For some reason I’m on Dr Oz’s mailing list. Compared to the deft, relentless and imaginative Fetterman campaign, here’s how Dr. Oz communicates with his best contributors:
Dr. Oz is in a strong position to return the U.S. Senate to Republican control in 2022! Why must that happen? Skyrocketing inflation, an illegal alien invasion, rampant crime, a weakened military, record high gas prices, and out-of-control spending of your hard-earned money. That’s what Joe Biden and his Congress have given us in two years. All of America is looking to Pennsylvania, as this is one of the most important Senate races in the nation!
I can almost smell the hangover sweat of the intern who cranked out that uninspiring prose.
The rinky-dink email address attached to a $2-5K solicitation is as laughable as the notion that someone would spend $2-5K to meet this rich asshole.
The mailing was sent by “Americans for Freedom,” headquartered in Naples, FL, but the solicitation says that checks should be payable to the Oz campaign, so Americans for Freedom are fundraising contractors. This was sent to my “real” email address, which I used once to contribute to a Democrat running for Senate somewhere. I do all my donating on a different email address now. So it’s a shit email, for a shit event, sent to a shit list.
The whole thing reeks of what would happen if a lazy, rich grifter decided to run a vanity campaign and delegated the hard work to people with no skin in the game. Above all, it is absolutely no fun. The Fettermans are having fun with their campaign. This guy isn’t.
Enhanced Voting Techniques
The think I like is Oz doesn’t even say what he thinks should be done to fix the issues he brings up.
Oz is the prototypical celebrity candidate. He appeared on Oprah! Trump loves that.
Wow! Why do campaigns always make these kind of unforced errors? The town the event is at is just over the Jersey line which I guess is convenient for Oz. He will not have drive very far!
germy shoemangler
My favorite Oz story is when he didn’t know his phone was still on. A reporter trying to get an interview heard a long and crazy conversation between the QuackDoc and his wife.
I don’t think Fetterman’s even back out campaigning in public yet, and he’s still up by a pretty healthy margins in the most recent polls I’ve seen.
Heidi Mom
That paragraph of text is maybe, maybe a notch above a set of instructions translated into English from another language.
Pete Mack
“Return control of the Senate to Republican control” as an explicit reason to vote is an admission to being a placeholder. “Yeah, I may be -6WAR compared to possible alternative Republican candidates, but at least I am not a Democrat. Also, buy some of my super-food magic beans.”
Snarki, child of Loki
Clearly, Oz is running a Rinki-Tink operation.
Times New Roman just screams, “I did this in Microsoft Word!”.
Seething with contempt!
@Enhanced Voting Techniques: The phrase “Republican control” tells you the answer: tax cuts!
They’re especially good for fighting the deficit.
@azlib: Fetterman’s been slagging him for months for not even maintaining his primary residence in Pennsylvania and the thing is, Oz doesn’t even really do anything to respond. Or ends up owning himself by posting a response from inside the living room of his Jersey mansion or something.
I’m a Patriotic Eagle™, damnit, and I demand half of the room, plus you have to pay me to show up!
Do you want to win, or not. Your choice, Oz. Love ya, Katie.
My local Fox station has been running ads for the execrable Claudia Tenney, who’s vowing to have Biden impeached. I haven’t thrown a shoe at my tv yet, but it’s been close since this commercial has run in every break from 7 pm to 8 pm for the last week. We aren’t even in her target district or close to it. If she wants to burn campaign funds I wish she do it somewhere else.
@Suzanne: And not even a recent version of Word at that; MS has switched away from TNR as a default font for a while now.
Medical question. I got a rash on my face, including around my eyes, that flared up in the heat. Went to urgent care, they put me on prednisone, knocked it back, but the high dose was only for two days. I’m tapering down on the meds, but the rash is still there. Any advice?
I’m self paying. Currently uninsured because of the late Mr Feathers dragging out the divorce to the point that he got cancer and died, leaving me legally a widow instead of divorced. He was still alive when I lost my job, so I wasn’t able to sign up on my own. Currently cleaning up my finances to pay for last semester of school and be set to apply on the exchanges.
@Enhanced Voting Techniques: Herschel Walker doesn’t either. None of them do.
germy shoemangler
On top of his laziness and entitlement aka New Jersey-ness, I can’t help but wonder if having to put his first name on things is hurting Oz with Republican voters. “Dr. Oz, from Oprah!” (like the wizard of Oz) may be fine, but “Mehmet”? That doesn’t sound like “one of us.”
Fetterman trolled Oz for his designer jeans this week and I was absolutely there for it.
germy shoemangler
@Feathers: I’m not a doc, but I get rashes when I contact certain vines (fu Virginia creeper!) and I’ve been on similar high-dose then taper steroid treatments for them. Usually it does take the rash a bit longer to fade than the steroid dose, but if you’re worried you can also ask for a prescription topical cortisone cream – I’ve gotten those too. Hope it keeps fading!
To be completely fair, most people who spend 2K or more for a fundraiser aren’t doing it to experience the candidate’s sparkling personality.
Another Scott
@Feathers: IANAMD.
It sounds like a reasonable treatment approach to me. has some patient comments that might be helpful. Some comments about higher doses being needed in some cases, but take everything with a grain of salt.
GoodRx prices for 20 mg tablets x 10 – it might be worth trying that if you don’t have alternative prices.
Again, IANAMD. I hope this helps a little and you are able to get relief quickly.
Hang in there.
Best wishes,
Didn’t want to travel too far from home, I see.
@Benw: That’s what I’ve always done before, but I can’t do that around my eyes. I think I’m going to ask for another round of Prednisone and crème for not around the eyes, so the meds don’t have as much to deal with.
Realizing that having to wear masks doesn’t help. My neighborhood used to be so good, but now not so much.
@Enhanced Voting Techniques:
Oz doesn’t say anything about how to fix the alleged problems he raises because his goal in his campaign is to stoke hot-button resentment points, not to describe practical details on how to fix these problems. It’s a blunderbuss-shot, not a this-old-senate fixer-upper show.
He’s only doing smaller more intimate events so far. He looks great though. I think he has lost quite a bit of weight. I bet Giselle is kicking his ass.
Dana Milbank with the gouge-your-eyes-out sentence of the day:
@Another Scott: Thanks. The prescription was under $20 at my local Walgreens, so there are still reasonable drugs available.
Quite true, although that particular horrible image….
REPORTER: “What do you look for in a candidate?”
Alison Rose 💙🌻💛
In other “Republicans are dipshits” news, Dee Snider (the pride of Long Island!), told Kari Lake to go fuck herself for using his song:
You love to see it:
He also had some choice responses to critics:
Sen. Kyrsten Sinema (D-Ariz.) wants Democrats to drop a provision tightening a tax loophole associated with hedge fund managers and private equity executives from their $740 billion package enacting President Joe Biden’s climate, health care and tax plans, according to reports from Politico and Axios.
@germy shoemangler:
Please tell me Dr. LeMole is a dermatologist.
Mike in NC
What Trump hath wrought: scores of fellow imbeciles like the TV quack Dr Oz, who are catnip to knuckle-dragging GOP primary voters. I try to be amused
The world needs a present-day Botticelli to produce that picture! (Sorry, Simonetta.) Preferably before 2024.
@Feathers: use findahealthcenter dot gov to find an FQHC. They have a sliding fee scale, won’t turn you away for lack of ability to pay.
This Slate article/interview presents the definitive case against Alex Jones. I’ve generally regarded Jones as merely a crazy guy with anger-management issues, but it’s really much worse. It’s important to get this right because there’s a movement afoot to present Jones in a positive light. Don’t fall for it. I try to be amused
@Mike in NC:
The GOP is testing the limits of the celebrity candidate strategy. They seem to have found some, fortunately for us.
Greetings from England I am all settled in. The wife has decided we need a big dog. Puppy pickup on the 21st, when he turns 8 weeks old. I have named him Reggie and he is an absolute chonky unit, having gained over a kilo in the last week alone to weigh in nearly 4k. at 5 weeks. St. Bernard/Standard poodle mix and the largest in his litter by a mile.
I’ll be running around picking up puppy chaos and cleaning for the next while. Good wishes appreciated!
Old School
@raven: When the Manchin plan was announced, I saw speculation that the carried interest revenue was such a small part of the bill that it was possibly just there to be taken out later.
I guess we might have reached that point.
Is too!
@Old School:
My understanding is that “closing the loophole” involved changing the time the asset needed to be owned from 3 to 5 years. So not a huge change. Tax lawyers can correct me if I misheard.
@MattF: Note that if you’ve hit your free-article limit on Slate, it can be evaded with your browser’s incognito mode.
Ohio Mom
@Feathers: I have no advice except OY! on untangling the legal and financial aftermath of Mr. Feathers’ death.
Please tell me his real name is Paolo A. LeMole.
OK, not a great pun/play on words.
Another Scott
@Feathers: $20 is good, but $4 is better. Doesn’t hurt to look around! :-)
Good luck!
Jim, Foolish Literalist
@Baud: so basically we gotta toss Sinema a $14 billion cookie? and let Bernie bloviate, pontificate and fustigate for a couple hours on the floor?
What’s a blunderbuss, you ask? Maybe the Four Wise Clerks of Oxenford have something to say about that.
Subcommandante Yakbreath
“…an illegal alien invasion…”
Lectroids from the 8th dimension landing in Grover’s Mill?
@Enhanced Voting Techniques: In that, he’s a completely mainstream Republican. Spend 18 months telling people their lives are miserable, then 6 months saying “If you think your life is miserable, vote Republican.” That’s it; that’s all they do.
This year, for the first time since at least Obama-Romney 10 years ago, “what kind of country Republicans want to create” is a campaign topic. And Republicans are furious: “That’s against the rules!” And some of them actually believe it!
As for this race, someone said a while back that the conventional-wisdom question “Can Fetterman shitpost his way to the Senate?” is exactly backward. Dr. Oz is trying to shitpost his way to the Senate, as all Republicans do; Fetterman is just doing something about it instead of wringing his hands and apologizing about gas prices.
Alison Rose 💙🌻💛
(Oops I think my comment got stuck in link jail)
@jonas: Pennsylvania is the Keystone State, but Oz thinks it’s the Stepstone State.
I hope so.
As much as I like Fetterman, when I heard that he hadn’t been taking his heart medication or seeing a doctor, I was incredibly pissed at him on behalf of the SLOP. I hope he realizes that his family has sacrificed a lot on behalf of his career and he recognizes that he has to care for his health in order to not squander that.
We used to call Trumpist candidates ‘Tea Party’ candidates when they were announcing they’re not a witch. Crazy has been a big advantage in Republican primaries at least since Obama was elected.
Fine. Drop that provision. That’s not a pound of flesh, it’s a drop of blood. If it gets Sinema on board, give it to her.
Old School
@Jim, Foolish Literalist: Isn’t sausage making interesting?
randy khan
My wife and I were on the Shore last week (not the beach, and always capitalized, thank you) and saw an Oz ad because Pennsylvania people come to the Shore for vacation. The tag line was “I’m Dr. Oz and I approve this message,” and my first thought was that his campaign didn’t want to use his first name because it makes it appear that he’s Muslim. (I have no idea if he is or not, as I don’t care.)
It’s not a coincidence that candidates who couldn’t come close to closing the deal with voters (even the awful voters who vote in Republican primaries) without the cult leader backing them are bad candidates.
Jim, Foolish Literalist
didn’t they accuse somebody (Dems or one of his primary opponents, I forget which) of bigotry for calling him Mehmet Oz?
Alison Rose 💙🌻💛
@randy khan: I’m kind of surprised he hasn’t gone the Cruz route and started calling himself Michael or something.
@Another Scott: Agreed, but I don’t have a car and not having to wait for shipping or do extra public transportation trips during a pandemic is worth $12. If it was going to be recurring, I would totally go that route. The Mark Cuban site looks great. Such a wide range of drugs available. Their overnight shipping is $15.
I know Walgreens has been doing some shitty stuff, but my local was great with the COVID shots and the pharmacist’s advice has kept me from getting nauseous with these meds. Had problems with that before.
randy khan
She also wants some provisions on Western water protection, which actually seems reasonable for me, and normal for a Senator from a dry Western state. And what I say to both of these things is “Take the deal.” I have no idea why she likes hedge fund managers so much, but I want this legislation to pass, and if she’s willing to act like a regular, deal-making politician for once, I’m totally in favor of encouraging that behavior.
Another Scott
ICYMI, on climate aspects of
BBBInflation Reduction Act of 2022:Much more, including more embedded links, at the link.
West Virginia gets 88% of its electricity from burning coal. Getting Manchin on board was always going to be a heavy lift, but he did good here – it’s important incremental progress.
This bill is a big Biden deal. And long overdue. Since the health insurance rates for next year will be start being set in mid-August, I assume this will be on Biden’s desk in the next 10 days or so. We should celebrate bigly when that happens.
@Feathers: @Benw: @Another Scott: Did they give you a diagnosis of what the rash is, because if it’s suspected to be a topical reaction to something (like Benw’s reaction to vines) vs. an inflammatory reaction like eczema (which can be triggered both externally or by ingestion) the advice is slightly different. Heat often triggers eczema, for instance, or on the face it could be rosacea, which sometimes requires antibiotics as well as steroids for full relief.
If they just put you on a prednisone blast (high dose start, tapering off each day), that was just to interrupt the inflammation cycle. Something like a 10% hydrocortisone ointment can help the rash of they didn’t give you an Rx for anything stronger. Colloidal oatmeal compresses to the affected area may help if it’s itchy. But what will ultimately resolve it depends on what may have caused it.
Many of the spam e-mails I get telling me I have won a free gift gift card, and just have to click on the link to redeem, originate from addresses.
As it is Open Thread –
“Holy tight with the sheriff, Batman.”
IANAL but even this old fart can see multiple avenues for a countersuit (or several).
zhena gogolia
@Feathers: I am not a doctor, but doesn’t it take the whole course of prednisone for it to work? That’s been my experience. Can’t the prescriber help you out?
@randy khan: Mehmet is Turkish for Mohammad. So while I don’t really care what religion or national origin he is, “Mehmet Oz” sticks out – his voters might care that he is not like them.
@AliceBlue: None of them are running on policy. After all, most of their policies are unpopular. Instead they are running on owning the libs. They are running on “put us in power and we’ll make everything good again, just like 1980, I mean 1950, I mean 1850, maybe 1650”. Most of them have no interest in actually legislating, it’s just a way to audition for their dream job of being a pundit on Fox News. How many bills authored by Madison Cawthorn, Lauren Boebert, and MTG have passed?
@Wapiti: If the election was tighter, we might see PAC advertising harping on Oz’s dual citizenship and his service in the Turkish Army. We still might. The issues were raised in the Republican primary.
Is this one of those trick questions where the answer is “all of them”, because they haven’t authored any?
Another Scott
@Wapiti: If I were in PA and thinking about voting for Oz, I’d have a lot much, much, much more concern about him being a (dual) Turkish citizen and voting for Erdogan in the most recent election than his name, myself.
I know that he’s said that he would drop the dual citizenship if he won. I don’t think that he’s explained the vote for Erdogan – slaughterer of Kurds- yet. Maybe Fetterman will ask him about that.
Maybe it’s because I actually like reality (mostly!), but Alex Jones as merely a crazy guy with anger management issues? He is a major fucking asshole with far more wrong with him than just his anger management issues – which he has in abundance. They would have to concentrate the power of the sun a thousand or more times to hide them – by burning him down to a pile of rancid dog shit, which would be a massive improvement in his being.
@randy khan:
Because she knows she’s getting booted out of office in a couple of years, and she doesn’t want to have to work for a living? Just a guess.
@randy khan: “Down the Shore” although the local news tries to improve everyone’s grammer with “down at the shore”
I mean, to be fair, me too.
@Another Scott:
That shows you’re not a Republican voter. Those are reasonable concerns that require learning and thinking, whereas a name is something a wingnut can see with no effort and can react to with their gut
@Suzanne: Yeah, it’s surprising how many things (not just in politics) I see and think, “I could do that, if only I had no shame.”
@Ruckus: Which is why the news that Greenwald is trying to make Jones into a free-speech martyr needs to be hammered downwards as fast and as hard as possible.
@Frankensteinbeck: Exactly. I think the price tag was around $15B.
What Fetterman does is not that hard and I don’t understand how we only one or 2 of this kind of effective Dem pugilist.
His little tweet about how election fraud is not only very rare but OVERWHELMINGLY REPUBLICAN TRUMPERS takes like 1 second and zero thought to do. But that’s called actually fighting back.
Everyone else is like “it’s been proven that there isn’t really enough fraud to have changed the election!” Drives me nuts.
Just came in from voting in the TN primary and Memphis municipal elections. Big race here is for DA. I got a robotext from John Legend about it.
@randy khan: Yeah that’s fine but on the hedge fund stuff there needs to be at least a little noise made about it so it sticks to her rather than the party. This needs not to be the dem brand.
@Redshift: 68.9% of Repulican primary voters voted for someone other than Oz. Trump’s endorsement barely dragged him across the finish line.
Of course, ~27% voted for Kathy Barnette so I would not argue that Pennsylvania Republicans are very discerning.
Bill Arnold
I’d be surprised to find out for sure that she was not taking and concealing bribes from said people. Many of them are psychopaths.
@Bill Arnold: I’m not even sure how “concealed” the bribery is. IMO she’s obviously for sale. When the news on the bill was “No word yet from Sinema,” I said at the time she was waiting for the highest bidder.
People keep talking about how Sinema is burning all her bridges, she won’t be useful to anyone after her Senate term is up, how can she be a lobbyist, etc. To me, it’s clear she has no post-Senate plans other than taking the cash she accumulates now and triathalon-ing away into the sunset.
Jim, Foolish Literalist
@Bupalos: indeed, it’s not that hard to make dr Oz look like a fool, because Oz does it to himself
@Another Scott:
Interesting. So West Virginia’s 1.8 million citizens use more coal-fired electricity than California’s 40 million. Sheesh.
I still think she wants to do-host The View or become a Fox News commentator or have a reality show, but otherwise I agree with you. Being in the Senate looks like a shitty job. Well-paying, but shitty. She wants to take the money and run.
But, I mean, to be fair, me too.
Another Scott
@Suzanne: You know much more about her than me.
I’m, personally, surprised how often I see her on the Senate floor, glad-handing and talking with people. (E.g. on the vote before the CHIPS act when Schumer was looking for 15 GQPers to determine what else to put in the bill. Mark Warner was there a lot, too, talking with Schumer.) She also does reasonably well in the committee hearings I’ve heard her participate in that I’ve seen on C-SPAN (but that could be a consequence of having a decent staff prepare her good questions).
I don’t like her positions on many issues, but she doesn’t seem to be phoning-it-in when it comes to the public-facing part of the Senate job. (She may be horrible on dealing with constituents and other parts of the job.) She could do things differently, e.g., if she just wanted to sit in the shadows and put up roadblocks.
IIRC, you’ve said that she’s a bit of a political chameleon. What I’ve seen agrees with that – she likes politics and power and is doing what she thinks she can/needs to do to keep her job and power. Who knows whether it will work in the next election, but people shouldn’t underestimate her.
OTOH, part of being a good lobbyist is being good at glad-handing former colleagues…
Just One More Canuck
@SiubhanDuinne: the 12 year old in me made me find out that there’s a colorectal surgeon in Houston named Dr. Donald Butts
@Just One More Canuck:
Predetermined profession.
My grade-school buddy, Tom Paine’s (yep) father was a heart surgeon. Also in the neighborhood was a Doctor Doctor.
True story. Friend of Mom underwent surgery years ago, at which the three doctors in the operating room happened to have Italian surnames.
Which in English translation were Heaven, Angel and Bells.
Uncle Cosmo
@TheflipPsyd: In Baltimore – pardon me, Bawlmer Murlin Hon – it’s downy ayshun, as in
IOW “Down the Ocean,” i.e. the beaches between Ocean City MD and Rehoboth DE. I have two friends who are down there frequently for work – one is a handyman rehabbing his sister’s retirement cottage, the other a salesman and inspector of flooring with a number of retailers and frequent inspection gigs on the Eastern Shore.
(All yinz not of the Baltimoron persuasion should note that “Charm City” (“Churn City” to fans of The Expanse) is the one place in the multiverse where the primary use of one’s paramour is to mow the lawn…;^D)
@NotMax: Ammazza!
@lowtechcyclist: or a post White Stripes semi-decent Jack White contribution ?
@Just One More Canuck: lol my SO deals with a lot of Big Swinging Dicks of finance, but literally had a colleague named Dick Cannon….
Just One More Canuck
@trollhattan: Does he have a bad case of loving you?
Richard Grant
@Redshift: New Jersey-ness? Fair(fax) enough.
Dan B
@NotMax: A friend’s aunt and uncle were Dr. and Dr. Hamburger. Not the best name for surgeons. I think one was a surgeon.
@Feathers: The prednisone works by suppressing the immune system, and that effect is continuing as you taper off the dose. Never stop the tapering doses, there’s a risk of serious mental health impacts from suddenly stopping prednisone (like having a psychotic break, rare but possible). Even though you are past the high dose phase, it is still having a suppressive effect, so it’s likely to still be doing what they expected it to do to reduce the rash; you might want to give it another couple of days.
@Feathers: Did the urgent care doc check to make sure it was not shingles? There’s an assumption sometimes that only the elderly or the immunocompromised are more prone to developing shingles, but stress (and it sure sounds like you have been dealing with lots of difficult things), acute illness, etc. can also trigger shingles.
If you had chicken pox as a kiddo, you can later develop shingles when the virus reactivates (it roosts, dormant in the nerves.) It can crop up anywhere on the body, but common sites include the torso and the face. Classic symptoms are an itchy, tingly, and/or tender, painful phase (prodome), then small red bumps and or a rashy area that can develop into lesions. That is the classic presentation that most people get, but not everyone’s will be a textbook case. A few skip the prodome, a few get just a rash or get lesions but the lesions don’t always develop the full-on, funky chicken pox-like crusting, etc.
Just a thought, because anything near your eyes is important to keep a close watch over.
I’ve had shingles three times despite the vaccine (thanks, immunosuppressants), PCR confirmed, and a relative who has lupus has had it twice on her face.
It came to mind when I read your comment, because the second time she had it, it appeared on her forehead and temples, around her eyes, and an urgent care doc and her primary care doc both missed the diagnosis because she didn’t develop the full-blown lesions that time, and had had it once already.
Dermatologist did culture, PCR, and bloodwork which confirmed the diagnosis, but started her on famvir while waiting, in order to protect her vision.
One other thought: have you started using a new sunscreen, lotion, makeup, soap, contact lens product, eye drop, etc. in the past month or so? Sometimes people react to those things with an immediate allergic dermatitis, but you can also have a delayed hypersensitivity.
If it doesn’t resolve fairly quickly, as much as it absolutely sucks to have to self-pay (have done that in the past and still have to self pay for my out of network specialist- it is horrible that anyone has to do this to get care when they need it, and I am so sorry that you are having to fight through that on top of everything else), definitely get it checked again. You, your health, your vision, and the new life you are working hard to create are so important, and taking care of yourself is priority one as you heal and move forward.
Maybe the community here could kick in and assist to help with MD or specialist visit costs to get this diagnosed if it doesn’t resolve asap?
I hope you feel better quickly.
@NotMax: A friend from the Netherlands told me that boarding an airplane can be described as “go down the corridor”, “turn the corner”, and “into the box (cabin)” — all of which, in Dutch, are euphemisms for dying.
Well of course. But greenshit has been in need of a straight jacket and a padded bedroom for quite a while now, ever since he swallowed whatever it was that turned him from a complete ass into whatever indescribable Piece Of Stench it is that is far worse than what he was then.