018 Dem gov. primaries, but when she endorsed Kucinich that moved my feelings toward her closer to loathing.
My college friends who still live in the district got sick of the national attention paid to it and are glad that at least for now, they can take a break from it.
Nina Turner should not have taken a very public media shit on #3 in the house, Jim Clyburn. He who helped Biden build his win.
Oh well, her bad.
@Immanentize: Yesss! I am protective (and respectful) of Jim Clyburn, too.
NYT has Brown up 52% to 42% with 37,000 votes counted. They seem to be keeping this site updated:
Washington Post has the identical numbers and says it is with 27.6% of precincts reporting:
Anne Laurie
@Kay: Not my circus, not my show ponies, but: If Turner goes to DC, we’ll get to watch ‘Kristen Sinema, but from the Left‘.
@Buckeye: There is something of a personality cult around Nina Turner, and I think it has gone to her head. Bernie Sander disappointed his hard core supporters when he would not run as an independent presidential candidate, and now he is collaborating with the “corporate Dems.” It is believed that Turner is made of sterner stuff. I think it is likely that she would use this Congressional seat as a stepping stone for a 3rd party presidential run in 2024.
The reason I think it may have some merit is because of the AG candidate that cycle. He’s a voting rights lawyer now, really smart, Indian-American. We had a good rapport- liked one another.
I had a long, weird conversation with him and he was so bitter about his run. He was like slumped down in his folding chair in some stupid hall just DISGUSTED with the Ohio Democrats. And he’s a very vibrant person- he all but crackles with energy. They killed him :)
So it’s not just her. They suck the life out of people.
@Elizabelle: i think he is a bit too conservative for my tastes…
But respect!!
James E Powell
Turner edged Brown by 54 votes in Summit County, with all 82 precincts reporting
Brown leads Turner by ~3700 in Cuyahoga County, with 108 of 513 precincts reporting.
Sec’y of State live results
See if it were me I would have put most of the Brown money into this one so the headline would be “Trump candidate underperforms” – ‘winning’ may be unrealistic but it would be fun to just go all out v Trump proxy and he’s a Trump candidate so he probably has a criminal record and/or hundreds of people he’s robbed.
@Kay: You just said a whole mouthful there!
@James E Powell:
I think Brown has it. Please Dear God don’t claim fraud. I was mad at the NYC Mayoral candidate for claiming it and I don’t think he got enough shit for doing it. Just gross behavior.
According to the NYT site, all of the outstanding precincts are in Cuyahoga County (Cleveland) not Summit County (Akron). All of Brown’s lead is coming from Cuyahoga County so that seems promising for Brown. But what do I know…
Ohio Dems would love it. They’d be crushed to lose (and they probably would lose) but they would relish a fight. Make it exciting!
So when is the wanker Ohio Senate primary with J. D. Vance? I thought that was happening too but apparently I was wrong.
Another Scott
@Kent: Looks like Wasserman is getting close to calling it.
@Kent: Sometime next year, in advance of the Nov 2022 general.
@sab: Between Ohio losing a congressional seat (through reapportionment) and a new redistricting process, the OH-11th may look very different next year.
@dmsilev: Oh right. So we have another year or so of wankery to put up with from Vance? Sheeh. I pity the folks in Ohio.
The Dem nom for that cycle was Dave pepper, no one else ran.
Yes, the Ohio Dems are FUBARed, but only Turner has done this, so it’s not a reaction to how crappy the Dem leadership has been since we swept the statewide offices in 2006.
Do you mean Subodh Chandra, that was the 2006 primary. I voted for him,but Marc Dann crushed him.
Wasserman has called the race for Brown.
To put it mildly. The velocity of an electron orbiting element Z is Z/137.036 times the speed of light. Obviously that can’t hold for Z of 138 or higher, but just what would happen is unknown. Maybe a completely ionized atom, with no electrons even able to approach the bare nucleus?
More at, which also explains why mercury is a liquid and gold is golden.
Roger Moore
I think it’s very valuable for someone to have consistent principles, but not to have consistent positions. You should always be ready and willing to change your position when the facts, or your knowledge of the facts, changes. To me, sticking to your position even when the facts change is exactly what Emerson was talking about when he said, “A foolish consistency is the hobgoblin of small minds.” It’s a serious weakness to worry more about having to explain why you changed your mind that about holding a position you know to be wrong.
Right – wrong year- but you know what happened after. Marc Dann was a very bad choice. Chandra knew Dann was sleazy and thought the state party picked him.
@schrodingers_cat: Curious: have you checked out @Mangy Jay? I think you might like her. Not a political polemicist, more of a dispassionate analyst. I do not know much about Ms. Jay except that she worked on the Clinton campaign in 2016.
@Geminid: I follow her on Twitter.
@Geminid: I follow her but I didn’t know she worked for Clinton. She’s very measured and analytical in her approach, unlike me who can be reduced to spittle fleckery in .2 nanoseconds.
@Kay: oh Dann was a horrible choice, but he won 71 percent, so I don’t think it was just the Dems favoring Dann.
And again, I don’t think this is because Nina thinks they were mean to her, it is because that’s who she is.
@Geminid: I really like Mangy Jay.
Roger Moore
What happens is well understood. Instead of speeding up as much as you’d expect, the mass increases (as sqrt(1-v^2/c^2)) so you get the energy you’d expect without relativistic effects as a combination of lower velocity and higher effective mass. This means the inner electrons wind up closer to the nucleus than you’d expect without the relativistic correction.
Adding, perhaps Turner’s surrogates should have not gone after Israel and etc. It was so stupid given the district. But I suspect clear thinking and strategy was not behind the anti-Semitism.
@Immanentize: I have seen on Twitter that she has strong support in the Jewish community, whom she actively courted and was expected to do well in those precincts.
Another Scott
Meanwhile, …
The GQP people have broken just about everything they’ve put their mitts on. Instead of using pardon power to right wrongs, he’s perpetuating them and making things worse.
We need to continue to vote the monsters out. Everywhere.
(via LOLGOP and nycsouthpaw)
@schrodingers_cat: I am very impressed by Ms. Jay. I think I could learn a lot from her.
@Kathleen: uh, no? Shaker Heights, one of Brown’s strongest neighborhoods, is the largest Jewish community in the district. And Beachwood, a real Jewish neighborhood (schools teach Hebrew) had a high turnout pro-Brown. Shontel really worked on getting the Jewish vote as Turner took opportunities to insult the community.
ETA oops, I misread your comment! You were talking about Brown, not Turner, right? Sorry! The subject of my comment was Turner so I thought when you said, “she” you meant Turner.
@Geminid: She is measured and thoughtful.
@Immanentize: Yup – I was talking about Shontel. I saw a tweet from 51 minutes ago that said the votes from those areas have not been counted yet.
@Kathleen: well that tweet was correct.
Jim, Foolish Literalist
Or Hillary Clinton. Or Barack Obama. Or Joe Biden. Or Kamala Harris. Or the Democratic Party. Or….
Reminds me of a time back in the 90s when people briefly thought Camille Paglia was worth talking about, and people were trying to find interesting ways to describe her: “A post-feminist radical leftist who nonetheless challenges the bromides of the liberal order…” So Molly Ivins read her book and came away with her own way to describe Paglia: “Sheesh, What an asshole!”
So as we hopefully say “Goodbye Nobody!” to Nina Turner, let’s pour one out for the late Miss Molly and say “Sheesh, what an asshole!”
joel hanes
Thanks for the link to that Wiki page.
I hadn’t known any of that.
Good old 137. If God exists, she certainly has some crotchets, another being beetles.
@Kent: Feck yeah. I hope that stays. Nina Turner is awful. She’s an inconsistent and crass liar who’s just out for herself, and she shits on her allies whenever it’s slightly personally useful.
I’d rather have her than a R in Congress, but…
@Jim, Foolish Literalist: I love Molly Ivins. Got to hang out with her a few times when I lived in Texas. She was funny, and kind.
@Anne Laurie: i predict a nina turner-gym jordan bromance to pair with kyrsten sinema-rob portman
dr. bloor
@MontyTheClipArtMongoose: I’ll take “‘Shit you can’t unsee’ for all the monies, Alex.”
I guess Ohio-11 voters just weren’t ready for a bowl of shit eater to represent them in Congress.
O. Felix Culpa
@Immanentize: I haz a jealous. Ms. Ivins is in my pantheon of great ones. Did you see the documentary about her? Came out a few years ago. Turns out a local Dem leader I worked with went to high school with her and made an appearance in the movie.
@Jim, Foolish Literalist: On the news of Shontel Brown’s victory, the earnest @Sasha Beauloux changed her twitter handle to Sasha “Hello Somebody…Anybody?”
I am so glad Brown won! She’s a fine candidate, and lightyears better than Turner.
@O. Felix Culpa:
I did see it.
She gave the commencement speech at the Law School in San Antonio when I was there (the Dean was a buddy of hers) and she started (from memory)
“Commencement speakers are invited to offer you sage advice to take you from this moment and to be a useful guidepost for your lives: Never plant bamboo.”
Jim, Foolish Literalist
In other news:
@Jim, Foolish Literalist: surprised/not surprised.
He should go and the nearby states need to separate from his stink
ETA Massachusetts Governor Baker said the same thing tonight – Cuomo Go-go
Jim, Foolish Literalist
So a failed demagogue is telling her supporters she was cheated. What could go wrong?
Nina Turner’s concession speech lacked class. She said “evil money won”. WTF?
I hate the way Trump changed our politics. These days, people won’t even muster a simple speech of accepting defeat without showing their ass.
@Jim, Foolish Literalist: Hasn’t Turner only won one race? Brown has won several?
@Jim, Foolish Literalist: She is so awful. Classless till the end.
Jim, Foolish Literalist
@gwangung: she had a fairly long– I don’t know how long– career as the local and state level, she was in some kind of leadership position in the Dem caucus of the state senate, IIRC. She ran for SoS as a conventional Dem, with the support of both Clintons, lost by 20+ points, started out 2016 as co-chair of HRC’s Ohio campaign and by summer of that year was emoting about TPP with Michael Moore, and finished out the year campaigning with and for Jill Stein in swing states. She started a corporate lobby shop and moved to Maryland, twitter says she was pulling down $350K/yr (I have no idea if that’s true, but she doesn’t like to talk about it) while going on “dirtbag left” outlets to dump on Democrats. Went through the usual Bernie nonsense through 2020 and in September said deciding between trump and Biden was like being offered a bowl of shit to eat, or half a bowl of shit. So… you can see why so many “progressive” Dems supported her.
Omnes Omnibus
O. Felix Culpa
@Immanentize: And she was right! What a wise woman. :)
O. Felix Culpa
@Omnes Omnibus: Yikes.
Jim, Foolish Literalist
oh, sure, but when I say it I’m being a big Meanie…
Am I wrong that McElwee has undergone a 180 on this approach to politics in the last year or so? I get lost trying to remember who’s who in the zoo these days.
@Omnes Omnibus: Yeah. I really hated the anti-semitic dog whistle Nina Turner’s supporters were using. Something about Brown being supported by Israeli military members or some nonsense like that…
Jim, Foolish Literalist
@Anya: water finds its own level, my old man used to say
@Jim, Foolish Literalist: They won’t learn a thing. They’ll double down and attack the Dem voters. And since Brown won the mail in ballots, I won’t be surprised if they attacked that as a source of fraud.
Another Scott
(via nycsouthpaw)
Congratulations Shontel! I’m not at all surprised by Turner’s reaction, especially given the campaign’s last week or so. I’m glad the good Democrats of Ohio 11th (The Fighting 11th!!) saw that she was a bad choice.
@Anya: David Sirota and Nina Turner continue to be classless, 100% wrong jokes whose primary purpose in life is to attack Democrats.
Part 78.
@L85NJGT: would prolly play better in buffalo or detroit
@Jim, Foolish Literalist: all democrats, too
though they could gave bipartisanned by inviting scott, sununu, & baker
@Anya: i still want to read sarah palin’s 2008 concession speech
would be a banger
Jim, Foolish Literalist
@Anya: I’m already seeing this on facebook. Though who knows how many of those people are actual people and how many are shitstirring bots or paid commenters.
David ? ☘The Establishment☘? Koch
It’s going dreadful at Nina Turner’s concession (photo)
Jim, Foolish Literalist
@Jim, Foolish Literalist:
How hard is it to refrain from attacking the Democratic base (Black and Jewish voters) if you want to win in a Dem primary? You don’t need a fancy strategist to point this out to you.
Fake Irishman
@Immanentize: so great to hear all these Cleveland-area cities. I’m a Catholic who grew up in the East burbs of Cleveland thinking Christianity was a minority religion in the US because all my classmates were Jewish. We never got Columbus Day off, because in the 1970s the school board realized half the district wouldn’t show up on Rosh Hashanah and Yom Kippur, so we got those off instead.
@Kay: Yeah, I really dug Subosh too. The ODP is . . .problematic.
James E Powell
There is a very large Pure Left Butthurt parade down Twitter Avenue. I know it hurts to lose, but come on, man! It’s not like James Clyburn & Hakeem Jeffries helped elect a corrupt, racist Republican.
@Immanentize: You hung out with Molly Ivins? I am super jealous. Ivins was a treasure; I’ve often wondered how she would have handled TFG. The story in one book about the Democrats stealing the Texas state budget using the transom was hilarious!
James E Powell
Another reminder that twitter is not the real world.
What a relief.
ETA: Once again, proof that yard signs don’t vote.
@Anya: The phrase used in Quebec back in the day was “money and the ethnic vote”.
@Jim, Foolish Literalist: Money.. maligned the election? What does that even mean?
Anyway, thoughts and prayers, Nina Turner. What goes around comes around.
@James E Powell: Apparently not very many of those 484k twitter followers live in the OH11th!
@Morzer: I am not just anti Turner which I admit I am. I also actually like Shontel Brown a lot in her own right.
Splitting Image
The first time I laid my eyes on Nina Turner, she struck me as less of a leftist and more of a LaRouchite. She had, and still has, that particular smirk that characterizes the sort of people who used to support Lyndon LaRouche and Ron Paul back in the day. I think that quite a few of them have burrowed into Bernie Sanders’ camp, even if Sanders himself isn’t one himself.
I suppose it’s possible that she would have voted as a leftist once she got into office, but I suspect it’s more likely she would have voted as a mavericky maverick like Sinema. Probably straight party line on most votes and unable to bring herself to support the “party elites” when it comes to passing a budget, supporting a Democrat as Speaker, and so on.
Oh well, riddance good to rubbish bad. Congratulations to Ms Brown on her win.
@sab: I despise Nina Turner and her creepy associates like Briahna Joy Grey – who is having quite an interesting time explaining just how wrongvoters wickedly wrongvoted for Shontel Brown:
David ? ☘The Establishment☘? Koch
White voters? Kook! Biden won the black vote in SC by 44% but only won the white vote by 10 points.
@David ? ☘The Establishment☘? Koch:
I rather suspect that we will find a similar situation in Ohio 11. Not that Briahna Joy Gray is going to correct any errors of her own making.
David ? ☘The Establishment☘? Koch
@James E Powell:
Was that directed by Busby Berkeley or Flo Ziegfeld?
@Morzer: Yep. This district was Marcia Fudge’s district. This district was Stephanie Tubbs Jones’s district.
David ? ☘The Establishment☘? Koch
@David ? ☘The Establishment☘? Koch: I absolutely think she ( Connie Schultz) is right. They tried to nationalize it, but we in Ohio have our own problems and our own solutions. Working together in urban areas is a big part of it. Nina hasn’t been interested in that for a long time. Shontel is interested in that.
David ? ☘The Establishment☘? Koch
@Jim, Foolish Literalist:
yup. he decided not to go stay at the BernieBunker
Oh happy news. Nice job, voters.
@Baud: Black and Jewish voters save the day, again.
Oh, fuck that shit. It was the messenger, NOT the money, goddammit.
Honestly, you learn a lot about a politician by listening to concession speeches. I wish voters would keep that in mind when the next elections roll around.
“our neoliberal electorate” is a hot take
Turner was complaining about “dirty” money before the campaign ended. The industrious Liz Burgh has been researching FEC reports from the Turner campaign and an associated super pac. I look forward to Burgh’s analysis of reports from the end of this quarter. The head of Ambry Biogenics has been a big donor to the super pac and to the campaign, also to Justice Democrats. Up through 2018, he gave his support to Congressman Dana Rohrabacher.
@Geminid: Correction: the company name is Ambry Genetics. The CEO is Charles Dunlop. On July 24, Liz Burgh reported that Dunlop gave $500,000 to Justice Democrats, who then gave $100,000 to the Turner super pac.
Chris Johnson
I’m pretty hardcore left, to the point where I didn’t get along well here back in 2016 or so. In theory I would be all about Nina Turner.
I’m kind of relieved she lost, all the more seeing some of the people behind her.
To me it looks like she is one of those treacherous supposedly leftists like Jimmy Dore who’s actually there to do damage. Might not be as bad as Dore, but definitely worrying. I feel like Shontel Brown winning is evidence the actual Left (which in the USA is really not very left at all, but for all that it’s still the actual Left in these parts) is awake, functioning and able to fight off opposition. Shontel Brown winning means Democrats will also be able to unify and fight off Republicans. I’m in favor of that, bigtime.
Interesting to see that Briahna Joy Gray is out there attacking people for Turner: if you don’t recognize Gray, make notes. She’s been part of a ‘dirtbag left’ (as in, very likely run out of Russian troll farms) podcast literally called the Bad Faith podcast (kids these days like to do those ironic twists, they literally are actors in bad faith so they ironic-ify it to get away with it) with ex-Chapo Virgil Texas.
Who is ex-Chapo because he’s the one who was caught grooming an underage girl… and that’s her co-host, on the bad faith podcast for dirtbag left Democrat-hating. Even the online left couldn’t cope with that one.
Seeing Gray supporting Turner really REALLY makes me feel we dodged a bullet. I know a bunch of leftists who seem sincere who liked Turner, but I’m not at all sure their trust was well founded. I think that whole crowd is waaaaay too manipulated by troll farms. The leftists I like, such as Vaush and Beau, have taken to directly calling out Russian election manipulation. I don’t trust anybody on the Left who doesn’t acknowledge that stuff. Turner’s showing all the signs of being enemy action.
Happy with Ohio 11. Thank you! Welcome, Congresswoman Shontel Brown.
@Geminid: I love @lizburgh
Chris Johnson
So, an obvious conduit for Russian money as they work the horseshoe theory thing and try to align themselves with both the terrorist right, and the radical left. ““There’s two people I think Putin pays: Rohrabacher and Trump”.
So, one conduit of money to Rohrabacher also trying to make inroads and control the message of the extreme left.
As predicted.
As we make note of this try to bear in mind that this is known behavior and does NOT mean left-wing policy itself is wrong: that policy includes things like the importance of addressing climate change. What it means is, the Russians will try to establish control over a bunch of disparate, opposing political positions, and make them fight. Again, this is known. It’s just more proof that’s what is going on, and it seems it is not winning the saboteurs elections.