If you go to minus 2:45 or so, that’s the start of Susan Rice, Merrick Garland, and others. And then Heather Hoyer’s mom and then President Biden.
Tt’s worth watching.
Open thread!
by WaterGirl| 70 Comments
This post is in: Biden Administration in Action
If you go to minus 2:45 or so, that’s the start of Susan Rice, Merrick Garland, and others. And then Heather Hoyer’s mom and then President Biden.
Tt’s worth watching.
Open thread!
Comments are closed.
Thank you for publicizing this. I will catch it later tonight, probably on C-Span.
Joe was on fire, clear, concise, specific, righteous and 100 percent spot on.
Got my flu shot and Bivalent Pfizer booster a few hours ago. So far so good. Headed to Dublin in 7 weeks and I wanna be healthy! Asked about the Polio vaccine but CVS didn’t have it. Apparently there’s a boatload of Polio in NYC’s wastewater. Because of course there is. I also asked about the MMR which I got 55 years ago as I entered Kindergarten. At the time they told us it would last forever but now they’re not so sure. Anyway….YAY for science!!
Heather Heyer
Heather Heyer’s mom was featured on the second episode of the new Hillary and Chelsea show on Apple TV.
@Baud: Think Lewinsky would be a guest? :-)
Not likely.
What Have the Romans Ever Done for Us?
@HeleninEire: I’ve been wondering about an MMR booster myself. I was vaccinated for Polio as a kid…assuming that’s lifelong protection but who knows? Measels…I had a shot in college because that’s when they discovered that the ones they gave us as kids (I was born in 1969) didn’t convey lifelong immunity like they thought. We had an outbreak at college so I got a shot from the county health department. But the other M and the R? Haven’t had one of those since early childhood.
@Baud: We tried, but couldn’t get through the first episode. It was just too hokey for our taste. Hillary is very funny, but the show seemed like it was trying too hard to be funny. It’s a shame because we love the concept and there’s a lot of great guests we wanted to see. I blame HBO, not Hillary or Chelsea. I think if they let them be themselves in a less produced manner, it would’ve hooked us (much like Hillary’s great podcast does), but something about it just missed the mark for our own personal taste. Can’t wait for the next season of the podcast though. Dying to hear HRC discuss Mar-A-Lago and the blatant hypocrisy of the Republicans now defending Trump, who wanted a witch trial for her.
The first episode was about comedians. The second is less funny. But it does have a certain style that some people may not like.
I’m impressed with Chelsea. I don’t think I would be so well adjusted if I had to live her life.
ETA:. I’ve only watched two episodes so far.
dr. luba
@HeleninEire: Did you get a complete polio series as a child? If so, have you had a polio booster as an adult? One adult booster is all that is currently recommended, and that’s for those in high risk situations.
From the CDC:
Most adults have likely already been vaccinated against poliovirus during childhood, and that is why IPV is not part of routine adult vaccinations.
However, adults who are unvaccinated, incompletely vaccinated, or are completely vaccinated but are at higher risk for contact with poliovirus should receive polio vaccination. The following situations put adults at higher risk:
Adults who have never been vaccinated against polio should get three doses of IPV:
Adults who have had one or two doses of polio vaccine in the past should get the remaining one or two doses.
Adults who are at increased risk of contact with poliovirus and who have previously completed the polio vaccination series (IPV or OPV) can receive one lifetime booster dose of IPV.
@UncleEbeneezer: I think the show is on Apple+. It is on some service that I don’t get.
From Twitter:
@HumboldtBlue: His people HATE virtue and kindness.
I am a lifetime away from Florida, but DeSantis just squeaked in against a black opponent. Is he the political genius the MSM thinks he is? I see him on camera and he makes my skin crawl. Plus he just piised off Venezuelans who in Florida are RWNJs.
I may be wrong, but I think he is the new Chris Christie, who does ballsy stuff the MSM loves but horrifies the actual voters. “This guy is a major asshole and also is nuts.” And Christie only pretended to be nuts. DeSantis is. No normal human being even in power could be doing his stuff.
zhena gogolia
@sab: I agree.
Glad your husband got off the PICC!
@zhena gogolia: Me too. But the new oral antibiotic is fierce. But at least I won’t accidentally kill him with a misplaced air bubble.
@HeleninEire: Got my Flu Shot Monday. Asked Pharmacist if I can get Bivalent Booster at same time and he said sure; well, my last booster was 7/13 and Monday was 9/12, so I figured I’ll do it tomorrow and strictly follow the rules (two month separation) and went on Tuesday for booster and, nope, if not same day, it needs to be a 2 week separation. Shit. Well, I tried. Then went to Hospital for Covid Test (minor procedure tomorrow) and they still do the brain tickling test. Only 10 seconds of misery but … damn.
@sab: He’s out to steal that election, yo. He’s got his goons in all the election stuff. This is the guy who is just replacing elected officials with his own people. So, he’s pretty confident that he has his hands all over the state govt like a Mussolini.
I kind of liked Biden but he wasn’t my candidate until everyone else bowed out. I liked Harris but she was my number two. Then I talked to my dad’s nurse aide.
I am old. Black women, especially the older ones have seen it all. Trust them, or at least trust their judgment.
I am in awe of President Biden’s awareness, and his willingness to do the work, spread the word of the work, and celebrate the work, of anti-hate.
@CaseyL: Wait a second… Are you saying he might be “woke”?
But I thought he was sleepy.
I casually turned on CSPAN today because I didn’t want news, and hours later I was still glued to Peter Buttigieg in front of some congressional hearing on transportation.
That guy is good at his job.
I was actually thinking, “This man has been radicalized,” which is what we used to say before “woke” became a neologism.
zhena gogolia
OT, but I can’t believe the tantrums KCIII is throwing over leaky pens and such. QEII never said the word “bloody” in public in 70 years. He’s just like Josh O’Connor! But in his 70s!
@zhena gogolia:
Someone’s going to lose their head.
@What Have the Romans Ever Done for Us?: The pharmacist who was a lovely young woman got a bit confused when I told her I got an MMR shot 55 years ago when I entered Kindergarden. WAIT.. there are 55 year old people (actually 60 now) still walking the earth? Very funny.
@zhena gogolia: I wonder if it’s nerves. He’s under a magnifying glass, and his mother is an icon.
Omnes Omnibus
@Baud: ‘Tis a puzzlement.
zhena gogolia
@Baud: He already has!
zhena gogolia
@Elizabelle: Occam’s razor: He’s an asshole.
@zhena gogolia:
To be fair, he’s had to claw his way to the top.
Kayla Rudbek
@What Have the Romans Ever Done for Us?: I needed an MMR booster back in 2019, and I’m a whippersnapper of a GenXer
@Baud: Good to know. Maybe we will check out EP2. I love comedians, but the whole clown thing was just strange (and old dude was creepy).
Agreed that Chelsea seems very cool and well-adjusted.
zhena gogolia
@UncleEbeneezer: Clowns? Omnes is going to have to catch this series.
@zhena gogolia: There was a lot less “in public” for most of the last 70 years than there is now. Definitely not being caught on camera.
And I’m willing to cut Charles some slack for the moment. His mom died rather suddenly and he might not even been able to say goodbye. And then he gets dragged around from place to place for a week, while having to sign off on all kinds of stuff. Sounds pretty emotionally exhausting.
I just learned that in Spanish, KC is El Rey Carlos III.
@Baud: The return of Rico Suave?
zhena gogolia
@Baud: In Russian, although he’s been Prints Charlz all these years, he’s now Korol Karl III.
Canon denied stay request
ETA: Dearie appointed special master. A given since both sides agreed to him.
ETA2: Stay denial decision.
Florida attorney Ron Filipkowski had an interesting Twitter thread on the question of donations to Democratic in red, apparently unwinnable districts. He used the example of GA 14th CD candidate Marcus Flowers, who was featured on a recent Filipkowski podcast.
Comparing Flowers to Amy McGrath or Jaime Harrison is an “apple and oranges” comparison, Filipkowski said. They ran statewide in red states, while Flowers is in a red district in a purple state that has close Governor and Senate races. Flowers could bring out extra Democratic voters in the 14th district that may stand Senator Warnock and Ms. Abrams in good stead.
Filipowski said this is a good reason for Democrats to seriously contest red congressional districts, particulaly those in purple states.
That’s not to say, though, that after several million dollars there may be dimishing returns on additional money invested. But Mr. Flowers is an attractive candidate and I can see why people donate to him.
zhena gogolia
@Baud: I’m so confused now. Denying the stay request is what DOJ wanted, right?
zhena gogolia
@Baud: Okay, I guess not. I guess she’s still doing Trump’s bidding.
@zhena gogolia: She is still doing Trump’s bidding.
This is a decent point.
He seems to be a true Windsor. His great-grandfather, George V, and especially his grandfather, George VI, were known for their short fuses and their temper tantrums. In the case of GVI, these outbursts were well known in the family as “gnashes.”
What I like is Camilla’s calmness in all this. She is the best thing that ever happened to Charles. In my wildest imagination, I can’t envision Diana being so soothing and practical. But it comes naturally to the Queen Consort. I’m glad she’s there to talk him down.
I’m taking next week off to help with all things wedding so this week at work is mayhem. I’m trying to do all the things.
I’m usually on top of the news but I am really out of the loop this week. I’ll try and catch this video tonight.
I love how Wile E Coyote De Santis thought his trafficking of refugees to Martha’s Vineyard would be a big FU to libtards. Now my local news is full of tearful Martha’s Vineyard residents talking about how much they love their new neighbors and how devoted they are to helping them. We may be puritanical assholes up here in New England but give us a job to do with the bonus of proving our virtue and we will eat that shit up. Just watch. These immigrants will be decked out in vineyard vines, living in beautiful AirVRBOBNB (alphabet rentals) and working at Black Dog.
This is nonsense. There has been no clawing involved. His destiny was baked in from the minute he was conceived.
Omnes Omnibus
@zhena gogolia: Speaking of clowns, Judge Cannon just denied the motion for a partial stay. Source.
This is Baud.
Camilla and Charles live in separate houses on the same Estate. That’s how she keeps her zen.
I make a recurring donation to DCCC, DSCC and DGA. They piss people off, but they bet the candidates and have metrics the campaigns must meet in order to receive funding. I think k it’s a better way to support candidates then giving to the ones who have no chance of winning.
I rest my case.
Matt McIrvin
@zhena gogolia: I was wondering about the numbers of the next in line–I think that if everything goes as expected, they’ll have William V and then George VII. So, continuing the prime numbers, I guess.
(I had no idea there was a William IV–he was the guy before Victoria.)
They also share Clarence House in London. But nice to be wealthy enough for each partner to have their own rural bolthole.
@Omnes Omnibus:
I just posted a link upstairs.
I like Camilla. She’s probably my favorite of the bunch.
@Baud: How long before the 11th takes action, one way or another?
@MomSense: I wouldn’t give any money to Flowers myself. If I were to donate to a candidate it would be to Sharice Davids in Kansas, and to Marcy Kaptur in Ohio and Gabe Vasquez in New Mexico if I had money left over.
They all have tight races in purple districts. I think Flowers has enough money to make whatever impact he going to make.
@Matt McIrvin:
As a little girl, I learned:
Willie, Willie, Harry, Stee,
Harry, Dick, John, Harry 3,
Edwards three and Richard 2,
Harry 4, 5, 6 — then who?
Edward, Edward, Dick the Bad,
Harry, Harry, Ned the Lad.
Mary, Bessie, James the Vain,
Charlie, Charlie, James again.
Will & Mary, Anna Gloria,
Four Georges, William, and Victoria.
(I learned it from my grandfather, who learned it as a schoolboy in the 1890s, when Victoria was still alive. Have occasionally seen attempts at including the 20th-century monarchs, but they’re awkward and unmemorable. The poems, not the monarchs.)
I’m going to phonebank for Golden in Maine. It’s a tough race.
I’m a big fan of HRH Anne, the Princess Royal. But I’ve grown to admire Camilla very much.
@MomSense: trump carried the ME 2nd last time, and got an electoral vote for that. Golden is one of several Democrats who won districts trump carried, and they are all top GOP targets.
I read that Maine’s 2nd CD is the largest one east of the Mississippi. Golden flipped it in 2018, the same year Sharice Davids flipped the KS 3rd CD. Forty Democrats flipped Republican seats that year. I think 7 or so did not win reelection in 2020, but I thought they all were impressive.
Trump won CD 2 in 2016 and 2020. Golden unseated Poliquin so this is a rematch. It’s a nail biter.
@Geminid: Okay, there’s a thermometer in the sidebar for these key house races:
Elaine Luria, Marcy Kaptur, Sharice Davids, Gabe Vasquez
All the other targeted fundraising thermometers are still available at this link in the sidebar.
Targeted Fundraising Thermometers
@WaterGirl: Marcy Kaptur started volunteering for the Democratic Party when she was 13!.
That was in 1959.
@Geminid: So take her off the list, then? :-)
If the good Dr Luba is still around, I have a question regarding MMR vaccination. I had all 3 of those illnesses, including German measles and mumps at the same time (don’t remember a moment of it, too sick). Does that mean I have permanent lifelong immunity or should I consider a booster since it’s been 60 years since I had them?
@StringOnAStick: Not a doctor, but I can share that my doctor recommended I get an MMR last year. I’m 66 and we didn’t get vaccines when I was a kid, we got the diseases. I knew I’d had measles, but apparently had mumps somewhere along the way (he could tell that from a blood test) and never had rubella. He said I was probably immune but the shot wouldn’t hurt, especially since I’d never had rubella.
Citizen Alan
@SiubhanDuinne: Yeah, but for a while there, I thought QE2’s goal was to outlive all of her children through sheer force of will so the throne would go straight to one of the grandkids. Then Will got caught in a scandal in which the word “pegging” was used and just said “fuck it” and gave up.