.@BetoORourke to a Greg Abbott supporter who laughed when the gubernatorial candidate mentioned the mass school shooting in Uvalde, Texas: “It may be funny to you motherfucker, but it’s not funny to me.” #txlege
— Shannon Watts (@shannonrwatts) August 11, 2022
Open thread
Lacuna Synecdoche
Brace for motherfucking complaints from motherfuckers about motherfucking Democrats being motherfucking uncivil to wingnut fucking motherfuckers.
These motherfuckers better recognize what is coming.
Keep fucking with women and moms, keep fucking mocking them, ignoring them, you’re gonna find the fuck out.
How uncivil! The very idea!
@Lacuna Synecdoche:
Cue massive pearl clutching amongst Villagers also.
Chacal Charles Calthrop
If Beto could only win in Texas he’d be President. Texas is the only large state that consistently votes Republican and if all those electoral votes were his, that could mean that no-one need worry about Florida or even the rust belt.
@Lacuna Synecdoche:
If ever there were a rotating tag just yearning for nomination, this is it.
John Cole
I’m physically aroused.
More Gen X candidates pls.
@John Cole: lol….know exactly how you feel.
Now that’s what I’m motherfucking talking about!
Why did Beto say that?
Truth hurts, motherfuckers. Beto is coming for Austin and may well win. To hell with the NRA and the GQP
Jim, Foolish Literalist
Good for him. Is that slightly dazed fucker with the white beard the motherfucker in question?
He’s a long shot, he might as well aim high, or far, or… whatever. (It was teh YouTube poster who blasphemed by adding the chicken dance music)
That audience reaction was just great! He’s got some enthusiastic supporters there. Awesome.
Oh yes! That was just perfect. I love the audience’s applause. They’re really fired up, great to see
Citizen Alan
I think it’s time we start openly talking about the dirty little secret regarding republicans and school shootings. Namely, that they are in favor of them. Every time there is a school shooting it is followed by a rush of gun nuts buying up all the ammo they can get because they’re terrified of liberals who try to pass gun laws. This leads to an increase in profits for the gun manufacturers, which in turn is funneled through gun lobbyists to pro-2A Republican politicians who will fight tooth and nail against any form of gun control. Republican politicians PROFIT from school shootings.
@John Cole:
I know what you mean. I actually released an egg.
Deleted. Duplicate, triplicate, quadruplicate.
Oh he had a fuck left to give. And he gave it.
Jim, Foolish Literalist
meanwhile, in another part of Texas…
((((Sooo-eeeeey!))))) Here pig pig pig!
@Jim, Foolish Literalist: He was within 6 points in the July polls
@Chacal Charles Calthrop: I’m old enough to remember when Texas was very Democratic. It can happen. And this might be the year. I’d vote for Beto in a heartbeat. But, I don’t live in Texas, albeit my daughter did in the 90’s and early 2000’s. Visited there when Ann Richards was Governor. Last of a breed she was.
Villago Delenda Est
We need more of this motherfucking shit from Dems. They need to call out the motherfuckers with vim and vigor and vulgarity, because Rethuglicans are, by definition nowadays (not when I was growing up) the worst motherfuckers around.
In Wingnuts’ small-minded worldview Polite = Tolerant = Scared.
Beto’s not scared and ain’t standing for their shit, so why not make it clear as hell for these evil motherfuckers one and all.
Wyatt Salamanca
@Jim, Foolish Literalist:
Greg Abbott is pure, unadulterated SCUM. If Hell exists, I hope he winds up there.
Ohio Mom
@Citizen Alan: School shootings also help to weaken the public school system, another Republican goal. Anything to push and scare families into private schools.
@Ohio Mom:
Yup, that is another lever in the effort to deconstruct public education.
@Jim, Foolish Literalist:
Anti-Semitic motherfucker, I hope there’s a Hell, so you can burn there.
FBI delivers subpoenas to several Pa. Republican lawmakers: sources say
Tick to the motherfucking tock, motherfuckers.
More than just deconstructing public education, it’s the goal of the conservative movement to deconstruct all civil institutions that move people towards cooperation and tolerance.
The idea that we all have a say in how society is run is anathema to them. In the name of “freedom” they want to strip us of our sense of civic engagement.
Can’t go to a Fourth of July parade, there might be a mass shooting. Can’t support the library, there maybe books I object to.
They want to remake society so we all act like crabs in a bucket tearing each other apart.
Chetan Murthy
@gene108: I remember a tweet a few months before covid, with some conservatard claiming there was no example of a “public good” that actually worked. No joke. That’s their goal: that there be no public goods whatsoever.
re: sidebar with the notation about Zooms.
The 11th is a Thursday.
@Chetan Murthy:
Saw an interview with one of the Koch brothers saying one of their goals has been to destroy the idea of public services.
The example used was shifting police budgets from taxpayer funded to funded by fines issued, so I guess taxes could be lowered.*
What worries me is this idea of no public goods will be ruinous for this country. The people advocating for it are dangerously attached to the both the idea that America must always be number one in the world, and they are never at fault.
If they actually succeed in getting their entire agenda implemented, the U.S. will be in shambles and they’ll be looking for scapegoats.
*EDIT: Remembering a bit better. People didn’t object to taxes because it paid for services like police, for example. Decouple services from taxes paid, and people start objecting to paying taxes and accept tax cuts as a positive, regardless of the services they may not receive.
Chetan Murthy
Some of these people want to replace the civic society with a Christianist theocracy. The theory is that we want tear each other apart if we do what the Baby Jesus wants us to do.
@Chetan Murthy:
That was Margaret Thatcher’s bag of goods
too many children and people have been given to understand ‘I have a problem, it is the Government’s job to cope with it!’ or ‘I have a problem, I will go and get a grant to cope with it!’ ‘I am homeless, the Government must house me!’ and so they are casting their problems on society and who is society? There is no such thing! There are individual men and women and there are families and no government can do anything except through people and people look to themselves first
Reagan was cut from the same cloth, and the rest followed
Chetan Murthy
I suggest that their theory is that only those not among The Elect will get torn apart. If you get torn apart, you obviously deserved it.
Chetan Murthy
@catothedog: always apposite: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9t4-zDem1Sk
Yes, yes it is, and they have no shame expressing it proudly, loudly and often.
This woman was just elected as a county DA.
Not if you cross the International Date Line.
@SFAW: Non sequiturs are us
@HumboldtBlue: Have you seen Marian the Librarian? Lock her up!
@kalakal: The article talks about how few voted in the election. We are failing to educate and motivate the electorate.
Villago Delenda Est
@gene108: They want to restore feudalism. Wipe out everything from the Renaissance to the present.
patrick II
@Citizen Alan:
Not to mention profits from all of the police departments sa!es who have to weapon up to match school shooters.
And then won’t go thru the door with an ar-15 waiting on the other side.
Omnes Omnibus
@gene108: So we just don’t let them win.
@NotMax: I just tried to report this, site feedback seemed logical, but it’s too geared to hardware/software issues. Maybe all caps email to JC? I think this is in WG’s domain but I think this is out of her timeslot.
@JaySinWA: That video truly shocked me
Dan B
@John Cole: TMI!
I’ll manage.
Enhanced Voting Techniques
@danielx: Yes, pearls will be clutched over Beto’s saucy language, because one has to respect the right of some white boi asshole to take humor at the murder of children. Or something.
@Villago Delenda Est: yep, I used to work with a Libertarian, I could never understand why someone who kept wurbling on about freedom was in favour of policies that would result in feudalism and where he’d enjoy all the freedoms of a medieval peasant.
That is a disturbing scene.
@kalakal: I could have sworn there was an article with this talking about low turnout. I can’t find it now. Maybe it was some other election, but this was an August election, the numbers i see were higher than what I remembered.
Captain C
@kalakal: They all think they’re going to be the lord of the manor, telling everyone else what to do.
Chetan Murthy
@Captain C: everyone who professes to believe in reincarnation was a prince/princess/king/queen/chief in their former lives.
@Captain C: That’s why tax the rich fails to resonate in the US
James E Powell
I would like to know the names of the several and see if anyone has a video of the service of the subpoenas.
You must have a different dictionary from me.
It may have been abstruse, i.e., not as obvious a joke as you’d like, but it wasn’t a non sequitur.
We’ve been warned.
Nature ain’t fucking around.
Citizen Alan
He can’t imagine being a peasant. Somehow, somehow, he’ll end up being the guy who lives in the fancy castle with all the other serfs at his beck and call. At heart, every Libertarian wants America to be “Somalia for White People” because every damned one of them thinks they’ll be the regional warlords instead of the poor schlub who dances when bandits shoot at his feet.
Citizen Alan
He can’t imagine being a peasant. Somehow, somehow, he’ll end up being the guy who lives in the fancy castle with all the other serfs at his beck and call. At heart, every Libertarian wants America to be “Somalia for White People” because every damned one of them thinks they’ll be the regional warlords instead of the poor schlub who dances when bandits shoot at his feet.
Citizen Alan
He can’t imagine being a peasant. Somehow, somehow, he’ll end up being the guy who lives in the fancy castle with all the other serfs at his beck and call. At heart, every Libertarian wants America to be “Somalia for White People” because every damned one of them thinks they’ll be the regional warlords instead of the poor schlub who dances when bandits shoot at his feet.
Citizen Alan
He can’t imagine being a peasant. Somehow, somehow, he’ll end up being the guy who lives in the fancy castle with all the other serfs at his beck and call. At heart, every Libertarian wants America to be “Somalia for White People” because every damned one of them thinks they’ll be the regional warlords instead of the poor schlub who dances when bandits shoot at his feet.
Citizen Alan
Okay, that was weird. And I didn’t even get an Edit window I could use to delete the duplicate posts.
@Citizen Alan:
That’s weird.
@Citizen Alan: I’ve heard that the site sometimes does funny stuff around this time at night. Might be trying to tell us to go to sleep!
@SiubhanDuinne: hahahahahahahha
@SFAW: I trust this is not directed at Jim? If so, you have badly misread
Late catching up on everything, and watching all the TV news I could stand, was told only that Trump took the 5th, but not how many times he took the 5th.
Looks like he gave Michael Flynn a run for his “I take the 5th” money.
@HumboldtBlue: that looks like it’s straight out of hell…or Hollywood…
U.S.-style country music in Africa. It’s not a new thing.
@John Cole:
There’s an Archer meme for that.
Dancing to Country in Zimbabwe
Dancer drawn by Bill Traylor of Montgomery, AL
Motorbike guy across the street just departed again.
I need to get some sleep. I’m driving to Rehoboth Beach (later) in the morning. Family reunion with Bro’ Man and RWNJ brother, who motored in from Las Vegas in his F-350 pickup with camper back.
@Steeplejack: An F350 carrying a 2500 to 3500 lb. camper. Unless it’s a diesel, that’ll be 8 to 10 mpg. Diesel, 14 mpg … maybe. One guess what he’ll be complaining about.
It took me a long time to realize that Libertarians were never talking about “freedom”, just the Darwinian freedom of the powerful to take from everyone else.
@Wyatt Salamanca:
Greg doesn’t want wait till he’s dead to live in hell, that’s why he’s trying to make where he lives hell on earth.
Everyone’s talking about the cussin’, but I’m sitting here impressed that a Dem candidate can talk about gun regulations on Texas.
Makes me want to dig out my Beto 2020 yard sign. Highly recommend the HBO documentary on his Senate race.
Definitely time to call them out on their anti-Semitic dog whistles. If they go all Soros, ask them why they believe rich Jews have no business in politics but they’re happy to take the money of the Koches and DeVoses and all those other nominally Christian rich people.
Before they dropped out of the 2020 race, Beto and Harris were my two favorites.
Wow! That sent chills down my spine. Beto rocks!
Matt McIrvin
@kalakal: Libertarians generally think that if the government wasn’t keeping them down they’d be little lords or kings, because they’re so smart.
@Matt McIrvin:
If it weren’t for big government liberals, Olivia Rodrigo would be totally into me.
@Baud: I think it’s more “If it weren’t for big government liberals, Olivia Rodrigo would have to settle for me, whether she was into me or not.”
Those details don’t concern me.
@Matt McIrvin: modern libertarianism mostly seems to be about people wanting to smoke pot and not pay taxes.
Is it just me, or are alleged libertarians being rather quiet about conservatives’ banning books, ‘don’t say gay’ laws, and all the rest of that?
They always go quiet when it comes to Republicans.
More of this please.
@Baud: Just noting that they’re not what they say they are.
My guess is this is when backups are running. Making backups of a live site can be ‘exciting’.
Not just you. They have been very very quite about it all.
Matt McIrvin
@lowtechcyclist: If you ask them about this stuff they’ll say that keeping their money is more important because power flows from money. It’s very much like the philosophy of the type of Marxists who think the left should shut up about race/sex/culture issues and only concentrate on class war… but in reverse. (Mark “Zompist” Rosenfelder once noted that to obtain these people’s ideology you basically start with a really doctrinaire Communist and just take the opposite of everything.)
I’m attending a Beto Town Hall this Saturday in a fairly red county. It will be interesting.
The Moar You Know
9/10. A full ten would be awarded for capping it with “you sick fuck”.
Laughing about a school of kids being slaughtered ought to be dealt with by immediate, involuntary transport to a mental hospital for a minimum 72-hour hold.
Villago Delenda Est
They imagine they will be the new feudal lords. Charles Koch laughs at them.
Mike in NC
It’s sickening that a sociopathic piece of filth like Greg Abbott still dreams of moving into the White House and the media are behind him every step of the way.
Tony G
@Citizen Alan: That is absolutely true. Back in 2012 I was working in an IBM software support office in upstate New York — an area that, politically, might as well as been Kentucky or Alabama. That year there were two of the worst mass shootings in our horrifying history — Aurora, Colorado and Sandy Hook. Several of the “men” in my office loudly and proudly proclaimed after each shooting that they were going to buy more guns and ammunition “before Obama grabs their guns”. These guys were intelligent enough to code and debug software, so they were not stupid in the conventional sense of the word. They were — and probably still are — part of a death cult that probably includes white supremacy. Suffice to say that I had nothing to do with them after work hours.
@Tony G: There are just too many of these in the current iteration of the GOP stalwarts. I’ve plenty of relatives like this and sadly, the women in their lives are of the same opinions. If the women could be cleaved off, I think the demise/cleansing of this GOP might happen more quickly. It’s gonna happen though, cause the average educated American will eventually see though this crazy extremism and move away. At least that’s what I hope.