This is a multipurpose thread. It’s a postcard writing party. It’s a music thread so we can entertain the postcard writers. It’s a debate thread: Fetterman vs. the dog-killing guy. There are fundraising thermometers because by the weekend it will be too late for candidate donations to be put to good use. And we’re having a zoom tonight, too, for anyone who is interested. Just let me know.
If you’re writing postcards, the starting pistol for letter writing goes off at 8 pm Eastern. If you send me photos of postcards you are writing, I’ll post them in this thread.
From Lizzy (Mousebumples) from Wisconsin
Postcards are a great way to encourage and get our Voters to the polls.
From the Postcards to Voters website FAQ:
Q – Is there any evidence to indicate mail-based campaigns make a real difference at the ballot box?
A – Yes! Political scientists have conducted dozens of experiments on the effect of direct mail and find that, on average, mailers increase turnout when they use “messages that emphasize civic duty or the importance of making one’s voice heard” (Gerber and Green 2015, pg. 58). Additional evidence also shows that making the interaction feel personalized, rather than just a blanket message from an organization, is key to increasing the effectiveness of voter outreach.
When Dems turn out, we win!
If you’re already an approved Postcards to Voters writer or you are writing with Postcard Patriots, you’re all set to get addresses to write. If not, please go to to request addresses.
You’ll need postcards (which may include cardstock that you’ve cut down), postcard stamps (or first-class in a pinch), pens and/or markers, and postcard snacks. Don’t forget snacks, drinks, and whatever gets you in the postcarding groove.
Thank you for being a postcard writer!
Can we do one last push this week for candidates who can still use some help?
Winnable House Races in Purple Districts – we have winnowed the list down to 10.
Election Protection – winnowed down to the 10 who can use it the most.
Down-Ballot Races in Super Swing Districts – use customize amounts
For this one, please selected just one or two or three candidates who you want to contribute to because this thermometer seems to do a separate transaction for each person who gets a split of the donation.
Starting this weekend, the best use of our money is funding boots on the ground in AZ. Crossing my fingers that we might have some angels to match this. We have already funded about 10 people for AZ.
If we want to fight for 15 – no, the other fight for 15 – to help counteract the hacks that have been added to the Supreme Court – we have to win this.
Let’s win this!
If you want the zoom link, let me know and I’ll throw the link up for a minute again.
Here to encourage and support all you fabulous post card writers!
Here’s a pick me up to get everyone started:
One Day
Got your red hot addresses at the ready if you need some.
Elaine Luria of VA. Emilia Sykes of OH. Susan Wild of PA. Wiley Nickel of PA. Yadiro Caraveo of CO all need your help.
Plus those states have Senate races turning out voters for the House will aid.
Click on my nym. Go to Or, special Party Trick like we did Saturday, you can email PostCardPatriots @ the Google Mail Place. Which is where address requests come when you submit from the site.
Hold the House!
Got my postcards, addresses, stamps and pens. Let’s do this!
Oh, and I dropped off my ballot this afternoon.
I’m ready to text Abbybot for a few addresses. Which campaign needs the biggest boost: GA Sen/Gov (I’ve already written for that one), Beto Hays Warford for TX, OH Supreme Court, or the constitutional amendment in KY?
The host of the PA Senate debate just called him “Mr. Oz”.
They just reviewed the captioning rules.
I’m here and ready to write! I’m doing more for Texas tonight, I think – inspired by the opening photo, though I’m probably going to skimp on colors at this point. 😅
Glad to be here with you all!
Logan Brown
@MazeDancer: Wiley Nickel is in NC
A touch of pleasant tuneage to lubricate the handwriting musculature.
Alternatively, same piece with a chamber orchestra (lean to liking this pared down ensemble just a teensy bit more, although that may be a factor influenced by the live video).
@Kristine: No clue. Go wherever you’re so moved. Whether that’s more of what you’ve done (you know what you want to write and where!) or mixing it up, it’s up to you.
I’m writing to Texas tonight. I wanna fire Greg Abbott… Well, as best I can from out of state.
Emily B.
Addressing some envelopes for Vote Forward letters to NY-22. Then I’ll probably need some more postcard addresses!
Fetterman is not making sense.
@Logan Brown:
Sorry. I know that. Typo. It’s late for me.
Writing PostCards for Wiley Nickel will help Cherie Beasley.
zhena gogolia
@Suzanne: oh no
@zhena gogolia: He is still greatly affected by this stroke and it is evident.
The juxtaposition of slick TV Host Oz with stroke impacted Fetterman is not good.
Don’t think he should have agreed to this debate.
And the format is bumper cars. 60 seconds. 30 Seconds. With ringing bells cutting them off.
@MazeDancer: Would you be able to provide a sample script for Emilia Sykes in OH? I keep second-guessing myself.
Goku (aka Amerikan Baka)
You’ve got to be fucking kidding me! Why didn’t anybody on his campaign staff prevent this!? Are they all idiots!?
@Goku (aka Amerikan Baka): At some point, he needs to be visible.
I wish I could join you guys. We left home near Seattle before 2 and will get to Portland, OR around 7pm, a trip that should take about 3 hours. It’s raining really hard and traffic is miserable. Saw a car accident, a rollover. We’re being careful but not everyone else is.
Our daughter-in-law was sent to the hospital at 4 because her blood pressure is really high and they are worried about preeclampsia. They aren’t planning to induce labor before 7:30. I figure if things go sideways they’ll do an emergency C-section. At this point we can’t be effective speakers on her behalf. (Can’t think of the word I want).
@opiejeanne: Advocates. That’s the word.
We’re just hoping for a healthy grandchild.
@opiejeanne: Hugs to you and the fam.
Heidi Mom
@MazeDancer: “Bumper cars” is right, unfortunately, and Fetterman is struggling. It’s infuriating, and since I don’t need any more info to make up my mind, I turned it off.
Since the Zoom link is posted in clear on the blog, whoever is hosting, please be mindful of the racist Zoom-bombing that happened 2 years ago when the link was posted in clear. Fortunately, Zoom has “Remove” and “Do not re-admit” options, if a troll starts trouble.
@opiejeanne: Keep us updated when you can. Sending lots of good thoughts your way.
I’m sure your doing just fine.
The point of PostCards is to increase turnout. The more personal you make it, the more likely it is to get read and not tossed.
There is no doing it wrong.
But here’s a start:
“Please know how important your vote is. Every vote matters, but yours could be the one that elects Emilia Sykes and saves the House. Which could save Social Security and Reproductive Rights. And Democracy.”
And add something personal about yourself, if you like.
@H.E.Wolf: I only left it up for a bit, and I have the zoom set up so I have to let them into the meeting. And I deliberately chose to put it in the comments not in the top post that everyone would see.
@Suzanne: Thanks. The weather is just nasty, even by Washington standards. Traffic has lightened up a bit, now that we’re in Chehalis. Just following a semi in the slow lane going about 50.
@Heidi Mom: I feel like he started off really rough but he’s improving.
Yes. I am sick with worry. Oz is spewing out word salad, but he’s spewing it unhesitatingly. Fetterman — even though we know it’s a function of his stroke — is coming across as incoherent.
Oz is fucking evil. But I’m terribly afraid he’s going to be the next senator from Pennsylvania. Please, all you Keystone State people, go do the right thing and vote for Fetterman!
@Suzanne: I tuned in for a little bit and he was making sense to me, so that was good.
@Heidi Mom: Sat through Oz’s lying, thieving, dodging answer on abortion that obscured that he will kill women if necessary.
Can’t take it anymore after that.
@SiubhanDuinne: The answer he just gave on fracking was really bad.
I’m worried about it, too.
No one is adding music links tonight. Do you postcard writers want music?
@TaMara: Thanks. This is the first grandchild and I’ve been pretty calm about it until now, and the anxiety is trying to kick in.
Re music, I’m okay either way. I’m rewatching Game 6 of the Bucks NBA Finals victory for good vibes.
From Twitter –
@opiejeanne: Sending good thoughts your way!
Goku (aka Amerikan Baka)
I’ll be sending good thoughts you and your family’s way
@MazeDancer: That’s really helpful, actually. Thanks!
Dan B
@opiejeanne: Hang in there and remember modern medicine is amazing. 《Hugs!》
Let us know when you know something.
Well, sometimes this is how it is: “New Shoes,” Angelo Badalamenti. That’s either or both of Ron Carter and Buster Williams on the bass(es).
Thinking of you all and sending well wishes.
@opiejeanne: Oh, lordy; no wonder you’re driving through nasty weather to be there. Please let us know how things are going!
Finished my postcards, because all I write are the names, addresses, and “Please vote for _____!” (Elaine Luria, this batch.). My handwriting is so awful, that’s about all I can be trusted to write before it turns unreadable.
Some lovely addresses on my list tonight: one on Alewife Court. Another on Brigadoon Drive. Plus a Zodiac Lane.
So, I have a different perspective on Fetterman. And as my dad recovered from aphasia (at 84!) it was clear his reasoning and intellect were not affected. He purchased a used car (I looked over the contract, he got a great deal), planned and executed my mom’s funeral and designed a beautiful headstone, and takes care of the house by himself. Aphasia is an inability to find the right words, not the inability to think and reason.
Leto abandoned ship. Fetterman sounds a bit like Walker and it’s unfortunate. I voted for him anyway – would vote for lamp over that skeeze “I’m a doctor” “I’m a doctor” did y’all know he was a doctor?
it’s brave of Fetterman to get up here and I have sympathy – he looked a bit frustrated a few times trying to get the words to work :( I would have been a crap debater today – I word gud? All day struggled to make sense at meetings lmao.
@Avalune: Yeah well according to the media Walker won the debate by being less incoherent than expected. Amazing.
@WaterGirl: I really enjoyed the music selections the last time we did this. So many pieces were new to me, and I liked the old favorites, too.
I doubt Fetterman supporters will be turned off by his performance tonight. We know how odious OZ is, and there’s no way Dems will suddenly decide to switch. Even if the polls have them virtually tied, I still think women and young people are being undercounted. That being said, I’m glad to hear that he’s improving.
I’m writing for Susan Wild this evening. Actually, I wrote the text for the cards earlier, and now I just need to put finishing touches on them — I put a few blue stars here and there!
@TaMara: SuzMom has aphasia from a bout of encephalitis. I think it is fair to note that it makes verbal communication difficult. I am glad Fetterman did this debate.
@SiubhanDuinne: straight D all the way; I’d vote for a rotten potato before I vote R, but I tried watching part of the debate and it’s just painful. Ugh.
@TaMara: Not sure why that tweet is not embedding correctly.
@prostratedragon: Is that supposed to be a link?
I didn’t watch the debate, but I read the commentary on the FTFNYT home page. Katie Glueck is a deplorable ableist.
Eta: Note that she has the majority of the posted comments and every one calls attention to his stroke or aphasia.
Gotta admit one was a little sly. He’s most animated speaking about abortion. You know animated, like not dead.
@dkinPa: Agree – most Dems have made up their mind for Fetterman but anyone on the fence may have stronger concerns about his “fitness” however unfair it may be. 😩
@Suzanne: In a different thread, someday I will explain to everyone that I had a closed head injury, which DID affect my ability to think and reason. Also remember things that happened 5 minutes prior. It was an interesting 2 years.
Luckily, I recovered. Or, you know, mostly, some would argue I’m still a bit crazy. LOL
Messaging for 10 postcards written! Now to add the addresses and stamps.
Then I get my Apple Betty snack/dessert + ice cream, before I start it all again.
(eta – Apple Betty is aka Apple Crisp, I think?)
@TaMara: I thought about how many people have had strokes. And if there would be sympathy and understanding for Fetterman.
Also, the independent candidate withdrew tonight and threw his 3% to Fetterman.
Oz is still a lying, disgusting piece of garbage. So, if Fetterman is upright, he’d get my vote.
Fortunately, I’m in NY. Hochul debated tonight. She won, of course. Like Oz, Zeldin tried to weasel his abortion stance.
@TaMara: This debate would always be difficult, Oz has spent years talking on TV. He has that polish.
Fetterman is doing his closing statement now. He sounds much better now than he did at the start of this event.
@TaMara: I completely agree that he has his faculties about him, it’s just the difficulty communicating that’s showing. I’m simply worried how the optics on this will play, and how the ads generated from this will be simply cruel. How all the shitheels in conservative media will be cruel. I hope that his being willing to even do this will show grit/determination and earn good will. Fingers crossed.
Steve in the ATL
Can someone please send some postcards to Table 32 in Sioux City and tell them that their service sucks? TIA!
@WaterGirl: See what I mean? Link
@Leto: Nearly every debate I have watched has been painful, just listening to the lies spewing out of the mouths of the Republican candidates.
You never know how the public will react.
@TaMara: I absolutely agree! Even before his stroke, Fetterman wasn’t a smooth speaker, so his speech isn’t bothering me. He’s a blue collar Pennsylvanian and he’ll be a strong, passionate senator. Oz is no more Pennsylvanian than I am.
Oz is just so icky. Blarg. Oh man his closing is just so much horse poo. Iiiick ick ick ick ick
Didn’t care for the debate set up or questions really. Allora
Okay, here’s some music. Apropos of the season, it’s an offering from the amazing if somewhat short-lived band October Project, circa 1994 ( or thereabouts ). Also want to thank all you folks sending postcards. I’d consider pitching in but my handwriting is godawful. It used to be pretty good, but I write by hand so infrequently now that it has devolved into the worst sort of scrawl imaginable. I can’t stand to look at it. Hope you like the song.
Bury My Lovely
@prostratedragon: jazzy!
@Mousebumples: Didn’t your mom teach you to always share? :-)
@Steve in the ATL: Maybe a telegram would work?
@Suzanne: Actually I had a period of that in 2014 and 15. Not from a stroke exactly, hypoxia associated with severe heart failure and sleep deprivation. Friends visited me in the hospital and I could see from their faces that I was not making one bit of sense. That severe part passed quickly, within a couple of days, but there were some ver-r-ry long spaces for the next two years or so. My mind still seems quieter now, which has its good points.
Goku (aka Amerikan Baka)
A little different, but here’s a 2.5 hr city pop compilation. It’s smooth, easy listening.
@WaterGirl: Here’s one from the Modern Jazz Quartet:
Django — MJQ
This is a slightly faster version than many of the recordings — I’m thinking we want upbeat tempi as much as possible.
Dan B.
Thanks. I do appreciate modern medicine, as well as how it’s practiced in sane states. She has not experienced that before. She’s from Louisiana, family lived on swamp boats for generations. She’s poorly educated as well as being a Jehovah’s Witness, but other than that she’s not dumb. I like her most of the time.
She thinks we’re very sophisticated which is hilarious.
After this debate (I’m a bit behind) I’m going to hunt down the Michael Bennet vs. Joe O’Dea (CO) debate. O’Dea worries me – he’s a Never Trumper and is pro-choice. It could be a good debate. Not sure what time it’s scheduled. It will be on YouTube, pretty sure.
@WaterGirl: i can share the recipe! Pretty easy, so long as you have fresh apples. (we went to the orchard for apple picking this weekend)
Apple Betty
Makes 6 servings.
Note: I almost always make this in the microwave since 12 minutes is about perfect, if you start it up just before/after serving the meal. Also, you can change up the fruit and use things like strawberries, raspberries, blueberries, etc., if you so desire.
I’m just heating up leftovers, but it’s still delicious. 😊
@Baud: I will. We have a hotel room booked for tonight and tomorrow night because I think we’re going to be up most of the night and will want to collapse into bed and sleep for a long time.
@CaseyL: Those are fun addresses.
I’ve had a long day but I’ve started my postcards for Christy Smith in CA-27. It’s local to me so they should arrive quickly, and there’s a great, brief message about Dobbs.
I just saw a clip on Hayes, and yes, there were struggles, but it seemed authentic, for lack of a better word, and oddly okay? But I’m not a good judge.
Goku (aka Amerikan Baka)
Thank goodness for that.
Sorry about your Mom. Hope she gets better
A rollicking ditty to keep the pens flying
Go Away Godboy
Did oz really say abortion decisions should be made by women, doctor, and local political leaders????
@FelonyGovt: What’s the message? Would love to hear it.
@WaterGirl: Here’s another lively favorite — the Third Movement from Carl Maria von Weber’s Clarinet Quintet. I’ve often thought it would be an ideal accompaniment to “Rocky & Bullwinkle”:
@Narya: Yes he did.
@Narya: Yep. Let’s go to the videotape:
@opiejeanne: I will be thinking of you. Keeping my paws crossed.
I nominate the Registrar of Wills to be the deciding vote.
Steve in the ATL
@Narya: holy fucking shit
Goku (aka Amerikan Baka)
That should be put in ads
@Mousebumples: I’ve been making simple cinnamon baked apples with fresh honeycrisp apples.
It’s supposed to be apples, brown sugar, white sugar, lemon juice, and cornstarch.
I use twice as many apples, no cornstarch, half the sugar, twice the fresh-squeezed lemon juice, and half the butter.
They are yummy.
@WaterGirl: that’s the ad for the next two weeks…
Honestly can’t see any man tolerating a candidate proposing to turn over their bodies to politicians. Society brainwashes a lot of women.
The same two basses as @prostratedragon, joined by Rufus Reid on bass solo: “Moving Through Time,” Badalamenti
Alright, I’m calling it a day. Grateful for all of you who are writing postcards.
I’m going to watch The Great Pumpkin.
Dear [Name],
The US Supreme Court just overturned Roe vs. Wade, allowing any state to ban all abortions. Democrat Christy Smth supports legislation codifying women’s right to choose. Your Republican Congressman Mike Garcia does not.
Vote Christy Smith for Congress this November.
Goku (aka Amerikan Baka)
“Snake oil salesman Oz thinks politicians should be able to control women’s bodies. He thinks young girls who are the victims of rape should be forced by men like him to carry their rapist’s baby to term.”
@Baud: Chairman of the Board of Water Supply.
@TaMara: I am grateful, too! Thanks for being here.
I guess this could be hokie or inspirational, depending on your POV.
@FelonyGovt: I’m sold! :-)
Another Scott
Nu Shooz – I can’t wait (3:45)
“How many other medical procedures do you think should be approved by politicians?”
“How many of men’s health care issues should be subject to political review?”
@Goku (aka Amerikan Baka):
DNC War Room already tweeting it. Memes are up.
It will not go unnoticed.
Arriving late – thank you WaterGirl for the Zoom firewall, and for the continued orchestration of terrific GOTV activities on the blog!
Let’s see, what music can I add to the excellent choices already in this thread?
We had a Spanish flashmob playing the entire “Ode to Joy” by Beethoven last time. Here’s a flashmob, using just the choral section, in honor of the Amsterdam Rijksmuseum’s re-opening. NOTE: There is a loud “store theft” alarm at the 9-second mark: it’s part of the flashmob.
[The “making of” video is in Dutch, with English subtitles, and opens with The William Tell Overture. :) ]
@Jackie: Never mind. I got bad info: the Bennett vs O’Dea debate is the 28th.
“Even the guy with brain damage knows politicians shouldn’t have a say on women’s health.”
Goku (aka Amerikan Baka)
@Narya: Yes, I saw a clip from the debate on Twitter. That should really come back to bite him in the ass! It sounds horrible to any sane or humane person but who knows if it will make a difference in the election.
@WaterGirl: yum! I’ll have to try that next time.
@Mousebumples: I copied this recipe for later use. Nothing like the scent of baking apples on a chilly day.
@Jackie: he’s not pro-choice in reality and he said women would have to give up their agency to compromise… dick
Here’s a completely different New Shoes song- nice and upbeat- by Paolo Nutini.
@Baud: So true.
Pretty much every tweet is now about “local politicians”.
Every national politician feels it is necessary to weigh in or crack a joke about it.
Oz stepped in it for sure.
@Kristine: Enjoy! How are your postcards coming along?
I’m going to do 5 more before bedtime. 😊
“Siete Modos de Guisar Las Berenjenas” (“Seven Ways of Cooking Eggplant”) – a traditional Sephardic song from Spain. I’m not sure it’s only eggplant that’s being discussed by the lyricist. :)
@Mousebumples: Possibly my favorite dessert I have ever had is an apple tarte tatin with mascarpone on the side.
Now I want that. DAMN.
Another Scott
I haven’t watched the Fetterman debate – debates usually raise my bloodpressure for no benefit.
My former state senator, Toddy Puller, suffered a stroke in 1997. She served in the state senate until her retirement in 2015.
People need to understand that stoke is a brain injury. It affects people differently, and different parts of the brain control different functions. Having snappy sound-bites for a debate is a teeny-tiny part of being a successful senator.
Here’s hoping PA voters recognize what’s at stake and make the right choice.
In honor of flautists/flutists everywhere: Flute Sonata in F Major by Princess Anna Amalia of Prussia (1723-1787). Music starts about 10 seconds in.
This will either power you through the end or utterly distract you from writing:
“Fracanapa,” Piazzolla Quintet live in Utrecht.
Mr. Bemused Senior
@MazeDancer: Oz actually said this on TV! (I watched the clip)
He’s dead (I hope!).
@FelonyGovt: ‘Sgood!
@Another Scott: What is this, an archetype or something? Three songs, three moods (I’d say), same title.
@WaterGirl: Now I’m going to delve into obscure theme tunes from public radio programs of the past. First, Kodaly’s “Viennese Musical Clock” from his Hary Janos Suites, which was the opening to George Jellinek’s “The Vocal Scene” on WQXR:
The Vocal Scene
Next, Duke Ellington’s “What Am I Here For?”, the theme song for Hazen Schumacher’s “Jazz Revisited” on WUOM:
Jazz Revisited
Both were syndicated to my hometown station WRFK, now WCVE/Virginia Public Media in Richmond, Virginia. I listened to them driving around in the family Opel in the late 70s.
Another song in Spanish, to celebrate the communitarian nature of this evening’s postcards & music fest: “Compañeros del sendero” (companions on/of the path), by Gustavo Santaolalla.
And with that, I’m off to do a different kind of GOTV: updating database addresses for our state party, so that the field organizers can get sh*t done in the coming two weeks plus. I’ll come back later and listen to all the other music that’s been posted!
I think we’re in Vancouver. We’re 15 miles from the hotel, and it’s only a mile from the hospital.
@opiejeanne: just crossed the Columbia, we’re in Portland.
@Suzanne: oh that sounds amazing. Probably out of my easy weeknight dessert abilities, but might need to make some inquiries to see if any local spots have that or could make it to order…
I’m just about done for the night, I think.
Anyone want to do another one of these? I figure if we mail by Monday, the postcards should get there by election day…?
@rekoob: I learned a lot from Hazen Schumacher. It was a bad day for the nation when WUOM went all talk.
@Mousebumples: I would be game to put up another postcard writing party on Saturday night, if people are interested.
Goku (aka Amerikan Baka)
I’d be game. By the way, WG, were you going to post folks’ postcards?
As light relief: those crazy kids driving their off-road machines all over the public highway:
Steve in the ATL
@WaterGirl: I’m sure it’s my fault for ordering something other than corn
Joseph Patrick Lurker
I missed the Fetterman Oz debate, but just tuned in to CNN and 2 anti-Trump Republicans, Charlie Dent and Alyssa Farah Griffin, said Fetterman had a horrible debate performance.
Do any jackals here think that Fetterman bombed tonight?
@Steve in the ATL: I keep telling you, it’s corn and butter. :-)
@Steve in the ATL: I once ordered spaghetti at a Steak & Shake.
I watched as they opened a little mini-fridge, took out pre-cooked really fat, swollen spaghetti noodles, then they took one of the red plastic squeezable bottles that would have held ketchup in a diner when I was a kid, they squeezed out what I’m sure they considered spaghetti sauce but was the texture of thinned out ketchup, and then popped the plate into a microwave.
I then proceeded to order something else.
I got a post card to voters post card today. It was cool to receive one. The writer used different colored pens and it caught my attention right away. Made me happy 😊
Put my ballot in the collection box this afternoon.
@Joseph Patrick Lurker: I think a lot of people will give him latitude because of the stroke. He definitely struggled and showed signs of frustration. I think he probably said less than he wanted to because he was struggling with the words. He did warm up after the start.
Oz certainly debated against himself – so hopefully his asinine comments and condescending to John will help supplement where John was not quite up to task. Many working class will still be for him despite Oz trying to lump him in with the silver spoon guys.
That said the sentiment in PA is kind of crazytown and I really worry about the dem chances. It doesn’t seem to matter how despicable the Republican options are… I guess I’m doing same tho by saying Fetterman could have been a literal slug and I’d vote for him over Oz. Guess we shall see!
@greengoblin: awesome news! If you have social media, feel free to post pics with #PTVInTheWild as the hashtag – just be sure to cover your address and other personal info.
@WaterGirl: I wish they still had a taco salad on the menu. Those were pretty good.
By the by – I think the format – which people mentioned earlier – was really stacked against John. Barely had time to spit out an answer if you were recovering from a stroke and having to read captioning to compensate.
But as has also been mentioned, probably a number who will be willing to overlook it and not credit Mr TV Personality too much for being able to peddle bullshit on tv. I mean it’s what the man does for a living.
I’m a doctor! As a doctor! Doctor! Doctor!
(which by the way is another reason why some people are very turned off by how he talked to John and continues to say things respectable doctors ought not say)
@Joseph Patrick Lurker: I don’t think it was good. I think he is still very much in recovery and it shows. He started out really rough and he didn’t make much sense, and over the course of the event, he got better. But any debate was going to be tough against a dude who is a career TV guy.
Goku (aka Amerikan Baka)
I’m not the one who asked, but thanks for your perspective on this as someone who watched the debate
Another Scott
(via Angry_Staffer)
Another Scott
When Democrats vote, Democrats win. Turnout, baby.
Dobbs will continue to drive turnout.
Hang in there, everyone.
@Joseph Patrick Lurker: Considering he could have declined to debate, I think he did fine. He had moments when he really struggled to articulate his words, and moments he was passionate and strong; especially when it came to supporting women’s right to abortion. At the very beginning of the debate Fetterman addressed “the elephant in the room,” and admitted his speech was still garbled at times, but his mind was sound. He reminded everyone that we have two Congressional members currently serving who suffered strokes while in Office and they’re doing fine.
Also, too, he has never been a *polished speaker* as apposed to his competitor – who had a TV show.
I’m biased, but important to me, is he stands for and supports my political positions and will fight for them.
Goku (aka Amerikan Baka)
This, right here
Remember, Oz is a New Jersey resident so he’s not a “local politician”!
Oz should identify which medical decisions on which he consulted local politicians ?
Also, why should the dogcatcher have any say in medical decisions?
The Lodger
@TaMara: Yeah. This. We’re all surprised that a guy from Jersey who sold miracle cures on TV for 20 years can out-talk someone who is shaking off aphasia from a recent stroke. JF isn’t at his best, but he’s still more fit for the Senate than either Feinstein or Grassley.
The Lodger
@TaMara: And you’re writing murder mysteries now. Not bad for someone who’s gone through that kind of injury, eh?