My little Henry wants me to remind you:
7 pm – zoom Q & A with the Michigan group
8 pm – The second meeting of the “content creation” people who are part of the Social Media Initiative.
Even if you missed the first meeting of the content creation group, you are totally welcome to join.
To RSVP for either or both zooms, please send email – watergirl at – to get the zoom link.
My poor little Henry, he was swimming in the big round dog bed without Tucker, so I put the smaller round dog bed inside that one, but that still didn’t feel right. He went into the closet room last week and found the flat dog that Tucker loved, but often tried to eat; the one I had put it away so Tucker wouldn’t eat his face off.
Before Henry found Tucker’s flat dog, he would burrow in and snuggle in between the two round beds. Now it’s all about the dog that surely smells like Tucker. Nothing makes Henry happier than to be what I call a Henry sandwich.
Totally open thread.
Sending you an email to sign up for both zooms tonight.
@SiubhanDuinne: Great!
Old School
Poor Henry. Tucker was a good boy.
Henry is adorable. I’m glad he can snooze with comforting aromas.
@Old School: We both miss Tucker terribly. Henry is ready for a new brother. I am not.
@SiubhanDuinne: I can remember after my dad died, standing in the hallway of the house I grew up in.
We had this long hallway in the house growing up, with 4 closets with sliding doors all next to each other – and being comforted by the smell of my dad’s coat. So I totally get it.
I thought it was really interesting that Henry found the flat dog – it was in another room, out of his reach, and as you can see it’s bigger than Henry! I wish I had seen him carrying flat dog to his bed. Instead, I looked up one day and there it was.
zhena gogolia
Henry is adorable.
I love Henry.
WG: will send you an email; in for the social media zoom. Is there a link for the previous meeting? Thanks.
So there’s an interesting article up on Lawfare today:
The U.S. Can Prosecute Russian Leaders for War Crimes.
Apparently the US doesn’t need to wait for there IIC (International Criminal Court) or anything else.
Apparently there is one major limitation, which they suggest will surely be met as the war goes on and as more war crimes are discovered:
It would be nice not to have to wait years for an international proceeding.
@WaterGirl: I suppose if you are a US Citizen but are over there fighting with Ukraine… that that wouldn’t count?
Salt Creek
Yesterday I posted a piece about SNL’s Weekend Update and the cheap shot Colin Jost took at Joe Biden’s age and mental acuity. I got some pushback from a commenter saying, basically “who cares? no one under 60 watches SNL anyway”
I pointed out that I saw it online and that is how it gets passed around.
Anyway I was looking for a Ukrainian song of resistance today and come across a beautiful tune called “Hey Sokoly”, which for some reason I can’t paste the link to.
As I was scrolling down the list of songs in Youtube, what did I find? but the Colin Jost cheap shot snippet.
This is how memes get started, I’d like to start one of my own.
Colin Jost tans his testicles!
Aww doggos of Ukraine.
I don’t speak Ukrainian, but I’d bet quite a lot of money that we’re hearing variations on “Who’s a good boy? You’re a good boy, yes you are!”
That is so sweet.
Gin & Tonic
@Salt Creek: One of many versions here. That song is generally attributed to Polish authorship, but is more often found sung in Ukrainian. It’s a song of longing – the girl (betrothed) is lamenting the departure of her cossack from Ukraine.
Amir Khalid
Sportsball news: Liverpool have beaten visitors Manchester United 4-0 in the Premier League. (as the visiting team a few months ago, they beat United 5-0 with help from a Mo Salah hattrick; had Mo not missed a late scoring opportunity tonight, they would have beaten United 5-0 with help from a Mo Salah hattrick for the second time in a season.
@Salt Creek:
You don’t think there wouldn’t be any pushback if all SNL did was make fun of Trump and GOPers? That’s some bubble you’re in.
The minor digs don’t bother me at all, especially when they’re compared to the huge digs on the RWNJs, esp. Colbert’s bit on Fucker Carlson. Priceless!
@debbie: Yoikes! ?
Bravo- good job:
Income driven repayment plan terms are 20 and 25 years, so the first cohort eligible for forgiveness were trying to get their loans forgiven and being denied. If they fix this now the program could actually work. It pegs your payment to your income and if you make the payments the balance of the loan is forgiven.
It was a good idea, it just didn’t work properly.
Speaking of Michigan, this state rep needs more attention!
ETA: This is who she is. More Christians should be like her.
The payments still go on too long. Ch 13 bankruptcy is 3 to 5 years. Make this an even ten. Wrap it up and let them get on with their lives.
It’s people like this amazing woman who keep my spirits high and my optimism strong. Thank you so much for that link. I hope one of our front-pagers can provide a higher profile for her.
Aw, Henry!
Alison Rose ???
LOLOLOLOL click through to see this douche who now owes over $160k. According to a later tweet, “Cashed out, bought a house, didn’t set aside any money to pay taxes.” Fucking idiots.
Thanks so much for the social media effort! Sadly, my work+other issues are making attending anything a mess right now, but I wanted to offer my thanks, at least!
Evan Hurst just front-paged her on Wonkette:
@MisterDancer: I thought you were going to join us so I have been looking out for you. But I totally get not having time for something you want to do.
Thanks for the update.
@Salt Creek:
It’s been going around for years. I heard it in 2018/19, before the primaries for 20 even got started. People either believe it or don’t. That SNL is doing it now says more about how out of the loop SNL writers are getting than anything else.
“Authoritarian socialist” is great.
This tweet includes the campaign piece. It really is horrible.
I know why he went with socialist, but I wish he had said fascist.
“Conservative trend”. Coordinated, planned, national conservative campaign.
I wonder if some of them are starting to think it was unwise to go all in on this. If it backfires, what’s the exit strategy? They’ve already called everyone a pedophile. They’ll issue a correction? “MOST of you hundreds of millions of people who are not far Right Republicans are pedophiles, however, there are exceptions”.
Where do they go from here?
I spend most of my work days with Right wing lawyers and judges. “Socialist” will land.
They are full of shit on that too. This entire ideology is a joke. They can’t even hew to their basic “markets” message anymore- they’ll all up in everyone’s business. They need to stop bothering people. We’re busy.
Theis crammed as many trigger words as she could into that short fundraising piece. And directed it all at a fellow Christian with a much larger vocabulary!
Mike S (Now with a Democratic Congressperson!)
The WaPo has an article bout the latest manifestation of the RW Noise Machine and its resonance with a twitter account called “Libs of TikTok”
F——- Carlson and other rw media people like Josh Rogan are in cahoots with this site/person and is Glem Grunwald! The ower brags about getting teachers fired for supporting LGBTQ+ students publically.
@debbie: It’s why they’re called the laws of physics!
WaterGirl–Henry can come over here and have a sandwich cuddle any time. That is one cute picture.
Just sent an email for both zooms
Mike S (Now with a Democratic Congressperson!)
@debbie: A sharable link for @MalloryMcMorrow and her righteous rant on YouTube
@Mike S (Now with a Democratic Congressperson!):
Do we know if Theis was in the room listening to this? I notice McMorrow is always looking up at the exact same spot. I wonder if she blushed.
Salt Creek
@debbie: This smear started in the cesspit of NYC tabloid journalism, got picked up by SNL and can now be found online.
This is how memes get propagated and reinforced, it’s agism and it’s not funny.
Miss Bianca
Aww, Henry…
I may be a bit confoozled, but I thought the social media training repeat was Thursday evening, not tonight? Or are there more than one for this week? Oh, dear…bear, very little brain, etc.
I have my local Democratic Party meeting tonight, so I don’t think I’ll be able to make it. But if there is one on Thursday I can make that one!
Miss Bianca
@Kay: Ha ha, that’s my governor!
Tenar Arha
Sorry I missed this. My bad, I had another appointment for tonight. I’ll keep an eye out for more. Thanks for doing this Water Girl. (That’s a great pic of your pup).
@Miss Bianca: Hey Miss Bianca, this one was for the people who are going to be CREATING content that we can share. Like short videos and “print” pieces.
You’re right about Thursday – that’s the training session.
@Tenar Arha:
Here’s the form to sign up, and then I’ll be in touch.