All in all, not too bad. As I noted elsewhere, the worst part of the procedure was dealing with all the hyper caffeinated nurses at 7 am when I was not allowed to have any and had basically been up all night going to the bathroom.
Experience was quick and painless. Wheeled you back told you to get on your side, injected some stuff they said would feel like fire in your veins for a second but I found to be cool, and the next thing I know I was awake and not groggy. The first thing the female nurse asked me when I woke ups was “Do you have a wife” because apparently I snored like a beast the entire time.
Took me back to the recovery room, waited ten minutes, and then went out to the lot where mom was waiting. Came home, had a quick breakfast of a sausage egg and cheese sandwich and fell asleep for four hours.
They found a few polyps and said I was not clean enough to get into some of the deeper regions so I get to do this again in a year with more “aggressive” cleansing techniques as preparation.
All in all, the whole thing was not a big deal and I think people do a disservice by claiming it is worse than it is. As far as the medical procedures I have had, this was way down on the scale.
But did they try to charge you $12,500 for it, like they did to me.
That colonoscopy sedative is the BEST.
In my experience, the prep is much worse than the actual procedure. They give you the Versed and then it’s over – from the patient’s perspective.
Few people mind the actual procedure very much, particularly since we’re mostly unconscious for it.
Just about everyone dreads the prep.
“Not cleaned out enough; we’ll really get you next time!” is a new one on me. Good heavens, what “more aggressive” formulation are they going to give you next time? Drano?
“As far as the medical procedures I have had, this was way down on the scale.”
Right? Much more like a teeth-cleaning than like resetting a dislocated shoulder on a doorknob (when it’s actually broken, not dislocated).
Old School
“That was fun.”
Exactly! When I dropped and picked up a Harley and pissed blood I had to have a cystoscopy and it wasn’t nearly as bad as the google would have you believe. Suck it up and don’t be a baby!
Thought I was being funny Drew an “Enter here” with an arrow.
Easier than trying to spell spelunking.
@Hawes: Besides my spine surgery it’s the only buzz I’ve had since I got sober 30 years ago!
That was my experience too. The “cleansing” is far worse than the actual procedure.
“Holy Cow, I’m sittin’ on Mount Vesuvius here!”
-Mrs Wolowitz doing a cleanse.
Tom Levenson
This will be my fate in a couple of months.
I will not be blogging it.
I do plan an extensive dumpling feast after the procedure.
comrade scotts agenda of rage
I’ve had two. Echoing above, the prep is far worse.
Also too, echoing the above, the anesthesia is fantastic. Binary, you’re awake, then you’re out, then you’re awake. If they could ever market that to the masses…
Tom Levenson
@raven: I am not going to talk about my cystoscopy.
It was not even a little bit fun.
I’ll probably get the more aggressive prep next time, too; two nights of prep and not good enough for them. I hope it doesn’t involve something like a roto rooter.
Make sure you let us know what the Roto-Rooter person quotes you on the estimate.
Ask Michael jackson about that. Oh, you can’t.
Obvious Russian Troll
The prep is miserable; the actual procedure is a breeze.
However, the hospital would not let you undergo anesthesia unless you had somebody to pick you up afterwards–and somebody at the office screwed up and wasn’t telling patients. Wasn’t a problem for me, as this was my second.
The poor woman next to me didn’t know, though. Just before it was my turn the nurse was trying to convince the poor woman next to me to call her son. I guess he worked construction 45 minutes away and she didn’t want to drag him off the job site. Not sure if she wound up getting a hold of him because I was up in a few minutes.
Gin & Tonic
@catclub: I’m pretty sure that propofol is seldom used in colonoscopies/endoscopies these days.
Last year, when I experienced a colonoscopy for the second time, I complained about the Golytely to the doctor about the quantity and the taste. I told her how I’ve read about another product being used elsewhere that didn’t require the patient to drink as much and made the prep easier. When I asked why her department didn’t use that stuff she said they had used it for two months, but came to the conclusion it was less effective, that it didn’t clean you out enough.
Green Gobbler,
It’s an activated bacterial treatment for cleaning sewage pipes and reducing buildup in septic tanks. Like super concentrated pro-biotic yoghurt, with out the yoghurt or added fruit on the bottom.
$375 for the first hour to show up, $100 an hour after the first hour and every 15 minutes over the hour, counts as a new hour,
(@ Lower Mainland rates).
zhena gogolia
I think I’ll skip this third colonoscopy discussion thread. Glad it all went well.
@Obvious Russian Troll: This is the problem I have. You are required to have someone come with you because the facility doesn’t want the liability. They won’t let you just call taxi or Uber, you have to be accompanied. As someone who doesn’t have a designated person and lives far from any family, it isn’t that easy to schedule someone else to give up hours to accompany me, especially when appointments are like six months out.
@Gin & Tonic:
MJ may have died using something else, but I sure suspect he tried everything.
For my first colonoscopy, the doc gave me a mild sedative and let me watch on the video. It was cool to see my innards. I was impressed with the cleaning – not gross at all. Later colonoscopies (all routine). the docs had me out like a piece of meat. The “hangover” from the downers was worse – I think I slept for 10 hours but I don’t really remember anything until the next day.
Ohio Mom
@dexwood: I had success with the new prep but Ohio Dad did not. They made him come back a month later and he had to go back to swilling the gallon of Golytely. I am sure there is now a note in his permanent record saying Golytely only.
If you are mostly cleaned out, they can “irrigate” your colon, which I assume is some sort of water spray. But that can only do so much.
The magic white liquid they put in the IV was the greatest stuff in the world. I went to sleep in about two minutes, and woke up on the other side. And I was still under it just enough that when I got into my wife’s car, I knew there was a bigger world, but I did not care for about an hour.
Not cleaned out enough; we’ll really get you next time!”
WTF John, you have a colon that is a Superfund site.
I just had them rotorooter the clot in my lungs and let me say modem medicine is a fucking miracle
Man, now I want one.
Just curious. Did the find the mustard?
I’m feeling cautiously smug about this whole discussion. When I met with my new PCP a few months ago, I asked whether I should get a colonoscopy. She said that I’m 70 years old with no family history, so no colonoscopy ever again unless I get a positive fecal occult blood test.
I’ve never had a problem getting cleaned out with Miralax, and I used to have to have colonoscopies every 3 years until the insurance company decided they were only going to pay for every 5 years. I try to do a day and a half of prep, though.
Alison Rose 💙🌻💛
@CaseyL: The tube attachment on a Dyson
Semi-colon examination.
Honestly, it’s the sheer time commitment to spend a whole day shitting. It would be one thing if I could spend, say, Friday night evacuating and then have the look done Saturday, but it seems it’s always a 2-weekday thing. Or am I wrong about that.
From the previous “Dusty in Here” thread. Folks asked if I’m doing OK, caring for myself. The answer is YES. I spoke to my dad about the district, and my colleague at work and I are ready to do our DCF report. My empathy capacity is a little overloaded for my friends who lost loved ones and that poor kid, but at the end of the day, it’s me feeling bad for other people’s sadness. I’m going to Lake Champlain for a swim.
Next time, try Colon Blow.
@Tinare: I’ve had three recent procedures under anesthesia (1 colonoscopy, 2 heart). Last heart one was in-patient so I had no pre-planning on who would drive me. If it comes down to it, Hospital will call Uber (and they did in this case) if things don’t work out with Family or Friend. They reallllllly want your ass out of their Hospital bed.
@brendancalling: Thanks for the update. A swim in a lake sounds perfect.
Note that Martin Shkreli, just out of prison and barred for life from both financial and pharmaceutical industries, has now founded a company that combines financial, pharmaceutical, and web3 ‘innovation’.
@Jay: I actually used Green Gobbler on my bathroom sink, and it worked just fine. Not sure I’d want to ingest it, though, with or without yogurt.
@NotMax: Grooooooaaaaaaaannnnn.
@Alison Rose 💙🌻💛: Funny you mention that. I’m currently working on a liposuction modification to my vacuum cleaner . Take an Aluminum barrel from a turkey baster, cut and sharpen the end and gaffer tape it the hose on my household appliance.
Voilas! The fat just disappears!
Obvious Russian Troll
@Tinare: It definitely sucks, but they gotta tell people about it!
You cannot count on that, unfortunately, as some hospitals will not let you into that bed until they have confirmed that you have someone picking you up. For my colonoscopy, they insisted that the driver had to be there when I checked in. No driver; no procedure; no exceptions.
Joe Doaks
@Tinare: If you forego anesthesia you don’t need anyone along. You are right, if you have anesthesia they want someone there. You can’t take a cab, train, or anything.
Tom Levenson
@Tom Levenson: And just like that, I get two emails from my provider reminding me of my appointment (in September!) with a link to the prep instructions.
Seems like someone in the Boston health care world reads Balloon Juice.
Man, step away from this site for a few and miss all the important stuff.
My “so you have to have a colonoscopy…” in memes Twitter thread. Sorry I didn’t get it to you ahead of time.
True. It’s a bit undignified but quick and not all that bad. It doesn’t consume your whole day. You don’t need anyone to take you home (or back to the office). I’ve had more than a dozen, with the most recent one this last Thursday.
@VOR: I find the worst part is limiting my diet to lime Jello for a day before drinking the colon cleanse gunk. The procedure itself is not particularly uncomfortable.
That said, limit your diet to salads and similar substances for a few days before the Jello experience- and avoid anything with red or pink food coloring.
For my first colonoscopy, 20 years ago, that rule was not in place. I left alone and woke up an hour later in my dentist’s waiting room with no idea how I got there. It’s a necessary rule for the safety of the patient, not just CYA for the facility.
I had a septic tank over flow solids into the septic field.**
After I got the tank pumped, “the guy” said I needed a whole new septic field. I asked if the solids in the field could be vacuumed out. He said that nobody would do that.
So I dug a couple of holes, for access, cut into the pipes and using a shop vac and three hoses, vacumed as much out as I could get.
Patched the pipe, added peat around the exposed sections of pipe*,
dropped a years worth of Green Gobbler into both the tank and the field, flooded the tank and field with water, and left it for a month.
15 years later, still going strong.
* studies show that if the drain field is buried in a foot of peat, rather than sand, gravel or dirt, the field is 50% more efficient in neutralizing waste.
** if you ever buy a place on septic, red flag #1 is if the septic tank access is buried and hidden. Red flag #2, is if the seller says, “oh yeah, we had it pumped out, 3 years ago”.
How the he- double hockey sticks did you have it pumped out when you can’t even find it?
Same. Thank FSM. I’ve had three, so I did my duty.
@catclub: Propofol was definitely involved. I had it once since that time in a cocktail with fentanyl I think, because I had to be out a little more than for a colonoscopy.
try one of the big horse needles, now popular for injecting marinades in to the bbq meat instead. Long enough to reach 8 inches out from the piercing site, thin enough to wiggle under the skin. 316 stainless steel, so you can sterilize it between use.
Pretty sure Williams and Sonoma carries them.//
zhena gogolia
@NCSteve: fabulous!
@PST: Dang!
@MattF: I mentioned that in one of the earlier threads. I think his out, at least for the lifetime pharmaceutical industry ban, is that web3 companies are strictly for separating fools from their money, so there’s zero chance it will ever produce any usable pharmaceutical IP.
Even Russian robots cheat,…..
That’s my understanding of the recommendations. If they don’t find anything worrying, you get one at 50 and one at 60 and that’s it. After that the risk of the anesthesia/sedation and possible surgery is higher than the risk of anything developing quickly enough to be an issue for the rest of your life.
Just One More Canuck
A couple of Canadian comedians wrote a song just for Cole
(13) Colorectal Surgeon — Bowser & Blue – YouTube
@Jay: I’m heading up to Napa next week and I will look in at the Williams Sonoma store there. If you are overpaying, then it must be that much better!
Medicine Man
It’s the prep, not the procedure that sucks.
@NCSteve: OMG, that is so perfect, Perfect in every way.
I must send this to all of my age-peer friends.
Maybe even the youngsters, so they can truly appreciate what life has in store for them.
And definitely don’t eat dried cranberries, or they might think you have Ebola.
@PST: I’m invariably amused by the caution not to make important financial or other decisions for 24 hours. And I think there’s something to that 😉.
Eric S.
@CaseyL: I had my first in February. I got the same “not clean enough” verdict. I get to go back in September.
Matt McIrvin
The worst thing was, after the horrible laxative prep, not being allowed to even drink water the morning of the procedure, and then not getting in there until after noon. When they stuck the IV in me I felt instantly better just because I was getting hydrated, and from there it was smooth sailing, no trouble at all. All I can say is, if you can possibly schedule it first thing in the morning, do that.
They found some polyps (later found to be benign) but in my case, told me to come back in 7 years. Oh, yeah, also found I had diverticulosis, which explained some stuff.
Clenpiq starting the night before. I swear that the second bottle was not necessary. Loved the good stuff going into my vein. “I’m starting to get wooz…” On the 7-year cycle of visits. :-)
That’s how my VA clinic does it as well, Someone has to bring, stay and take you home.
Captain C
@Joe Doaks:
Even if you can prove you’ve successfully made your way home alone without major damage after a disreputable late night club (mis)adventure on multiple occasions.
Good to hear.
As Shakespeare once wrote, “All’s well butt ends well.” Or something like that.
Yet Another Haldane
For my second colonoscopy I got Propofol, which lived up to its reputation (burns) and nickname (“milk of amnesia”). I’d previously had a miserable experience with anesthesia, and the Propofol was a walk in the park.
My first colonoscopy was better, though: they didn’t put me out, just shaved off the rough edges with analgesics and (probably) Valium. I’m not a fan of long tubes in me arse, but they positioned me so I could see the same monitor as the surgeon doing the procedure, and he gave me a full-color guided tour of my innards. It was fascinating, especially when he poked through into my small intestine and the landscape went from smooth to a forest of fingers.
That said: once was enough, I’m willing to sleep through the rest of ’em.
I want to admit I am pissed. I mean pissed beyond belief. I am a woman. I have worked my entire life to be accepted as an equal in my field. I was finally accepted as an equal in the Navy because I proved to those sailors that I could do the job not only as well as them but better than them, and they knew it. They respected me, they knew that I was better than them at my job and they basically bowed down to me because I was. I got all sort of awards and lauds because I was fucking good at my job. I left the Navy and became a paralegal in the US. I was good. I was the best paralegal in my district. When my Boss mentioned that he might be retiring I got 14 job offers in a week. I told each one that they would have to take a number and improve the last salary offer I got. I was that good. Now, I wander about the internet and all I see is women with youtube, ticktok accounts etc, with fingernails too long to do anything practical like wipe their arse, let alone type anything on a keyboard with any amount of accuracy, with lips so big they look like like a wide mouth bass for fucks sake and eyelashes that look like a spider has crawled up onto her eyes and died. I did not spend the last 40 years of my life proving to the world that I was better than my male counterparts to all of a sudden have to witness these witless chavs making millions by being nothing but Barbie lookalikes with more filters than the average air conditioner. What the fuck is going on? Why is womanhood going so backwards that the people being famous are being famous because they are witless chavs? Help!
Anonymous At Work
Anesthesia is a helluva drug. Last time I was under, they told me to count backwards from 10. I made it to 9, turned to the nurse and said, “You know, I feel a bit…” and then woke up in recovery.
So since this is a poop thread…. is kale a stopper-upper for anyone else? I eat a lot of kale.
At some level, aren’t they all?
This is a little too existential for me on a work night.
Omnes Omnibus
You people are all weird.
@NCSteve: When I had arthroscopy on my knee, my leg had to be immobilized, so I got anesthesia pretty much the same as for a colonoscopy. After they strapped me down and gave me the anesthesia, but before I was all the way out, I said “What’s my safe word?” and the surgeon said, “I’m a little concerned that you know that.”
@Omnes Omnibus:
and you are figuring this out now?
@Origuy: I’d be more concerned that the dude with the bone saw knows that, personally.
For my last one, they used propofol which I found to be a lot less weird than versed. With versed, you seem to snap back to consciousness instantly. With propofol, you at least the experience some passage of time before you wake up. And, yes, the prep is the worst part.
Damned at Random
For my first colonoscopy, many years ago, they didn’t put me out, just drowsy (OK, maybe a little stoned). Chatted with the Dr about our favorite funny movies and he made me giggle. Didn’t even notice when he clipped out 4 polyps.
Chocking down that vile prep and the resultant sore arsehole are the worst part of the experience. Also, don’t trust farts for the net few hours
Did they cut the polyps off? I thought that was routine and send them out for lab testing.
not me. I have weird reactions to anesthesia, all types. Woke up in the middle of a major surgery to complain about the pain.
So, I always let them know.
When I got my last colonoscopy a year or so ago, I noticed the prep process was a LOT easier than the time before. I suspect a lot of the bad rep is a sort of institutional memory left over from the bad old days.
@Jay: I have weird reactions to anesthesia, too.
When Spawn the Youngest was born, the epidural would not work. They call the anesthesiologist back, he throws in a dose of fentanyl. Twenty minutes later, that wore off, too, so he gives me another one. Half an hour later, still can feel my bones bending, so he gives me a third dose. Then I hear him telling the nurses in the corridor that nothing is going to work and there’s nothing else he can do.
zhena gogolia
@Litlebritdifrnt: haha nice to see you!
Gin & Tonic
@Suzanne: Yeah, fentanyl didn’t do shit when they were trying to straighten out my arm in the ER.
J R in WV
@Tom Levenson:
I have found that there is a select group of people who appear to enjoy putting “sounding” devices into their urethra for the sexual thrill of that game!
There is a law which states that “If you can imagine an activity, there is porn related to that activity!” Sounding is one of those things!
I’m not interested myself, but the folks in the video appeared to enjoy it pretty well…
Mom had colon cancer, dad had prostate cancer, both siblings had Hodgekins Lymphoma, all had assorted skin cancers. I had low level lukemia in my late 30s and have to the colon and prostate dance once a year. When someone from my family does not have a mohs surgery stichers on them it’s rare.
@Litlebritdifrnt: Because there is a paying audience for it. A large one, alas.
I feel the same way about Social Media Influencers. Part “They make how much doing that??,” and part “What a ghastly way to spend one’s life.”
But I think the idea of a private life, or a private anything, is dying.
@J R in WV:
Tell Rod Dreher and watch the fallout. Though he is less funny now since TAC paywalled the ability to comment and forces people to use their real names and now only Rod has commentors at all and there are a whopping like 6 of them and they barely talk.
Mike in NC
I neglected a colonoscopy until age 60, which was dumb.
@Litlebritdifrnt: I’ve noticed that too. They look like humanoids. Lemmings following the Kardashians and other fake ass celebs. And so good to see you back.
@eversor: I guarantee that Rod Dreher is incredibly knowledgeable about all manner of kink.
Amir Khalid
I have had a colonoscopy twice. Both times I was an inpatient, so neither I nor the hospital needed to worry about me getting home afterwards.
@CaseyL: I think you’re right. I have younger relatives where they don’t really have any concept at all of not posting things. Someone in their early 30s/late 20s will give their significant other a weird look if they popped out a phone and started asking questions or doing a bit.
For my younger relatives, they just film or take pictures all the time. It’s normal to film whenever you feel like it, and you can expect that to go on tiktok.
Woman who look like that are not attractive at all, at least to me.
I think they do this to attract a certain type of male. They want to look like a doll, a Barbie substitute if you will. I don’t get it, but then I’d bet I’m not the target market. I think they get away with it because the type of guy they seem to be looking for is one who is easily swayed by bullshit and/or has a bit of extra cash to throw around. I call them Hollywood Barbie. And as bad as they may actually look, most of them seem to have even less depth of everything else.
Uncle Cosmo
@Jay: While saying, WHY. MUST. I. LOSE. TO. THIS. ID. I. OT.
I have no problem with this. None. It is no reflection on you. Also, the Internet is big and it embraces multitudes.
I am astounded that people can apparently earn a living as a YouTube “creator” or social media person. I don’t think this can be sustained.
And there are surprises.
I am a guy with prosaic tastes, but somehow the YouTube algorithm served up some young woman doing make-up tips. She also talked about her prior life in prison for various drug offences. She was so blazingly honest and detailed about the senseless humiliations dealt out by the guards and prison administrators that she nit only educated me, but reinforced my desire to do something, contribute, vote, write some letters relating to penal reform. There had also been some ballot propositions here in California related to bail reform and other issues, and this woman’s insights reinforced my voting decisions.
As always, probably 99.9 percent of the stuff on the Internet is junk.
But the stuff that is good is more precious than diamonds.
ETA. I have been looking at the reviews and comments about various new laptops, including the new M2 MacBook Air laptops. I am astounded to see the degree to which young people, high school age to college age, use these devices to create and edit videos. They are pretty damn skilled at this. When I was their age, I was doing well if I could tie a good knot for my shoelaces.
The current M2 Macbooks are a waste. A few issues, all due to apple being apple.
1.) The smaller drives are vastly slower than the higher drives, or even the smaller drives of the M1 macbooks. Cheaper components or whatever.
2.) Elaborating on point 1, apples memory management is horrible, worse than even Windows and that’s saying a lot. It gets around this by thrashing the fuck out of the drive (paging file type of activity for the IT people) while that does “work” since SSDs have limited writes it means it’s eating the drive alive for breakfast to put up the performance numbers it does.
3.) As such if you are not getting at MINIMUM 16gb of memory and a 512 do not buy an M2 system at all. It will eat itself and perform like ass while doing it.
4.) As apple is apple, they do not support dual external displays on the non pro/max chips. Have two monitors or want a monitor and a TV, you can’t, fuck you, give us more money. It’s not that the hardware can’t, it’s that they firmware locked the damn thing to force you to pay more for this ability. For any sort of work situation two displays are minimum now, apple killed you. There are ways around this, but involves expensive displaylink docks where the software causes insanely latency and limits you to a 30hz refresh rate.
It’s hot pile of shit. If you don’t do any actual work that requires processing power, you plan on throwing it out and upgrading in under 4 years, you don’t mind slow speeds, and you never plan to connect more than one display to it the M2 set could make sense. But at that point a Chromebook makes more sense. It’s a cluster fuck.
Also the videos they create on these suck. Real pros do not use apple software. They are on Adobe Premier (a company I hate more than all IT companies, and I work in IT) apples stuff blows giant goat chunks all over the floor. Final Cut is shitty, their integrated video editor is a hilarious mixture of fail and bad that only ET from Atari gets remotely close to challenging. A few of my friends are in the movie business and they are all still on intel based platforms both apple and Microsoft and they all use Adobe and farm their work out to the cloud.
The Yoofs! are editing their videos on their iphones and then publishing on their mac. And their iphones are better than any sort of M2 halfass crap for that anyways.
Posted on a Windows desktop with a 10900k, 32gb, 3090ti, 2tb NVME U.2 storage, 20tb HDD storage with a macpro 16 with the M1 Max CPU, 32gb, 2tb next to me.
@J R in WV:
A recent episode of the comic book series The Boys, takes this kind of thing to levels you could probably never imagine.
Attention whores are going to attention whore (not a sexiststatement this term applies to guys as well). Your influencer ability is your life. Hell I was at Deloitte when some recruit from Harvard went on (ticktok I think?) and blasted people about their “causicty” and how all white people were bad and she was going to stab them and laugh at white men bleeding on the ground. Tan Asian I think filipina? Prompt firing and as if the fool didn’t learn a thing followed it up by, ranting about Deloitte on the internet.
Found a thing on it:
I’m a late aged “millenial” and virtually all in my cohort are all over social media saying odd things and video blogging stuff that well, I wouldn’t admit to doing. But that’s just me! Being former military and working in IT does a lot for knowing not to make a fool of yourself. But I catch it in my peers. My SO, she’s sweet, but she can be dumb. She did a ton of videos cooking real Filipino food and other stuff and then got offers to model clothes, though not a real offer. And I had to clue her in that 1.) this not a legit agency if it’s sub thousand dollar outfits, 2.) look them the fuck up, and 3.) you are a fucking idiot. She’s hot and she thinks that all it takes now. Then she actually did the homework and freaked the fuck out.
Thing is, she still wants to be an online “brand”, the why doesn’t matter really. Look, you haul down six figures you don’t need this, we can do great for your local community, and this is all highly off. But the urge to be an influencer is felt strongly in a lot of people and I don’t think that’s going to end.
We decided to use a VA loan to start a sidebusiness and hire her family to run food trucks selling lumpia and adobe in the DC area. Which, not for the vega, and not for those with high blood pressure, do really fucking well for us now. If you are in the DC area, I can hook you up from our home kitchen, better than the product.
It’s not just women doing this either. A few of my male friends fucking peacock left and right. Dipshits posting videos of them taking roids, hog shots, sweat runs, walking to the gym. They hire out as personal trainers and then the obvious joke comes in.
I don’t think it’s a guy or a gal thing. I just think there’s a certain narrow band of humannity that gets off on doing that and it’s a subculture they all compete for. People fucking freak out if their ratio drops, I dunno, nobody follows me, I follow work companies the the government. Who cares it’s a tool, it does not define you, and yet to some people it does. So I get pictures of old friends in fucking cat ears… like well, ok, I get it. But uh, how are you?
I’m in the phx-burbs and there are medical transportation services that are for hire.
I really appreciate your comments and would like to hear more, since you appear to have both Windows and Apple devices, but I think you may be wrong about the M2 Air.
Apple f*cked up big time over the SSD issue, but the base model M2, and certainly the base model M1 might be sweet devices for people with basic computing needs. I have cousins who have M1 devices, and they rave about overall performance and battery life. And from what I can see, the M1 and M2 battery life is solid whether the laptop is plugged in or not. Windows laptops always give up sooner when not plugged in.
And I have not seen any mid-price Windows laptop released since the debut of M1 devices that offers superior or even improved battery life compared to Apple. This does not appear to be a priority for Intel or the companies that use their chips in their devices.
I don’t see the lack of dual monitor support to be a big deal for the Air. I have worked in an office and at home for the past few years, and have never needed two monitors. I can see that it might be nice, but not standard in lower end machines.
Yeah, Pros may have particular editing needs, and I think Apple took themselves out of the real pro market with a crappy version of Final Cut some years ago. But non pros seem to find Macs perfectly acceptable for their purposes. The USC film school recommends both Windows and Mac devices.
More shit posting?
I should state that I’m sysadmin syseningeer by day trade. I specifically work in virtualized culster servers over MS Hyper-V an Azure, along with VMWARE AWS. A ton of this is supporting well, bullshit projects that migrate from mac. I also supervise the deployment and integration of some 30k laptops a year, we pride ourselves in “fire the bottom half each year” type of insane logic. That’s my region, globally we are probably blowing through several times that but I don’t attend those meetings, as I long ago gave up that anybody cared to listen to metrics on failure rates and realized we just bought apple, hp, dell, because they all gave us a discount on bulk leases through a third party and that was going to be that.
I’m OS and hardware agnostic, I go with what works. Outside of EVGA (who I have used for graphics cards and mobos for decades now, us company, us support, life time warranty) I have no loyalty at all.
The m.2 sucks (it’s using that hybrind interface I know you can’t swap it fuck you), sorry man that’s it. The base model comes with the deadly 256gb ssd (and you’d need more regardless) and the only 8gb of RAM which causes the trashing of the drive. This is shitting on a shit sandwhich. IMHO a proper kitout with 16-32gb of RAM and the 512-1tb SSD is great, but at that point you’re faffing about in pro level prices so why not dive in and get the extra ports, extra monitors?
I hard pass on “basic computing” that’s idiotic. We all grow into what we use and we want more. I started off well before a 56k existed at age 4 in 1984 and knew command line. I tanked the school computer lab with doom. We all grow and want that box to do more! It’s fun, that’s what makes us nerds us.
What I’m saying is simple. For a few hundred more, and if you went apple you are already paying hundreds more for zero gain, you can get all the bonuses, so why not? If you wanted a single screen portable there is a tablet for that? The macbook air is a half mac half cut rate ipadpro, and I say this as someone who deploys them. The ask is the Windows UltraBook with iPadPro, never the air.
I bought the macbook pro for the wife to be. She said “I only need one more monitor” yeah bullshit a year later she’s using two more an external USB mechanical keyboard that is hardmodded with dip switches to change modes between mac, windows, and linux.
I’d say go mac for any non work non gaming laptop, but with the catch of “unless you go 8gb 256 non pro”.
Just me though! You’re free to not agree!
I can see where this would make sense.
I appreciate your other insights. The M2 Air is still new, so I am not quite ready to kick it to the curb, except for the 256gb SSD fiasco.
The actual colonoscopy is not the problem. You should never be awake for it.
Prep is twofold. One is the laxative at home stuff, which is tiresome, inconvenient, and when I had it, not good tasting to boot. Not something that I would choose to do just for the heck of it, but it only lasts a couple of days (I need an extra day to make sure everything is cleaned out, too).
Two is the pre-op in the facility or hospital. My blood pressure goes through the roof, because it does that every time I am in a medical facility. If I am the patient and not a visitor, it is just that much higher. Of course it gets monitored, so every time the pressure is taken I get a little bit more anxious and the pressure goes a little higher. The nurses are concerned, because, and that does nothing but increase my anxiety. Eventually we move on to starting the IV. Should be not a problem, but I have a phobia about needles. What I need is something to knock me out so they can start the IV to give me something to knock me out. If the first nurse who tries to start my IV gets the IV started that is a good day, regardless of the number of tries it takes her to do it. My record is three nurses before success.
The problem is me, and the way I react, and I know it is not “normal” and the process doesn’t bother most people, but by the time they get to the actual colonoscopy, I am a total wreck. They have been telling me I will “grow out of it” for the last 70 years. Fear and anxiety don’t work that way. I know that the actual process, even the IV, is relatively painless. Those automated BP cuffs really are painful, and the higher my pressure goes the more painful they become. Pain increases BP, too.
People who feel the whole thing is not a big deal should consider themselves blessed. Some of us are not.
@Hawes: This x1000
The best 15 minutes of sleep in my life.