"Come in the name of peace… Ukraine matters"
Ukraine's President Volodymyr Zelensky makes appeal to citizens around the world to take to the streets in protest against Russia's invasion of his country – "to support freedom, to support life"https://t.co/yNbElFfwHn pic.twitter.com/CwVGptcUfA
— BBC News (World) (@BBCWorld) March 24, 2022
President Joe Biden is traveling to Europe for emergency talks with European leaders about the war in Ukraine, carrying with him plans for additional sanctions against Russia https://t.co/8UTBnPY3ea pic.twitter.com/QzVmhn04fB
— Reuters (@Reuters) March 24, 2022
'Russia will pay': West to warn Putin in trio of summits https://t.co/hwluzKA0T2 pic.twitter.com/ATguePVxVq
— Reuters (@Reuters) March 24, 2022
The other day, I called up DonnaMarie, Steve, and Amy to hear how the Affordable Care Act changed their lives and thank them for the work they’re doing with @ProtectOurCare to protect it.
I hope you'll watch and share your own story: pic.twitter.com/DhAQWzxCYq
— Barack Obama (@BarackObama) March 23, 2022
Former Secretary of State Madeleine Albright has died at 84. Albright, who fled the Nazis as a child in her native Czechoslovakia during WWII, rose to become the first female U.S. secretary of state and, in her later years, a pop culture feminist icon https://t.co/G00zRqC1ym pic.twitter.com/n268vbt5fq
— Reuters (@Reuters) March 24, 2022
In the third day of her confirmation hearing, Supreme Court nominee Ketanji Brown Jackson said having a diverse judiciary “bolsters public confidence” in the legal system.
Her nomination, she said, underscores progress made in the U.S. since the civil rights movement. pic.twitter.com/QdIQYL4L2O
— The Associated Press (@AP) March 23, 2022
For those who just watched that spectacle: this is what happens when you don’t have a valid argument to work with.
— Senate Judiciary Committee (@JudiciaryDems) March 23, 2022
(N.B.: Justice Thomas remains incommunicado.)
When #KetanjiBrownJackson visited Harvard in high school and felt out of place and unsure, a Black woman she did not know stopped her on the sidewalk and said one word: “#Persevere.”
That is what she would tell young people today. Persevere.
Whew. This.#ConfirmJudgeJackson pic.twitter.com/A4MVt7aMSg
— Cicley Gay (@Cicley_Gay) March 23, 2022
Media notelet.
Short (six episodes) season of Dimension 404 streaming on Hulu.
Put one part Twilight Zone, one part The Outer Limits, one part Black Mirror into a blender and frappé thoroughly.
Apply liberally to the tip of the tongue and insert that organ firmly into cheek.
I tried that for a while. It didn’t work.
Le Comte de Monte Cristo, fka Edmund Dantes
It would be interesting if Biden ended up making an I’ll-advised side trip to Kyiv.
Even better, a visit to Mariupol with a bunch of supplies and a couple of combat brigades for security.
@Le Comte de Monte Cristo, fka Edmund Dantes:
Why stop there? He should lead a battalion to Moscow.
Ben Cisco (onboard the Defiant)
Good morning everyone.
A three day conference takes me to Rocket City today. Looking forward to not sitting in front of triple monitors for a few days.
Le Comte de Monte Cristo, fka Edmund Dantes
You’re harshing my fantasy world….lol
From the Washington Post: U.S. to accept 100,000 Ukrainian refugees, officials say.
You know who you never hear about any more? Kirsten Gillibrand. I don’t think I’ve thought of her or heard her name in a year or more until she popped up in my awareness this morning (I feel as though I might have dreamed about her but not sure). To be honest, I had to Google her name to find out if she was still in the Senate. What happened? She used to be reasonably prominent.
The hearings are naught but an excuse for Congressional showboating. Jackson will be confirmed.
The unpleasantness between Elon and the SEC is heating up again. In Trumpian fashion, he’s trying to get out of an agreement he voluntarily entered into in 2018. His lawyer, who makes Sydney Powell look like a fucking legal genius by comparison, argued that the consent order infringes the poor guy’s freedom of speech. Commission lawyer correctly characterized that argument as “frivolous.”
Dude, get a grip. Every time you open up your pie hole, the market value of publicly traded stock moves by tens of billions of dollars. Hell yes you’re accountable for the accuracy of your tweets.
Good Morning Everyone ???
Can I get a chorus of “Fuck you, Paxton” from the congregation?
Chief Oshkosh
Rubin at WaPo has good opinion piece on how shitty the Republican Senators are, but also asking why THE FUCKING CHAIR OF THE GODAMMNED COMMITTEE DIDN’T STEP IN TO STOP THE SHIT SHOW. Senator Durbin, while you were snoozing, a meteor hit the chamber. I guess he did wake up long enough to plaintively bleat some argle-bargle about “why can’t people follow the rules?” They fucking don’t follow the rules because you don’t enforce them. Idiot.
Until this hearing, I hadn’t heard Booker mentioned for a while. I think a lot of the 2020 candidates went back to focusing on their day jobs.
Gilibrand was instrumental in recent legislation banning mandatory arbitration for sexual harassment cases, I believe. I wouldn’t be surprised to learn she also worked on VAWA authorization.
Good morning.
Another Scott
KyivIndependent.com news feed:
Good, good.
@Ben Cisco (onboard the Defiant):
That’s “Madame Justice” to you. Or will be soon enough.
@Chief Oshkosh:
Maybe Dems benefit from people seeing the GOP shitshow?
Unless of course, we again turn this against Dems for not stopping Republicans.
I didn’t watch any of it, but it sounds like the Republicans really beclowned themselves yesterday. Judge Jackson would have been within her rights to get up and leave at the insults some of the Republicans directed at her, but she didn’t because she’s an adult. I get so impatient with the reporting on this where they act like the Republicans are arguing in good faith. I wish reporters would acknowledge that the reason for them acting this way is that they are intent on creating video clips for use on Fox News, Twitter, and right wing Web sites. They don’t really believe she’s soft on child porn, or any of that other crap. I think it was particularly odious that one of them asked her about Kavanaugh’s hearing, as if that has anything to do with her! It’s too bad she couldn’t say in response to a question like that “You can fuck right off with that question, I’m not answering it because it’s ludicrous.”
She could have said she also likes beer.
@Baud: I wish one of the Democratic senators had asked her if she liked beer. LOL
@Chief Oshkosh: We would definitely benefit from stronger pushback on these GQP assholes and having them called out in real-time. Not just when they go over their allotted time but when they are completely out of bounds with their questioning, interruptions, badgering, and so on.
If Amy K was the chair, she’d be having none of this crap.
@sdhays: I know people have been asking for this, angry it hasn’t happened yet and it’s great to finally hear the most vulnerable are coming! It’s going to take all of us to step up.
Keep in mind we’re still trying to resettle our previous refugee wave from Afghanistan. I’m going to be on a deployment* all next week up in Michigan helping get approximately 50 families relocated and set up in housing. Imagine the logistics and needs if you suddenly had to move to a different continent with only the clothes on your back and whatever you could carry, then multiply it by 100s of thousands.
* Disaster service assignments are called deployments, and displaced people are always the result of a disaster.
I honestly don’t know what to say about this.
And followed that up with a rant about how the opposition to her is all a big conspiracy organized by the
To employ some obscure theatrical slang (also used somewhat more derisively in vaudeville), it’s playing to the claques.
@burnspbesq: It’s Fox, that’s all that needs to be said.
@burnspbesq: Ugh. Didn’t realize it was a Fox news link.
@burnspbesq: I’d ask her, aren’t the orgs that run women’s sports up to the challenge, or what? You really need the Supreme Court here?
I need some coffee before I can deal with any shit today.
@NotMax: Clique and Claque. Didn’t they used to have a radio show about cars?
@Chief Oshkosh: I noticed that when Harry Reid retired, the Democratic Caucus voted to jump Chuck Schumer over Dick Durban to be Minority Leader. There could have been several reasons, but they might have seen a hard edge in Schumer that they did not see in Durbin.
@Chief Oshkosh: FWIW I’ve been following Elie Mystal on this and his thread touches on this topic.
Another Scott
@satby: This is a short story about someone who took in refugees by way of cheryl
Thanks. I’m sure that’s right.
I thought about her briefly last night. A friend and I were talking about the Brown Jackson hearing and Ted Cruz, and I repeated Al Franken’s joke: “”I like Ted Cruz more than most of my other colleagues like Ted Cruz. And I hate Ted Cruz.”
You can connect the dots.
@JPL: That story made it awfully dusty in here.
Omnes Omnibus
@Geminid: But people are convinced that Schumer isn’t up to the job. Just like they thought Reid wasn’t up to the the job before him. I am thinking that being the Democratic leader in the Senate might just be a very difficult job when you don’t have a huge majority (or are in the minority). But that’s just me.
Ben Cisco (onboard the Defiant)
@burnspbesq: ABSOLUTELY!!
@NotMax: Auditions for the GOP presidential nom. And such talent on display!
smedley the uncertain
@SiubhanDuinne: Who?? Out here in the wild west New York frontier don’t hear much from or about her. Place holder I imagine.
zhena gogolia
She makes me cry happy tears. I hate the Republicans with the fire of a thousand suns. Lindsay Graham should be [won’t finish the sentence but it involves Mariupol]
@narya: Sometimes it takes just a little kindness.
Ben Cisco (onboard the Defiant)
@burnspbesq: It’s Faux Newz – no response required.
@JPL: Nice! In Germany, but shows pretty well how much it can take to help people.
I expect that most Ukrainians will want to stay in Europe for a chance to return to their homes once this war ends, unless they decide to join family in places like the US. Chicago has a large Ukrainian population, and can expect refugees from there.
@burnspbesq: Hasn’t he been under indictment since the end of WWII or something?
@Ben Cisco (onboard the Defiant)
They report, we deride.
I can. And now you point it out, I realise that was precisely the train of thought that popped her into my brain.
Ted Cruz —-> Al Franken —-> Kirsten Gillibrand.
Boy, if Schumer is the Dems’ “hard edge” . . . ?
@Omnes Omnibus:
Ah c’mon. McConnell makes it look like falling off a log. Not that being a miserable sonofabitch doesn’t take effort.
“Judge Jackson, would you enlighten this august committee with your views on green M&Mgate?”
@SiubhanDuinne: A lot of Senators are rarely in the news. My Senators Tim Kaine and Mark Warner have a fairly low profile but that’s not because they are not hardworking or effective.
Usually, Senators achieve prominence through high profile hearings like this one. I remember when Maisy Hirono made a splash at the Kavanaugh hearings. People were like, “Wow! Where’s SHE been hiding?”
It’s worse in the House, where a few stars can overshadow their many capable, talented colleagues. I thought of this phenomenon when two impeachment trials thrust into the public eye Impeachment Managers Val Demings, Hakeem Jeffries, Stacey Plaskett, Jaime Raskin, Joe Neguse and others. They became stars and that’s a good thing. But I’m not sure if Democrats realize how many more talented and capable House members there are that they have yet to “discover.”
@satby: Yes. Congress has a deserved bad reputation for not accepting immigrants, but lots of people in America are more than fine with accepting them. It takes a lot of work, and there are organizations all across the US that have been doing this for many decades.
My city, not big, has taken in former Yugoslavs, Congolese, Nepalis. Our only limitation, and it is severe, is available housing stock.
/pedant in the Pacific
Omnes Omnibus
@danielx: McConnell is leading a bunch of assholes who just want to say no and break shit. Leading Dems is harder.
Ben Cisco (onboard the Defiant)
@NotMax: Eggszactly
I hope that one thing coming out of this special NATO meeting is a statement of outrage and demand that every Ukrainian kidnapped and taken to Russia will be repatriated to Ukraine and made whole by Russia who will provide a very generous compensation plan to each person.
@Geminid: This is true. Sometimes I hear a story where they mention “Senator X” and I say to myself “Who the heck is that?” because I’ve never heard of them.
@NotMax: As a Hawiaen, you would know.
So NATO is putting 40,000 troops plus other assets on Putin’s Northern flank; now he has to reserve some of his military to protect St. Petersburg (& Moscow), instead of pouring them into Ukraine.
Tony Jay
@Another Scott:
Just look at the graceless lump of calcified junkbatter, it can’t even maintain the fake-Churchillian pose it’s been practicing in the mirror all morning because it’s too busy bobbing from foot to foot looking around for someone, anyone, to pretend that they like him.
And to think, our Media and Political Establishments were so terrified of paying a few pounds more in tax that they promoted that as the lesser of two evils.
Roll on the apocalypse.
@Tony Jay: Amazingly bad self-presentation.
Gin & Tonic
@sab: The entire CBP/ICE bureaucracy is designed and run to discourage refugees and immigrants.
@burnspbesq: I think it was a trap that she refused to fall into. She had so much other bad faith junk thrown at her.
@Chief Oshkosh:
bulletin to Durbin:
gavel, don’t grovel.
Heidi Mom
@Geminid: PA’s senior senator, Bob Casey, falls in that Warner/Kaine category: quiet, effective, rarely making headlines, but a solid, reliable Democratic vote. And he was an FOB (friend of Barack), which is a big plus in my book. Very proud of him.
Uncle Cosmo
FTFY. (You’re very welcome!)
@Heidi Mom: In 2018 Bob Casey won reelection in purple Pennsylvania by over 600,000 votes. He said afterwards that the ACA was his best issue.
@debbie: And how exactly do you think that would be enforced?
“Congress” doesn’t deserve the bad reputation; Republicans in Congress who have blocked and removed funding from immigration and resettlement programs do. The constant problem in this nation is knowing exactly who fucked shit up and needs to be voted out.
Sometimes, it’s the principle that matters the most. I’m sure something could be figured out. Other countries have complied with reparations, so it’s not like there hasn’t been precedent.
If I hear one more corporate talking head mention “the red line “ relating to Syria ?? and Ukrain, I will lose my shyt!! Joe Scarborough mentioned it yesterday morning and Andrea Mitchell not only mentioned it later the same day but yet again today!! SMH.
Gin & Tonic
@TheronWare: It is a simple concept, and they are simpletons.
@Gin & Tonic: hear!hear!