We have an update on several things quilt block related!
About 50 quilt blocks were ordered by 30 or so people. Everyone who completed their order – in other words you told us which quilt blocks you wanted, you sent in your ActBlue info, and you were on the list posted last week – should see their quilt blocks go in the mail soonish.
The “ordering” window for quilt blocks is closed for now.
These will be mailed Monday, 9/26:
Alison Rose
Brooklyn Dodger
Wombat Probability Cloud
If the quilting gods are smiling down upon us, these will be mailed by 10/5 or 10/6:
Ann Marie
Eight Cousin
Subaru Diane
green goblin
Zhena Gogolia
Notorious JRT
Kitty Sunflower Love, aka #25 takes longer than all the others. If you asked for a #25, that will take longer, and if you ordered other blocks, you will most likely receive a partial shipment of what is done now, and then your #25 will be shipped once those are done.
These folks have ordered #25 and other blocks, so you will likely receive 2 shipments:
The Lodger/NoOneYouKnow
QF did make some extras of a few of the quilt blocks, so if you wanted a quilt block but didn’t get it done, the extras will be order-able, and there will likely be an opportunity to order quilt blocks again in a few months. We will let you know which of the extra quilt blocks are available once everyone has their quilt blocks in their hot little hands and we have confirmed that everyone got what they asked for.
Very Important
Someone wanted Kitty Sunflower Love but did not want it quilted because they wanted to frame it or hang it. We do not know who you are, so you need to let us know ASAP if you are the one who wanted yours un-quilted.
In case anyone is interested, these were the most popular quilt blocks:
What a handsome devil Patron is!
These last 2 are my favorites!
I had written this as the end of this post: “All hail Quiltingfool for her time and generosity!” and then…
I won’t say who sent me this, but her name rhymes with wilting cool.
Last night I was thinking about folks wanting to send me money for postage…and it dawned on me that I’d much rather them send that money to Ukraine. See, I can sleep safely at night, don’t have to worry about rocket strikes blowing up my town. My house is intact. I don’t have all my worldly possessions in one bag. I don’t have to worry about friends or family who are in harms way, or mourn the ones who didn’t survive. I’ve got electricity, running water, plenty of food. I don’t have to wonder if today is my last day on earth. I’ve got freedom from want and fear – and I want Ukrainians to have the same.
Totally open thread! (in case you missed that)
Today is going to be a near-perfect weather day. 78 degrees and sunny, with a nice breeze. Perfect would be 75 degrees and sunny, with a nice breeze.
After that, it’s clearly fall, with this being our warmest day for the next 10 days. Possibly longer, but the weather site only shows me 10 days.
Beautiful work, Quilting Fool!
Alison Rose 💙🌻💛
Oh yay, I can’t wait to see it up close and personal!! :) Thank you QF and WG for this!
Looking forward to picking out a frame for my Patron.
Thanks so much for doing all this work, QF.
And thanks to you, WG, for organizing it.
Yay! And that’s a great idea about the postage — i’ll kick in something later today.
Thanks QuiltingFool. The squares are beautiful. Thanks also to WG for keeping all this stuff organized.
Thanks so much QuiltingFool and WaterGirl for contributing your time to this! Can’t wait to get my block.
Good morning, all! Just wanted to stop in before I start working on quilt stuff, see what’s going on.
If you have some questions, I probably won’t see them until later today. So you might want to come back if you’d like an answer. I don’t want anyone to think I’m ignoring them! I’m pretty good at multi-tasking (a chick superpower, lol), but I can’t manage sewing, reading and typing at the same time! Sometimes a clone would come in handy…especially to clean house…
Off to the quilt cave!
@Kristine: As you are putting your Patron in a frame, do you want it quilted? I’ve seen quilts in glass frames and it looks awesome, but some folks may want to stretch the block before framing, and that would be irksome with a quilted block.
I haven’t started the quilting process on the blocks, and probably won’t get to that until Monday or Tuesday. I can still “quilt” the block, but leave out the batting. That way, there is still nice texture, and the backside (seams, bits of thread, a bit messy looking) is covered. And, it won’t be bound – I would simply stabilize the edges to reduce fraying.
Honestly, it just depends on the look you want…
I’ll check back later, gotta go to work!
@WereBear: Thank you! I love doing this, but I really miss my kitty supervisor. Sometimes I “think” I see something moving out of the corner of my eye, and for a brief moment I think it is my Baby cat. Kind of strange…
I think I’m ready to visit animal shelters. I never realized how calming it is to have a cat in your life.
Best of luck on your next quest.😻
@Quiltingfool: It’s not strange at all. I woke up this morning to a kitty purring on my chest, I think he was just hungry, but I’ll take the affection.
@eclare: They love us because we feed them and we feed them because we love them.
I don’t see my name on any of the lists?
I am so excited and looking forward to receiving my block (it’s the gorgeous one of the kitty with the flower headdress pictured above.) It’s going to have a place of honor in my sewing room.
That statement really does put things in perspective.
@Pauline: My favorite.
@Pauline: That’s the one I ordered. Can’t wait to see it in person!
It’s 76 at 5 to 9 in the LA area, going up to a balmy 93 today.
Monday and Tue is supposed to be 100. Good times but still summerish here…
Can’t wait for the quilt block to arrive. Got to give quiltingfool a big round of applause for all this effort and for all the donations. I’ve been coming to this blog for a rather long time and it has been worth every moment. Thank you John and all the rest of the crew.
@WereBear: That is a perfect distillation.
The rumor screaming around Twitter flapping its arms is that there has been a coup in China and Xi has been deposed by the army. This is China and they control their news very well, plus Twitter loves sensationalist hoaxes, so… who knows? But worth mentioning.
@Glidwrith: Not to worry! You are covered in this part:
So it’s just that there’s not shipping date yet, but we haven’t forgotten you!
@WaterGirl: Whew, thanks!
Mike in NC
Two days ago it was 95F with very high humidity. Yesterday and today 75F with no humidity. Looking for a wool sweater.
Another Scott
@Frankensteinbeck: Big if true!
It’s really hard to believe something like that happening all of a sudden without some obvious precipitating event that they couldn’t keep under wraps.
China has been all about “stability” for thousands of years (with periods of notorious wars of course).
Extraordinary claims require extraordinary evidence.
https://www.scmp.com/ doesn’t have anything about it.
Dorothy A. Winsor
Open thread sidetrip:
I plan on making a frame for my quilt, but I’d like it to be quilted and I will design the frame around what I see, size, shape, depth, wood, color, finish, all based upon presentation. The pictures are beautiful, and I bet they look even better in person. I want the frame to accentuate the beautiful work you’ve done, to add to it and I can’t make those decisions till I see it.
@Dorothy A. Winsor:
You know, it’s hard to be broken hearted and laughing your ass off at the same time, so I’m just going to laugh my ass off at Rudy.
@Dorothy A. Winsor: Ohpleaseohpleaseohplease….