Anyone who doesn't think President Trump wasn't the most stable of geniuses is just fooling themselves.
— Patrick Chovanec (@prchovanec) December 5, 2021
Negging (derived from the verb neg, meaning “negative feedback”) is an act of emotional manipulation whereby a person makes a deliberate backhanded compliment or otherwise flirtatious remark to another person to undermine their confidence and increase their need of the manipulator’s approval. The term was coined and prescribed by pickup artists.
So is Trump (unconsciously) negging himself, hoping that his cultists will respond with a torrent of praise in response?
For this to have happened minions like @realLizUSA either didn’t understand what Trump was saying or understood it but were too scared to staff him properly.
— Daniel W. Drezner (@dandrezner) December 5, 2021
To quote Stein’s Law, “If something cannot go on forever, it will stop.” The GOP Death Cult is truly dangerous, but the longterm survival of either its god-emperor figurehead or the nominal party that elected him (with considerable assistance by malign foreign forces) is not something upon which to waste too much of our precious energy, IMO…
There's this idea that Trump would be well-positioned to run again because of his hold on the GOP and fundraising ability. But he already lost the WH once and since then it's been non-stop revelations about things even worse than we knew about before he was voted out.
— Garance Franke-Ruta (@thegarance) December 6, 2021
Trump: If I didn’t fire Comey, they were looking to take down the President of the United States… I don’t think could’ve survived if I didn’t fire him
— Acyn (@Acyn) December 6, 2021
i’ll be buying the bar a round, i can’t speak for you jokers
— World Famous Art Thief (@CalmSporting) December 5, 2021
president deals is a 75 year old covid survivor currently threatening to tell the entire base to stay home in 2024 if every elected member of the republican party does not personally shine his balls, i don't know why people are so absolutely dead certain that everything is lost
— GOLIKEHELLMACHINE (@golikehellmachi) October 28, 2021
it was trump's winning political instincts that allowed him to be the first incumbent voted out since george hw bush *after* having signed one of the most massive stimulus bills in american history
— GOLIKEHELLMACHINE (@golikehellmachi) October 28, 2021
trump doesn't actually have to *do* anything right now, all he has to do is sit and criticize biden (who is in a temporary jam on the bills), he's on the easiest street possible and can't keep his attention focused for the length of even one of his weird, rambling PR drops
— GOLIKEHELLMACHINE (@golikehellmachi) October 28, 2021
anyway, none of this is to say that dems aren't in trouble, there's obviously plenty of work to do, but the idea that donald trump is going to be the conquering hero who sweeps in republican dominance for a decade or more is at least mildly unhinged
— GOLIKEHELLMACHINE (@golikehellmachi) October 28, 2021
The Dangerman
Also, I think Melania wants to move back to DC about as much as she wants a raging case of hemorrhoids. The first time around hubby wasn’t supposed to win and I doubt she was disappointed he lost the office. In the spirit of the season, her Christmas decorations were almost a cry for help for example.
@The Dangerman: That is a charitable view of her behavior. Or it could be a middle finger to the citizens of her adopted country who were expecting her to fulfill a minimum of her responsibilities as first lady. Sort of like ” I don’t care. Do U,” in ugly trees.
Some first ladies do a lot of public service stuff. Others work hard to protect their families from the spotlight. Some do both. She didn’t do any of that. Just sulked in the White House.
@The Dangerman: More like a shriek
@eclare: She could have done a Pat Nixon and kept her profile low while she protected her child. But she went out of her way to be quietly offensive every chance she got.
Tore out the Rose garden months before the election, so even if they lost the damage was done.
Her whole public personna was I do not give a shit about the public’s expectations because I married this rich guy and am therefore special.
The Dangerman
@sab: I almost feel sorry for her; I doubt that having to be a First Lady was imaginable during the negotiations, er, I mean, the courtship, to be a Billionaire’s trophy “wife”.
Chetan Murthy
@The Dangerman: All she ever had to do, was refuse to move from NY to DC. Or heck, she could have divorced the bastard. She participated in the birtherism. She participated shoring up his presidency. I hope she finds it impossible to leave him, has to subsist next to him until he dies. It’d be a fitting punishment.
@The Dangerman: I don’t. She is a mob boss’s daughter married to a mob boss. There are certain standards of behavior she could have met, and was probably expected to meet in those circles.Instead she just dissed everyone. She had a comfortable life (aside from being married to Trump, which she chose to do.) She is as bad as he is. Feeling entitled, for no particular reason.
The Dangerman
@sab: Daddy was “in the business”, too? I’ll have to look that one up. I’ve always figured she wanted to achieve some station in life and was going to make either by hooker or by crook.
@sab: Oh I totally agree, she is one of the vilest persons to appear in public. If tfg guy lives to 100, of course I’ll hate it 99%. But 1% will be very happy, because you know she never planned on that.
It’s not Trump, it’s the lack of election safeguards that is the greatest worry. Gerrymandered states and onerous voting restriction laws are in full swing.
The GOP don’t need Trump to steal elections, they’re busy getting their rigging prepared now with the assurance the Roberts court won’t give a flying fuck.
Chetan Murthy
@The Dangerman:
We all want to achieve some station in life. But when we do so by conniving (whether wittingly or not) in the destruction of our country, our countrymen have a responsibility to not overlook it.
Apropos of, I read this wonderful longread at The Guardian:
It’s about a woman (Nina Gladitz) who made it her life’s work to prove that Leni Riefenstahl was neck-deep in the Nazis’ perfidy. It’s long, but I really came away awed at her persistence, and the justice of her cause. I especially liked the bit at the end (though the entire thing is worth reading):
“moral rot”, indeed. We all need to remember to not give these bastards a pass.
Does anyone else think the Trump shunning of Trump Tower is kinda weird? After he was elected, he was so attached to that gaudy penthouse that he ran his whole transition out of it, and left the taxpayer-funded transition offices in DC to gather cobwebs. But post inauguration and even after leaving office, he’s only been there for a handful of days over the past five years. He shuttled between two of his resorts in Florida and New Jersey. It’s just weird.
Another random thought – with all the news coverage of Bob Dole’s death, it crossed my mind. Sometime in the next decade or two, Trump is going to die. What will be the government response? I looked up Nixon’s death details, and he had a state funeral – at the Nixon library in California. And none of the ceremonial stuff took place in DC. I devoutly hope the same holds true of Trump!
Given who she tied herself to and given what I’d bet the prenup looks like, she likely found herself way farther up the food chain that she’s ever earned or ever will. And she had to do that with him. That he hasn’t died and left her the $1.95 in loose change she’s waiting for is likely her biggest issue.
Chetan Murthy
If America is still a free country, I cannot imagine that his funeral would be public: it would be mobbed with protestors — jeering mobs. I’d love to go, for instance. And his gravesite would require either round-the-clock security or to be secret, for the same reason. Lotta folks would spend some serious time at the bar tossing back beers, before visiting that bastard’s grave.
@eclare: Bad thought, but I have it too. Other rich wives do their duty. She just seems uncooperative from day one. Entitled all the way and difficult all the way. Jumped the line to get in to college in Europe then didn’t finish. Came to America on special visa (seriously) as wooden model. Married rich guy, then tempermental wife when he rose above his abilities. At some point shit hits the fan if wife is not doing her job.
@Ruckus: She still could have handled it gracefully. Lots of women do. But she has been that finger at us from the beginning. So I am that finger back at her.
@The Dangerman: Her father ran a car and motorcycle sales agency for a state-owned auto manufacturer in Slovenia. He could be a mobster, but I don’t know anything about corruption in that country.
Chetan Murthy
There were many, many moments at which, if she’d simply left him, she’d have instantly become the most celebrated woman in America, lauded and lionized. She could have named her price for her ghostwritten memoirs. And she chose not to do that. Instead, she connived in the destruction of our country.
She is complicit.
@The Dangerman:
I’d bet that part of the problem is that she found out how much that prenup is actually worth. Because 10% of a bunch of debt is not really striking it rich. If she gets 10%. And I’m not betting on that.
She’s put herself in a very unenviable position. She’s his arm candy, except he makes her look like an arm disaster. She’s likely seen a bit/lot of what she got herself into and it ain’t pretty. She’s likely getting something like that 10% I mentioned above of pretty much squat because that’s pretty much all he’s got when you factor in the debt, especially the off the books debt, which you know there is very likely to be a bunch of. But if she leaves now she likely ends up with 0% of squat. That makes her a low rent___________. You fill in the blank anyway you want.
SWAG is Trump believes, as much as he “believes” anything, that by leaving New York he is punishing New Yorkers for their perfidy of not voting for he, Trump. And once New Yorkers finish dusting themselves off after arising from the floors on which they collapsed in hysterics, I hope they in unison gave him a hearty, “Oh yeah, well fuck you too, Donny!“
Chetan Murthy
@Ruckus: Neither Newt nor Rudy have their #4. Will Donny go for wife the fourth and set some kind of bizarre post-presidential record? Inquiring minds and all that.
@Chetan Murthy: Even if she chose to stay with him, which she did, she could have chosen otherwise. Being married to an asshole is unpleasant, but you always have to draw a line. She chose badly. Hundreds of thousands of women make these decisions every day. Melania’s were relatively easy. She would be safe no matter what. He now has a federal pension no matter what. She just wanted the connections and money.
Oh come on. She has all the grace of a lanced boil. She has all the talent of the same. She’s in this for what, the marriage? Come on, she’s in this for the death certificate, and the will. Wanna bet she’s never seen the real will? This is the typical crap richie rich story. No actual richie rich and the will leaves her squat, 1st because that’s really all there is and 2nd because she’s a grifter and he’s a lying sack of shit who lies to everyone, do you think she’s any different
To actually answer your point, yes a lot of women do the right thing. Quite a few do not. I know which group I’m putting her in.
@JoyceH: I have to think his avoidance of Trump Tower has to do with the inevitable masses of people protesting, flipping him off, and worse. Those are city streets and sidewalks in NYC, public property.
Since he owns that club and property in NJ, control of the disapproving masses is much easier.
@Chetan Murthy: No way his grave will be public, for the reason you state. I’m betting somewhere at Mar a Lago, with 24/7 security.
Jordan Klepper is on the scene in sunny Southern California.
Chetan Murthy
Do you remember when the reporting came out about how part of why she’d delayed moving down from NY to DC, was that she was renegotiating her prenup? What I don’t understand, is why she didn’t get a payout guaranteed at the end of the first term. Maybe she did. But geez, if she didn’t do that, I gotta say, she’s got the shittiest lawyers on earth.
@Chetan Murthy:
Well she is at least visually supporting one. She may never have had the allegiances to be called a traitor to this country. Of course she may only have allegiances to her own wellbeing.
@Chetan Murthy: Well, if she is as quick to pay her attorneys as he is…
Chetan Murthy
She swore an oath of naturalization, just like I did. In that oath, she forswears any allegiances except to our country. I did it, my entire family did it (and we send in our Indian passports, relinquished Indian citizenship) and she did it.
@Chetan Murthy:
She doesn’t have access to the lawyers that he does, I mean I’d bet that her monthly stipend/allowance is dependent upon how he feels about her, how he thinks she makes him look, or totally upon what he feels she needs on any given day. Her payout is likely to be whatever she thinks is in the will or is squat, whichever is lower. He’s not in love with her, she’s arm candy, and she’s as valuable to him as only he thinks every minute of the day. She may have renegotiated the prenup but how much do you think he’s going to give away?
Chetan Murthy
@Chetan Murthy: the oath
@HumboldtBlue: Just bizarre. Full disclosure, I have two cats, I do not take medical advice from either of them.
Chetan Murthy
There is a brisk business of lawyers doing these things for a percentage; hobnobbing with the wives of the rish, as surely she has done, she must have come across this sort of thing.
But whatever. I *hope* she gets zilch when the bastard dies; I *hope* she dies penniless. It would give me some modest amount of joy, as I gaze on America, my former home, from some distant land where I’ll have found refuge.
Chetan Murthy
@eclare: It was amusing, when the German lady realizes she’s just been made to look ridiculous, and she nopes out of the interview.
@Chetan Murthy:
I am not disagreeing with your legal point of traitor, only that she seems to have an allegiance to her and her alone. She’s slept with him, and she did that for something, I’m betting it is for future money for her. IOW she does nothing that doesn’t have some sort of a monetary payoff for her. He is her payoff. She is willing to debase herself rather far for the possibility of it being big. No matter any oath she’s sworn herself to, she is in this for herself and no one else. And she’s seemingly not willing to give that up for anything.
IOW I believe that to her the oath she took is part of the road she has to travel to get to the bank, nothing more. So as I was trying to say above, her real oath is to herself. Whatever she has to do to get there is just a minor cost. She has no real loyalty to anyone anything but herself and whatever she can get paid for.
@Chetan Murthy: Yeah. “So Jews were fleeing Poland because they couldn’t go to health clubs?”
Chetan Murthy
Everybody has a story in their own head, for why what they do is right, or OK, or not wrong. Everybody. It means nothing. What matters is what we do.
@Ruckus: I think we are on the same page here.
Right after his funeral she will jet off to self-exile in some exclusive foreign enclave, there to wallow in Botox and obscurity for the rest of her days.
@Chetan Murthy: yes. Fuck her. She’s a horrible person. Too many people want to cut her so much slack. She has agency, and she’s an asshole. Full Stop.
@Chetan Murthy:
The only argument that could possibly be made between us is that some people really, really do not do anything, nothing whatsoever that does not have a payoff for them. It may be a small or large payoff, it may be an emotional payoff, a political payoff, a monetary payoff.
Yes it matters what we do, but not all of us do the right thing, not all of us give a damn about the right thing, not all of us understand there is a right thing, not all of us have the desire to even give a damn about the right thing. Some humans are broken, some do nothing that they don’t feel will benefit them, nothing. Some will give their lives, to do the right thing, some would never conceive of that as a possibility.
You are correct, what we do is what matters. What I’m talking about is that some just do not give a fuck about anything except themselves. Honor, country, humanity, these things mean absolutely nothing to them. The fellow she is married to is one of those. I think she is as well.
Chetan Murthy
I don’t think we have an argument, Ruckus. I’m only noting that a person’s interior life counts for nothing when it comes to ethics, morality, the law, and patriotism.
P.S. And for sure, I understand what you mean: I remember reading once that Mafioso actually don’t have any sense of honor at all — it’s all just “what’s in it for me.” So sure, I understand that there are people like that in the world.
I think so as well.
But how could I not answer given this:
She has all the grace of a lanced boil.
Or this one:
Come on, she’s in this for the death certificate, and the will.
@eclare: yeah. This. He knows NYC hates him. If he goes to Trump Tower people go out of their way to say Fuck You Tiny Hands. They project humiliating videos on the building. Gather on the streets. His ego can’t handle that, so he’s gotta withhold his essence from those dirty New Yorkers. As always, he’s a coward.
@NotMax: There will not be anything to jet off with or jet off to.Ivanka and Eric and Jr. got what little there is and that won’t be much. Ivanka married well. Rest: oops.
@Chetan Murthy:
I don’t actually think we are arguing. We, I think are looking at this from different directions. Hey I enlisted for 4 yrs rather than be drafted for 2, because while I like my country and think that it’s actually a pretty good place to live, outside the republican party politics/politicians and the current direction of most of the “news” outlets. But it’s not the only good, decent country, and some days it seems that it is really, really trying to pull out of the race to be one of them. I’d bet I’m not alone in this, look how many people move here, want to move here for a better life. Like you. But we are all humans, with all the positive and all the negative bits that make us so. And some reflect the best and some the worst of humanity. It’s what makes it interesting. And baffling, and scary and sometimes dangerous.
Chetan Murthy
@Ruckus: One way I might characterize our difference, is that you’re willing to contemplate them as humans, with all their complexity. I’m not. I just want them to fry. Or get shot. Or get hanged. Or whatever. I don’t have any sympathy, empathy, or even interest, left for them as humans. That ended when it started becoming clearer and clearer that my home, my country, is about to go up in smoke.
From that point on, they’re just The Enemy.
Do you really think she hasn’t amassed a tidy account in her name in, say, Switzerland or Luxembourg (or perhaps Dubai) over the years?
Wouldn’t be at all surprising to find out at some point that a chunk of the still unaccounted for funds raised for the inauguration and handled by her party planner made their way to her coffers.
@NotMax: No, I don’t. TFG loves money too much, there is no way she could amass anything on the side without his knowing and taking.
Plus, what would she be selling? Jared could, with his “Middle East portfolio” and influence over US policy via his father in law. What the fuck would anyone pay Melania for?
For starters, padding the various household accounts and/or arranging kickbacks from various service providers can build into a substantial sum over time.
@Chetan Murthy:
But they are human. Nothing we can do, nothing we can feel is going to change that. And outcomes? Just because I think they are humans does not mean I think they are in any way good. Nor salvageable, or even saved from their own ignorance. They want us to be like them and I say fuck that. But I see an issue if we don’t allow them the reality that they are shit. I can see why one would think they shouldn’t be treated like humans, they don’t act like we think humans should. But they are acting like humans have since day one, they are humans, just shitty ones. That isn’t on us, it doesn’t diminish us, it’s a big world there are over 7 billion of us walking around and some of us are going to be shit. We have the proof right in front of us, all around us. And just because I understand they are humans does not make them better than they are. But trying to not understand that they are humans, no, I don’t get that. They are. History is full of humans that shouldn’t be considered human because they act like shit, but that doesn’t change the fact that they are human. We likely all know some humans that can at best only be considered shit. I’ve sure run across a few in my life, and as best as I can tell none of them is as big a pile of shit as TFG. And I know/grew up with someone who’s been in jail for 50 yrs for murder to compare with him. I don’t think all humans are redeemable or can ever be good. They still are human, it’s the price we pay for having the ability to be responsible and for having to pay the price when we aren’t.
@NotMax: We can agree to disagree, but I do not see Melania getting enough into the weeds with any household accounts to pad them.
Her whole “screw this place” and “fuck Christmas” attitude does not lend itself to cook the books.
As an accountant I detest that term, but to do that effectively you have to have some idea of what you are doing. And care enough to cover it up.
Polling shows that former Missouri Governor Eric Greitens is leading the Republican field in the race to replace Roy Blunt as Senator from Missouri. Home Depot founder Bernie Marcus just gave $1 million to a PAC supporting Greitens.
Some Republicans fear Greitens is too damaged by the sex and blackmail scandal that led to his resignation as Governor in 2018. Radio host Hew Hewitt is one, and he used trump’s appearance on his show yesterday to lobby against Greitens. Hewitt is usually a babbling brook of optimism, but he pleaded with trump,
” Please don’t. Please don’t endorse Eric Greitens. We’ll lose that seat.” Trump told Hewitt, “that’s an interesting opinion,” that Greitens was “leading by a lot.” Hewitt responded, “I know, but he’ll lose that seat. We’ll lose that seat.”
I doubt if trump is that impressed by Hewitt’s opinion, and I expect the Greitens camp will bombard trump with the many instances where Hewitt pushed back on the belief that Democrats stole the election. I just found it interesting that a well-connected Republican like Hewitt believes that Republicans don’t have a lock on that Senate seat.
@Geminid: That is interesting, thanks.
@eclare: Are you from the “Show Me” state? You might be interested in a November 24 Politico Magazine article, “The Populist, Millennial Veteran Who Wants to Turn Missouri Blue,” by Kathy Olisinan. It’s a long article. The focus is on Lucas Kuntz, a Democratic candidate for next year’s open Senate race. The author discusses Missouri political history since the 1970’s, as well as the current Republican Senate field.
This. The only thing they need from Trump is to be at the top of the ticket, as the symbol they’ll all rally around.
So we need those voting rights bills.
@lowtechcyclist: The Republican base will certainly rally around trump. I’m not so sure about Independents. I think they have a lot of trump fatigue. I suspect that trump would not be the Republicans’ strongest candidate in 2024. But that’s out of my hands, and I just hope that there is a strong national economy in 2024. That seems to be what wins or loses Presidential reelection campaigns.
Of course, the Republicans will try to steal the election. But I think a Pompeo or a DeSantis would be a more efficient thief than trump.
From what I’ve heard from those who know, TFG’s company owns a lot of expensive property, so his estate will be huge in spite of debt. I predict that, regardless of any prenuptial or trust arrangement, his estate will be tied up in court for years with lawsuits as Melania, his kids and his creditors fight over it. I don’t know what the laws in NY are, but in MO you can’t disinherit your spouse. As for how long it will last, we finally closed my sister’s trust this year, 9 years after her death, and there were no lawsuits involved.
@Soprano2: It is pleasant to think of it turning into a Jarndyce v Jarndyce situation, with the whole thing eaten up in litigation. Protracted, bitter litigation, during which none of the family gets to touch the money….
And thus my boycott of Home Depot will continue. (No, I don’t care if the bastard owns zero Home Depot stock, etc…)
Anne Laurie
Give Melania her due, guys. Whatever she thinks of her spouse-by-law (probably not much more than we do) she does by all indications love her son, who has yet to achieve his legal majority. From what little I know of inheritance law, it’s much better for his chances if his lawyers have him ready to hand when the Sperm Donor kicks off — if only so the extremely bent offspring of marriage #1 can’t tamper with the DNA records. (I assume Barron was tested before he left the birthing room, but maybe Melania convinced him such a test would be a slur on his masculine potency?) There won’t be ‘billions’ to divvy up, but there’s plenty to be wrung out of the various leases, media agreements, and whatever portable bijous don’t turn out to be reproductions. He’s entitled to his share, but somebody needs to keep a sharp eye on the smarter grifters in the Trump family orbit (people like Don Jr’s side piece K Guillifoyle).
Melania’s theoretically fluent in five languages, and Barron in at least three (he’s grown up speaking Slovenian with the grandparents, plus French, to go with the EU passport Melania procured for him). One sentence I’m sure they’ve both memorized in all the major tongues: No, my surname is [x] — who is this ‘Trump’ of which you speak?
@Anne Laurie: “Trump? You know, I hardly knew the guy.”
Chris Johnson
@Chetan Murthy:
I completely understand and sympathize with this, just know that you are being played. You are meant to draw that conclusion and stick to it, because there’s folks working real hard to get the USA to tear itself apart in civil war and terrorism.
Just know that you’re being played. You’re meant to think that by the same folks who are directing your Enemy.
@HumboldtBlue: My cat is the Queen of the house. She told me to take the vaccine, or expect a present on the bed. She’s a smart feline.
Jim Appleton
Forget a TFG grave.
Can we fire him into the sun?
@eclare: “Although five of his relatives are interred in the Lutheran All Faiths Cemetery, in Middle Village, Queens, Trump has been making plans to spend eternity behind the first tee of one of the courses at the Trump National Golf Club in Bedminster, New Jersey. “Wouldn’t you want to be buried here?” he told the Wall Street Journal, in 2015.” – The New Yorker, 2016
Trump National Golf Club is private property and therefore off limits to the public.
That would prove endlessly amusing when the family has to sell the property to help cover their debts since Donnie would no longer be around to keep juggling creditors left and right.
J R in WV
As if that property will be Trump’s property after he dies~!~ HA, it is to laugh. Trump can’t conceive of a time and place where he is gone, so he assumes he will control that property for ever. In reality, that property will wind up sold to some real estate scam, who will build something way more profitable than a golf course formerly owned by the most hated former president in the universe.
At which point Trump’s grave will be rented out by the 15 minute span, in which time the renter can piss as long as his bladder holds some urine. That tourist attraction will make more money than any of Trump’s scams have made so far. How much would you pay for 15 minutes alone (or with select friends) at Trump’s grave site?
Trump is way ahead of us, as usual (why do you think he’s so rich?). He’s being clever. He’s in court accused of fomenting a riot because he wants the election overturned, and he wanted that to happen because he believes the election was stolen. “But when did I ever say it was stolen? Some people – bad people, bad people – may say I suggested it, but they’re wrong. In fact, I issued an Official Presidential Statement in December 2021 where I explicitly said it wasn’t stolen, and anybody who believes it is stupid.” Gotcha, libs!!!1!