If one more idiot tries to blame Biden or any other member of this administration for “supply chain issues,” I am going to no longer keep up the facade of my sparkling demeanor and I am going to lose my shit on everyone. The supply chain is not some inanimate object that you break like you dropped a wine glass. It’s not something you can fix with solder and duct tape. It’s not actually even a fucking chain.
The supply chain is people. People showing up at work to cut the hay. People showing up to deliver the hay to dairy farms. People to feed the hay to the cows and milk them. People to transport the milk. People to make the dairy product. People to grow and cut the trees. People to deliver the trees to the pulp mill. People to turn that into paper products. People to turn the products into packaging. People to ship the packaging to the plant making the dairy product. People to package and ship the dairy product. People to unload and stock the item. And in between tens of thousands of other things going on. The utility workers to keep the power on. The traffic cops and road crews to keep the roads open. The people to educate your kids while you are at work doing one of those things above.
It’s not dark fucking magicks, it’s people, although if you ask any Sergeant Major or Colonel and above anywhere they will tell you that logistics is in fact one part dark magic of some sort.
So when there is a pandemic that is sickening and killing large numbers of those people in a population, and even worse, half those people refuse to do anything to protect themselves because “mah freedoms” or to make a political statement or because Jenny McCarthy is a fucking twat, the supply chain breaks down. Biden isn’t sitting somewhere like Johnny from Airplane the movie turning the power to the supply chain on and off. There just isn’t much he can do about it. There isn’t much GODKING Trump can do about it.
No one can do anything about it until you stupid motherfuckers do something yourself, and even then, there are going to be variants that wipe us out for a while. Grow the fuck up.
Where’s a cigarette when you need one?
WV Blondie
Great rant, and I abso-fucking-lutely agree!
So the supply chain is Soylent Green?
ETA: I think i found a solution to the cat food shortage.
Well, we can blame the moron who came up with the theory of Just in Time.
To be fair, the CDC recommendations and lack of eo based support is forcing more and more people into situations that lead to illness and hence inability to work. I know gop intransigence isn’t helping but the general attitude from the leadership is “vaccines!” and that’s more or less it.
It’s more of a supply chainmail.
@fey: What is “eo based support”?
Great rant, Cole!
Omnes Omnibus
It’s always people. Send in the National Guard? People. Schools: People. Hospitals? People. Workers? People. It’s always people, but it is easy for some to forget.
@Omnes Omnibus:
I like to refer to them as Human Capital.
Turtle speaks, pretends to know/care what “presidential” means.
Where was this dude in the period from 2017 to 2020?
Ivan X
This is a good one.
Also, any post that references Airplane! is ok with me, despite it making me feel old.
You know who else did something about people?
Come on its no fun for the media if they cant blame Biden.
Using executive orders to provide support to protect people or provide financial/medical support. The fact that we have “insurance (which you may or may not have) will reimburse you for tests (which are impossible to find) vs actually using the power of the executive branch to force the production and distribution of tests is fairly depressing.
Omnes Omnibus
@Baud: Aaarrrggghh!
Thank you John! I had just read an article where they are bashing everyone about it and it tired me to imagine people are unable to improvise as needed.
I was dreaming in my dreaming…
@WV Blondie:
This rant is definitely going in the BJ 25th anniversary collection!
I know gop captured courts will make eo based solutions harder to make land but even the threat of the vaccine mandate was getting results before it was struck down. Rapid fire off executive orders and hope some stick. It’s better than nothing.
I’m not sure what powers you think Biden has, but I’m pretty sure he can’t just give out financial support through EOs.
Omnes Omnibus
@Baud: You’re no fun.
Who are you and what have you done with John Cole?
I believe he was busy eliminating the filibuster for Supreme Court nominees during that time.
What you said, John Cole. Also, learn to cope, people. If the worst thing in your life is that you temporarily can’t find whatever food product or non food product you are looking for except for toilet paper and pet food, consider yourself lucky.
Wow, I do feel better. I think I’ll go make some black bean soup. I probably need some fiber in my diet.
Didn’t Trump use executive orders to divert existing funds from fema into extending additional unemployment benefits? It was a shitty kludge but it was certainly good politics. Direct payments are the most effective subsidy and are wildly popular.
Beyond purely finical issues Psaki’s annoyance at the idea of sending tests out to Americans was embarrassing when it’s certainly safer for everyone and more economically sound than letting half the workforce get sick and not even have info on who isn’t and isn’t spreading covid.
zhena gogolia
@Juju: Make sure you have TP first.
RIP Ronnie Spector
Be My Baby
zhena gogolia
The people who jump in to bash Biden always have a different nym. I know we’re not supposed to notice this, but Mezz, Mart, etc., seem to have a similar drive-by technique.
I think he diverted funds to build his Wall.
zhena gogolia
@raven: Oh, sad.
Old Man Shadow
But… but Biden has a Green Lantern Ring. He can just will all of our problems away and give us Medicare and cream cheese for all!
@Baud: and now the stores are out of Soylent Green too.
Omnes Omnibus
@raven: Aw fuck! Ronnie was one of the all time greats.
My cats are perfectly happy with deli meat instead of canned, especially instead of canned pate.
@Old Man Shadow:
Mmmmm. Government cream cheese.
@trollhattan: Did his nose grow while he was saying this, or did his skin crack off and reveal a lizard being underneath? Did his head burst into flames? I sometimes wonder if he actually produces a reflection of himself if he looks into a mirror.
My apologies to whomever I snarled a few weeks back at about using “twat.” Apparently it is now acceptable. Sigh.
Goku (aka Amerikan Baka)
@zhena gogolia:
TBF, they could just be infrequent commenters. I’ve seen the nym Mart befor
BTW, whatever happened to ji? Haven’t seen them in months
Were Shakespeare alive today, he would have written
Is anything less than ebullient support bashing? The fact that I think the Biden admin can, and should do more with the levers of power it does have access to seems like a fairly mild rebuke. The country is in an extremely bad place right now and it feels as though the only guidance/support from the executive branch is telling people to get vaccinated.
Old Man Shadow
@trollhattan: The fact that god hasn’t struck this old hypocrite dead speaks very strongly against his existence.
Omnes Omnibus
@raven: A newer song.
@zhena gogolia: I do. I have a hidden stash of t.p. I also have canned dog kidney diet type A if anyone needs it.
Omnes Omnibus
@fey: Suggesting impossible things makes it hard to take someone seriously.
Supply chains ain’t what they used to be.
When Grandma Made Gunkies.
Hey, Raven, first, how are you feeling?
Second, did you see the nice message POTUS sent to UGA?
Fabulous rant. This is kinda like John’s rants when he was drinking and he told us he hated us and call us all fuckers. I loved those rants.
Good times.
Omnes Omnibus
@HeleninEire: You are kind of an odd chick. No offense intended of course.
YEP. A huge part of it. And yep, right wing fools who insist on “getting back to normal” are making things worse by doing everything they can to make sure that workers are put at risk and exposed to Covid.
I remember a story early in the pandemic. about California meat industry workers who were not given any protective equipment and who were forced to work in close proximity in a refrigerated room that may have been very conducive to the spread of the virus. Meanwhile, the owners and supervisors were well protected and socially distanced.
This kind of thing is still often the case for low wage and migrant workers all over the world. And in many countries the migrant workers live and sleep in cramped dormitories, guaranteeing spread of the virus.
So right now we are stuck. The supply chain can’t improve if fools keep ignoring the virus. We have to fight against this.
And also fight against fools like Manchin who believe that raising wages or giving poor people a little extra money is going to outrageously fuel inflation and sink the economy.
Biden sent all the supply chain to Mexico.
Now America is screwed.
So wait a minute. Are you saying that removing the block chain won’t actually fix the supply chain? I’m so confused. I thought I had it all figured out. Sigh.
@HeleninEire: John has learned how to tap into the ranting again, now without drinking!
@raven: The original Ronette. RIP
@HeleninEire: I know Omnes meant that in a positive way, but I will still say that I don’t think you are
addODD at all. You are interesting as hell, but not odd.edit: damn autocorrect.
@Omnes Omnibus: No offense taken!
@WaterGirl: It’s all good. I like Omnes.
And thank you.
Omnes Omnibus
@WaterGirl: And I thought the word chick would have been the problematic one.
@Omnes Omnibus: Yeah. I pretended I didn’t see that. For your sake.
What Biden could do he’s done – including working with Port Authorities to bring the shipments in instead of them floating out there for weeks.
Speaking of supply chain, I’ve been told that milk and eggs are going to be difficult. Luckily milk and eggs are not things you can hoard since it is all perishable.
Omnes Omnibus
@HeleninEire: Living on the edge, that’s me.
@Omnes Omnibus: It did not go unnoticed! Just not commented on.
Kirk Spencer
So as a part of the so-called supply chain, I’m going to rant. See, there’s a couple of issues.
We, like all the rest of the so-called essential workers, are burning out.
huh, wasn’t going to start with that. Let’s digress.
There is a new inescapable social divide, as distinct as urban vs rural. Some will spend time on each side, most won’t. I have little clue what it is to spend weeks isolated from all (most) direct human contact. You are the same trying to understand those of us who worked 5 or six days a week, 8 to 12 hours a day, all to keep the supplies moving so you COULD stay isolated thus keeping you, yours, and mine safe.
I don’t know all the effects down the road. But there will be effects, not least being the bogglement of “how the h*** did you do that” between each side. There will be resentment (both directions). There will be dismissal (you don’t know, you weren’t there isms). And worst there will be unthinking assumptions made that you will understand me and I will understand you because we had the same experience when, actually, we didn’t.
But I do know that those of us on the ‘essential side’ are, well, we’ve done a lot of work and we’re kind of tired and it’d be nice if we got a bit of rest. A series of 40 hour weeks with full weekends sounds like something I used to know.
@Omnes Omnibus:
Do you think any sort of executive action to provide free and available testing or financial support that would allow people to actually take off from work when they are sick is impossible? Do you think the insurance based solution for testing is an effective or good one? It seems like you’re positing there’s nothing the administration can do to protect US citizens right now.
I am not a legal scholar, I don’t know what exactly they could or could not get away with, but with a view from the ground it feels like they aren’t even trying and getting shot down by courts anymore. That’s incredibly depressing. Triple vaccinated people I know are getting sick and we don’t know if they’re going to run into long covid. I work a public facing job and I’m constantly worried about getting sick and in turn getting my partner sick. The attitude of “our hands are tied” makes it really hard to feel like we’re cared about and while I’ll still support and work for my candidates I can’t say the same for everyone else who feels like they’re left behind.
Mike S
Not to mention the fact that the reason our shelves are emptying is because our economy is rocking. People have money and they are spending it.
Righteous, John. Thank you.
And to preempt it, yes I absolutely blame the gop for the situation we’re in. But they’re willing to go to the mat and fight like animals for their goals, we can’t fight that with playing 100% by a rulebook they will throw out in a heartbeat
@zhena gogolia:
TP was the main thing I got really serious about when the pandemic first hit and it went missing. There hasn’t been a day since without a stockpile of TP in the garage.
@Kirk Spencer: From one of the mostly isolated, I have no resentment of people like you unless you weren’t vaccinated when you could be, or if you did not appropriately mask. More of us would be dead otherwise.
I hope one of the effects down the road (which is showing some velocity) is higher wages and more standard work hours. I do curb side grocery pickup, and I wish the stores would let me tip because there is no other way to show my appreciation.
I love it when you go Full John Cole. I think I just screamed “FUCK YEAH!”
@Kirk Spencer: The pandemic has laid bare a lot of terrible things.
To many, essential workers = expendable workers
YOU need to put yourself at risk in order to keep ME safe.
Like so many other things, it’s not right. I hope once the pandemic clears and the dust settles that we can work on more equity than we have now.
Thanks, Cole, for saying it the way I feel it. I 100% endorse this rant.
@WaterGirl: wrt essential workers that’s why the CDC guidance keeps feeling worse and worse. It feels like every week the safety margins get smaller and smaller in exchange for keeping more workers on the job, even if they might be a serious vector of covid. There’s no way to view that as anything but prioritizing business over people.
Especially given that studies are showing more and more potential long term damage even in moderate/asymptomatic cases.
John Cole
@HeleninEire: I still hate you all.
John Cole
@jnfr: Get a bidet.
@John Cole:
Ah, there is the Cole with whom I am familiar!
Frank Wilhoit
People? People? People who don’t know what to do, and who get no training because it has to come out of the operations budget, which is to say, out of management compensation? People who get no reward for trying to solve problems? People who have no idea how the roles upstream and downstream of them are supposed to work? People who are alternately told, from each moment to the next, either to comply with regulations or to disregard them — regulations that have unpredictable effects at best, because their observance is not consistent? People who are treated like thieves, enemies, helots?
It’s a wonder every shelf is not bare.
Frank Wilhoit
@sab: In some regional usages, the word has no other connotation, and no more force, than “butt”. I remember as a child standing by during a brief conversation between my mother and the proprietor of a drycleaning shop, who used it so. My mother and I were both too well conditioned to react, but she was shocked, hard, and I was vastly amused.
Frank Wilhoit
@Mike S: good for you and your locality. It is not so everywhere.
Here is where I saw you go through the looking glass…
What is driving mandates isn’t the executive branch. It’s large, service-based corporations who have been repeatedly hammered by COVID surges. The airline industry. Retail big-box stores. Chain Restaurants.
One of my morning maildrops had the CEO of United noting that while 25% of his workforce is currently out quarantining, they haven’t had a single staffer DIE this round, because everyone who didn’t get vaxxed by Nov 1 is no longer United’s employee — or problem.
My local Target has 100% of their staff vaxxed, because they gave the vax in the store at the last 15 minutes of shift, and guaranteed workers two days off after each shot. I heard a manager the other day scheduling his crew for boosters.
If you believe (rightly) that you’re going to lose your job if you don’t get the damn shots, you go get the shots. 99% of every large customer-facing organization (hospitals, unis, supermarkets, banks, retail) in Greater Boston has vaxxed their employees, or canned them. So we have 85% of Massachusetts vaxxed, and what Joe Biden did had nothing to do with it.
If you live in a spawn-from-hell-governed state like TX or FL, the state is banning mandates, and hiding case and death counts. And heaven help you if you want medical care for long covid in those states. And they will defy ANY executive order from Biden.
Let us know when you return to reality.
@John Cole: Amen.. my bottom loves me every time I go to the toilet.
@WV Blondie: DITTO!
And he’s still capable of calling us all fuckers.
@FlyingToaster: I live in semi rural Minnesota, not a fire breathing anti vax state. We have fairly large corporations and a sizeable factory base where I live. We still have a depressingly low vaccine rate. Mask wearing is at most 5% in most commercial spaces. Comparing the greater Boston area with most of the country is misguided. A strong hand from above is better than hoping for the same corporations that would rather have constant employee churn rather than give minor raises do the right thing.
Mike S
People aren’t quitting their jobs to get more hammock time, they’re quitting their jobs because they’re getting better offers elsewhere.
Thanks to assistance packages passed on a bipartisan basis first, and then solely by Democrats later, the US economy is better now than it was two years ago. That’s pretty remarkable, and if the price we pay is a bit of extra inflation for a while then that’s not really much of a price. How many other large countries can say they’ve done better?
Heck I’m burned out and work from home with minimal human contact (other than phone or email). I can’t imagine what people who have to physically go to work or deal with the unmasked public are going through. No wonder there are “supply chain issues”.
@Mike S: a lot of countries aren’t at over 100%+ icu capacity. Judging success only by the economy is some ghoulish logic, especially given how uneven the distribution of gains during the pandemic has been
Racer X
What an appropriate headline considering Soylent Green was set in 2022. Nice one…
@Kirk Spencer: the best thing for essential workers to feel valued are set schedules in advance with at least 2 days off straight every week. Especially for restaurant, warehouse and retail. And businesses should make this a priority and build in float. Enough of the extreme lean labor optimization method.
I don’t think this is correct. And “potential” damage does not mean much. Some studies suggest that Omicron is less damaging than previous variants.
The change in guidelines is also based in part on the idea that the stages of Omicron infection and contagion are shorter compared to the earlier variants. And there is also the fact that Covid denial and defiance is stubbornly firm.
I want to protect everyone, especially essential workers, but some of the saddest remarks I hear are from essential workers who foolishly believe that they are tougher than the virus.
And then there are the people who are tired of the various reasonable regulations and look for excuses to throw in the towel, especially if it means that they can connect with friends and family again.
A lot of us hoped that the vaccine would help end the pandemic. But I also believe that we can all get a second wind and find a way to deal with this.
The wild card, of course, is the deliberate mischief caused by right wing fools. They are also digging in for a renewed application of evil and stupidity.
Jim, Foolish Literalist
I kind of suspect our new and very energetic commenter who, gosh, just wants us to do better, is it wrong to want that? isn’t that what we all want? might not be arguing in good faith
Jim, Foolish Literalist
I mean, come on
@John Cole: ???
Omnes Omnibus
@Jim, Foolish Literalist: Frequent commenter ksmiami is apparently in favor of benign leftwing dictatorship since the country is too big and dumb to be run as a democracy. It might be a new fashionable pose.
Some businesses don’t have enough staff to do this. And workers quit, not just because of bad bosses, but because of nasty customers. A very successful deli in the Los Angeles area closed for a week because there was not enough staff to operate the joint.
@raven: Damn! Another great singer gone.
@Mike S:
Good point, but I would say that these programs helped people get through the slow down. The economy was still rocky for many.
@HeleninEire: @WaterGirl: And WaterGirl just said you were ADD, too. Although she spelled it lower case.
Ella in New Mexico
Something has shifted in the cosmos because healthcare right now is freaking nuts. Worse than I think it has been since 2020, when it started.
First of all everyone is sick, not dying sick but feeling like a pile of crap shit. Omicron is awful even if it doesn’t kill you. We need to see those folks, Zoom or in person. Lots of secondary bacterial infections, severe headache, etc.
We also have tons of people suddenly deciding they’re worried about their cholesterol calling in and demanding “First available” annual exams. Not urgent, not important right now, but thanks to the instution they get to clog up the available visits instead of being rescheduled for a time when we’re not in fricking crisis mode.
Patient’s are out of control. Calling our clinic literally screaming at our clerks and nurses with 4 letter diatribes because “I want my doctor to call me back to discuss my complex list of symptoms (that are vague and not urgent ) I sent them through the patient portal (even though there is a large “do not use the portal for new symptom make an appointent” notice) and they’re neglecting me and no I don’t want an appointment but I’m reporting you guys to the Patient Advocate and I hope that bitch dies from COVID” is every provider’s top message.
Meanwhile, we’re down 5/8 Medical Assistants and 3/6 of our RN’s due to COVID, three PCP openings with no candidates in the near future, backed up Occupational Health appointments to CLEAR Covid positive employees to return to work to a week.
Seriously, healthcare is a cross between being a Mommy and a waitress lately.
Please folks, for the love of GOD: BE KIND PATIENTS and remember we’re maxed out doing the best we can right now. Please don’t use swear words when asking for help. Please. Front line folks taking the call are exhausted.
Omnes Omnibus
@Ella in New Mexico: My last interaction with the medical system was getting my booster. I made sure I thanked everyone I interacted with, including parking lot attendants.
Ella in New Mexico
@Omnes Omnibus: Of course you did cuz you’re a decent human being, Omnes. :-)
I used to be part of that supply chain. I made tools that packagers used to make packages, to allow them to ship products that you see in stores, often grocery stores. I had people work for me that were part of that chain. Yes, we only made up one link and there are millions of links.
Our world is now interdependent upon many, many links, made up of millions of people, so when one link is broken it sometimes is noticeable, when many/most are – the purchasing society that we are gets disrupted massively.
@Jim, Foolish Literalist: I’ve posted here before, infrequently. Immediately leaping to any dissent being bad faith trolling and not an actual expression of my lived experience is fairly insulting.
@Baud: Come on. Joe Biden should at least give me Joe Manchin’s fancy car.
@Brachiator: I’m hoping that it’s not causing long term harm, but even if there’s only vague evidence right now that suggests that even a small portion of people infected by omicron could have serious post covid effects the sheer number of cases magnifies even a minor percentage. Why gamble when we’ve already seen a ton of long hauler cases.
@Omnes Omnibus: The problem with dictatorships in general is the people who want to be a dictator want to do it for themselves. And its not hard to corrupt a good person who intended to do it for other people. Worse is when its inherited by children who never learned to do it for others. In theory a good dictator could do good things. That’s why the ancient Romans had such a thing for emergencies, and why it was time limited.
As always though, those who seek power are generally least likely to use it well, those who might use it well aren’t the personality type to ever seek it.
Saying we need a stronger federal response during a pandemic hardly feels like invoking the desire for a dictator.
Jim, Foolish Literalist
@fey: I enjoy a good on-line role play, and you’re almost there acting out some of the earnest bleaters on twitter mewling about how “Biden has abandoned us!” I just think you’re overplaying the part. That “heavy hand from above” thing was just a bit, if you’ll allow it, heavy-handed. Dial it back a little, tone down the preciousness a bit. We shouldn’t see you acting, as the acting coaches say.
Omnes Omnibus
@Urza: Me, I am a firm believer in democracy, with the firm understanding that it will always be flared and will just enable us to muddle through. Muddling through is better than being a part of even the most benign of dictatorships; as you note, they go bad.
@Jim, Foolish Literalist:
Haha you got me i was aoc’s chief of staff all along. Not just a person you’d rather dismiss than engage on an honest level. Truly you are the wise internet sage.
Just say fake news next time. It’ll clarify your worldview for everyone.
We’ve had trouble finding canned dog food, more than cat food. I get the feeling a lot of this is regional.
Around here wet pet food of either variety is hard to come by. Dry food is reasonably common though.
I concur that it’s regional though, during the height of the first bit of the pandemic our tiny regional store never ran out of flour, yeast or toilet paper when every member of my extended family was bereft of those resources.
@fey: I’m not “comparing” anything to Massachusetts, you dope. Massachusetts is an example; we tend to ignore DC as much as humanly possible, since most of our institutions are older than those Johnny-come-latelys. Plus, one of our largest business sectors is higher education.
CommonwealthPeople’s Republic isn’t unique; all of New England has a high vax rate, as do NY, NJ, MD and DC. (PA & DE, guys, get with the program). But it’s not being driven by Federal anything. A lot of local government (city hall), a lot of state agencies (even with our tool of a governor), and bigger business mandates.Massachusetts’ “rural” counties haven’t the lowest vax rate; it’s (unfortunately) two urban counties with lots of immigrants but not as many institutions of higher ed. Until the businesses there start forcing the issue, Hampden (Springfield) and Bristol (Fall River, New Bedford) will lag behind.
* rural is, well, not the same as in Missouri where I grew up.
The good news is our death rates haven’t gone up with the Omicron surge. The bad news is our death rates haven’t gone down much in months. We are permanently losing about 40,000 people a month. Some of those will be older folks, maybe retired and maybe not. If only half of them were working that is a lot of people to replace. 12 million people got sick in the last month. If only half of them were working, that is a lot of jobs not being done for a week or more. And people blame the president because work isn’t getting done? Morons.
have you discussed this with our republican senators in DC? You might also take this issue up with Manchin and Sinema.
IIRC, some people have been shouting DO SOMETHING !!!! since King Canute walked down to the sea shore.
@frosty: damn autocorrect!
Here in Ann Arbor, masking is still 90% plus in commercial spaces.
S. Cerevisiae
@bjacques: You’re too late, Tuesday is Soylent Green day…
No, you’re right. No government policy could EVER affect the ability of people to do jobs related to the supply chain.
Maybe, throwing them out of work for not getting an ineffective vaccine could be one ?
Nah, saint Joe is absolved of any sin
@dopey-o: Do…. WHAT ? There is literally nothing to be done. The vaccine does not prevent contraction or transmission, only limiting the severity of symptoms when you do get it. No mitigating action has been shows to have any effect, not lockdowns, not masking. The only thing that is effective in limiting the spread of a respiratory virus is to stay home when you’re sick. The end.